002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util;
020import java.io.Closeable;
021import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
022import java.io.IOException;
023import java.io.InterruptedIOException;
024import java.io.PrintWriter;
025import java.io.StringWriter;
026import java.net.InetAddress;
027import java.net.URI;
028import java.util.ArrayList;
029import java.util.Collection;
030import java.util.Collections;
031import java.util.Comparator;
032import java.util.EnumSet;
033import java.util.HashMap;
034import java.util.HashSet;
035import java.util.Iterator;
036import java.util.List;
037import java.util.Locale;
038import java.util.Map;
039import java.util.Map.Entry;
040import java.util.Objects;
041import java.util.Optional;
042import java.util.Set;
043import java.util.SortedMap;
044import java.util.TreeMap;
045import java.util.Vector;
046import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
047import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap;
048import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
049import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
050import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
051import java.util.concurrent.Future;
052import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;
053import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
054import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
055import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
056import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
057import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
058import java.util.stream.Collectors;
060import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
061import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
062import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
063import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured;
064import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
065import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
066import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
067import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
068import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction;
069import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
070import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Abortable;
071import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
072import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil;
073import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ClusterMetrics;
074import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ClusterMetrics.Option;
075import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
076import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseInterfaceAudience;
077import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
078import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionLocation;
079import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
080import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MasterNotRunningException;
081import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MetaTableAccessor;
082import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.RegionLocations;
083import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName;
084import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
085import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableNotFoundException;
086import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ZooKeeperConnectionException;
087import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Admin;
088import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ClusterConnection;
089import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ColumnFamilyDescriptor;
090import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder;
091import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection;
092import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionFactory;
093import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete;
094import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get;
095import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
096import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionInfo;
097import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionInfoBuilder;
098import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionReplicaUtil;
099import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
100import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ResultScanner;
101import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RowMutations;
102import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
103import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table;
104import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.TableDescriptor;
105import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.TableDescriptorBuilder;
106import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.TableState;
107import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.FileLink;
108import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.HFileLink;
109import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.CacheConfig;
110import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFile;
111import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.RegionState;
112import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion;
113import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegionFileSystem;
114import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.StoreFileInfo;
115import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication.ReplicationException;
116import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication.ReplicationPeerDescription;
117import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication.ReplicationQueueStorage;
118import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication.ReplicationStorageFactory;
119import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.UserProvider;
120import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes.ByteArrayComparator;
121import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.HbckErrorReporter.ERROR_CODE;
122import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.hbck.HFileCorruptionChecker;
123import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.hbck.ReplicationChecker;
124import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.hbck.TableIntegrityErrorHandler;
125import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALSplitUtil;
126import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKUtil;
127import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKWatcher;
128import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZNodePaths;
129import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.AlreadyBeingCreatedException;
130import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException;
131import org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException;
132import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation;
133import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils;
134import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool;
135import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner;
136import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
137import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceStability;
138import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
139import org.slf4j.Logger;
140import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
142import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
143import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.base.Joiner;
144import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
145import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.collect.Lists;
146import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.collect.Sets;
148import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.ProtobufUtil;
149import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.AdminService.BlockingInterface;
152 * HBaseFsck (hbck) is a tool for checking and repairing region consistency and
153 * table integrity problems in a corrupted HBase. This tool was written for hbase-1.x. It does not
154 * work with hbase-2.x; it can read state but is not allowed to change state; i.e. effect 'repair'.
155 * Even though it can 'read' state, given how so much has changed in how hbase1 and hbase2 operate,
156 * it will often misread. See hbck2 (HBASE-19121) for a hbck tool for hbase2. This class is
157 * deprecated.
158 *
159 * <p>
160 * Region consistency checks verify that hbase:meta, region deployment on region
161 * servers and the state of data in HDFS (.regioninfo files) all are in
162 * accordance.
163 * <p>
164 * Table integrity checks verify that all possible row keys resolve to exactly
165 * one region of a table.  This means there are no individual degenerate
166 * or backwards regions; no holes between regions; and that there are no
167 * overlapping regions.
168 * <p>
169 * The general repair strategy works in two phases:
170 * <ol>
171 * <li> Repair Table Integrity on HDFS. (merge or fabricate regions)
172 * <li> Repair Region Consistency with hbase:meta and assignments
173 * </ol>
174 * <p>
175 * For table integrity repairs, the tables' region directories are scanned
176 * for .regioninfo files.  Each table's integrity is then verified.  If there
177 * are any orphan regions (regions with no .regioninfo files) or holes, new
178 * regions are fabricated.  Backwards regions are sidelined as well as empty
179 * degenerate (endkey==startkey) regions.  If there are any overlapping regions,
180 * a new region is created and all data is merged into the new region.
181 * <p>
182 * Table integrity repairs deal solely with HDFS and could potentially be done
183 * offline -- the hbase region servers or master do not need to be running.
184 * This phase can eventually be used to completely reconstruct the hbase:meta table in
185 * an offline fashion.
186 * <p>
187 * Region consistency requires three conditions -- 1) valid .regioninfo file
188 * present in an HDFS region dir,  2) valid row with .regioninfo data in META,
189 * and 3) a region is deployed only at the regionserver that was assigned to
190 * with proper state in the master.
191 * <p>
192 * Region consistency repairs require hbase to be online so that hbck can
193 * contact the HBase master and region servers.  The hbck#connect() method must
194 * first be called successfully.  Much of the region consistency information
195 * is transient and less risky to repair.
196 * <p>
197 * If hbck is run from the command line, there are a handful of arguments that
198 * can be used to limit the kinds of repairs hbck will do.  See the code in
199 * {@link #printUsageAndExit()} for more details.
200 * @deprecated For removal in hbase-4.0.0. Use HBCK2 instead.
201 */
205public class HBaseFsck extends Configured implements Closeable {
206  public static final long DEFAULT_TIME_LAG = 60000; // default value of 1 minute
207  public static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_BEFORE_RERUN = 10000;
208  private static final int MAX_NUM_THREADS = 50; // #threads to contact regions
209  private static boolean rsSupportsOffline = true;
210  private static final int DEFAULT_OVERLAPS_TO_SIDELINE = 2;
211  private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_MERGE = 5;
213  /**
214   * Here is where hbase-1.x used to default the lock for hbck1.
215   * It puts in place a lock when it goes to write/make changes.
216   */
217  @VisibleForTesting
218  public static final String HBCK_LOCK_FILE = "hbase-hbck.lock";
219  private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LOCK_FILE_ATTEMPTS = 5;
220  private static final int DEFAULT_LOCK_FILE_ATTEMPT_SLEEP_INTERVAL = 200; // milliseconds
221  private static final int DEFAULT_LOCK_FILE_ATTEMPT_MAX_SLEEP_TIME = 5000; // milliseconds
222  // We have to set the timeout value > HdfsConstants.LEASE_SOFTLIMIT_PERIOD.
223  // In HADOOP-2.6 and later, the Namenode proxy now created with custom RetryPolicy for
224  // AlreadyBeingCreatedException which is implies timeout on this operations up to
225  // HdfsConstants.LEASE_SOFTLIMIT_PERIOD (60 seconds).
226  private static final int DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 80; // seconds
227  private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CREATE_ZNODE_ATTEMPTS = 5;
228  private static final int DEFAULT_CREATE_ZNODE_ATTEMPT_SLEEP_INTERVAL = 200; // milliseconds
229  private static final int DEFAULT_CREATE_ZNODE_ATTEMPT_MAX_SLEEP_TIME = 5000; // milliseconds
231  /**********************
232   * Internal resources
233   **********************/
234  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HBaseFsck.class.getName());
235  private ClusterMetrics status;
236  private ClusterConnection connection;
237  private Admin admin;
238  private Table meta;
239  // threads to do ||izable tasks: retrieve data from regionservers, handle overlapping regions
240  protected ExecutorService executor;
241  private long startMillis = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
242  private HFileCorruptionChecker hfcc;
243  private int retcode = 0;
244  private Path HBCK_LOCK_PATH;
245  private FSDataOutputStream hbckOutFd;
246  // This lock is to prevent cleanup of balancer resources twice between
247  // ShutdownHook and the main code. We cleanup only if the connect() is
248  // successful
249  private final AtomicBoolean hbckLockCleanup = new AtomicBoolean(false);
251  // Unsupported options in HBase 2.0+
252  private static final Set<String> unsupportedOptionsInV2 = Sets.newHashSet("-fix",
253      "-fixAssignments", "-fixMeta", "-fixHdfsHoles", "-fixHdfsOrphans", "-fixTableOrphans",
254      "-fixHdfsOverlaps", "-sidelineBigOverlaps", "-fixSplitParents", "-removeParents",
255      "-fixEmptyMetaCells", "-repair", "-repairHoles", "-maxOverlapsToSideline", "-maxMerge");
257  /***********
258   * Options
259   ***********/
260  private static boolean details = false; // do we display the full report
261  private long timelag = DEFAULT_TIME_LAG; // tables whose modtime is older
262  private static boolean forceExclusive = false; // only this hbck can modify HBase
263  private boolean fixAssignments = false; // fix assignment errors?
264  private boolean fixMeta = false; // fix meta errors?
265  private boolean checkHdfs = true; // load and check fs consistency?
266  private boolean fixHdfsHoles = false; // fix fs holes?
267  private boolean fixHdfsOverlaps = false; // fix fs overlaps (risky)
268  private boolean fixHdfsOrphans = false; // fix fs holes (missing .regioninfo)
269  private boolean fixTableOrphans = false; // fix fs holes (missing .tableinfo)
270  private boolean fixVersionFile = false; // fix missing hbase.version file in hdfs
271  private boolean fixSplitParents = false; // fix lingering split parents
272  private boolean removeParents = false; // remove split parents
273  private boolean fixReferenceFiles = false; // fix lingering reference store file
274  private boolean fixHFileLinks = false; // fix lingering HFileLinks
275  private boolean fixEmptyMetaCells = false; // fix (remove) empty REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER rows
276  private boolean fixReplication = false; // fix undeleted replication queues for removed peer
277  private boolean cleanReplicationBarrier = false; // clean replication barriers of a table
278  private boolean fixAny = false; // Set to true if any of the fix is required.
280  // limit checking/fixes to listed tables, if empty attempt to check/fix all
281  // hbase:meta are always checked
282  private Set<TableName> tablesIncluded = new HashSet<>();
283  private TableName cleanReplicationBarrierTable;
284  private int maxMerge = DEFAULT_MAX_MERGE; // maximum number of overlapping regions to merge
285  // maximum number of overlapping regions to sideline
286  private int maxOverlapsToSideline = DEFAULT_OVERLAPS_TO_SIDELINE;
287  private boolean sidelineBigOverlaps = false; // sideline overlaps with >maxMerge regions
288  private Path sidelineDir = null;
290  private boolean rerun = false; // if we tried to fix something, rerun hbck
291  private static boolean summary = false; // if we want to print less output
292  private boolean checkMetaOnly = false;
293  private boolean checkRegionBoundaries = false;
294  private boolean ignorePreCheckPermission = false; // if pre-check permission
296  /*********
297   * State
298   *********/
299  final private HbckErrorReporter errors;
300  int fixes = 0;
302  /**
303   * This map contains the state of all hbck items.  It maps from encoded region
304   * name to HbckRegionInfo structure.  The information contained in HbckRegionInfo is used
305   * to detect and correct consistency (hdfs/meta/deployment) problems.
306   */
307  private TreeMap<String, HbckRegionInfo> regionInfoMap = new TreeMap<>();
308  // Empty regioninfo qualifiers in hbase:meta
309  private Set<Result> emptyRegionInfoQualifiers = new HashSet<>();
311  /**
312   * This map from Tablename -> TableInfo contains the structures necessary to
313   * detect table consistency problems (holes, dupes, overlaps).  It is sorted
314   * to prevent dupes.
315   *
316   * If tablesIncluded is empty, this map contains all tables.
317   * Otherwise, it contains only meta tables and tables in tablesIncluded,
318   * unless checkMetaOnly is specified, in which case, it contains only
319   * the meta table
320   */
321  private SortedMap<TableName, HbckTableInfo> tablesInfo = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();
323  /**
324   * When initially looking at HDFS, we attempt to find any orphaned data.
325   */
326  private List<HbckRegionInfo> orphanHdfsDirs = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());
328  private Map<TableName, Set<String>> orphanTableDirs = new HashMap<>();
329  private Map<TableName, TableState> tableStates = new HashMap<>();
330  private final RetryCounterFactory lockFileRetryCounterFactory;
331  private final RetryCounterFactory createZNodeRetryCounterFactory;
333  private Map<TableName, Set<String>> skippedRegions = new HashMap<>();
335  private ZKWatcher zkw = null;
336  private String hbckEphemeralNodePath = null;
337  private boolean hbckZodeCreated = false;
339  /**
340   * Constructor
341   *
342   * @param conf Configuration object
343   * @throws MasterNotRunningException if the master is not running
344   * @throws ZooKeeperConnectionException if unable to connect to ZooKeeper
345   */
346  public HBaseFsck(Configuration conf) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
347    this(conf, createThreadPool(conf));
348  }
350  private static ExecutorService createThreadPool(Configuration conf) {
351    int numThreads = conf.getInt("hbasefsck.numthreads", MAX_NUM_THREADS);
352    return new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(numThreads, Threads.newDaemonThreadFactory("hbasefsck"));
353  }
355  /**
356   * Constructor
357   *
358   * @param conf
359   *          Configuration object
360   * @throws MasterNotRunningException
361   *           if the master is not running
362   * @throws ZooKeeperConnectionException
363   *           if unable to connect to ZooKeeper
364   */
365  public HBaseFsck(Configuration conf, ExecutorService exec) throws MasterNotRunningException,
366      ZooKeeperConnectionException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
367    super(conf);
368    errors = getErrorReporter(getConf());
369    this.executor = exec;
370    lockFileRetryCounterFactory = createLockRetryCounterFactory(getConf());
371    createZNodeRetryCounterFactory = createZnodeRetryCounterFactory(getConf());
372    zkw = createZooKeeperWatcher();
373  }
375  /**
376   * @return A retry counter factory configured for retrying lock file creation.
377   */
378  public static RetryCounterFactory createLockRetryCounterFactory(Configuration conf) {
379    return new RetryCounterFactory(
380        conf.getInt("hbase.hbck.lockfile.attempts", DEFAULT_MAX_LOCK_FILE_ATTEMPTS),
381        conf.getInt("hbase.hbck.lockfile.attempt.sleep.interval",
383        conf.getInt("hbase.hbck.lockfile.attempt.maxsleeptime",
385  }
387  /**
388   * @return A retry counter factory configured for retrying znode creation.
389   */
390  private static RetryCounterFactory createZnodeRetryCounterFactory(Configuration conf) {
391    return new RetryCounterFactory(
392        conf.getInt("hbase.hbck.createznode.attempts", DEFAULT_MAX_CREATE_ZNODE_ATTEMPTS),
393        conf.getInt("hbase.hbck.createznode.attempt.sleep.interval",
395        conf.getInt("hbase.hbck.createznode.attempt.maxsleeptime",
397  }
399  /**
400   * @return Return the tmp dir this tool writes too.
401   */
402  @VisibleForTesting
403  public static Path getTmpDir(Configuration conf) throws IOException {
404    return new Path(CommonFSUtils.getRootDir(conf), HConstants.HBASE_TEMP_DIRECTORY);
405  }
407  private static class FileLockCallable implements Callable<FSDataOutputStream> {
408    RetryCounter retryCounter;
409    private final Configuration conf;
410    private Path hbckLockPath = null;
412    public FileLockCallable(Configuration conf, RetryCounter retryCounter) {
413      this.retryCounter = retryCounter;
414      this.conf = conf;
415    }
417    /**
418     * @return Will be <code>null</code> unless you call {@link #call()}
419     */
420    Path getHbckLockPath() {
421      return this.hbckLockPath;
422    }
424    @Override
425    public FSDataOutputStream call() throws IOException {
426      try {
427        FileSystem fs = CommonFSUtils.getCurrentFileSystem(this.conf);
428        FsPermission defaultPerms =
429          CommonFSUtils.getFilePermissions(fs, this.conf, HConstants.DATA_FILE_UMASK_KEY);
430        Path tmpDir = getTmpDir(conf);
431        this.hbckLockPath = new Path(tmpDir, HBCK_LOCK_FILE);
432        fs.mkdirs(tmpDir);
433        final FSDataOutputStream out = createFileWithRetries(fs, this.hbckLockPath, defaultPerms);
434        out.writeBytes(InetAddress.getLocalHost().toString());
435        // Add a note into the file we write on why hbase2 is writing out an hbck1 lock file.
436        out.writeBytes(" Written by an hbase-2.x Master to block an " +
437            "attempt by an hbase-1.x HBCK tool making modification to state. " +
438            "See 'HBCK must match HBase server version' in the hbase refguide.");
439        out.flush();
440        return out;
441      } catch(RemoteException e) {
442        if(AlreadyBeingCreatedException.class.getName().equals(e.getClassName())){
443          return null;
444        } else {
445          throw e;
446        }
447      }
448    }
450    private FSDataOutputStream createFileWithRetries(final FileSystem fs,
451        final Path hbckLockFilePath, final FsPermission defaultPerms)
452        throws IOException {
453      IOException exception = null;
454      do {
455        try {
456          return CommonFSUtils.create(fs, hbckLockFilePath, defaultPerms, false);
457        } catch (IOException ioe) {
458          LOG.info("Failed to create lock file " + hbckLockFilePath.getName()
459              + ", try=" + (retryCounter.getAttemptTimes() + 1) + " of "
460              + retryCounter.getMaxAttempts());
461          LOG.debug("Failed to create lock file " + hbckLockFilePath.getName(),
462              ioe);
463          try {
464            exception = ioe;
465            retryCounter.sleepUntilNextRetry();
466          } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
467            throw (InterruptedIOException) new InterruptedIOException(
468                "Can't create lock file " + hbckLockFilePath.getName())
469            .initCause(ie);
470          }
471        }
472      } while (retryCounter.shouldRetry());
474      throw exception;
475    }
476  }
478  /**
479   * This method maintains a lock using a file. If the creation fails we return null
480   *
481   * @return FSDataOutputStream object corresponding to the newly opened lock file
482   * @throws IOException if IO failure occurs
483   */
484  public static Pair<Path, FSDataOutputStream> checkAndMarkRunningHbck(Configuration conf,
485      RetryCounter retryCounter) throws IOException {
486    FileLockCallable callable = new FileLockCallable(conf, retryCounter);
487    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
488    FutureTask<FSDataOutputStream> futureTask = new FutureTask<>(callable);
489    executor.execute(futureTask);
490    final int timeoutInSeconds = conf.getInt(
491      "hbase.hbck.lockfile.maxwaittime", DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_LOCK_TIMEOUT);
492    FSDataOutputStream stream = null;
493    try {
494      stream = futureTask.get(timeoutInSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
495    } catch (ExecutionException ee) {
496      LOG.warn("Encountered exception when opening lock file", ee);
497    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
498      LOG.warn("Interrupted when opening lock file", ie);
499      Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
500    } catch (TimeoutException exception) {
501      // took too long to obtain lock
502      LOG.warn("Took more than " + timeoutInSeconds + " seconds in obtaining lock");
503      futureTask.cancel(true);
504    } finally {
505      executor.shutdownNow();
506    }
507    return new Pair<Path, FSDataOutputStream>(callable.getHbckLockPath(), stream);
508  }
510  private void unlockHbck() {
511    if (isExclusive() && hbckLockCleanup.compareAndSet(true, false)) {
512      RetryCounter retryCounter = lockFileRetryCounterFactory.create();
513      do {
514        try {
515          IOUtils.closeQuietly(hbckOutFd);
516          CommonFSUtils.delete(CommonFSUtils.getCurrentFileSystem(getConf()), HBCK_LOCK_PATH, true);
517          LOG.info("Finishing hbck");
518          return;
519        } catch (IOException ioe) {
520          LOG.info("Failed to delete " + HBCK_LOCK_PATH + ", try="
521              + (retryCounter.getAttemptTimes() + 1) + " of "
522              + retryCounter.getMaxAttempts());
523          LOG.debug("Failed to delete " + HBCK_LOCK_PATH, ioe);
524          try {
525            retryCounter.sleepUntilNextRetry();
526          } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
527            Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
528            LOG.warn("Interrupted while deleting lock file" +
529                HBCK_LOCK_PATH);
530            return;
531          }
532        }
533      } while (retryCounter.shouldRetry());
534    }
535  }
537  /**
538   * To repair region consistency, one must call connect() in order to repair
539   * online state.
540   */
541  public void connect() throws IOException {
543    if (isExclusive()) {
544      // Grab the lock
545      Pair<Path, FSDataOutputStream> pair =
546          checkAndMarkRunningHbck(getConf(), this.lockFileRetryCounterFactory.create());
547      HBCK_LOCK_PATH = pair.getFirst();
548      this.hbckOutFd = pair.getSecond();
549      if (hbckOutFd == null) {
550        setRetCode(-1);
551        LOG.error("Another instance of hbck is fixing HBase, exiting this instance. " +
552            "[If you are sure no other instance is running, delete the lock file " +
553            HBCK_LOCK_PATH + " and rerun the tool]");
554        throw new IOException("Duplicate hbck - Abort");
555      }
557      // Make sure to cleanup the lock
558      hbckLockCleanup.set(true);
559    }
562    // Add a shutdown hook to this thread, in case user tries to
563    // kill the hbck with a ctrl-c, we want to cleanup the lock so that
564    // it is available for further calls
565    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
566      @Override
567      public void run() {
568        IOUtils.closeQuietly(HBaseFsck.this);
569        cleanupHbckZnode();
570        unlockHbck();
571      }
572    });
574    LOG.info("Launching hbck");
576    connection = (ClusterConnection)ConnectionFactory.createConnection(getConf());
577    admin = connection.getAdmin();
578    meta = connection.getTable(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME);
579    status = admin.getClusterMetrics(EnumSet.of(Option.LIVE_SERVERS,
580      Option.DEAD_SERVERS, Option.MASTER, Option.BACKUP_MASTERS,
582  }
584  /**
585   * Get deployed regions according to the region servers.
586   */
587  private void loadDeployedRegions() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
588    // From the master, get a list of all known live region servers
589    Collection<ServerName> regionServers = status.getLiveServerMetrics().keySet();
590    errors.print("Number of live region servers: " + regionServers.size());
591    if (details) {
592      for (ServerName rsinfo: regionServers) {
593        errors.print("  " + rsinfo.getServerName());
594      }
595    }
597    // From the master, get a list of all dead region servers
598    Collection<ServerName> deadRegionServers = status.getDeadServerNames();
599    errors.print("Number of dead region servers: " + deadRegionServers.size());
600    if (details) {
601      for (ServerName name: deadRegionServers) {
602        errors.print("  " + name);
603      }
604    }
606    // Print the current master name and state
607    errors.print("Master: " + status.getMasterName());
609    // Print the list of all backup masters
610    Collection<ServerName> backupMasters = status.getBackupMasterNames();
611    errors.print("Number of backup masters: " + backupMasters.size());
612    if (details) {
613      for (ServerName name: backupMasters) {
614        errors.print("  " + name);
615      }
616    }
618    errors.print("Average load: " + status.getAverageLoad());
619    errors.print("Number of requests: " + status.getRequestCount());
620    errors.print("Number of regions: " + status.getRegionCount());
622    List<RegionState> rits = status.getRegionStatesInTransition();
623    errors.print("Number of regions in transition: " + rits.size());
624    if (details) {
625      for (RegionState state: rits) {
626        errors.print("  " + state.toDescriptiveString());
627      }
628    }
630    // Determine what's deployed
631    processRegionServers(regionServers);
632  }
634  /**
635   * Clear the current state of hbck.
636   */
637  private void clearState() {
638    // Make sure regionInfo is empty before starting
639    fixes = 0;
640    regionInfoMap.clear();
641    emptyRegionInfoQualifiers.clear();
642    tableStates.clear();
643    errors.clear();
644    tablesInfo.clear();
645    orphanHdfsDirs.clear();
646    skippedRegions.clear();
647  }
649  /**
650   * This repair method analyzes hbase data in hdfs and repairs it to satisfy
651   * the table integrity rules.  HBase doesn't need to be online for this
652   * operation to work.
653   */
654  public void offlineHdfsIntegrityRepair() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
655    // Initial pass to fix orphans.
656    if (shouldCheckHdfs() && (shouldFixHdfsOrphans() || shouldFixHdfsHoles()
657        || shouldFixHdfsOverlaps() || shouldFixTableOrphans())) {
658      LOG.info("Loading regioninfos HDFS");
659      // if nothing is happening this should always complete in two iterations.
660      int maxIterations = getConf().getInt("hbase.hbck.integrityrepair.iterations.max", 3);
661      int curIter = 0;
662      do {
663        clearState(); // clears hbck state and reset fixes to 0 and.
664        // repair what's on HDFS
665        restoreHdfsIntegrity();
666        curIter++;// limit the number of iterations.
667      } while (fixes > 0 && curIter <= maxIterations);
669      // Repairs should be done in the first iteration and verification in the second.
670      // If there are more than 2 passes, something funny has happened.
671      if (curIter > 2) {
672        if (curIter == maxIterations) {
673          LOG.warn("Exiting integrity repairs after max " + curIter + " iterations. "
674              + "Tables integrity may not be fully repaired!");
675        } else {
676          LOG.info("Successfully exiting integrity repairs after " + curIter + " iterations");
677        }
678      }
679    }
680  }
682  /**
683   * This repair method requires the cluster to be online since it contacts
684   * region servers and the masters.  It makes each region's state in HDFS, in
685   * hbase:meta, and deployments consistent.
686   *
687   * @return If &gt; 0 , number of errors detected, if &lt; 0 there was an unrecoverable
688   *     error.  If 0, we have a clean hbase.
689   */
690  public int onlineConsistencyRepair() throws IOException, KeeperException,
691    InterruptedException {
693    // get regions according to what is online on each RegionServer
694    loadDeployedRegions();
695    // check whether hbase:meta is deployed and online
696    recordMetaRegion();
697    // Check if hbase:meta is found only once and in the right place
698    if (!checkMetaRegion()) {
699      String errorMsg = "hbase:meta table is not consistent. ";
700      if (shouldFixAssignments()) {
701        errorMsg += "HBCK will try fixing it. Rerun once hbase:meta is back to consistent state.";
702      } else {
703        errorMsg += "Run HBCK with proper fix options to fix hbase:meta inconsistency.";
704      }
705      errors.reportError(errorMsg + " Exiting...");
706      return -2;
707    }
708    // Not going with further consistency check for tables when hbase:meta itself is not consistent.
709    LOG.info("Loading regionsinfo from the hbase:meta table");
710    boolean success = loadMetaEntries();
711    if (!success) return -1;
713    // Empty cells in hbase:meta?
714    reportEmptyMetaCells();
716    // Check if we have to cleanup empty REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER rows from hbase:meta
717    if (shouldFixEmptyMetaCells()) {
718      fixEmptyMetaCells();
719    }
721    // get a list of all tables that have not changed recently.
722    if (!checkMetaOnly) {
723      reportTablesInFlux();
724    }
726    // Get disabled tables states
727    loadTableStates();
729    // load regiondirs and regioninfos from HDFS
730    if (shouldCheckHdfs()) {
731      LOG.info("Loading region directories from HDFS");
732      loadHdfsRegionDirs();
733      LOG.info("Loading region information from HDFS");
734      loadHdfsRegionInfos();
735    }
737    // fix the orphan tables
738    fixOrphanTables();
740    LOG.info("Checking and fixing region consistency");
741    // Check and fix consistency
742    checkAndFixConsistency();
744    // Check integrity (does not fix)
745    checkIntegrity();
746    return errors.getErrorList().size();
747  }
749  /**
750   * This method maintains an ephemeral znode. If the creation fails we return false or throw
751   * exception
752   *
753   * @return true if creating znode succeeds; false otherwise
754   * @throws IOException if IO failure occurs
755   */
756  private boolean setMasterInMaintenanceMode() throws IOException {
757    RetryCounter retryCounter = createZNodeRetryCounterFactory.create();
758    hbckEphemeralNodePath = ZNodePaths.joinZNode(
759      zkw.getZNodePaths().masterMaintZNode,
760      "hbck-" + Long.toString(EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime()));
761    do {
762      try {
763        hbckZodeCreated = ZKUtil.createEphemeralNodeAndWatch(zkw, hbckEphemeralNodePath, null);
764        if (hbckZodeCreated) {
765          break;
766        }
767      } catch (KeeperException e) {
768        if (retryCounter.getAttemptTimes() >= retryCounter.getMaxAttempts()) {
769           throw new IOException("Can't create znode " + hbckEphemeralNodePath, e);
770        }
771        // fall through and retry
772      }
774      LOG.warn("Fail to create znode " + hbckEphemeralNodePath + ", try=" +
775          (retryCounter.getAttemptTimes() + 1) + " of " + retryCounter.getMaxAttempts());
777      try {
778        retryCounter.sleepUntilNextRetry();
779      } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
780        throw (InterruptedIOException) new InterruptedIOException(
781              "Can't create znode " + hbckEphemeralNodePath).initCause(ie);
782      }
783    } while (retryCounter.shouldRetry());
784    return hbckZodeCreated;
785  }
787  private void cleanupHbckZnode() {
788    try {
789      if (zkw != null && hbckZodeCreated) {
790        ZKUtil.deleteNode(zkw, hbckEphemeralNodePath);
791        hbckZodeCreated = false;
792      }
793    } catch (KeeperException e) {
794      // Ignore
795      if (!e.code().equals(KeeperException.Code.NONODE)) {
796        LOG.warn("Delete HBCK znode " + hbckEphemeralNodePath + " failed ", e);
797      }
798    }
799  }
801  /**
802   * Contacts the master and prints out cluster-wide information
803   * @return 0 on success, non-zero on failure
804   */
805  public int onlineHbck()
806      throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException, ReplicationException {
807    // print hbase server version
808    errors.print("Version: " + status.getHBaseVersion());
810    // Clean start
811    clearState();
812    // Do offline check and repair first
813    offlineHdfsIntegrityRepair();
814    offlineReferenceFileRepair();
815    offlineHLinkFileRepair();
816    // If Master runs maintenance tasks (such as balancer, catalog janitor, etc) during online
817    // hbck, it is likely that hbck would be misled and report transient errors.  Therefore, it
818    // is better to set Master into maintenance mode during online hbck.
819    //
820    if (!setMasterInMaintenanceMode()) {
821      LOG.warn("HBCK is running while master is not in maintenance mode, you might see transient "
822        + "error.  Please run HBCK multiple times to reduce the chance of transient error.");
823    }
825    onlineConsistencyRepair();
827    if (checkRegionBoundaries) {
828      checkRegionBoundaries();
829    }
831    checkAndFixReplication();
833    cleanReplicationBarrier();
835    // Remove the hbck znode
836    cleanupHbckZnode();
838    // Remove the hbck lock
839    unlockHbck();
841    // Print table summary
842    printTableSummary(tablesInfo);
843    return errors.summarize();
844  }
846  public static byte[] keyOnly(byte[] b) {
847    if (b == null)
848      return b;
849    int rowlength = Bytes.toShort(b, 0);
850    byte[] result = new byte[rowlength];
851    System.arraycopy(b, Bytes.SIZEOF_SHORT, result, 0, rowlength);
852    return result;
853  }
855  @Override
856  public void close() throws IOException {
857    try {
858      cleanupHbckZnode();
859      unlockHbck();
860    } catch (Exception io) {
861      LOG.warn(io.toString(), io);
862    } finally {
863      if (zkw != null) {
864        zkw.close();
865        zkw = null;
866      }
867      IOUtils.closeQuietly(admin);
868      IOUtils.closeQuietly(meta);
869      IOUtils.closeQuietly(connection);
870    }
871  }
873  private static class RegionBoundariesInformation {
874    public byte [] regionName;
875    public byte [] metaFirstKey;
876    public byte [] metaLastKey;
877    public byte [] storesFirstKey;
878    public byte [] storesLastKey;
879    @Override
880    public String toString () {
881      return "regionName=" + Bytes.toStringBinary(regionName) +
882             "\nmetaFirstKey=" + Bytes.toStringBinary(metaFirstKey) +
883             "\nmetaLastKey=" + Bytes.toStringBinary(metaLastKey) +
884             "\nstoresFirstKey=" + Bytes.toStringBinary(storesFirstKey) +
885             "\nstoresLastKey=" + Bytes.toStringBinary(storesLastKey);
886    }
887  }
889  public void checkRegionBoundaries() {
890    try {
891      ByteArrayComparator comparator = new ByteArrayComparator();
892      List<RegionInfo> regions = MetaTableAccessor.getAllRegions(connection, true);
893      final RegionBoundariesInformation currentRegionBoundariesInformation =
894          new RegionBoundariesInformation();
895      Path hbaseRoot = CommonFSUtils.getRootDir(getConf());
896      for (RegionInfo regionInfo : regions) {
897        Path tableDir = CommonFSUtils.getTableDir(hbaseRoot, regionInfo.getTable());
898        currentRegionBoundariesInformation.regionName = regionInfo.getRegionName();
899        // For each region, get the start and stop key from the META and compare them to the
900        // same information from the Stores.
901        Path path = new Path(tableDir, regionInfo.getEncodedName());
902        FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(getConf());
903        FileStatus[] files = fs.listStatus(path);
904        // For all the column families in this region...
905        byte[] storeFirstKey = null;
906        byte[] storeLastKey = null;
907        for (FileStatus file : files) {
908          String fileName = file.getPath().toString();
909          fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
910          if (!fileName.startsWith(".") && !fileName.endsWith("recovered.edits")) {
911            FileStatus[] storeFiles = fs.listStatus(file.getPath());
912            // For all the stores in this column family.
913            for (FileStatus storeFile : storeFiles) {
914              HFile.Reader reader = HFile.createReader(fs, storeFile.getPath(),
915                CacheConfig.DISABLED, true, getConf());
916              if ((reader.getFirstKey() != null)
917                  && ((storeFirstKey == null) || (comparator.compare(storeFirstKey,
918                      ((KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue) reader.getFirstKey().get()).getKey()) > 0))) {
919                storeFirstKey = ((KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue)reader.getFirstKey().get()).getKey();
920              }
921              if ((reader.getLastKey() != null)
922                  && ((storeLastKey == null) || (comparator.compare(storeLastKey,
923                      ((KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue)reader.getLastKey().get()).getKey())) < 0)) {
924                storeLastKey = ((KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue)reader.getLastKey().get()).getKey();
925              }
926              reader.close();
927            }
928          }
929        }
930        currentRegionBoundariesInformation.metaFirstKey = regionInfo.getStartKey();
931        currentRegionBoundariesInformation.metaLastKey = regionInfo.getEndKey();
932        currentRegionBoundariesInformation.storesFirstKey = keyOnly(storeFirstKey);
933        currentRegionBoundariesInformation.storesLastKey = keyOnly(storeLastKey);
934        if (currentRegionBoundariesInformation.metaFirstKey.length == 0)
935          currentRegionBoundariesInformation.metaFirstKey = null;
936        if (currentRegionBoundariesInformation.metaLastKey.length == 0)
937          currentRegionBoundariesInformation.metaLastKey = null;
939        // For a region to be correct, we need the META start key to be smaller or equal to the
940        // smallest start key from all the stores, and the start key from the next META entry to
941        // be bigger than the last key from all the current stores. First region start key is null;
942        // Last region end key is null; some regions can be empty and not have any store.
944        boolean valid = true;
945        // Checking start key.
946        if ((currentRegionBoundariesInformation.storesFirstKey != null)
947            && (currentRegionBoundariesInformation.metaFirstKey != null)) {
948          valid = valid
949              && comparator.compare(currentRegionBoundariesInformation.storesFirstKey,
950                currentRegionBoundariesInformation.metaFirstKey) >= 0;
951        }
952        // Checking stop key.
953        if ((currentRegionBoundariesInformation.storesLastKey != null)
954            && (currentRegionBoundariesInformation.metaLastKey != null)) {
955          valid = valid
956              && comparator.compare(currentRegionBoundariesInformation.storesLastKey,
957                currentRegionBoundariesInformation.metaLastKey) < 0;
958        }
959        if (!valid) {
960          errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.BOUNDARIES_ERROR, "Found issues with regions boundaries",
961            tablesInfo.get(regionInfo.getTable()));
962          LOG.warn("Region's boundaries not aligned between stores and META for:");
963          LOG.warn(Objects.toString(currentRegionBoundariesInformation));
964        }
965      }
966    } catch (IOException e) {
967      LOG.error(e.toString(), e);
968    }
969  }
971  /**
972   * Iterates through the list of all orphan/invalid regiondirs.
973   */
974  private void adoptHdfsOrphans(Collection<HbckRegionInfo> orphanHdfsDirs) throws IOException {
975    for (HbckRegionInfo hi : orphanHdfsDirs) {
976      LOG.info("Attempting to handle orphan hdfs dir: " + hi.getHdfsRegionDir());
977      adoptHdfsOrphan(hi);
978    }
979  }
981  /**
982   * Orphaned regions are regions without a .regioninfo file in them.  We "adopt"
983   * these orphans by creating a new region, and moving the column families,
984   * recovered edits, WALs, into the new region dir.  We determine the region
985   * startkey and endkeys by looking at all of the hfiles inside the column
986   * families to identify the min and max keys. The resulting region will
987   * likely violate table integrity but will be dealt with by merging
988   * overlapping regions.
989   */
990  @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
991  private void adoptHdfsOrphan(HbckRegionInfo hi) throws IOException {
992    Path p = hi.getHdfsRegionDir();
993    FileSystem fs = p.getFileSystem(getConf());
994    FileStatus[] dirs = fs.listStatus(p);
995    if (dirs == null) {
996      LOG.warn("Attempt to adopt orphan hdfs region skipped because no files present in " +
997          p + ". This dir could probably be deleted.");
998      return ;
999    }
1001    TableName tableName = hi.getTableName();
1002    HbckTableInfo tableInfo = tablesInfo.get(tableName);
1003    Preconditions.checkNotNull(tableInfo, "Table '" + tableName + "' not present!");
1004    TableDescriptor template = tableInfo.getTableDescriptor();
1006    // find min and max key values
1007    Pair<byte[],byte[]> orphanRegionRange = null;
1008    for (FileStatus cf : dirs) {
1009      String cfName= cf.getPath().getName();
1010      // TODO Figure out what the special dirs are
1011      if (cfName.startsWith(".") || cfName.equals(HConstants.SPLIT_LOGDIR_NAME)) continue;
1013      FileStatus[] hfiles = fs.listStatus(cf.getPath());
1014      for (FileStatus hfile : hfiles) {
1015        byte[] start, end;
1016        HFile.Reader hf = null;
1017        try {
1018          hf = HFile.createReader(fs, hfile.getPath(), CacheConfig.DISABLED, true, getConf());
1019          Optional<Cell> startKv = hf.getFirstKey();
1020          start = CellUtil.cloneRow(startKv.get());
1021          Optional<Cell> endKv = hf.getLastKey();
1022          end = CellUtil.cloneRow(endKv.get());
1023        } catch (IOException ioe) {
1024          LOG.warn("Problem reading orphan file " + hfile + ", skipping");
1025          continue;
1026        } catch (NullPointerException ioe) {
1027          LOG.warn("Orphan file " + hfile + " is possibly corrupted HFile, skipping");
1028          continue;
1029        } finally {
1030          if (hf != null) {
1031            hf.close();
1032          }
1033        }
1035        // expand the range to include the range of all hfiles
1036        if (orphanRegionRange == null) {
1037          // first range
1038          orphanRegionRange = new Pair<>(start, end);
1039        } else {
1040          // TODO add test
1042          // expand range only if the hfile is wider.
1043          if (Bytes.compareTo(orphanRegionRange.getFirst(), start) > 0) {
1044            orphanRegionRange.setFirst(start);
1045          }
1046          if (Bytes.compareTo(orphanRegionRange.getSecond(), end) < 0 ) {
1047            orphanRegionRange.setSecond(end);
1048          }
1049        }
1050      }
1051    }
1052    if (orphanRegionRange == null) {
1053      LOG.warn("No data in dir " + p + ", sidelining data");
1054      fixes++;
1055      sidelineRegionDir(fs, hi);
1056      return;
1057    }
1058    LOG.info("Min max keys are : [" + Bytes.toString(orphanRegionRange.getFirst()) + ", " +
1059        Bytes.toString(orphanRegionRange.getSecond()) + ")");
1061    // create new region on hdfs. move data into place.
1062    RegionInfo regionInfo = RegionInfoBuilder.newBuilder(template.getTableName())
1063        .setStartKey(orphanRegionRange.getFirst())
1064        .setEndKey(Bytes.add(orphanRegionRange.getSecond(), new byte[1]))
1065        .build();
1066    LOG.info("Creating new region : " + regionInfo);
1067    HRegion region = HBaseFsckRepair.createHDFSRegionDir(getConf(), regionInfo, template);
1068    Path target = region.getRegionFileSystem().getRegionDir();
1070    // rename all the data to new region
1071    mergeRegionDirs(target, hi);
1072    fixes++;
1073  }
1075  /**
1076   * This method determines if there are table integrity errors in HDFS.  If
1077   * there are errors and the appropriate "fix" options are enabled, the method
1078   * will first correct orphan regions making them into legit regiondirs, and
1079   * then reload to merge potentially overlapping regions.
1080   *
1081   * @return number of table integrity errors found
1082   */
1083  private int restoreHdfsIntegrity() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
1084    // Determine what's on HDFS
1085    LOG.info("Loading HBase regioninfo from HDFS...");
1086    loadHdfsRegionDirs(); // populating regioninfo table.
1088    int errs = errors.getErrorList().size();
1089    // First time just get suggestions.
1090    tablesInfo = loadHdfsRegionInfos(); // update tableInfos based on region info in fs.
1091    checkHdfsIntegrity(false, false);
1093    if (errors.getErrorList().size() == errs) {
1094      LOG.info("No integrity errors.  We are done with this phase. Glorious.");
1095      return 0;
1096    }
1098    if (shouldFixHdfsOrphans() && orphanHdfsDirs.size() > 0) {
1099      adoptHdfsOrphans(orphanHdfsDirs);
1100      // TODO optimize by incrementally adding instead of reloading.
1101    }
1103    // Make sure there are no holes now.
1104    if (shouldFixHdfsHoles()) {
1105      clearState(); // this also resets # fixes.
1106      loadHdfsRegionDirs();
1107      tablesInfo = loadHdfsRegionInfos(); // update tableInfos based on region info in fs.
1108      tablesInfo = checkHdfsIntegrity(shouldFixHdfsHoles(), false);
1109    }
1111    // Now we fix overlaps
1112    if (shouldFixHdfsOverlaps()) {
1113      // second pass we fix overlaps.
1114      clearState(); // this also resets # fixes.
1115      loadHdfsRegionDirs();
1116      tablesInfo = loadHdfsRegionInfos(); // update tableInfos based on region info in fs.
1117      tablesInfo = checkHdfsIntegrity(false, shouldFixHdfsOverlaps());
1118    }
1120    return errors.getErrorList().size();
1121  }
1123  /**
1124   * Scan all the store file names to find any lingering reference files,
1125   * which refer to some none-exiting files. If "fix" option is enabled,
1126   * any lingering reference file will be sidelined if found.
1127   * <p>
1128   * Lingering reference file prevents a region from opening. It has to
1129   * be fixed before a cluster can start properly.
1130   */
1131  private void offlineReferenceFileRepair() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
1132    clearState();
1133    Configuration conf = getConf();
1134    Path hbaseRoot = CommonFSUtils.getRootDir(conf);
1135    FileSystem fs = hbaseRoot.getFileSystem(conf);
1136    LOG.info("Computing mapping of all store files");
1137    Map<String, Path> allFiles = FSUtils.getTableStoreFilePathMap(fs, hbaseRoot,
1138      new FSUtils.ReferenceFileFilter(fs), executor, errors);
1139    errors.print("");
1140    LOG.info("Validating mapping using HDFS state");
1141    for (Path path: allFiles.values()) {
1142      Path referredToFile = StoreFileInfo.getReferredToFile(path);
1143      if (fs.exists(referredToFile)) continue;  // good, expected
1145      // Found a lingering reference file
1146      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.LINGERING_REFERENCE_HFILE,
1147        "Found lingering reference file " + path);
1148      if (!shouldFixReferenceFiles()) continue;
1150      // Now, trying to fix it since requested
1151      boolean success = false;
1152      String pathStr = path.toString();
1154      // A reference file path should be like
1155      // ${hbase.rootdir}/data/namespace/table_name/region_id/family_name/referred_file.region_name
1156      // Up 5 directories to get the root folder.
1157      // So the file will be sidelined to a similar folder structure.
1158      int index = pathStr.lastIndexOf(Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR);
1159      for (int i = 0; index > 0 && i < 5; i++) {
1160        index = pathStr.lastIndexOf(Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR, index - 1);
1161      }
1162      if (index > 0) {
1163        Path rootDir = getSidelineDir();
1164        Path dst = new Path(rootDir, pathStr.substring(index + 1));
1165        fs.mkdirs(dst.getParent());
1166        LOG.info("Trying to sideline reference file "
1167          + path + " to " + dst);
1168        setShouldRerun();
1170        success = fs.rename(path, dst);
1171        debugLsr(dst);
1173      }
1174      if (!success) {
1175        LOG.error("Failed to sideline reference file " + path);
1176      }
1177    }
1178  }
1180  /**
1181   * Scan all the store file names to find any lingering HFileLink files,
1182   * which refer to some none-exiting files. If "fix" option is enabled,
1183   * any lingering HFileLink file will be sidelined if found.
1184   */
1185  private void offlineHLinkFileRepair() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
1186    Configuration conf = getConf();
1187    Path hbaseRoot = CommonFSUtils.getRootDir(conf);
1188    FileSystem fs = hbaseRoot.getFileSystem(conf);
1189    LOG.info("Computing mapping of all link files");
1190    Map<String, Path> allFiles = FSUtils
1191        .getTableStoreFilePathMap(fs, hbaseRoot, new FSUtils.HFileLinkFilter(), executor, errors);
1192    errors.print("");
1194    LOG.info("Validating mapping using HDFS state");
1195    for (Path path : allFiles.values()) {
1196      // building HFileLink object to gather locations
1197      HFileLink actualLink = HFileLink.buildFromHFileLinkPattern(conf, path);
1198      if (actualLink.exists(fs)) continue; // good, expected
1200      // Found a lingering HFileLink
1201      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.LINGERING_HFILELINK, "Found lingering HFileLink " + path);
1202      if (!shouldFixHFileLinks()) continue;
1204      // Now, trying to fix it since requested
1205      setShouldRerun();
1207      // An HFileLink path should be like
1208      // ${hbase.rootdir}/data/namespace/table_name/region_id/family_name/linkedtable=linkedregionname-linkedhfilename
1209      // sidelineing will happen in the ${hbase.rootdir}/${sidelinedir} directory with the same folder structure.
1210      boolean success = sidelineFile(fs, hbaseRoot, path);
1212      if (!success) {
1213        LOG.error("Failed to sideline HFileLink file " + path);
1214      }
1216      // An HFileLink backreference path should be like
1217      // ${hbase.rootdir}/archive/data/namespace/table_name/region_id/family_name/.links-linkedhfilename
1218      // sidelineing will happen in the ${hbase.rootdir}/${sidelinedir} directory with the same folder structure.
1219      Path backRefPath = FileLink.getBackReferencesDir(HFileArchiveUtil
1220              .getStoreArchivePath(conf, HFileLink.getReferencedTableName(path.getName().toString()),
1221                  HFileLink.getReferencedRegionName(path.getName().toString()),
1222                  path.getParent().getName()),
1223          HFileLink.getReferencedHFileName(path.getName().toString()));
1224      success = sidelineFile(fs, hbaseRoot, backRefPath);
1226      if (!success) {
1227        LOG.error("Failed to sideline HFileLink backreference file " + path);
1228      }
1229    }
1230  }
1232  private boolean sidelineFile(FileSystem fs, Path hbaseRoot, Path path) throws IOException {
1233    URI uri = hbaseRoot.toUri().relativize(path.toUri());
1234    if (uri.isAbsolute()) return false;
1235    String relativePath = uri.getPath();
1236    Path rootDir = getSidelineDir();
1237    Path dst = new Path(rootDir, relativePath);
1238    boolean pathCreated = fs.mkdirs(dst.getParent());
1239    if (!pathCreated) {
1240      LOG.error("Failed to create path: " + dst.getParent());
1241      return false;
1242    }
1243    LOG.info("Trying to sideline file " + path + " to " + dst);
1244    return fs.rename(path, dst);
1245  }
1247  /**
1248   * TODO -- need to add tests for this.
1249   */
1250  private void reportEmptyMetaCells() {
1251    errors.print("Number of empty REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER rows in hbase:meta: " +
1252      emptyRegionInfoQualifiers.size());
1253    if (details) {
1254      for (Result r: emptyRegionInfoQualifiers) {
1255        errors.print("  " + r);
1256      }
1257    }
1258  }
1260  /**
1261   * TODO -- need to add tests for this.
1262   */
1263  private void reportTablesInFlux() {
1264    AtomicInteger numSkipped = new AtomicInteger(0);
1265    TableDescriptor[] allTables = getTables(numSkipped);
1266    errors.print("Number of Tables: " + allTables.length);
1267    if (details) {
1268      if (numSkipped.get() > 0) {
1269        errors.detail("Number of Tables in flux: " + numSkipped.get());
1270      }
1271      for (TableDescriptor td : allTables) {
1272        errors.detail("  Table: " + td.getTableName() + "\t" +
1273                           (td.isReadOnly() ? "ro" : "rw") + "\t" +
1274                            (td.isMetaRegion() ? "META" : "    ") + "\t" +
1275                           " families: " + td.getColumnFamilyCount());
1276      }
1277    }
1278  }
1280  public HbckErrorReporter getErrors() {
1281    return errors;
1282  }
1284  /**
1285   * Populate hbi's from regionInfos loaded from file system.
1286   */
1287  private SortedMap<TableName, HbckTableInfo> loadHdfsRegionInfos()
1288      throws IOException, InterruptedException {
1289    tablesInfo.clear(); // regenerating the data
1290    // generate region split structure
1291    Collection<HbckRegionInfo> hbckRegionInfos = regionInfoMap.values();
1293    // Parallelized read of .regioninfo files.
1294    List<WorkItemHdfsRegionInfo> hbis = new ArrayList<>(hbckRegionInfos.size());
1295    List<Future<Void>> hbiFutures;
1297    for (HbckRegionInfo hbi : hbckRegionInfos) {
1298      WorkItemHdfsRegionInfo work = new WorkItemHdfsRegionInfo(hbi, this, errors);
1299      hbis.add(work);
1300    }
1302    // Submit and wait for completion
1303    hbiFutures = executor.invokeAll(hbis);
1305    for(int i=0; i<hbiFutures.size(); i++) {
1306      WorkItemHdfsRegionInfo work = hbis.get(i);
1307      Future<Void> f = hbiFutures.get(i);
1308      try {
1309        f.get();
1310      } catch(ExecutionException e) {
1311        LOG.warn("Failed to read .regioninfo file for region " +
1312              work.hbi.getRegionNameAsString(), e.getCause());
1313      }
1314    }
1316    Path hbaseRoot = CommonFSUtils.getRootDir(getConf());
1317    FileSystem fs = hbaseRoot.getFileSystem(getConf());
1318    // serialized table info gathering.
1319    for (HbckRegionInfo hbi: hbckRegionInfos) {
1321      if (hbi.getHdfsHRI() == null) {
1322        // was an orphan
1323        continue;
1324      }
1327      // get table name from hdfs, populate various HBaseFsck tables.
1328      TableName tableName = hbi.getTableName();
1329      if (tableName == null) {
1330        // There was an entry in hbase:meta not in the HDFS?
1331        LOG.warn("tableName was null for: " + hbi);
1332        continue;
1333      }
1335      HbckTableInfo modTInfo = tablesInfo.get(tableName);
1336      if (modTInfo == null) {
1337        // only executed once per table.
1338        modTInfo = new HbckTableInfo(tableName, this);
1339        tablesInfo.put(tableName, modTInfo);
1340        try {
1341          TableDescriptor htd =
1342              FSTableDescriptors.getTableDescriptorFromFs(fs, hbaseRoot, tableName);
1343          modTInfo.htds.add(htd);
1344        } catch (IOException ioe) {
1345          if (!orphanTableDirs.containsKey(tableName)) {
1346            LOG.warn("Unable to read .tableinfo from " + hbaseRoot, ioe);
1347            //should only report once for each table
1348            errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NO_TABLEINFO_FILE,
1349                "Unable to read .tableinfo from " + hbaseRoot + "/" + tableName);
1350            Set<String> columns = new HashSet<>();
1351            orphanTableDirs.put(tableName, getColumnFamilyList(columns, hbi));
1352          }
1353        }
1354      }
1355      if (!hbi.isSkipChecks()) {
1356        modTInfo.addRegionInfo(hbi);
1357      }
1358    }
1360    loadTableInfosForTablesWithNoRegion();
1361    errors.print("");
1363    return tablesInfo;
1364  }
1366  /**
1367   * To get the column family list according to the column family dirs
1368   * @param columns
1369   * @param hbi
1370   * @return a set of column families
1371   * @throws IOException
1372   */
1373  private Set<String> getColumnFamilyList(Set<String> columns, HbckRegionInfo hbi)
1374      throws IOException {
1375    Path regionDir = hbi.getHdfsRegionDir();
1376    FileSystem fs = regionDir.getFileSystem(getConf());
1377    FileStatus[] subDirs = fs.listStatus(regionDir, new FSUtils.FamilyDirFilter(fs));
1378    for (FileStatus subdir : subDirs) {
1379      String columnfamily = subdir.getPath().getName();
1380      columns.add(columnfamily);
1381    }
1382    return columns;
1383  }
1385  /**
1386   * To fabricate a .tableinfo file with following contents<br>
1387   * 1. the correct tablename <br>
1388   * 2. the correct colfamily list<br>
1389   * 3. the default properties for both {@link TableDescriptor} and {@link ColumnFamilyDescriptor}<br>
1390   * @throws IOException
1391   */
1392  private boolean fabricateTableInfo(FSTableDescriptors fstd, TableName tableName,
1393      Set<String> columns) throws IOException {
1394    if (columns ==null || columns.isEmpty()) return false;
1395    TableDescriptorBuilder builder = TableDescriptorBuilder.newBuilder(tableName);
1396    for (String columnfamimly : columns) {
1397      builder.setColumnFamily(ColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder.of(columnfamimly));
1398    }
1399    fstd.createTableDescriptor(builder.build(), true);
1400    return true;
1401  }
1403  /**
1404   * To fix the empty REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER rows from hbase:meta <br>
1405   * @throws IOException
1406   */
1407  public void fixEmptyMetaCells() throws IOException {
1408    if (shouldFixEmptyMetaCells() && !emptyRegionInfoQualifiers.isEmpty()) {
1409      LOG.info("Trying to fix empty REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER hbase:meta rows.");
1410      for (Result region : emptyRegionInfoQualifiers) {
1411        deleteMetaRegion(region.getRow());
1412        errors.getErrorList().remove(ERROR_CODE.EMPTY_META_CELL);
1413      }
1414      emptyRegionInfoQualifiers.clear();
1415    }
1416  }
1418  /**
1419   * To fix orphan table by creating a .tableinfo file under tableDir <br>
1420   * 1. if TableInfo is cached, to recover the .tableinfo accordingly <br>
1421   * 2. else create a default .tableinfo file with following items<br>
1422   * &nbsp;2.1 the correct tablename <br>
1423   * &nbsp;2.2 the correct colfamily list<br>
1424   * &nbsp;2.3 the default properties for both {@link TableDescriptor} and {@link ColumnFamilyDescriptor}<br>
1425   * @throws IOException
1426   */
1427  public void fixOrphanTables() throws IOException {
1428    if (shouldFixTableOrphans() && !orphanTableDirs.isEmpty()) {
1430      List<TableName> tmpList = new ArrayList<>(orphanTableDirs.keySet().size());
1431      tmpList.addAll(orphanTableDirs.keySet());
1432      TableDescriptor[] htds = getTableDescriptors(tmpList);
1433      Iterator<Entry<TableName, Set<String>>> iter =
1434          orphanTableDirs.entrySet().iterator();
1435      int j = 0;
1436      int numFailedCase = 0;
1437      FSTableDescriptors fstd = new FSTableDescriptors(getConf());
1438      while (iter.hasNext()) {
1439        Entry<TableName, Set<String>> entry =
1440            iter.next();
1441        TableName tableName = entry.getKey();
1442        LOG.info("Trying to fix orphan table error: " + tableName);
1443        if (j < htds.length) {
1444          if (tableName.equals(htds[j].getTableName())) {
1445            TableDescriptor htd = htds[j];
1446            LOG.info("fixing orphan table: " + tableName + " from cache");
1447            fstd.createTableDescriptor(htd, true);
1448            j++;
1449            iter.remove();
1450          }
1451        } else {
1452          if (fabricateTableInfo(fstd, tableName, entry.getValue())) {
1453            LOG.warn("fixing orphan table: " + tableName + " with a default .tableinfo file");
1454            LOG.warn("Strongly recommend to modify the TableDescriptor if necessary for: " + tableName);
1455            iter.remove();
1456          } else {
1457            LOG.error("Unable to create default .tableinfo for " + tableName + " while missing column family information");
1458            numFailedCase++;
1459          }
1460        }
1461        fixes++;
1462      }
1464      if (orphanTableDirs.isEmpty()) {
1465        // all orphanTableDirs are luckily recovered
1466        // re-run doFsck after recovering the .tableinfo file
1467        setShouldRerun();
1468        LOG.warn("Strongly recommend to re-run manually hfsck after all orphanTableDirs being fixed");
1469      } else if (numFailedCase > 0) {
1470        LOG.error("Failed to fix " + numFailedCase
1471            + " OrphanTables with default .tableinfo files");
1472      }
1474    }
1475    //cleanup the list
1476    orphanTableDirs.clear();
1478  }
1480  /**
1481   * Log an appropriate message about whether or not overlapping merges are computed in parallel.
1482   */
1483  private void logParallelMerge() {
1484    if (getConf().getBoolean("hbasefsck.overlap.merge.parallel", true)) {
1485      LOG.info("Handling overlap merges in parallel. set hbasefsck.overlap.merge.parallel to" +
1486          " false to run serially.");
1487    } else {
1488      LOG.info("Handling overlap merges serially.  set hbasefsck.overlap.merge.parallel to" +
1489          " true to run in parallel.");
1490    }
1491  }
1493  private SortedMap<TableName, HbckTableInfo> checkHdfsIntegrity(boolean fixHoles,
1494      boolean fixOverlaps) throws IOException {
1495    LOG.info("Checking HBase region split map from HDFS data...");
1496    logParallelMerge();
1497    for (HbckTableInfo tInfo : tablesInfo.values()) {
1498      TableIntegrityErrorHandler handler;
1499      if (fixHoles || fixOverlaps) {
1500        handler = tInfo.new HDFSIntegrityFixer(tInfo, errors, getConf(),
1501          fixHoles, fixOverlaps);
1502      } else {
1503        handler = tInfo.new IntegrityFixSuggester(tInfo, errors);
1504      }
1505      if (!tInfo.checkRegionChain(handler)) {
1506        // should dump info as well.
1507        errors.report("Found inconsistency in table " + tInfo.getName());
1508      }
1509    }
1510    return tablesInfo;
1511  }
1513  Path getSidelineDir() throws IOException {
1514    if (sidelineDir == null) {
1515      Path hbaseDir = CommonFSUtils.getRootDir(getConf());
1516      Path hbckDir = new Path(hbaseDir, HConstants.HBCK_SIDELINEDIR_NAME);
1517      sidelineDir = new Path(hbckDir, hbaseDir.getName() + "-"
1518          + startMillis);
1519    }
1520    return sidelineDir;
1521  }
1523  /**
1524   * Sideline a region dir (instead of deleting it)
1525   */
1526  Path sidelineRegionDir(FileSystem fs, HbckRegionInfo hi) throws IOException {
1527    return sidelineRegionDir(fs, null, hi);
1528  }
1530  /**
1531   * Sideline a region dir (instead of deleting it)
1532   *
1533   * @param parentDir if specified, the region will be sidelined to folder like
1534   *     {@literal .../parentDir/<table name>/<region name>}. The purpose is to group together
1535   *     similar regions sidelined, for example, those regions should be bulk loaded back later
1536   *     on. If NULL, it is ignored.
1537   */
1538  Path sidelineRegionDir(FileSystem fs,
1539      String parentDir, HbckRegionInfo hi) throws IOException {
1540    TableName tableName = hi.getTableName();
1541    Path regionDir = hi.getHdfsRegionDir();
1543    if (!fs.exists(regionDir)) {
1544      LOG.warn("No previous " + regionDir + " exists.  Continuing.");
1545      return null;
1546    }
1548    Path rootDir = getSidelineDir();
1549    if (parentDir != null) {
1550      rootDir = new Path(rootDir, parentDir);
1551    }
1552    Path sidelineTableDir= CommonFSUtils.getTableDir(rootDir, tableName);
1553    Path sidelineRegionDir = new Path(sidelineTableDir, regionDir.getName());
1554    fs.mkdirs(sidelineRegionDir);
1555    boolean success = false;
1556    FileStatus[] cfs =  fs.listStatus(regionDir);
1557    if (cfs == null) {
1558      LOG.info("Region dir is empty: " + regionDir);
1559    } else {
1560      for (FileStatus cf : cfs) {
1561        Path src = cf.getPath();
1562        Path dst =  new Path(sidelineRegionDir, src.getName());
1563        if (fs.isFile(src)) {
1564          // simple file
1565          success = fs.rename(src, dst);
1566          if (!success) {
1567            String msg = "Unable to rename file " + src +  " to " + dst;
1568            LOG.error(msg);
1569            throw new IOException(msg);
1570          }
1571          continue;
1572        }
1574        // is a directory.
1575        fs.mkdirs(dst);
1577        LOG.info("Sidelining files from " + src + " into containing region " + dst);
1578        // FileSystem.rename is inconsistent with directories -- if the
1579        // dst (foo/a) exists and is a dir, and the src (foo/b) is a dir,
1580        // it moves the src into the dst dir resulting in (foo/a/b).  If
1581        // the dst does not exist, and the src a dir, src becomes dst. (foo/b)
1582        FileStatus[] hfiles = fs.listStatus(src);
1583        if (hfiles != null && hfiles.length > 0) {
1584          for (FileStatus hfile : hfiles) {
1585            success = fs.rename(hfile.getPath(), dst);
1586            if (!success) {
1587              String msg = "Unable to rename file " + src +  " to " + dst;
1588              LOG.error(msg);
1589              throw new IOException(msg);
1590            }
1591          }
1592        }
1593        LOG.debug("Sideline directory contents:");
1594        debugLsr(sidelineRegionDir);
1595      }
1596    }
1598    LOG.info("Removing old region dir: " + regionDir);
1599    success = fs.delete(regionDir, true);
1600    if (!success) {
1601      String msg = "Unable to delete dir " + regionDir;
1602      LOG.error(msg);
1603      throw new IOException(msg);
1604    }
1605    return sidelineRegionDir;
1606  }
1608  /**
1609   * Load the list of disabled tables in ZK into local set.
1610   * @throws ZooKeeperConnectionException
1611   * @throws IOException
1612   */
1613  private void loadTableStates()
1614  throws IOException {
1615    tableStates = MetaTableAccessor.getTableStates(connection);
1616    // Add hbase:meta so this tool keeps working. In hbase2, meta is always enabled though it
1617    // has no entry in the table states. HBCK doesn't work right w/ hbase2 but just do this in
1618    // meantime.
1619    this.tableStates.put(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME,
1620        new TableState(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME, TableState.State.ENABLED));
1621  }
1623  /**
1624   * Check if the specified region's table is disabled.
1625   * @param tableName table to check status of
1626   */
1627  boolean isTableDisabled(TableName tableName) {
1628    return tableStates.containsKey(tableName)
1629        && tableStates.get(tableName)
1630        .inStates(TableState.State.DISABLED, TableState.State.DISABLING);
1631  }
1633  /**
1634   * Scan HDFS for all regions, recording their information into
1635   * regionInfoMap
1636   */
1637  public void loadHdfsRegionDirs() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
1638    Path rootDir = CommonFSUtils.getRootDir(getConf());
1639    FileSystem fs = rootDir.getFileSystem(getConf());
1641    // list all tables from HDFS
1642    List<FileStatus> tableDirs = Lists.newArrayList();
1644    boolean foundVersionFile = fs.exists(new Path(rootDir, HConstants.VERSION_FILE_NAME));
1646    List<Path> paths = FSUtils.getTableDirs(fs, rootDir);
1647    for (Path path : paths) {
1648      TableName tableName = CommonFSUtils.getTableName(path);
1649       if ((!checkMetaOnly &&
1650           isTableIncluded(tableName)) ||
1651           tableName.equals(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME)) {
1652         tableDirs.add(fs.getFileStatus(path));
1653       }
1654    }
1656    // verify that version file exists
1657    if (!foundVersionFile) {
1658      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NO_VERSION_FILE,
1659          "Version file does not exist in root dir " + rootDir);
1660      if (shouldFixVersionFile()) {
1661        LOG.info("Trying to create a new " + HConstants.VERSION_FILE_NAME
1662            + " file.");
1663        setShouldRerun();
1664        FSUtils.setVersion(fs, rootDir, getConf().getInt(
1665            HConstants.THREAD_WAKE_FREQUENCY, 10 * 1000), getConf().getInt(
1666            HConstants.VERSION_FILE_WRITE_ATTEMPTS,
1668      }
1669    }
1671    // Avoid multithreading at table-level because already multithreaded internally at
1672    // region-level.  Additionally multithreading at table-level can lead to deadlock
1673    // if there are many tables in the cluster.  Since there are a limited # of threads
1674    // in the executor's thread pool and if we multithread at the table-level by putting
1675    // WorkItemHdfsDir callables into the executor, then we will have some threads in the
1676    // executor tied up solely in waiting for the tables' region-level calls to complete.
1677    // If there are enough tables then there will be no actual threads in the pool left
1678    // for the region-level callables to be serviced.
1679    for (FileStatus tableDir : tableDirs) {
1680      LOG.debug("Loading region dirs from " +tableDir.getPath());
1681      WorkItemHdfsDir item = new WorkItemHdfsDir(fs, errors, tableDir);
1682      try {
1683        item.call();
1684      } catch (ExecutionException e) {
1685        LOG.warn("Could not completely load table dir " +
1686            tableDir.getPath(), e.getCause());
1687      }
1688    }
1689    errors.print("");
1690  }
1692  /**
1693   * Record the location of the hbase:meta region as found in ZooKeeper.
1694   */
1695  private boolean recordMetaRegion() throws IOException {
1696    RegionLocations rl = connection.locateRegion(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME,
1697        HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW, false, false);
1698    if (rl == null) {
1699      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NULL_META_REGION,
1700          "META region was not found in ZooKeeper");
1701      return false;
1702    }
1703    for (HRegionLocation metaLocation : rl.getRegionLocations()) {
1704      // Check if Meta region is valid and existing
1705      if (metaLocation == null ) {
1706        errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NULL_META_REGION,
1707            "META region location is null");
1708        return false;
1709      }
1710      if (metaLocation.getRegionInfo() == null) {
1711        errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NULL_META_REGION,
1712            "META location regionInfo is null");
1713        return false;
1714      }
1715      if (metaLocation.getHostname() == null) {
1716        errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NULL_META_REGION,
1717            "META location hostName is null");
1718        return false;
1719      }
1720      ServerName sn = metaLocation.getServerName();
1721      HbckRegionInfo.MetaEntry m = new HbckRegionInfo.MetaEntry(metaLocation.getRegion(), sn,
1722          EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime());
1723      HbckRegionInfo hbckRegionInfo = regionInfoMap.get(metaLocation.getRegion().getEncodedName());
1724      if (hbckRegionInfo == null) {
1725        regionInfoMap.put(metaLocation.getRegion().getEncodedName(), new HbckRegionInfo(m));
1726      } else {
1727        hbckRegionInfo.setMetaEntry(m);
1728      }
1729    }
1730    return true;
1731  }
1733  private ZKWatcher createZooKeeperWatcher() throws IOException {
1734    return new ZKWatcher(getConf(), "hbase Fsck", new Abortable() {
1735      @Override
1736      public void abort(String why, Throwable e) {
1737        LOG.error(why, e);
1738        System.exit(1);
1739      }
1741      @Override
1742      public boolean isAborted() {
1743        return false;
1744      }
1746    });
1747  }
1749  /**
1750   * Contacts each regionserver and fetches metadata about regions.
1751   * @param regionServerList - the list of region servers to connect to
1752   * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
1753   */
1754  void processRegionServers(Collection<ServerName> regionServerList)
1755    throws IOException, InterruptedException {
1757    List<WorkItemRegion> workItems = new ArrayList<>(regionServerList.size());
1758    List<Future<Void>> workFutures;
1760    // loop to contact each region server in parallel
1761    for (ServerName rsinfo: regionServerList) {
1762      workItems.add(new WorkItemRegion(this, rsinfo, errors, connection));
1763    }
1765    workFutures = executor.invokeAll(workItems);
1767    for(int i=0; i<workFutures.size(); i++) {
1768      WorkItemRegion item = workItems.get(i);
1769      Future<Void> f = workFutures.get(i);
1770      try {
1771        f.get();
1772      } catch(ExecutionException e) {
1773        LOG.warn("Could not process regionserver " + item.rsinfo.getHostAndPort(),
1774            e.getCause());
1775      }
1776    }
1777  }
1779  /**
1780   * Check consistency of all regions that have been found in previous phases.
1781   */
1782  private void checkAndFixConsistency()
1783  throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException {
1784    // Divide the checks in two phases. One for default/primary replicas and another
1785    // for the non-primary ones. Keeps code cleaner this way.
1787    List<CheckRegionConsistencyWorkItem> workItems = new ArrayList<>(regionInfoMap.size());
1788    for (java.util.Map.Entry<String, HbckRegionInfo> e: regionInfoMap.entrySet()) {
1789      if (e.getValue().getReplicaId() == RegionInfo.DEFAULT_REPLICA_ID) {
1790        workItems.add(new CheckRegionConsistencyWorkItem(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
1791      }
1792    }
1793    checkRegionConsistencyConcurrently(workItems);
1795    boolean prevHdfsCheck = shouldCheckHdfs();
1796    setCheckHdfs(false); //replicas don't have any hdfs data
1797    // Run a pass over the replicas and fix any assignment issues that exist on the currently
1798    // deployed/undeployed replicas.
1799    List<CheckRegionConsistencyWorkItem> replicaWorkItems = new ArrayList<>(regionInfoMap.size());
1800    for (java.util.Map.Entry<String, HbckRegionInfo> e: regionInfoMap.entrySet()) {
1801      if (e.getValue().getReplicaId() != RegionInfo.DEFAULT_REPLICA_ID) {
1802        replicaWorkItems.add(new CheckRegionConsistencyWorkItem(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
1803      }
1804    }
1805    checkRegionConsistencyConcurrently(replicaWorkItems);
1806    setCheckHdfs(prevHdfsCheck);
1808    // If some regions is skipped during checkRegionConsistencyConcurrently() phase, we might
1809    // not get accurate state of the hbase if continuing. The config here allows users to tune
1810    // the tolerance of number of skipped region.
1811    // TODO: evaluate the consequence to continue the hbck operation without config.
1812    int terminateThreshold =  getConf().getInt("hbase.hbck.skipped.regions.limit", 0);
1813    int numOfSkippedRegions = skippedRegions.size();
1814    if (numOfSkippedRegions > 0 && numOfSkippedRegions > terminateThreshold) {
1815      throw new IOException(numOfSkippedRegions
1816        + " region(s) could not be checked or repaired.  See logs for detail.");
1817    }
1819    if (shouldCheckHdfs()) {
1820      checkAndFixTableStates();
1821    }
1822  }
1824  /**
1825   * Check consistency of all regions using mulitple threads concurrently.
1826   */
1827  private void checkRegionConsistencyConcurrently(
1828    final List<CheckRegionConsistencyWorkItem> workItems)
1829    throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException {
1830    if (workItems.isEmpty()) {
1831      return;  // nothing to check
1832    }
1834    List<Future<Void>> workFutures = executor.invokeAll(workItems);
1835    for(Future<Void> f: workFutures) {
1836      try {
1837        f.get();
1838      } catch(ExecutionException e1) {
1839        LOG.warn("Could not check region consistency " , e1.getCause());
1840        if (e1.getCause() instanceof IOException) {
1841          throw (IOException)e1.getCause();
1842        } else if (e1.getCause() instanceof KeeperException) {
1843          throw (KeeperException)e1.getCause();
1844        } else if (e1.getCause() instanceof InterruptedException) {
1845          throw (InterruptedException)e1.getCause();
1846        } else {
1847          throw new IOException(e1.getCause());
1848        }
1849      }
1850    }
1851  }
1853  class CheckRegionConsistencyWorkItem implements Callable<Void> {
1854    private final String key;
1855    private final HbckRegionInfo hbi;
1857    CheckRegionConsistencyWorkItem(String key, HbckRegionInfo hbi) {
1858      this.key = key;
1859      this.hbi = hbi;
1860    }
1862    @Override
1863    public synchronized Void call() throws Exception {
1864      try {
1865        checkRegionConsistency(key, hbi);
1866      } catch (Exception e) {
1867        // If the region is non-META region, skip this region and send warning/error message; if
1868        // the region is META region, we should not continue.
1869        LOG.warn("Unable to complete check or repair the region '" + hbi.getRegionNameAsString()
1870          + "'.", e);
1871        if (hbi.getHdfsHRI().isMetaRegion()) {
1872          throw e;
1873        }
1874        LOG.warn("Skip region '" + hbi.getRegionNameAsString() + "'");
1875        addSkippedRegion(hbi);
1876      }
1877      return null;
1878    }
1879  }
1881  private void addSkippedRegion(final HbckRegionInfo hbi) {
1882    Set<String> skippedRegionNames = skippedRegions.get(hbi.getTableName());
1883    if (skippedRegionNames == null) {
1884      skippedRegionNames = new HashSet<>();
1885    }
1886    skippedRegionNames.add(hbi.getRegionNameAsString());
1887    skippedRegions.put(hbi.getTableName(), skippedRegionNames);
1888  }
1890  /**
1891   * Check and fix table states, assumes full info available:
1892   * - tableInfos
1893   * - empty tables loaded
1894   */
1895  private void checkAndFixTableStates() throws IOException {
1896    // first check dangling states
1897    for (Entry<TableName, TableState> entry : tableStates.entrySet()) {
1898      TableName tableName = entry.getKey();
1899      TableState tableState = entry.getValue();
1900      HbckTableInfo tableInfo = tablesInfo.get(tableName);
1901      if (isTableIncluded(tableName)
1902          && !tableName.isSystemTable()
1903          && tableInfo == null) {
1904        if (fixMeta) {
1905          MetaTableAccessor.deleteTableState(connection, tableName);
1906          TableState state = MetaTableAccessor.getTableState(connection, tableName);
1907          if (state != null) {
1908            errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.ORPHAN_TABLE_STATE,
1909                tableName + " unable to delete dangling table state " + tableState);
1910          }
1911        } else if (!checkMetaOnly) {
1912          // dangling table state in meta if checkMetaOnly is false. If checkMetaOnly is
1913          // true, tableInfo will be null as tablesInfo are not polulated for all tables from hdfs
1914          errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.ORPHAN_TABLE_STATE,
1915              tableName + " has dangling table state " + tableState);
1916        }
1917      }
1918    }
1919    // check that all tables have states
1920    for (TableName tableName : tablesInfo.keySet()) {
1921      if (isTableIncluded(tableName) && !tableStates.containsKey(tableName)) {
1922        if (fixMeta) {
1923          MetaTableAccessor.updateTableState(connection, tableName, TableState.State.ENABLED);
1924          TableState newState = MetaTableAccessor.getTableState(connection, tableName);
1925          if (newState == null) {
1926            errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NO_TABLE_STATE,
1927                "Unable to change state for table " + tableName + " in meta ");
1928          }
1929        } else {
1930          errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NO_TABLE_STATE,
1931              tableName + " has no state in meta ");
1932        }
1933      }
1934    }
1935  }
1937  private void preCheckPermission() throws IOException {
1938    if (shouldIgnorePreCheckPermission()) {
1939      return;
1940    }
1942    Path hbaseDir = CommonFSUtils.getRootDir(getConf());
1943    FileSystem fs = hbaseDir.getFileSystem(getConf());
1944    UserProvider userProvider = UserProvider.instantiate(getConf());
1945    UserGroupInformation ugi = userProvider.getCurrent().getUGI();
1946    FileStatus[] files = fs.listStatus(hbaseDir);
1947    for (FileStatus file : files) {
1948      try {
1949        fs.access(file.getPath(), FsAction.WRITE);
1950      } catch (AccessControlException ace) {
1951        LOG.warn("Got AccessDeniedException when preCheckPermission ", ace);
1952        errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, "Current user " + ugi.getUserName()
1953          + " does not have write perms to " + file.getPath()
1954          + ". Please rerun hbck as hdfs user " + file.getOwner());
1955        throw ace;
1956      }
1957    }
1958  }
1960  /**
1961   * Deletes region from meta table
1962   */
1963  private void deleteMetaRegion(HbckRegionInfo hi) throws IOException {
1964    deleteMetaRegion(hi.getMetaEntry().getRegionName());
1965  }
1967  /**
1968   * Deletes region from meta table
1969   */
1970  private void deleteMetaRegion(byte[] metaKey) throws IOException {
1971    Delete d = new Delete(metaKey);
1972    meta.delete(d);
1973    LOG.info("Deleted " + Bytes.toString(metaKey) + " from META" );
1974  }
1976  /**
1977   * Reset the split parent region info in meta table
1978   */
1979  private void resetSplitParent(HbckRegionInfo hi) throws IOException {
1980    RowMutations mutations = new RowMutations(hi.getMetaEntry().getRegionName());
1981    Delete d = new Delete(hi.getMetaEntry().getRegionName());
1982    d.addColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SPLITA_QUALIFIER);
1983    d.addColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SPLITB_QUALIFIER);
1984    mutations.add(d);
1986    RegionInfo hri = RegionInfoBuilder.newBuilder(hi.getMetaEntry())
1987        .setOffline(false)
1988        .setSplit(false)
1989        .build();
1990    Put p = MetaTableAccessor.makePutFromRegionInfo(hri, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime());
1991    mutations.add(p);
1993    meta.mutateRow(mutations);
1994    LOG.info("Reset split parent " + hi.getMetaEntry().getRegionNameAsString() + " in META");
1995  }
1997  /**
1998   * This backwards-compatibility wrapper for permanently offlining a region
1999   * that should not be alive.  If the region server does not support the
2000   * "offline" method, it will use the closest unassign method instead.  This
2001   * will basically work until one attempts to disable or delete the affected
2002   * table.  The problem has to do with in-memory only master state, so
2003   * restarting the HMaster or failing over to another should fix this.
2004   */
2005  void offline(byte[] regionName) throws IOException {
2006    String regionString = Bytes.toStringBinary(regionName);
2007    if (!rsSupportsOffline) {
2008      LOG.warn(
2009          "Using unassign region " + regionString + " instead of using offline method, you should" +
2010              " restart HMaster after these repairs");
2011      admin.unassign(regionName, true);
2012      return;
2013    }
2015    // first time we assume the rs's supports #offline.
2016    try {
2017      LOG.info("Offlining region " + regionString);
2018      admin.offline(regionName);
2019    } catch (IOException ioe) {
2020      String notFoundMsg = "java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: " +
2021          "org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.HMaster.offline([B)";
2022      if (ioe.getMessage().contains(notFoundMsg)) {
2023        LOG.warn("Using unassign region " + regionString +
2024            " instead of using offline method, you should" +
2025            " restart HMaster after these repairs");
2026        rsSupportsOffline = false; // in the future just use unassign
2027        admin.unassign(regionName, true);
2028        return;
2029      }
2030      throw ioe;
2031    }
2032  }
2034  /**
2035   * Attempts to undeploy a region from a region server based in information in
2036   * META.  Any operations that modify the file system should make sure that
2037   * its corresponding region is not deployed to prevent data races.
2038   *
2039   * A separate call is required to update the master in-memory region state
2040   * kept in the AssignementManager.  Because disable uses this state instead of
2041   * that found in META, we can't seem to cleanly disable/delete tables that
2042   * have been hbck fixed.  When used on a version of HBase that does not have
2043   * the offline ipc call exposed on the master (&lt;0.90.5, &lt;0.92.0) a master
2044   * restart or failover may be required.
2045   */
2046  void closeRegion(HbckRegionInfo hi) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
2047    if (hi.getMetaEntry() == null && hi.getHdfsEntry() == null) {
2048      undeployRegions(hi);
2049      return;
2050    }
2052    // get assignment info and hregioninfo from meta.
2053    Get get = new Get(hi.getRegionName());
2054    get.addColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER);
2055    get.addColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SERVER_QUALIFIER);
2056    get.addColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.STARTCODE_QUALIFIER);
2057    // also get the locations of the replicas to close if the primary region is being closed
2058    if (hi.getReplicaId() == RegionInfo.DEFAULT_REPLICA_ID) {
2059      int numReplicas = admin.getTableDescriptor(hi.getTableName()).getRegionReplication();
2060      for (int i = 0; i < numReplicas; i++) {
2061        get.addColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, MetaTableAccessor.getServerColumn(i));
2062        get.addColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, MetaTableAccessor.getStartCodeColumn(i));
2063      }
2064    }
2065    Result r = meta.get(get);
2066    RegionLocations rl = MetaTableAccessor.getRegionLocations(r);
2067    if (rl == null) {
2068      LOG.warn("Unable to close region " + hi.getRegionNameAsString() +
2069          " since meta does not have handle to reach it");
2070      return;
2071    }
2072    for (HRegionLocation h : rl.getRegionLocations()) {
2073      ServerName serverName = h.getServerName();
2074      if (serverName == null) {
2075        errors.reportError("Unable to close region "
2076            + hi.getRegionNameAsString() +  " because meta does not "
2077            + "have handle to reach it.");
2078        continue;
2079      }
2080      RegionInfo hri = h.getRegionInfo();
2081      if (hri == null) {
2082        LOG.warn("Unable to close region " + hi.getRegionNameAsString()
2083            + " because hbase:meta had invalid or missing "
2084            + HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY_STR + ":"
2085            + Bytes.toString(HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER)
2086            + " qualifier value.");
2087        continue;
2088      }
2089      // close the region -- close files and remove assignment
2090      HBaseFsckRepair.closeRegionSilentlyAndWait(connection, serverName, hri);
2091    }
2092  }
2094  private void undeployRegions(HbckRegionInfo hi) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
2095    undeployRegionsForHbi(hi);
2096    // undeploy replicas of the region (but only if the method is invoked for the primary)
2097    if (hi.getReplicaId() != RegionInfo.DEFAULT_REPLICA_ID) {
2098      return;
2099    }
2100    int numReplicas = admin.getDescriptor(hi.getTableName()).getRegionReplication();
2101    for (int i = 1; i < numReplicas; i++) {
2102      if (hi.getPrimaryHRIForDeployedReplica() == null) continue;
2103      RegionInfo hri = RegionReplicaUtil.getRegionInfoForReplica(
2104          hi.getPrimaryHRIForDeployedReplica(), i);
2105      HbckRegionInfo h = regionInfoMap.get(hri.getEncodedName());
2106      if (h != null) {
2107        undeployRegionsForHbi(h);
2108        //set skip checks; we undeployed it, and we don't want to evaluate this anymore
2109        //in consistency checks
2110        h.setSkipChecks(true);
2111      }
2112    }
2113  }
2115  private void undeployRegionsForHbi(HbckRegionInfo hi) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
2116    for (HbckRegionInfo.OnlineEntry rse : hi.getOnlineEntries()) {
2117      LOG.debug("Undeploy region "  + rse.getRegionInfo() + " from " + rse.getServerName());
2118      try {
2119        HBaseFsckRepair
2120            .closeRegionSilentlyAndWait(connection, rse.getServerName(), rse.getRegionInfo());
2121        offline(rse.getRegionInfo().getRegionName());
2122      } catch (IOException ioe) {
2123        LOG.warn("Got exception when attempting to offline region "
2124            + Bytes.toString(rse.getRegionInfo().getRegionName()), ioe);
2125      }
2126    }
2127  }
2129  private void tryAssignmentRepair(HbckRegionInfo hbi, String msg) throws IOException,
2130    KeeperException, InterruptedException {
2131    // If we are trying to fix the errors
2132    if (shouldFixAssignments()) {
2133      errors.print(msg);
2134      undeployRegions(hbi);
2135      setShouldRerun();
2136      RegionInfo hri = hbi.getHdfsHRI();
2137      if (hri == null) {
2138        hri = hbi.getMetaEntry();
2139      }
2140      HBaseFsckRepair.fixUnassigned(admin, hri);
2141      HBaseFsckRepair.waitUntilAssigned(admin, hri);
2143      // also assign replicas if needed (do it only when this call operates on a primary replica)
2144      if (hbi.getReplicaId() != RegionInfo.DEFAULT_REPLICA_ID) return;
2145      int replicationCount = admin.getTableDescriptor(hri.getTable()).getRegionReplication();
2146      for (int i = 1; i < replicationCount; i++) {
2147        hri = RegionReplicaUtil.getRegionInfoForReplica(hri, i);
2148        HbckRegionInfo h = regionInfoMap.get(hri.getEncodedName());
2149        if (h != null) {
2150          undeployRegions(h);
2151          //set skip checks; we undeploy & deploy it; we don't want to evaluate this hbi anymore
2152          //in consistency checks
2153          h.setSkipChecks(true);
2154        }
2155        HBaseFsckRepair.fixUnassigned(admin, hri);
2156        HBaseFsckRepair.waitUntilAssigned(admin, hri);
2157      }
2159    }
2160  }
2162  /**
2163   * Check a single region for consistency and correct deployment.
2164   */
2165  private void checkRegionConsistency(final String key, final HbckRegionInfo hbi)
2166      throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException {
2168    if (hbi.isSkipChecks()) return;
2169    String descriptiveName = hbi.toString();
2170    boolean inMeta = hbi.getMetaEntry() != null;
2171    // In case not checking HDFS, assume the region is on HDFS
2172    boolean inHdfs = !shouldCheckHdfs() || hbi.getHdfsRegionDir() != null;
2173    boolean hasMetaAssignment = inMeta && hbi.getMetaEntry().regionServer != null;
2174    boolean isDeployed = !hbi.getDeployedOn().isEmpty();
2175    boolean isMultiplyDeployed = hbi.getDeployedOn().size() > 1;
2176    boolean deploymentMatchesMeta =
2177      hasMetaAssignment && isDeployed && !isMultiplyDeployed &&
2178      hbi.getMetaEntry().regionServer.equals(hbi.getDeployedOn().get(0));
2179    boolean splitParent =
2180        inMeta && hbi.getMetaEntry().isSplit() && hbi.getMetaEntry().isOffline();
2181    boolean shouldBeDeployed = inMeta && !isTableDisabled(hbi.getMetaEntry().getTable());
2182    boolean recentlyModified = inHdfs &&
2183      hbi.getModTime() + timelag > EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
2185    // ========== First the healthy cases =============
2186    if (hbi.containsOnlyHdfsEdits()) {
2187      return;
2188    }
2189    if (inMeta && inHdfs && isDeployed && deploymentMatchesMeta && shouldBeDeployed) {
2190      return;
2191    } else if (inMeta && inHdfs && !shouldBeDeployed && !isDeployed) {
2192      LOG.info("Region " + descriptiveName + " is in META, and in a disabled " +
2193        "tabled that is not deployed");
2194      return;
2195    } else if (recentlyModified) {
2196      LOG.warn("Region " + descriptiveName + " was recently modified -- skipping");
2197      return;
2198    }
2199    // ========== Cases where the region is not in hbase:meta =============
2200    else if (!inMeta && !inHdfs && !isDeployed) {
2201      // We shouldn't have record of this region at all then!
2202      assert false : "Entry for region with no data";
2203    } else if (!inMeta && !inHdfs && isDeployed) {
2204      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NOT_IN_META_HDFS, "Region "
2205          + descriptiveName + ", key=" + key + ", not on HDFS or in hbase:meta but " +
2206          "deployed on " + Joiner.on(", ").join(hbi.getDeployedOn()));
2207      if (shouldFixAssignments()) {
2208        undeployRegions(hbi);
2209      }
2211    } else if (!inMeta && inHdfs && !isDeployed) {
2212      if (hbi.isMerged()) {
2213        // This region has already been merged, the remaining hdfs file will be
2214        // cleaned by CatalogJanitor later
2215        hbi.setSkipChecks(true);
2216        LOG.info("Region " + descriptiveName
2217            + " got merge recently, its file(s) will be cleaned by CatalogJanitor later");
2218        return;
2219      }
2220      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NOT_IN_META_OR_DEPLOYED, "Region "
2221          + descriptiveName + " on HDFS, but not listed in hbase:meta " +
2222          "or deployed on any region server");
2223      // restore region consistency of an adopted orphan
2224      if (shouldFixMeta()) {
2225        if (!hbi.isHdfsRegioninfoPresent()) {
2226          LOG.error("Region " + hbi.getHdfsHRI() + " could have been repaired"
2227              +  " in table integrity repair phase if -fixHdfsOrphans was" +
2228              " used.");
2229          return;
2230        }
2232        RegionInfo hri = hbi.getHdfsHRI();
2233        HbckTableInfo tableInfo = tablesInfo.get(hri.getTable());
2235        for (RegionInfo region : tableInfo.getRegionsFromMeta(this.regionInfoMap)) {
2236          if (Bytes.compareTo(region.getStartKey(), hri.getStartKey()) <= 0
2237              && (region.getEndKey().length == 0 || Bytes.compareTo(region.getEndKey(),
2238                hri.getEndKey()) >= 0)
2239              && Bytes.compareTo(region.getStartKey(), hri.getEndKey()) <= 0) {
2240            if(region.isSplit() || region.isOffline()) continue;
2241            Path regionDir = hbi.getHdfsRegionDir();
2242            FileSystem fs = regionDir.getFileSystem(getConf());
2243            List<Path> familyDirs = FSUtils.getFamilyDirs(fs, regionDir);
2244            for (Path familyDir : familyDirs) {
2245              List<Path> referenceFilePaths = FSUtils.getReferenceFilePaths(fs, familyDir);
2246              for (Path referenceFilePath : referenceFilePaths) {
2247                Path parentRegionDir =
2248                    StoreFileInfo.getReferredToFile(referenceFilePath).getParent().getParent();
2249                if (parentRegionDir.toString().endsWith(region.getEncodedName())) {
2250                  LOG.warn(hri + " start and stop keys are in the range of " + region
2251                      + ". The region might not be cleaned up from hdfs when region " + region
2252                      + " split failed. Hence deleting from hdfs.");
2253                  HRegionFileSystem.deleteRegionFromFileSystem(getConf(), fs,
2254                    regionDir.getParent(), hri);
2255                  return;
2256                }
2257              }
2258            }
2259          }
2260        }
2261        LOG.info("Patching hbase:meta with .regioninfo: " + hbi.getHdfsHRI());
2262        int numReplicas = admin.getTableDescriptor(hbi.getTableName()).getRegionReplication();
2263        HBaseFsckRepair.fixMetaHoleOnlineAndAddReplicas(getConf(), hbi.getHdfsHRI(),
2264            admin.getClusterMetrics(EnumSet.of(Option.LIVE_SERVERS))
2265              .getLiveServerMetrics().keySet(), numReplicas);
2267        tryAssignmentRepair(hbi, "Trying to reassign region...");
2268      }
2270    } else if (!inMeta && inHdfs && isDeployed) {
2271      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NOT_IN_META, "Region " + descriptiveName
2272          + " not in META, but deployed on " + Joiner.on(", ").join(hbi.getDeployedOn()));
2273      debugLsr(hbi.getHdfsRegionDir());
2274      if (hbi.getReplicaId() != RegionInfo.DEFAULT_REPLICA_ID) {
2275        // for replicas, this means that we should undeploy the region (we would have
2276        // gone over the primaries and fixed meta holes in first phase under
2277        // checkAndFixConsistency; we shouldn't get the condition !inMeta at
2278        // this stage unless unwanted replica)
2279        if (shouldFixAssignments()) {
2280          undeployRegionsForHbi(hbi);
2281        }
2282      }
2283      if (shouldFixMeta() && hbi.getReplicaId() == RegionInfo.DEFAULT_REPLICA_ID) {
2284        if (!hbi.isHdfsRegioninfoPresent()) {
2285          LOG.error("This should have been repaired in table integrity repair phase");
2286          return;
2287        }
2289        LOG.info("Patching hbase:meta with with .regioninfo: " + hbi.getHdfsHRI());
2290        int numReplicas = admin.getTableDescriptor(hbi.getTableName()).getRegionReplication();
2291        HBaseFsckRepair.fixMetaHoleOnlineAndAddReplicas(getConf(), hbi.getHdfsHRI(),
2292            admin.getClusterMetrics(EnumSet.of(Option.LIVE_SERVERS))
2293              .getLiveServerMetrics().keySet(), numReplicas);
2294        tryAssignmentRepair(hbi, "Trying to fix unassigned region...");
2295      }
2297    // ========== Cases where the region is in hbase:meta =============
2298    } else if (inMeta && inHdfs && !isDeployed && splitParent) {
2299      // check whether this is an actual error, or just transient state where parent
2300      // is not cleaned
2301      if (hbi.getMetaEntry().splitA != null && hbi.getMetaEntry().splitB != null) {
2302        // check that split daughters are there
2303        HbckRegionInfo infoA = this.regionInfoMap.get(hbi.getMetaEntry().splitA.getEncodedName());
2304        HbckRegionInfo infoB = this.regionInfoMap.get(hbi.getMetaEntry().splitB.getEncodedName());
2305        if (infoA != null && infoB != null) {
2306          // we already processed or will process daughters. Move on, nothing to see here.
2307          hbi.setSkipChecks(true);
2308          return;
2309        }
2310      }
2312      // For Replica region, we need to do a similar check. If replica is not split successfully,
2313      // error is going to be reported against primary daughter region.
2314      if (hbi.getReplicaId() != RegionInfo.DEFAULT_REPLICA_ID) {
2315        LOG.info("Region " + descriptiveName + " is a split parent in META, in HDFS, "
2316            + "and not deployed on any region server. This may be transient.");
2317        hbi.setSkipChecks(true);
2318        return;
2319      }
2321      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.LINGERING_SPLIT_PARENT, "Region "
2322          + descriptiveName + " is a split parent in META, in HDFS, "
2323          + "and not deployed on any region server. This could be transient, "
2324          + "consider to run the catalog janitor first!");
2325      if (shouldFixSplitParents()) {
2326        setShouldRerun();
2327        resetSplitParent(hbi);
2328      }
2329    } else if (inMeta && !inHdfs && !isDeployed) {
2330      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NOT_IN_HDFS_OR_DEPLOYED, "Region "
2331          + descriptiveName + " found in META, but not in HDFS "
2332          + "or deployed on any region server.");
2333      if (shouldFixMeta()) {
2334        deleteMetaRegion(hbi);
2335      }
2336    } else if (inMeta && !inHdfs && isDeployed) {
2337      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NOT_IN_HDFS, "Region " + descriptiveName
2338          + " found in META, but not in HDFS, " +
2339          "and deployed on " + Joiner.on(", ").join(hbi.getDeployedOn()));
2340      // We treat HDFS as ground truth.  Any information in meta is transient
2341      // and equivalent data can be regenerated.  So, lets unassign and remove
2342      // these problems from META.
2343      if (shouldFixAssignments()) {
2344        errors.print("Trying to fix unassigned region...");
2345        undeployRegions(hbi);
2346      }
2347      if (shouldFixMeta()) {
2348        // wait for it to complete
2349        deleteMetaRegion(hbi);
2350      }
2351    } else if (inMeta && inHdfs && !isDeployed && shouldBeDeployed) {
2352      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NOT_DEPLOYED, "Region " + descriptiveName
2353          + " not deployed on any region server.");
2354      tryAssignmentRepair(hbi, "Trying to fix unassigned region...");
2355    } else if (inMeta && inHdfs && isDeployed && !shouldBeDeployed) {
2356      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEPLOYED,
2357          "Region " + descriptiveName + " should not be deployed according " +
2358          "to META, but is deployed on " + Joiner.on(", ").join(hbi.getDeployedOn()));
2359      if (shouldFixAssignments()) {
2360        errors.print("Trying to close the region " + descriptiveName);
2361        setShouldRerun();
2362        HBaseFsckRepair.fixMultiAssignment(connection, hbi.getMetaEntry(), hbi.getDeployedOn());
2363      }
2364    } else if (inMeta && inHdfs && isMultiplyDeployed) {
2365      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.MULTI_DEPLOYED, "Region " + descriptiveName
2366          + " is listed in hbase:meta on region server " + hbi.getMetaEntry().regionServer
2367          + " but is multiply assigned to region servers " +
2368          Joiner.on(", ").join(hbi.getDeployedOn()));
2369      // If we are trying to fix the errors
2370      if (shouldFixAssignments()) {
2371        errors.print("Trying to fix assignment error...");
2372        setShouldRerun();
2373        HBaseFsckRepair.fixMultiAssignment(connection, hbi.getMetaEntry(), hbi.getDeployedOn());
2374      }
2375    } else if (inMeta && inHdfs && isDeployed && !deploymentMatchesMeta) {
2376      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.SERVER_DOES_NOT_MATCH_META, "Region "
2377          + descriptiveName + " listed in hbase:meta on region server " +
2378          hbi.getMetaEntry().regionServer + " but found on region server " +
2379          hbi.getDeployedOn().get(0));
2380      // If we are trying to fix the errors
2381      if (shouldFixAssignments()) {
2382        errors.print("Trying to fix assignment error...");
2383        setShouldRerun();
2384        HBaseFsckRepair.fixMultiAssignment(connection, hbi.getMetaEntry(), hbi.getDeployedOn());
2385        HBaseFsckRepair.waitUntilAssigned(admin, hbi.getHdfsHRI());
2386      }
2387    } else {
2388      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.UNKNOWN, "Region " + descriptiveName +
2389          " is in an unforeseen state:" +
2390          " inMeta=" + inMeta +
2391          " inHdfs=" + inHdfs +
2392          " isDeployed=" + isDeployed +
2393          " isMultiplyDeployed=" + isMultiplyDeployed +
2394          " deploymentMatchesMeta=" + deploymentMatchesMeta +
2395          " shouldBeDeployed=" + shouldBeDeployed);
2396    }
2397  }
2399  /**
2400   * Checks tables integrity. Goes over all regions and scans the tables.
2401   * Collects all the pieces for each table and checks if there are missing,
2402   * repeated or overlapping ones.
2403   * @throws IOException
2404   */
2405  SortedMap<TableName, HbckTableInfo> checkIntegrity() throws IOException {
2406    tablesInfo = new TreeMap<>();
2407    LOG.debug("There are " + regionInfoMap.size() + " region info entries");
2408    for (HbckRegionInfo hbi : regionInfoMap.values()) {
2409      // Check only valid, working regions
2410      if (hbi.getMetaEntry() == null) {
2411        // this assumes that consistency check has run loadMetaEntry
2412        Path p = hbi.getHdfsRegionDir();
2413        if (p == null) {
2414          errors.report("No regioninfo in Meta or HDFS. " + hbi);
2415        }
2417        // TODO test.
2418        continue;
2419      }
2420      if (hbi.getMetaEntry().regionServer == null) {
2421        errors.detail("Skipping region because no region server: " + hbi);
2422        continue;
2423      }
2424      if (hbi.getMetaEntry().isOffline()) {
2425        errors.detail("Skipping region because it is offline: " + hbi);
2426        continue;
2427      }
2428      if (hbi.containsOnlyHdfsEdits()) {
2429        errors.detail("Skipping region because it only contains edits" + hbi);
2430        continue;
2431      }
2433      // Missing regionDir or over-deployment is checked elsewhere. Include
2434      // these cases in modTInfo, so we can evaluate those regions as part of
2435      // the region chain in META
2436      //if (hbi.foundRegionDir == null) continue;
2437      //if (hbi.deployedOn.size() != 1) continue;
2438      if (hbi.getDeployedOn().isEmpty()) {
2439        continue;
2440      }
2442      // We should be safe here
2443      TableName tableName = hbi.getMetaEntry().getTable();
2444      HbckTableInfo modTInfo = tablesInfo.get(tableName);
2445      if (modTInfo == null) {
2446        modTInfo = new HbckTableInfo(tableName, this);
2447      }
2448      for (ServerName server : hbi.getDeployedOn()) {
2449        modTInfo.addServer(server);
2450      }
2452      if (!hbi.isSkipChecks()) {
2453        modTInfo.addRegionInfo(hbi);
2454      }
2456      tablesInfo.put(tableName, modTInfo);
2457    }
2459    loadTableInfosForTablesWithNoRegion();
2461    logParallelMerge();
2462    for (HbckTableInfo tInfo : tablesInfo.values()) {
2463      TableIntegrityErrorHandler handler = tInfo.new IntegrityFixSuggester(tInfo, errors);
2464      if (!tInfo.checkRegionChain(handler)) {
2465        errors.report("Found inconsistency in table " + tInfo.getName());
2466      }
2467    }
2468    return tablesInfo;
2469  }
2471  /** Loads table info's for tables that may not have been included, since there are no
2472   * regions reported for the table, but table dir is there in hdfs
2473   */
2474  private void loadTableInfosForTablesWithNoRegion() throws IOException {
2475    Map<String, TableDescriptor> allTables = new FSTableDescriptors(getConf()).getAll();
2476    for (TableDescriptor htd : allTables.values()) {
2477      if (checkMetaOnly && !htd.isMetaTable()) {
2478        continue;
2479      }
2481      TableName tableName = htd.getTableName();
2482      if (isTableIncluded(tableName) && !tablesInfo.containsKey(tableName)) {
2483        HbckTableInfo tableInfo = new HbckTableInfo(tableName, this);
2484        tableInfo.htds.add(htd);
2485        tablesInfo.put(htd.getTableName(), tableInfo);
2486      }
2487    }
2488  }
2490  /**
2491   * Merge hdfs data by moving from contained HbckRegionInfo into targetRegionDir.
2492   * @return number of file move fixes done to merge regions.
2493   */
2494  public int mergeRegionDirs(Path targetRegionDir, HbckRegionInfo contained) throws IOException {
2495    int fileMoves = 0;
2496    String thread = Thread.currentThread().getName();
2497    LOG.debug("[" + thread + "] Contained region dir after close and pause");
2498    debugLsr(contained.getHdfsRegionDir());
2500    // rename the contained into the container.
2501    FileSystem fs = targetRegionDir.getFileSystem(getConf());
2502    FileStatus[] dirs = null;
2503    try {
2504      dirs = fs.listStatus(contained.getHdfsRegionDir());
2505    } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
2506      // region we are attempting to merge in is not present!  Since this is a merge, there is
2507      // no harm skipping this region if it does not exist.
2508      if (!fs.exists(contained.getHdfsRegionDir())) {
2509        LOG.warn("[" + thread + "] HDFS region dir " + contained.getHdfsRegionDir()
2510            + " is missing. Assuming already sidelined or moved.");
2511      } else {
2512        sidelineRegionDir(fs, contained);
2513      }
2514      return fileMoves;
2515    }
2517    if (dirs == null) {
2518      if (!fs.exists(contained.getHdfsRegionDir())) {
2519        LOG.warn("[" + thread + "] HDFS region dir " + contained.getHdfsRegionDir()
2520            + " already sidelined.");
2521      } else {
2522        sidelineRegionDir(fs, contained);
2523      }
2524      return fileMoves;
2525    }
2527    for (FileStatus cf : dirs) {
2528      Path src = cf.getPath();
2529      Path dst =  new Path(targetRegionDir, src.getName());
2531      if (src.getName().equals(HRegionFileSystem.REGION_INFO_FILE)) {
2532        // do not copy the old .regioninfo file.
2533        continue;
2534      }
2536      if (src.getName().equals(HConstants.HREGION_OLDLOGDIR_NAME)) {
2537        // do not copy the .oldlogs files
2538        continue;
2539      }
2541      LOG.info("[" + thread + "] Moving files from " + src + " into containing region " + dst);
2542      // FileSystem.rename is inconsistent with directories -- if the
2543      // dst (foo/a) exists and is a dir, and the src (foo/b) is a dir,
2544      // it moves the src into the dst dir resulting in (foo/a/b).  If
2545      // the dst does not exist, and the src a dir, src becomes dst. (foo/b)
2546      for (FileStatus hfile : fs.listStatus(src)) {
2547        boolean success = fs.rename(hfile.getPath(), dst);
2548        if (success) {
2549          fileMoves++;
2550        }
2551      }
2552      LOG.debug("[" + thread + "] Sideline directory contents:");
2553      debugLsr(targetRegionDir);
2554    }
2556    // if all success.
2557    sidelineRegionDir(fs, contained);
2558    LOG.info("[" + thread + "] Sidelined region dir "+ contained.getHdfsRegionDir() + " into " +
2559        getSidelineDir());
2560    debugLsr(contained.getHdfsRegionDir());
2562    return fileMoves;
2563  }
2566  static class WorkItemOverlapMerge implements Callable<Void> {
2567    private TableIntegrityErrorHandler handler;
2568    Collection<HbckRegionInfo> overlapgroup;
2570    WorkItemOverlapMerge(Collection<HbckRegionInfo> overlapgroup,
2571        TableIntegrityErrorHandler handler) {
2572      this.handler = handler;
2573      this.overlapgroup = overlapgroup;
2574    }
2576    @Override
2577    public Void call() throws Exception {
2578      handler.handleOverlapGroup(overlapgroup);
2579      return null;
2580    }
2581  };
2583  /**
2584   * Return a list of user-space table names whose metadata have not been
2585   * modified in the last few milliseconds specified by timelag
2587   * SPLITA_QUALIFIER, SPLITB_QUALIFIER have not changed in the last
2588   * milliseconds specified by timelag, then the table is a candidate to be returned.
2589   * @return tables that have not been modified recently
2590   * @throws IOException if an error is encountered
2591   */
2592  TableDescriptor[] getTables(AtomicInteger numSkipped) {
2593    List<TableName> tableNames = new ArrayList<>();
2594    long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
2596    for (HbckRegionInfo hbi : regionInfoMap.values()) {
2597      HbckRegionInfo.MetaEntry info = hbi.getMetaEntry();
2599      // if the start key is zero, then we have found the first region of a table.
2600      // pick only those tables that were not modified in the last few milliseconds.
2601      if (info != null && info.getStartKey().length == 0 && !info.isMetaRegion()) {
2602        if (info.modTime + timelag < now) {
2603          tableNames.add(info.getTable());
2604        } else {
2605          numSkipped.incrementAndGet(); // one more in-flux table
2606        }
2607      }
2608    }
2609    return getTableDescriptors(tableNames);
2610  }
2612  TableDescriptor[] getTableDescriptors(List<TableName> tableNames) {
2613      LOG.info("getTableDescriptors == tableNames => " + tableNames);
2614    try (Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(getConf());
2615        Admin admin = conn.getAdmin()) {
2616      List<TableDescriptor> tds = admin.listTableDescriptors(tableNames);
2617      return tds.toArray(new TableDescriptor[tds.size()]);
2618    } catch (IOException e) {
2619      LOG.debug("Exception getting table descriptors", e);
2620    }
2621    return new TableDescriptor[0];
2622  }
2624  /**
2625   * Gets the entry in regionInfo corresponding to the the given encoded
2626   * region name. If the region has not been seen yet, a new entry is added
2627   * and returned.
2628   */
2629  private synchronized HbckRegionInfo getOrCreateInfo(String name) {
2630    HbckRegionInfo hbi = regionInfoMap.get(name);
2631    if (hbi == null) {
2632      hbi = new HbckRegionInfo(null);
2633      regionInfoMap.put(name, hbi);
2634    }
2635    return hbi;
2636  }
2638  private void checkAndFixReplication() throws ReplicationException {
2639    ReplicationChecker checker = new ReplicationChecker(getConf(), zkw, errors);
2640    checker.checkUnDeletedQueues();
2642    if (checker.hasUnDeletedQueues() && this.fixReplication) {
2643      checker.fixUnDeletedQueues();
2644      setShouldRerun();
2645    }
2646  }
2648  /**
2649    * Check values in regionInfo for hbase:meta
2650    * Check if zero or more than one regions with hbase:meta are found.
2651    * If there are inconsistencies (i.e. zero or more than one regions
2652    * pretend to be holding the hbase:meta) try to fix that and report an error.
2653    * @throws IOException from HBaseFsckRepair functions
2654    * @throws KeeperException
2655    * @throws InterruptedException
2656    */
2657  boolean checkMetaRegion() throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException {
2658    Map<Integer, HbckRegionInfo> metaRegions = new HashMap<>();
2659    for (HbckRegionInfo value : regionInfoMap.values()) {
2660      if (value.getMetaEntry() != null && value.getMetaEntry().isMetaRegion()) {
2661        metaRegions.put(value.getReplicaId(), value);
2662      }
2663    }
2664    int metaReplication = admin.getTableDescriptor(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME)
2665        .getRegionReplication();
2666    boolean noProblem = true;
2667    // There will be always entries in regionInfoMap corresponding to hbase:meta & its replicas
2668    // Check the deployed servers. It should be exactly one server for each replica.
2669    for (int i = 0; i < metaReplication; i++) {
2670      HbckRegionInfo metaHbckRegionInfo = metaRegions.remove(i);
2671      List<ServerName> servers = new ArrayList<>();
2672      if (metaHbckRegionInfo != null) {
2673        servers = metaHbckRegionInfo.getDeployedOn();
2674      }
2675      if (servers.size() != 1) {
2676        noProblem = false;
2677        if (servers.isEmpty()) {
2678          assignMetaReplica(i);
2679        } else if (servers.size() > 1) {
2680          errors
2681          .reportError(ERROR_CODE.MULTI_META_REGION, "hbase:meta, replicaId " +
2682                       metaHbckRegionInfo.getReplicaId() + " is found on more than one region.");
2683          if (shouldFixAssignments()) {
2684            errors.print("Trying to fix a problem with hbase:meta, replicaId " +
2685                metaHbckRegionInfo.getReplicaId() + "..");
2686            setShouldRerun();
2687            // try fix it (treat is a dupe assignment)
2688            HBaseFsckRepair
2689                .fixMultiAssignment(connection, metaHbckRegionInfo.getMetaEntry(), servers);
2690          }
2691        }
2692      }
2693    }
2694    // unassign whatever is remaining in metaRegions. They are excess replicas.
2695    for (Map.Entry<Integer, HbckRegionInfo> entry : metaRegions.entrySet()) {
2696      noProblem = false;
2697      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEPLOYED,
2698          "hbase:meta replicas are deployed in excess. Configured " + metaReplication +
2699          ", deployed " + metaRegions.size());
2700      if (shouldFixAssignments()) {
2701        errors.print("Trying to undeploy excess replica, replicaId: " + entry.getKey() +
2702            " of hbase:meta..");
2703        setShouldRerun();
2704        unassignMetaReplica(entry.getValue());
2705      }
2706    }
2707    // if noProblem is false, rerun hbck with hopefully fixed META
2708    // if noProblem is true, no errors, so continue normally
2709    return noProblem;
2710  }
2712  private void unassignMetaReplica(HbckRegionInfo hi)
2713      throws IOException, InterruptedException, KeeperException {
2714    undeployRegions(hi);
2715    ZKUtil
2716        .deleteNode(zkw, zkw.getZNodePaths().getZNodeForReplica(hi.getMetaEntry().getReplicaId()));
2717  }
2719  private void assignMetaReplica(int replicaId)
2720      throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException {
2721    errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NO_META_REGION, "hbase:meta, replicaId " +
2722        replicaId +" is not found on any region.");
2723    if (shouldFixAssignments()) {
2724      errors.print("Trying to fix a problem with hbase:meta..");
2725      setShouldRerun();
2726      // try to fix it (treat it as unassigned region)
2727      RegionInfo h = RegionReplicaUtil.getRegionInfoForReplica(
2728          RegionInfoBuilder.FIRST_META_REGIONINFO, replicaId);
2729      HBaseFsckRepair.fixUnassigned(admin, h);
2730      HBaseFsckRepair.waitUntilAssigned(admin, h);
2731    }
2732  }
2734  /**
2735   * Scan hbase:meta, adding all regions found to the regionInfo map.
2736   * @throws IOException if an error is encountered
2737   */
2738  boolean loadMetaEntries() throws IOException {
2739    MetaTableAccessor.Visitor visitor = new MetaTableAccessor.Visitor() {
2740      int countRecord = 1;
2742      // comparator to sort KeyValues with latest modtime
2743      final Comparator<Cell> comp = new Comparator<Cell>() {
2744        @Override
2745        public int compare(Cell k1, Cell k2) {
2746          return Long.compare(k1.getTimestamp(), k2.getTimestamp());
2747        }
2748      };
2750      @Override
2751      public boolean visit(Result result) throws IOException {
2752        try {
2754          // record the latest modification of this META record
2755          long ts =  Collections.max(result.listCells(), comp).getTimestamp();
2756          RegionLocations rl = MetaTableAccessor.getRegionLocations(result);
2757          if (rl == null) {
2758            emptyRegionInfoQualifiers.add(result);
2759            errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.EMPTY_META_CELL,
2760              "Empty REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER found in hbase:meta");
2761            return true;
2762          }
2763          ServerName sn = null;
2764          if (rl.getRegionLocation(RegionInfo.DEFAULT_REPLICA_ID) == null ||
2765              rl.getRegionLocation(RegionInfo.DEFAULT_REPLICA_ID).getRegionInfo() == null) {
2766            emptyRegionInfoQualifiers.add(result);
2767            errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.EMPTY_META_CELL,
2768              "Empty REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER found in hbase:meta");
2769            return true;
2770          }
2771          RegionInfo hri = rl.getRegionLocation(RegionInfo.DEFAULT_REPLICA_ID).getRegionInfo();
2772          if (!(isTableIncluded(hri.getTable())
2773              || hri.isMetaRegion())) {
2774            return true;
2775          }
2776          PairOfSameType<RegionInfo> daughters = MetaTableAccessor.getDaughterRegions(result);
2777          for (HRegionLocation h : rl.getRegionLocations()) {
2778            if (h == null || h.getRegionInfo() == null) {
2779              continue;
2780            }
2781            sn = h.getServerName();
2782            hri = h.getRegionInfo();
2784            HbckRegionInfo.MetaEntry m = null;
2785            if (hri.getReplicaId() == RegionInfo.DEFAULT_REPLICA_ID) {
2786              m = new HbckRegionInfo.MetaEntry(hri, sn, ts, daughters.getFirst(),
2787                  daughters.getSecond());
2788            } else {
2789              m = new HbckRegionInfo.MetaEntry(hri, sn, ts, null, null);
2790            }
2791            HbckRegionInfo previous = regionInfoMap.get(hri.getEncodedName());
2792            if (previous == null) {
2793              regionInfoMap.put(hri.getEncodedName(), new HbckRegionInfo(m));
2794            } else if (previous.getMetaEntry() == null) {
2795              previous.setMetaEntry(m);
2796            } else {
2797              throw new IOException("Two entries in hbase:meta are same " + previous);
2798            }
2799          }
2800          List<RegionInfo> mergeParents = MetaTableAccessor.getMergeRegions(result.rawCells());
2801          if (mergeParents != null) {
2802            for (RegionInfo mergeRegion : mergeParents) {
2803              if (mergeRegion != null) {
2804                // This region is already being merged
2805                HbckRegionInfo hbInfo = getOrCreateInfo(mergeRegion.getEncodedName());
2806                hbInfo.setMerged(true);
2807              }
2808            }
2809          }
2811          // show proof of progress to the user, once for every 100 records.
2812          if (countRecord % 100 == 0) {
2813            errors.progress();
2814          }
2815          countRecord++;
2816          return true;
2817        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
2818          LOG.error("Result=" + result);
2819          throw e;
2820        }
2821      }
2822    };
2823    if (!checkMetaOnly) {
2824      // Scan hbase:meta to pick up user regions
2825      MetaTableAccessor.fullScanRegions(connection, visitor);
2826    }
2828    errors.print("");
2829    return true;
2830  }
2832  /**
2833   * Prints summary of all tables found on the system.
2834   */
2835  private void printTableSummary(SortedMap<TableName, HbckTableInfo> tablesInfo) {
2836    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
2837    int numOfSkippedRegions;
2838    errors.print("Summary:");
2839    for (HbckTableInfo tInfo : tablesInfo.values()) {
2840      numOfSkippedRegions = (skippedRegions.containsKey(tInfo.getName())) ?
2841          skippedRegions.get(tInfo.getName()).size() : 0;
2843      if (errors.tableHasErrors(tInfo)) {
2844        errors.print("Table " + tInfo.getName() + " is inconsistent.");
2845      } else if (numOfSkippedRegions > 0){
2846        errors.print("Table " + tInfo.getName() + " is okay (with "
2847          + numOfSkippedRegions + " skipped regions).");
2848      }
2849      else {
2850        errors.print("Table " + tInfo.getName() + " is okay.");
2851      }
2852      errors.print("    Number of regions: " + tInfo.getNumRegions());
2853      if (numOfSkippedRegions > 0) {
2854        Set<String> skippedRegionStrings = skippedRegions.get(tInfo.getName());
2855        System.out.println("    Number of skipped regions: " + numOfSkippedRegions);
2856        System.out.println("      List of skipped regions:");
2857        for(String sr : skippedRegionStrings) {
2858          System.out.println("        " + sr);
2859        }
2860      }
2861      sb.setLength(0); // clear out existing buffer, if any.
2862      sb.append("    Deployed on: ");
2863      for (ServerName server : tInfo.deployedOn) {
2864        sb.append(" " + server.toString());
2865      }
2866      errors.print(sb.toString());
2867    }
2868  }
2870  static HbckErrorReporter getErrorReporter(final Configuration conf)
2871      throws ClassNotFoundException {
2872    Class<? extends HbckErrorReporter> reporter =
2873        conf.getClass("hbasefsck.errorreporter", PrintingErrorReporter.class,
2874            HbckErrorReporter.class);
2875    return ReflectionUtils.newInstance(reporter, conf);
2876  }
2878  static class PrintingErrorReporter implements HbckErrorReporter {
2879    public int errorCount = 0;
2880    private int showProgress;
2881    // How frequently calls to progress() will create output
2882    private static final int progressThreshold = 100;
2884    Set<HbckTableInfo> errorTables = new HashSet<>();
2886    // for use by unit tests to verify which errors were discovered
2887    private ArrayList<ERROR_CODE> errorList = new ArrayList<>();
2889    @Override
2890    public void clear() {
2891      errorTables.clear();
2892      errorList.clear();
2893      errorCount = 0;
2894    }
2896    @Override
2897    public synchronized void reportError(ERROR_CODE errorCode, String message) {
2898      if (errorCode == ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE) {
2899        System.err.println(message);
2900        return;
2901      }
2903      errorList.add(errorCode);
2904      if (!summary) {
2905        System.out.println("ERROR: " + message);
2906      }
2907      errorCount++;
2908      showProgress = 0;
2909    }
2911    @Override
2912    public synchronized void reportError(ERROR_CODE errorCode, String message,
2913        HbckTableInfo table) {
2914      errorTables.add(table);
2915      reportError(errorCode, message);
2916    }
2918    @Override
2919    public synchronized void reportError(ERROR_CODE errorCode, String message, HbckTableInfo table,
2920                                         HbckRegionInfo info) {
2921      errorTables.add(table);
2922      String reference = "(region " + info.getRegionNameAsString() + ")";
2923      reportError(errorCode, reference + " " + message);
2924    }
2926    @Override
2927    public synchronized void reportError(ERROR_CODE errorCode, String message, HbckTableInfo table,
2928                                         HbckRegionInfo info1, HbckRegionInfo info2) {
2929      errorTables.add(table);
2930      String reference = "(regions " + info1.getRegionNameAsString()
2931          + " and " + info2.getRegionNameAsString() + ")";
2932      reportError(errorCode, reference + " " + message);
2933    }
2935    @Override
2936    public synchronized void reportError(String message) {
2937      reportError(ERROR_CODE.UNKNOWN, message);
2938    }
2940    /**
2941     * Report error information, but do not increment the error count.  Intended for cases
2942     * where the actual error would have been reported previously.
2943     * @param message
2944     */
2945    @Override
2946    public synchronized void report(String message) {
2947      if (! summary) {
2948        System.out.println("ERROR: " + message);
2949      }
2950      showProgress = 0;
2951    }
2953    @Override
2954    public synchronized int summarize() {
2955      System.out.println(Integer.toString(errorCount) +
2956                         " inconsistencies detected.");
2957      if (errorCount == 0) {
2958        System.out.println("Status: OK");
2959        return 0;
2960      } else {
2961        System.out.println("Status: INCONSISTENT");
2962        return -1;
2963      }
2964    }
2966    @Override
2967    public ArrayList<ERROR_CODE> getErrorList() {
2968      return errorList;
2969    }
2971    @Override
2972    public synchronized void print(String message) {
2973      if (!summary) {
2974        System.out.println(message);
2975      }
2976    }
2978    @Override
2979    public boolean tableHasErrors(HbckTableInfo table) {
2980      return errorTables.contains(table);
2981    }
2983    @Override
2984    public void resetErrors() {
2985      errorCount = 0;
2986    }
2988    @Override
2989    public synchronized void detail(String message) {
2990      if (details) {
2991        System.out.println(message);
2992      }
2993      showProgress = 0;
2994    }
2996    @Override
2997    public synchronized void progress() {
2998      if (showProgress++ == progressThreshold) {
2999        if (!summary) {
3000          System.out.print(".");
3001        }
3002        showProgress = 0;
3003      }
3004    }
3005  }
3007  /**
3008   * Contact a region server and get all information from it
3009   */
3010  static class WorkItemRegion implements Callable<Void> {
3011    private final HBaseFsck hbck;
3012    private final ServerName rsinfo;
3013    private final HbckErrorReporter errors;
3014    private final ClusterConnection connection;
3016    WorkItemRegion(HBaseFsck hbck, ServerName info, HbckErrorReporter errors,
3017        ClusterConnection connection) {
3018      this.hbck = hbck;
3019      this.rsinfo = info;
3020      this.errors = errors;
3021      this.connection = connection;
3022    }
3024    @Override
3025    public synchronized Void call() throws IOException {
3026      errors.progress();
3027      try {
3028        BlockingInterface server = connection.getAdmin(rsinfo);
3030        // list all online regions from this region server
3031        List<RegionInfo> regions = ProtobufUtil.getOnlineRegions(server);
3032        regions = filterRegions(regions);
3034        if (details) {
3035          errors.detail("RegionServer: " + rsinfo.getServerName() +
3036                           " number of regions: " + regions.size());
3037          for (RegionInfo rinfo: regions) {
3038            errors.detail("  " + rinfo.getRegionNameAsString() +
3039                             " id: " + rinfo.getRegionId() +
3040                             " encoded_name: " + rinfo.getEncodedName() +
3041                             " start: " + Bytes.toStringBinary(rinfo.getStartKey()) +
3042                             " end: " + Bytes.toStringBinary(rinfo.getEndKey()));
3043          }
3044        }
3046        // check to see if the existence of this region matches the region in META
3048        for (RegionInfo r : regions) {
3049          HbckRegionInfo hbi = hbck.getOrCreateInfo(r.getEncodedName());
3050          hbi.addServer(r, rsinfo);
3051        }
3052      } catch (IOException e) {          // unable to connect to the region server.
3053        errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.RS_CONNECT_FAILURE, "RegionServer: " + rsinfo.getServerName() +
3054          " Unable to fetch region information. " + e);
3055        throw e;
3056      }
3057      return null;
3058    }
3060    private List<RegionInfo> filterRegions(List<RegionInfo> regions) {
3061      List<RegionInfo> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
3062      for (RegionInfo hri : regions) {
3063        if (hri.isMetaRegion() || (!hbck.checkMetaOnly
3064            && hbck.isTableIncluded(hri.getTable()))) {
3065          ret.add(hri);
3066        }
3067      }
3068      return ret;
3069    }
3070  }
3072  /**
3073   * Contact hdfs and get all information about specified table directory into
3074   * regioninfo list.
3075   */
3076  class WorkItemHdfsDir implements Callable<Void> {
3077    private FileStatus tableDir;
3078    private HbckErrorReporter errors;
3079    private FileSystem fs;
3081    WorkItemHdfsDir(FileSystem fs, HbckErrorReporter errors, FileStatus status) {
3082      this.fs = fs;
3083      this.tableDir = status;
3084      this.errors = errors;
3085    }
3087    @Override
3088    public synchronized Void call() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
3089      final Vector<Exception> exceptions = new Vector<>();
3091      try {
3092        final FileStatus[] regionDirs = fs.listStatus(tableDir.getPath());
3093        final List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<>(regionDirs.length);
3095        for (final FileStatus regionDir : regionDirs) {
3096          errors.progress();
3097          final String encodedName = regionDir.getPath().getName();
3098          // ignore directories that aren't hexadecimal
3099          if (!encodedName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).matches("[0-9a-f]+")) {
3100            continue;
3101          }
3103          if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) {
3104            break;
3105          }
3107          futures.add(executor.submit(new Runnable() {
3108            @Override
3109            public void run() {
3110              try {
3111                LOG.debug("Loading region info from hdfs:"+ regionDir.getPath());
3113                Path regioninfoFile = new Path(regionDir.getPath(), HRegionFileSystem.REGION_INFO_FILE);
3114                boolean regioninfoFileExists = fs.exists(regioninfoFile);
3116                if (!regioninfoFileExists) {
3117                  // As tables become larger it is more and more likely that by the time you
3118                  // reach a given region that it will be gone due to region splits/merges.
3119                  if (!fs.exists(regionDir.getPath())) {
3120                    LOG.warn("By the time we tried to process this region dir it was already gone: "
3121                        + regionDir.getPath());
3122                    return;
3123                  }
3124                }
3126                HbckRegionInfo hbi = HBaseFsck.this.getOrCreateInfo(encodedName);
3127                HbckRegionInfo.HdfsEntry he = new HbckRegionInfo.HdfsEntry();
3128                synchronized (hbi) {
3129                  if (hbi.getHdfsRegionDir() != null) {
3130                    errors.print("Directory " + encodedName + " duplicate??" +
3131                                 hbi.getHdfsRegionDir());
3132                  }
3134                  he.regionDir = regionDir.getPath();
3135                  he.regionDirModTime = regionDir.getModificationTime();
3136                  he.hdfsRegioninfoFilePresent = regioninfoFileExists;
3137                  // we add to orphan list when we attempt to read .regioninfo
3139                  // Set a flag if this region contains only edits
3140                  // This is special case if a region is left after split
3141                  he.hdfsOnlyEdits = true;
3142                  FileStatus[] subDirs = fs.listStatus(regionDir.getPath());
3143                  Path ePath = WALSplitUtil.getRegionDirRecoveredEditsDir(regionDir.getPath());
3144                  for (FileStatus subDir : subDirs) {
3145                    errors.progress();
3146                    String sdName = subDir.getPath().getName();
3147                    if (!sdName.startsWith(".") && !sdName.equals(ePath.getName())) {
3148                      he.hdfsOnlyEdits = false;
3149                      break;
3150                    }
3151                  }
3152                  hbi.setHdfsEntry(he);
3153                }
3154              } catch (Exception e) {
3155                LOG.error("Could not load region dir", e);
3156                exceptions.add(e);
3157              }
3158            }
3159          }));
3160        }
3162        // Ensure all pending tasks are complete (or that we run into an exception)
3163        for (Future<?> f : futures) {
3164          if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) {
3165            break;
3166          }
3167          try {
3168            f.get();
3169          } catch (ExecutionException e) {
3170            LOG.error("Unexpected exec exception!  Should've been caught already.  (Bug?)", e);
3171            // Shouldn't happen, we already logged/caught any exceptions in the Runnable
3172          };
3173        }
3174      } catch (IOException e) {
3175        LOG.error("Cannot execute WorkItemHdfsDir for " + tableDir, e);
3176        exceptions.add(e);
3177      } finally {
3178        if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) {
3179          errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.RS_CONNECT_FAILURE, "Table Directory: "
3180              + tableDir.getPath().getName()
3181              + " Unable to fetch all HDFS region information. ");
3182          // Just throw the first exception as an indication something bad happened
3183          // Don't need to propagate all the exceptions, we already logged them all anyway
3184          throw new ExecutionException("First exception in WorkItemHdfsDir", exceptions.firstElement());
3185        }
3186      }
3187      return null;
3188    }
3189  }
3191  /**
3192   * Contact hdfs and get all information about specified table directory into
3193   * regioninfo list.
3194   */
3195  static class WorkItemHdfsRegionInfo implements Callable<Void> {
3196    private HbckRegionInfo hbi;
3197    private HBaseFsck hbck;
3198    private HbckErrorReporter errors;
3200    WorkItemHdfsRegionInfo(HbckRegionInfo hbi, HBaseFsck hbck, HbckErrorReporter errors) {
3201      this.hbi = hbi;
3202      this.hbck = hbck;
3203      this.errors = errors;
3204    }
3206    @Override
3207    public synchronized Void call() throws IOException {
3208      // only load entries that haven't been loaded yet.
3209      if (hbi.getHdfsHRI() == null) {
3210        try {
3211          errors.progress();
3212          hbi.loadHdfsRegioninfo(hbck.getConf());
3213        } catch (IOException ioe) {
3214          String msg = "Orphan region in HDFS: Unable to load .regioninfo from table "
3215              + hbi.getTableName() + " in hdfs dir "
3216              + hbi.getHdfsRegionDir()
3217              + "!  It may be an invalid format or version file.  Treating as "
3218              + "an orphaned regiondir.";
3219          errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.ORPHAN_HDFS_REGION, msg);
3220          try {
3221            hbck.debugLsr(hbi.getHdfsRegionDir());
3222          } catch (IOException ioe2) {
3223            LOG.error("Unable to read directory " + hbi.getHdfsRegionDir(), ioe2);
3224            throw ioe2;
3225          }
3226          hbck.orphanHdfsDirs.add(hbi);
3227          throw ioe;
3228        }
3229      }
3230      return null;
3231    }
3232  };
3234  /**
3235   * Display the full report from fsck. This displays all live and dead region
3236   * servers, and all known regions.
3237   */
3238  public static void setDisplayFullReport() {
3239    details = true;
3240  }
3242  public static boolean shouldDisplayFullReport() {
3243    return details;
3244  }
3246  /**
3247   * Set exclusive mode.
3248   */
3249  public static void setForceExclusive() {
3250    forceExclusive = true;
3251  }
3253  /**
3254   * Only one instance of hbck can modify HBase at a time.
3255   */
3256  public boolean isExclusive() {
3257    return fixAny || forceExclusive;
3258  }
3260  /**
3261   * Set summary mode.
3262   * Print only summary of the tables and status (OK or INCONSISTENT)
3263   */
3264  static void setSummary() {
3265    summary = true;
3266  }
3268  /**
3269   * Set hbase:meta check mode.
3270   * Print only info about hbase:meta table deployment/state
3271   */
3272  void setCheckMetaOnly() {
3273    checkMetaOnly = true;
3274  }
3276  /**
3277   * Set region boundaries check mode.
3278   */
3279  void setRegionBoundariesCheck() {
3280    checkRegionBoundaries = true;
3281  }
3283  /**
3284   * Set replication fix mode.
3285   */
3286  public void setFixReplication(boolean shouldFix) {
3287    fixReplication = shouldFix;
3288    fixAny |= shouldFix;
3289  }
3291  public void setCleanReplicationBarrier(boolean shouldClean) {
3292    cleanReplicationBarrier = shouldClean;
3293  }
3295  /**
3296   * Check if we should rerun fsck again. This checks if we've tried to
3297   * fix something and we should rerun fsck tool again.
3298   * Display the full report from fsck. This displays all live and dead
3299   * region servers, and all known regions.
3300   */
3301  void setShouldRerun() {
3302    rerun = true;
3303  }
3305  public boolean shouldRerun() {
3306    return rerun;
3307  }
3309  /**
3310   * Fix inconsistencies found by fsck. This should try to fix errors (if any)
3311   * found by fsck utility.
3312   */
3313  public void setFixAssignments(boolean shouldFix) {
3314    fixAssignments = shouldFix;
3315    fixAny |= shouldFix;
3316  }
3318  boolean shouldFixAssignments() {
3319    return fixAssignments;
3320  }
3322  public void setFixMeta(boolean shouldFix) {
3323    fixMeta = shouldFix;
3324    fixAny |= shouldFix;
3325  }
3327  boolean shouldFixMeta() {
3328    return fixMeta;
3329  }
3331  public void setFixEmptyMetaCells(boolean shouldFix) {
3332    fixEmptyMetaCells = shouldFix;
3333    fixAny |= shouldFix;
3334  }
3336  boolean shouldFixEmptyMetaCells() {
3337    return fixEmptyMetaCells;
3338  }
3340  public void setCheckHdfs(boolean checking) {
3341    checkHdfs = checking;
3342  }
3344  boolean shouldCheckHdfs() {
3345    return checkHdfs;
3346  }
3348  public void setFixHdfsHoles(boolean shouldFix) {
3349    fixHdfsHoles = shouldFix;
3350    fixAny |= shouldFix;
3351  }
3353  boolean shouldFixHdfsHoles() {
3354    return fixHdfsHoles;
3355  }
3357  public void setFixTableOrphans(boolean shouldFix) {
3358    fixTableOrphans = shouldFix;
3359    fixAny |= shouldFix;
3360  }
3362  boolean shouldFixTableOrphans() {
3363    return fixTableOrphans;
3364  }
3366  public void setFixHdfsOverlaps(boolean shouldFix) {
3367    fixHdfsOverlaps = shouldFix;
3368    fixAny |= shouldFix;
3369  }
3371  boolean shouldFixHdfsOverlaps() {
3372    return fixHdfsOverlaps;
3373  }
3375  public void setFixHdfsOrphans(boolean shouldFix) {
3376    fixHdfsOrphans = shouldFix;
3377    fixAny |= shouldFix;
3378  }
3380  boolean shouldFixHdfsOrphans() {
3381    return fixHdfsOrphans;
3382  }
3384  public void setFixVersionFile(boolean shouldFix) {
3385    fixVersionFile = shouldFix;
3386    fixAny |= shouldFix;
3387  }
3389  public boolean shouldFixVersionFile() {
3390    return fixVersionFile;
3391  }
3393  public void setSidelineBigOverlaps(boolean sbo) {
3394    this.sidelineBigOverlaps = sbo;
3395  }
3397  public boolean shouldSidelineBigOverlaps() {
3398    return sidelineBigOverlaps;
3399  }
3401  public void setFixSplitParents(boolean shouldFix) {
3402    fixSplitParents = shouldFix;
3403    fixAny |= shouldFix;
3404  }
3406  public void setRemoveParents(boolean shouldFix) {
3407    removeParents = shouldFix;
3408    fixAny |= shouldFix;
3409  }
3411  boolean shouldFixSplitParents() {
3412    return fixSplitParents;
3413  }
3415  boolean shouldRemoveParents() {
3416    return removeParents;
3417  }
3419  public void setFixReferenceFiles(boolean shouldFix) {
3420    fixReferenceFiles = shouldFix;
3421    fixAny |= shouldFix;
3422  }
3424  boolean shouldFixReferenceFiles() {
3425    return fixReferenceFiles;
3426  }
3428  public void setFixHFileLinks(boolean shouldFix) {
3429    fixHFileLinks = shouldFix;
3430    fixAny |= shouldFix;
3431  }
3433  boolean shouldFixHFileLinks() {
3434    return fixHFileLinks;
3435  }
3437  public boolean shouldIgnorePreCheckPermission() {
3438    return !fixAny || ignorePreCheckPermission;
3439  }
3441  public void setIgnorePreCheckPermission(boolean ignorePreCheckPermission) {
3442    this.ignorePreCheckPermission = ignorePreCheckPermission;
3443  }
3445  /**
3446   * @param mm maximum number of regions to merge into a single region.
3447   */
3448  public void setMaxMerge(int mm) {
3449    this.maxMerge = mm;
3450  }
3452  public int getMaxMerge() {
3453    return maxMerge;
3454  }
3456  public void setMaxOverlapsToSideline(int mo) {
3457    this.maxOverlapsToSideline = mo;
3458  }
3460  public int getMaxOverlapsToSideline() {
3461    return maxOverlapsToSideline;
3462  }
3464  /**
3465   * Only check/fix tables specified by the list,
3466   * Empty list means all tables are included.
3467   */
3468  boolean isTableIncluded(TableName table) {
3469    return (tablesIncluded.isEmpty()) || tablesIncluded.contains(table);
3470  }
3472  public void includeTable(TableName table) {
3473    tablesIncluded.add(table);
3474  }
3476  Set<TableName> getIncludedTables() {
3477    return new HashSet<>(tablesIncluded);
3478  }
3480  /**
3481   * We are interested in only those tables that have not changed their state in
3482   * hbase:meta during the last few seconds specified by hbase.admin.fsck.timelag
3483   * @param seconds - the time in seconds
3484   */
3485  public void setTimeLag(long seconds) {
3486    timelag = seconds * 1000; // convert to milliseconds
3487  }
3489  /**
3490   *
3491   * @param sidelineDir - HDFS path to sideline data
3492   */
3493  public void setSidelineDir(String sidelineDir) {
3494    this.sidelineDir = new Path(sidelineDir);
3495  }
3497  protected HFileCorruptionChecker createHFileCorruptionChecker(boolean sidelineCorruptHFiles) throws IOException {
3498    return new HFileCorruptionChecker(getConf(), executor, sidelineCorruptHFiles);
3499  }
3501  public HFileCorruptionChecker getHFilecorruptionChecker() {
3502    return hfcc;
3503  }
3505  public void setHFileCorruptionChecker(HFileCorruptionChecker hfcc) {
3506    this.hfcc = hfcc;
3507  }
3509  public void setRetCode(int code) {
3510    this.retcode = code;
3511  }
3513  public int getRetCode() {
3514    return retcode;
3515  }
3517  protected HBaseFsck printUsageAndExit() {
3518    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(2048);
3519    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sw);
3520    out.println("");
3521    out.println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------");
3522    out.println("NOTE: As of HBase version 2.0, the hbck tool is significantly changed.");
3523    out.println("In general, all Read-Only options are supported and can be be used");
3524    out.println("safely. Most -fix/ -repair options are NOT supported. Please see usage");
3525    out.println("below for details on which options are not supported.");
3526    out.println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------");
3527    out.println("");
3528    out.println("Usage: fsck [opts] {only tables}");
3529    out.println(" where [opts] are:");
3530    out.println("   -help Display help options (this)");
3531    out.println("   -details Display full report of all regions.");
3532    out.println("   -timelag <timeInSeconds>  Process only regions that " +
3533                       " have not experienced any metadata updates in the last " +
3534                       " <timeInSeconds> seconds.");
3535    out.println("   -sleepBeforeRerun <timeInSeconds> Sleep this many seconds" +
3536        " before checking if the fix worked if run with -fix");
3537    out.println("   -summary Print only summary of the tables and status.");
3538    out.println("   -metaonly Only check the state of the hbase:meta table.");
3539    out.println("   -sidelineDir <hdfs://> HDFS path to backup existing meta.");
3540    out.println("   -boundaries Verify that regions boundaries are the same between META and store files.");
3541    out.println("   -exclusive Abort if another hbck is exclusive or fixing.");
3543    out.println("");
3544    out.println("  Datafile Repair options: (expert features, use with caution!)");
3545    out.println("   -checkCorruptHFiles     Check all Hfiles by opening them to make sure they are valid");
3546    out.println("   -sidelineCorruptHFiles  Quarantine corrupted HFiles.  implies -checkCorruptHFiles");
3548    out.println("");
3549    out.println(" Replication options");
3550    out.println("   -fixReplication   Deletes replication queues for removed peers");
3552    out.println("");
3553    out.println("  Metadata Repair options supported as of version 2.0: (expert features, use with caution!)");
3554    out.println("   -fixVersionFile   Try to fix missing hbase.version file in hdfs.");
3555    out.println("   -fixReferenceFiles  Try to offline lingering reference store files");
3556    out.println("   -fixHFileLinks  Try to offline lingering HFileLinks");
3557    out.println("   -noHdfsChecking   Don't load/check region info from HDFS."
3558        + " Assumes hbase:meta region info is good. Won't check/fix any HDFS issue, e.g. hole, orphan, or overlap");
3559    out.println("   -ignorePreCheckPermission  ignore filesystem permission pre-check");
3561    out.println("");
3562    out.println("NOTE: Following options are NOT supported as of HBase version 2.0+.");
3563    out.println("");
3564    out.println("  UNSUPPORTED Metadata Repair options: (expert features, use with caution!)");
3565    out.println("   -fix              Try to fix region assignments.  This is for backwards compatiblity");
3566    out.println("   -fixAssignments   Try to fix region assignments.  Replaces the old -fix");
3567    out.println("   -fixMeta          Try to fix meta problems.  This assumes HDFS region info is good.");
3568    out.println("   -fixHdfsHoles     Try to fix region holes in hdfs.");
3569    out.println("   -fixHdfsOrphans   Try to fix region dirs with no .regioninfo file in hdfs");
3570    out.println("   -fixTableOrphans  Try to fix table dirs with no .tableinfo file in hdfs (online mode only)");
3571    out.println("   -fixHdfsOverlaps  Try to fix region overlaps in hdfs.");
3572    out.println("   -maxMerge <n>     When fixing region overlaps, allow at most <n> regions to merge. (n=" + DEFAULT_MAX_MERGE +" by default)");
3573    out.println("   -sidelineBigOverlaps  When fixing region overlaps, allow to sideline big overlaps");
3574    out.println("   -maxOverlapsToSideline <n>  When fixing region overlaps, allow at most <n> regions to sideline per group. (n=" + DEFAULT_OVERLAPS_TO_SIDELINE +" by default)");
3575    out.println("   -fixSplitParents  Try to force offline split parents to be online.");
3576    out.println("   -removeParents    Try to offline and sideline lingering parents and keep daughter regions.");
3577    out.println("   -fixEmptyMetaCells  Try to fix hbase:meta entries not referencing any region"
3578        + " (empty REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER rows)");
3580    out.println("");
3581    out.println("  UNSUPPORTED Metadata Repair shortcuts");
3582    out.println("   -repair           Shortcut for -fixAssignments -fixMeta -fixHdfsHoles " +
3583        "-fixHdfsOrphans -fixHdfsOverlaps -fixVersionFile -sidelineBigOverlaps -fixReferenceFiles" +
3584        "-fixHFileLinks");
3585    out.println("   -repairHoles      Shortcut for -fixAssignments -fixMeta -fixHdfsHoles");
3586    out.println("");
3587    out.println(" Replication options");
3588    out.println("   -fixReplication   Deletes replication queues for removed peers");
3589    out.println("   -cleanReplicationBrarier [tableName] clean the replication barriers " +
3590        "of a specified table, tableName is required");
3591    out.flush();
3592    errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, sw.toString());
3594    setRetCode(-2);
3595    return this;
3596  }
3598  /**
3599   * Main program
3600   *
3601   * @param args
3602   * @throws Exception
3603   */
3604  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
3605    // create a fsck object
3606    Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
3607    Path hbasedir = CommonFSUtils.getRootDir(conf);
3608    URI defaultFs = hbasedir.getFileSystem(conf).getUri();
3609    CommonFSUtils.setFsDefault(conf, new Path(defaultFs));
3610    int ret = ToolRunner.run(new HBaseFsckTool(conf), args);
3611    System.exit(ret);
3612  }
3614  /**
3615   * This is a Tool wrapper that gathers -Dxxx=yyy configuration settings from the command line.
3616   */
3617  static class HBaseFsckTool extends Configured implements Tool {
3618    HBaseFsckTool(Configuration conf) { super(conf); }
3619    @Override
3620    public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
3621      HBaseFsck hbck = new HBaseFsck(getConf());
3622      hbck.exec(hbck.executor, args);
3623      hbck.close();
3624      return hbck.getRetCode();
3625    }
3626  };
3629  public HBaseFsck exec(ExecutorService exec, String[] args)
3630      throws KeeperException, IOException, InterruptedException, ReplicationException {
3631    long sleepBeforeRerun = DEFAULT_SLEEP_BEFORE_RERUN;
3633    boolean checkCorruptHFiles = false;
3634    boolean sidelineCorruptHFiles = false;
3636    // Process command-line args.
3637    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
3638      String cmd = args[i];
3639      if (cmd.equals("-help") || cmd.equals("-h")) {
3640        return printUsageAndExit();
3641      } else if (cmd.equals("-details")) {
3642        setDisplayFullReport();
3643      } else if (cmd.equals("-exclusive")) {
3644        setForceExclusive();
3645      } else if (cmd.equals("-timelag")) {
3646        if (i == args.length - 1) {
3647          errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, "HBaseFsck: -timelag needs a value.");
3648          return printUsageAndExit();
3649        }
3650        try {
3651          long timelag = Long.parseLong(args[++i]);
3652          setTimeLag(timelag);
3653        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
3654          errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, "-timelag needs a numeric value.");
3655          return printUsageAndExit();
3656        }
3657      } else if (cmd.equals("-sleepBeforeRerun")) {
3658        if (i == args.length - 1) {
3659          errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE,
3660            "HBaseFsck: -sleepBeforeRerun needs a value.");
3661          return printUsageAndExit();
3662        }
3663        try {
3664          sleepBeforeRerun = Long.parseLong(args[++i]);
3665        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
3666          errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, "-sleepBeforeRerun needs a numeric value.");
3667          return printUsageAndExit();
3668        }
3669      } else if (cmd.equals("-sidelineDir")) {
3670        if (i == args.length - 1) {
3671          errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, "HBaseFsck: -sidelineDir needs a value.");
3672          return printUsageAndExit();
3673        }
3674        setSidelineDir(args[++i]);
3675      } else if (cmd.equals("-fix")) {
3676        errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE,
3677          "This option is deprecated, please use  -fixAssignments instead.");
3678        setFixAssignments(true);
3679      } else if (cmd.equals("-fixAssignments")) {
3680        setFixAssignments(true);
3681      } else if (cmd.equals("-fixMeta")) {
3682        setFixMeta(true);
3683      } else if (cmd.equals("-noHdfsChecking")) {
3684        setCheckHdfs(false);
3685      } else if (cmd.equals("-fixHdfsHoles")) {
3686        setFixHdfsHoles(true);
3687      } else if (cmd.equals("-fixHdfsOrphans")) {
3688        setFixHdfsOrphans(true);
3689      } else if (cmd.equals("-fixTableOrphans")) {
3690        setFixTableOrphans(true);
3691      } else if (cmd.equals("-fixHdfsOverlaps")) {
3692        setFixHdfsOverlaps(true);
3693      } else if (cmd.equals("-fixVersionFile")) {
3694        setFixVersionFile(true);
3695      } else if (cmd.equals("-sidelineBigOverlaps")) {
3696        setSidelineBigOverlaps(true);
3697      } else if (cmd.equals("-fixSplitParents")) {
3698        setFixSplitParents(true);
3699      } else if (cmd.equals("-removeParents")) {
3700        setRemoveParents(true);
3701      } else if (cmd.equals("-ignorePreCheckPermission")) {
3702        setIgnorePreCheckPermission(true);
3703      } else if (cmd.equals("-checkCorruptHFiles")) {
3704        checkCorruptHFiles = true;
3705      } else if (cmd.equals("-sidelineCorruptHFiles")) {
3706        sidelineCorruptHFiles = true;
3707      } else if (cmd.equals("-fixReferenceFiles")) {
3708        setFixReferenceFiles(true);
3709      } else if (cmd.equals("-fixHFileLinks")) {
3710        setFixHFileLinks(true);
3711      } else if (cmd.equals("-fixEmptyMetaCells")) {
3712        setFixEmptyMetaCells(true);
3713      } else if (cmd.equals("-repair")) {
3714        // this attempts to merge overlapping hdfs regions, needs testing
3715        // under load
3716        setFixHdfsHoles(true);
3717        setFixHdfsOrphans(true);
3718        setFixMeta(true);
3719        setFixAssignments(true);
3720        setFixHdfsOverlaps(true);
3721        setFixVersionFile(true);
3722        setSidelineBigOverlaps(true);
3723        setFixSplitParents(false);
3724        setCheckHdfs(true);
3725        setFixReferenceFiles(true);
3726        setFixHFileLinks(true);
3727      } else if (cmd.equals("-repairHoles")) {
3728        // this will make all missing hdfs regions available but may lose data
3729        setFixHdfsHoles(true);
3730        setFixHdfsOrphans(false);
3731        setFixMeta(true);
3732        setFixAssignments(true);
3733        setFixHdfsOverlaps(false);
3734        setSidelineBigOverlaps(false);
3735        setFixSplitParents(false);
3736        setCheckHdfs(true);
3737      } else if (cmd.equals("-maxOverlapsToSideline")) {
3738        if (i == args.length - 1) {
3739          errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE,
3740            "-maxOverlapsToSideline needs a numeric value argument.");
3741          return printUsageAndExit();
3742        }
3743        try {
3744          int maxOverlapsToSideline = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]);
3745          setMaxOverlapsToSideline(maxOverlapsToSideline);
3746        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
3747          errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE,
3748            "-maxOverlapsToSideline needs a numeric value argument.");
3749          return printUsageAndExit();
3750        }
3751      } else if (cmd.equals("-maxMerge")) {
3752        if (i == args.length - 1) {
3753          errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE,
3754            "-maxMerge needs a numeric value argument.");
3755          return printUsageAndExit();
3756        }
3757        try {
3758          int maxMerge = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]);
3759          setMaxMerge(maxMerge);
3760        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
3761          errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE,
3762            "-maxMerge needs a numeric value argument.");
3763          return printUsageAndExit();
3764        }
3765      } else if (cmd.equals("-summary")) {
3766        setSummary();
3767      } else if (cmd.equals("-metaonly")) {
3768        setCheckMetaOnly();
3769      } else if (cmd.equals("-boundaries")) {
3770        setRegionBoundariesCheck();
3771      } else if (cmd.equals("-fixReplication")) {
3772        setFixReplication(true);
3773      } else if (cmd.equals("-cleanReplicationBarrier")) {
3774        setCleanReplicationBarrier(true);
3775        if(args[++i].startsWith("-")){
3776          printUsageAndExit();
3777        }
3778        setCleanReplicationBarrierTable(args[i]);
3779      } else if (cmd.startsWith("-")) {
3780        errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, "Unrecognized option:" + cmd);
3781        return printUsageAndExit();
3782      } else {
3783        includeTable(TableName.valueOf(cmd));
3784        errors.print("Allow checking/fixes for table: " + cmd);
3785      }
3786    }
3788    errors.print("HBaseFsck command line options: " + StringUtils.join(args, " "));
3790    // pre-check current user has FS write permission or not
3791    try {
3792      preCheckPermission();
3793    } catch (IOException ioe) {
3794      Runtime.getRuntime().exit(-1);
3795    }
3797    // do the real work of hbck
3798    connect();
3800    // after connecting to server above, we have server version
3801    // check if unsupported option is specified based on server version
3802    if (!isOptionsSupported(args)) {
3803      return printUsageAndExit();
3804    }
3806    try {
3807      // if corrupt file mode is on, first fix them since they may be opened later
3808      if (checkCorruptHFiles || sidelineCorruptHFiles) {
3809        LOG.info("Checking all hfiles for corruption");
3810        HFileCorruptionChecker hfcc = createHFileCorruptionChecker(sidelineCorruptHFiles);
3811        setHFileCorruptionChecker(hfcc); // so we can get result
3812        Collection<TableName> tables = getIncludedTables();
3813        Collection<Path> tableDirs = new ArrayList<>();
3814        Path rootdir = CommonFSUtils.getRootDir(getConf());
3815        if (tables.size() > 0) {
3816          for (TableName t : tables) {
3817            tableDirs.add(CommonFSUtils.getTableDir(rootdir, t));
3818          }
3819        } else {
3820          tableDirs = FSUtils.getTableDirs(CommonFSUtils.getCurrentFileSystem(getConf()), rootdir);
3821        }
3822        hfcc.checkTables(tableDirs);
3823        hfcc.report(errors);
3824      }
3826      // check and fix table integrity, region consistency.
3827      int code = onlineHbck();
3828      setRetCode(code);
3829      // If we have changed the HBase state it is better to run hbck again
3830      // to see if we haven't broken something else in the process.
3831      // We run it only once more because otherwise we can easily fall into
3832      // an infinite loop.
3833      if (shouldRerun()) {
3834        try {
3835          LOG.info("Sleeping " + sleepBeforeRerun + "ms before re-checking after fix...");
3836          Thread.sleep(sleepBeforeRerun);
3837        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
3838          LOG.warn("Interrupted while sleeping");
3839          return this;
3840        }
3841        // Just report
3842        setFixAssignments(false);
3843        setFixMeta(false);
3844        setFixHdfsHoles(false);
3845        setFixHdfsOverlaps(false);
3846        setFixVersionFile(false);
3847        setFixTableOrphans(false);
3848        errors.resetErrors();
3849        code = onlineHbck();
3850        setRetCode(code);
3851      }
3852    } finally {
3853      IOUtils.closeQuietly(this);
3854    }
3855    return this;
3856  }
3858  private boolean isOptionsSupported(String[] args) {
3859    boolean result = true;
3860    String hbaseServerVersion = status.getHBaseVersion();
3861    if (VersionInfo.compareVersion("2.any.any", hbaseServerVersion) < 0) {
3862      // Process command-line args.
3863      for (String arg : args) {
3864        if (unsupportedOptionsInV2.contains(arg)) {
3865          errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.UNSUPPORTED_OPTION,
3866              "option '" + arg + "' is not " + "supportted!");
3867          result = false;
3868          break;
3869        }
3870      }
3871    }
3872    return result;
3873  }
3875  public void setCleanReplicationBarrierTable(String cleanReplicationBarrierTable) {
3876    this.cleanReplicationBarrierTable = TableName.valueOf(cleanReplicationBarrierTable);
3877  }
3879  public void cleanReplicationBarrier() throws IOException {
3880    if (!cleanReplicationBarrier || cleanReplicationBarrierTable == null) {
3881      return;
3882    }
3883    if (cleanReplicationBarrierTable.isSystemTable()) {
3884      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.INVALID_TABLE,
3885        "invalid table: " + cleanReplicationBarrierTable);
3886      return;
3887    }
3889    boolean isGlobalScope = false;
3890    try {
3891      isGlobalScope = admin.getDescriptor(cleanReplicationBarrierTable).hasGlobalReplicationScope();
3892    } catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
3893      LOG.info("we may need to clean some erroneous data due to bugs");
3894    }
3896    if (isGlobalScope) {
3897      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.INVALID_TABLE,
3898        "table's replication scope is global: " + cleanReplicationBarrierTable);
3899      return;
3900    }
3901    List<byte[]> regionNames = new ArrayList<>();
3902    Scan barrierScan = new Scan();
3903    barrierScan.setCaching(100);
3904    barrierScan.addFamily(HConstants.REPLICATION_BARRIER_FAMILY);
3905    barrierScan
3906        .withStartRow(MetaTableAccessor.getTableStartRowForMeta(cleanReplicationBarrierTable,
3907          MetaTableAccessor.QueryType.REGION))
3908        .withStopRow(MetaTableAccessor.getTableStopRowForMeta(cleanReplicationBarrierTable,
3909          MetaTableAccessor.QueryType.REGION));
3910    Result result;
3911    try (ResultScanner scanner = meta.getScanner(barrierScan)) {
3912      while ((result = scanner.next()) != null) {
3913        regionNames.add(result.getRow());
3914      }
3915    }
3916    if (regionNames.size() <= 0) {
3917      errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.INVALID_TABLE,
3918        "there is no barriers of this table: " + cleanReplicationBarrierTable);
3919      return;
3920    }
3921    ReplicationQueueStorage queueStorage =
3922        ReplicationStorageFactory.getReplicationQueueStorage(zkw, getConf());
3923    List<ReplicationPeerDescription> peerDescriptions = admin.listReplicationPeers();
3924    if (peerDescriptions != null && peerDescriptions.size() > 0) {
3925      List<String> peers = peerDescriptions.stream()
3926          .filter(peerConfig -> peerConfig.getPeerConfig()
3927            .needToReplicate(cleanReplicationBarrierTable))
3928          .map(peerConfig -> peerConfig.getPeerId()).collect(Collectors.toList());
3929      try {
3930        List<String> batch = new ArrayList<>();
3931        for (String peer : peers) {
3932          for (byte[] regionName : regionNames) {
3933            batch.add(RegionInfo.encodeRegionName(regionName));
3934            if (batch.size() % 100 == 0) {
3935              queueStorage.removeLastSequenceIds(peer, batch);
3936              batch.clear();
3937            }
3938          }
3939          if (batch.size() > 0) {
3940            queueStorage.removeLastSequenceIds(peer, batch);
3941            batch.clear();
3942          }
3943        }
3944      } catch (ReplicationException re) {
3945        throw new IOException(re);
3946      }
3947    }
3948    for (byte[] regionName : regionNames) {
3949      meta.delete(new Delete(regionName).addFamily(HConstants.REPLICATION_BARRIER_FAMILY));
3950    }
3951    setShouldRerun();
3952  }
3954  /**
3955   * ls -r for debugging purposes
3956   */
3957  void debugLsr(Path p) throws IOException {
3958    debugLsr(getConf(), p, errors);
3959  }
3961  /**
3962   * ls -r for debugging purposes
3963   */
3964  public static void debugLsr(Configuration conf,
3965      Path p) throws IOException {
3966    debugLsr(conf, p, new PrintingErrorReporter());
3967  }
3969  /**
3970   * ls -r for debugging purposes
3971   */
3972  public static void debugLsr(Configuration conf,
3973      Path p, HbckErrorReporter errors) throws IOException {
3974    if (!LOG.isDebugEnabled() || p == null) {
3975      return;
3976    }
3977    FileSystem fs = p.getFileSystem(conf);
3979    if (!fs.exists(p)) {
3980      // nothing
3981      return;
3982    }
3983    errors.print(p.toString());
3985    if (fs.isFile(p)) {
3986      return;
3987    }
3989    if (fs.getFileStatus(p).isDirectory()) {
3990      FileStatus[] fss= fs.listStatus(p);
3991      for (FileStatus status : fss) {
3992        debugLsr(conf, status.getPath(), errors);
3993      }
3994    }
3995  }