002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client;
020import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
021import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
022import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
023import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
024import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
025import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
026import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
027import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
029import java.io.IOException;
030import java.util.ArrayList;
031import java.util.Arrays;
032import java.util.EnumSet;
033import java.util.HashMap;
034import java.util.HashSet;
035import java.util.Iterator;
036import java.util.LinkedList;
037import java.util.List;
038import java.util.Map;
039import java.util.NavigableMap;
040import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
041import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
042import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
043import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
044import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
045import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
046import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
047import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
048import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellScanner;
049import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil;
050import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ClusterMetrics.Option;
051import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CompareOperator;
052import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException;
053import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseClassTestRule;
054import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility;
055import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor;
056import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
057import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo;
058import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionLocation;
059import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor;
060import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeepDeletedCells;
061import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
062import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MiniHBaseCluster;
063import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PrivateCellUtil;
064import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.RegionLocations;
065import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName;
066import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
067import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Waiter;
068import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.metrics.ScanMetrics;
069import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.coprocessor.CoprocessorHost;
070import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.coprocessor.MultiRowMutationEndpoint;
071import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.BinaryComparator;
072import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.Filter;
073import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.FilterList;
074import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.FirstKeyOnlyFilter;
075import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.InclusiveStopFilter;
076import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.KeyOnlyFilter;
077import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.LongComparator;
078import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.PrefixFilter;
079import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.QualifierFilter;
080import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.RegexStringComparator;
081import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.RowFilter;
082import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.SingleColumnValueFilter;
083import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.SubstringComparator;
084import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.ValueFilter;
085import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.WhileMatchFilter;
086import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.TimeRange;
087import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.BlockCache;
088import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.CacheConfig;
089import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.CoprocessorRpcChannel;
090import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.LoadBalancer;
091import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.ProtobufUtil;
092import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.MutationProto;
093import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.MutationProto.MutationType;
094import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MultiRowMutationProtos.MultiRowMutationService;
095import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MultiRowMutationProtos.MutateRowsRequest;
096import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion;
097import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegionServer;
098import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HStore;
099import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.NoSuchColumnFamilyException;
100import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.ClientTests;
101import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.LargeTests;
102import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
103import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManager;
104import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.FSUtils;
105import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.NonRepeatedEnvironmentEdge;
106import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair;
107import org.junit.AfterClass;
108import org.junit.BeforeClass;
109import org.junit.ClassRule;
110import org.junit.Ignore;
111import org.junit.Rule;
112import org.junit.Test;
113import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
114import org.junit.rules.TestName;
115import org.slf4j.Logger;
116import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
119 * Run tests that use the HBase clients; {@link Table}.
120 * Sets up the HBase mini cluster once at start and runs through all client tests.
121 * Each creates a table named for the method and does its stuff against that.
122 */
123@Category({LargeTests.class, ClientTests.class})
124@SuppressWarnings ("deprecation")
125public class TestFromClientSide {
127  @ClassRule
128  public static final HBaseClassTestRule CLASS_RULE =
129      HBaseClassTestRule.forClass(TestFromClientSide.class);
131  // NOTE: Increment tests were moved to their own class, TestIncrementsFromClientSide.
132  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestFromClientSide.class);
133  protected final static HBaseTestingUtility TEST_UTIL = new HBaseTestingUtility();
134  private static byte [] ROW = Bytes.toBytes("testRow");
135  private static byte [] FAMILY = Bytes.toBytes("testFamily");
136  private static final byte[] INVALID_FAMILY = Bytes.toBytes("invalidTestFamily");
137  private static byte [] QUALIFIER = Bytes.toBytes("testQualifier");
138  private static byte [] VALUE = Bytes.toBytes("testValue");
139  protected static int SLAVES = 3;
141  @Rule
142  public TestName name = new TestName();
144  protected static final void initialize(Class<?>... cps) throws Exception {
145    // Uncomment the following lines if more verbosity is needed for
146    // debugging (see HBASE-12285 for details).
147    // ((Log4JLogger)RpcServer.LOG).getLogger().setLevel(Level.ALL);
148    // ((Log4JLogger)RpcClient.LOG).getLogger().setLevel(Level.ALL);
149    // ((Log4JLogger)ScannerCallable.LOG).getLogger().setLevel(Level.ALL);
150    // make sure that we do not get the same ts twice, see HBASE-19731 for more details.
151    EnvironmentEdgeManager.injectEdge(new NonRepeatedEnvironmentEdge());
152    Configuration conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
153    conf.setStrings(CoprocessorHost.REGION_COPROCESSOR_CONF_KEY,
154      Arrays.stream(cps).map(Class::getName).toArray(String[]::new));
155    conf.setBoolean("hbase.table.sanity.checks", true); // enable for below tests
156    // We need more than one region server in this test
157    TEST_UTIL.startMiniCluster(SLAVES);
158  }
160  @BeforeClass
161  public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
162    initialize(MultiRowMutationEndpoint.class);
163  }
165  @AfterClass
166  public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
167    TEST_UTIL.shutdownMiniCluster();
168  }
170  /**
171   * Test append result when there are duplicate rpc request.
172   */
173  @Test
174  public void testDuplicateAppend() throws Exception {
175    HTableDescriptor hdt = TEST_UTIL.createTableDescriptor(name.getMethodName());
176    Map<String, String> kvs = new HashMap<>();
177    kvs.put(HConnectionTestingUtility.SleepAtFirstRpcCall.SLEEP_TIME_CONF_KEY, "2000");
178    hdt.addCoprocessor(HConnectionTestingUtility.SleepAtFirstRpcCall.class.getName(), null, 1, kvs);
179    TEST_UTIL.createTable(hdt, new byte[][] { ROW }).close();
181    Configuration c = new Configuration(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration());
182    c.setInt(HConstants.HBASE_CLIENT_PAUSE, 50);
183    // Client will retry beacuse rpc timeout is small than the sleep time of first rpc call
184    c.setInt(HConstants.HBASE_RPC_TIMEOUT_KEY, 1500);
186    try (Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(c)) {
187      try (Table t = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()))) {
188        if (t instanceof HTable) {
189          HTable table = (HTable) t;
190          table.setOperationTimeout(3 * 1000);
192          Append append = new Append(ROW);
193          append.addColumn(HBaseTestingUtility.fam1, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
194          Result result = table.append(append);
196          // Verify expected result
197          Cell[] cells = result.rawCells();
198          assertEquals(1, cells.length);
199          assertKey(cells[0], ROW, HBaseTestingUtility.fam1, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
201          // Verify expected result again
202          Result readResult = table.get(new Get(ROW));
203          cells = readResult.rawCells();
204          assertEquals(1, cells.length);
205          assertKey(cells[0], ROW, HBaseTestingUtility.fam1, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
206        }
207      }
208    }
209  }
211  /**
212   * Basic client side validation of HBASE-4536
213   */
214  @Test
215  public void testKeepDeletedCells() throws Exception {
216    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
217    final byte[] FAMILY = Bytes.toBytes("family");
218    final byte[] C0 = Bytes.toBytes("c0");
220    final byte[] T1 = Bytes.toBytes("T1");
221    final byte[] T2 = Bytes.toBytes("T2");
222    final byte[] T3 = Bytes.toBytes("T3");
223    HColumnDescriptor hcd =
224        new HColumnDescriptor(FAMILY).setKeepDeletedCells(KeepDeletedCells.TRUE).setMaxVersions(3);
226    HTableDescriptor desc = new HTableDescriptor(tableName);
227    desc.addFamily(hcd);
228    TEST_UTIL.getAdmin().createTable(desc);
229    try (Table h = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getTable(tableName)) {
230      long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
231      Put p = new Put(T1, ts);
232      p.addColumn(FAMILY, C0, T1);
233      h.put(p);
234      p = new Put(T1, ts + 2);
235      p.addColumn(FAMILY, C0, T2);
236      h.put(p);
237      p = new Put(T1, ts + 4);
238      p.addColumn(FAMILY, C0, T3);
239      h.put(p);
241      Delete d = new Delete(T1, ts + 3);
242      h.delete(d);
244      d = new Delete(T1, ts + 3);
245      d.addColumns(FAMILY, C0, ts + 3);
246      h.delete(d);
248      Get g = new Get(T1);
249      // does *not* include the delete
250      g.setTimeRange(0, ts + 3);
251      Result r = h.get(g);
252      assertArrayEquals(T2, r.getValue(FAMILY, C0));
254      Scan s = new Scan(T1);
255      s.setTimeRange(0, ts + 3);
256      s.setMaxVersions();
257      try (ResultScanner scanner = h.getScanner(s)) {
258        Cell[] kvs = scanner.next().rawCells();
259        assertArrayEquals(T2, CellUtil.cloneValue(kvs[0]));
260        assertArrayEquals(T1, CellUtil.cloneValue(kvs[1]));
261      }
263      s = new Scan(T1);
264      s.setRaw(true);
265      s.setMaxVersions();
266      try (ResultScanner scanner = h.getScanner(s)) {
267        Cell[] kvs = scanner.next().rawCells();
268        assertTrue(PrivateCellUtil.isDeleteFamily(kvs[0]));
269        assertArrayEquals(T3, CellUtil.cloneValue(kvs[1]));
270        assertTrue(CellUtil.isDelete(kvs[2]));
271        assertArrayEquals(T2, CellUtil.cloneValue(kvs[3]));
272        assertArrayEquals(T1, CellUtil.cloneValue(kvs[4]));
273      }
274    }
275  }
277  /**
278   * Basic client side validation of HBASE-10118
279   */
280  @Test
281  public void testPurgeFutureDeletes() throws Exception {
282    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
283    final byte[] ROW = Bytes.toBytes("row");
284    final byte[] FAMILY = Bytes.toBytes("family");
285    final byte[] COLUMN = Bytes.toBytes("column");
286    final byte[] VALUE = Bytes.toBytes("value");
288    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
289      // future timestamp
290      long ts = System.currentTimeMillis() * 2;
291      Put put = new Put(ROW, ts);
292      put.addColumn(FAMILY, COLUMN, VALUE);
293      table.put(put);
295      Get get = new Get(ROW);
296      Result result = table.get(get);
297      assertArrayEquals(VALUE, result.getValue(FAMILY, COLUMN));
299      Delete del = new Delete(ROW);
300      del.addColumn(FAMILY, COLUMN, ts);
301      table.delete(del);
303      get = new Get(ROW);
304      result = table.get(get);
305      assertNull(result.getValue(FAMILY, COLUMN));
307      // major compaction, purged future deletes
308      TEST_UTIL.getAdmin().flush(tableName);
309      TEST_UTIL.getAdmin().majorCompact(tableName);
311      // waiting for the major compaction to complete
312      TEST_UTIL.waitFor(6000, new Waiter.Predicate<IOException>() {
313        @Override
314        public boolean evaluate() throws IOException {
315          return TEST_UTIL.getAdmin().getCompactionState(tableName) == CompactionState.NONE;
316        }
317      });
319      put = new Put(ROW, ts);
320      put.addColumn(FAMILY, COLUMN, VALUE);
321      table.put(put);
323      get = new Get(ROW);
324      result = table.get(get);
325      assertArrayEquals(VALUE, result.getValue(FAMILY, COLUMN));
326    }
327  }
329  /**
330   * Verifies that getConfiguration returns the same Configuration object used
331   * to create the HTable instance.
332   */
333  @Test
334  public void testGetConfiguration() throws Exception {
335    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
336    byte[][] FAMILIES = new byte[][] { Bytes.toBytes("foo") };
337    Configuration conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
338    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILIES)) {
339      assertSame(conf, table.getConfiguration());
340    }
341  }
343  /**
344   * Test from client side of an involved filter against a multi family that
345   * involves deletes.
346   */
347  @Test
348  public void testWeirdCacheBehaviour() throws Exception {
349    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
350    byte [][] FAMILIES = new byte[][] { Bytes.toBytes("trans-blob"),
351        Bytes.toBytes("trans-type"), Bytes.toBytes("trans-date"),
352        Bytes.toBytes("trans-tags"), Bytes.toBytes("trans-group") };
353    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILIES)) {
354      String value = "this is the value";
355      String value2 = "this is some other value";
356      String keyPrefix1 = TEST_UTIL.getRandomUUID().toString();
357      String keyPrefix2 = TEST_UTIL.getRandomUUID().toString();
358      String keyPrefix3 = TEST_UTIL.getRandomUUID().toString();
359      putRows(ht, 3, value, keyPrefix1);
360      putRows(ht, 3, value, keyPrefix2);
361      putRows(ht, 3, value, keyPrefix3);
362      putRows(ht, 3, value2, keyPrefix1);
363      putRows(ht, 3, value2, keyPrefix2);
364      putRows(ht, 3, value2, keyPrefix3);
365      try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getTable(tableName)) {
366        System.out.println("Checking values for key: " + keyPrefix1);
367        assertEquals("Got back incorrect number of rows from scan", 3,
368                getNumberOfRows(keyPrefix1, value2, table));
369        System.out.println("Checking values for key: " + keyPrefix2);
370        assertEquals("Got back incorrect number of rows from scan", 3,
371                getNumberOfRows(keyPrefix2, value2, table));
372        System.out.println("Checking values for key: " + keyPrefix3);
373        assertEquals("Got back incorrect number of rows from scan", 3,
374                getNumberOfRows(keyPrefix3, value2, table));
375        deleteColumns(ht, value2, keyPrefix1);
376        deleteColumns(ht, value2, keyPrefix2);
377        deleteColumns(ht, value2, keyPrefix3);
378        System.out.println("Starting important checks.....");
379        assertEquals("Got back incorrect number of rows from scan: " + keyPrefix1,
380                0, getNumberOfRows(keyPrefix1, value2, table));
381        assertEquals("Got back incorrect number of rows from scan: " + keyPrefix2,
382                0, getNumberOfRows(keyPrefix2, value2, table));
383        assertEquals("Got back incorrect number of rows from scan: " + keyPrefix3,
384                0, getNumberOfRows(keyPrefix3, value2, table));
385      }
386    }
387  }
389  private void deleteColumns(Table ht, String value, String keyPrefix)
390  throws IOException {
391    ResultScanner scanner = buildScanner(keyPrefix, value, ht);
392    Iterator<Result> it = scanner.iterator();
393    int count = 0;
394    while (it.hasNext()) {
395      Result result = it.next();
396      Delete delete = new Delete(result.getRow());
397      delete.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("trans-tags"), Bytes.toBytes("qual2"));
398      ht.delete(delete);
399      count++;
400    }
401    assertEquals("Did not perform correct number of deletes", 3, count);
402  }
404  private int getNumberOfRows(String keyPrefix, String value, Table ht)
405      throws Exception {
406    ResultScanner resultScanner = buildScanner(keyPrefix, value, ht);
407    Iterator<Result> scanner = resultScanner.iterator();
408    int numberOfResults = 0;
409    while (scanner.hasNext()) {
410      Result result = scanner.next();
411      System.out.println("Got back key: " + Bytes.toString(result.getRow()));
412      for (Cell kv : result.rawCells()) {
413        System.out.println("kv=" + kv.toString() + ", "
414            + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneValue(kv)));
415      }
416      numberOfResults++;
417    }
418    return numberOfResults;
419  }
421  private ResultScanner buildScanner(String keyPrefix, String value, Table ht)
422      throws IOException {
423    // OurFilterList allFilters = new OurFilterList();
424    FilterList allFilters = new FilterList(/* FilterList.Operator.MUST_PASS_ALL */);
425    allFilters.addFilter(new PrefixFilter(Bytes.toBytes(keyPrefix)));
426    SingleColumnValueFilter filter = new SingleColumnValueFilter(Bytes
427        .toBytes("trans-tags"), Bytes.toBytes("qual2"), CompareOperator.EQUAL, Bytes
428        .toBytes(value));
429    filter.setFilterIfMissing(true);
430    allFilters.addFilter(filter);
432    // allFilters.addFilter(new
433    // RowExcludingSingleColumnValueFilter(Bytes.toBytes("trans-tags"),
434    // Bytes.toBytes("qual2"), CompareOp.EQUAL, Bytes.toBytes(value)));
436    Scan scan = new Scan();
437    scan.addFamily(Bytes.toBytes("trans-blob"));
438    scan.addFamily(Bytes.toBytes("trans-type"));
439    scan.addFamily(Bytes.toBytes("trans-date"));
440    scan.addFamily(Bytes.toBytes("trans-tags"));
441    scan.addFamily(Bytes.toBytes("trans-group"));
442    scan.setFilter(allFilters);
444    return ht.getScanner(scan);
445  }
447  private void putRows(Table ht, int numRows, String value, String key)
448      throws IOException {
449    for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
450      String row = key + "_" + TEST_UTIL.getRandomUUID().toString();
451      System.out.println(String.format("Saving row: %s, with value %s", row,
452          value));
453      Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(row));
454      put.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
455      put.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("trans-blob"), null, Bytes
456          .toBytes("value for blob"));
457      put.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("trans-type"), null, Bytes.toBytes("statement"));
458      put.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("trans-date"), null, Bytes
459          .toBytes("20090921010101999"));
460      put.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("trans-tags"), Bytes.toBytes("qual2"), Bytes
461          .toBytes(value));
462      put.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("trans-group"), null, Bytes
463          .toBytes("adhocTransactionGroupId"));
464      ht.put(put);
465    }
466  }
468  /**
469   * Test filters when multiple regions.  It does counts.  Needs eye-balling of
470   * logs to ensure that we're not scanning more regions that we're supposed to.
471   * Related to the TestFilterAcrossRegions over in the o.a.h.h.filter package.
472   */
473  @Test
474  public void testFilterAcrossMultipleRegions()
475  throws IOException, InterruptedException {
476    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
477    try (Table t = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
478      int rowCount = TEST_UTIL.loadTable(t, FAMILY, false);
479      assertRowCount(t, rowCount);
480      // Split the table.  Should split on a reasonable key; 'lqj'
481      List<HRegionLocation> regions = splitTable(t);
482      assertRowCount(t, rowCount);
483      // Get end key of first region.
484      byte[] endKey = regions.get(0).getRegionInfo().getEndKey();
485      // Count rows with a filter that stops us before passed 'endKey'.
486      // Should be count of rows in first region.
487      int endKeyCount = TEST_UTIL.countRows(t, createScanWithRowFilter(endKey));
488      assertTrue(endKeyCount < rowCount);
490      // How do I know I did not got to second region?  Thats tough.  Can't really
491      // do that in client-side region test.  I verified by tracing in debugger.
492      // I changed the messages that come out when set to DEBUG so should see
493      // when scanner is done. Says "Finished with scanning..." with region name.
494      // Check that its finished in right region.
496      // New test.  Make it so scan goes into next region by one and then two.
497      // Make sure count comes out right.
498      byte[] key = new byte[]{endKey[0], endKey[1], (byte) (endKey[2] + 1)};
499      int plusOneCount = TEST_UTIL.countRows(t, createScanWithRowFilter(key));
500      assertEquals(endKeyCount + 1, plusOneCount);
501      key = new byte[]{endKey[0], endKey[1], (byte) (endKey[2] + 2)};
502      int plusTwoCount = TEST_UTIL.countRows(t, createScanWithRowFilter(key));
503      assertEquals(endKeyCount + 2, plusTwoCount);
505      // New test.  Make it so I scan one less than endkey.
506      key = new byte[]{endKey[0], endKey[1], (byte) (endKey[2] - 1)};
507      int minusOneCount = TEST_UTIL.countRows(t, createScanWithRowFilter(key));
508      assertEquals(endKeyCount - 1, minusOneCount);
509      // For above test... study logs.  Make sure we do "Finished with scanning.."
510      // in first region and that we do not fall into the next region.
512      key = new byte[]{'a', 'a', 'a'};
513      int countBBB = TEST_UTIL.countRows(t,
514              createScanWithRowFilter(key, null, CompareOperator.EQUAL));
515      assertEquals(1, countBBB);
517      int countGreater = TEST_UTIL.countRows(t, createScanWithRowFilter(endKey, null,
518              CompareOperator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL));
519      // Because started at start of table.
520      assertEquals(0, countGreater);
521      countGreater = TEST_UTIL.countRows(t, createScanWithRowFilter(endKey, endKey,
522              CompareOperator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL));
523      assertEquals(rowCount - endKeyCount, countGreater);
524    }
525  }
527  /*
528   * @param key
529   * @return Scan with RowFilter that does LESS than passed key.
530   */
531  private Scan createScanWithRowFilter(final byte [] key) {
532    return createScanWithRowFilter(key, null, CompareOperator.LESS);
533  }
535  /*
536   * @param key
537   * @param op
538   * @param startRow
539   * @return Scan with RowFilter that does CompareOp op on passed key.
540   */
541  private Scan createScanWithRowFilter(final byte [] key,
542      final byte [] startRow, CompareOperator op) {
543    // Make sure key is of some substance... non-null and > than first key.
544    assertTrue(key != null && key.length > 0 &&
545      Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR.compare(key, new byte [] {'a', 'a', 'a'}) >= 0);
546    LOG.info("Key=" + Bytes.toString(key));
547    Scan s = startRow == null? new Scan(): new Scan(startRow);
548    Filter f = new RowFilter(op, new BinaryComparator(key));
549    f = new WhileMatchFilter(f);
550    s.setFilter(f);
551    return s;
552  }
554  private void assertRowCount(final Table t, final int expected)
555  throws IOException {
556    assertEquals(expected, TEST_UTIL.countRows(t, new Scan()));
557  }
559  /*
560   * Split table into multiple regions.
561   * @param t Table to split.
562   * @return Map of regions to servers.
563   * @throws IOException
564   */
565  private List<HRegionLocation> splitTable(final Table t)
566  throws IOException, InterruptedException {
567    // Split this table in two.
568    try (Admin admin = TEST_UTIL.getAdmin()) {
569      admin.split(t.getName());
570    }
571    List<HRegionLocation> regions = waitOnSplit(t);
572    assertTrue(regions.size() > 1);
573    return regions;
574  }
576  /*
577   * Wait on table split.  May return because we waited long enough on the split
578   * and it didn't happen.  Caller should check.
579   * @param t
580   * @return Map of table regions; caller needs to check table actually split.
581   */
582  private List<HRegionLocation> waitOnSplit(final Table t)
583  throws IOException {
584    try (RegionLocator locator = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getRegionLocator(t.getName())) {
585      List<HRegionLocation> regions = locator.getAllRegionLocations();
586      int originalCount = regions.size();
587      for (int i = 0; i < TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration().getInt("hbase.test.retries", 30); i++) {
588        Thread.currentThread();
589        try {
590          Thread.sleep(1000);
591        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
592          e.printStackTrace();
593        }
594        regions = locator.getAllRegionLocations();
595        if (regions.size() > originalCount)
596          break;
597      }
598      return regions;
599    }
600  }
602  @Test
603  public void testSuperSimple() throws Exception {
604    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
605    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
606      Put put = new Put(ROW);
607      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
608      ht.put(put);
609      Scan scan = new Scan();
610      scan.addColumn(FAMILY, tableName.toBytes());
611      try (ResultScanner scanner = ht.getScanner(scan)) {
612        Result result = scanner.next();
613        assertTrue("Expected null result", result == null);
614      }
615    }
616  }
618  @Test
619  public void testMaxKeyValueSize() throws Exception {
620    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
621    Configuration conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
622    String oldMaxSize = conf.get(ConnectionConfiguration.MAX_KEYVALUE_SIZE_KEY);
623    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
624      byte[] value = new byte[4 * 1024 * 1024];
625      Put put = new Put(ROW);
626      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, value);
627      ht.put(put);
629      try {
630        TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration().setInt(
631                ConnectionConfiguration.MAX_KEYVALUE_SIZE_KEY, 2 * 1024 * 1024);
632        // Create new table so we pick up the change in Configuration.
633        try (Connection connection =
634                     ConnectionFactory.createConnection(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration())) {
635          try (Table t = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(FAMILY))) {
636            put = new Put(ROW);
637            put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, value);
638            t.put(put);
639          }
640        }
641        fail("Inserting a too large KeyValue worked, should throw exception");
642      } catch (Exception e) {
643      }
644    }
645    conf.set(ConnectionConfiguration.MAX_KEYVALUE_SIZE_KEY, oldMaxSize);
646  }
648  @Test
649  public void testFilters() throws Exception {
650    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
651    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
652      byte[][] ROWS = makeN(ROW, 10);
653      byte[][] QUALIFIERS = {
654              Bytes.toBytes("col0-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"), Bytes.toBytes("col1-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
655              Bytes.toBytes("col2-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"), Bytes.toBytes("col3-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
656              Bytes.toBytes("col4-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"), Bytes.toBytes("col5-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
657              Bytes.toBytes("col6-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"), Bytes.toBytes("col7-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
658              Bytes.toBytes("col8-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"), Bytes.toBytes("col9-<d2v1>-<d3v2>")
659      };
660      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
661        Put put = new Put(ROWS[i]);
662        put.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
663        put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[i], VALUE);
664        ht.put(put);
665      }
666      Scan scan = new Scan();
667      scan.addFamily(FAMILY);
668      Filter filter = new QualifierFilter(CompareOperator.EQUAL,
669              new RegexStringComparator("col[1-5]"));
670      scan.setFilter(filter);
671      try (ResultScanner scanner = ht.getScanner(scan)) {
672        int expectedIndex = 1;
673        for (Result result : scanner) {
674          assertEquals(1, result.size());
675          assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneRow(result.rawCells()[0]), ROWS[expectedIndex]));
676          assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(result.rawCells()[0]),
677                  QUALIFIERS[expectedIndex]));
678          expectedIndex++;
679        }
680        assertEquals(6, expectedIndex);
681      }
682    }
683  }
685  @Test
686  public void testFilterWithLongCompartor() throws Exception {
687    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
688    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
689      byte[][] ROWS = makeN(ROW, 10);
690      byte[][] values = new byte[10][];
691      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
692        values[i] = Bytes.toBytes(100L * i);
693      }
694      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
695        Put put = new Put(ROWS[i]);
696        put.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
697        put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, values[i]);
698        ht.put(put);
699      }
700      Scan scan = new Scan();
701      scan.addFamily(FAMILY);
702      Filter filter = new SingleColumnValueFilter(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, CompareOperator.GREATER,
703              new LongComparator(500));
704      scan.setFilter(filter);
705      try (ResultScanner scanner = ht.getScanner(scan)) {
706        int expectedIndex = 0;
707        for (Result result : scanner) {
708          assertEquals(1, result.size());
709          assertTrue(Bytes.toLong(result.getValue(FAMILY, QUALIFIER)) > 500);
710          expectedIndex++;
711        }
712        assertEquals(4, expectedIndex);
713      }
714    }
715  }
717  @Test
718  public void testKeyOnlyFilter() throws Exception {
719    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
720    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
721      byte[][] ROWS = makeN(ROW, 10);
722      byte[][] QUALIFIERS = {
723              Bytes.toBytes("col0-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"), Bytes.toBytes("col1-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
724              Bytes.toBytes("col2-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"), Bytes.toBytes("col3-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
725              Bytes.toBytes("col4-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"), Bytes.toBytes("col5-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
726              Bytes.toBytes("col6-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"), Bytes.toBytes("col7-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
727              Bytes.toBytes("col8-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"), Bytes.toBytes("col9-<d2v1>-<d3v2>")
728      };
729      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
730        Put put = new Put(ROWS[i]);
731        put.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
732        put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[i], VALUE);
733        ht.put(put);
734      }
735      Scan scan = new Scan();
736      scan.addFamily(FAMILY);
737      Filter filter = new KeyOnlyFilter(true);
738      scan.setFilter(filter);
739      try (ResultScanner scanner = ht.getScanner(scan)) {
740        int count = 0;
741        for (Result result : scanner) {
742          assertEquals(1, result.size());
743          assertEquals(Bytes.SIZEOF_INT, result.rawCells()[0].getValueLength());
744          assertEquals(VALUE.length, Bytes.toInt(CellUtil.cloneValue(result.rawCells()[0])));
745          count++;
746        }
747        assertEquals(10, count);
748      }
749    }
750  }
752  /**
753   * Test simple table and non-existent row cases.
754   */
755  @Test
756  public void testSimpleMissing() throws Exception {
757    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
758    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
759      byte[][] ROWS = makeN(ROW, 4);
761      // Try to get a row on an empty table
762      Get get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
763      Result result = ht.get(get);
764      assertEmptyResult(result);
766      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
767      get.addFamily(FAMILY);
768      result = ht.get(get);
769      assertEmptyResult(result);
771      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
772      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
773      result = ht.get(get);
774      assertEmptyResult(result);
776      Scan scan = new Scan();
777      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
778      assertNullResult(result);
780      scan = new Scan(ROWS[0]);
781      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
782      assertNullResult(result);
784      scan = new Scan(ROWS[0], ROWS[1]);
785      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
786      assertNullResult(result);
788      scan = new Scan();
789      scan.addFamily(FAMILY);
790      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
791      assertNullResult(result);
793      scan = new Scan();
794      scan.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
795      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
796      assertNullResult(result);
798      // Insert a row
800      Put put = new Put(ROWS[2]);
801      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
802      ht.put(put);
804      // Try to get empty rows around it
806      get = new Get(ROWS[1]);
807      result = ht.get(get);
808      assertEmptyResult(result);
810      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
811      get.addFamily(FAMILY);
812      result = ht.get(get);
813      assertEmptyResult(result);
815      get = new Get(ROWS[3]);
816      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
817      result = ht.get(get);
818      assertEmptyResult(result);
820      // Try to scan empty rows around it
822      scan = new Scan(ROWS[3]);
823      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
824      assertNullResult(result);
826      scan = new Scan(ROWS[0], ROWS[2]);
827      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
828      assertNullResult(result);
830      // Make sure we can actually get the row
832      get = new Get(ROWS[2]);
833      result = ht.get(get);
834      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[2], FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
836      get = new Get(ROWS[2]);
837      get.addFamily(FAMILY);
838      result = ht.get(get);
839      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[2], FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
841      get = new Get(ROWS[2]);
842      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
843      result = ht.get(get);
844      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[2], FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
846      // Make sure we can scan the row
848      scan = new Scan();
849      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
850      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[2], FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
852      scan = new Scan(ROWS[0], ROWS[3]);
853      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
854      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[2], FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
856      scan = new Scan(ROWS[2], ROWS[3]);
857      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
858      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[2], FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
859    }
860  }
862  /**
863   * Test basic puts, gets, scans, and deletes for a single row
864   * in a multiple family table.
865   */
866  @Test
867  public void testSingleRowMultipleFamily() throws Exception {
868    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
869    byte [][] ROWS = makeN(ROW, 3);
870    byte [][] FAMILIES = makeNAscii(FAMILY, 10);
871    byte [][] QUALIFIERS = makeN(QUALIFIER, 10);
872    byte [][] VALUES = makeN(VALUE, 10);
874    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILIES)) {
876      Get get;
877      Scan scan;
878      Delete delete;
879      Put put;
880      Result result;
882      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
883      // Insert one column to one family
884      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
886      put = new Put(ROWS[0]);
887      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[0], VALUES[0]);
888      ht.put(put);
890      // Get the single column
891      getVerifySingleColumn(ht, ROWS, 0, FAMILIES, 4, QUALIFIERS, 0, VALUES, 0);
893      // Scan the single column
894      scanVerifySingleColumn(ht, ROWS, 0, FAMILIES, 4, QUALIFIERS, 0, VALUES, 0);
896      // Get empty results around inserted column
897      getVerifySingleEmpty(ht, ROWS, 0, FAMILIES, 4, QUALIFIERS, 0);
899      // Scan empty results around inserted column
900      scanVerifySingleEmpty(ht, ROWS, 0, FAMILIES, 4, QUALIFIERS, 0);
902      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
903      // Flush memstore and run same tests from storefiles
904      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
906      TEST_UTIL.flush();
908      // Redo get and scan tests from storefile
909      getVerifySingleColumn(ht, ROWS, 0, FAMILIES, 4, QUALIFIERS, 0, VALUES, 0);
910      scanVerifySingleColumn(ht, ROWS, 0, FAMILIES, 4, QUALIFIERS, 0, VALUES, 0);
911      getVerifySingleEmpty(ht, ROWS, 0, FAMILIES, 4, QUALIFIERS, 0);
912      scanVerifySingleEmpty(ht, ROWS, 0, FAMILIES, 4, QUALIFIERS, 0);
914      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
915      // Now, Test reading from memstore and storefiles at once
916      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
918      // Insert multiple columns to two other families
919      put = new Put(ROWS[0]);
920      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIERS[2], VALUES[2]);
921      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIERS[4], VALUES[4]);
922      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[4], VALUES[4]);
923      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[6], VALUES[6]);
924      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[7], VALUES[7]);
925      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[7], QUALIFIERS[7], VALUES[7]);
926      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[9], QUALIFIERS[0], VALUES[0]);
927      ht.put(put);
929      // Get multiple columns across multiple families and get empties around it
930      singleRowGetTest(ht, ROWS, FAMILIES, QUALIFIERS, VALUES);
932      // Scan multiple columns across multiple families and scan empties around it
933      singleRowScanTest(ht, ROWS, FAMILIES, QUALIFIERS, VALUES);
935      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
936      // Flush the table again
937      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
939      TEST_UTIL.flush();
941      // Redo tests again
942      singleRowGetTest(ht, ROWS, FAMILIES, QUALIFIERS, VALUES);
943      singleRowScanTest(ht, ROWS, FAMILIES, QUALIFIERS, VALUES);
945      // Insert more data to memstore
946      put = new Put(ROWS[0]);
947      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[5], VALUES[5]);
948      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[8], VALUES[8]);
949      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[9], VALUES[9]);
950      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[3], VALUES[3]);
951      ht.put(put);
953      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
954      // Delete a storefile column
955      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
956      delete = new Delete(ROWS[0]);
957      delete.addColumns(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[7]);
958      ht.delete(delete);
960      // Try to get deleted column
961      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
962      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[7]);
963      result = ht.get(get);
964      assertEmptyResult(result);
966      // Try to scan deleted column
967      scan = new Scan();
968      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[7]);
969      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
970      assertNullResult(result);
972      // Make sure we can still get a column before it and after it
973      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
974      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[6]);
975      result = ht.get(get);
976      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[6], VALUES[6]);
978      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
979      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[8]);
980      result = ht.get(get);
981      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[8], VALUES[8]);
983      // Make sure we can still scan a column before it and after it
984      scan = new Scan();
985      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[6]);
986      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
987      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[6], VALUES[6]);
989      scan = new Scan();
990      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[8]);
991      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
992      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[8], VALUES[8]);
994      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
995      // Delete a memstore column
996      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
997      delete = new Delete(ROWS[0]);
998      delete.addColumns(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[8]);
999      ht.delete(delete);
1001      // Try to get deleted column
1002      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
1003      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[8]);
1004      result = ht.get(get);
1005      assertEmptyResult(result);
1007      // Try to scan deleted column
1008      scan = new Scan();
1009      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[8]);
1010      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1011      assertNullResult(result);
1013      // Make sure we can still get a column before it and after it
1014      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
1015      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[6]);
1016      result = ht.get(get);
1017      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[6], VALUES[6]);
1019      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
1020      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[9]);
1021      result = ht.get(get);
1022      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[9], VALUES[9]);
1024      // Make sure we can still scan a column before it and after it
1025      scan = new Scan();
1026      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[6]);
1027      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1028      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[6], VALUES[6]);
1030      scan = new Scan();
1031      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[9]);
1032      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1033      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[9], VALUES[9]);
1035      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1036      // Delete joint storefile/memstore family
1037      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1039      delete = new Delete(ROWS[0]);
1040      delete.addFamily(FAMILIES[4]);
1041      ht.delete(delete);
1043      // Try to get storefile column in deleted family
1044      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
1045      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[4]);
1046      result = ht.get(get);
1047      assertEmptyResult(result);
1049      // Try to get memstore column in deleted family
1050      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
1051      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[3]);
1052      result = ht.get(get);
1053      assertEmptyResult(result);
1055      // Try to get deleted family
1056      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
1057      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[4]);
1058      result = ht.get(get);
1059      assertEmptyResult(result);
1061      // Try to scan storefile column in deleted family
1062      scan = new Scan();
1063      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[4]);
1064      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1065      assertNullResult(result);
1067      // Try to scan memstore column in deleted family
1068      scan = new Scan();
1069      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[3]);
1070      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1071      assertNullResult(result);
1073      // Try to scan deleted family
1074      scan = new Scan();
1075      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[4]);
1076      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1077      assertNullResult(result);
1079      // Make sure we can still get another family
1080      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
1081      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIERS[2]);
1082      result = ht.get(get);
1083      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIERS[2], VALUES[2]);
1085      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
1086      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[9]);
1087      result = ht.get(get);
1088      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[9], VALUES[9]);
1090      // Make sure we can still scan another family
1091      scan = new Scan();
1092      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[6]);
1093      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1094      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[6], VALUES[6]);
1096      scan = new Scan();
1097      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[9]);
1098      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1099      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[9], VALUES[9]);
1101      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1102      // Flush everything and rerun delete tests
1103      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1105      TEST_UTIL.flush();
1107      // Try to get storefile column in deleted family
1108      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
1109      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[4]);
1110      result = ht.get(get);
1111      assertEmptyResult(result);
1113      // Try to get memstore column in deleted family
1114      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
1115      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[3]);
1116      result = ht.get(get);
1117      assertEmptyResult(result);
1119      // Try to get deleted family
1120      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
1121      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[4]);
1122      result = ht.get(get);
1123      assertEmptyResult(result);
1125      // Try to scan storefile column in deleted family
1126      scan = new Scan();
1127      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[4]);
1128      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1129      assertNullResult(result);
1131      // Try to scan memstore column in deleted family
1132      scan = new Scan();
1133      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[3]);
1134      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1135      assertNullResult(result);
1137      // Try to scan deleted family
1138      scan = new Scan();
1139      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[4]);
1140      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1141      assertNullResult(result);
1143      // Make sure we can still get another family
1144      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
1145      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIERS[2]);
1146      result = ht.get(get);
1147      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIERS[2], VALUES[2]);
1149      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
1150      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[9]);
1151      result = ht.get(get);
1152      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[9], VALUES[9]);
1154      // Make sure we can still scan another family
1155      scan = new Scan();
1156      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[6]);
1157      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1158      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[6], VALUES[6]);
1160      scan = new Scan();
1161      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[9]);
1162      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1163      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[9], VALUES[9]);
1164    }
1165  }
1167  @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
1168  public void testNullTableName() throws IOException {
1169    // Null table name (should NOT work)
1170    TEST_UTIL.createTable((TableName)null, FAMILY);
1171    fail("Creating a table with null name passed, should have failed");
1172  }
1174  @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
1175  public void testNullFamilyName() throws IOException {
1176    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
1178    // Null family (should NOT work)
1179    TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, new byte[][]{null});
1180    fail("Creating a table with a null family passed, should fail");
1181  }
1183  @Test
1184  public void testNullRowAndQualifier() throws Exception {
1185    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
1187    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
1189      // Null row (should NOT work)
1190      try {
1191        Put put = new Put((byte[]) null);
1192        put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
1193        ht.put(put);
1194        fail("Inserting a null row worked, should throw exception");
1195      } catch (Exception e) {
1196      }
1198      // Null qualifier (should work)
1199      {
1200        Put put = new Put(ROW);
1201        put.addColumn(FAMILY, null, VALUE);
1202        ht.put(put);
1204        getTestNull(ht, ROW, FAMILY, VALUE);
1206        scanTestNull(ht, ROW, FAMILY, VALUE);
1208        Delete delete = new Delete(ROW);
1209        delete.addColumns(FAMILY, null);
1210        ht.delete(delete);
1212        Get get = new Get(ROW);
1213        Result result = ht.get(get);
1214        assertEmptyResult(result);
1215      }
1216    }
1217  }
1219  @Test
1220  public void testNullEmptyQualifier() throws Exception {
1221    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
1223    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
1225      // Empty qualifier, byte[0] instead of null (should work)
1226      try {
1227        Put put = new Put(ROW);
1228        put.addColumn(FAMILY, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, VALUE);
1229        ht.put(put);
1231        getTestNull(ht, ROW, FAMILY, VALUE);
1233        scanTestNull(ht, ROW, FAMILY, VALUE);
1235        // Flush and try again
1237        TEST_UTIL.flush();
1239        getTestNull(ht, ROW, FAMILY, VALUE);
1241        scanTestNull(ht, ROW, FAMILY, VALUE);
1243        Delete delete = new Delete(ROW);
1244        delete.addColumns(FAMILY, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY);
1245        ht.delete(delete);
1247        Get get = new Get(ROW);
1248        Result result = ht.get(get);
1249        assertEmptyResult(result);
1251      } catch (Exception e) {
1252        throw new IOException("Using a row with null qualifier should not throw exception");
1253      }
1254    }
1255  }
1257  @Test
1258  public void testNullValue() throws IOException {
1259    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
1261    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
1262      // Null value
1263      try {
1264        Put put = new Put(ROW);
1265        put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, null);
1266        ht.put(put);
1268        Get get = new Get(ROW);
1269        get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
1270        Result result = ht.get(get);
1271        assertSingleResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, null);
1273        Scan scan = new Scan();
1274        scan.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
1275        result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1276        assertSingleResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, null);
1278        Delete delete = new Delete(ROW);
1279        delete.addColumns(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
1280        ht.delete(delete);
1282        get = new Get(ROW);
1283        result = ht.get(get);
1284        assertEmptyResult(result);
1286      } catch (Exception e) {
1287        throw new IOException("Null values should be allowed, but threw exception");
1288      }
1289    }
1290  }
1292  @Test
1293  public void testNullQualifier() throws Exception {
1294    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
1295    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
1297      // Work for Put
1298      Put put = new Put(ROW);
1299      put.addColumn(FAMILY, null, VALUE);
1300      table.put(put);
1302      // Work for Get, Scan
1303      getTestNull(table, ROW, FAMILY, VALUE);
1304      scanTestNull(table, ROW, FAMILY, VALUE);
1306      // Work for Delete
1307      Delete delete = new Delete(ROW);
1308      delete.addColumns(FAMILY, null);
1309      table.delete(delete);
1311      Get get = new Get(ROW);
1312      Result result = table.get(get);
1313      assertEmptyResult(result);
1315      // Work for Increment/Append
1316      Increment increment = new Increment(ROW);
1317      increment.addColumn(FAMILY, null, 1L);
1318      table.increment(increment);
1319      getTestNull(table, ROW, FAMILY, 1L);
1321      table.incrementColumnValue(ROW, FAMILY, null, 1L);
1322      getTestNull(table, ROW, FAMILY, 2L);
1324      delete = new Delete(ROW);
1325      delete.addColumns(FAMILY, null);
1326      table.delete(delete);
1328      Append append = new Append(ROW);
1329      append.addColumn(FAMILY, null, VALUE);
1330      table.append(append);
1331      getTestNull(table, ROW, FAMILY, VALUE);
1333      // Work for checkAndMutate using thenPut, thenMutate and thenDelete
1334      put = new Put(ROW);
1335      put.addColumn(FAMILY, null, Bytes.toBytes("checkAndPut"));
1336      table.put(put);
1337      table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).ifEquals(VALUE).thenPut(put);
1339      RowMutations mutate = new RowMutations(ROW);
1340      mutate.add(new Put(ROW).addColumn(FAMILY, null, Bytes.toBytes("checkAndMutate")));
1341      table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).ifEquals(Bytes.toBytes("checkAndPut")).thenMutate(mutate);
1343      delete = new Delete(ROW);
1344      delete.addColumns(FAMILY, null);
1345      table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).ifEquals(Bytes.toBytes("checkAndMutate"))
1346              .thenDelete(delete);
1347    }
1348  }
1350  @Test
1351  public void testVersions() throws Exception {
1352    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
1354    long [] STAMPS = makeStamps(20);
1355    byte [][] VALUES = makeNAscii(VALUE, 20);
1357    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY, 10)) {
1359      // Insert 4 versions of same column
1360      Put put = new Put(ROW);
1361      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
1362      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
1363      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
1364      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[5], VALUES[5]);
1365      ht.put(put);
1367      // Verify we can get each one properly
1368      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
1369      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
1370      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
1371      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[5], VALUES[5]);
1372      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
1373      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
1374      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
1375      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[5], VALUES[5]);
1377      // Verify we don't accidentally get others
1378      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0]);
1379      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[3]);
1380      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[6]);
1381      scanVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0]);
1382      scanVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[3]);
1383      scanVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[6]);
1385      // Ensure maxVersions in query is respected
1386      Get get = new Get(ROW);
1387      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
1388      get.setMaxVersions(2);
1389      Result result = ht.get(get);
1390      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
1391          new long [] {STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5]},
1392          new byte[][] {VALUES[4], VALUES[5]},
1393          0, 1);
1395      Scan scan = new Scan(ROW);
1396      scan.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
1397      scan.setMaxVersions(2);
1398      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1399      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
1400              new long[]{STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5]},
1401              new byte[][]{VALUES[4], VALUES[5]},
1402              0, 1);
1404      // Flush and redo
1406      TEST_UTIL.flush();
1408      // Verify we can get each one properly
1409      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
1410      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
1411      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
1412      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[5], VALUES[5]);
1413      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
1414      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
1415      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
1416      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[5], VALUES[5]);
1418      // Verify we don't accidentally get others
1419      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0]);
1420      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[3]);
1421      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[6]);
1422      scanVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0]);
1423      scanVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[3]);
1424      scanVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[6]);
1426      // Ensure maxVersions in query is respected
1427      get = new Get(ROW);
1428      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
1429      get.setMaxVersions(2);
1430      result = ht.get(get);
1431      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
1432          new long [] {STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5]},
1433          new byte[][] {VALUES[4], VALUES[5]},
1434          0, 1);
1436      scan = new Scan(ROW);
1437      scan.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
1438      scan.setMaxVersions(2);
1439      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1440      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
1441              new long[]{STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5]},
1442              new byte[][]{VALUES[4], VALUES[5]},
1443              0, 1);
1446      // Add some memstore and retest
1448      // Insert 4 more versions of same column and a dupe
1449      put = new Put(ROW);
1450      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[3], VALUES[3]);
1451      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[6], VALUES[6]);
1452      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[7], VALUES[7]);
1453      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[8], VALUES[8]);
1454      ht.put(put);
1456      // Ensure maxVersions in query is respected
1457      get = new Get(ROW);
1458      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
1459      get.setMaxVersions();
1460      result = ht.get(get);
1461      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
1462          new long [] {STAMPS[1], STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6], STAMPS[7],
1463                  STAMPS[8]},
1464          new byte[][] {VALUES[1], VALUES[2], VALUES[3], VALUES[4], VALUES[5], VALUES[6], VALUES[7],
1465                  VALUES[8]},
1466          0, 7);
1468      scan = new Scan(ROW);
1469      scan.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
1470      scan.setMaxVersions();
1471      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1472      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
1473          new long[]{STAMPS[1], STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6], STAMPS[7],
1474                  STAMPS[8]},
1475          new byte[][]{VALUES[1], VALUES[2], VALUES[3], VALUES[4], VALUES[5], VALUES[6], VALUES[7],
1476                  VALUES[8]},0, 7);
1478      get = new Get(ROW);
1479      get.setMaxVersions();
1480      result = ht.get(get);
1481      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
1482          new long [] {STAMPS[1], STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6], STAMPS[7],
1483                  STAMPS[8]},
1484          new byte[][] {VALUES[1], VALUES[2], VALUES[3], VALUES[4], VALUES[5], VALUES[6], VALUES[7],
1485                  VALUES[8]},
1486          0, 7);
1488      scan = new Scan(ROW);
1489      scan.setMaxVersions();
1490      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1491      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
1492          new long[]{STAMPS[1], STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6], STAMPS[7],
1493                  STAMPS[8]},
1494          new byte[][]{VALUES[1], VALUES[2], VALUES[3], VALUES[4], VALUES[5], VALUES[6], VALUES[7],
1495                  VALUES[8]},0, 7);
1497      // Verify we can get each one properly
1498      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
1499      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
1500      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
1501      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[7], VALUES[7]);
1502      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
1503      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
1504      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
1505      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[7], VALUES[7]);
1507      // Verify we don't accidentally get others
1508      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0]);
1509      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[9]);
1510      scanVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0]);
1511      scanVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[9]);
1513      // Ensure maxVersions of table is respected
1515      TEST_UTIL.flush();
1517      // Insert 4 more versions of same column and a dupe
1518      put = new Put(ROW);
1519      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[9], VALUES[9]);
1520      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[11], VALUES[11]);
1521      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[13], VALUES[13]);
1522      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[15], VALUES[15]);
1523      ht.put(put);
1525      get = new Get(ROW);
1526      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
1527      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1528      result = ht.get(get);
1529      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
1530          new long [] {STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6], STAMPS[7], STAMPS[8], STAMPS[9],
1531                  STAMPS[11], STAMPS[13], STAMPS[15]},
1532          new byte[][] {VALUES[3], VALUES[4], VALUES[5], VALUES[6], VALUES[7], VALUES[8], VALUES[9],
1533                  VALUES[11], VALUES[13], VALUES[15]},
1534          0, 9);
1536      scan = new Scan(ROW);
1537      scan.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
1538      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1539      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1540      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
1541          new long[]{STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6], STAMPS[7], STAMPS[8], STAMPS[9],
1542                  STAMPS[11], STAMPS[13], STAMPS[15]},
1543          new byte[][]{VALUES[3], VALUES[4], VALUES[5], VALUES[6], VALUES[7], VALUES[8], VALUES[9],
1544                  VALUES[11], VALUES[13], VALUES[15]},0, 9);
1546      // Delete a version in the memstore and a version in a storefile
1547      Delete delete = new Delete(ROW);
1548      delete.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[11]);
1549      delete.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[7]);
1550      ht.delete(delete);
1552      // Test that it's gone
1553      get = new Get(ROW);
1554      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
1555      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1556      result = ht.get(get);
1557      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
1558          new long [] {STAMPS[1], STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6], STAMPS[8],
1559                  STAMPS[9], STAMPS[13], STAMPS[15]},
1560          new byte[][] {VALUES[1], VALUES[2], VALUES[3], VALUES[4], VALUES[5], VALUES[6], VALUES[8],
1561                  VALUES[9], VALUES[13], VALUES[15]},
1562          0, 9);
1564      scan = new Scan(ROW);
1565      scan.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
1566      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1567      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1568      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
1569          new long[]{STAMPS[1], STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6], STAMPS[8],
1570                  STAMPS[9], STAMPS[13], STAMPS[15]},
1571          new byte[][]{VALUES[1], VALUES[2], VALUES[3], VALUES[4], VALUES[5], VALUES[6], VALUES[8],
1572                  VALUES[9], VALUES[13], VALUES[15]},0, 9);
1573    }
1574  }
1576  @Test
1577  @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:MethodLength")
1578  public void testVersionLimits() throws Exception {
1579    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
1580    byte [][] FAMILIES = makeNAscii(FAMILY, 3);
1581    int [] LIMITS = {1,3,5};
1582    long [] STAMPS = makeStamps(10);
1583    byte [][] VALUES = makeNAscii(VALUE, 10);
1584    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILIES, LIMITS)) {
1586      // Insert limit + 1 on each family
1587      Put put = new Put(ROW);
1588      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0], VALUES[0]);
1589      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
1590      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0], VALUES[0]);
1591      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
1592      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
1593      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, STAMPS[3], VALUES[3]);
1594      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0], VALUES[0]);
1595      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
1596      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
1597      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, STAMPS[3], VALUES[3]);
1598      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
1599      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, STAMPS[5], VALUES[5]);
1600      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, STAMPS[6], VALUES[6]);
1601      ht.put(put);
1603      // Verify we only get the right number out of each
1605      // Family0
1607      Get get = new Get(ROW);
1608      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER);
1609      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1610      Result result = ht.get(get);
1611      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER,
1612          new long [] {STAMPS[1]},
1613          new byte[][] {VALUES[1]},
1614          0, 0);
1616      get = new Get(ROW);
1617      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[0]);
1618      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1619      result = ht.get(get);
1620      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER,
1621          new long [] {STAMPS[1]},
1622          new byte[][] {VALUES[1]},
1623          0, 0);
1625      Scan scan = new Scan(ROW);
1626      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER);
1627      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1628      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1629      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER,
1630              new long[]{STAMPS[1]},
1631              new byte[][]{VALUES[1]},
1632              0, 0);
1634      scan = new Scan(ROW);
1635      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[0]);
1636      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1637      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1638      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER,
1639              new long[]{STAMPS[1]},
1640              new byte[][]{VALUES[1]},
1641              0, 0);
1643      // Family1
1645      get = new Get(ROW);
1646      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER);
1647      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1648      result = ht.get(get);
1649      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER,
1650          new long [] {STAMPS[1], STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3]},
1651          new byte[][] {VALUES[1], VALUES[2], VALUES[3]},
1652          0, 2);
1654      get = new Get(ROW);
1655      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
1656      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1657      result = ht.get(get);
1658      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER,
1659          new long [] {STAMPS[1], STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3]},
1660          new byte[][] {VALUES[1], VALUES[2], VALUES[3]},
1661          0, 2);
1663      scan = new Scan(ROW);
1664      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER);
1665      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1666      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1667      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER,
1668              new long[]{STAMPS[1], STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3]},
1669              new byte[][]{VALUES[1], VALUES[2], VALUES[3]},
1670              0, 2);
1672      scan = new Scan(ROW);
1673      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
1674      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1675      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1676      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER,
1677              new long[]{STAMPS[1], STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3]},
1678              new byte[][]{VALUES[1], VALUES[2], VALUES[3]},
1679              0, 2);
1681      // Family2
1683      get = new Get(ROW);
1684      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER);
1685      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1686      result = ht.get(get);
1687      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER,
1688          new long [] {STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6]},
1689          new byte[][] {VALUES[2], VALUES[3], VALUES[4], VALUES[5], VALUES[6]},
1690          0, 4);
1692      get = new Get(ROW);
1693      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
1694      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1695      result = ht.get(get);
1696      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER,
1697          new long [] {STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6]},
1698          new byte[][] {VALUES[2], VALUES[3], VALUES[4], VALUES[5], VALUES[6]},
1699          0, 4);
1701      scan = new Scan(ROW);
1702      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER);
1703      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1704      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1705      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER,
1706              new long[]{STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6]},
1707              new byte[][]{VALUES[2], VALUES[3], VALUES[4], VALUES[5], VALUES[6]},
1708              0, 4);
1710      scan = new Scan(ROW);
1711      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
1712      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1713      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1714      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER,
1715              new long[]{STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6]},
1716              new byte[][]{VALUES[2], VALUES[3], VALUES[4], VALUES[5], VALUES[6]},
1717              0, 4);
1719      // Try all families
1721      get = new Get(ROW);
1722      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1723      result = ht.get(get);
1724      assertTrue("Expected 9 keys but received " + result.size(),
1725          result.size() == 9);
1727      get = new Get(ROW);
1728      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[0]);
1729      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
1730      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
1731      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1732      result = ht.get(get);
1733      assertTrue("Expected 9 keys but received " + result.size(),
1734          result.size() == 9);
1736      get = new Get(ROW);
1737      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER);
1738      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER);
1739      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER);
1740      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1741      result = ht.get(get);
1742      assertTrue("Expected 9 keys but received " + result.size(),
1743          result.size() == 9);
1745      scan = new Scan(ROW);
1746      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1747      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1748      assertTrue("Expected 9 keys but received " + result.size(),
1749              result.size() == 9);
1751      scan = new Scan(ROW);
1752      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1753      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[0]);
1754      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
1755      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
1756      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1757      assertTrue("Expected 9 keys but received " + result.size(),
1758              result.size() == 9);
1760      scan = new Scan(ROW);
1761      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1762      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER);
1763      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER);
1764      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER);
1765      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1766      assertTrue("Expected 9 keys but received " + result.size(),
1767              result.size() == 9);
1768    }
1769  }
1771  @Test
1772  public void testDeleteFamilyVersion() throws Exception {
1773    try (Admin admin = TEST_UTIL.getAdmin()) {
1774      final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
1776      byte[][] QUALIFIERS = makeNAscii(QUALIFIER, 1);
1777      byte[][] VALUES = makeN(VALUE, 5);
1778      long[] ts = {1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000};
1780      try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY, 5)) {
1782        Put put = new Put(ROW);
1783        for (int q = 0; q < 1; q++) {
1784          for (int t = 0; t < 5; t++) {
1785            put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[q], ts[t], VALUES[t]);
1786          }
1787        }
1788        ht.put(put);
1789        admin.flush(tableName);
1791        Delete delete = new Delete(ROW);
1792        delete.addFamilyVersion(FAMILY, ts[1]);  // delete version '2000'
1793        delete.addFamilyVersion(FAMILY, ts[3]);  // delete version '4000'
1794        ht.delete(delete);
1795        admin.flush(tableName);
1797        for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
1798          Get get = new Get(ROW);
1799          get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[i]);
1800          get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1801          Result result = ht.get(get);
1802          // verify version '1000'/'3000'/'5000' remains for all columns
1803          assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[i],
1804                  new long[]{ts[0], ts[2], ts[4]},
1805                  new byte[][]{VALUES[0], VALUES[2], VALUES[4]},
1806                  0, 2);
1807        }
1808      }
1809    }
1810  }
1812  @Test
1813  public void testDeleteFamilyVersionWithOtherDeletes() throws Exception {
1814    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
1816    byte [][] QUALIFIERS = makeNAscii(QUALIFIER, 5);
1817    byte [][] VALUES = makeN(VALUE, 5);
1818    long [] ts = {1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000};
1820    try (Admin admin = TEST_UTIL.getAdmin();
1821        Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY, 5)) {
1822      Put put = null;
1823      Result result = null;
1824      Get get = null;
1825      Delete delete = null;
1827      // 1. put on ROW
1828      put = new Put(ROW);
1829      for (int q = 0; q < 5; q++) {
1830        for (int t = 0; t < 5; t++) {
1831          put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[q], ts[t], VALUES[t]);
1832        }
1833      }
1834      ht.put(put);
1835      admin.flush(tableName);
1837      // 2. put on ROWS[0]
1838      byte[] ROW2 = Bytes.toBytes("myRowForTest");
1839      put = new Put(ROW2);
1840      for (int q = 0; q < 5; q++) {
1841        for (int t = 0; t < 5; t++) {
1842          put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[q], ts[t], VALUES[t]);
1843        }
1844      }
1845      ht.put(put);
1846      admin.flush(tableName);
1848      // 3. delete on ROW
1849      delete = new Delete(ROW);
1850      // delete version <= 2000 of all columns
1851      // note: addFamily must be the first since it will mask
1852      // the subsequent other type deletes!
1853      delete.addFamily(FAMILY, ts[1]);
1854      // delete version '4000' of all columns
1855      delete.addFamilyVersion(FAMILY, ts[3]);
1856      // delete version <= 3000 of column 0
1857      delete.addColumns(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[0], ts[2]);
1858      // delete version <= 5000 of column 2
1859      delete.addColumns(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[2], ts[4]);
1860      // delete version 5000 of column 4
1861      delete.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[4], ts[4]);
1862      ht.delete(delete);
1863      admin.flush(tableName);
1865      // 4. delete on ROWS[0]
1866      delete = new Delete(ROW2);
1867      delete.addFamilyVersion(FAMILY, ts[1]);  // delete version '2000'
1868      delete.addFamilyVersion(FAMILY, ts[3]);  // delete version '4000'
1869      ht.delete(delete);
1870      admin.flush(tableName);
1872      // 5. check ROW
1873      get = new Get(ROW);
1874      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[0]);
1875      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1876      result = ht.get(get);
1877      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[0],
1878              new long[]{ts[4]},
1879              new byte[][]{VALUES[4]},
1880              0, 0);
1882      get = new Get(ROW);
1883      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[1]);
1884      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1885      result = ht.get(get);
1886      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[1],
1887              new long[]{ts[2], ts[4]},
1888              new byte[][]{VALUES[2], VALUES[4]},
1889              0, 1);
1891      get = new Get(ROW);
1892      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[2]);
1893      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1894      result = ht.get(get);
1895      assertEquals(0, result.size());
1897      get = new Get(ROW);
1898      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[3]);
1899      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1900      result = ht.get(get);
1901      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[3],
1902              new long[]{ts[2], ts[4]},
1903              new byte[][]{VALUES[2], VALUES[4]},
1904              0, 1);
1906      get = new Get(ROW);
1907      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[4]);
1908      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1909      result = ht.get(get);
1910      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[4],
1911              new long[]{ts[2]},
1912              new byte[][]{VALUES[2]},
1913              0, 0);
1915      // 6. check ROWS[0]
1916      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
1917        get = new Get(ROW2);
1918        get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[i]);
1919        get.readVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1920        result = ht.get(get);
1921        // verify version '1000'/'3000'/'5000' remains for all columns
1922        assertNResult(result, ROW2, FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[i],
1923                new long[]{ts[0], ts[2], ts[4]},
1924                new byte[][]{VALUES[0], VALUES[2], VALUES[4]},
1925                0, 2);
1926      }
1927    }
1928  }
1930  @Test
1931  public void testDeleteWithFailed() throws Exception {
1932    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
1934    byte [][] FAMILIES = makeNAscii(FAMILY, 3);
1935    byte [][] VALUES = makeN(VALUE, 5);
1936    long [] ts = {1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000};
1938    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILIES, 3)) {
1939      Put put = new Put(ROW);
1940      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, ts[0], VALUES[0]);
1941      ht.put(put);
1943      // delete wrong family
1944      Delete delete = new Delete(ROW);
1945      delete.addFamily(FAMILIES[1], ts[0]);
1946      ht.delete(delete);
1948      Get get = new Get(ROW);
1949      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[0]);
1950      get.readAllVersions();
1951      Result result = ht.get(get);
1952      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(result.getValue(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER), VALUES[0]));
1953    }
1954  }
1956  @Test
1957  public void testDeletes() throws Exception {
1958    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
1960    byte [][] ROWS = makeNAscii(ROW, 6);
1961    byte [][] FAMILIES = makeNAscii(FAMILY, 3);
1962    byte [][] VALUES = makeN(VALUE, 5);
1963    long [] ts = {1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000};
1965    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILIES, 3)) {
1967      Put put = new Put(ROW);
1968      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, ts[0], VALUES[0]);
1969      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, ts[1], VALUES[1]);
1970      ht.put(put);
1972      Delete delete = new Delete(ROW);
1973      delete.addFamily(FAMILIES[0], ts[0]);
1974      ht.delete(delete);
1976      Get get = new Get(ROW);
1977      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[0]);
1978      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1979      Result result = ht.get(get);
1980      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER,
1981          new long [] {ts[1]},
1982          new byte[][] {VALUES[1]},
1983          0, 0);
1985      Scan scan = new Scan(ROW);
1986      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[0]);
1987      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
1988      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
1989      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER,
1990              new long[]{ts[1]},
1991              new byte[][]{VALUES[1]},
1992              0, 0);
1994      // Test delete latest version
1995      put = new Put(ROW);
1996      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, ts[4], VALUES[4]);
1997      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, ts[2], VALUES[2]);
1998      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, ts[3], VALUES[3]);
1999      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], null, ts[4], VALUES[4]);
2000      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], null, ts[2], VALUES[2]);
2001      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], null, ts[3], VALUES[3]);
2002      ht.put(put);
2004      delete = new Delete(ROW);
2005      delete.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER); // ts[4]
2006      ht.delete(delete);
2008      get = new Get(ROW);
2009      get.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER);
2010      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2011      result = ht.get(get);
2012      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER,
2013          new long [] {ts[1], ts[2], ts[3]},
2014          new byte[][] {VALUES[1], VALUES[2], VALUES[3]},
2015          0, 2);
2017      scan = new Scan(ROW);
2018      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER);
2019      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2020      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
2021      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER,
2022              new long[]{ts[1], ts[2], ts[3]},
2023              new byte[][]{VALUES[1], VALUES[2], VALUES[3]},
2024              0, 2);
2026      // Test for HBASE-1847
2027      delete = new Delete(ROW);
2028      delete.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], null);
2029      ht.delete(delete);
2031      // Cleanup null qualifier
2032      delete = new Delete(ROW);
2033      delete.addColumns(FAMILIES[0], null);
2034      ht.delete(delete);
2036      // Expected client behavior might be that you can re-put deleted values
2037      // But alas, this is not to be.  We can't put them back in either case.
2039      put = new Put(ROW);
2040      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, ts[0], VALUES[0]); // 1000
2041      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, ts[4], VALUES[4]); // 5000
2042      ht.put(put);
2045      // It used to be due to the internal implementation of Get, that
2046      // the Get() call would return ts[4] UNLIKE the Scan below. With
2047      // the switch to using Scan for Get this is no longer the case.
2048      get = new Get(ROW);
2049      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[0]);
2050      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2051      result = ht.get(get);
2052      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER,
2053          new long [] {ts[1], ts[2], ts[3]},
2054          new byte[][] {VALUES[1], VALUES[2], VALUES[3]},
2055          0, 2);
2057      // The Scanner returns the previous values, the expected-naive-unexpected behavior
2059      scan = new Scan(ROW);
2060      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[0]);
2061      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2062      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
2063      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER,
2064              new long[]{ts[1], ts[2], ts[3]},
2065              new byte[][]{VALUES[1], VALUES[2], VALUES[3]},
2066              0, 2);
2068      // Test deleting an entire family from one row but not the other various ways
2070      put = new Put(ROWS[0]);
2071      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, ts[0], VALUES[0]);
2072      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, ts[1], VALUES[1]);
2073      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, ts[2], VALUES[2]);
2074      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, ts[3], VALUES[3]);
2075      ht.put(put);
2077      put = new Put(ROWS[1]);
2078      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, ts[0], VALUES[0]);
2079      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, ts[1], VALUES[1]);
2080      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, ts[2], VALUES[2]);
2081      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, ts[3], VALUES[3]);
2082      ht.put(put);
2084      put = new Put(ROWS[2]);
2085      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, ts[0], VALUES[0]);
2086      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, ts[1], VALUES[1]);
2087      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, ts[2], VALUES[2]);
2088      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, ts[3], VALUES[3]);
2089      ht.put(put);
2091      // Assert that above went in.
2092      get = new Get(ROWS[2]);
2093      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
2094      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
2095      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2096      result = ht.get(get);
2097      assertTrue("Expected 4 key but received " + result.size() + ": " + result,
2098          result.size() == 4);
2100      delete = new Delete(ROWS[0]);
2101      delete.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
2102      ht.delete(delete);
2104      delete = new Delete(ROWS[1]);
2105      delete.addColumns(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER);
2106      ht.delete(delete);
2108      delete = new Delete(ROWS[2]);
2109      delete.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER);
2110      delete.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER);
2111      delete.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER);
2112      ht.delete(delete);
2114      get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
2115      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
2116      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
2117      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2118      result = ht.get(get);
2119      assertTrue("Expected 2 keys but received " + result.size(),
2120          result.size() == 2);
2121      assertNResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER,
2122          new long [] {ts[0], ts[1]},
2123          new byte[][] {VALUES[0], VALUES[1]},
2124          0, 1);
2126      scan = new Scan(ROWS[0]);
2127      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
2128      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
2129      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2130      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
2131      assertTrue("Expected 2 keys but received " + result.size(),
2132              result.size() == 2);
2133      assertNResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER,
2134              new long[]{ts[0], ts[1]},
2135              new byte[][]{VALUES[0], VALUES[1]},
2136              0, 1);
2138      get = new Get(ROWS[1]);
2139      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
2140      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
2141      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2142      result = ht.get(get);
2143      assertTrue("Expected 2 keys but received " + result.size(),
2144          result.size() == 2);
2146      scan = new Scan(ROWS[1]);
2147      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
2148      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
2149      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2150      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
2151      assertTrue("Expected 2 keys but received " + result.size(),
2152              result.size() == 2);
2154      get = new Get(ROWS[2]);
2155      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
2156      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
2157      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2158      result = ht.get(get);
2159      assertEquals(1, result.size());
2160      assertNResult(result, ROWS[2], FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER,
2161          new long [] {ts[2]},
2162          new byte[][] {VALUES[2]},
2163          0, 0);
2165      scan = new Scan(ROWS[2]);
2166      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
2167      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
2168      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2169      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
2170      assertEquals(1, result.size());
2171      assertNResult(result, ROWS[2], FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER,
2172              new long[]{ts[2]},
2173              new byte[][]{VALUES[2]},
2174              0, 0);
2176      // Test if we delete the family first in one row (HBASE-1541)
2178      delete = new Delete(ROWS[3]);
2179      delete.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
2180      ht.delete(delete);
2182      put = new Put(ROWS[3]);
2183      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, VALUES[0]);
2184      ht.put(put);
2186      put = new Put(ROWS[4]);
2187      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, VALUES[1]);
2188      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, VALUES[2]);
2189      ht.put(put);
2191      get = new Get(ROWS[3]);
2192      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
2193      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
2194      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2195      result = ht.get(get);
2196      assertTrue("Expected 1 key but received " + result.size(),
2197          result.size() == 1);
2199      get = new Get(ROWS[4]);
2200      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
2201      get.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
2202      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2203      result = ht.get(get);
2204      assertTrue("Expected 2 keys but received " + result.size(),
2205          result.size() == 2);
2207      scan = new Scan(ROWS[3]);
2208      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
2209      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
2210      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2211      try (ResultScanner scanner = ht.getScanner(scan)) {
2212        result = scanner.next();
2213        assertTrue("Expected 1 key but received " + result.size(),
2214                result.size() == 1);
2215        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneRow(result.rawCells()[0]), ROWS[3]));
2216        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneValue(result.rawCells()[0]), VALUES[0]));
2217        result = scanner.next();
2218        assertTrue("Expected 2 keys but received " + result.size(),
2219                result.size() == 2);
2220        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneRow(result.rawCells()[0]), ROWS[4]));
2221        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneRow(result.rawCells()[1]), ROWS[4]));
2222        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneValue(result.rawCells()[0]), VALUES[1]));
2223        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneValue(result.rawCells()[1]), VALUES[2]));
2224      }
2226      // Add test of bulk deleting.
2227      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
2228        byte[] bytes = Bytes.toBytes(i);
2229        put = new Put(bytes);
2230        put.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
2231        put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, bytes);
2232        ht.put(put);
2233      }
2234      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
2235        byte[] bytes = Bytes.toBytes(i);
2236        get = new Get(bytes);
2237        get.addFamily(FAMILIES[0]);
2238        result = ht.get(get);
2239        assertTrue(result.size() == 1);
2240      }
2241      ArrayList<Delete> deletes = new ArrayList<>();
2242      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
2243        byte[] bytes = Bytes.toBytes(i);
2244        delete = new Delete(bytes);
2245        delete.addFamily(FAMILIES[0]);
2246        deletes.add(delete);
2247      }
2248      ht.delete(deletes);
2249      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
2250        byte[] bytes = Bytes.toBytes(i);
2251        get = new Get(bytes);
2252        get.addFamily(FAMILIES[0]);
2253        result = ht.get(get);
2254        assertTrue(result.isEmpty());
2255      }
2256    }
2257  }
2259  /**
2260   * Test batch operations with combination of valid and invalid args
2261   */
2262  @Test
2263  public void testBatchOperationsWithErrors() throws Exception {
2264    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
2265    try (Table foo = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, new byte[][] {FAMILY}, 10)) {
2267      int NUM_OPS = 100;
2268      int FAILED_OPS = 50;
2270      RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException expectedException = null;
2271      IllegalArgumentException iae = null;
2273      // 1.1 Put with no column families (local validation, runtime exception)
2274      List<Put> puts = new ArrayList<Put>(NUM_OPS);
2275      for (int i = 0; i != NUM_OPS; i++) {
2276        Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(i));
2277        puts.add(put);
2278      }
2280      try {
2281        foo.put(puts);
2282      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
2283        iae = e;
2284      }
2285      assertNotNull(iae);
2286      assertEquals(NUM_OPS, puts.size());
2288      // 1.2 Put with invalid column family
2289      iae = null;
2290      puts.clear();
2291      for (int i = 0; i != NUM_OPS; i++) {
2292        Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(i));
2293        put.addColumn((i % 2) == 0 ? FAMILY : INVALID_FAMILY, FAMILY, Bytes.toBytes(i));
2294        puts.add(put);
2295      }
2297      try {
2298        foo.put(puts);
2299      } catch (RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException e) {
2300        expectedException = e;
2301      }
2302      assertNotNull(expectedException);
2303      assertEquals(FAILED_OPS, expectedException.exceptions.size());
2304      assertTrue(expectedException.actions.contains(puts.get(1)));
2306      // 2.1 Get non-existent rows
2307      List<Get> gets = new ArrayList<>(NUM_OPS);
2308      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OPS; i++) {
2309        Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(i));
2310        // get.addColumn(FAMILY, FAMILY);
2311        gets.add(get);
2312      }
2313      Result[] getsResult = foo.get(gets);
2315      assertNotNull(getsResult);
2316      assertEquals(NUM_OPS, getsResult.length);
2317      assertNull(getsResult[1].getRow());
2319      // 2.2 Get with invalid column family
2320      gets.clear();
2321      getsResult = null;
2322      expectedException = null;
2323      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OPS; i++) {
2324        Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(i));
2325        get.addColumn((i % 2) == 0 ? FAMILY : INVALID_FAMILY, FAMILY);
2326        gets.add(get);
2327      }
2328      try {
2329        getsResult = foo.get(gets);
2330      } catch (RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException e) {
2331        expectedException = e;
2332      }
2333      assertNull(getsResult);
2334      assertNotNull(expectedException);
2335      assertEquals(FAILED_OPS, expectedException.exceptions.size());
2336      assertTrue(expectedException.actions.contains(gets.get(1)));
2338      // 3.1 Delete with invalid column family
2339      expectedException = null;
2340      List<Delete> deletes = new ArrayList<>(NUM_OPS);
2341      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OPS; i++) {
2342        Delete delete = new Delete(Bytes.toBytes(i));
2343        delete.addColumn((i % 2) == 0 ? FAMILY : INVALID_FAMILY, FAMILY);
2344        deletes.add(delete);
2345      }
2346      try {
2347        foo.delete(deletes);
2348      } catch (RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException e) {
2349        expectedException = e;
2350      }
2351      assertEquals((NUM_OPS - FAILED_OPS), deletes.size());
2352      assertNotNull(expectedException);
2353      assertEquals(FAILED_OPS, expectedException.exceptions.size());
2354      assertTrue(expectedException.actions.contains(deletes.get(1)));
2357      // 3.2 Delete non-existent rows
2358      deletes.clear();
2359      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OPS; i++) {
2360        Delete delete = new Delete(Bytes.toBytes(i));
2361        deletes.add(delete);
2362      }
2363      foo.delete(deletes);
2365      assertTrue(deletes.isEmpty());
2366    }
2367  }
2369  /*
2370   * Baseline "scalability" test.
2371   *
2372   * Tests one hundred families, one million columns, one million versions
2373   */
2374  @Ignore @Test
2375  public void testMillions() throws Exception {
2377    // 100 families
2379    // millions of columns
2381    // millions of versions
2383  }
2385  @Ignore @Test
2386  public void testMultipleRegionsAndBatchPuts() throws Exception {
2387    // Two family table
2389    // Insert lots of rows
2391    // Insert to the same row with batched puts
2393    // Insert to multiple rows with batched puts
2395    // Split the table
2397    // Get row from first region
2399    // Get row from second region
2401    // Scan all rows
2403    // Insert to multiple regions with batched puts
2405    // Get row from first region
2407    // Get row from second region
2409    // Scan all rows
2412  }
2414  @Ignore @Test
2415  public void testMultipleRowMultipleFamily() throws Exception {
2417  }
2419  //
2420  // JIRA Testers
2421  //
2423  /**
2424   * HBASE-867
2425   *    If millions of columns in a column family, hbase scanner won't come up
2426   *
2427   *    Test will create numRows rows, each with numColsPerRow columns
2428   *    (1 version each), and attempt to scan them all.
2429   *
2430   *    To test at scale, up numColsPerRow to the millions
2431   *    (have not gotten that to work running as junit though)
2432   */
2433  @Test
2434  public void testJiraTest867() throws Exception {
2435    int numRows = 10;
2436    int numColsPerRow = 2000;
2438    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
2440    byte [][] ROWS = makeN(ROW, numRows);
2441    byte [][] QUALIFIERS = makeN(QUALIFIER, numColsPerRow);
2443    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
2445      // Insert rows
2447      for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
2448        Put put = new Put(ROWS[i]);
2449        put.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
2450        for (int j = 0; j < numColsPerRow; j++) {
2451          put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[j], QUALIFIERS[j]);
2452        }
2453        assertTrue("Put expected to contain " + numColsPerRow + " columns but " +
2454                "only contains " + put.size(), put.size() == numColsPerRow);
2455        ht.put(put);
2456      }
2458      // Get a row
2459      Get get = new Get(ROWS[numRows - 1]);
2460      Result result = ht.get(get);
2461      assertNumKeys(result, numColsPerRow);
2462      Cell[] keys = result.rawCells();
2463      for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
2464        assertKey(keys[i], ROWS[numRows - 1], FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[i], QUALIFIERS[i]);
2465      }
2467      // Scan the rows
2468      Scan scan = new Scan();
2469      try (ResultScanner scanner = ht.getScanner(scan)) {
2470        int rowCount = 0;
2471        while ((result = scanner.next()) != null) {
2472          assertNumKeys(result, numColsPerRow);
2473          Cell[] kvs = result.rawCells();
2474          for (int i = 0; i < numColsPerRow; i++) {
2475            assertKey(kvs[i], ROWS[rowCount], FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[i], QUALIFIERS[i]);
2476          }
2477          rowCount++;
2478        }
2479        assertTrue("Expected to scan " + numRows + " rows but actually scanned "
2480                + rowCount + " rows", rowCount == numRows);
2481      }
2483      // flush and try again
2485      TEST_UTIL.flush();
2487      // Get a row
2488      get = new Get(ROWS[numRows - 1]);
2489      result = ht.get(get);
2490      assertNumKeys(result, numColsPerRow);
2491      keys = result.rawCells();
2492      for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
2493        assertKey(keys[i], ROWS[numRows - 1], FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[i], QUALIFIERS[i]);
2494      }
2496      // Scan the rows
2497      scan = new Scan();
2498      try (ResultScanner scanner = ht.getScanner(scan)) {
2499        int rowCount = 0;
2500        while ((result = scanner.next()) != null) {
2501          assertNumKeys(result, numColsPerRow);
2502          Cell[] kvs = result.rawCells();
2503          for (int i = 0; i < numColsPerRow; i++) {
2504            assertKey(kvs[i], ROWS[rowCount], FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[i], QUALIFIERS[i]);
2505          }
2506          rowCount++;
2507        }
2508        assertTrue("Expected to scan " + numRows + " rows but actually scanned "
2509                + rowCount + " rows", rowCount == numRows);
2510      }
2511    }
2512  }
2514  /**
2515   * HBASE-861
2516   *    get with timestamp will return a value if there is a version with an
2517   *    earlier timestamp
2518   */
2519  @Test
2520  public void testJiraTest861() throws Exception {
2521    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
2522    byte [][] VALUES = makeNAscii(VALUE, 7);
2523    long [] STAMPS = makeStamps(7);
2525    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY, 10)) {
2527      // Insert three versions
2529      Put put = new Put(ROW);
2530      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[3], VALUES[3]);
2531      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
2532      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
2533      ht.put(put);
2535      // Get the middle value
2536      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
2538      // Try to get one version before (expect fail)
2539      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1]);
2541      // Try to get one version after (expect fail)
2542      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[5]);
2544      // Try same from storefile
2545      TEST_UTIL.flush();
2546      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
2547      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1]);
2548      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[5]);
2550      // Insert two more versions surrounding others, into memstore
2551      put = new Put(ROW);
2552      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0], VALUES[0]);
2553      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[6], VALUES[6]);
2554      ht.put(put);
2556      // Check we can get everything we should and can't get what we shouldn't
2557      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0], VALUES[0]);
2558      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1]);
2559      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
2560      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[3], VALUES[3]);
2561      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
2562      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[5]);
2563      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[6], VALUES[6]);
2565      // Try same from two storefiles
2566      TEST_UTIL.flush();
2567      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0], VALUES[0]);
2568      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1]);
2569      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
2570      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[3], VALUES[3]);
2571      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
2572      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[5]);
2573      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[6], VALUES[6]);
2574    }
2575  }
2577  /**
2578   * HBASE-33
2579   *    Add a HTable get/obtainScanner method that retrieves all versions of a
2580   *    particular column and row between two timestamps
2581   */
2582  @Test
2583  public void testJiraTest33() throws Exception {
2584    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
2585    byte [][] VALUES = makeNAscii(VALUE, 7);
2586    long [] STAMPS = makeStamps(7);
2588    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY, 10)) {
2590      // Insert lots versions
2592      Put put = new Put(ROW);
2593      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0], VALUES[0]);
2594      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
2595      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
2596      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[3], VALUES[3]);
2597      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
2598      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[5], VALUES[5]);
2599      ht.put(put);
2601      getVersionRangeAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 0, 5);
2602      getVersionRangeAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 0, 2);
2603      getVersionRangeAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 4, 5);
2604      getVersionRangeAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 2, 3);
2606      scanVersionRangeAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 0, 5);
2607      scanVersionRangeAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 0, 2);
2608      scanVersionRangeAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 4, 5);
2609      scanVersionRangeAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 2, 3);
2611      // Try same from storefile
2612      TEST_UTIL.flush();
2614      getVersionRangeAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 0, 5);
2615      getVersionRangeAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 0, 2);
2616      getVersionRangeAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 4, 5);
2617      getVersionRangeAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 2, 3);
2619      scanVersionRangeAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 0, 5);
2620      scanVersionRangeAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 0, 2);
2621      scanVersionRangeAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 4, 5);
2622      scanVersionRangeAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 2, 3);
2623    }
2624  }
2626  /**
2627   * HBASE-1014
2628   *    commit(BatchUpdate) method should return timestamp
2629   */
2630  @Test
2631  public void testJiraTest1014() throws Exception {
2632    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
2634    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY, 10)) {
2636      long manualStamp = 12345;
2638      // Insert lots versions
2640      Put put = new Put(ROW);
2641      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, manualStamp, VALUE);
2642      ht.put(put);
2644      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, manualStamp, VALUE);
2645      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, manualStamp - 1);
2646      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, manualStamp + 1);
2647    }
2648  }
2650  /**
2651   * HBASE-1182
2652   *    Scan for columns > some timestamp
2653   */
2654  @Test
2655  public void testJiraTest1182() throws Exception {
2656    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
2657    byte [][] VALUES = makeNAscii(VALUE, 7);
2658    long [] STAMPS = makeStamps(7);
2660    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY, 10)) {
2662      // Insert lots versions
2664      Put put = new Put(ROW);
2665      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0], VALUES[0]);
2666      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
2667      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
2668      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[3], VALUES[3]);
2669      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
2670      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[5], VALUES[5]);
2671      ht.put(put);
2673      getVersionRangeAndVerifyGreaterThan(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 0, 5);
2674      getVersionRangeAndVerifyGreaterThan(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 2, 5);
2675      getVersionRangeAndVerifyGreaterThan(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 4, 5);
2677      scanVersionRangeAndVerifyGreaterThan(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 0, 5);
2678      scanVersionRangeAndVerifyGreaterThan(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 2, 5);
2679      scanVersionRangeAndVerifyGreaterThan(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 4, 5);
2681      // Try same from storefile
2682      TEST_UTIL.flush();
2684      getVersionRangeAndVerifyGreaterThan(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 0, 5);
2685      getVersionRangeAndVerifyGreaterThan(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 2, 5);
2686      getVersionRangeAndVerifyGreaterThan(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 4, 5);
2688      scanVersionRangeAndVerifyGreaterThan(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 0, 5);
2689      scanVersionRangeAndVerifyGreaterThan(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 2, 5);
2690      scanVersionRangeAndVerifyGreaterThan(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 4, 5);
2691    }
2692  }
2694  /**
2695   * HBASE-52
2696   *    Add a means of scanning over all versions
2697   */
2698  @Test
2699  public void testJiraTest52() throws Exception {
2700    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
2701    byte [][] VALUES = makeNAscii(VALUE, 7);
2702    long [] STAMPS = makeStamps(7);
2704    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY, 10)) {
2706      // Insert lots versions
2708      Put put = new Put(ROW);
2709      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0], VALUES[0]);
2710      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
2711      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
2712      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[3], VALUES[3]);
2713      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
2714      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[5], VALUES[5]);
2715      ht.put(put);
2717      getAllVersionsAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 0, 5);
2719      scanAllVersionsAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 0, 5);
2721      // Try same from storefile
2722      TEST_UTIL.flush();
2724      getAllVersionsAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 0, 5);
2726      scanAllVersionsAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS, VALUES, 0, 5);
2727    }
2728  }
2730  //
2731  // Bulk Testers
2732  //
2734  private void getVersionRangeAndVerifyGreaterThan(Table ht, byte [] row,
2735      byte [] family, byte [] qualifier, long [] stamps, byte [][] values,
2736      int start, int end)
2737  throws IOException {
2738    Get get = new Get(row);
2739    get.addColumn(family, qualifier);
2740    get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2741    get.setTimeRange(stamps[start+1], Long.MAX_VALUE);
2742    Result result = ht.get(get);
2743    assertNResult(result, row, family, qualifier, stamps, values, start+1, end);
2744  }
2746  private void getVersionRangeAndVerify(Table ht, byte [] row, byte [] family,
2747      byte [] qualifier, long [] stamps, byte [][] values, int start, int end)
2748  throws IOException {
2749    Get get = new Get(row);
2750    get.addColumn(family, qualifier);
2751    get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2752    get.setTimeRange(stamps[start], stamps[end]+1);
2753    Result result = ht.get(get);
2754    assertNResult(result, row, family, qualifier, stamps, values, start, end);
2755  }
2757  private void getAllVersionsAndVerify(Table ht, byte [] row, byte [] family,
2758      byte [] qualifier, long [] stamps, byte [][] values, int start, int end)
2759  throws IOException {
2760    Get get = new Get(row);
2761    get.addColumn(family, qualifier);
2762    get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2763    Result result = ht.get(get);
2764    assertNResult(result, row, family, qualifier, stamps, values, start, end);
2765  }
2767  private void scanVersionRangeAndVerifyGreaterThan(Table ht, byte [] row,
2768      byte [] family, byte [] qualifier, long [] stamps, byte [][] values,
2769      int start, int end)
2770  throws IOException {
2771    Scan scan = new Scan(row);
2772    scan.addColumn(family, qualifier);
2773    scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2774    scan.setTimeRange(stamps[start+1], Long.MAX_VALUE);
2775    Result result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
2776    assertNResult(result, row, family, qualifier, stamps, values, start+1, end);
2777  }
2779  private void scanVersionRangeAndVerify(Table ht, byte [] row, byte [] family,
2780      byte [] qualifier, long [] stamps, byte [][] values, int start, int end)
2781  throws IOException {
2782    Scan scan = new Scan(row);
2783    scan.addColumn(family, qualifier);
2784    scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2785    scan.setTimeRange(stamps[start], stamps[end]+1);
2786    Result result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
2787    assertNResult(result, row, family, qualifier, stamps, values, start, end);
2788  }
2790  private void scanAllVersionsAndVerify(Table ht, byte [] row, byte [] family,
2791      byte [] qualifier, long [] stamps, byte [][] values, int start, int end)
2792  throws IOException {
2793    Scan scan = new Scan(row);
2794    scan.addColumn(family, qualifier);
2795    scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2796    Result result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
2797    assertNResult(result, row, family, qualifier, stamps, values, start, end);
2798  }
2800  private void getVersionAndVerify(Table ht, byte [] row, byte [] family,
2801      byte [] qualifier, long stamp, byte [] value)
2802  throws Exception {
2803    Get get = new Get(row);
2804    get.addColumn(family, qualifier);
2805    get.setTimestamp(stamp);
2806    get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2807    Result result = ht.get(get);
2808    assertSingleResult(result, row, family, qualifier, stamp, value);
2809  }
2811  private void getVersionAndVerifyMissing(Table ht, byte [] row, byte [] family,
2812      byte [] qualifier, long stamp)
2813  throws Exception {
2814    Get get = new Get(row);
2815    get.addColumn(family, qualifier);
2816    get.setTimestamp(stamp);
2817    get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2818    Result result = ht.get(get);
2819    assertEmptyResult(result);
2820  }
2822  private void scanVersionAndVerify(Table ht, byte [] row, byte [] family,
2823      byte [] qualifier, long stamp, byte [] value)
2824  throws Exception {
2825    Scan scan = new Scan(row);
2826    scan.addColumn(family, qualifier);
2827    scan.setTimestamp(stamp);
2828    scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2829    Result result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
2830    assertSingleResult(result, row, family, qualifier, stamp, value);
2831  }
2833  private void scanVersionAndVerifyMissing(Table ht, byte [] row,
2834      byte [] family, byte [] qualifier, long stamp)
2835  throws Exception {
2836    Scan scan = new Scan(row);
2837    scan.addColumn(family, qualifier);
2838    scan.setTimestamp(stamp);
2839    scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2840    Result result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
2841    assertNullResult(result);
2842  }
2844  private void getTestNull(Table ht, byte [] row, byte [] family,
2845      byte [] value)
2846  throws Exception {
2848    Get get = new Get(row);
2849    get.addColumn(family, null);
2850    Result result = ht.get(get);
2851    assertSingleResult(result, row, family, null, value);
2853    get = new Get(row);
2854    get.addColumn(family, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY);
2855    result = ht.get(get);
2856    assertSingleResult(result, row, family, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, value);
2858    get = new Get(row);
2859    get.addFamily(family);
2860    result = ht.get(get);
2861    assertSingleResult(result, row, family, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, value);
2863    get = new Get(row);
2864    result = ht.get(get);
2865    assertSingleResult(result, row, family, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, value);
2867  }
2869  private void getTestNull(Table ht, byte[] row, byte[] family, long value) throws Exception {
2870    Get get = new Get(row);
2871    get.addColumn(family, null);
2872    Result result = ht.get(get);
2873    assertSingleResult(result, row, family, null, value);
2875    get = new Get(row);
2876    get.addColumn(family, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY);
2877    result = ht.get(get);
2878    assertSingleResult(result, row, family, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, value);
2880    get = new Get(row);
2881    get.addFamily(family);
2882    result = ht.get(get);
2883    assertSingleResult(result, row, family, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, value);
2885    get = new Get(row);
2886    result = ht.get(get);
2887    assertSingleResult(result, row, family, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, value);
2888  }
2890  private void scanTestNull(Table ht, byte[] row, byte[] family, byte[] value)
2891      throws Exception {
2892    scanTestNull(ht, row, family, value, false);
2893  }
2895  private void scanTestNull(Table ht, byte[] row, byte[] family, byte[] value,
2896      boolean isReversedScan) throws Exception {
2898    Scan scan = new Scan();
2899    scan.setReversed(isReversedScan);
2900    scan.addColumn(family, null);
2901    Result result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
2902    assertSingleResult(result, row, family, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, value);
2904    scan = new Scan();
2905    scan.setReversed(isReversedScan);
2906    scan.addColumn(family, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY);
2907    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
2908    assertSingleResult(result, row, family, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, value);
2910    scan = new Scan();
2911    scan.setReversed(isReversedScan);
2912    scan.addFamily(family);
2913    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
2914    assertSingleResult(result, row, family, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, value);
2916    scan = new Scan();
2917    scan.setReversed(isReversedScan);
2918    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
2919    assertSingleResult(result, row, family, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, value);
2921  }
2923  private void singleRowGetTest(Table ht, byte [][] ROWS, byte [][] FAMILIES,
2924      byte [][] QUALIFIERS, byte [][] VALUES)
2925  throws Exception {
2927    // Single column from memstore
2928    Get get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
2929    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[0]);
2930    Result result = ht.get(get);
2931    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[0], VALUES[0]);
2933    // Single column from storefile
2934    get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
2935    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIERS[2]);
2936    result = ht.get(get);
2937    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIERS[2], VALUES[2]);
2939    // Single column from storefile, family match
2940    get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
2941    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[7]);
2942    result = ht.get(get);
2943    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[7], QUALIFIERS[7], VALUES[7]);
2945    // Two columns, one from memstore one from storefile, same family,
2946    // wildcard match
2947    get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
2948    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[4]);
2949    result = ht.get(get);
2950    assertDoubleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[0], VALUES[0],
2951        FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[4], VALUES[4]);
2953    // Two columns, one from memstore one from storefile, same family,
2954    // explicit match
2955    get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
2956    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[0]);
2957    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[4]);
2958    result = ht.get(get);
2959    assertDoubleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[0], VALUES[0],
2960        FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[4], VALUES[4]);
2962    // Three column, one from memstore two from storefile, different families,
2963    // wildcard match
2964    get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
2965    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[4]);
2966    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[7]);
2967    result = ht.get(get);
2968    assertNResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES, QUALIFIERS, VALUES,
2969        new int [][] { {4, 0, 0}, {4, 4, 4}, {7, 7, 7} });
2971    // Multiple columns from everywhere storefile, many family, wildcard
2972    get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
2973    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
2974    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[4]);
2975    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[6]);
2976    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[7]);
2977    result = ht.get(get);
2978    assertNResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES, QUALIFIERS, VALUES,
2979        new int [][] {
2980          {2, 2, 2}, {2, 4, 4}, {4, 0, 0}, {4, 4, 4}, {6, 6, 6}, {6, 7, 7}, {7, 7, 7}
2981    });
2983    // Multiple columns from everywhere storefile, many family, wildcard
2984    get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
2985    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIERS[2]);
2986    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIERS[4]);
2987    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[0]);
2988    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[4]);
2989    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[6]);
2990    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[7]);
2991    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[7], QUALIFIERS[7]);
2992    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[7], QUALIFIERS[8]);
2993    result = ht.get(get);
2994    assertNResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES, QUALIFIERS, VALUES,
2995        new int [][] {
2996          {2, 2, 2}, {2, 4, 4}, {4, 0, 0}, {4, 4, 4}, {6, 6, 6}, {6, 7, 7}, {7, 7, 7}
2997    });
2999    // Everything
3000    get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
3001    result = ht.get(get);
3002    assertNResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES, QUALIFIERS, VALUES,
3003        new int [][] {
3004          {2, 2, 2}, {2, 4, 4}, {4, 0, 0}, {4, 4, 4}, {6, 6, 6}, {6, 7, 7}, {7, 7, 7}, {9, 0, 0}
3005    });
3007    // Get around inserted columns
3009    get = new Get(ROWS[1]);
3010    result = ht.get(get);
3011    assertEmptyResult(result);
3013    get = new Get(ROWS[0]);
3014    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[3]);
3015    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIERS[3]);
3016    result = ht.get(get);
3017    assertEmptyResult(result);
3019  }
3021  private void singleRowScanTest(Table ht, byte [][] ROWS, byte [][] FAMILIES,
3022      byte [][] QUALIFIERS, byte [][] VALUES)
3023  throws Exception {
3025    // Single column from memstore
3026    Scan scan = new Scan();
3027    scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[0]);
3028    Result result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3029    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[0], VALUES[0]);
3031    // Single column from storefile
3032    scan = new Scan();
3033    scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIERS[2]);
3034    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3035    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIERS[2], VALUES[2]);
3037    // Single column from storefile, family match
3038    scan = new Scan();
3039    scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[7]);
3040    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3041    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[7], QUALIFIERS[7], VALUES[7]);
3043    // Two columns, one from memstore one from storefile, same family,
3044    // wildcard match
3045    scan = new Scan();
3046    scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[4]);
3047    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3048    assertDoubleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[0], VALUES[0],
3049        FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[4], VALUES[4]);
3051    // Two columns, one from memstore one from storefile, same family,
3052    // explicit match
3053    scan = new Scan();
3054    scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[0]);
3055    scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[4]);
3056    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3057    assertDoubleResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[0], VALUES[0],
3058        FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[4], VALUES[4]);
3060    // Three column, one from memstore two from storefile, different families,
3061    // wildcard match
3062    scan = new Scan();
3063    scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[4]);
3064    scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[7]);
3065    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3066    assertNResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES, QUALIFIERS, VALUES,
3067        new int [][] { {4, 0, 0}, {4, 4, 4}, {7, 7, 7} });
3069    // Multiple columns from everywhere storefile, many family, wildcard
3070    scan = new Scan();
3071    scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
3072    scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[4]);
3073    scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[6]);
3074    scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[7]);
3075    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3076    assertNResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES, QUALIFIERS, VALUES,
3077        new int [][] {
3078          {2, 2, 2}, {2, 4, 4}, {4, 0, 0}, {4, 4, 4}, {6, 6, 6}, {6, 7, 7}, {7, 7, 7}
3079    });
3081    // Multiple columns from everywhere storefile, many family, wildcard
3082    scan = new Scan();
3083    scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIERS[2]);
3084    scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIERS[4]);
3085    scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[0]);
3086    scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[4]);
3087    scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[6]);
3088    scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[6], QUALIFIERS[7]);
3089    scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[7], QUALIFIERS[7]);
3090    scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[7], QUALIFIERS[8]);
3091    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3092    assertNResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES, QUALIFIERS, VALUES,
3093        new int [][] {
3094          {2, 2, 2}, {2, 4, 4}, {4, 0, 0}, {4, 4, 4}, {6, 6, 6}, {6, 7, 7}, {7, 7, 7}
3095    });
3097    // Everything
3098    scan = new Scan();
3099    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3100    assertNResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES, QUALIFIERS, VALUES,
3101        new int [][] {
3102          {2, 2, 2}, {2, 4, 4}, {4, 0, 0}, {4, 4, 4}, {6, 6, 6}, {6, 7, 7}, {7, 7, 7}, {9, 0, 0}
3103    });
3105    // Scan around inserted columns
3107    scan = new Scan(ROWS[1]);
3108    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3109    assertNullResult(result);
3111    scan = new Scan();
3112    scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[3]);
3113    scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIERS[3]);
3114    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3115    assertNullResult(result);
3116  }
3118  /**
3119   * Verify a single column using gets.
3120   * Expects family and qualifier arrays to be valid for at least
3121   * the range:  idx-2 < idx < idx+2
3122   */
3123  private void getVerifySingleColumn(Table ht,
3124      byte [][] ROWS, int ROWIDX,
3125      byte [][] FAMILIES, int FAMILYIDX,
3126      byte [][] QUALIFIERS, int QUALIFIERIDX,
3127      byte [][] VALUES, int VALUEIDX)
3128  throws Exception {
3130    Get get = new Get(ROWS[ROWIDX]);
3131    Result result = ht.get(get);
3132    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[ROWIDX], FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX],
3135    get = new Get(ROWS[ROWIDX]);
3136    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX]);
3137    result = ht.get(get);
3138    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[ROWIDX], FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX],
3141    get = new Get(ROWS[ROWIDX]);
3142    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX-2]);
3143    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX]);
3144    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX+2]);
3145    result = ht.get(get);
3146    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[ROWIDX], FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX],
3149    get = new Get(ROWS[ROWIDX]);
3150    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX], QUALIFIERS[0]);
3151    result = ht.get(get);
3152    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[ROWIDX], FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX],
3155    get = new Get(ROWS[ROWIDX]);
3156    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX], QUALIFIERS[1]);
3157    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX]);
3158    result = ht.get(get);
3159    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[ROWIDX], FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX],
3162    get = new Get(ROWS[ROWIDX]);
3163    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX]);
3164    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX+1], QUALIFIERS[1]);
3165    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX-2], QUALIFIERS[1]);
3166    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX-1]);
3167    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX+2]);
3168    result = ht.get(get);
3169    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[ROWIDX], FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX],
3172  }
3175  /**
3176   * Verify a single column using scanners.
3177   * Expects family and qualifier arrays to be valid for at least
3178   * the range:  idx-2 to idx+2
3179   * Expects row array to be valid for at least idx to idx+2
3180   */
3181  private void scanVerifySingleColumn(Table ht,
3182      byte [][] ROWS, int ROWIDX,
3183      byte [][] FAMILIES, int FAMILYIDX,
3184      byte [][] QUALIFIERS, int QUALIFIERIDX,
3185      byte [][] VALUES, int VALUEIDX)
3186  throws Exception {
3188    Scan scan = new Scan();
3189    Result result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3190    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[ROWIDX], FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX],
3193    scan = new Scan(ROWS[ROWIDX]);
3194    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3195    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[ROWIDX], FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX],
3198    scan = new Scan(ROWS[ROWIDX], ROWS[ROWIDX+1]);
3199    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3200    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[ROWIDX], FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX],
3203    scan = new Scan(HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW, ROWS[ROWIDX+1]);
3204    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3205    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[ROWIDX], FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX],
3208    scan = new Scan();
3209    scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX]);
3210    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3211    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[ROWIDX], FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX],
3214    scan = new Scan();
3216    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3217    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[ROWIDX], FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX],
3220    scan = new Scan();
3222    scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX]);
3223    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3224    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[ROWIDX], FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX],
3227    scan = new Scan();
3230    scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX+1]);
3231    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3232    assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[ROWIDX], FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX],
3235  }
3237  /**
3238   * Verify we do not read any values by accident around a single column
3239   * Same requirements as getVerifySingleColumn
3240   */
3241  private void getVerifySingleEmpty(Table ht,
3242      byte [][] ROWS, int ROWIDX,
3243      byte [][] FAMILIES, int FAMILYIDX,
3244      byte [][] QUALIFIERS, int QUALIFIERIDX)
3245  throws Exception {
3247    Get get = new Get(ROWS[ROWIDX]);
3248    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[4]);
3249    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[1]);
3250    Result result = ht.get(get);
3251    assertEmptyResult(result);
3253    get = new Get(ROWS[ROWIDX]);
3254    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[4]);
3255    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[2]);
3256    result = ht.get(get);
3257    assertEmptyResult(result);
3259    get = new Get(ROWS[ROWIDX]);
3260    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[3]);
3261    get.addColumn(FAMILIES[4], QUALIFIERS[2]);
3262    get.addFamily(FAMILIES[5]);
3263    result = ht.get(get);
3264    assertEmptyResult(result);
3266    get = new Get(ROWS[ROWIDX+1]);
3267    result = ht.get(get);
3268    assertEmptyResult(result);
3270  }
3272  private void scanVerifySingleEmpty(Table ht,
3273      byte [][] ROWS, int ROWIDX,
3274      byte [][] FAMILIES, int FAMILYIDX,
3275      byte [][] QUALIFIERS, int QUALIFIERIDX)
3276  throws Exception {
3278    Scan scan = new Scan(ROWS[ROWIDX+1]);
3279    Result result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3280    assertNullResult(result);
3282    scan = new Scan(ROWS[ROWIDX+1],ROWS[ROWIDX+2]);
3283    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3284    assertNullResult(result);
3286    scan = new Scan(HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW, ROWS[ROWIDX]);
3287    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3288    assertNullResult(result);
3290    scan = new Scan();
3292    scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[FAMILYIDX-1]);
3293    result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3294    assertNullResult(result);
3296  }
3298  //
3299  // Verifiers
3300  //
3302  private void assertKey(Cell key, byte [] row, byte [] family,
3303      byte [] qualifier, byte [] value)
3304  throws Exception {
3305    assertTrue("Expected row [" + Bytes.toString(row) + "] " +
3306        "Got row [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneRow(key)) +"]",
3307        equals(row, CellUtil.cloneRow(key)));
3308    assertTrue("Expected family [" + Bytes.toString(family) + "] " +
3309        "Got family [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneFamily(key)) + "]",
3310        equals(family, CellUtil.cloneFamily(key)));
3311    assertTrue("Expected qualifier [" + Bytes.toString(qualifier) + "] " +
3312        "Got qualifier [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(key)) + "]",
3313        equals(qualifier, CellUtil.cloneQualifier(key)));
3314    assertTrue("Expected value [" + Bytes.toString(value) + "] " +
3315        "Got value [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneValue(key)) + "]",
3316        equals(value, CellUtil.cloneValue(key)));
3317  }
3319  static void assertIncrementKey(Cell key, byte [] row, byte [] family,
3320      byte [] qualifier, long value)
3321  throws Exception {
3322    assertTrue("Expected row [" + Bytes.toString(row) + "] " +
3323        "Got row [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneRow(key)) +"]",
3324        equals(row, CellUtil.cloneRow(key)));
3325    assertTrue("Expected family [" + Bytes.toString(family) + "] " +
3326        "Got family [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneFamily(key)) + "]",
3327        equals(family, CellUtil.cloneFamily(key)));
3328    assertTrue("Expected qualifier [" + Bytes.toString(qualifier) + "] " +
3329        "Got qualifier [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(key)) + "]",
3330        equals(qualifier, CellUtil.cloneQualifier(key)));
3331    assertTrue("Expected value [" + value + "] " +
3332        "Got value [" + Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(key)) + "]",
3333        Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(key)) == value);
3334  }
3336  private void assertNumKeys(Result result, int n) throws Exception {
3337    assertTrue("Expected " + n + " keys but got " + result.size(),
3338        result.size() == n);
3339  }
3341  private void assertNResult(Result result, byte [] row,
3342      byte [][] families, byte [][] qualifiers, byte [][] values,
3343      int [][] idxs)
3344  throws Exception {
3345    assertTrue("Expected row [" + Bytes.toString(row) + "] " +
3346        "Got row [" + Bytes.toString(result.getRow()) +"]",
3347        equals(row, result.getRow()));
3348    assertTrue("Expected " + idxs.length + " keys but result contains "
3349        + result.size(), result.size() == idxs.length);
3351    Cell [] keys = result.rawCells();
3353    for(int i=0;i<keys.length;i++) {
3354      byte [] family = families[idxs[i][0]];
3355      byte [] qualifier = qualifiers[idxs[i][1]];
3356      byte [] value = values[idxs[i][2]];
3357      Cell key = keys[i];
3359      byte[] famb = CellUtil.cloneFamily(key);
3360      byte[] qualb = CellUtil.cloneQualifier(key);
3361      byte[] valb = CellUtil.cloneValue(key);
3362      assertTrue("(" + i + ") Expected family [" + Bytes.toString(family)
3363          + "] " + "Got family [" + Bytes.toString(famb) + "]",
3364          equals(family, famb));
3365      assertTrue("(" + i + ") Expected qualifier [" + Bytes.toString(qualifier)
3366          + "] " + "Got qualifier [" + Bytes.toString(qualb) + "]",
3367          equals(qualifier, qualb));
3368      assertTrue("(" + i + ") Expected value [" + Bytes.toString(value) + "] "
3369          + "Got value [" + Bytes.toString(valb) + "]",
3370          equals(value, valb));
3371    }
3372  }
3374  private void assertNResult(Result result, byte [] row,
3375      byte [] family, byte [] qualifier, long [] stamps, byte [][] values,
3376      int start, int end)
3377  throws IOException {
3378    assertTrue("Expected row [" + Bytes.toString(row) + "] " +
3379        "Got row [" + Bytes.toString(result.getRow()) +"]",
3380        equals(row, result.getRow()));
3381    int expectedResults = end - start + 1;
3382    assertEquals(expectedResults, result.size());
3384    Cell[] keys = result.rawCells();
3386    for (int i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
3387      byte [] value = values[end-i];
3388      long ts = stamps[end-i];
3389      Cell key = keys[i];
3391      assertTrue("(" + i + ") Expected family [" + Bytes.toString(family)
3392          + "] " + "Got family [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneFamily(key)) + "]",
3393          CellUtil.matchingFamily(key, family));
3394      assertTrue("(" + i + ") Expected qualifier [" + Bytes.toString(qualifier)
3395          + "] " + "Got qualifier [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(key))+ "]",
3396          CellUtil.matchingQualifier(key, qualifier));
3397      assertTrue("Expected ts [" + ts + "] " +
3398          "Got ts [" + key.getTimestamp() + "]", ts == key.getTimestamp());
3399      assertTrue("(" + i + ") Expected value [" + Bytes.toString(value) + "] "
3400          + "Got value [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneValue(key)) + "]",
3401          CellUtil.matchingValue(key,  value));
3402    }
3403  }
3405  /**
3406   * Validate that result contains two specified keys, exactly.
3407   * It is assumed key A sorts before key B.
3408   */
3409  private void assertDoubleResult(Result result, byte [] row,
3410      byte [] familyA, byte [] qualifierA, byte [] valueA,
3411      byte [] familyB, byte [] qualifierB, byte [] valueB)
3412  throws Exception {
3413    assertTrue("Expected row [" + Bytes.toString(row) + "] " +
3414        "Got row [" + Bytes.toString(result.getRow()) +"]",
3415        equals(row, result.getRow()));
3416    assertTrue("Expected two keys but result contains " + result.size(),
3417        result.size() == 2);
3418    Cell [] kv = result.rawCells();
3419    Cell kvA = kv[0];
3420    assertTrue("(A) Expected family [" + Bytes.toString(familyA) + "] " +
3421        "Got family [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneFamily(kvA)) + "]",
3422        equals(familyA, CellUtil.cloneFamily(kvA)));
3423    assertTrue("(A) Expected qualifier [" + Bytes.toString(qualifierA) + "] " +
3424        "Got qualifier [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(kvA)) + "]",
3425        equals(qualifierA, CellUtil.cloneQualifier(kvA)));
3426    assertTrue("(A) Expected value [" + Bytes.toString(valueA) + "] " +
3427        "Got value [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneValue(kvA)) + "]",
3428        equals(valueA, CellUtil.cloneValue(kvA)));
3429    Cell kvB = kv[1];
3430    assertTrue("(B) Expected family [" + Bytes.toString(familyB) + "] " +
3431        "Got family [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneFamily(kvB)) + "]",
3432        equals(familyB, CellUtil.cloneFamily(kvB)));
3433    assertTrue("(B) Expected qualifier [" + Bytes.toString(qualifierB) + "] " +
3434        "Got qualifier [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(kvB)) + "]",
3435        equals(qualifierB, CellUtil.cloneQualifier(kvB)));
3436    assertTrue("(B) Expected value [" + Bytes.toString(valueB) + "] " +
3437        "Got value [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneValue(kvB)) + "]",
3438        equals(valueB, CellUtil.cloneValue(kvB)));
3439  }
3441  private void assertSingleResult(Result result, byte [] row, byte [] family,
3442      byte [] qualifier, byte [] value)
3443  throws Exception {
3444    assertTrue("Expected row [" + Bytes.toString(row) + "] " +
3445        "Got row [" + Bytes.toString(result.getRow()) +"]",
3446        equals(row, result.getRow()));
3447    assertTrue("Expected a single key but result contains " + result.size(),
3448        result.size() == 1);
3449    Cell kv = result.rawCells()[0];
3450    assertTrue("Expected family [" + Bytes.toString(family) + "] " +
3451        "Got family [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneFamily(kv)) + "]",
3452        equals(family, CellUtil.cloneFamily(kv)));
3453    assertTrue("Expected qualifier [" + Bytes.toString(qualifier) + "] " +
3454        "Got qualifier [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(kv)) + "]",
3455        equals(qualifier, CellUtil.cloneQualifier(kv)));
3456    assertTrue("Expected value [" + Bytes.toString(value) + "] " +
3457        "Got value [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneValue(kv)) + "]",
3458        equals(value, CellUtil.cloneValue(kv)));
3459  }
3461  private void assertSingleResult(Result result, byte[] row, byte[] family, byte[] qualifier,
3462      long value) throws Exception {
3463    assertTrue(
3464      "Expected row [" + Bytes.toString(row) + "] " + "Got row [" + Bytes.toString(result.getRow())
3465          + "]", equals(row, result.getRow()));
3466    assertTrue("Expected a single key but result contains " + result.size(), result.size() == 1);
3467    Cell kv = result.rawCells()[0];
3468    assertTrue(
3469      "Expected family [" + Bytes.toString(family) + "] " + "Got family ["
3470          + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneFamily(kv)) + "]",
3471      equals(family, CellUtil.cloneFamily(kv)));
3472    assertTrue("Expected qualifier [" + Bytes.toString(qualifier) + "] " + "Got qualifier ["
3473        + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(kv)) + "]",
3474      equals(qualifier, CellUtil.cloneQualifier(kv)));
3475    assertTrue(
3476      "Expected value [" + value + "] " + "Got value [" + Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(kv))
3477          + "]", value == Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(kv)));
3478  }
3480  private void assertSingleResult(Result result, byte [] row, byte [] family,
3481      byte [] qualifier, long ts, byte [] value)
3482  throws Exception {
3483    assertTrue("Expected row [" + Bytes.toString(row) + "] " +
3484        "Got row [" + Bytes.toString(result.getRow()) +"]",
3485        equals(row, result.getRow()));
3486    assertTrue("Expected a single key but result contains " + result.size(),
3487        result.size() == 1);
3488    Cell kv = result.rawCells()[0];
3489    assertTrue("Expected family [" + Bytes.toString(family) + "] " +
3490        "Got family [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneFamily(kv)) + "]",
3491        equals(family, CellUtil.cloneFamily(kv)));
3492    assertTrue("Expected qualifier [" + Bytes.toString(qualifier) + "] " +
3493        "Got qualifier [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(kv)) + "]",
3494        equals(qualifier, CellUtil.cloneQualifier(kv)));
3495    assertTrue("Expected ts [" + ts + "] " +
3496        "Got ts [" + kv.getTimestamp() + "]", ts == kv.getTimestamp());
3497    assertTrue("Expected value [" + Bytes.toString(value) + "] " +
3498        "Got value [" + Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneValue(kv)) + "]",
3499        equals(value, CellUtil.cloneValue(kv)));
3500  }
3502  private void assertEmptyResult(Result result) throws Exception {
3503    assertTrue("expected an empty result but result contains " +
3504        result.size() + " keys", result.isEmpty());
3505  }
3507  private void assertNullResult(Result result) throws Exception {
3508    assertTrue("expected null result but received a non-null result",
3509        result == null);
3510  }
3512  //
3513  // Helpers
3514  //
3516  private Result getSingleScanResult(Table ht, Scan scan) throws IOException {
3517    try (ResultScanner scanner = ht.getScanner(scan)) {
3518      Result result = scanner.next();
3519      return result;
3520    }
3521  }
3523  private byte [][] makeNAscii(byte [] base, int n) {
3524    if(n > 256) {
3525      return makeNBig(base, n);
3526    }
3527    byte [][] ret = new byte[n][];
3528    for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {
3529      byte [] tail = Bytes.toBytes(Integer.toString(i));
3530      ret[i] = Bytes.add(base, tail);
3531    }
3532    return ret;
3533  }
3535  private byte [][] makeN(byte [] base, int n) {
3536    if (n > 256) {
3537      return makeNBig(base, n);
3538    }
3539    byte [][] ret = new byte[n][];
3540    for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {
3541      ret[i] = Bytes.add(base, new byte[]{(byte)i});
3542    }
3543    return ret;
3544  }
3546  private byte [][] makeNBig(byte [] base, int n) {
3547    byte [][] ret = new byte[n][];
3548    for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {
3549      int byteA = (i % 256);
3550      int byteB = (i >> 8);
3551      ret[i] = Bytes.add(base, new byte[]{(byte)byteB,(byte)byteA});
3552    }
3553    return ret;
3554  }
3556  private long [] makeStamps(int n) {
3557    long [] stamps = new long[n];
3558    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
3559      stamps[i] = i+1L;
3560    }
3561    return stamps;
3562  }
3564  static boolean equals(byte [] left, byte [] right) {
3565    if (left == null && right == null) return true;
3566    if (left == null && right.length == 0) return true;
3567    if (right == null && left.length == 0) return true;
3568    return Bytes.equals(left, right);
3569  }
3571  @Test
3572  public void testDuplicateVersions() throws Exception {
3573    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
3575    long [] STAMPS = makeStamps(20);
3576    byte [][] VALUES = makeNAscii(VALUE, 20);
3578    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY, 10)) {
3580      // Insert 4 versions of same column
3581      Put put = new Put(ROW);
3582      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
3583      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
3584      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
3585      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[5], VALUES[5]);
3586      ht.put(put);
3588      // Verify we can get each one properly
3589      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
3590      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
3591      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
3592      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[5], VALUES[5]);
3593      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
3594      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
3595      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
3596      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[5], VALUES[5]);
3598      // Verify we don't accidentally get others
3599      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0]);
3600      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[3]);
3601      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[6]);
3602      scanVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0]);
3603      scanVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[3]);
3604      scanVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[6]);
3606      // Ensure maxVersions in query is respected
3607      Get get = new Get(ROW);
3608      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
3609      get.setMaxVersions(2);
3610      Result result = ht.get(get);
3611      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
3612          new long [] {STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5]},
3613          new byte[][] {VALUES[4], VALUES[5]},
3614          0, 1);
3616      Scan scan = new Scan(ROW);
3617      scan.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
3618      scan.setMaxVersions(2);
3619      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3620      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
3621              new long[]{STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5]},
3622              new byte[][]{VALUES[4], VALUES[5]},
3623              0, 1);
3625      // Flush and redo
3627      TEST_UTIL.flush();
3629      // Verify we can get each one properly
3630      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
3631      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
3632      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
3633      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[5], VALUES[5]);
3634      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
3635      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
3636      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[4]);
3637      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[5], VALUES[5]);
3639      // Verify we don't accidentally get others
3640      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0]);
3641      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[3]);
3642      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[6]);
3643      scanVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0]);
3644      scanVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[3]);
3645      scanVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[6]);
3647      // Ensure maxVersions in query is respected
3648      get = new Get(ROW);
3649      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
3650      get.setMaxVersions(2);
3651      result = ht.get(get);
3652      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
3653          new long [] {STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5]},
3654          new byte[][] {VALUES[4], VALUES[5]},
3655          0, 1);
3657      scan = new Scan(ROW);
3658      scan.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
3659      scan.setMaxVersions(2);
3660      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3661      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
3662              new long[]{STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5]},
3663              new byte[][]{VALUES[4], VALUES[5]},
3664              0, 1);
3667      // Add some memstore and retest
3669      // Insert 4 more versions of same column and a dupe
3670      put = new Put(ROW);
3671      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[3], VALUES[3]);
3672      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[14]);
3673      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[6], VALUES[6]);
3674      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[7], VALUES[7]);
3675      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[8], VALUES[8]);
3676      ht.put(put);
3678      // Ensure maxVersions in query is respected
3679      get = new Get(ROW);
3680      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
3681      get.setMaxVersions(7);
3682      result = ht.get(get);
3683      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
3684          new long [] {STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6], STAMPS[7], STAMPS[8]},
3685          new byte[][] {VALUES[2], VALUES[3], VALUES[14], VALUES[5], VALUES[6], VALUES[7],
3686                  VALUES[8]},
3687          0, 6);
3689      scan = new Scan(ROW);
3690      scan.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
3691      scan.setMaxVersions(7);
3692      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3693      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
3694        new long[]{STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6], STAMPS[7], STAMPS[8]},
3695        new byte[][]{VALUES[2], VALUES[3], VALUES[14], VALUES[5], VALUES[6], VALUES[7], VALUES[8]},
3696        0, 6);
3698      get = new Get(ROW);
3699      get.setMaxVersions(7);
3700      result = ht.get(get);
3701      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
3702          new long [] {STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6], STAMPS[7], STAMPS[8]},
3703          new byte[][] {VALUES[2], VALUES[3], VALUES[14], VALUES[5], VALUES[6], VALUES[7],
3704                  VALUES[8]},
3705          0, 6);
3707      scan = new Scan(ROW);
3708      scan.setMaxVersions(7);
3709      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3710      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
3711        new long[]{STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6], STAMPS[7], STAMPS[8]},
3712        new byte[][]{VALUES[2], VALUES[3], VALUES[14], VALUES[5], VALUES[6], VALUES[7], VALUES[8]},
3713        0, 6);
3715      // Verify we can get each one properly
3716      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
3717      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
3718      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[14]);
3719      getVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[7], VALUES[7]);
3720      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[1], VALUES[1]);
3721      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[2], VALUES[2]);
3722      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[4], VALUES[14]);
3723      scanVersionAndVerify(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[7], VALUES[7]);
3725      // Verify we don't accidentally get others
3726      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0]);
3727      getVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[9]);
3728      scanVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[0]);
3729      scanVersionAndVerifyMissing(ht, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[9]);
3731      // Ensure maxVersions of table is respected
3733      TEST_UTIL.flush();
3735      // Insert 4 more versions of same column and a dupe
3736      put = new Put(ROW);
3737      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[9], VALUES[9]);
3738      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[11], VALUES[11]);
3739      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[13], VALUES[13]);
3740      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[15], VALUES[15]);
3741      ht.put(put);
3743      get = new Get(ROW);
3744      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
3745      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
3746      result = ht.get(get);
3747      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
3748          new long [] {STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6], STAMPS[7], STAMPS[8], STAMPS[9],
3749                  STAMPS[11], STAMPS[13], STAMPS[15]},
3750          new byte[][] {VALUES[3], VALUES[14], VALUES[5], VALUES[6], VALUES[7], VALUES[8],
3751                  VALUES[9], VALUES[11], VALUES[13], VALUES[15]},
3752          0, 9);
3754      scan = new Scan(ROW);
3755      scan.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
3756      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
3757      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3758      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
3759          new long[]{STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6], STAMPS[7], STAMPS[8], STAMPS[9],
3760                  STAMPS[11], STAMPS[13], STAMPS[15]},
3761          new byte[][]{VALUES[3], VALUES[14], VALUES[5], VALUES[6], VALUES[7], VALUES[8], VALUES[9],
3762                  VALUES[11], VALUES[13], VALUES[15]},0, 9);
3764      // Delete a version in the memstore and a version in a storefile
3765      Delete delete = new Delete(ROW);
3766      delete.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[11]);
3767      delete.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, STAMPS[7]);
3768      ht.delete(delete);
3770      // Test that it's gone
3771      get = new Get(ROW);
3772      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
3773      get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
3774      result = ht.get(get);
3775      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
3776          new long [] {STAMPS[1], STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6], STAMPS[8],
3777                  STAMPS[9], STAMPS[13], STAMPS[15]},
3778          new byte[][] {VALUES[1], VALUES[2], VALUES[3], VALUES[14], VALUES[5], VALUES[6],
3779                  VALUES[8], VALUES[9], VALUES[13], VALUES[15]},
3780          0, 9);
3782      scan = new Scan(ROW);
3783      scan.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
3784      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
3785      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
3786      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER,
3787          new long[]{STAMPS[1], STAMPS[2], STAMPS[3], STAMPS[4], STAMPS[5], STAMPS[6], STAMPS[8],
3788                  STAMPS[9], STAMPS[13], STAMPS[15]},
3789          new byte[][]{VALUES[1], VALUES[2], VALUES[3], VALUES[14], VALUES[5], VALUES[6], VALUES[8],
3790                  VALUES[9], VALUES[13], VALUES[15]},0,9);
3791    }
3792  }
3794  @Test
3795  public void testUpdates() throws Exception {
3796    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
3797    try (Table hTable = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY, 10)) {
3799      // Write a column with values at timestamp 1, 2 and 3
3800      byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
3801      byte[] qualifier = Bytes.toBytes("myCol");
3802      Put put = new Put(row);
3803      put.addColumn(FAMILY, qualifier, 1L, Bytes.toBytes("AAA"));
3804      hTable.put(put);
3806      put = new Put(row);
3807      put.addColumn(FAMILY, qualifier, 2L, Bytes.toBytes("BBB"));
3808      hTable.put(put);
3810      put = new Put(row);
3811      put.addColumn(FAMILY, qualifier, 3L, Bytes.toBytes("EEE"));
3812      hTable.put(put);
3814      Get get = new Get(row);
3815      get.addColumn(FAMILY, qualifier);
3816      get.setMaxVersions();
3818      // Check that the column indeed has the right values at timestamps 1 and
3819      // 2
3820      Result result = hTable.get(get);
3821      NavigableMap<Long, byte[]> navigableMap =
3822              result.getMap().get(FAMILY).get(qualifier);
3823      assertEquals("AAA", Bytes.toString(navigableMap.get(1L)));
3824      assertEquals("BBB", Bytes.toString(navigableMap.get(2L)));
3826      // Update the value at timestamp 1
3827      put = new Put(row);
3828      put.addColumn(FAMILY, qualifier, 1L, Bytes.toBytes("CCC"));
3829      hTable.put(put);
3831      // Update the value at timestamp 2
3832      put = new Put(row);
3833      put.addColumn(FAMILY, qualifier, 2L, Bytes.toBytes("DDD"));
3834      hTable.put(put);
3836      // Check that the values at timestamp 2 and 1 got updated
3837      result = hTable.get(get);
3838      navigableMap = result.getMap().get(FAMILY).get(qualifier);
3839      assertEquals("CCC", Bytes.toString(navigableMap.get(1L)));
3840      assertEquals("DDD", Bytes.toString(navigableMap.get(2L)));
3841    }
3842  }
3844  @Test
3845  public void testUpdatesWithMajorCompaction() throws Exception {
3846    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
3847    try (Table hTable = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY, 10);
3848        Admin admin = TEST_UTIL.getAdmin()) {
3850      // Write a column with values at timestamp 1, 2 and 3
3851      byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("row2");
3852      byte[] qualifier = Bytes.toBytes("myCol");
3853      Put put = new Put(row);
3854      put.addColumn(FAMILY, qualifier, 1L, Bytes.toBytes("AAA"));
3855      hTable.put(put);
3857      put = new Put(row);
3858      put.addColumn(FAMILY, qualifier, 2L, Bytes.toBytes("BBB"));
3859      hTable.put(put);
3861      put = new Put(row);
3862      put.addColumn(FAMILY, qualifier, 3L, Bytes.toBytes("EEE"));
3863      hTable.put(put);
3865      Get get = new Get(row);
3866      get.addColumn(FAMILY, qualifier);
3867      get.setMaxVersions();
3869      // Check that the column indeed has the right values at timestamps 1 and
3870      // 2
3871      Result result = hTable.get(get);
3872      NavigableMap<Long, byte[]> navigableMap =
3873              result.getMap().get(FAMILY).get(qualifier);
3874      assertEquals("AAA", Bytes.toString(navigableMap.get(1L)));
3875      assertEquals("BBB", Bytes.toString(navigableMap.get(2L)));
3877      // Trigger a major compaction
3878      admin.flush(tableName);
3879      admin.majorCompact(tableName);
3880      Thread.sleep(6000);
3882      // Update the value at timestamp 1
3883      put = new Put(row);
3884      put.addColumn(FAMILY, qualifier, 1L, Bytes.toBytes("CCC"));
3885      hTable.put(put);
3887      // Update the value at timestamp 2
3888      put = new Put(row);
3889      put.addColumn(FAMILY, qualifier, 2L, Bytes.toBytes("DDD"));
3890      hTable.put(put);
3892      // Trigger a major compaction
3893      admin.flush(tableName);
3894      admin.majorCompact(tableName);
3895      Thread.sleep(6000);
3897      // Check that the values at timestamp 2 and 1 got updated
3898      result = hTable.get(get);
3899      navigableMap = result.getMap().get(FAMILY).get(qualifier);
3900      assertEquals("CCC", Bytes.toString(navigableMap.get(1L)));
3901      assertEquals("DDD", Bytes.toString(navigableMap.get(2L)));
3902    }
3903  }
3905  @Test
3906  public void testMajorCompactionBetweenTwoUpdates() throws Exception {
3907    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
3908    try (Table hTable = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY, 10);
3909        Admin admin = TEST_UTIL.getAdmin()) {
3911      // Write a column with values at timestamp 1, 2 and 3
3912      byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("row3");
3913      byte[] qualifier = Bytes.toBytes("myCol");
3914      Put put = new Put(row);
3915      put.addColumn(FAMILY, qualifier, 1L, Bytes.toBytes("AAA"));
3916      hTable.put(put);
3918      put = new Put(row);
3919      put.addColumn(FAMILY, qualifier, 2L, Bytes.toBytes("BBB"));
3920      hTable.put(put);
3922      put = new Put(row);
3923      put.addColumn(FAMILY, qualifier, 3L, Bytes.toBytes("EEE"));
3924      hTable.put(put);
3926      Get get = new Get(row);
3927      get.addColumn(FAMILY, qualifier);
3928      get.setMaxVersions();
3930      // Check that the column indeed has the right values at timestamps 1 and
3931      // 2
3932      Result result = hTable.get(get);
3933      NavigableMap<Long, byte[]> navigableMap =
3934              result.getMap().get(FAMILY).get(qualifier);
3935      assertEquals("AAA", Bytes.toString(navigableMap.get(1L)));
3936      assertEquals("BBB", Bytes.toString(navigableMap.get(2L)));
3938      // Trigger a major compaction
3939      admin.flush(tableName);
3940      admin.majorCompact(tableName);
3941      Thread.sleep(6000);
3943      // Update the value at timestamp 1
3944      put = new Put(row);
3945      put.addColumn(FAMILY, qualifier, 1L, Bytes.toBytes("CCC"));
3946      hTable.put(put);
3948      // Trigger a major compaction
3949      admin.flush(tableName);
3950      admin.majorCompact(tableName);
3951      Thread.sleep(6000);
3953      // Update the value at timestamp 2
3954      put = new Put(row);
3955      put.addColumn(FAMILY, qualifier, 2L, Bytes.toBytes("DDD"));
3956      hTable.put(put);
3958      // Trigger a major compaction
3959      admin.flush(tableName);
3960      admin.majorCompact(tableName);
3961      Thread.sleep(6000);
3963      // Check that the values at timestamp 2 and 1 got updated
3964      result = hTable.get(get);
3965      navigableMap = result.getMap().get(FAMILY).get(qualifier);
3967      assertEquals("CCC", Bytes.toString(navigableMap.get(1L)));
3968      assertEquals("DDD", Bytes.toString(navigableMap.get(2L)));
3969    }
3970  }
3972  @Test
3973  public void testGet_EmptyTable() throws IOException {
3974    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()), FAMILY)) {
3975      Get get = new Get(ROW);
3976      get.addFamily(FAMILY);
3977      Result r = table.get(get);
3978      assertTrue(r.isEmpty());
3979    }
3980  }
3982  @Test
3983  public void testGet_NullQualifier() throws IOException {
3984    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()), FAMILY)) {
3985      Put put = new Put(ROW);
3986      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
3987      table.put(put);
3989      put = new Put(ROW);
3990      put.addColumn(FAMILY, null, VALUE);
3991      table.put(put);
3992      LOG.info("Row put");
3994      Get get = new Get(ROW);
3995      get.addColumn(FAMILY, null);
3996      Result r = table.get(get);
3997      assertEquals(1, r.size());
3999      get = new Get(ROW);
4000      get.addFamily(FAMILY);
4001      r = table.get(get);
4002      assertEquals(2, r.size());
4003    }
4004  }
4006  @Test
4007  public void testGet_NonExistentRow() throws IOException {
4008    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()), FAMILY)) {
4009      Put put = new Put(ROW);
4010      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
4011      table.put(put);
4012      LOG.info("Row put");
4014      Get get = new Get(ROW);
4015      get.addFamily(FAMILY);
4016      Result r = table.get(get);
4017      assertFalse(r.isEmpty());
4018      System.out.println("Row retrieved successfully");
4020      byte[] missingrow = Bytes.toBytes("missingrow");
4021      get = new Get(missingrow);
4022      get.addFamily(FAMILY);
4023      r = table.get(get);
4024      assertTrue(r.isEmpty());
4025      LOG.info("Row missing as it should be");
4026    }
4027  }
4029  @Test
4030  public void testPut() throws IOException {
4031    final byte [] CONTENTS_FAMILY = Bytes.toBytes("contents");
4032    final byte [] SMALL_FAMILY = Bytes.toBytes("smallfam");
4033    final byte [] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
4034    final byte [] row2 = Bytes.toBytes("row2");
4035    final byte [] value = Bytes.toBytes("abcd");
4036    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()),
4037        new byte[][] { CONTENTS_FAMILY, SMALL_FAMILY })) {
4038      Put put = new Put(row1);
4039      put.addColumn(CONTENTS_FAMILY, null, value);
4040      table.put(put);
4042      put = new Put(row2);
4043      put.addColumn(CONTENTS_FAMILY, null, value);
4045      assertEquals(1, put.size());
4046      assertEquals(1, put.getFamilyCellMap().get(CONTENTS_FAMILY).size());
4048      // KeyValue v1 expectation.  Cast for now until we go all Cell all the time. TODO
4049      KeyValue kv = (KeyValue) put.getFamilyCellMap().get(CONTENTS_FAMILY).get(0);
4051      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneFamily(kv), CONTENTS_FAMILY));
4052      // will it return null or an empty byte array?
4053      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(kv), new byte[0]));
4055      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneValue(kv), value));
4057      table.put(put);
4059      Scan scan = new Scan();
4060      scan.addColumn(CONTENTS_FAMILY, null);
4061      try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan)) {
4062        for (Result r : scanner) {
4063          for (Cell key : r.rawCells()) {
4064            System.out.println(Bytes.toString(r.getRow()) + ": " + key.toString());
4065          }
4066        }
4067      }
4068    }
4069  }
4071  @Test
4072  public void testPutNoCF() throws IOException {
4073    final byte[] BAD_FAM = Bytes.toBytes("BAD_CF");
4074    final byte[] VAL = Bytes.toBytes(100);
4075    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()), FAMILY)) {
4076      boolean caughtNSCFE = false;
4078      try {
4079        Put p = new Put(ROW);
4080        p.addColumn(BAD_FAM, QUALIFIER, VAL);
4081        table.put(p);
4082      } catch (Exception e) {
4083        caughtNSCFE = e instanceof NoSuchColumnFamilyException;
4084      }
4085      assertTrue("Should throw NoSuchColumnFamilyException", caughtNSCFE);
4086    }
4087  }
4089  @Test
4090  public void testRowsPut() throws IOException {
4091    final byte[] CONTENTS_FAMILY = Bytes.toBytes("contents");
4092    final byte[] SMALL_FAMILY = Bytes.toBytes("smallfam");
4093    final int NB_BATCH_ROWS = 10;
4094    final byte[] value = Bytes.toBytes("abcd");
4095    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()),
4096      new byte[][] {CONTENTS_FAMILY, SMALL_FAMILY })) {
4097      ArrayList<Put> rowsUpdate = new ArrayList<Put>();
4098      for (int i = 0; i < NB_BATCH_ROWS; i++) {
4099        byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("row" + i);
4100        Put put = new Put(row);
4101        put.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
4102        put.addColumn(CONTENTS_FAMILY, null, value);
4103        rowsUpdate.add(put);
4104      }
4105      table.put(rowsUpdate);
4106      Scan scan = new Scan();
4107      scan.addFamily(CONTENTS_FAMILY);
4108      try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan)) {
4109        int nbRows = 0;
4110        for (@SuppressWarnings("unused")
4111                Result row : scanner) {
4112          nbRows++;
4113        }
4114        assertEquals(NB_BATCH_ROWS, nbRows);
4115      }
4116    }
4117  }
4119  @Test
4120  public void testRowsPutBufferedManyManyFlushes() throws IOException {
4121    final byte[] CONTENTS_FAMILY = Bytes.toBytes("contents");
4122    final byte[] SMALL_FAMILY = Bytes.toBytes("smallfam");
4123    final byte[] value = Bytes.toBytes("abcd");
4124    final int NB_BATCH_ROWS = 10;
4125    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()),
4126        new byte[][] { CONTENTS_FAMILY, SMALL_FAMILY })) {
4127      ArrayList<Put> rowsUpdate = new ArrayList<Put>();
4128      for (int i = 0; i < NB_BATCH_ROWS * 10; i++) {
4129        byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("row" + i);
4130        Put put = new Put(row);
4131        put.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
4132        put.addColumn(CONTENTS_FAMILY, null, value);
4133        rowsUpdate.add(put);
4134      }
4135      table.put(rowsUpdate);
4137      Scan scan = new Scan();
4138      scan.addFamily(CONTENTS_FAMILY);
4139      try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan)) {
4140        int nbRows = 0;
4141        for (@SuppressWarnings("unused")
4142                Result row : scanner) {
4143          nbRows++;
4144        }
4145        assertEquals(NB_BATCH_ROWS * 10, nbRows);
4146      }
4147    }
4148  }
4150  @Test
4151  public void testAddKeyValue() throws IOException {
4152    final byte[] CONTENTS_FAMILY = Bytes.toBytes("contents");
4153    final byte[] value = Bytes.toBytes("abcd");
4154    final byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
4155    final byte[] row2 = Bytes.toBytes("row2");
4156    byte[] qualifier = Bytes.toBytes("qf1");
4157    Put put = new Put(row1);
4159    // Adding KeyValue with the same row
4160    KeyValue kv = new KeyValue(row1, CONTENTS_FAMILY, qualifier, value);
4161    boolean ok = true;
4162    try {
4163      put.add(kv);
4164    } catch (IOException e) {
4165      ok = false;
4166    }
4167    assertEquals(true, ok);
4169    // Adding KeyValue with the different row
4170    kv = new KeyValue(row2, CONTENTS_FAMILY, qualifier, value);
4171    ok = false;
4172    try {
4173      put.add(kv);
4174    } catch (IOException e) {
4175      ok = true;
4176    }
4177    assertEquals(true, ok);
4178  }
4180  /**
4181   * test for HBASE-737
4182   */
4183  @Test
4184  public void testHBase737 () throws IOException {
4185    final byte [] FAM1 = Bytes.toBytes("fam1");
4186    final byte [] FAM2 = Bytes.toBytes("fam2");
4187    // Open table
4188    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()),
4189      new byte [][] {FAM1, FAM2})) {
4190      // Insert some values
4191      Put put = new Put(ROW);
4192      put.addColumn(FAM1, Bytes.toBytes("letters"), Bytes.toBytes("abcdefg"));
4193      table.put(put);
4194      try {
4195        Thread.sleep(1000);
4196      } catch (InterruptedException i) {
4197        //ignore
4198      }
4200      put = new Put(ROW);
4201      put.addColumn(FAM1, Bytes.toBytes("numbers"), Bytes.toBytes("123456"));
4202      table.put(put);
4204      try {
4205        Thread.sleep(1000);
4206      } catch (InterruptedException i) {
4207        //ignore
4208      }
4210      put = new Put(ROW);
4211      put.addColumn(FAM2, Bytes.toBytes("letters"), Bytes.toBytes("hijklmnop"));
4212      table.put(put);
4214      long[] times = new long[3];
4216      // First scan the memstore
4218      Scan scan = new Scan();
4219      scan.addFamily(FAM1);
4220      scan.addFamily(FAM2);
4221      try (ResultScanner s = table.getScanner(scan)) {
4222        int index = 0;
4223        Result r = null;
4224        while ((r = s.next()) != null) {
4225          for (Cell key : r.rawCells()) {
4226            times[index++] = key.getTimestamp();
4227          }
4228        }
4229      }
4230      for (int i = 0; i < times.length - 1; i++) {
4231        for (int j = i + 1; j < times.length; j++) {
4232          assertTrue(times[j] > times[i]);
4233        }
4234      }
4236      // Flush data to disk and try again
4237      TEST_UTIL.flush();
4239      // Reset times
4240      for (int i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {
4241        times[i] = 0;
4242      }
4244      try {
4245        Thread.sleep(1000);
4246      } catch (InterruptedException i) {
4247        //ignore
4248      }
4249      scan = new Scan();
4250      scan.addFamily(FAM1);
4251      scan.addFamily(FAM2);
4252      try (ResultScanner s = table.getScanner(scan)) {
4253        int index = 0;
4254        Result r = null;
4255        while ((r = s.next()) != null) {
4256          for (Cell key : r.rawCells()) {
4257            times[index++] = key.getTimestamp();
4258          }
4259        }
4260        for (int i = 0; i < times.length - 1; i++) {
4261          for (int j = i + 1; j < times.length; j++) {
4262            assertTrue(times[j] > times[i]);
4263          }
4264        }
4265      }
4266    }
4267  }
4269  @Test
4270  public void testListTables() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
4271    final TableName tableName1 = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName() + "1");
4272    final TableName tableName2 = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName() + "2");
4273    final TableName tableName3 = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName() + "3");
4274    TableName [] tables = new TableName[] { tableName1, tableName2, tableName3 };
4275    for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {
4276      TEST_UTIL.createTable(tables[i], FAMILY);
4277    }
4278    try (Admin admin = TEST_UTIL.getAdmin()) {
4279      List<TableDescriptor> ts = admin.listTableDescriptors();
4280      HashSet<TableDescriptor> result = new HashSet<>(ts);
4281      int size = result.size();
4282      assertTrue(size >= tables.length);
4283      for (int i = 0; i < tables.length && i < size; i++) {
4284        boolean found = false;
4285        for (int j = 0; j < ts.size(); j++) {
4286          if (ts.get(j).getTableName().equals(tables[i])) {
4287            found = true;
4288            break;
4289          }
4290        }
4291        assertTrue("Not found: " + tables[i], found);
4292      }
4293    }
4294  }
4296  /**
4297   * simple test that just executes parts of the client
4298   * API that accept a pre-created Connection instance
4299   */
4300  @Test
4301  public void testUnmanagedHConnection() throws IOException {
4302    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
4303    TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY);
4304    try (Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration());
4305        Table t = conn.getTable(tableName);
4306        Admin admin = conn.getAdmin()) {
4307      assertTrue(admin.tableExists(tableName));
4308      assertTrue(t.get(new Get(ROW)).isEmpty());
4309    }
4310  }
4312  /**
4313   * test of that unmanaged HConnections are able to reconnect
4314   * properly (see HBASE-5058)
4315   */
4316  @Test
4317  public void testUnmanagedHConnectionReconnect() throws Exception {
4318    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
4319    TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY);
4320    try (Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration())) {
4321      try (Table t = conn.getTable(tableName);
4322           Admin admin = conn.getAdmin()) {
4323        assertTrue(admin.tableExists(tableName));
4324        assertTrue(t.get(new Get(ROW)).isEmpty());
4325      }
4327      // stop the master
4328      MiniHBaseCluster cluster = TEST_UTIL.getHBaseCluster();
4329      cluster.stopMaster(0, false);
4330      cluster.waitOnMaster(0);
4332      // start up a new master
4333      cluster.startMaster();
4334      assertTrue(cluster.waitForActiveAndReadyMaster());
4336      // test that the same unmanaged connection works with a new
4337      // Admin and can connect to the new master;
4338      boolean tablesOnMaster = LoadBalancer.isTablesOnMaster(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration());
4339      try (Admin admin = conn.getAdmin()) {
4340        assertTrue(admin.tableExists(tableName));
4341        assertTrue(admin.getClusterMetrics(EnumSet.of(Option.LIVE_SERVERS))
4342                .getLiveServerMetrics().size() == SLAVES + (tablesOnMaster ? 1 : 0));
4343      }
4344    }
4345  }
4347  @Test
4348  public void testMiscHTableStuff() throws IOException {
4349    final TableName tableAname = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName() + "A");
4350    final TableName tableBname = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName() + "B");
4351    final byte[] attrName = Bytes.toBytes("TESTATTR");
4352    final byte[] attrValue = Bytes.toBytes("somevalue");
4353    byte[] value = Bytes.toBytes("value");
4355    try (Table a = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableAname, HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY);
4356        Table b = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableBname, HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY)) {
4357      Put put = new Put(ROW);
4358      put.addColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null, value);
4359      a.put(put);
4361      // open a new connection to A and a connection to b
4362      try (Table newA = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getTable(tableAname)) {
4364        // copy data from A to B
4365        Scan scan = new Scan();
4366        scan.addFamily(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY);
4367        try (ResultScanner s = newA.getScanner(scan)) {
4368          for (Result r : s) {
4369            put = new Put(r.getRow());
4370            put.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
4371            for (Cell kv : r.rawCells()) {
4372              put.add(kv);
4373            }
4374            b.put(put);
4375          }
4376        }
4377      }
4379      // Opening a new connection to A will cause the tables to be reloaded
4380      try (Table anotherA = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getTable(tableAname)) {
4381        Get get = new Get(ROW);
4382        get.addFamily(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY);
4383        anotherA.get(get);
4384      }
4386      // We can still access A through newA because it has the table information
4387      // cached. And if it needs to recalibrate, that will cause the information
4388      // to be reloaded.
4390      // Test user metadata
4391      try (Admin admin = TEST_UTIL.getAdmin()) {
4392        // make a modifiable descriptor
4393        HTableDescriptor desc = new HTableDescriptor(a.getTableDescriptor());
4394        // offline the table
4395        admin.disableTable(tableAname);
4396        // add a user attribute to HTD
4397        desc.setValue(attrName, attrValue);
4398        // add a user attribute to HCD
4399        for (HColumnDescriptor c : desc.getFamilies()) {
4400          c.setValue(attrName, attrValue);
4401        }
4402        // update metadata for all regions of this table
4403        admin.modifyTable(desc);
4404        // enable the table
4405        admin.enableTable(tableAname);
4406      }
4408      // Test that attribute changes were applied
4409      HTableDescriptor desc = a.getTableDescriptor();
4410      assertEquals("wrong table descriptor returned", desc.getTableName(), tableAname);
4411      // check HTD attribute
4412      value = desc.getValue(attrName);
4413      assertFalse("missing HTD attribute value", value == null);
4414      assertFalse("HTD attribute value is incorrect",
4415              Bytes.compareTo(value, attrValue) != 0);
4416      // check HCD attribute
4417      for (HColumnDescriptor c : desc.getFamilies()) {
4418        value = c.getValue(attrName);
4419        assertFalse("missing HCD attribute value", value == null);
4420        assertFalse("HCD attribute value is incorrect",
4421                Bytes.compareTo(value, attrValue) != 0);
4422      }
4423    }
4424  }
4426  @Test
4427  public void testGetClosestRowBefore() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
4428    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
4429    final byte[] firstRow = Bytes.toBytes("row111");
4430    final byte[] secondRow = Bytes.toBytes("row222");
4431    final byte[] thirdRow = Bytes.toBytes("row333");
4432    final byte[] forthRow = Bytes.toBytes("row444");
4433    final byte[] beforeFirstRow = Bytes.toBytes("row");
4434    final byte[] beforeSecondRow = Bytes.toBytes("row22");
4435    final byte[] beforeThirdRow = Bytes.toBytes("row33");
4436    final byte[] beforeForthRow = Bytes.toBytes("row44");
4438    try (Table table =
4439        TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName,
4440          new byte[][] { HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, Bytes.toBytes("info2") }, 1, 1024);
4441      RegionLocator locator = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getRegionLocator(tableName)) {
4443      // set block size to 64 to making 2 kvs into one block, bypassing the walkForwardInSingleRow
4444      // in Store.rowAtOrBeforeFromStoreFile
4445      String regionName = locator.getAllRegionLocations().get(0).getRegionInfo().getEncodedName();
4446      HRegion region = TEST_UTIL.getRSForFirstRegionInTable(tableName).getRegion(regionName);
4447      Put put1 = new Put(firstRow);
4448      Put put2 = new Put(secondRow);
4449      Put put3 = new Put(thirdRow);
4450      Put put4 = new Put(forthRow);
4451      byte[] one = new byte[] { 1 };
4452      byte[] two = new byte[] { 2 };
4453      byte[] three = new byte[] { 3 };
4454      byte[] four = new byte[] { 4 };
4456      put1.addColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null, one);
4457      put2.addColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null, two);
4458      put3.addColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null, three);
4459      put4.addColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null, four);
4460      table.put(put1);
4461      table.put(put2);
4462      table.put(put3);
4463      table.put(put4);
4464      region.flush(true);
4466      Result result;
4468      // Test before first that null is returned
4469      result = getReverseScanResult(table, beforeFirstRow,
4470        HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY);
4471      assertNull(result);
4473      // Test at first that first is returned
4474      result = getReverseScanResult(table, firstRow, HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY);
4475      assertTrue(result.containsColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null));
4476      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(result.getRow(), firstRow));
4477      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(result.getValue(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null), one));
4479      // Test in between first and second that first is returned
4480      result = getReverseScanResult(table, beforeSecondRow, HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY);
4481      assertTrue(result.containsColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null));
4482      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(result.getRow(), firstRow));
4483      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(result.getValue(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null), one));
4485      // Test at second make sure second is returned
4486      result = getReverseScanResult(table, secondRow, HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY);
4487      assertTrue(result.containsColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null));
4488      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(result.getRow(), secondRow));
4489      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(result.getValue(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null), two));
4491      // Test in second and third, make sure second is returned
4492      result = getReverseScanResult(table, beforeThirdRow, HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY);
4493      assertTrue(result.containsColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null));
4494      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(result.getRow(), secondRow));
4495      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(result.getValue(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null), two));
4497      // Test at third make sure third is returned
4498      result = getReverseScanResult(table, thirdRow, HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY);
4499      assertTrue(result.containsColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null));
4500      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(result.getRow(), thirdRow));
4501      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(result.getValue(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null), three));
4503      // Test in third and forth, make sure third is returned
4504      result = getReverseScanResult(table, beforeForthRow, HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY);
4505      assertTrue(result.containsColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null));
4506      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(result.getRow(), thirdRow));
4507      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(result.getValue(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null), three));
4509      // Test at forth make sure forth is returned
4510      result = getReverseScanResult(table, forthRow, HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY);
4511      assertTrue(result.containsColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null));
4512      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(result.getRow(), forthRow));
4513      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(result.getValue(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null), four));
4515      // Test after forth make sure forth is returned
4516      result = getReverseScanResult(table, Bytes.add(forthRow, one), HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY);
4517      assertTrue(result.containsColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null));
4518      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(result.getRow(), forthRow));
4519      assertTrue(Bytes.equals(result.getValue(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, null), four));
4520    }
4521  }
4523  private Result getReverseScanResult(Table table, byte[] row, byte[] fam) throws IOException {
4524    Scan scan = new Scan(row);
4525    scan.setSmall(true);
4526    scan.setReversed(true);
4527    scan.setCaching(1);
4528    scan.addFamily(fam);
4529    try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan)) {
4530      return scanner.next();
4531    }
4532  }
4534  /**
4535   * For HBASE-2156
4536   */
4537  @Test
4538  public void testScanVariableReuse() throws Exception {
4539    Scan scan = new Scan();
4540    scan.addFamily(FAMILY);
4541    scan.addColumn(FAMILY, ROW);
4543    assertTrue(scan.getFamilyMap().get(FAMILY).size() == 1);
4545    scan = new Scan();
4546    scan.addFamily(FAMILY);
4548    assertTrue(scan.getFamilyMap().get(FAMILY) == null);
4549    assertTrue(scan.getFamilyMap().containsKey(FAMILY));
4550  }
4552  @Test
4553  public void testMultiRowMutation() throws Exception {
4554    LOG.info("Starting testMultiRowMutation");
4555    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
4556    final byte [] ROW1 = Bytes.toBytes("testRow1");
4558    try (Table t = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
4559      Put p = new Put(ROW);
4560      p.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
4561      MutationProto m1 = ProtobufUtil.toMutation(MutationType.PUT, p);
4563      p = new Put(ROW1);
4564      p.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
4565      MutationProto m2 = ProtobufUtil.toMutation(MutationType.PUT, p);
4567      MutateRowsRequest.Builder mrmBuilder = MutateRowsRequest.newBuilder();
4568      mrmBuilder.addMutationRequest(m1);
4569      mrmBuilder.addMutationRequest(m2);
4570      MutateRowsRequest mrm = mrmBuilder.build();
4571      CoprocessorRpcChannel channel = t.coprocessorService(ROW);
4572      MultiRowMutationService.BlockingInterface service =
4573              MultiRowMutationService.newBlockingStub(channel);
4574      service.mutateRows(null, mrm);
4575      Get g = new Get(ROW);
4576      Result r = t.get(g);
4577      assertEquals(0, Bytes.compareTo(VALUE, r.getValue(FAMILY, QUALIFIER)));
4578      g = new Get(ROW1);
4579      r = t.get(g);
4580      assertEquals(0, Bytes.compareTo(VALUE, r.getValue(FAMILY, QUALIFIER)));
4581    }
4582  }
4584  @Test
4585  public void testRowMutation() throws Exception {
4586    LOG.info("Starting testRowMutation");
4587    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
4588    try (Table t = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
4589      byte[][] QUALIFIERS = new byte[][]{
4590              Bytes.toBytes("a"), Bytes.toBytes("b")
4591      };
4592      RowMutations arm = new RowMutations(ROW);
4593      Put p = new Put(ROW);
4594      p.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[0], VALUE);
4595      arm.add(p);
4596      t.mutateRow(arm);
4598      Get g = new Get(ROW);
4599      Result r = t.get(g);
4600      assertEquals(0, Bytes.compareTo(VALUE, r.getValue(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[0])));
4602      arm = new RowMutations(ROW);
4603      p = new Put(ROW);
4604      p.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[1], VALUE);
4605      arm.add(p);
4606      Delete d = new Delete(ROW);
4607      d.addColumns(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[0]);
4608      arm.add(d);
4609      // TODO: Trying mutateRow again.  The batch was failing with a one try only.
4610      t.mutateRow(arm);
4611      r = t.get(g);
4612      assertEquals(0, Bytes.compareTo(VALUE, r.getValue(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[1])));
4613      assertNull(r.getValue(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[0]));
4615      //Test that we get a region level exception
4616      try {
4617        arm = new RowMutations(ROW);
4618        p = new Put(ROW);
4619        p.addColumn(new byte[]{'b', 'o', 'g', 'u', 's'}, QUALIFIERS[0], VALUE);
4620        arm.add(p);
4621        t.mutateRow(arm);
4622        fail("Expected NoSuchColumnFamilyException");
4623      } catch (RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException e) {
4624        for (Throwable rootCause : e.getCauses()) {
4625          if (rootCause instanceof NoSuchColumnFamilyException) {
4626            return;
4627          }
4628        }
4629        throw e;
4630      }
4631    }
4632  }
4634  @Test
4635  public void testBatchAppendWithReturnResultFalse() throws Exception {
4636    LOG.info("Starting testBatchAppendWithReturnResultFalse");
4637    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
4638    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
4639      Append append1 = new Append(Bytes.toBytes("row1"));
4640      append1.setReturnResults(false);
4641      append1.addColumn(FAMILY, Bytes.toBytes("f1"), Bytes.toBytes("value1"));
4642      Append append2 = new Append(Bytes.toBytes("row1"));
4643      append2.setReturnResults(false);
4644      append2.addColumn(FAMILY, Bytes.toBytes("f1"), Bytes.toBytes("value2"));
4645      List<Append> appends = new ArrayList<>();
4646      appends.add(append1);
4647      appends.add(append2);
4648      Object[] results = new Object[2];
4649      table.batch(appends, results);
4650      assertTrue(results.length == 2);
4651      for (Object r : results) {
4652        Result result = (Result) r;
4653        assertTrue(result.isEmpty());
4654      }
4655    }
4656  }
4658  @Test
4659  public void testAppend() throws Exception {
4660    LOG.info("Starting testAppend");
4661    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
4662    try (Table t = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
4663      byte[] v1 = Bytes.toBytes("42");
4664      byte[] v2 = Bytes.toBytes("23");
4665      byte[][] QUALIFIERS = new byte[][]{
4666              Bytes.toBytes("b"), Bytes.toBytes("a"), Bytes.toBytes("c")
4667      };
4668      Append a = new Append(ROW);
4669      a.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[0], v1);
4670      a.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[1], v2);
4671      a.setReturnResults(false);
4672      assertEmptyResult(t.append(a));
4674      a = new Append(ROW);
4675      a.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[0], v2);
4676      a.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[1], v1);
4677      a.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[2], v2);
4678      Result r = t.append(a);
4679      assertEquals(0, Bytes.compareTo(Bytes.add(v1, v2), r.getValue(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[0])));
4680      assertEquals(0, Bytes.compareTo(Bytes.add(v2, v1), r.getValue(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[1])));
4681      // QUALIFIERS[2] previously not exist, verify both value and timestamp are correct
4682      assertEquals(0, Bytes.compareTo(v2, r.getValue(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[2])));
4683      assertEquals(r.getColumnLatestCell(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[0]).getTimestamp(),
4684              r.getColumnLatestCell(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[2]).getTimestamp());
4685    }
4686  }
4687  private List<Result> doAppend(final boolean walUsed) throws IOException {
4688    LOG.info("Starting testAppend, walUsed is " + walUsed);
4689    final TableName TABLENAME =
4690            TableName.valueOf(walUsed ? "testAppendWithWAL" : "testAppendWithoutWAL");
4691    try (Table t = TEST_UTIL.createTable(TABLENAME, FAMILY)) {
4692      final byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("c");
4693      final byte[] row2 = Bytes.toBytes("b");
4694      final byte[] row3 = Bytes.toBytes("a");
4695      final byte[] qual = Bytes.toBytes("qual");
4696      Put put_0 = new Put(row2);
4697      put_0.addColumn(FAMILY, qual, Bytes.toBytes("put"));
4698      Put put_1 = new Put(row3);
4699      put_1.addColumn(FAMILY, qual, Bytes.toBytes("put"));
4700      Append append_0 = new Append(row1);
4701      append_0.addColumn(FAMILY, qual, Bytes.toBytes("i"));
4702      Append append_1 = new Append(row1);
4703      append_1.addColumn(FAMILY, qual, Bytes.toBytes("k"));
4704      Append append_2 = new Append(row1);
4705      append_2.addColumn(FAMILY, qual, Bytes.toBytes("e"));
4706      if (!walUsed) {
4707        append_2.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL);
4708      }
4709      Append append_3 = new Append(row1);
4710      append_3.addColumn(FAMILY, qual, Bytes.toBytes("a"));
4711      Scan s = new Scan();
4712      s.setCaching(1);
4713      t.append(append_0);
4714      t.put(put_0);
4715      t.put(put_1);
4716      List<Result> results = new LinkedList<>();
4717      try (ResultScanner scanner = t.getScanner(s)) {
4718        t.append(append_1);
4719        t.append(append_2);
4720        t.append(append_3);
4721        for (Result r : scanner) {
4722          results.add(r);
4723        }
4724      }
4725      TEST_UTIL.deleteTable(TABLENAME);
4726      return results;
4727    }
4728  }
4730  @Test
4731  public void testAppendWithoutWAL() throws Exception {
4732    List<Result> resultsWithWal = doAppend(true);
4733    List<Result> resultsWithoutWal = doAppend(false);
4734    assertEquals(resultsWithWal.size(), resultsWithoutWal.size());
4735    for (int i = 0; i != resultsWithWal.size(); ++i) {
4736      Result resultWithWal = resultsWithWal.get(i);
4737      Result resultWithoutWal = resultsWithoutWal.get(i);
4738      assertEquals(resultWithWal.rawCells().length, resultWithoutWal.rawCells().length);
4739      for (int j = 0; j != resultWithWal.rawCells().length; ++j) {
4740        Cell cellWithWal = resultWithWal.rawCells()[j];
4741        Cell cellWithoutWal = resultWithoutWal.rawCells()[j];
4742        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneRow(cellWithWal),
4743                CellUtil.cloneRow(cellWithoutWal)));
4744        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneFamily(cellWithWal),
4745                CellUtil.cloneFamily(cellWithoutWal)));
4746        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(cellWithWal),
4747                CellUtil.cloneQualifier(cellWithoutWal)));
4748        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneValue(cellWithWal),
4749                CellUtil.cloneValue(cellWithoutWal)));
4750      }
4751    }
4752  }
4754  @Test
4755  public void testClientPoolRoundRobin() throws IOException {
4756    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
4758    int poolSize = 3;
4759    int numVersions = poolSize * 2;
4760    Configuration conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
4761    conf.set(HConstants.HBASE_CLIENT_IPC_POOL_TYPE, "round-robin");
4762    conf.setInt(HConstants.HBASE_CLIENT_IPC_POOL_SIZE, poolSize);
4764    try (Table table =
4765                 TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, new byte[][] { FAMILY }, Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
4767      final long ts = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
4768      Get get = new Get(ROW);
4769      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
4770      get.setMaxVersions();
4772      for (int versions = 1; versions <= numVersions; versions++) {
4773        Put put = new Put(ROW);
4774        put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, ts + versions, VALUE);
4775        table.put(put);
4777        Result result = table.get(get);
4778        NavigableMap<Long, byte[]> navigableMap = result.getMap().get(FAMILY)
4779                .get(QUALIFIER);
4781        assertEquals("The number of versions of '" + Bytes.toString(FAMILY) + ":"
4782                + Bytes.toString(QUALIFIER) + " did not match", versions, navigableMap.size());
4783        for (Map.Entry<Long, byte[]> entry : navigableMap.entrySet()) {
4784          assertTrue("The value at time " + entry.getKey()
4785                          + " did not match what was put",
4786                  Bytes.equals(VALUE, entry.getValue()));
4787        }
4788      }
4789    }
4790  }
4792  @Ignore ("Flakey: HBASE-8989") @Test
4793  public void testClientPoolThreadLocal() throws IOException {
4794    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
4796    int poolSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
4797    int numVersions = 3;
4798    Configuration conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
4799    conf.set(HConstants.HBASE_CLIENT_IPC_POOL_TYPE, "thread-local");
4800    conf.setInt(HConstants.HBASE_CLIENT_IPC_POOL_SIZE, poolSize);
4802    try (final Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, new byte[][] { FAMILY },  3)) {
4804      final long ts = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
4805      final Get get = new Get(ROW);
4806      get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
4807      get.setMaxVersions();
4809      for (int versions = 1; versions <= numVersions; versions++) {
4810        Put put = new Put(ROW);
4811        put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, ts + versions, VALUE);
4812        table.put(put);
4814        Result result = table.get(get);
4815        NavigableMap<Long, byte[]> navigableMap = result.getMap().get(FAMILY)
4816                .get(QUALIFIER);
4818        assertEquals("The number of versions of '" + Bytes.toString(FAMILY) + ":"
4819                + Bytes.toString(QUALIFIER) + " did not match", versions, navigableMap.size());
4820        for (Map.Entry<Long, byte[]> entry : navigableMap.entrySet()) {
4821          assertTrue("The value at time " + entry.getKey()
4822                          + " did not match what was put",
4823                  Bytes.equals(VALUE, entry.getValue()));
4824        }
4825      }
4827      final Object waitLock = new Object();
4828      ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numVersions);
4829      final AtomicReference<AssertionError> error = new AtomicReference<>(null);
4830      for (int versions = numVersions; versions < numVersions * 2; versions++) {
4831        final int versionsCopy = versions;
4832        executorService.submit(new Callable<Void>() {
4833          @Override
4834          public Void call() {
4835            try {
4836              Put put = new Put(ROW);
4837              put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, ts + versionsCopy, VALUE);
4838              table.put(put);
4840              Result result = table.get(get);
4841              NavigableMap<Long, byte[]> navigableMap = result.getMap()
4842                      .get(FAMILY).get(QUALIFIER);
4844              assertEquals("The number of versions of '" + Bytes.toString(FAMILY) + ":"
4845                      + Bytes.toString(QUALIFIER) + " did not match " + versionsCopy, versionsCopy,
4846                      navigableMap.size());
4847              for (Map.Entry<Long, byte[]> entry : navigableMap.entrySet()) {
4848                assertTrue("The value at time " + entry.getKey()
4849                                + " did not match what was put",
4850                        Bytes.equals(VALUE, entry.getValue()));
4851              }
4852              synchronized (waitLock) {
4853                waitLock.wait();
4854              }
4855            } catch (Exception e) {
4856            } catch (AssertionError e) {
4857              // the error happens in a thread, it won't fail the test,
4858              // need to pass it to the caller for proper handling.
4859              error.set(e);
4860              LOG.error(e.toString(), e);
4861            }
4863            return null;
4864          }
4865        });
4866      }
4867      synchronized (waitLock) {
4868        waitLock.notifyAll();
4869      }
4870      executorService.shutdownNow();
4871      assertNull(error.get());
4872    }
4873  }
4875  @Test
4876  public void testCheckAndPut() throws IOException {
4877    final byte [] anotherrow = Bytes.toBytes("anotherrow");
4878    final byte [] value2 = Bytes.toBytes("abcd");
4880    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()), FAMILY)) {
4881      Put put1 = new Put(ROW);
4882      put1.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
4884      // row doesn't exist, so using non-null value should be considered "not match".
4885      boolean ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
4886              .ifEquals(VALUE).thenPut(put1);
4887      assertFalse(ok);
4889      // row doesn't exist, so using "ifNotExists" should be considered "match".
4890      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER).ifNotExists().thenPut(put1);
4891      assertTrue(ok);
4893      // row now exists, so using "ifNotExists" should be considered "not match".
4894      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER).ifNotExists().thenPut(put1);
4895      assertFalse(ok);
4897      Put put2 = new Put(ROW);
4898      put2.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, value2);
4900      // row now exists, use the matching value to check
4901      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER).ifEquals(VALUE).thenPut(put2);
4902      assertTrue(ok);
4904      Put put3 = new Put(anotherrow);
4905      put3.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
4907      // try to do CheckAndPut on different rows
4908      try {
4909        table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER).ifEquals(value2).thenPut(put3);
4910        fail("trying to check and modify different rows should have failed.");
4911      } catch (Exception e) {
4912      }
4913    }
4914  }
4916  @Test
4917  public void testCheckAndMutateWithTimeRange() throws IOException {
4918    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()), FAMILY)) {
4919      final long ts = System.currentTimeMillis() / 2;
4920      Put put = new Put(ROW);
4921      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, ts, VALUE);
4923      boolean ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
4924              .ifNotExists()
4925              .thenPut(put);
4926      assertTrue(ok);
4928      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
4929              .timeRange(TimeRange.at(ts + 10000))
4930              .ifEquals(VALUE)
4931              .thenPut(put);
4932      assertFalse(ok);
4934      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
4935              .timeRange(TimeRange.from(ts + 10000))
4936              .ifEquals(VALUE)
4937              .thenPut(put);
4938      assertFalse(ok);
4940      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
4941              .timeRange(TimeRange.between(ts + 10000, ts + 20000))
4942              .ifEquals(VALUE)
4943              .thenPut(put);
4944      assertFalse(ok);
4946      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
4947              .timeRange(TimeRange.until(ts))
4948              .ifEquals(VALUE)
4949              .thenPut(put);
4950      assertFalse(ok);
4952      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
4953              .timeRange(TimeRange.at(ts))
4954              .ifEquals(VALUE)
4955              .thenPut(put);
4956      assertTrue(ok);
4958      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
4959              .timeRange(TimeRange.from(ts))
4960              .ifEquals(VALUE)
4961              .thenPut(put);
4962      assertTrue(ok);
4964      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
4965              .timeRange(TimeRange.between(ts, ts + 20000))
4966              .ifEquals(VALUE)
4967              .thenPut(put);
4968      assertTrue(ok);
4970      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
4971              .timeRange(TimeRange.until(ts + 10000))
4972              .ifEquals(VALUE)
4973              .thenPut(put);
4974      assertTrue(ok);
4976      RowMutations rm = new RowMutations(ROW)
4977              .add((Mutation) put);
4978      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
4979              .timeRange(TimeRange.at(ts + 10000))
4980              .ifEquals(VALUE)
4981              .thenMutate(rm);
4982      assertFalse(ok);
4984      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
4985              .timeRange(TimeRange.at(ts))
4986              .ifEquals(VALUE)
4987              .thenMutate(rm);
4988      assertTrue(ok);
4990      Delete delete = new Delete(ROW)
4991              .addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
4993      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
4994              .timeRange(TimeRange.at(ts + 10000))
4995              .ifEquals(VALUE)
4996              .thenDelete(delete);
4997      assertFalse(ok);
4999      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5000              .timeRange(TimeRange.at(ts))
5001              .ifEquals(VALUE)
5002              .thenDelete(delete);
5003      assertTrue(ok);
5004    }
5005  }
5007  @Test
5008  public void testCheckAndPutWithCompareOp() throws IOException {
5009    final byte [] value1 = Bytes.toBytes("aaaa");
5010    final byte [] value2 = Bytes.toBytes("bbbb");
5011    final byte [] value3 = Bytes.toBytes("cccc");
5012    final byte [] value4 = Bytes.toBytes("dddd");
5014    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()), FAMILY)) {
5016      Put put2 = new Put(ROW);
5017      put2.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, value2);
5019      Put put3 = new Put(ROW);
5020      put3.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, value3);
5022      // row doesn't exist, so using "ifNotExists" should be considered "match".
5023      boolean ok =
5024              table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER).ifNotExists().thenPut(put2);
5025      assertTrue(ok);
5027      // cell = "bbbb", using "aaaa" to compare only LESS/LESS_OR_EQUAL/NOT_EQUAL
5028      // turns out "match"
5029      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5030              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.GREATER, value1).thenPut(put2);
5031      assertFalse(ok);
5032      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5033              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.EQUAL, value1).thenPut(put2);
5034      assertFalse(ok);
5035      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5036              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL, value1).thenPut(put2);
5037      assertFalse(ok);
5038      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5039              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.LESS, value1).thenPut(put2);
5040      assertTrue(ok);
5041      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5042              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.LESS_OR_EQUAL, value1).thenPut(put2);
5043      assertTrue(ok);
5044      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5045              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.NOT_EQUAL, value1).thenPut(put3);
5046      assertTrue(ok);
5048      // cell = "cccc", using "dddd" to compare only LARGER/LARGER_OR_EQUAL/NOT_EQUAL
5049      // turns out "match"
5050      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5051              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.LESS, value4).thenPut(put3);
5052      assertFalse(ok);
5053      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5054              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.LESS_OR_EQUAL, value4).thenPut(put3);
5055      assertFalse(ok);
5056      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5057              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.EQUAL, value4).thenPut(put3);
5058      assertFalse(ok);
5059      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5060              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.GREATER, value4).thenPut(put3);
5061      assertTrue(ok);
5062      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5063              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL, value4).thenPut(put3);
5064      assertTrue(ok);
5065      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5066              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.NOT_EQUAL, value4).thenPut(put2);
5067      assertTrue(ok);
5069      // cell = "bbbb", using "bbbb" to compare only GREATER_OR_EQUAL/LESS_OR_EQUAL/EQUAL
5070      // turns out "match"
5071      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5072              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.GREATER, value2).thenPut(put2);
5073      assertFalse(ok);
5074      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5075              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.NOT_EQUAL, value2).thenPut(put2);
5076      assertFalse(ok);
5077      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5078              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.LESS, value2).thenPut(put2);
5079      assertFalse(ok);
5080      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5081              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL, value2).thenPut(put2);
5082      assertTrue(ok);
5083      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5084              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.LESS_OR_EQUAL, value2).thenPut(put2);
5085      assertTrue(ok);
5086      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5087              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.EQUAL, value2).thenPut(put3);
5088      assertTrue(ok);
5089    }
5090  }
5092  @Test
5093  public void testCheckAndDelete() throws IOException {
5094    final byte [] value1 = Bytes.toBytes("aaaa");
5096    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()),
5097        FAMILY)) {
5099      Put put = new Put(ROW);
5100      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, value1);
5101      table.put(put);
5103      Delete delete = new Delete(ROW);
5104      delete.addColumns(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
5106      boolean ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5107              .ifEquals(value1).thenDelete(delete);
5108      assertTrue(ok);
5109    }
5110  }
5112  @Test
5113  public void testCheckAndDeleteWithCompareOp() throws IOException {
5114    final byte [] value1 = Bytes.toBytes("aaaa");
5115    final byte [] value2 = Bytes.toBytes("bbbb");
5116    final byte [] value3 = Bytes.toBytes("cccc");
5117    final byte [] value4 = Bytes.toBytes("dddd");
5119    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()),
5120        FAMILY)) {
5122      Put put2 = new Put(ROW);
5123      put2.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, value2);
5124      table.put(put2);
5126      Put put3 = new Put(ROW);
5127      put3.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, value3);
5129      Delete delete = new Delete(ROW);
5130      delete.addColumns(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
5132      // cell = "bbbb", using "aaaa" to compare only LESS/LESS_OR_EQUAL/NOT_EQUAL
5133      // turns out "match"
5134      boolean ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5135              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.GREATER, value1).thenDelete(delete);
5136      assertFalse(ok);
5137      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5138              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.EQUAL, value1).thenDelete(delete);
5139      assertFalse(ok);
5140      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5141              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL, value1).thenDelete(delete);
5142      assertFalse(ok);
5143      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5144              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.LESS, value1).thenDelete(delete);
5145      assertTrue(ok);
5146      table.put(put2);
5147      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5148              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.LESS_OR_EQUAL, value1).thenDelete(delete);
5149      assertTrue(ok);
5150      table.put(put2);
5151      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5152              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.NOT_EQUAL, value1).thenDelete(delete);
5153      assertTrue(ok);
5155      // cell = "cccc", using "dddd" to compare only LARGER/LARGER_OR_EQUAL/NOT_EQUAL
5156      // turns out "match"
5157      table.put(put3);
5158      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5159              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.LESS, value4).thenDelete(delete);
5160      assertFalse(ok);
5161      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5162              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.LESS_OR_EQUAL, value4).thenDelete(delete);
5163      assertFalse(ok);
5164      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5165              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.EQUAL, value4).thenDelete(delete);
5166      assertFalse(ok);
5167      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5168              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.GREATER, value4).thenDelete(delete);
5169      assertTrue(ok);
5170      table.put(put3);
5171      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5172              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL, value4).thenDelete(delete);
5173      assertTrue(ok);
5174      table.put(put3);
5175      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5176              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.NOT_EQUAL, value4).thenDelete(delete);
5177      assertTrue(ok);
5179      // cell = "bbbb", using "bbbb" to compare only GREATER_OR_EQUAL/LESS_OR_EQUAL/EQUAL
5180      // turns out "match"
5181      table.put(put2);
5182      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5183              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.GREATER, value2).thenDelete(delete);
5184      assertFalse(ok);
5185      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5186              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.NOT_EQUAL, value2).thenDelete(delete);
5187      assertFalse(ok);
5188      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5189              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.LESS, value2).thenDelete(delete);
5190      assertFalse(ok);
5191      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5192              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL, value2).thenDelete(delete);
5193      assertTrue(ok);
5194      table.put(put2);
5195      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5196              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.LESS_OR_EQUAL, value2).thenDelete(delete);
5197      assertTrue(ok);
5198      table.put(put2);
5199      ok = table.checkAndMutate(ROW, FAMILY).qualifier(QUALIFIER)
5200              .ifMatches(CompareOperator.EQUAL, value2).thenDelete(delete);
5201      assertTrue(ok);
5202    }
5203  }
5205  /**
5206  * Test ScanMetrics
5207  */
5208  @Test
5209  @SuppressWarnings ("unused")
5210  public void testScanMetrics() throws Exception {
5211    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
5213    // Set up test table:
5214    // Create table:
5215    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createMultiRegionTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
5216      int numOfRegions = -1;
5217      try (RegionLocator r = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getRegionLocator(tableName)) {
5218        numOfRegions = r.getStartKeys().length;
5219      }
5220      // Create 3 rows in the table, with rowkeys starting with "zzz*" so that
5221      // scan are forced to hit all the regions.
5222      Put put1 = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("zzz1"));
5223      put1.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
5224      Put put2 = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("zzz2"));
5225      put2.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
5226      Put put3 = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("zzz3"));
5227      put3.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
5228      ht.put(Arrays.asList(put1, put2, put3));
5230      Scan scan1 = new Scan();
5231      int numRecords = 0;
5232      try (ResultScanner scanner = ht.getScanner(scan1)) {
5233        for (Result result : scanner) {
5234          numRecords++;
5235        }
5237        LOG.info("test data has " + numRecords + " records.");
5239        // by default, scan metrics collection is turned off
5240        assertEquals(null, scanner.getScanMetrics());
5241      }
5243      // turn on scan metrics
5244      Scan scan2 = new Scan();
5245      scan2.setScanMetricsEnabled(true);
5246      scan2.setCaching(numRecords + 1);
5247      try (ResultScanner scanner = ht.getScanner(scan2)) {
5248        for (Result result : scanner.next(numRecords - 1)) {
5249        }
5250      }
5251      // closing the scanner will set the metrics.
5252      assertNotNull(scan2.getScanMetrics());
5254      // set caching to 1, because metrics are collected in each roundtrip only
5255      scan2 = new Scan();
5256      scan2.setScanMetricsEnabled(true);
5257      scan2.setCaching(1);
5258      try (ResultScanner scanner = ht.getScanner(scan2)) {
5259        // per HBASE-5717, this should still collect even if you don't run all the way to
5260        // the end of the scanner. So this is asking for 2 of the 3 rows we inserted.
5261        for (Result result : scanner.next(numRecords - 1)) {
5262        }
5263      }
5264      ScanMetrics scanMetrics = scan2.getScanMetrics();
5265      assertEquals("Did not access all the regions in the table", numOfRegions,
5266              scanMetrics.countOfRegions.get());
5268      // check byte counters
5269      scan2 = new Scan();
5270      scan2.setScanMetricsEnabled(true);
5271      scan2.setCaching(1);
5272      try (ResultScanner scanner = ht.getScanner(scan2)) {
5273        int numBytes = 0;
5274        for (Result result : scanner.next(1)) {
5275          for (Cell cell : result.listCells()) {
5276            numBytes += PrivateCellUtil.estimatedSerializedSizeOf(cell);
5277          }
5278        }
5279        scanMetrics = scanner.getScanMetrics();
5280        assertEquals("Did not count the result bytes", numBytes,
5281                scanMetrics.countOfBytesInResults.get());
5282      }
5284      // check byte counters on a small scan
5285      scan2 = new Scan();
5286      scan2.setScanMetricsEnabled(true);
5287      scan2.setCaching(1);
5288      scan2.setSmall(true);
5289      try (ResultScanner scanner = ht.getScanner(scan2)) {
5290        int numBytes = 0;
5291        for (Result result : scanner.next(1)) {
5292          for (Cell cell : result.listCells()) {
5293            numBytes += PrivateCellUtil.estimatedSerializedSizeOf(cell);
5294          }
5295        }
5296        scanMetrics = scanner.getScanMetrics();
5297        assertEquals("Did not count the result bytes", numBytes,
5298                scanMetrics.countOfBytesInResults.get());
5299      }
5301      // now, test that the metrics are still collected even if you don't call close, but do
5302      // run past the end of all the records
5303      /** There seems to be a timing issue here.  Comment out for now. Fix when time.
5304       Scan scanWithoutClose = new Scan();
5305       scanWithoutClose.setCaching(1);
5306       scanWithoutClose.setScanMetricsEnabled(true);
5307       ResultScanner scannerWithoutClose = ht.getScanner(scanWithoutClose);
5308       for (Result result : scannerWithoutClose.next(numRecords + 1)) {
5309       }
5310       ScanMetrics scanMetricsWithoutClose = getScanMetrics(scanWithoutClose);
5311       assertEquals("Did not access all the regions in the table", numOfRegions,
5312       scanMetricsWithoutClose.countOfRegions.get());
5313       */
5315      // finally,
5316      // test that the metrics are collected correctly if you both run past all the records,
5317      // AND close the scanner
5318      Scan scanWithClose = new Scan();
5319      // make sure we can set caching up to the number of a scanned values
5320      scanWithClose.setCaching(numRecords);
5321      scanWithClose.setScanMetricsEnabled(true);
5322      try (ResultScanner scannerWithClose = ht.getScanner(scanWithClose)) {
5323        for (Result result : scannerWithClose.next(numRecords + 1)) {
5324        }
5325      }
5326      ScanMetrics scanMetricsWithClose = scanWithClose.getScanMetrics();
5327      assertEquals("Did not access all the regions in the table", numOfRegions,
5328              scanMetricsWithClose.countOfRegions.get());
5329    }
5330  }
5332  private ScanMetrics getScanMetrics(Scan scan) throws Exception {
5333    byte[] serializedMetrics = scan.getAttribute(Scan.SCAN_ATTRIBUTES_METRICS_DATA);
5334    assertTrue("Serialized metrics were not found.", serializedMetrics != null);
5336    ScanMetrics scanMetrics = ProtobufUtil.toScanMetrics(serializedMetrics);
5338    return scanMetrics;
5339  }
5341  /**
5342   * Tests that cache on write works all the way up from the client-side.
5343   *
5344   * Performs inserts, flushes, and compactions, verifying changes in the block
5345   * cache along the way.
5346   */
5347  @Test
5348  public void testCacheOnWriteEvictOnClose() throws Exception {
5349    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
5350    byte [] data = Bytes.toBytes("data");
5351    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
5352      try (RegionLocator locator = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getRegionLocator(tableName)) {
5353        // get the block cache and region
5354        String regionName = locator.getAllRegionLocations().get(0).getRegionInfo().getEncodedName();
5356        HRegion region = TEST_UTIL.getRSForFirstRegionInTable(tableName)
5357                .getRegion(regionName);
5358        HStore store = region.getStores().iterator().next();
5359        CacheConfig cacheConf = store.getCacheConfig();
5360        cacheConf.setCacheDataOnWrite(true);
5361        cacheConf.setEvictOnClose(true);
5362        BlockCache cache = cacheConf.getBlockCache();
5364        // establish baseline stats
5365        long startBlockCount = cache.getBlockCount();
5366        long startBlockHits = cache.getStats().getHitCount();
5367        long startBlockMiss = cache.getStats().getMissCount();
5369        // wait till baseline is stable, (minimal 500 ms)
5370        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
5371          Thread.sleep(100);
5372          if (startBlockCount != cache.getBlockCount()
5373                  || startBlockHits != cache.getStats().getHitCount()
5374                  || startBlockMiss != cache.getStats().getMissCount()) {
5375            startBlockCount = cache.getBlockCount();
5376            startBlockHits = cache.getStats().getHitCount();
5377            startBlockMiss = cache.getStats().getMissCount();
5378            i = -1;
5379          }
5380        }
5382        // insert data
5383        Put put = new Put(ROW);
5384        put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, data);
5385        table.put(put);
5386        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(table.get(new Get(ROW)).value(), data));
5387        // data was in memstore so don't expect any changes
5388        assertEquals(startBlockCount, cache.getBlockCount());
5389        assertEquals(startBlockHits, cache.getStats().getHitCount());
5390        assertEquals(startBlockMiss, cache.getStats().getMissCount());
5391        // flush the data
5392        System.out.println("Flushing cache");
5393        region.flush(true);
5394        // expect one more block in cache, no change in hits/misses
5395        long expectedBlockCount = startBlockCount + 1;
5396        long expectedBlockHits = startBlockHits;
5397        long expectedBlockMiss = startBlockMiss;
5398        assertEquals(expectedBlockCount, cache.getBlockCount());
5399        assertEquals(expectedBlockHits, cache.getStats().getHitCount());
5400        assertEquals(expectedBlockMiss, cache.getStats().getMissCount());
5401        // read the data and expect same blocks, one new hit, no misses
5402        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(table.get(new Get(ROW)).value(), data));
5403        assertEquals(expectedBlockCount, cache.getBlockCount());
5404        assertEquals(++expectedBlockHits, cache.getStats().getHitCount());
5405        assertEquals(expectedBlockMiss, cache.getStats().getMissCount());
5406        // insert a second column, read the row, no new blocks, one new hit
5407        byte[] QUALIFIER2 = Bytes.add(QUALIFIER, QUALIFIER);
5408        byte[] data2 = Bytes.add(data, data);
5409        put = new Put(ROW);
5410        put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER2, data2);
5411        table.put(put);
5412        Result r = table.get(new Get(ROW));
5413        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(r.getValue(FAMILY, QUALIFIER), data));
5414        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(r.getValue(FAMILY, QUALIFIER2), data2));
5415        assertEquals(expectedBlockCount, cache.getBlockCount());
5416        assertEquals(++expectedBlockHits, cache.getStats().getHitCount());
5417        assertEquals(expectedBlockMiss, cache.getStats().getMissCount());
5418        // flush, one new block
5419        System.out.println("Flushing cache");
5420        region.flush(true);
5421        assertEquals(++expectedBlockCount, cache.getBlockCount());
5422        assertEquals(expectedBlockHits, cache.getStats().getHitCount());
5423        assertEquals(expectedBlockMiss, cache.getStats().getMissCount());
5424        // compact, net minus two blocks, two hits, no misses
5425        System.out.println("Compacting");
5426        assertEquals(2, store.getStorefilesCount());
5427        store.triggerMajorCompaction();
5428        region.compact(true);
5429        store.closeAndArchiveCompactedFiles();
5430        waitForStoreFileCount(store, 1, 10000); // wait 10 seconds max
5431        assertEquals(1, store.getStorefilesCount());
5432        expectedBlockCount -= 2; // evicted two blocks, cached none
5433        assertEquals(expectedBlockCount, cache.getBlockCount());
5434        expectedBlockHits += 2;
5435        assertEquals(expectedBlockMiss, cache.getStats().getMissCount());
5436        assertEquals(expectedBlockHits, cache.getStats().getHitCount());
5437        // read the row, this should be a cache miss because we don't cache data
5438        // blocks on compaction
5439        r = table.get(new Get(ROW));
5440        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(r.getValue(FAMILY, QUALIFIER), data));
5441        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(r.getValue(FAMILY, QUALIFIER2), data2));
5442        expectedBlockCount += 1; // cached one data block
5443        assertEquals(expectedBlockCount, cache.getBlockCount());
5444        assertEquals(expectedBlockHits, cache.getStats().getHitCount());
5445        assertEquals(++expectedBlockMiss, cache.getStats().getMissCount());
5446      }
5447    }
5448  }
5450  private void waitForStoreFileCount(HStore store, int count, int timeout)
5451      throws InterruptedException {
5452    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
5453    while (start + timeout > System.currentTimeMillis() && store.getStorefilesCount() != count) {
5454      Thread.sleep(100);
5455    }
5456    System.out.println("start=" + start + ", now=" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ", cur=" +
5457        store.getStorefilesCount());
5458    assertEquals(count, store.getStorefilesCount());
5459  }
5461  @Test
5462  /**
5463   * Tests the non cached version of getRegionLocator by moving a region.
5464   */
5465  public void testNonCachedGetRegionLocation() throws Exception {
5466    // Test Initialization.
5467    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
5468    byte [] family1 = Bytes.toBytes("f1");
5469    byte [] family2 = Bytes.toBytes("f2");
5470    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, new byte[][] {family1, family2}, 10);
5471        Admin admin = TEST_UTIL.getAdmin();
5472        RegionLocator locator = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getRegionLocator(tableName)) {
5473      List<HRegionLocation> allRegionLocations = locator.getAllRegionLocations();
5474      assertEquals(1, allRegionLocations.size());
5475      HRegionInfo regionInfo = allRegionLocations.get(0).getRegionInfo();
5476      ServerName addrBefore = allRegionLocations.get(0).getServerName();
5477      // Verify region location before move.
5478      HRegionLocation addrCache = locator.getRegionLocation(regionInfo.getStartKey(), false);
5479      HRegionLocation addrNoCache = locator.getRegionLocation(regionInfo.getStartKey(),  true);
5481      assertEquals(addrBefore.getPort(), addrCache.getPort());
5482      assertEquals(addrBefore.getPort(), addrNoCache.getPort());
5484      ServerName addrAfter = null;
5485      // Now move the region to a different server.
5486      for (int i = 0; i < SLAVES; i++) {
5487        HRegionServer regionServer = TEST_UTIL.getHBaseCluster().getRegionServer(i);
5488        ServerName addr = regionServer.getServerName();
5489        if (addr.getPort() != addrBefore.getPort()) {
5490          admin.move(regionInfo.getEncodedNameAsBytes(),
5491              Bytes.toBytes(addr.toString()));
5492          // Wait for the region to move.
5493          Thread.sleep(5000);
5494          addrAfter = addr;
5495          break;
5496        }
5497      }
5499      // Verify the region was moved.
5500      addrCache = locator.getRegionLocation(regionInfo.getStartKey(), false);
5501      addrNoCache = locator.getRegionLocation(regionInfo.getStartKey(), true);
5502      assertNotNull(addrAfter);
5503      assertTrue(addrAfter.getPort() != addrCache.getPort());
5504      assertEquals(addrAfter.getPort(), addrNoCache.getPort());
5505    }
5506  }
5508  @Test
5509  /**
5510   * Tests getRegionsInRange by creating some regions over which a range of
5511   * keys spans; then changing the key range.
5512   */
5513  public void testGetRegionsInRange() throws Exception {
5514    // Test Initialization.
5515    byte [] startKey = Bytes.toBytes("ddc");
5516    byte [] endKey = Bytes.toBytes("mmm");
5517    TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
5518    TEST_UTIL.createMultiRegionTable(tableName, new byte[][] { FAMILY }, 10);
5520    int numOfRegions = -1;
5521    try (RegionLocator r = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getRegionLocator(tableName)) {
5522      numOfRegions = r.getStartKeys().length;
5523    }
5524    assertEquals(26, numOfRegions);
5526    // Get the regions in this range
5527    List<HRegionLocation> regionsList = getRegionsInRange(tableName, startKey, endKey);
5528    assertEquals(10, regionsList.size());
5530    // Change the start key
5531    startKey = Bytes.toBytes("fff");
5532    regionsList = getRegionsInRange(tableName, startKey, endKey);
5533    assertEquals(7, regionsList.size());
5535    // Change the end key
5536    endKey = Bytes.toBytes("nnn");
5537    regionsList = getRegionsInRange(tableName, startKey, endKey);
5538    assertEquals(8, regionsList.size());
5540    // Empty start key
5541    regionsList = getRegionsInRange(tableName, HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW, endKey);
5542    assertEquals(13, regionsList.size());
5544    // Empty end key
5545    regionsList = getRegionsInRange(tableName, startKey, HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW);
5546    assertEquals(21, regionsList.size());
5548    // Both start and end keys empty
5549    regionsList = getRegionsInRange(tableName, HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW,
5550        HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW);
5551    assertEquals(26, regionsList.size());
5553    // Change the end key to somewhere in the last block
5554    endKey = Bytes.toBytes("zzz1");
5555    regionsList = getRegionsInRange(tableName, startKey, endKey);
5556    assertEquals(21, regionsList.size());
5558    // Change the start key to somewhere in the first block
5559    startKey = Bytes.toBytes("aac");
5560    regionsList = getRegionsInRange(tableName, startKey, endKey);
5561    assertEquals(26, regionsList.size());
5563    // Make start and end key the same
5564    startKey = endKey = Bytes.toBytes("ccc");
5565    regionsList = getRegionsInRange(tableName, startKey, endKey);
5566    assertEquals(1, regionsList.size());
5567  }
5569  private List<HRegionLocation> getRegionsInRange(TableName tableName, byte[] startKey,
5570      byte[] endKey) throws IOException {
5571    List<HRegionLocation> regionsInRange = new ArrayList<>();
5572    byte[] currentKey = startKey;
5573    final boolean endKeyIsEndOfTable = Bytes.equals(endKey, HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW);
5574    try (RegionLocator r = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getRegionLocator(tableName)) {
5575      do {
5576        HRegionLocation regionLocation = r.getRegionLocation(currentKey);
5577        regionsInRange.add(regionLocation);
5578        currentKey = regionLocation.getRegionInfo().getEndKey();
5579      } while (!Bytes.equals(currentKey, HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW)
5580          && (endKeyIsEndOfTable || Bytes.compareTo(currentKey, endKey) < 0));
5581      return regionsInRange;
5582    }
5583  }
5585  @Test
5586  public void testJira6912() throws Exception {
5587    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
5588    try (Table foo = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, new byte[][] {FAMILY}, 10)) {
5590      List<Put> puts = new ArrayList<Put>();
5591      for (int i = 0; i != 100; i++) {
5592        Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(i));
5593        put.addColumn(FAMILY, FAMILY, Bytes.toBytes(i));
5594        puts.add(put);
5595      }
5596      foo.put(puts);
5597      // If i comment this out it works
5598      TEST_UTIL.flush();
5600      Scan scan = new Scan();
5601      scan.setStartRow(Bytes.toBytes(1));
5602      scan.setStopRow(Bytes.toBytes(3));
5603      scan.addColumn(FAMILY, FAMILY);
5604      scan.setFilter(new RowFilter(CompareOperator.NOT_EQUAL,
5605              new BinaryComparator(Bytes.toBytes(1))));
5607      try (ResultScanner scanner = foo.getScanner(scan)) {
5608        Result[] bar = scanner.next(100);
5609        assertEquals(1, bar.length);
5610      }
5611    }
5612  }
5614  @Test
5615  public void testScan_NullQualifier() throws IOException {
5616    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()), FAMILY)) {
5617      Put put = new Put(ROW);
5618      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
5619      table.put(put);
5621      put = new Put(ROW);
5622      put.addColumn(FAMILY, null, VALUE);
5623      table.put(put);
5624      LOG.info("Row put");
5626      Scan scan = new Scan();
5627      scan.addColumn(FAMILY, null);
5629      ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan);
5630      Result[] bar = scanner.next(100);
5631      assertEquals(1, bar.length);
5632      assertEquals(1, bar[0].size());
5634      scan = new Scan();
5635      scan.addFamily(FAMILY);
5637      scanner = table.getScanner(scan);
5638      bar = scanner.next(100);
5639      assertEquals(1, bar.length);
5640      assertEquals(2, bar[0].size());
5641    }
5642  }
5644  @Test
5645  public void testNegativeTimestamp() throws IOException {
5646    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()), FAMILY)) {
5648      try {
5649        Put put = new Put(ROW, -1);
5650        put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
5651        table.put(put);
5652        fail("Negative timestamps should not have been allowed");
5653      } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
5654        assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("negative"));
5655      }
5657      try {
5658        Put put = new Put(ROW);
5659        long ts = -1;
5660        put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, ts, VALUE);
5661        table.put(put);
5662        fail("Negative timestamps should not have been allowed");
5663      } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
5664        assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("negative"));
5665      }
5667      try {
5668        Delete delete = new Delete(ROW, -1);
5669        table.delete(delete);
5670        fail("Negative timestamps should not have been allowed");
5671      } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
5672        assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("negative"));
5673      }
5675      try {
5676        Delete delete = new Delete(ROW);
5677        delete.addFamily(FAMILY, -1);
5678        table.delete(delete);
5679        fail("Negative timestamps should not have been allowed");
5680      } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
5681        assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("negative"));
5682      }
5684      try {
5685        Scan scan = new Scan();
5686        scan.setTimeRange(-1, 1);
5687        table.getScanner(scan);
5688        fail("Negative timestamps should not have been allowed");
5689      } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
5690        assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("negative"));
5691      }
5693      // KeyValue should allow negative timestamps for backwards compat. Otherwise, if the user
5694      // already has negative timestamps in cluster data, HBase won't be able to handle that
5695      try {
5696        new KeyValue(Bytes.toBytes(42), Bytes.toBytes(42), Bytes.toBytes(42), -1,
5697                Bytes.toBytes(42));
5698      } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
5699        fail("KeyValue SHOULD allow negative timestamps");
5700      }
5702    }
5703  }
5705  @Test
5706  public void testRawScanRespectsVersions() throws Exception {
5707    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
5708    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
5709      byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("row");
5711      // put the same row 4 times, with different values
5712      Put p = new Put(row);
5713      p.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, 10, VALUE);
5714      table.put(p);
5715      p = new Put(row);
5716      p.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, 11, ArrayUtils.add(VALUE, (byte) 2));
5717      table.put(p);
5719      p = new Put(row);
5720      p.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, 12, ArrayUtils.add(VALUE, (byte) 3));
5721      table.put(p);
5723      p = new Put(row);
5724      p.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, 13, ArrayUtils.add(VALUE, (byte) 4));
5725      table.put(p);
5727      int versions = 4;
5728      Scan s = new Scan(row);
5729      // get all the possible versions
5730      s.setMaxVersions();
5731      s.setRaw(true);
5733      try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(s)) {
5734        int count = 0;
5735        for (Result r : scanner) {
5736          assertEquals("Found an unexpected number of results for the row!", versions,
5737                  r.listCells().size());
5738          count++;
5739        }
5740        assertEquals("Found more than a single row when raw scanning the table with a single row!",
5741                1, count);
5742      }
5744      // then if we decrease the number of versions, but keep the scan raw, we should see exactly
5745      // that number of versions
5746      versions = 2;
5747      s.setMaxVersions(versions);
5748      try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(s)) {
5749        int count = 0;
5750        for (Result r : scanner) {
5751          assertEquals("Found an unexpected number of results for the row!", versions,
5752                  r.listCells().size());
5753          count++;
5754        }
5755        assertEquals("Found more than a single row when raw scanning the table with a single row!",
5756                1, count);
5757      }
5759      // finally, if we turn off raw scanning, but max out the number of versions, we should go back
5760      // to seeing just three
5761      versions = 3;
5762      s.setMaxVersions(versions);
5763      try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(s)) {
5764        int count = 0;
5765        for (Result r : scanner) {
5766          assertEquals("Found an unexpected number of results for the row!", versions,
5767                  r.listCells().size());
5768          count++;
5769        }
5770        assertEquals("Found more than a single row when raw scanning the table with a single row!",
5771                1, count);
5772      }
5774    }
5775    TEST_UTIL.deleteTable(tableName);
5776  }
5778  @Test
5779  public void testEmptyFilterList() throws Exception {
5780    // Test Initialization.
5781    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
5782    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
5784      // Insert one row each region
5785      Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("row"));
5786      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
5787      table.put(put);
5789      List<Result> scanResults = new LinkedList<>();
5790      Scan scan = new Scan();
5791      scan.setFilter(new FilterList());
5792      try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan)) {
5793        for (Result r : scanner) {
5794          scanResults.add(r);
5795        }
5796      }
5797      assertEquals(1, scanResults.size());
5798      Get g = new Get(Bytes.toBytes("row"));
5799      g.setFilter(new FilterList());
5800      Result getResult = table.get(g);
5801      Result scanResult = scanResults.get(0);
5802      assertEquals(scanResult.rawCells().length, getResult.rawCells().length);
5803      for (int i = 0; i != scanResult.rawCells().length; ++i) {
5804        Cell scanCell = scanResult.rawCells()[i];
5805        Cell getCell = getResult.rawCells()[i];
5806        assertEquals(0, Bytes.compareTo(CellUtil.cloneRow(scanCell),
5807                CellUtil.cloneRow(getCell)));
5808        assertEquals(0, Bytes.compareTo(CellUtil.cloneFamily(scanCell),
5809                CellUtil.cloneFamily(getCell)));
5810        assertEquals(0, Bytes.compareTo(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(scanCell),
5811                CellUtil.cloneQualifier(getCell)));
5812        assertEquals(0, Bytes.compareTo(CellUtil.cloneValue(scanCell),
5813                CellUtil.cloneValue(getCell)));
5814      }
5815    }
5816  }
5818  @Test
5819  public void testSmallScan() throws Exception {
5820    // Test Initialization.
5821    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
5822    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
5824      // Insert one row each region
5825      int insertNum = 10;
5826      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
5827        Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("row" + String.format("%03d", i)));
5828        put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
5829        table.put(put);
5830      }
5832      // normal scan
5833      try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(new Scan())) {
5834        int count = 0;
5835        for (Result r : scanner) {
5836          assertTrue(!r.isEmpty());
5837          count++;
5838        }
5839        assertEquals(insertNum, count);
5840      }
5842      // small scan
5843      Scan scan = new Scan(HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW, HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW);
5844      scan.setSmall(true);
5845      scan.setCaching(2);
5846      try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan)) {
5847        int count = 0;
5848        for (Result r : scanner) {
5849          assertTrue(!r.isEmpty());
5850          count++;
5851        }
5852        assertEquals(insertNum, count);
5853      }
5854    }
5855  }
5857  @Test
5858  public void testSuperSimpleWithReverseScan() throws Exception {
5859    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
5860    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
5861      Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("0-b11111-0000000000000000000"));
5862      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
5863      ht.put(put);
5864      put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("0-b11111-0000000000000000002"));
5865      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
5866      ht.put(put);
5867      put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("0-b11111-0000000000000000004"));
5868      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
5869      ht.put(put);
5870      put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("0-b11111-0000000000000000006"));
5871      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
5872      ht.put(put);
5873      put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("0-b11111-0000000000000000008"));
5874      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
5875      ht.put(put);
5876      put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("0-b22222-0000000000000000001"));
5877      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
5878      ht.put(put);
5879      put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("0-b22222-0000000000000000003"));
5880      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
5881      ht.put(put);
5882      put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("0-b22222-0000000000000000005"));
5883      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
5884      ht.put(put);
5885      put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("0-b22222-0000000000000000007"));
5886      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
5887      ht.put(put);
5888      put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("0-b22222-0000000000000000009"));
5889      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
5890      ht.put(put);
5891      Scan scan = new Scan(Bytes.toBytes("0-b11111-9223372036854775807"),
5892              Bytes.toBytes("0-b11111-0000000000000000000"));
5893      scan.setReversed(true);
5894      try (ResultScanner scanner = ht.getScanner(scan)) {
5895        Result result = scanner.next();
5896        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(result.getRow(),
5897                Bytes.toBytes("0-b11111-0000000000000000008")));
5898      }
5899    }
5900  }
5902  @Test
5903  public void testFiltersWithReverseScan() throws Exception {
5904    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
5905    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
5906      byte[][] ROWS = makeN(ROW, 10);
5907      byte[][] QUALIFIERS = {Bytes.toBytes("col0-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
5908              Bytes.toBytes("col1-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
5909              Bytes.toBytes("col2-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
5910              Bytes.toBytes("col3-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
5911              Bytes.toBytes("col4-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
5912              Bytes.toBytes("col5-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
5913              Bytes.toBytes("col6-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
5914              Bytes.toBytes("col7-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
5915              Bytes.toBytes("col8-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
5916              Bytes.toBytes("col9-<d2v1>-<d3v2>")};
5917      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
5918        Put put = new Put(ROWS[i]);
5919        put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[i], VALUE);
5920        ht.put(put);
5921      }
5922      Scan scan = new Scan();
5923      scan.setReversed(true);
5924      scan.addFamily(FAMILY);
5925      Filter filter = new QualifierFilter(CompareOperator.EQUAL,
5926              new RegexStringComparator("col[1-5]"));
5927      scan.setFilter(filter);
5928      try (ResultScanner scanner = ht.getScanner(scan)) {
5929        int expectedIndex = 5;
5930        for (Result result : scanner) {
5931          assertEquals(1, result.size());
5932          Cell c = result.rawCells()[0];
5933          assertTrue(Bytes.equals(c.getRowArray(), c.getRowOffset(), c.getRowLength(),
5934                  ROWS[expectedIndex], 0, ROWS[expectedIndex].length));
5935          assertTrue(Bytes.equals(c.getQualifierArray(), c.getQualifierOffset(),
5936                  c.getQualifierLength(), QUALIFIERS[expectedIndex], 0,
5937                  QUALIFIERS[expectedIndex].length));
5938          expectedIndex--;
5939        }
5940        assertEquals(0, expectedIndex);
5941      }
5942    }
5943  }
5945  @Test
5946  public void testKeyOnlyFilterWithReverseScan() throws Exception {
5947    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
5948    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
5949      byte[][] ROWS = makeN(ROW, 10);
5950      byte[][] QUALIFIERS = {Bytes.toBytes("col0-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
5951              Bytes.toBytes("col1-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
5952              Bytes.toBytes("col2-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
5953              Bytes.toBytes("col3-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
5954              Bytes.toBytes("col4-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
5955              Bytes.toBytes("col5-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
5956              Bytes.toBytes("col6-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
5957              Bytes.toBytes("col7-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
5958              Bytes.toBytes("col8-<d2v1>-<d3v2>"),
5959              Bytes.toBytes("col9-<d2v1>-<d3v2>")};
5960      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
5961        Put put = new Put(ROWS[i]);
5962        put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIERS[i], VALUE);
5963        ht.put(put);
5964      }
5965      Scan scan = new Scan();
5966      scan.setReversed(true);
5967      scan.addFamily(FAMILY);
5968      Filter filter = new KeyOnlyFilter(true);
5969      scan.setFilter(filter);
5970      try (ResultScanner scanner = ht.getScanner(scan)) {
5971        int count = 0;
5972        for (Result result : ht.getScanner(scan)) {
5973          assertEquals(1, result.size());
5974          assertEquals(Bytes.SIZEOF_INT, result.rawCells()[0].getValueLength());
5975          assertEquals(VALUE.length, Bytes.toInt(CellUtil.cloneValue(result.rawCells()[0])));
5976          count++;
5977        }
5978        assertEquals(10, count);
5979      }
5980    }
5981  }
5983  /**
5984   * Test simple table and non-existent row cases.
5985   */
5986  @Test
5987  public void testSimpleMissingWithReverseScan() throws Exception {
5988    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
5989    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
5990      byte[][] ROWS = makeN(ROW, 4);
5992      // Try to get a row on an empty table
5993      Scan scan = new Scan();
5994      scan.setReversed(true);
5995      Result result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
5996      assertNullResult(result);
5998      scan = new Scan(ROWS[0]);
5999      scan.setReversed(true);
6000      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
6001      assertNullResult(result);
6003      scan = new Scan(ROWS[0], ROWS[1]);
6004      scan.setReversed(true);
6005      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
6006      assertNullResult(result);
6008      scan = new Scan();
6009      scan.setReversed(true);
6010      scan.addFamily(FAMILY);
6011      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
6012      assertNullResult(result);
6014      scan = new Scan();
6015      scan.setReversed(true);
6016      scan.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
6017      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
6018      assertNullResult(result);
6020      // Insert a row
6022      Put put = new Put(ROWS[2]);
6023      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
6024      ht.put(put);
6026      // Make sure we can scan the row
6027      scan = new Scan();
6028      scan.setReversed(true);
6029      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
6030      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[2], FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
6032      scan = new Scan(ROWS[3], ROWS[0]);
6033      scan.setReversed(true);
6034      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
6035      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[2], FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
6037      scan = new Scan(ROWS[2], ROWS[1]);
6038      scan.setReversed(true);
6039      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
6040      assertSingleResult(result, ROWS[2], FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
6042      // Try to scan empty rows around it
6043      // Introduced MemStore#shouldSeekForReverseScan to fix the following
6044      scan = new Scan(ROWS[1]);
6045      scan.setReversed(true);
6046      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
6047      assertNullResult(result);
6048    }
6049  }
6051  @Test
6052  public void testNullWithReverseScan() throws Exception {
6053    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
6054    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
6055      // Null qualifier (should work)
6056      Put put = new Put(ROW);
6057      put.addColumn(FAMILY, null, VALUE);
6058      ht.put(put);
6059      scanTestNull(ht, ROW, FAMILY, VALUE, true);
6060      Delete delete = new Delete(ROW);
6061      delete.addColumns(FAMILY, null);
6062      ht.delete(delete);
6063    }
6065    // Use a new table
6066    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName() + "2"), FAMILY)) {
6067      // Empty qualifier, byte[0] instead of null (should work)
6068      Put put = new Put(ROW);
6069      put.addColumn(FAMILY, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, VALUE);
6070      ht.put(put);
6071      scanTestNull(ht, ROW, FAMILY, VALUE, true);
6072      TEST_UTIL.flush();
6073      scanTestNull(ht, ROW, FAMILY, VALUE, true);
6074      Delete delete = new Delete(ROW);
6075      delete.addColumns(FAMILY, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY);
6076      ht.delete(delete);
6077      // Null value
6078      put = new Put(ROW);
6079      put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, null);
6080      ht.put(put);
6081      Scan scan = new Scan();
6082      scan.setReversed(true);
6083      scan.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
6084      Result result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
6085      assertSingleResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, null);
6086    }
6087  }
6089  @Test
6090  @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:MethodLength")
6091  public void testDeletesWithReverseScan() throws Exception {
6092    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
6093    byte[][] ROWS = makeNAscii(ROW, 6);
6094    byte[][] FAMILIES = makeNAscii(FAMILY, 3);
6095    byte[][] VALUES = makeN(VALUE, 5);
6096    long[] ts = { 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 };
6097    try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILIES, 3)) {
6099      Put put = new Put(ROW);
6100      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, ts[0], VALUES[0]);
6101      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, ts[1], VALUES[1]);
6102      ht.put(put);
6104      Delete delete = new Delete(ROW);
6105      delete.addFamily(FAMILIES[0], ts[0]);
6106      ht.delete(delete);
6108      Scan scan = new Scan(ROW);
6109      scan.setReversed(true);
6110      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[0]);
6111      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
6112      Result result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
6113      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, new long[]{ts[1]},
6114              new byte[][]{VALUES[1]}, 0, 0);
6116      // Test delete latest version
6117      put = new Put(ROW);
6118      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, ts[4], VALUES[4]);
6119      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, ts[2], VALUES[2]);
6120      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, ts[3], VALUES[3]);
6121      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], null, ts[4], VALUES[4]);
6122      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], null, ts[2], VALUES[2]);
6123      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], null, ts[3], VALUES[3]);
6124      ht.put(put);
6126      delete = new Delete(ROW);
6127      delete.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER); // ts[4]
6128      ht.delete(delete);
6130      scan = new Scan(ROW);
6131      scan.setReversed(true);
6132      scan.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER);
6133      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
6134      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
6135      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, new long[]{ts[1],
6136              ts[2], ts[3]}, new byte[][]{VALUES[1], VALUES[2], VALUES[3]}, 0, 2);
6138      // Test for HBASE-1847
6139      delete = new Delete(ROW);
6140      delete.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], null);
6141      ht.delete(delete);
6143      // Cleanup null qualifier
6144      delete = new Delete(ROW);
6145      delete.addColumns(FAMILIES[0], null);
6146      ht.delete(delete);
6148      // Expected client behavior might be that you can re-put deleted values
6149      // But alas, this is not to be. We can't put them back in either case.
6151      put = new Put(ROW);
6152      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, ts[0], VALUES[0]);
6153      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, ts[4], VALUES[4]);
6154      ht.put(put);
6156      // The Scanner returns the previous values, the expected-naive-unexpected
6157      // behavior
6159      scan = new Scan(ROW);
6160      scan.setReversed(true);
6161      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[0]);
6162      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
6163      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
6164      assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIER, new long[]{ts[1],
6165              ts[2], ts[3]}, new byte[][]{VALUES[1], VALUES[2], VALUES[3]}, 0, 2);
6167      // Test deleting an entire family from one row but not the other various
6168      // ways
6170      put = new Put(ROWS[0]);
6171      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, ts[0], VALUES[0]);
6172      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, ts[1], VALUES[1]);
6173      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, ts[2], VALUES[2]);
6174      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, ts[3], VALUES[3]);
6175      ht.put(put);
6177      put = new Put(ROWS[1]);
6178      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, ts[0], VALUES[0]);
6179      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, ts[1], VALUES[1]);
6180      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, ts[2], VALUES[2]);
6181      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, ts[3], VALUES[3]);
6182      ht.put(put);
6184      put = new Put(ROWS[2]);
6185      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, ts[0], VALUES[0]);
6186      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, ts[1], VALUES[1]);
6187      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, ts[2], VALUES[2]);
6188      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, ts[3], VALUES[3]);
6189      ht.put(put);
6191      delete = new Delete(ROWS[0]);
6192      delete.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
6193      ht.delete(delete);
6195      delete = new Delete(ROWS[1]);
6196      delete.addColumns(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER);
6197      ht.delete(delete);
6199      delete = new Delete(ROWS[2]);
6200      delete.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER);
6201      delete.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER);
6202      delete.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER);
6203      ht.delete(delete);
6205      scan = new Scan(ROWS[0]);
6206      scan.setReversed(true);
6207      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
6208      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
6209      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
6210      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
6211      assertTrue("Expected 2 keys but received " + result.size(),
6212              result.size() == 2);
6213      assertNResult(result, ROWS[0], FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, new long[]{ts[0],
6214              ts[1]}, new byte[][]{VALUES[0], VALUES[1]}, 0, 1);
6216      scan = new Scan(ROWS[1]);
6217      scan.setReversed(true);
6218      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
6219      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
6220      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
6221      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
6222      assertTrue("Expected 2 keys but received " + result.size(),
6223              result.size() == 2);
6225      scan = new Scan(ROWS[2]);
6226      scan.setReversed(true);
6227      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
6228      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
6229      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
6230      result = getSingleScanResult(ht, scan);
6231      assertEquals(1, result.size());
6232      assertNResult(result, ROWS[2], FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER,
6233              new long[]{ts[2]}, new byte[][]{VALUES[2]}, 0, 0);
6235      // Test if we delete the family first in one row (HBASE-1541)
6237      delete = new Delete(ROWS[3]);
6238      delete.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
6239      ht.delete(delete);
6241      put = new Put(ROWS[3]);
6242      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, VALUES[0]);
6243      ht.put(put);
6245      put = new Put(ROWS[4]);
6246      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[1], QUALIFIER, VALUES[1]);
6247      put.addColumn(FAMILIES[2], QUALIFIER, VALUES[2]);
6248      ht.put(put);
6250      scan = new Scan(ROWS[4]);
6251      scan.setReversed(true);
6252      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[1]);
6253      scan.addFamily(FAMILIES[2]);
6254      scan.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
6255      try (ResultScanner scanner = ht.getScanner(scan)) {
6256        result = scanner.next();
6257        assertTrue("Expected 2 keys but received " + result.size(),
6258                result.size() == 2);
6259        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneRow(result.rawCells()[0]), ROWS[4]));
6260        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneRow(result.rawCells()[1]), ROWS[4]));
6261        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneValue(result.rawCells()[0]), VALUES[1]));
6262        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneValue(result.rawCells()[1]), VALUES[2]));
6263        result = scanner.next();
6264        assertTrue("Expected 1 key but received " + result.size(),
6265                result.size() == 1);
6266        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneRow(result.rawCells()[0]), ROWS[3]));
6267        assertTrue(Bytes.equals(CellUtil.cloneValue(result.rawCells()[0]), VALUES[0]));
6268      }
6269    }
6270  }
6272  /**
6273   * Tests reversed scan under multi regions
6274   */
6275  @Test
6276  public void testReversedScanUnderMultiRegions() throws Exception {
6277    // Test Initialization.
6278    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
6279    byte[] maxByteArray = ConnectionUtils.MAX_BYTE_ARRAY;
6280    byte[][] splitRows = new byte[][] { Bytes.toBytes("005"),
6281        Bytes.add(Bytes.toBytes("005"), Bytes.multiple(maxByteArray, 16)),
6282        Bytes.toBytes("006"),
6283        Bytes.add(Bytes.toBytes("006"), Bytes.multiple(maxByteArray, 8)),
6284        Bytes.toBytes("007"),
6285        Bytes.add(Bytes.toBytes("007"), Bytes.multiple(maxByteArray, 4)),
6286        Bytes.toBytes("008"), Bytes.multiple(maxByteArray, 2) };
6287    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY, splitRows)) {
6288      TEST_UTIL.waitUntilAllRegionsAssigned(table.getName());
6290      try (RegionLocator l = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getRegionLocator(tableName)) {
6291        assertEquals(splitRows.length + 1, l.getAllRegionLocations().size());
6292      }
6293      // Insert one row each region
6294      int insertNum = splitRows.length;
6295      for (int i = 0; i < insertNum; i++) {
6296        Put put = new Put(splitRows[i]);
6297        put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
6298        table.put(put);
6299      }
6301      // scan forward
6302      try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(new Scan())) {
6303        int count = 0;
6304        for (Result r : scanner) {
6305          assertTrue(!r.isEmpty());
6306          count++;
6307        }
6308        assertEquals(insertNum, count);
6309      }
6311      // scan backward
6312      Scan scan = new Scan();
6313      scan.setReversed(true);
6314      try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan)) {
6315        int count = 0;
6316        byte[] lastRow = null;
6317        for (Result r : scanner) {
6318          assertTrue(!r.isEmpty());
6319          count++;
6320          byte[] thisRow = r.getRow();
6321          if (lastRow != null) {
6322            assertTrue("Error scan order, last row= " + Bytes.toString(lastRow)
6323                            + ",this row=" + Bytes.toString(thisRow),
6324                    Bytes.compareTo(thisRow, lastRow) < 0);
6325          }
6326          lastRow = thisRow;
6327        }
6328        assertEquals(insertNum, count);
6329      }
6330    }
6331  }
6333  /**
6334   * Tests reversed scan under multi regions
6335   */
6336  @Test
6337  public void testSmallReversedScanUnderMultiRegions() throws Exception {
6338    // Test Initialization.
6339    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
6340    byte[][] splitRows = new byte[][]{
6341        Bytes.toBytes("000"), Bytes.toBytes("002"), Bytes.toBytes("004"),
6342        Bytes.toBytes("006"), Bytes.toBytes("008"), Bytes.toBytes("010")};
6343    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY, splitRows)) {
6344      TEST_UTIL.waitUntilAllRegionsAssigned(table.getName());
6346      try (RegionLocator l = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getRegionLocator(tableName)) {
6347        assertEquals(splitRows.length + 1, l.getAllRegionLocations().size());
6348      }
6349      for (byte[] splitRow : splitRows) {
6350        Put put = new Put(splitRow);
6351        put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
6352        table.put(put);
6354        byte[] nextRow = Bytes.copy(splitRow);
6355        nextRow[nextRow.length - 1]++;
6357        put = new Put(nextRow);
6358        put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
6359        table.put(put);
6360      }
6362      // scan forward
6363      try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(new Scan())) {
6364        int count = 0;
6365        for (Result r : scanner) {
6366          assertTrue(!r.isEmpty());
6367          count++;
6368        }
6369        assertEquals(12, count);
6370      }
6372      reverseScanTest(table, false);
6373      reverseScanTest(table, true);
6374    }
6375  }
6377  private void reverseScanTest(Table table, boolean small) throws IOException {
6378    // scan backward
6379    Scan scan = new Scan();
6380    scan.setReversed(true);
6381    try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan)) {
6382      int count = 0;
6383      byte[] lastRow = null;
6384      for (Result r : scanner) {
6385        assertTrue(!r.isEmpty());
6386        count++;
6387        byte[] thisRow = r.getRow();
6388        if (lastRow != null) {
6389          assertTrue("Error scan order, last row= " + Bytes.toString(lastRow)
6390                          + ",this row=" + Bytes.toString(thisRow),
6391                  Bytes.compareTo(thisRow, lastRow) < 0);
6392        }
6393        lastRow = thisRow;
6394      }
6395      assertEquals(12, count);
6396    }
6398    scan = new Scan();
6399    scan.setSmall(small);
6400    scan.setReversed(true);
6401    scan.setStartRow(Bytes.toBytes("002"));
6402    try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan)) {
6403      int count = 0;
6404      byte[] lastRow = null;
6405      for (Result r : scanner) {
6406        assertTrue(!r.isEmpty());
6407        count++;
6408        byte[] thisRow = r.getRow();
6409        if (lastRow != null) {
6410          assertTrue("Error scan order, last row= " + Bytes.toString(lastRow)
6411                          + ",this row=" + Bytes.toString(thisRow),
6412                  Bytes.compareTo(thisRow, lastRow) < 0);
6413        }
6414        lastRow = thisRow;
6415      }
6416      assertEquals(3, count); // 000 001 002
6417    }
6419    scan = new Scan();
6420    scan.setSmall(small);
6421    scan.setReversed(true);
6422    scan.setStartRow(Bytes.toBytes("002"));
6423    scan.setStopRow(Bytes.toBytes("000"));
6424    try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan)) {
6425      int count = 0;
6426      byte[] lastRow = null;
6427      for (Result r : scanner) {
6428        assertTrue(!r.isEmpty());
6429        count++;
6430        byte[] thisRow = r.getRow();
6431        if (lastRow != null) {
6432          assertTrue("Error scan order, last row= " + Bytes.toString(lastRow)
6433                          + ",this row=" + Bytes.toString(thisRow),
6434                  Bytes.compareTo(thisRow, lastRow) < 0);
6435        }
6436        lastRow = thisRow;
6437      }
6438      assertEquals(2, count); // 001 002
6439    }
6441    scan = new Scan();
6442    scan.setSmall(small);
6443    scan.setReversed(true);
6444    scan.setStartRow(Bytes.toBytes("001"));
6445    try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan)) {
6446      int count = 0;
6447      byte[] lastRow = null;
6448      for (Result r : scanner) {
6449        assertTrue(!r.isEmpty());
6450        count++;
6451        byte[] thisRow = r.getRow();
6452        if (lastRow != null) {
6453          assertTrue("Error scan order, last row= " + Bytes.toString(lastRow)
6454                          + ",this row=" + Bytes.toString(thisRow),
6455                  Bytes.compareTo(thisRow, lastRow) < 0);
6456        }
6457        lastRow = thisRow;
6458      }
6459      assertEquals(2, count); // 000 001
6460    }
6462    scan = new Scan();
6463    scan.setSmall(small);
6464    scan.setReversed(true);
6465    scan.setStartRow(Bytes.toBytes("000"));
6466    try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan)) {
6467      int count = 0;
6468      byte[] lastRow = null;
6469      for (Result r : scanner) {
6470        assertTrue(!r.isEmpty());
6471        count++;
6472        byte[] thisRow = r.getRow();
6473        if (lastRow != null) {
6474          assertTrue("Error scan order, last row= " + Bytes.toString(lastRow)
6475                          + ",this row=" + Bytes.toString(thisRow),
6476                  Bytes.compareTo(thisRow, lastRow) < 0);
6477        }
6478        lastRow = thisRow;
6479      }
6480      assertEquals(1, count); // 000
6481    }
6483    scan = new Scan();
6484    scan.setSmall(small);
6485    scan.setReversed(true);
6486    scan.setStartRow(Bytes.toBytes("006"));
6487    scan.setStopRow(Bytes.toBytes("002"));
6488    try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan)) {
6489      int count = 0;
6490      byte[] lastRow = null;
6491      for (Result r : scanner) {
6492        assertTrue(!r.isEmpty());
6493        count++;
6494        byte[] thisRow = r.getRow();
6495        if (lastRow != null) {
6496          assertTrue("Error scan order, last row= " + Bytes.toString(lastRow)
6497                          + ",this row=" + Bytes.toString(thisRow),
6498                  Bytes.compareTo(thisRow, lastRow) < 0);
6499        }
6500        lastRow = thisRow;
6501      }
6502      assertEquals(4, count); // 003 004 005 006
6503    }
6504  }
6506  private static Pair<byte[][], byte[][]> getStartEndKeys(List<RegionLocations> regions) {
6507    final byte[][] startKeyList = new byte[regions.size()][];
6508    final byte[][] endKeyList = new byte[regions.size()][];
6510    for (int i = 0; i < regions.size(); i++) {
6511      RegionInfo region = regions.get(i).getRegionLocation().getRegion();
6512      startKeyList[i] = region.getStartKey();
6513      endKeyList[i] = region.getEndKey();
6514    }
6516    return new Pair<>(startKeyList, endKeyList);
6517  }
6519  @Test
6520  public void testGetStartEndKeysWithRegionReplicas() throws IOException {
6521    HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()));
6522    HColumnDescriptor fam = new HColumnDescriptor(FAMILY);
6523    htd.addFamily(fam);
6524    byte[][] KEYS = HBaseTestingUtility.KEYS_FOR_HBA_CREATE_TABLE;
6525    Admin admin = TEST_UTIL.getAdmin();
6526    admin.createTable(htd, KEYS);
6527    List<HRegionInfo> regions = admin.getTableRegions(htd.getTableName());
6529    HRegionLocator locator =
6530        (HRegionLocator) admin.getConnection().getRegionLocator(htd.getTableName());
6531    for (int regionReplication = 1; regionReplication < 4; regionReplication++) {
6532      List<RegionLocations> regionLocations = new ArrayList<>();
6534      // mock region locations coming from meta with multiple replicas
6535      for (HRegionInfo region : regions) {
6536        HRegionLocation[] arr = new HRegionLocation[regionReplication];
6537        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
6538          arr[i] = new HRegionLocation(RegionReplicaUtil.getRegionInfoForReplica(region, i), null);
6539        }
6540        regionLocations.add(new RegionLocations(arr));
6541      }
6543      Pair<byte[][], byte[][]> startEndKeys = locator.getStartEndKeys(regionLocations);
6545      assertEquals(KEYS.length + 1, startEndKeys.getFirst().length);
6547      for (int i = 0; i < KEYS.length + 1; i++) {
6548        byte[] startKey = i == 0 ? HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW : KEYS[i - 1];
6549        byte[] endKey = i == KEYS.length ? HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW : KEYS[i];
6550        assertArrayEquals(startKey, startEndKeys.getFirst()[i]);
6551        assertArrayEquals(endKey, startEndKeys.getSecond()[i]);
6552      }
6553    }
6554  }
6556  @Test
6557  public void testFilterAllRecords() throws IOException {
6558    Scan scan = new Scan();
6559    scan.setBatch(1);
6560    scan.setCaching(1);
6561    // Filter out any records
6562    scan.setFilter(new FilterList(new FirstKeyOnlyFilter(), new InclusiveStopFilter(new byte[0])));
6563    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getTable(TableName.NAMESPACE_TABLE_NAME)) {
6564      try (ResultScanner s = table.getScanner(scan)) {
6565        assertNull(s.next());
6566      }
6567    }
6568  }
6570  @Test
6571  public void testRegionCache() throws IOException {
6572    HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName()));
6573    HColumnDescriptor fam = new HColumnDescriptor(FAMILY);
6574    htd.addFamily(fam);
6575    byte[][] KEYS = HBaseTestingUtility.KEYS_FOR_HBA_CREATE_TABLE;
6576    try (Admin admin = TEST_UTIL.getAdmin()) {
6577      admin.createTable(htd, KEYS);
6578      HRegionLocator locator =
6579              (HRegionLocator) admin.getConnection().getRegionLocator(htd.getTableName());
6580      List<HRegionLocation> results = locator.getAllRegionLocations();
6581      int number = ((ConnectionImplementation) admin.getConnection())
6582              .getNumberOfCachedRegionLocations(htd.getTableName());
6583      assertEquals(results.size(), number);
6584      ConnectionImplementation conn = ((ConnectionImplementation) admin.getConnection());
6585      assertNotNull("Can't get cached location for row aaa",
6586              conn.getCachedLocation(htd.getTableName(), Bytes.toBytes("aaa")));
6587      for (byte[] startKey : HBaseTestingUtility.KEYS_FOR_HBA_CREATE_TABLE) {
6588        assertNotNull("Can't get cached location for row " +
6589                Bytes.toString(startKey), (conn.getCachedLocation(htd.getTableName(), startKey)));
6590      }
6591    }
6592  }
6594  @Test
6595  public void testCellSizeLimit() throws IOException {
6596    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf("testCellSizeLimit");
6597    HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(tableName);
6598    htd.setConfiguration(HRegion.HBASE_MAX_CELL_SIZE_KEY, Integer.toString(10 * 1024)); // 10K
6599    HColumnDescriptor fam = new HColumnDescriptor(FAMILY);
6600    htd.addFamily(fam);
6601    try (Admin admin = TEST_UTIL.getAdmin()) {
6602      admin.createTable(htd);
6603    }
6604    // Will succeed
6605    try (Table t = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getTable(tableName)) {
6606      t.put(new Put(ROW).addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, Bytes.toBytes(0L)));
6607      t.increment(new Increment(ROW).addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, 1L));
6608    }
6609    // Will succeed
6610    try (Table t = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getTable(tableName)) {
6611      t.put(new Put(ROW).addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, new byte[9*1024]));
6612    }
6613    // Will fail
6614    try (Table t = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getTable(tableName)) {
6615      try {
6616        t.put(new Put(ROW).addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, new byte[10 * 1024]));
6617        fail("Oversize cell failed to trigger exception");
6618      } catch (IOException e) {
6619        // expected
6620      }
6621      try {
6622        t.append(new Append(ROW).addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, new byte[2 * 1024]));
6623        fail("Oversize cell failed to trigger exception");
6624      } catch (IOException e) {
6625        // expected
6626      }
6627    }
6628  }
6630  @Test
6631  public void testDeleteSpecifiedVersionOfSpecifiedColumn() throws Exception {
6632    try (Admin admin = TEST_UTIL.getAdmin()) {
6633      final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
6635      byte[][] VALUES = makeN(VALUE, 5);
6636      long[] ts = {1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000};
6638      try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY, 5)) {
6640        Put put = new Put(ROW);
6641        // Put version 1000,2000,3000,4000 of column FAMILY:QUALIFIER
6642        for (int t = 0; t < 4; t++) {
6643          put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, ts[t], VALUES[t]);
6644        }
6645        ht.put(put);
6647        Delete delete = new Delete(ROW);
6648        // Delete version 3000 of column FAMILY:QUALIFIER
6649        delete.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, ts[2]);
6650        ht.delete(delete);
6652        Get get = new Get(ROW);
6653        get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
6654        get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
6655        Result result = ht.get(get);
6656        // verify version 1000,2000,4000 remains for column FAMILY:QUALIFIER
6657        assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, new long[]{ts[0], ts[1], ts[3]}, new byte[][]{
6658                VALUES[0], VALUES[1], VALUES[3]}, 0, 2);
6660        delete = new Delete(ROW);
6661        // Delete a version 5000 of column FAMILY:QUALIFIER which didn't exist
6662        delete.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, ts[4]);
6663        ht.delete(delete);
6665        get = new Get(ROW);
6666        get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
6667        get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
6668        result = ht.get(get);
6669        // verify version 1000,2000,4000 remains for column FAMILY:QUALIFIER
6670        assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, new long[]{ts[0], ts[1], ts[3]}, new byte[][]{
6671                VALUES[0], VALUES[1], VALUES[3]}, 0, 2);
6672      }
6673    }
6674  }
6676  @Test
6677  public void testDeleteLatestVersionOfSpecifiedColumn() throws Exception {
6678    try (Admin admin = TEST_UTIL.getAdmin()) {
6679      final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
6681      byte[][] VALUES = makeN(VALUE, 5);
6682      long[] ts = {1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000};
6684      try (Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY, 5)) {
6686        Put put = new Put(ROW);
6687        // Put version 1000,2000,3000,4000 of column FAMILY:QUALIFIER
6688        for (int t = 0; t < 4; t++) {
6689          put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, ts[t], VALUES[t]);
6690        }
6691        ht.put(put);
6693        Delete delete = new Delete(ROW);
6694        // Delete latest version of column FAMILY:QUALIFIER
6695        delete.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
6696        ht.delete(delete);
6698        Get get = new Get(ROW);
6699        get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
6700        get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
6701        Result result = ht.get(get);
6702        // verify version 1000,2000,3000 remains for column FAMILY:QUALIFIER
6703        assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, new long[]{ts[0], ts[1], ts[2]}, new byte[][]{
6704                VALUES[0], VALUES[1], VALUES[2]}, 0, 2);
6706        delete = new Delete(ROW);
6707        // Delete two latest version of column FAMILY:QUALIFIER
6708        delete.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
6709        delete.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
6710        ht.delete(delete);
6712        get = new Get(ROW);
6713        get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
6714        get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
6715        result = ht.get(get);
6716        // verify version 1000 remains for column FAMILY:QUALIFIER
6717        assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, new long[]{ts[0]}, new byte[][]{VALUES[0]},
6718                0, 0);
6720        put = new Put(ROW);
6721        // Put a version 5000 of column FAMILY:QUALIFIER
6722        put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, ts[4], VALUES[4]);
6723        ht.put(put);
6725        get = new Get(ROW);
6726        get.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
6727        get.setMaxVersions(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
6728        result = ht.get(get);
6729        // verify version 1000,5000 remains for column FAMILY:QUALIFIER
6730        assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, new long[]{ts[0], ts[4]}, new byte[][]{
6731                VALUES[0], VALUES[4]}, 0, 1);
6732      }
6733    }
6734  }
6736  /**
6737   * Test for HBASE-17125
6738   */
6739  @Test
6740  public void testReadWithFilter() throws Exception {
6741    try (Admin admin = TEST_UTIL.getAdmin()) {
6742      final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
6743      try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY, 3)) {
6745        byte[] VALUEA = Bytes.toBytes("value-a");
6746        byte[] VALUEB = Bytes.toBytes("value-b");
6747        long[] ts = {1000, 2000, 3000, 4000};
6749        Put put = new Put(ROW);
6750        // Put version 1000,2000,3000,4000 of column FAMILY:QUALIFIER
6751        for (int t = 0; t <= 3; t++) {
6752          if (t <= 1) {
6753            put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, ts[t], VALUEA);
6754          } else {
6755            put.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, ts[t], VALUEB);
6756          }
6757        }
6758        table.put(put);
6760        Scan scan =
6761                new Scan().setFilter(new ValueFilter(CompareOperator.EQUAL,
6762                        new SubstringComparator("value-a")))
6763                        .setMaxVersions(3);
6764        ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan);
6765        Result result = scanner.next();
6766        // ts[0] has gone from user view. Only read ts[2] which value is less or equal to 3
6767        assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, new long[]{ts[1]}, new byte[][]{VALUEA}, 0,
6768                0);
6770        Get get =
6771                new Get(ROW)
6772                        .setFilter(new ValueFilter(CompareOperator.EQUAL,
6773                                new SubstringComparator("value-a")))
6774                        .setMaxVersions(3);
6775        result = table.get(get);
6776        // ts[0] has gone from user view. Only read ts[2] which value is less or equal to 3
6777        assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, new long[]{ts[1]}, new byte[][]{VALUEA}, 0,
6778                0);
6780        // Test with max versions 1, it should still read ts[1]
6781        scan =
6782                new Scan().setFilter(new ValueFilter(CompareOperator.EQUAL,
6783                        new SubstringComparator("value-a")))
6784                        .setMaxVersions(1);
6785        scanner = table.getScanner(scan);
6786        result = scanner.next();
6787        // ts[0] has gone from user view. Only read ts[2] which value is less or equal to 3
6788        assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, new long[]{ts[1]}, new byte[][]{VALUEA}, 0,
6789                0);
6791        // Test with max versions 1, it should still read ts[1]
6792        get =
6793                new Get(ROW)
6794                        .setFilter(new ValueFilter(CompareOperator.EQUAL,
6795                                new SubstringComparator("value-a")))
6796                        .setMaxVersions(1);
6797        result = table.get(get);
6798        // ts[0] has gone from user view. Only read ts[2] which value is less or equal to 3
6799        assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, new long[]{ts[1]}, new byte[][]{VALUEA}, 0,
6800                0);
6802        // Test with max versions 5, it should still read ts[1]
6803        scan =
6804                new Scan().setFilter(new ValueFilter(CompareOperator.EQUAL,
6805                        new SubstringComparator("value-a")))
6806                        .setMaxVersions(5);
6807        scanner = table.getScanner(scan);
6808        result = scanner.next();
6809        // ts[0] has gone from user view. Only read ts[2] which value is less or equal to 3
6810        assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, new long[]{ts[1]}, new byte[][]{VALUEA}, 0,
6811                0);
6813        // Test with max versions 5, it should still read ts[1]
6814        get =
6815                new Get(ROW)
6816                        .setFilter(new ValueFilter(CompareOperator.EQUAL,
6817                                new SubstringComparator("value-a")))
6818                        .setMaxVersions(5);
6819        result = table.get(get);
6820        // ts[0] has gone from user view. Only read ts[2] which value is less or equal to 3
6821        assertNResult(result, ROW, FAMILY, QUALIFIER, new long[]{ts[1]}, new byte[][]{VALUEA}, 0,
6822                0);
6823      }
6824    }
6825  }
6827  @Test
6828  public void testCellUtilTypeMethods() throws IOException {
6829    final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
6830    try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, FAMILY)) {
6832      final byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("p");
6833      Put p = new Put(row);
6834      p.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE);
6835      table.put(p);
6837      try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(new Scan())) {
6838        Result result = scanner.next();
6839        assertNotNull(result);
6840        CellScanner cs = result.cellScanner();
6841        assertTrue(cs.advance());
6842        Cell c = cs.current();
6843        assertTrue(CellUtil.isPut(c));
6844        assertFalse(CellUtil.isDelete(c));
6845        assertFalse(cs.advance());
6846        assertNull(scanner.next());
6847      }
6849      Delete d = new Delete(row);
6850      d.addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER);
6851      table.delete(d);
6853      Scan scan = new Scan();
6854      scan.setRaw(true);
6855      try (ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan)) {
6856        Result result = scanner.next();
6857        assertNotNull(result);
6858        CellScanner cs = result.cellScanner();
6859        assertTrue(cs.advance());
6861        // First cell should be the delete (masking the Put)
6862        Cell c = cs.current();
6863        assertTrue("Cell should be a Delete: " + c, CellUtil.isDelete(c));
6864        assertFalse("Cell should not be a Put: " + c, CellUtil.isPut(c));
6866        // Second cell should be the original Put
6867        assertTrue(cs.advance());
6868        c = cs.current();
6869        assertFalse("Cell should not be a Delete: " + c, CellUtil.isDelete(c));
6870        assertTrue("Cell should be a Put: " + c, CellUtil.isPut(c));
6872        // No more cells in this row
6873        assertFalse(cs.advance());
6875        // No more results in this scan
6876        assertNull(scanner.next());
6877      }
6878    }
6879  }
6881  @Test(expected = DoNotRetryIOException.class)
6882  public void testCreateTableWithZeroRegionReplicas() throws Exception {
6883    TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
6884    TableDescriptor desc = TableDescriptorBuilder.newBuilder(tableName)
6885        .setColumnFamily(ColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder.of(Bytes.toBytes("cf")))
6886        .setRegionReplication(0)
6887        .build();
6889    TEST_UTIL.getAdmin().createTable(desc);
6890  }
6892  @Test(expected = DoNotRetryIOException.class)
6893  public void testModifyTableWithZeroRegionReplicas() throws Exception {
6894    TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
6895    TableDescriptor desc = TableDescriptorBuilder.newBuilder(tableName)
6896        .setColumnFamily(ColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder.of(Bytes.toBytes("cf")))
6897        .build();
6899    TEST_UTIL.getAdmin().createTable(desc);
6900    TableDescriptor newDesc = TableDescriptorBuilder.newBuilder(desc)
6901        .setRegionReplication(0)
6902        .build();
6904    TEST_UTIL.getAdmin().modifyTable(newDesc);
6905  }
6907  @Test(timeout = 60000)
6908  public void testModifyTableWithMemstoreData() throws Exception {
6909    TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
6910    createTableAndValidateTableSchemaModification(tableName, true);
6911  }
6913  @Test(timeout = 60000)
6914  public void testDeleteCFWithMemstoreData() throws Exception {
6915    TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
6916    createTableAndValidateTableSchemaModification(tableName, false);
6917  }
6919  /**
6920   * Create table and validate online schema modification
6921   * @param tableName Table name
6922   * @param modifyTable Modify table if true otherwise delete column family
6923   * @throws IOException in case of failures
6924   */
6925  private void createTableAndValidateTableSchemaModification(TableName tableName,
6926      boolean modifyTable) throws Exception {
6927    Admin admin = TEST_UTIL.getAdmin();
6928    // Create table with two Cfs
6929    byte[] cf1 = Bytes.toBytes("cf1");
6930    byte[] cf2 = Bytes.toBytes("cf2");
6931    TableDescriptor tableDesc = TableDescriptorBuilder.newBuilder(tableName)
6932        .setColumnFamily(ColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder.of(cf1))
6933        .setColumnFamily(ColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder.of(cf2)).build();
6934    admin.createTable(tableDesc);
6936    Table t = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getTable(tableName);
6937    // Insert few records and flush the table
6938    t.put(new Put(ROW).addColumn(cf1, QUALIFIER, Bytes.toBytes("val1")));
6939    t.put(new Put(ROW).addColumn(cf2, QUALIFIER, Bytes.toBytes("val2")));
6940    admin.flush(tableName);
6941    Path tableDir = FSUtils.getTableDir(TEST_UTIL.getDefaultRootDirPath(), tableName);
6942    List<Path> regionDirs = FSUtils.getRegionDirs(TEST_UTIL.getTestFileSystem(), tableDir);
6943    assertTrue(regionDirs.size() == 1);
6944    List<Path> familyDirs = FSUtils.getFamilyDirs(TEST_UTIL.getTestFileSystem(), regionDirs.get(0));
6945    assertTrue(familyDirs.size() == 2);
6947    // Insert record but dont flush the table
6948    t.put(new Put(ROW).addColumn(cf1, QUALIFIER, Bytes.toBytes("val2")));
6949    t.put(new Put(ROW).addColumn(cf2, QUALIFIER, Bytes.toBytes("val2")));
6951    if (modifyTable) {
6952      tableDesc = TableDescriptorBuilder.newBuilder(tableDesc).removeColumnFamily(cf2).build();
6953      admin.modifyTable(tableDesc);
6954    } else {
6955      admin.deleteColumnFamily(tableName, cf2);
6956    }
6957    // After table modification or delete family there should be only one CF in FS
6958    familyDirs = FSUtils.getFamilyDirs(TEST_UTIL.getTestFileSystem(), regionDirs.get(0));
6959    assertTrue("CF dir count should be 1, but was " + familyDirs.size(), familyDirs.size() == 1);
6960  }