002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client;
020import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionUtils.calcEstimatedSize;
021import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionUtils.createScanResultCache;
022import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionUtils.incRegionCountMetrics;
024import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
026import java.io.IOException;
027import java.io.InterruptedIOException;
028import java.util.ArrayDeque;
029import java.util.Queue;
030import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
032import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableBoolean;
033import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
034import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ScannerCallable.MoreResults;
035import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException;
036import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions.OutOfOrderScannerNextException;
037import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions.ScannerResetException;
038import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
039import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo;
040import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcControllerFactory;
041import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NotServingRegionException;
042import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionServerStoppedException;
043import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
044import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.UnknownScannerException;
045import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
046import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
047import org.slf4j.Logger;
048import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
050import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.ProtobufUtil;
053 * Implements the scanner interface for the HBase client. If there are multiple regions in a table,
054 * this scanner will iterate through them all.
055 */
057public abstract class ClientScanner extends AbstractClientScanner {
059  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClientScanner.class);
061  protected final Scan scan;
062  protected boolean closed = false;
063  // Current region scanner is against. Gets cleared if current region goes
064  // wonky: e.g. if it splits on us.
065  protected HRegionInfo currentRegion = null;
066  protected ScannerCallableWithReplicas callable = null;
067  protected Queue<Result> cache;
068  private final ScanResultCache scanResultCache;
069  protected final int caching;
070  protected long lastNext;
071  // Keep lastResult returned successfully in case we have to reset scanner.
072  protected Result lastResult = null;
073  protected final long maxScannerResultSize;
074  private final ClusterConnection connection;
075  protected final TableName tableName;
076  protected final int scannerTimeout;
077  protected boolean scanMetricsPublished = false;
078  protected RpcRetryingCaller<Result[]> caller;
079  protected RpcControllerFactory rpcControllerFactory;
080  protected Configuration conf;
081  // The timeout on the primary. Applicable if there are multiple replicas for a region
082  // In that case, we will only wait for this much timeout on the primary before going
083  // to the replicas and trying the same scan. Note that the retries will still happen
084  // on each replica and the first successful results will be taken. A timeout of 0 is
085  // disallowed.
086  protected final int primaryOperationTimeout;
087  private int retries;
088  protected final ExecutorService pool;
090  /**
091   * Create a new ClientScanner for the specified table Note that the passed {@link Scan}'s start
092   * row maybe changed changed.
093   * @param conf The {@link Configuration} to use.
094   * @param scan {@link Scan} to use in this scanner
095   * @param tableName The table that we wish to scan
096   * @param connection Connection identifying the cluster
097   * @throws IOException
098   */
099  public ClientScanner(final Configuration conf, final Scan scan, final TableName tableName,
100      ClusterConnection connection, RpcRetryingCallerFactory rpcFactory,
101      RpcControllerFactory controllerFactory, ExecutorService pool, int primaryOperationTimeout)
102      throws IOException {
103    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
104      LOG.trace(
105        "Scan table=" + tableName + ", startRow=" + Bytes.toStringBinary(scan.getStartRow()));
106    }
107    this.scan = scan;
108    this.tableName = tableName;
109    this.lastNext = System.currentTimeMillis();
110    this.connection = connection;
111    this.pool = pool;
112    this.primaryOperationTimeout = primaryOperationTimeout;
113    this.retries = conf.getInt(HConstants.HBASE_CLIENT_RETRIES_NUMBER,
115    if (scan.getMaxResultSize() > 0) {
116      this.maxScannerResultSize = scan.getMaxResultSize();
117    } else {
118      this.maxScannerResultSize = conf.getLong(HConstants.HBASE_CLIENT_SCANNER_MAX_RESULT_SIZE_KEY,
120    }
121    this.scannerTimeout = conf.getInt(HConstants.HBASE_CLIENT_SCANNER_TIMEOUT_PERIOD,
124    // check if application wants to collect scan metrics
125    initScanMetrics(scan);
127    // Use the caching from the Scan. If not set, use the default cache setting for this table.
128    if (this.scan.getCaching() > 0) {
129      this.caching = this.scan.getCaching();
130    } else {
131      this.caching = conf.getInt(HConstants.HBASE_CLIENT_SCANNER_CACHING,
133    }
135    this.caller = rpcFactory.<Result[]> newCaller();
136    this.rpcControllerFactory = controllerFactory;
138    this.conf = conf;
140    this.scanResultCache = createScanResultCache(scan);
141    initCache();
142  }
144  protected ClusterConnection getConnection() {
145    return this.connection;
146  }
148  protected TableName getTable() {
149    return this.tableName;
150  }
152  protected int getRetries() {
153    return this.retries;
154  }
156  protected int getScannerTimeout() {
157    return this.scannerTimeout;
158  }
160  protected Configuration getConf() {
161    return this.conf;
162  }
164  protected Scan getScan() {
165    return scan;
166  }
168  protected ExecutorService getPool() {
169    return pool;
170  }
172  protected int getPrimaryOperationTimeout() {
173    return primaryOperationTimeout;
174  }
176  protected int getCaching() {
177    return caching;
178  }
180  protected long getTimestamp() {
181    return lastNext;
182  }
184  @VisibleForTesting
185  protected long getMaxResultSize() {
186    return maxScannerResultSize;
187  }
189  private void closeScanner() throws IOException {
190    if (this.callable != null) {
191      this.callable.setClose();
192      call(callable, caller, scannerTimeout, false);
193      this.callable = null;
194    }
195  }
197  /**
198   * Will be called in moveToNextRegion when currentRegion is null. Abstract because for normal
199   * scan, we will start next scan from the endKey of the currentRegion, and for reversed scan, we
200   * will start next scan from the startKey of the currentRegion.
201   * @return {@code false} if we have reached the stop row. Otherwise {@code true}.
202   */
203  protected abstract boolean setNewStartKey();
205  /**
206   * Will be called in moveToNextRegion to create ScannerCallable. Abstract because for reversed
207   * scan we need to create a ReversedScannerCallable.
208   */
209  protected abstract ScannerCallable createScannerCallable();
211  /**
212   * Close the previous scanner and create a new ScannerCallable for the next scanner.
213   * <p>
214   * Marked as protected only because TestClientScanner need to override this method.
215   * @return false if we should terminate the scan. Otherwise
216   */
217  @VisibleForTesting
218  protected boolean moveToNextRegion() {
219    // Close the previous scanner if it's open
220    try {
221      closeScanner();
222    } catch (IOException e) {
223      // not a big deal continue
224      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
225        LOG.debug("close scanner for " + currentRegion + " failed", e);
226      }
227    }
228    if (currentRegion != null) {
229      if (!setNewStartKey()) {
230        return false;
231      }
232      scan.resetMvccReadPoint();
233      if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
234        LOG.trace("Finished " + this.currentRegion);
235      }
236    }
237    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && this.currentRegion != null) {
238      // Only worth logging if NOT first region in scan.
239      LOG.debug(
240        "Advancing internal scanner to startKey at '" + Bytes.toStringBinary(scan.getStartRow()) +
241            "', " + (scan.includeStartRow() ? "inclusive" : "exclusive"));
242    }
243    // clear the current region, we will set a new value to it after the first call of the new
244    // callable.
245    this.currentRegion = null;
246    this.callable =
247        new ScannerCallableWithReplicas(getTable(), getConnection(), createScannerCallable(), pool,
248            primaryOperationTimeout, scan, getRetries(), scannerTimeout, caching, conf, caller);
249    this.callable.setCaching(this.caching);
250    incRegionCountMetrics(scanMetrics);
251    return true;
252  }
254  @VisibleForTesting
255  boolean isAnyRPCcancelled() {
256    return callable.isAnyRPCcancelled();
257  }
259  private Result[] call(ScannerCallableWithReplicas callable, RpcRetryingCaller<Result[]> caller,
260      int scannerTimeout, boolean updateCurrentRegion) throws IOException {
261    if (Thread.interrupted()) {
262      throw new InterruptedIOException();
263    }
264    // callWithoutRetries is at this layer. Within the ScannerCallableWithReplicas,
265    // we do a callWithRetries
266    Result[] rrs = caller.callWithoutRetries(callable, scannerTimeout);
267    if (currentRegion == null && updateCurrentRegion) {
268      currentRegion = callable.getHRegionInfo();
269    }
270    return rrs;
271  }
273  /**
274   * Publish the scan metrics. For now, we use scan.setAttribute to pass the metrics back to the
275   * application or TableInputFormat.Later, we could push it to other systems. We don't use metrics
276   * framework because it doesn't support multi-instances of the same metrics on the same machine;
277   * for scan/map reduce scenarios, we will have multiple scans running at the same time. By
278   * default, scan metrics are disabled; if the application wants to collect them, this behavior can
279   * be turned on by calling calling {@link Scan#setScanMetricsEnabled(boolean)}
280   */
281  protected void writeScanMetrics() {
282    if (this.scanMetrics == null || scanMetricsPublished) {
283      return;
284    }
285    // Publish ScanMetrics to the Scan Object.
286    // As we have claimed in the comment of Scan.getScanMetrics, this relies on that user will not
287    // call ResultScanner.getScanMetrics and reset the ScanMetrics. Otherwise the metrics published
288    // to Scan will be messed up.
289    scan.setAttribute(Scan.SCAN_ATTRIBUTES_METRICS_DATA,
290      ProtobufUtil.toScanMetrics(scanMetrics, false).toByteArray());
291    scanMetricsPublished = true;
292  }
294  protected void initSyncCache() {
295    cache = new ArrayDeque<>();
296  }
298  protected Result nextWithSyncCache() throws IOException {
299    Result result = cache.poll();
300    if (result != null) {
301      return result;
302    }
303    // If there is nothing left in the cache and the scanner is closed,
304    // return a no-op
305    if (this.closed) {
306      return null;
307    }
309    loadCache();
311    // try again to load from cache
312    result = cache.poll();
314    // if we exhausted this scanner before calling close, write out the scan metrics
315    if (result == null) {
316      writeScanMetrics();
317    }
318    return result;
319  }
321  @VisibleForTesting
322  public int getCacheSize() {
323    return cache != null ? cache.size() : 0;
324  }
326  private boolean scanExhausted(Result[] values) {
327    return callable.moreResultsForScan() == MoreResults.NO;
328  }
330  private boolean regionExhausted(Result[] values) {
331    // 1. Not a heartbeat message and we get nothing, this means the region is exhausted. And in the
332    // old time we always return empty result for a open scanner operation so we add a check here to
333    // keep compatible with the old logic. Should remove the isOpenScanner in the future.
334    // 2. Server tells us that it has no more results for this region.
335    return (values.length == 0 && !callable.isHeartbeatMessage()) ||
336        callable.moreResultsInRegion() == MoreResults.NO;
337  }
339  private void closeScannerIfExhausted(boolean exhausted) throws IOException {
340    if (exhausted) {
341      closeScanner();
342    }
343  }
345  private void handleScanError(DoNotRetryIOException e,
346      MutableBoolean retryAfterOutOfOrderException, int retriesLeft) throws DoNotRetryIOException {
347    // An exception was thrown which makes any partial results that we were collecting
348    // invalid. The scanner will need to be reset to the beginning of a row.
349    scanResultCache.clear();
351    // Unfortunately, DNRIOE is used in two different semantics.
352    // (1) The first is to close the client scanner and bubble up the exception all the way
353    // to the application. This is preferred when the exception is really un-recoverable
354    // (like CorruptHFileException, etc). Plain DoNotRetryIOException also falls into this
355    // bucket usually.
356    // (2) Second semantics is to close the current region scanner only, but continue the
357    // client scanner by overriding the exception. This is usually UnknownScannerException,
358    // OutOfOrderScannerNextException, etc where the region scanner has to be closed, but the
359    // application-level ClientScanner has to continue without bubbling up the exception to
360    // the client. See RSRpcServices to see how it throws DNRIOE's.
361    // See also: HBASE-16604, HBASE-17187
363    // If exception is any but the list below throw it back to the client; else setup
364    // the scanner and retry.
365    Throwable cause = e.getCause();
366    if ((cause != null && cause instanceof NotServingRegionException) ||
367        (cause != null && cause instanceof RegionServerStoppedException) ||
368        e instanceof OutOfOrderScannerNextException || e instanceof UnknownScannerException ||
369        e instanceof ScannerResetException) {
370      // Pass. It is easier writing the if loop test as list of what is allowed rather than
371      // as a list of what is not allowed... so if in here, it means we do not throw.
372      if (retriesLeft <= 0) {
373        throw e; // no more retries
374      }
375    } else {
376      throw e;
377    }
379    // Else, its signal from depths of ScannerCallable that we need to reset the scanner.
380    if (this.lastResult != null) {
381      // The region has moved. We need to open a brand new scanner at the new location.
382      // Reset the startRow to the row we've seen last so that the new scanner starts at
383      // the correct row. Otherwise we may see previously returned rows again.
384      // If the lastRow is not partial, then we should start from the next row. As now we can
385      // exclude the start row, the logic here is the same for both normal scan and reversed scan.
386      // If lastResult is partial then include it, otherwise exclude it.
387      scan.withStartRow(lastResult.getRow(), lastResult.mayHaveMoreCellsInRow());
388    }
389    if (e instanceof OutOfOrderScannerNextException) {
390      if (retryAfterOutOfOrderException.isTrue()) {
391        retryAfterOutOfOrderException.setValue(false);
392      } else {
393        // TODO: Why wrap this in a DNRIOE when it already is a DNRIOE?
394        throw new DoNotRetryIOException(
395            "Failed after retry of OutOfOrderScannerNextException: was there a rpc timeout?", e);
396      }
397    }
398    // Clear region.
399    this.currentRegion = null;
400    // Set this to zero so we don't try and do an rpc and close on remote server when
401    // the exception we got was UnknownScanner or the Server is going down.
402    callable = null;
403  }
405  /**
406   * Contact the servers to load more {@link Result}s in the cache.
407   */
408  protected void loadCache() throws IOException {
409    // check if scanner was closed during previous prefetch
410    if (closed) {
411      return;
412    }
413    long remainingResultSize = maxScannerResultSize;
414    int countdown = this.caching;
415    // This is possible if we just stopped at the boundary of a region in the previous call.
416    if (callable == null && !moveToNextRegion()) {
417      closed = true;
418      return;
419    }
420    // This flag is set when we want to skip the result returned. We do
421    // this when we reset scanner because it split under us.
422    MutableBoolean retryAfterOutOfOrderException = new MutableBoolean(true);
423    // Even if we are retrying due to UnknownScannerException, ScannerResetException, etc. we should
424    // make sure that we are not retrying indefinitely.
425    int retriesLeft = getRetries();
426    for (;;) {
427      Result[] values;
428      try {
429        // Server returns a null values if scanning is to stop. Else,
430        // returns an empty array if scanning is to go on and we've just
431        // exhausted current region.
432        // now we will also fetch data when openScanner, so do not make a next call again if values
433        // is already non-null.
434        values = call(callable, caller, scannerTimeout, true);
435        // When the replica switch happens, we need to do certain operations again.
436        // The callable will openScanner with the right startkey but we need to pick up
437        // from there. Bypass the rest of the loop and let the catch-up happen in the beginning
438        // of the loop as it happens for the cases where we see exceptions.
439        if (callable.switchedToADifferentReplica()) {
440          // Any accumulated partial results are no longer valid since the callable will
441          // openScanner with the correct startkey and we must pick up from there
442          scanResultCache.clear();
443          this.currentRegion = callable.getHRegionInfo();
444        }
445        retryAfterOutOfOrderException.setValue(true);
446      } catch (DoNotRetryIOException e) {
447        handleScanError(e, retryAfterOutOfOrderException, retriesLeft--);
448        // reopen the scanner
449        if (!moveToNextRegion()) {
450          break;
451        }
452        continue;
453      }
454      long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
455      if (this.scanMetrics != null) {
456        this.scanMetrics.sumOfMillisSecBetweenNexts.addAndGet(currentTime - lastNext);
457      }
458      lastNext = currentTime;
459      // Groom the array of Results that we received back from the server before adding that
460      // Results to the scanner's cache. If partial results are not allowed to be seen by the
461      // caller, all book keeping will be performed within this method.
462      int numberOfCompleteRowsBefore = scanResultCache.numberOfCompleteRows();
463      Result[] resultsToAddToCache =
464          scanResultCache.addAndGet(values, callable.isHeartbeatMessage());
465      int numberOfCompleteRows =
466          scanResultCache.numberOfCompleteRows() - numberOfCompleteRowsBefore;
467      for (Result rs : resultsToAddToCache) {
468        cache.add(rs);
469        long estimatedHeapSizeOfResult = calcEstimatedSize(rs);
470        countdown--;
471        remainingResultSize -= estimatedHeapSizeOfResult;
472        addEstimatedSize(estimatedHeapSizeOfResult);
473        this.lastResult = rs;
474      }
476      if (scan.getLimit() > 0) {
477        int newLimit = scan.getLimit() - numberOfCompleteRows;
478        assert newLimit >= 0;
479        scan.setLimit(newLimit);
480      }
481      if (scan.getLimit() == 0 || scanExhausted(values)) {
482        closeScanner();
483        closed = true;
484        break;
485      }
486      boolean regionExhausted = regionExhausted(values);
487      if (callable.isHeartbeatMessage()) {
488        if (!cache.isEmpty()) {
489          // Caller of this method just wants a Result. If we see a heartbeat message, it means
490          // processing of the scan is taking a long time server side. Rather than continue to
491          // loop until a limit (e.g. size or caching) is reached, break out early to avoid causing
492          // unnecesary delays to the caller
493          LOG.trace("Heartbeat message received and cache contains Results. " +
494            "Breaking out of scan loop");
495          // we know that the region has not been exhausted yet so just break without calling
496          // closeScannerIfExhausted
497          break;
498        }
499      }
500      if (cache.isEmpty() && !closed && scan.isNeedCursorResult()) {
501        if (callable.isHeartbeatMessage() && callable.getCursor() != null) {
502          // Use cursor row key from server
503          cache.add(Result.createCursorResult(callable.getCursor()));
504          break;
505        }
506        if (values.length > 0) {
507          // It is size limit exceed and we need return the last Result's row.
508          // When user setBatch and the scanner is reopened, the server may return Results that
509          // user has seen and the last Result can not be seen because the number is not enough.
510          // So the row keys of results may not be same, we must use the last one.
511          cache.add(Result.createCursorResult(new Cursor(values[values.length - 1].getRow())));
512          break;
513        }
514      }
515      if (countdown <= 0) {
516        // we have enough result.
517        closeScannerIfExhausted(regionExhausted);
518        break;
519      }
520      if (remainingResultSize <= 0) {
521        if (!cache.isEmpty()) {
522          closeScannerIfExhausted(regionExhausted);
523          break;
524        } else {
525          // we have reached the max result size but we still can not find anything to return to the
526          // user. Reset the maxResultSize and try again.
527          remainingResultSize = maxScannerResultSize;
528        }
529      }
530      // we are done with the current region
531      if (regionExhausted) {
532        if (!moveToNextRegion()) {
533          closed = true;
534          break;
535        }
536      }
537    }
538  }
540  protected void addEstimatedSize(long estimatedHeapSizeOfResult) {
541    return;
542  }
544  @VisibleForTesting
545  public int getCacheCount() {
546    return cache != null ? cache.size() : 0;
547  }
549  @Override
550  public void close() {
551    if (!scanMetricsPublished) writeScanMetrics();
552    if (callable != null) {
553      callable.setClose();
554      try {
555        call(callable, caller, scannerTimeout, false);
556      } catch (UnknownScannerException e) {
557        // We used to catch this error, interpret, and rethrow. However, we
558        // have since decided that it's not nice for a scanner's close to
559        // throw exceptions. Chances are it was just due to lease time out.
560        LOG.debug("scanner failed to close", e);
561      } catch (IOException e) {
562        /* An exception other than UnknownScanner is unexpected. */
563        LOG.warn("scanner failed to close.", e);
564      }
565      callable = null;
566    }
567    closed = true;
568  }
570  @Override
571  public boolean renewLease() {
572    if (callable == null) {
573      return false;
574    }
575    // do not return any rows, do not advance the scanner
576    callable.setRenew(true);
577    try {
578      this.caller.callWithoutRetries(callable, this.scannerTimeout);
579      return true;
580    } catch (Exception e) {
581      LOG.debug("scanner failed to renew lease", e);
582      return false;
583    } finally {
584      callable.setRenew(false);
585    }
586  }
588  protected void initCache() {
589    initSyncCache();
590  }
592  @Override
593  public Result next() throws IOException {
594    return nextWithSyncCache();
595  }