

package spark

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AndLogicExpression extends DynamicLogicExpression

  2. abstract class AvroException extends Exception

  3. class BulkLoadPartitioner extends Partitioner

    A Partitioner implementation that will separate records to different HBase Regions based on region splits

  4. class ByteArrayComparable extends Comparable[ByteArrayComparable]

  5. class ByteArrayWrapper extends Comparable[ByteArrayWrapper] with Serializable

    This is a wrapper over a byte array so it can work as a key in a hashMap

  6. class ColumnFamilyQualifierMapKeyWrapper extends Serializable

    A wrapper class that will allow both columnFamily and qualifier to be the key of a hashMap.

  7. class ColumnFilter extends Serializable

    Contains information related to a filters for a given column.

  8. class ColumnFilterCollection extends AnyRef

    A collection of ColumnFilters indexed by column names.

  9. trait CompareTrait extends AnyRef

  10. class DefaultSource extends RelationProvider with CreatableRelationProvider with Logging

    DefaultSource for integration with Spark's dataframe datasources.

  11. trait DynamicLogicExpression extends AnyRef

    Dynamic logic for SQL push down logic there is an instance for most common operations and a pass through for other operations not covered here

  12. class EqualLogicExpression extends DynamicLogicExpression

  13. class ExecutionRuleForUnitTesting extends AnyRef

  14. class FamiliesQualifiersValues extends Serializable

    This object is a clean way to store and sort all cells that will be bulk loaded into a single row

  15. class FamilyHFileWriteOptions extends Serializable

    This object will hold optional data for how a given column family's writer will work

  16. class GreaterThanLogicExpression extends DynamicLogicExpression with CompareTrait

  17. class GreaterThanOrEqualLogicExpression extends DynamicLogicExpression with CompareTrait

  18. case class HBaseConnectionCacheStat(numTotalRequests: Long, numActualConnectionsCreated: Long, numActiveConnections: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    To log the state of 'HBaseConnectionCache'

  19. class HBaseConnectionKey extends Logging

    Denotes a unique key to an HBase Connection instance.

  20. class HBaseContext extends Serializable with Logging

    HBaseContext is a façade for HBase operations like bulk put, get, increment, delete, and scan

  21. case class HBaseRelation(parameters: Map[String, String], userSpecifiedSchema: Option[StructType])(sqlContext: SQLContext) extends BaseRelation with PrunedFilteredScan with InsertableRelation with Logging with Product with Serializable

    Implementation of Spark BaseRelation that will build up our scan logic , do the scan pruning, filter push down, and value conversions

  22. class IsNullLogicExpression extends DynamicLogicExpression

  23. class JavaHBaseContext extends Serializable

    This is the Java Wrapper over HBaseContext which is written in Scala.

  24. class KeyFamilyQualifier extends Comparable[KeyFamilyQualifier] with Serializable

    This is the key to be used for sorting and shuffling.

  25. class LessThanLogicExpression extends DynamicLogicExpression with CompareTrait

  26. class LessThanOrEqualLogicExpression extends DynamicLogicExpression with CompareTrait

  27. class NewHBaseRDD[K, V] extends NewHadoopRDD[K, V]

  28. class OrLogicExpression extends DynamicLogicExpression

  29. class PassThroughLogicExpression extends DynamicLogicExpression

  30. class RowKeyFilter extends Serializable

    Contains information related to a filters for a given column.

  31. class ScanRange extends Serializable

    Construct to contain a single scan ranges information.

  32. case class SchemaConversionException(msg: String) extends AvroException with Product with Serializable

  33. class SparkSQLPushDownFilter extends FilterBase

Value Members

  1. object AvroSerdes

  2. object DefaultSourceStaticUtils

    Status object to store static functions but also to hold last executed information that can be used for unit testing.

  3. object DynamicLogicExpressionBuilder

  4. object HBaseDStreamFunctions

    HBaseDStreamFunctions contains a set of implicit functions that can be applied to a Spark DStream so that we can easily interact with HBase

  5. object HBaseRDDFunctions

    HBaseRDDFunctions contains a set of implicit functions that can be applied to a Spark RDD so that we can easily interact with HBase

  6. object LatestHBaseContextCache

  7. object SchemaConverters

    * On top level, the converters provide three high level interface.

  8. package datasources

  9. package example
