002 *
003 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
004 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
005 * distributed with this work for additional information
006 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
007 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
008 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
009 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
010 *
011 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
012 *
013 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
014 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
015 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
016 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
017 * limitations under the License.
018 */
019package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver;
021import java.io.IOException;
022import java.io.InterruptedIOException;
023import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
024import java.util.ArrayList;
025import java.util.Collection;
026import java.util.Collections;
027import java.util.HashMap;
028import java.util.HashSet;
029import java.util.Iterator;
030import java.util.List;
031import java.util.Map;
032import java.util.NavigableSet;
033import java.util.Optional;
034import java.util.OptionalDouble;
035import java.util.OptionalLong;
036import java.util.Set;
037import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
038import java.util.concurrent.CompletionService;
039import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
040import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
041import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorCompletionService;
042import java.util.concurrent.Future;
043import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
044import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
045import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
046import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
047import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
048import java.util.function.Predicate;
049import java.util.function.ToLongFunction;
050import java.util.stream.Collectors;
051import java.util.stream.LongStream;
053import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
054import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
055import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
056import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction;
057import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
058import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellComparator;
059import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil;
060import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CompoundConfiguration;
061import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
062import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MemoryCompactionPolicy;
063import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
064import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.backup.FailedArchiveException;
065import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ColumnFamilyDescriptor;
066import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionInfo;
067import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
068import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.conf.ConfigurationManager;
069import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.conf.PropagatingConfigurationObserver;
070import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.HeapSize;
071import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.compress.Compression;
072import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.crypto.Encryption;
073import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.CacheConfig;
074import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFile;
075import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileContext;
076import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileContextBuilder;
077import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileDataBlockEncoder;
078import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileDataBlockEncoderImpl;
079import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileScanner;
080import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.InvalidHFileException;
081import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.log.HBaseMarkers;
082import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.monitoring.MonitoredTask;
083import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.CompactionContext;
084import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.CompactionLifeCycleTracker;
085import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.CompactionProgress;
086import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.CompactionRequestImpl;
087import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.DefaultCompactor;
088import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.OffPeakHours;
089import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.querymatcher.ScanQueryMatcher;
090import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.throttle.ThroughputController;
091import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.WALUtil;
092import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.EncryptionUtil;
093import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.User;
094import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
095import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ChecksumType;
096import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ClassSize;
097import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManager;
098import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair;
099import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ReflectionUtils;
100import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
101import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.TraditionalBinaryPrefix;
102import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
103import org.slf4j.Logger;
104import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
105import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
106import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
107import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.collect.ImmutableCollection;
108import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
109import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.collect.Lists;
110import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.collect.Sets;
111import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;
112import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.collections4.IterableUtils;
113import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.ProtobufUtil;
114import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.WALProtos.CompactionDescriptor;
117 * A Store holds a column family in a Region.  Its a memstore and a set of zero
118 * or more StoreFiles, which stretch backwards over time.
119 *
120 * <p>There's no reason to consider append-logging at this level; all logging
121 * and locking is handled at the HRegion level.  Store just provides
122 * services to manage sets of StoreFiles.  One of the most important of those
123 * services is compaction services where files are aggregated once they pass
124 * a configurable threshold.
125 *
126 * <p>Locking and transactions are handled at a higher level.  This API should
127 * not be called directly but by an HRegion manager.
128 */
130public class HStore implements Store, HeapSize, StoreConfigInformation, PropagatingConfigurationObserver {
131  public static final String MEMSTORE_CLASS_NAME = "hbase.regionserver.memstore.class";
132  public static final String COMPACTCHECKER_INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER_KEY =
133      "hbase.server.compactchecker.interval.multiplier";
134  public static final String BLOCKING_STOREFILES_KEY = "hbase.hstore.blockingStoreFiles";
135  public static final String BLOCK_STORAGE_POLICY_KEY = "hbase.hstore.block.storage.policy";
136  // keep in accordance with HDFS default storage policy
137  public static final String DEFAULT_BLOCK_STORAGE_POLICY = "HOT";
138  public static final int DEFAULT_COMPACTCHECKER_INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER = 1000;
139  public static final int DEFAULT_BLOCKING_STOREFILE_COUNT = 16;
141  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HStore.class);
143  protected final MemStore memstore;
144  // This stores directory in the filesystem.
145  protected final HRegion region;
146  private final ColumnFamilyDescriptor family;
147  private final HRegionFileSystem fs;
148  protected Configuration conf;
149  protected CacheConfig cacheConf;
150  private long lastCompactSize = 0;
151  volatile boolean forceMajor = false;
152  /* how many bytes to write between status checks */
153  static int closeCheckInterval = 0;
154  private AtomicLong storeSize = new AtomicLong();
155  private AtomicLong totalUncompressedBytes = new AtomicLong();
157  /**
158   * RWLock for store operations.
159   * Locked in shared mode when the list of component stores is looked at:
160   *   - all reads/writes to table data
161   *   - checking for split
162   * Locked in exclusive mode when the list of component stores is modified:
163   *   - closing
164   *   - completing a compaction
165   */
166  final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
167  /**
168   * Lock specific to archiving compacted store files.  This avoids races around
169   * the combination of retrieving the list of compacted files and moving them to
170   * the archive directory.  Since this is usually a background process (other than
171   * on close), we don't want to handle this with the store write lock, which would
172   * block readers and degrade performance.
173   *
174   * Locked by:
175   *   - CompactedHFilesDispatchHandler via closeAndArchiveCompactedFiles()
176   *   - close()
177   */
178  final ReentrantLock archiveLock = new ReentrantLock();
180  private final boolean verifyBulkLoads;
182  private ScanInfo scanInfo;
184  // All access must be synchronized.
185  // TODO: ideally, this should be part of storeFileManager, as we keep passing this to it.
186  private final List<HStoreFile> filesCompacting = Lists.newArrayList();
188  // All access must be synchronized.
189  private final Set<ChangedReadersObserver> changedReaderObservers =
190    Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<ChangedReadersObserver, Boolean>());
192  protected final int blocksize;
193  private HFileDataBlockEncoder dataBlockEncoder;
195  /** Checksum configuration */
196  protected ChecksumType checksumType;
197  protected int bytesPerChecksum;
199  // Comparing KeyValues
200  protected final CellComparator comparator;
202  final StoreEngine<?, ?, ?, ?> storeEngine;
204  private static final AtomicBoolean offPeakCompactionTracker = new AtomicBoolean();
205  private volatile OffPeakHours offPeakHours;
207  private static final int DEFAULT_FLUSH_RETRIES_NUMBER = 10;
208  private int flushRetriesNumber;
209  private int pauseTime;
211  private long blockingFileCount;
212  private int compactionCheckMultiplier;
213  protected Encryption.Context cryptoContext = Encryption.Context.NONE;
215  private AtomicLong flushedCellsCount = new AtomicLong();
216  private AtomicLong compactedCellsCount = new AtomicLong();
217  private AtomicLong majorCompactedCellsCount = new AtomicLong();
218  private AtomicLong flushedCellsSize = new AtomicLong();
219  private AtomicLong flushedOutputFileSize = new AtomicLong();
220  private AtomicLong compactedCellsSize = new AtomicLong();
221  private AtomicLong majorCompactedCellsSize = new AtomicLong();
223  /**
224   * Constructor
225   * @param region
226   * @param family HColumnDescriptor for this column
227   * @param confParam configuration object
228   * failed.  Can be null.
229   * @throws IOException
230   */
231  protected HStore(final HRegion region, final ColumnFamilyDescriptor family,
232      final Configuration confParam) throws IOException {
234    this.fs = region.getRegionFileSystem();
236    // Assemble the store's home directory and Ensure it exists.
237    fs.createStoreDir(family.getNameAsString());
238    this.region = region;
239    this.family = family;
240    // 'conf' renamed to 'confParam' b/c we use this.conf in the constructor
241    // CompoundConfiguration will look for keys in reverse order of addition, so we'd
242    // add global config first, then table and cf overrides, then cf metadata.
243    this.conf = new CompoundConfiguration()
244      .add(confParam)
245      .addBytesMap(region.getTableDescriptor().getValues())
246      .addStringMap(family.getConfiguration())
247      .addBytesMap(family.getValues());
248    this.blocksize = family.getBlocksize();
250    // set block storage policy for store directory
251    String policyName = family.getStoragePolicy();
252    if (null == policyName) {
254    }
255    this.fs.setStoragePolicy(family.getNameAsString(), policyName.trim());
257    this.dataBlockEncoder = new HFileDataBlockEncoderImpl(family.getDataBlockEncoding());
259    this.comparator = region.getCellComparator();
260    // used by ScanQueryMatcher
261    long timeToPurgeDeletes =
262        Math.max(conf.getLong("hbase.hstore.time.to.purge.deletes", 0), 0);
263    LOG.trace("Time to purge deletes set to {}ms in store {}", timeToPurgeDeletes, this);
264    // Get TTL
265    long ttl = determineTTLFromFamily(family);
266    // Why not just pass a HColumnDescriptor in here altogether?  Even if have
267    // to clone it?
268    scanInfo = new ScanInfo(conf, family, ttl, timeToPurgeDeletes, this.comparator);
269    this.memstore = getMemstore();
270    this.offPeakHours = OffPeakHours.getInstance(conf);
272    // Setting up cache configuration for this family
273    createCacheConf(family);
275    this.verifyBulkLoads = conf.getBoolean("hbase.hstore.bulkload.verify", false);
277    this.blockingFileCount =
279    this.compactionCheckMultiplier = conf.getInt(
281    if (this.compactionCheckMultiplier <= 0) {
282      LOG.error("Compaction check period multiplier must be positive, setting default: {}",
284      this.compactionCheckMultiplier = DEFAULT_COMPACTCHECKER_INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER;
285    }
287    if (HStore.closeCheckInterval == 0) {
288      HStore.closeCheckInterval = conf.getInt(
289          "hbase.hstore.close.check.interval", 10*1000*1000 /* 10 MB */);
290    }
292    this.storeEngine = createStoreEngine(this, this.conf, this.comparator);
293    List<HStoreFile> hStoreFiles = loadStoreFiles();
294    // Move the storeSize calculation out of loadStoreFiles() method, because the secondary read
295    // replica's refreshStoreFiles() will also use loadStoreFiles() to refresh its store files and
296    // update the storeSize in the completeCompaction(..) finally (just like compaction) , so
297    // no need calculate the storeSize twice.
298    this.storeSize.addAndGet(getStorefilesSize(hStoreFiles, sf -> true));
299    this.totalUncompressedBytes.addAndGet(getTotalUmcompressedBytes(hStoreFiles));
300    this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().loadFiles(hStoreFiles);
302    // Initialize checksum type from name. The names are CRC32, CRC32C, etc.
303    this.checksumType = getChecksumType(conf);
304    // Initialize bytes per checksum
305    this.bytesPerChecksum = getBytesPerChecksum(conf);
306    flushRetriesNumber = conf.getInt(
307        "hbase.hstore.flush.retries.number", DEFAULT_FLUSH_RETRIES_NUMBER);
308    pauseTime = conf.getInt(HConstants.HBASE_SERVER_PAUSE, HConstants.DEFAULT_HBASE_SERVER_PAUSE);
309    if (flushRetriesNumber <= 0) {
310      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
311          "hbase.hstore.flush.retries.number must be > 0, not "
312              + flushRetriesNumber);
313    }
314    cryptoContext = EncryptionUtil.createEncryptionContext(conf, family);
316    LOG.info("Store={},  memstore type={}, storagePolicy={}, verifyBulkLoads={}, "
317            + "encoding={}, compression={}",
318        getColumnFamilyName(), this.memstore.getClass().getSimpleName(), policyName,
319        this.verifyBulkLoads, family.getDataBlockEncoding(),
320        family.getCompressionType());
321  }
323  /**
324   * @return MemStore Instance to use in this store.
325   */
326  private MemStore getMemstore() {
327    MemStore ms = null;
328    // Check if in-memory-compaction configured. Note MemoryCompactionPolicy is an enum!
329    MemoryCompactionPolicy inMemoryCompaction = null;
330    if (this.getTableName().isSystemTable()) {
331      inMemoryCompaction = MemoryCompactionPolicy.valueOf(
332          conf.get("hbase.systemtables.compacting.memstore.type", "NONE"));
333    } else {
334      inMemoryCompaction = family.getInMemoryCompaction();
335    }
336    if (inMemoryCompaction == null) {
337      inMemoryCompaction =
338          MemoryCompactionPolicy.valueOf(conf.get(CompactingMemStore.COMPACTING_MEMSTORE_TYPE_KEY,
339              CompactingMemStore.COMPACTING_MEMSTORE_TYPE_DEFAULT));
340    }
341    switch (inMemoryCompaction) {
342      case NONE:
343        ms = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(DefaultMemStore.class,
344            new Object[] { conf, this.comparator,
345                this.getHRegion().getRegionServicesForStores()});
346        break;
347      default:
348        Class<? extends CompactingMemStore> clz = conf.getClass(MEMSTORE_CLASS_NAME,
349            CompactingMemStore.class, CompactingMemStore.class);
350        ms = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(clz, new Object[]{conf, this.comparator, this,
351            this.getHRegion().getRegionServicesForStores(), inMemoryCompaction});
352    }
353    return ms;
354  }
356  /**
357   * Creates the cache config.
358   * @param family The current column family.
359   */
360  protected void createCacheConf(final ColumnFamilyDescriptor family) {
361    this.cacheConf = new CacheConfig(conf, family);
362  }
364  /**
365   * Creates the store engine configured for the given Store.
366   * @param store The store. An unfortunate dependency needed due to it
367   *              being passed to coprocessors via the compactor.
368   * @param conf Store configuration.
369   * @param kvComparator KVComparator for storeFileManager.
370   * @return StoreEngine to use.
371   */
372  protected StoreEngine<?, ?, ?, ?> createStoreEngine(HStore store, Configuration conf,
373      CellComparator kvComparator) throws IOException {
374    return StoreEngine.create(store, conf, comparator);
375  }
377  /**
378   * @param family
379   * @return TTL in seconds of the specified family
380   */
381  public static long determineTTLFromFamily(final ColumnFamilyDescriptor family) {
382    // HCD.getTimeToLive returns ttl in seconds.  Convert to milliseconds.
383    long ttl = family.getTimeToLive();
384    if (ttl == HConstants.FOREVER) {
385      // Default is unlimited ttl.
386      ttl = Long.MAX_VALUE;
387    } else if (ttl == -1) {
388      ttl = Long.MAX_VALUE;
389    } else {
390      // Second -> ms adjust for user data
391      ttl *= 1000;
392    }
393    return ttl;
394  }
396  @Override
397  public String getColumnFamilyName() {
398    return this.family.getNameAsString();
399  }
401  @Override
402  public TableName getTableName() {
403    return this.getRegionInfo().getTable();
404  }
406  @Override
407  public FileSystem getFileSystem() {
408    return this.fs.getFileSystem();
409  }
411  public HRegionFileSystem getRegionFileSystem() {
412    return this.fs;
413  }
415  /* Implementation of StoreConfigInformation */
416  @Override
417  public long getStoreFileTtl() {
418    // TTL only applies if there's no MIN_VERSIONs setting on the column.
419    return (this.scanInfo.getMinVersions() == 0) ? this.scanInfo.getTtl() : Long.MAX_VALUE;
420  }
422  @Override
423  public long getMemStoreFlushSize() {
424    // TODO: Why is this in here?  The flushsize of the region rather than the store?  St.Ack
425    return this.region.memstoreFlushSize;
426  }
428  @Override
429  public MemStoreSize getFlushableSize() {
430    return this.memstore.getFlushableSize();
431  }
433  @Override
434  public MemStoreSize getSnapshotSize() {
435    return this.memstore.getSnapshotSize();
436  }
438  @Override
439  public long getCompactionCheckMultiplier() {
440    return this.compactionCheckMultiplier;
441  }
443  @Override
444  public long getBlockingFileCount() {
445    return blockingFileCount;
446  }
447  /* End implementation of StoreConfigInformation */
449  /**
450   * Returns the configured bytesPerChecksum value.
451   * @param conf The configuration
452   * @return The bytesPerChecksum that is set in the configuration
453   */
454  public static int getBytesPerChecksum(Configuration conf) {
455    return conf.getInt(HConstants.BYTES_PER_CHECKSUM,
456                       HFile.DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_CHECKSUM);
457  }
459  /**
460   * Returns the configured checksum algorithm.
461   * @param conf The configuration
462   * @return The checksum algorithm that is set in the configuration
463   */
464  public static ChecksumType getChecksumType(Configuration conf) {
465    String checksumName = conf.get(HConstants.CHECKSUM_TYPE_NAME);
466    if (checksumName == null) {
467      return ChecksumType.getDefaultChecksumType();
468    } else {
469      return ChecksumType.nameToType(checksumName);
470    }
471  }
473  /**
474   * @return how many bytes to write between status checks
475   */
476  public static int getCloseCheckInterval() {
477    return closeCheckInterval;
478  }
480  @Override
481  public ColumnFamilyDescriptor getColumnFamilyDescriptor() {
482    return this.family;
483  }
485  @Override
486  public OptionalLong getMaxSequenceId() {
487    return StoreUtils.getMaxSequenceIdInList(this.getStorefiles());
488  }
490  @Override
491  public OptionalLong getMaxMemStoreTS() {
492    return StoreUtils.getMaxMemStoreTSInList(this.getStorefiles());
493  }
495  /**
496   * @param tabledir {@link Path} to where the table is being stored
497   * @param hri {@link RegionInfo} for the region.
498   * @param family {@link ColumnFamilyDescriptor} describing the column family
499   * @return Path to family/Store home directory.
500   */
501  @Deprecated
502  public static Path getStoreHomedir(final Path tabledir,
503      final RegionInfo hri, final byte[] family) {
504    return getStoreHomedir(tabledir, hri.getEncodedName(), family);
505  }
507  /**
508   * @param tabledir {@link Path} to where the table is being stored
509   * @param encodedName Encoded region name.
510   * @param family {@link ColumnFamilyDescriptor} describing the column family
511   * @return Path to family/Store home directory.
512   */
513  @Deprecated
514  public static Path getStoreHomedir(final Path tabledir,
515      final String encodedName, final byte[] family) {
516    return new Path(tabledir, new Path(encodedName, Bytes.toString(family)));
517  }
519  /**
520   * @return the data block encoder
521   */
522  public HFileDataBlockEncoder getDataBlockEncoder() {
523    return dataBlockEncoder;
524  }
526  /**
527   * Should be used only in tests.
528   * @param blockEncoder the block delta encoder to use
529   */
530  void setDataBlockEncoderInTest(HFileDataBlockEncoder blockEncoder) {
531    this.dataBlockEncoder = blockEncoder;
532  }
534  /**
535   * Creates an unsorted list of StoreFile loaded in parallel
536   * from the given directory.
537   * @throws IOException
538   */
539  private List<HStoreFile> loadStoreFiles() throws IOException {
540    Collection<StoreFileInfo> files = fs.getStoreFiles(getColumnFamilyName());
541    return openStoreFiles(files);
542  }
544  private List<HStoreFile> openStoreFiles(Collection<StoreFileInfo> files) throws IOException {
545    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(files)) {
546      return Collections.emptyList();
547    }
548    // initialize the thread pool for opening store files in parallel..
549    ThreadPoolExecutor storeFileOpenerThreadPool =
550      this.region.getStoreFileOpenAndCloseThreadPool("StoreFileOpenerThread-" +
551          this.getColumnFamilyName());
552    CompletionService<HStoreFile> completionService = new ExecutorCompletionService<>(storeFileOpenerThreadPool);
554    int totalValidStoreFile = 0;
555    for (StoreFileInfo storeFileInfo : files) {
556      // open each store file in parallel
557      completionService.submit(() -> this.createStoreFileAndReader(storeFileInfo));
558      totalValidStoreFile++;
559    }
561    ArrayList<HStoreFile> results = new ArrayList<>(files.size());
562    IOException ioe = null;
563    try {
564      for (int i = 0; i < totalValidStoreFile; i++) {
565        try {
566          HStoreFile storeFile = completionService.take().get();
567          if (storeFile != null) {
568            LOG.debug("loaded {}", storeFile);
569            results.add(storeFile);
570          }
571        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
572          if (ioe == null) ioe = new InterruptedIOException(e.getMessage());
573        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
574          if (ioe == null) ioe = new IOException(e.getCause());
575        }
576      }
577    } finally {
578      storeFileOpenerThreadPool.shutdownNow();
579    }
580    if (ioe != null) {
581      // close StoreFile readers
582      boolean evictOnClose =
583          cacheConf != null? cacheConf.shouldEvictOnClose(): true;
584      for (HStoreFile file : results) {
585        try {
586          if (file != null) {
587            file.closeStoreFile(evictOnClose);
588          }
589        } catch (IOException e) {
590          LOG.warn("Could not close store file", e);
591        }
592      }
593      throw ioe;
594    }
596    return results;
597  }
599  @Override
600  public void refreshStoreFiles() throws IOException {
601    Collection<StoreFileInfo> newFiles = fs.getStoreFiles(getColumnFamilyName());
602    refreshStoreFilesInternal(newFiles);
603  }
605  /**
606   * Replaces the store files that the store has with the given files. Mainly used by secondary
607   * region replicas to keep up to date with the primary region files.
608   * @throws IOException
609   */
610  public void refreshStoreFiles(Collection<String> newFiles) throws IOException {
611    List<StoreFileInfo> storeFiles = new ArrayList<>(newFiles.size());
612    for (String file : newFiles) {
613      storeFiles.add(fs.getStoreFileInfo(getColumnFamilyName(), file));
614    }
615    refreshStoreFilesInternal(storeFiles);
616  }
618  /**
619   * Checks the underlying store files, and opens the files that  have not
620   * been opened, and removes the store file readers for store files no longer
621   * available. Mainly used by secondary region replicas to keep up to date with
622   * the primary region files.
623   * @throws IOException
624   */
625  private void refreshStoreFilesInternal(Collection<StoreFileInfo> newFiles) throws IOException {
626    StoreFileManager sfm = storeEngine.getStoreFileManager();
627    Collection<HStoreFile> currentFiles = sfm.getStorefiles();
628    Collection<HStoreFile> compactedFiles = sfm.getCompactedfiles();
629    if (currentFiles == null) currentFiles = Collections.emptySet();
630    if (newFiles == null) newFiles = Collections.emptySet();
631    if (compactedFiles == null) compactedFiles = Collections.emptySet();
633    HashMap<StoreFileInfo, HStoreFile> currentFilesSet = new HashMap<>(currentFiles.size());
634    for (HStoreFile sf : currentFiles) {
635      currentFilesSet.put(sf.getFileInfo(), sf);
636    }
637    HashMap<StoreFileInfo, HStoreFile> compactedFilesSet = new HashMap<>(compactedFiles.size());
638    for (HStoreFile sf : compactedFiles) {
639      compactedFilesSet.put(sf.getFileInfo(), sf);
640    }
642    Set<StoreFileInfo> newFilesSet = new HashSet<StoreFileInfo>(newFiles);
643    // Exclude the files that have already been compacted
644    newFilesSet = Sets.difference(newFilesSet, compactedFilesSet.keySet());
645    Set<StoreFileInfo> toBeAddedFiles = Sets.difference(newFilesSet, currentFilesSet.keySet());
646    Set<StoreFileInfo> toBeRemovedFiles = Sets.difference(currentFilesSet.keySet(), newFilesSet);
648    if (toBeAddedFiles.isEmpty() && toBeRemovedFiles.isEmpty()) {
649      return;
650    }
652    LOG.info("Refreshing store files for region " + this.getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString()
653      + " files to add: " + toBeAddedFiles + " files to remove: " + toBeRemovedFiles);
655    Set<HStoreFile> toBeRemovedStoreFiles = new HashSet<>(toBeRemovedFiles.size());
656    for (StoreFileInfo sfi : toBeRemovedFiles) {
657      toBeRemovedStoreFiles.add(currentFilesSet.get(sfi));
658    }
660    // try to open the files
661    List<HStoreFile> openedFiles = openStoreFiles(toBeAddedFiles);
663    // propogate the file changes to the underlying store file manager
664    replaceStoreFiles(toBeRemovedStoreFiles, openedFiles); //won't throw an exception
666    // Advance the memstore read point to be at least the new store files seqIds so that
667    // readers might pick it up. This assumes that the store is not getting any writes (otherwise
668    // in-flight transactions might be made visible)
669    if (!toBeAddedFiles.isEmpty()) {
670      // we must have the max sequence id here as we do have several store files
671      region.getMVCC().advanceTo(this.getMaxSequenceId().getAsLong());
672    }
674    completeCompaction(toBeRemovedStoreFiles);
675  }
677  @VisibleForTesting
678  protected HStoreFile createStoreFileAndReader(final Path p) throws IOException {
679    StoreFileInfo info = new StoreFileInfo(conf, this.getFileSystem(), p);
680    return createStoreFileAndReader(info);
681  }
683  private HStoreFile createStoreFileAndReader(StoreFileInfo info) throws IOException {
684    info.setRegionCoprocessorHost(this.region.getCoprocessorHost());
685    HStoreFile storeFile = new HStoreFile(this.getFileSystem(), info, this.conf, this.cacheConf,
686        this.family.getBloomFilterType(), isPrimaryReplicaStore());
687    storeFile.initReader();
688    return storeFile;
689  }
691  /**
692   * This message intends to inform the MemStore that next coming updates
693   * are going to be part of the replaying edits from WAL
694   */
695  public void startReplayingFromWAL(){
696    this.memstore.startReplayingFromWAL();
697  }
699  /**
700   * This message intends to inform the MemStore that the replaying edits from WAL
701   * are done
702   */
703  public void stopReplayingFromWAL(){
704    this.memstore.stopReplayingFromWAL();
705  }
707  /**
708   * Adds a value to the memstore
709   */
710  public void add(final Cell cell, MemStoreSizing memstoreSizing) {
711    lock.readLock().lock();
712    try {
713       this.memstore.add(cell, memstoreSizing);
714    } finally {
715      lock.readLock().unlock();
716    }
717  }
719  /**
720   * Adds the specified value to the memstore
721   */
722  public void add(final Iterable<Cell> cells, MemStoreSizing memstoreSizing) {
723    lock.readLock().lock();
724    try {
725      memstore.add(cells, memstoreSizing);
726    } finally {
727      lock.readLock().unlock();
728    }
729  }
731  @Override
732  public long timeOfOldestEdit() {
733    return memstore.timeOfOldestEdit();
734  }
736  /**
737   * @return All store files.
738   */
739  @Override
740  public Collection<HStoreFile> getStorefiles() {
741    return this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStorefiles();
742  }
744  @Override
745  public Collection<HStoreFile> getCompactedFiles() {
746    return this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getCompactedfiles();
747  }
749  /**
750   * This throws a WrongRegionException if the HFile does not fit in this region, or an
751   * InvalidHFileException if the HFile is not valid.
752   */
753  public void assertBulkLoadHFileOk(Path srcPath) throws IOException {
754    HFile.Reader reader  = null;
755    try {
756      LOG.info("Validating hfile at " + srcPath + " for inclusion in "
757          + "store " + this + " region " + this.getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString());
758      FileSystem srcFs = srcPath.getFileSystem(conf);
759      srcFs.access(srcPath, FsAction.READ_WRITE);
760      reader = HFile.createReader(srcFs, srcPath, cacheConf, isPrimaryReplicaStore(), conf);
761      reader.loadFileInfo();
763      Optional<byte[]> firstKey = reader.getFirstRowKey();
764      Preconditions.checkState(firstKey.isPresent(), "First key can not be null");
765      Optional<Cell> lk = reader.getLastKey();
766      Preconditions.checkState(lk.isPresent(), "Last key can not be null");
767      byte[] lastKey =  CellUtil.cloneRow(lk.get());
769      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
770        LOG.debug("HFile bounds: first=" + Bytes.toStringBinary(firstKey.get()) +
771            " last=" + Bytes.toStringBinary(lastKey));
772        LOG.debug("Region bounds: first=" +
773            Bytes.toStringBinary(getRegionInfo().getStartKey()) +
774            " last=" + Bytes.toStringBinary(getRegionInfo().getEndKey()));
775      }
777      if (!this.getRegionInfo().containsRange(firstKey.get(), lastKey)) {
778        throw new WrongRegionException(
779            "Bulk load file " + srcPath.toString() + " does not fit inside region "
780            + this.getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString());
781      }
783      if(reader.length() > conf.getLong(HConstants.HREGION_MAX_FILESIZE,
784          HConstants.DEFAULT_MAX_FILE_SIZE)) {
785        LOG.warn("Trying to bulk load hfile " + srcPath + " with size: " +
786            reader.length() + " bytes can be problematic as it may lead to oversplitting.");
787      }
789      if (verifyBulkLoads) {
790        long verificationStartTime = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
791        LOG.info("Full verification started for bulk load hfile: {}", srcPath);
792        Cell prevCell = null;
793        HFileScanner scanner = reader.getScanner(false, false, false);
794        scanner.seekTo();
795        do {
796          Cell cell = scanner.getCell();
797          if (prevCell != null) {
798            if (comparator.compareRows(prevCell, cell) > 0) {
799              throw new InvalidHFileException("Previous row is greater than"
800                  + " current row: path=" + srcPath + " previous="
801                  + CellUtil.getCellKeyAsString(prevCell) + " current="
802                  + CellUtil.getCellKeyAsString(cell));
803            }
804            if (CellComparator.getInstance().compareFamilies(prevCell, cell) != 0) {
805              throw new InvalidHFileException("Previous key had different"
806                  + " family compared to current key: path=" + srcPath
807                  + " previous="
808                  + Bytes.toStringBinary(prevCell.getFamilyArray(), prevCell.getFamilyOffset(),
809                      prevCell.getFamilyLength())
810                  + " current="
811                  + Bytes.toStringBinary(cell.getFamilyArray(), cell.getFamilyOffset(),
812                      cell.getFamilyLength()));
813            }
814          }
815          prevCell = cell;
816        } while (scanner.next());
817      LOG.info("Full verification complete for bulk load hfile: " + srcPath.toString()
818         + " took " + (EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime() - verificationStartTime)
819         + " ms");
820      }
821    } finally {
822      if (reader != null) reader.close();
823    }
824  }
826  /**
827   * This method should only be called from Region. It is assumed that the ranges of values in the
828   * HFile fit within the stores assigned region. (assertBulkLoadHFileOk checks this)
829   *
830   * @param srcPathStr
831   * @param seqNum sequence Id associated with the HFile
832   */
833  public Pair<Path, Path> preBulkLoadHFile(String srcPathStr, long seqNum) throws IOException {
834    Path srcPath = new Path(srcPathStr);
835    return fs.bulkLoadStoreFile(getColumnFamilyName(), srcPath, seqNum);
836  }
838  public Path bulkLoadHFile(byte[] family, String srcPathStr, Path dstPath) throws IOException {
839    Path srcPath = new Path(srcPathStr);
840    try {
841      fs.commitStoreFile(srcPath, dstPath);
842    } finally {
843      if (this.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
844        this.getCoprocessorHost().postCommitStoreFile(family, srcPath, dstPath);
845      }
846    }
848    LOG.info("Loaded HFile " + srcPath + " into store '" + getColumnFamilyName() + "' as "
849        + dstPath + " - updating store file list.");
851    HStoreFile sf = createStoreFileAndReader(dstPath);
852    bulkLoadHFile(sf);
854    LOG.info("Successfully loaded store file {} into store {} (new location: {})",
855        srcPath, this, dstPath);
857    return dstPath;
858  }
860  public void bulkLoadHFile(StoreFileInfo fileInfo) throws IOException {
861    HStoreFile sf = createStoreFileAndReader(fileInfo);
862    bulkLoadHFile(sf);
863  }
865  private void bulkLoadHFile(HStoreFile sf) throws IOException {
866    StoreFileReader r = sf.getReader();
867    this.storeSize.addAndGet(r.length());
868    this.totalUncompressedBytes.addAndGet(r.getTotalUncompressedBytes());
870    // Append the new storefile into the list
871    this.lock.writeLock().lock();
872    try {
873      this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().insertNewFiles(Lists.newArrayList(sf));
874    } finally {
875      // We need the lock, as long as we are updating the storeFiles
876      // or changing the memstore. Let us release it before calling
877      // notifyChangeReadersObservers. See HBASE-4485 for a possible
878      // deadlock scenario that could have happened if continue to hold
879      // the lock.
880      this.lock.writeLock().unlock();
881    }
882    LOG.info("Loaded HFile " + sf.getFileInfo() + " into store '" + getColumnFamilyName());
883    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
884      String traceMessage = "BULK LOAD time,size,store size,store files ["
885          + EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime() + "," + r.length() + "," + storeSize
886          + "," + storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStorefileCount() + "]";
887      LOG.trace(traceMessage);
888    }
889  }
891  /**
892   * Close all the readers We don't need to worry about subsequent requests because the Region holds
893   * a write lock that will prevent any more reads or writes.
894   * @return the {@link StoreFile StoreFiles} that were previously being used.
895   * @throws IOException on failure
896   */
897  public ImmutableCollection<HStoreFile> close() throws IOException {
898    this.archiveLock.lock();
899    this.lock.writeLock().lock();
900    try {
901      // Clear so metrics doesn't find them.
902      ImmutableCollection<HStoreFile> result = storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().clearFiles();
903      Collection<HStoreFile> compactedfiles =
904          storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().clearCompactedFiles();
905      // clear the compacted files
906      if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(compactedfiles)) {
907        removeCompactedfiles(compactedfiles, true);
908      }
909      if (!result.isEmpty()) {
910        // initialize the thread pool for closing store files in parallel.
911        ThreadPoolExecutor storeFileCloserThreadPool = this.region
912            .getStoreFileOpenAndCloseThreadPool("StoreFileCloserThread-"
913                + this.getColumnFamilyName());
915        // close each store file in parallel
916        CompletionService<Void> completionService =
917          new ExecutorCompletionService<>(storeFileCloserThreadPool);
918        for (HStoreFile f : result) {
919          completionService.submit(new Callable<Void>() {
920            @Override
921            public Void call() throws IOException {
922              boolean evictOnClose =
923                  cacheConf != null? cacheConf.shouldEvictOnClose(): true;
924              f.closeStoreFile(evictOnClose);
925              return null;
926            }
927          });
928        }
930        IOException ioe = null;
931        try {
932          for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
933            try {
934              Future<Void> future = completionService.take();
935              future.get();
936            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
937              if (ioe == null) {
938                ioe = new InterruptedIOException();
939                ioe.initCause(e);
940              }
941            } catch (ExecutionException e) {
942              if (ioe == null) ioe = new IOException(e.getCause());
943            }
944          }
945        } finally {
946          storeFileCloserThreadPool.shutdownNow();
947        }
948        if (ioe != null) throw ioe;
949      }
950      LOG.trace("Closed {}", this);
951      return result;
952    } finally {
953      this.lock.writeLock().unlock();
954      this.archiveLock.unlock();
955    }
956  }
958  /**
959   * Snapshot this stores memstore. Call before running
960   * {@link #flushCache(long, MemStoreSnapshot, MonitoredTask, ThroughputController,
961   * FlushLifeCycleTracker)}
962   *  so it has some work to do.
963   */
964  void snapshot() {
965    this.lock.writeLock().lock();
966    try {
967      this.memstore.snapshot();
968    } finally {
969      this.lock.writeLock().unlock();
970    }
971  }
973  /**
974   * Write out current snapshot. Presumes {@link #snapshot()} has been called previously.
975   * @param logCacheFlushId flush sequence number
976   * @param snapshot
977   * @param status
978   * @param throughputController
979   * @return The path name of the tmp file to which the store was flushed
980   * @throws IOException if exception occurs during process
981   */
982  protected List<Path> flushCache(final long logCacheFlushId, MemStoreSnapshot snapshot,
983      MonitoredTask status, ThroughputController throughputController,
984      FlushLifeCycleTracker tracker) throws IOException {
985    // If an exception happens flushing, we let it out without clearing
986    // the memstore snapshot.  The old snapshot will be returned when we say
987    // 'snapshot', the next time flush comes around.
988    // Retry after catching exception when flushing, otherwise server will abort
989    // itself
990    StoreFlusher flusher = storeEngine.getStoreFlusher();
991    IOException lastException = null;
992    for (int i = 0; i < flushRetriesNumber; i++) {
993      try {
994        List<Path> pathNames =
995            flusher.flushSnapshot(snapshot, logCacheFlushId, status, throughputController, tracker);
996        Path lastPathName = null;
997        try {
998          for (Path pathName : pathNames) {
999            lastPathName = pathName;
1000            validateStoreFile(pathName);
1001          }
1002          return pathNames;
1003        } catch (Exception e) {
1004          LOG.warn("Failed validating store file {}, retrying num={}", lastPathName, i, e);
1005          if (e instanceof IOException) {
1006            lastException = (IOException) e;
1007          } else {
1008            lastException = new IOException(e);
1009          }
1010        }
1011      } catch (IOException e) {
1012        LOG.warn("Failed flushing store file, retrying num={}", i, e);
1013        lastException = e;
1014      }
1015      if (lastException != null && i < (flushRetriesNumber - 1)) {
1016        try {
1017          Thread.sleep(pauseTime);
1018        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
1019          IOException iie = new InterruptedIOException();
1020          iie.initCause(e);
1021          throw iie;
1022        }
1023      }
1024    }
1025    throw lastException;
1026  }
1028  /**
1029   * @param path The pathname of the tmp file into which the store was flushed
1030   * @param logCacheFlushId
1031   * @param status
1032   * @return store file created.
1033   * @throws IOException
1034   */
1035  private HStoreFile commitFile(Path path, long logCacheFlushId, MonitoredTask status)
1036      throws IOException {
1037    // Write-out finished successfully, move into the right spot
1038    Path dstPath = fs.commitStoreFile(getColumnFamilyName(), path);
1040    status.setStatus("Flushing " + this + ": reopening flushed file");
1041    HStoreFile sf = createStoreFileAndReader(dstPath);
1043    StoreFileReader r = sf.getReader();
1044    this.storeSize.addAndGet(r.length());
1045    this.totalUncompressedBytes.addAndGet(r.getTotalUncompressedBytes());
1047    if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
1048      LOG.info("Added " + sf + ", entries=" + r.getEntries() +
1049        ", sequenceid=" + logCacheFlushId +
1050        ", filesize=" + TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(r.length(), "", 1));
1051    }
1052    return sf;
1053  }
1055  /**
1056   * @param maxKeyCount
1057   * @param compression Compression algorithm to use
1058   * @param isCompaction whether we are creating a new file in a compaction
1059   * @param includeMVCCReadpoint - whether to include MVCC or not
1060   * @param includesTag - includesTag or not
1061   * @return Writer for a new StoreFile in the tmp dir.
1062   */
1063  // TODO : allow the Writer factory to create Writers of ShipperListener type only in case of
1064  // compaction
1065  public StoreFileWriter createWriterInTmp(long maxKeyCount, Compression.Algorithm compression,
1066      boolean isCompaction, boolean includeMVCCReadpoint, boolean includesTag,
1067      boolean shouldDropBehind) throws IOException {
1068    final CacheConfig writerCacheConf;
1069    if (isCompaction) {
1070      // Don't cache data on write on compactions.
1071      writerCacheConf = new CacheConfig(cacheConf);
1072      writerCacheConf.setCacheDataOnWrite(false);
1073    } else {
1074      writerCacheConf = cacheConf;
1075    }
1076    InetSocketAddress[] favoredNodes = null;
1077    if (region.getRegionServerServices() != null) {
1078      favoredNodes = region.getRegionServerServices().getFavoredNodesForRegion(
1079          region.getRegionInfo().getEncodedName());
1080    }
1081    HFileContext hFileContext = createFileContext(compression, includeMVCCReadpoint, includesTag,
1082      cryptoContext);
1083    Path familyTempDir = new Path(fs.getTempDir(), family.getNameAsString());
1084    StoreFileWriter.Builder builder = new StoreFileWriter.Builder(conf, writerCacheConf,
1085        this.getFileSystem())
1086            .withOutputDir(familyTempDir)
1087            .withComparator(comparator)
1088            .withBloomType(family.getBloomFilterType())
1089            .withMaxKeyCount(maxKeyCount)
1090            .withFavoredNodes(favoredNodes)
1091            .withFileContext(hFileContext)
1092            .withShouldDropCacheBehind(shouldDropBehind);
1093    return builder.build();
1094  }
1096  private HFileContext createFileContext(Compression.Algorithm compression,
1097      boolean includeMVCCReadpoint, boolean includesTag, Encryption.Context cryptoContext) {
1098    if (compression == null) {
1099      compression = HFile.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM;
1100    }
1101    HFileContext hFileContext = new HFileContextBuilder()
1102                                .withIncludesMvcc(includeMVCCReadpoint)
1103                                .withIncludesTags(includesTag)
1104                                .withCompression(compression)
1105                                .withCompressTags(family.isCompressTags())
1106                                .withChecksumType(checksumType)
1107                                .withBytesPerCheckSum(bytesPerChecksum)
1108                                .withBlockSize(blocksize)
1109                                .withHBaseCheckSum(true)
1110                                .withDataBlockEncoding(family.getDataBlockEncoding())
1111                                .withEncryptionContext(cryptoContext)
1112                                .withCreateTime(EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime())
1113                                .build();
1114    return hFileContext;
1115  }
1118  private long getTotalSize(Collection<HStoreFile> sfs) {
1119    return sfs.stream().mapToLong(sf -> sf.getReader().length()).sum();
1120  }
1122  /**
1123   * Change storeFiles adding into place the Reader produced by this new flush.
1124   * @param sfs Store files
1125   * @param snapshotId
1126   * @throws IOException
1127   * @return Whether compaction is required.
1128   */
1129  private boolean updateStorefiles(List<HStoreFile> sfs, long snapshotId) throws IOException {
1130    this.lock.writeLock().lock();
1131    try {
1132      this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().insertNewFiles(sfs);
1133      if (snapshotId > 0) {
1134        this.memstore.clearSnapshot(snapshotId);
1135      }
1136    } finally {
1137      // We need the lock, as long as we are updating the storeFiles
1138      // or changing the memstore. Let us release it before calling
1139      // notifyChangeReadersObservers. See HBASE-4485 for a possible
1140      // deadlock scenario that could have happened if continue to hold
1141      // the lock.
1142      this.lock.writeLock().unlock();
1143    }
1144    // notify to be called here - only in case of flushes
1145    notifyChangedReadersObservers(sfs);
1146    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
1147      long totalSize = getTotalSize(sfs);
1148      String traceMessage = "FLUSH time,count,size,store size,store files ["
1149          + EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime() + "," + sfs.size() + "," + totalSize
1150          + "," + storeSize + "," + storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStorefileCount() + "]";
1151      LOG.trace(traceMessage);
1152    }
1153    return needsCompaction();
1154  }
1156  /**
1157   * Notify all observers that set of Readers has changed.
1158   * @throws IOException
1159   */
1160  private void notifyChangedReadersObservers(List<HStoreFile> sfs) throws IOException {
1161    for (ChangedReadersObserver o : this.changedReaderObservers) {
1162      List<KeyValueScanner> memStoreScanners;
1163      this.lock.readLock().lock();
1164      try {
1165        memStoreScanners = this.memstore.getScanners(o.getReadPoint());
1166      } finally {
1167        this.lock.readLock().unlock();
1168      }
1169      o.updateReaders(sfs, memStoreScanners);
1170    }
1171  }
1173  /**
1174   * Get all scanners with no filtering based on TTL (that happens further down the line).
1175   * @param cacheBlocks cache the blocks or not
1176   * @param usePread true to use pread, false if not
1177   * @param isCompaction true if the scanner is created for compaction
1178   * @param matcher the scan query matcher
1179   * @param startRow the start row
1180   * @param stopRow the stop row
1181   * @param readPt the read point of the current scan
1182   * @return all scanners for this store
1183   */
1184  public List<KeyValueScanner> getScanners(boolean cacheBlocks, boolean isGet, boolean usePread,
1185      boolean isCompaction, ScanQueryMatcher matcher, byte[] startRow, byte[] stopRow, long readPt)
1186      throws IOException {
1187    return getScanners(cacheBlocks, usePread, isCompaction, matcher, startRow, true, stopRow, false,
1188      readPt);
1189  }
1191  /**
1192   * Get all scanners with no filtering based on TTL (that happens further down the line).
1193   * @param cacheBlocks cache the blocks or not
1194   * @param usePread true to use pread, false if not
1195   * @param isCompaction true if the scanner is created for compaction
1196   * @param matcher the scan query matcher
1197   * @param startRow the start row
1198   * @param includeStartRow true to include start row, false if not
1199   * @param stopRow the stop row
1200   * @param includeStopRow true to include stop row, false if not
1201   * @param readPt the read point of the current scan
1202   * @return all scanners for this store
1203   */
1204  public List<KeyValueScanner> getScanners(boolean cacheBlocks, boolean usePread,
1205      boolean isCompaction, ScanQueryMatcher matcher, byte[] startRow, boolean includeStartRow,
1206      byte[] stopRow, boolean includeStopRow, long readPt) throws IOException {
1207    Collection<HStoreFile> storeFilesToScan;
1208    List<KeyValueScanner> memStoreScanners;
1209    this.lock.readLock().lock();
1210    try {
1211      storeFilesToScan = this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getFilesForScan(startRow,
1212        includeStartRow, stopRow, includeStopRow);
1213      memStoreScanners = this.memstore.getScanners(readPt);
1214    } finally {
1215      this.lock.readLock().unlock();
1216    }
1218    // First the store file scanners
1220    // TODO this used to get the store files in descending order,
1221    // but now we get them in ascending order, which I think is
1222    // actually more correct, since memstore get put at the end.
1223    List<StoreFileScanner> sfScanners = StoreFileScanner.getScannersForStoreFiles(storeFilesToScan,
1224      cacheBlocks, usePread, isCompaction, false, matcher, readPt);
1225    List<KeyValueScanner> scanners = new ArrayList<>(sfScanners.size() + 1);
1226    scanners.addAll(sfScanners);
1227    // Then the memstore scanners
1228    scanners.addAll(memStoreScanners);
1229    return scanners;
1230  }
1232  /**
1233   * Create scanners on the given files and if needed on the memstore with no filtering based on TTL
1234   * (that happens further down the line).
1235   * @param files the list of files on which the scanners has to be created
1236   * @param cacheBlocks cache the blocks or not
1237   * @param usePread true to use pread, false if not
1238   * @param isCompaction true if the scanner is created for compaction
1239   * @param matcher the scan query matcher
1240   * @param startRow the start row
1241   * @param stopRow the stop row
1242   * @param readPt the read point of the current scan
1243   * @param includeMemstoreScanner true if memstore has to be included
1244   * @return scanners on the given files and on the memstore if specified
1245   */
1246  public List<KeyValueScanner> getScanners(List<HStoreFile> files, boolean cacheBlocks,
1247      boolean isGet, boolean usePread, boolean isCompaction, ScanQueryMatcher matcher,
1248      byte[] startRow, byte[] stopRow, long readPt, boolean includeMemstoreScanner)
1249      throws IOException {
1250    return getScanners(files, cacheBlocks, usePread, isCompaction, matcher, startRow, true, stopRow,
1251      false, readPt, includeMemstoreScanner);
1252  }
1254  /**
1255   * Create scanners on the given files and if needed on the memstore with no filtering based on TTL
1256   * (that happens further down the line).
1257   * @param files the list of files on which the scanners has to be created
1258   * @param cacheBlocks ache the blocks or not
1259   * @param usePread true to use pread, false if not
1260   * @param isCompaction true if the scanner is created for compaction
1261   * @param matcher the scan query matcher
1262   * @param startRow the start row
1263   * @param includeStartRow true to include start row, false if not
1264   * @param stopRow the stop row
1265   * @param includeStopRow true to include stop row, false if not
1266   * @param readPt the read point of the current scan
1267   * @param includeMemstoreScanner true if memstore has to be included
1268   * @return scanners on the given files and on the memstore if specified
1269   */
1270  public List<KeyValueScanner> getScanners(List<HStoreFile> files, boolean cacheBlocks,
1271      boolean usePread, boolean isCompaction, ScanQueryMatcher matcher, byte[] startRow,
1272      boolean includeStartRow, byte[] stopRow, boolean includeStopRow, long readPt,
1273      boolean includeMemstoreScanner) throws IOException {
1274    List<KeyValueScanner> memStoreScanners = null;
1275    if (includeMemstoreScanner) {
1276      this.lock.readLock().lock();
1277      try {
1278        memStoreScanners = this.memstore.getScanners(readPt);
1279      } finally {
1280        this.lock.readLock().unlock();
1281      }
1282    }
1283    List<StoreFileScanner> sfScanners = StoreFileScanner.getScannersForStoreFiles(files,
1284      cacheBlocks, usePread, isCompaction, false, matcher, readPt);
1285    List<KeyValueScanner> scanners = new ArrayList<>(sfScanners.size() + 1);
1286    scanners.addAll(sfScanners);
1287    // Then the memstore scanners
1288    if (memStoreScanners != null) {
1289      scanners.addAll(memStoreScanners);
1290    }
1291    return scanners;
1292  }
1294  /**
1295   * @param o Observer who wants to know about changes in set of Readers
1296   */
1297  public void addChangedReaderObserver(ChangedReadersObserver o) {
1298    this.changedReaderObservers.add(o);
1299  }
1301  /**
1302   * @param o Observer no longer interested in changes in set of Readers.
1303   */
1304  public void deleteChangedReaderObserver(ChangedReadersObserver o) {
1305    // We don't check if observer present; it may not be (legitimately)
1306    this.changedReaderObservers.remove(o);
1307  }
1309  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1310  // Compaction
1311  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1313  /**
1314   * Compact the StoreFiles.  This method may take some time, so the calling
1315   * thread must be able to block for long periods.
1316   *
1317   * <p>During this time, the Store can work as usual, getting values from
1318   * StoreFiles and writing new StoreFiles from the memstore.
1319   *
1320   * Existing StoreFiles are not destroyed until the new compacted StoreFile is
1321   * completely written-out to disk.
1322   *
1323   * <p>The compactLock prevents multiple simultaneous compactions.
1324   * The structureLock prevents us from interfering with other write operations.
1325   *
1326   * <p>We don't want to hold the structureLock for the whole time, as a compact()
1327   * can be lengthy and we want to allow cache-flushes during this period.
1328   *
1329   * <p> Compaction event should be idempotent, since there is no IO Fencing for
1330   * the region directory in hdfs. A region server might still try to complete the
1331   * compaction after it lost the region. That is why the following events are carefully
1332   * ordered for a compaction:
1333   *  1. Compaction writes new files under region/.tmp directory (compaction output)
1334   *  2. Compaction atomically moves the temporary file under region directory
1335   *  3. Compaction appends a WAL edit containing the compaction input and output files.
1336   *  Forces sync on WAL.
1337   *  4. Compaction deletes the input files from the region directory.
1338   *
1339   * Failure conditions are handled like this:
1340   *  - If RS fails before 2, compaction wont complete. Even if RS lives on and finishes
1341   *  the compaction later, it will only write the new data file to the region directory.
1342   *  Since we already have this data, this will be idempotent but we will have a redundant
1343   *  copy of the data.
1344   *  - If RS fails between 2 and 3, the region will have a redundant copy of the data. The
1345   *  RS that failed won't be able to finish snyc() for WAL because of lease recovery in WAL.
1346   *  - If RS fails after 3, the region region server who opens the region will pick up the
1347   *  the compaction marker from the WAL and replay it by removing the compaction input files.
1348   *  Failed RS can also attempt to delete those files, but the operation will be idempotent
1349   *
1350   * See HBASE-2231 for details.
1351   *
1352   * @param compaction compaction details obtained from requestCompaction()
1353   * @throws IOException
1354   * @return Storefile we compacted into or null if we failed or opted out early.
1355   */
1356  public List<HStoreFile> compact(CompactionContext compaction,
1357    ThroughputController throughputController, User user) throws IOException {
1358    assert compaction != null;
1359    List<HStoreFile> sfs = null;
1360    CompactionRequestImpl cr = compaction.getRequest();
1361    try {
1362      // Do all sanity checking in here if we have a valid CompactionRequestImpl
1363      // because we need to clean up after it on the way out in a finally
1364      // block below
1365      long compactionStartTime = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
1366      assert compaction.hasSelection();
1367      Collection<HStoreFile> filesToCompact = cr.getFiles();
1368      assert !filesToCompact.isEmpty();
1369      synchronized (filesCompacting) {
1370        // sanity check: we're compacting files that this store knows about
1371        // TODO: change this to LOG.error() after more debugging
1372        Preconditions.checkArgument(filesCompacting.containsAll(filesToCompact));
1373      }
1375      // Ready to go. Have list of files to compact.
1376      LOG.info("Starting compaction of " + filesToCompact +
1377        " into tmpdir=" + fs.getTempDir() + ", totalSize=" +
1378          TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(cr.getSize(), "", 1));
1380      return doCompaction(cr, filesToCompact, user, compactionStartTime,
1381          compaction.compact(throughputController, user));
1382    } finally {
1383      finishCompactionRequest(cr);
1384    }
1385  }
1387  @VisibleForTesting
1388  protected List<HStoreFile> doCompaction(CompactionRequestImpl cr,
1389      Collection<HStoreFile> filesToCompact, User user, long compactionStartTime,
1390      List<Path> newFiles) throws IOException {
1391    // Do the steps necessary to complete the compaction.
1392    List<HStoreFile> sfs = moveCompactedFilesIntoPlace(cr, newFiles, user);
1393    writeCompactionWalRecord(filesToCompact, sfs);
1394    replaceStoreFiles(filesToCompact, sfs);
1395    if (cr.isMajor()) {
1396      majorCompactedCellsCount.addAndGet(getCompactionProgress().getTotalCompactingKVs());
1397      majorCompactedCellsSize.addAndGet(getCompactionProgress().totalCompactedSize);
1398    } else {
1399      compactedCellsCount.addAndGet(getCompactionProgress().getTotalCompactingKVs());
1400      compactedCellsSize.addAndGet(getCompactionProgress().totalCompactedSize);
1401    }
1402    long outputBytes = getTotalSize(sfs);
1404    // At this point the store will use new files for all new scanners.
1405    completeCompaction(filesToCompact); // update store size.
1407    long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
1408    if (region.getRegionServerServices() != null
1409        && region.getRegionServerServices().getMetrics() != null) {
1410      region.getRegionServerServices().getMetrics().updateCompaction(cr.isMajor(),
1411          now - compactionStartTime, cr.getFiles().size(), newFiles.size(), cr.getSize(),
1412          outputBytes);
1413    }
1415    logCompactionEndMessage(cr, sfs, now, compactionStartTime);
1416    return sfs;
1417  }
1419  private List<HStoreFile> moveCompactedFilesIntoPlace(CompactionRequestImpl cr, List<Path> newFiles,
1420      User user) throws IOException {
1421    List<HStoreFile> sfs = new ArrayList<>(newFiles.size());
1422    for (Path newFile : newFiles) {
1423      assert newFile != null;
1424      HStoreFile sf = moveFileIntoPlace(newFile);
1425      if (this.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
1426        getCoprocessorHost().postCompact(this, sf, cr.getTracker(), cr, user);
1427      }
1428      assert sf != null;
1429      sfs.add(sf);
1430    }
1431    return sfs;
1432  }
1434  // Package-visible for tests
1435  HStoreFile moveFileIntoPlace(Path newFile) throws IOException {
1436    validateStoreFile(newFile);
1437    // Move the file into the right spot
1438    Path destPath = fs.commitStoreFile(getColumnFamilyName(), newFile);
1439    return createStoreFileAndReader(destPath);
1440  }
1442  /**
1443   * Writes the compaction WAL record.
1444   * @param filesCompacted Files compacted (input).
1445   * @param newFiles Files from compaction.
1446   */
1447  private void writeCompactionWalRecord(Collection<HStoreFile> filesCompacted,
1448      Collection<HStoreFile> newFiles) throws IOException {
1449    if (region.getWAL() == null) {
1450      return;
1451    }
1452    List<Path> inputPaths =
1453        filesCompacted.stream().map(HStoreFile::getPath).collect(Collectors.toList());
1454    List<Path> outputPaths =
1455        newFiles.stream().map(HStoreFile::getPath).collect(Collectors.toList());
1456    RegionInfo info = this.region.getRegionInfo();
1457    CompactionDescriptor compactionDescriptor = ProtobufUtil.toCompactionDescriptor(info,
1458        family.getName(), inputPaths, outputPaths, fs.getStoreDir(getColumnFamilyDescriptor().getNameAsString()));
1459    // Fix reaching into Region to get the maxWaitForSeqId.
1460    // Does this method belong in Region altogether given it is making so many references up there?
1461    // Could be Region#writeCompactionMarker(compactionDescriptor);
1462    WALUtil.writeCompactionMarker(this.region.getWAL(), this.region.getReplicationScope(),
1463        this.region.getRegionInfo(), compactionDescriptor, this.region.getMVCC());
1464  }
1466  @VisibleForTesting
1467  void replaceStoreFiles(Collection<HStoreFile> compactedFiles, Collection<HStoreFile> result)
1468      throws IOException {
1469    this.lock.writeLock().lock();
1470    try {
1471      this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().addCompactionResults(compactedFiles, result);
1472      synchronized (filesCompacting) {
1473        filesCompacting.removeAll(compactedFiles);
1474      }
1475    } finally {
1476      this.lock.writeLock().unlock();
1477    }
1478  }
1480  /**
1481   * Log a very elaborate compaction completion message.
1482   * @param cr Request.
1483   * @param sfs Resulting files.
1484   * @param compactionStartTime Start time.
1485   */
1486  private void logCompactionEndMessage(
1487      CompactionRequestImpl cr, List<HStoreFile> sfs, long now, long compactionStartTime) {
1488    StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(
1489      "Completed" + (cr.isMajor() ? " major" : "") + " compaction of "
1490      + cr.getFiles().size() + (cr.isAllFiles() ? " (all)" : "") + " file(s) in "
1491      + this + " of " + this.getRegionInfo().getShortNameToLog() + " into ");
1492    if (sfs.isEmpty()) {
1493      message.append("none, ");
1494    } else {
1495      for (HStoreFile sf: sfs) {
1496        message.append(sf.getPath().getName());
1497        message.append("(size=");
1498        message.append(TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(sf.getReader().length(), "", 1));
1499        message.append("), ");
1500      }
1501    }
1502    message.append("total size for store is ")
1503      .append(StringUtils.TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(storeSize.get(), "", 1))
1504      .append(". This selection was in queue for ")
1505      .append(StringUtils.formatTimeDiff(compactionStartTime, cr.getSelectionTime()))
1506      .append(", and took ").append(StringUtils.formatTimeDiff(now, compactionStartTime))
1507      .append(" to execute.");
1508    LOG.info(message.toString());
1509    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
1510      int fileCount = storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStorefileCount();
1511      long resultSize = getTotalSize(sfs);
1512      String traceMessage = "COMPACTION start,end,size out,files in,files out,store size,"
1513        + "store files [" + compactionStartTime + "," + now + "," + resultSize + ","
1514          + cr.getFiles().size() + "," + sfs.size() + "," +  storeSize + "," + fileCount + "]";
1515      LOG.trace(traceMessage);
1516    }
1517  }
1519  /**
1520   * Call to complete a compaction. Its for the case where we find in the WAL a compaction
1521   * that was not finished.  We could find one recovering a WAL after a regionserver crash.
1522   * See HBASE-2231.
1523   * @param compaction
1524   */
1525  public void replayCompactionMarker(CompactionDescriptor compaction, boolean pickCompactionFiles,
1526      boolean removeFiles) throws IOException {
1527    LOG.debug("Completing compaction from the WAL marker");
1528    List<String> compactionInputs = compaction.getCompactionInputList();
1529    List<String> compactionOutputs = Lists.newArrayList(compaction.getCompactionOutputList());
1531    // The Compaction Marker is written after the compaction is completed,
1532    // and the files moved into the region/family folder.
1533    //
1534    // If we crash after the entry is written, we may not have removed the
1535    // input files, but the output file is present.
1536    // (The unremoved input files will be removed by this function)
1537    //
1538    // If we scan the directory and the file is not present, it can mean that:
1539    //   - The file was manually removed by the user
1540    //   - The file was removed as consequence of subsequent compaction
1541    // so, we can't do anything with the "compaction output list" because those
1542    // files have already been loaded when opening the region (by virtue of
1543    // being in the store's folder) or they may be missing due to a compaction.
1545    String familyName = this.getColumnFamilyName();
1546    Set<String> inputFiles = new HashSet<>();
1547    for (String compactionInput : compactionInputs) {
1548      Path inputPath = fs.getStoreFilePath(familyName, compactionInput);
1549      inputFiles.add(inputPath.getName());
1550    }
1552    //some of the input files might already be deleted
1553    List<HStoreFile> inputStoreFiles = new ArrayList<>(compactionInputs.size());
1554    for (HStoreFile sf : this.getStorefiles()) {
1555      if (inputFiles.contains(sf.getPath().getName())) {
1556        inputStoreFiles.add(sf);
1557      }
1558    }
1560    // check whether we need to pick up the new files
1561    List<HStoreFile> outputStoreFiles = new ArrayList<>(compactionOutputs.size());
1563    if (pickCompactionFiles) {
1564      for (HStoreFile sf : this.getStorefiles()) {
1565        compactionOutputs.remove(sf.getPath().getName());
1566      }
1567      for (String compactionOutput : compactionOutputs) {
1568        StoreFileInfo storeFileInfo = fs.getStoreFileInfo(getColumnFamilyName(), compactionOutput);
1569        HStoreFile storeFile = createStoreFileAndReader(storeFileInfo);
1570        outputStoreFiles.add(storeFile);
1571      }
1572    }
1574    if (!inputStoreFiles.isEmpty() || !outputStoreFiles.isEmpty()) {
1575      LOG.info("Replaying compaction marker, replacing input files: " +
1576          inputStoreFiles + " with output files : " + outputStoreFiles);
1577      this.replaceStoreFiles(inputStoreFiles, outputStoreFiles);
1578      this.completeCompaction(inputStoreFiles);
1579    }
1580  }
1582  /**
1583   * This method tries to compact N recent files for testing.
1584   * Note that because compacting "recent" files only makes sense for some policies,
1585   * e.g. the default one, it assumes default policy is used. It doesn't use policy,
1586   * but instead makes a compaction candidate list by itself.
1587   * @param N Number of files.
1588   */
1589  @VisibleForTesting
1590  public void compactRecentForTestingAssumingDefaultPolicy(int N) throws IOException {
1591    List<HStoreFile> filesToCompact;
1592    boolean isMajor;
1594    this.lock.readLock().lock();
1595    try {
1596      synchronized (filesCompacting) {
1597        filesToCompact = Lists.newArrayList(storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStorefiles());
1598        if (!filesCompacting.isEmpty()) {
1599          // exclude all files older than the newest file we're currently
1600          // compacting. this allows us to preserve contiguity (HBASE-2856)
1601          HStoreFile last = filesCompacting.get(filesCompacting.size() - 1);
1602          int idx = filesToCompact.indexOf(last);
1603          Preconditions.checkArgument(idx != -1);
1604          filesToCompact.subList(0, idx + 1).clear();
1605        }
1606        int count = filesToCompact.size();
1607        if (N > count) {
1608          throw new RuntimeException("Not enough files");
1609        }
1611        filesToCompact = filesToCompact.subList(count - N, count);
1612        isMajor = (filesToCompact.size() == storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStorefileCount());
1613        filesCompacting.addAll(filesToCompact);
1614        Collections.sort(filesCompacting, storeEngine.getStoreFileManager()
1615            .getStoreFileComparator());
1616      }
1617    } finally {
1618      this.lock.readLock().unlock();
1619    }
1621    try {
1622      // Ready to go. Have list of files to compact.
1623      List<Path> newFiles = ((DefaultCompactor)this.storeEngine.getCompactor())
1624          .compactForTesting(filesToCompact, isMajor);
1625      for (Path newFile: newFiles) {
1626        // Move the compaction into place.
1627        HStoreFile sf = moveFileIntoPlace(newFile);
1628        if (this.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
1629          this.getCoprocessorHost().postCompact(this, sf, null, null, null);
1630        }
1631        replaceStoreFiles(filesToCompact, Collections.singletonList(sf));
1632        completeCompaction(filesToCompact);
1633      }
1634    } finally {
1635      synchronized (filesCompacting) {
1636        filesCompacting.removeAll(filesToCompact);
1637      }
1638    }
1639  }
1641  @Override
1642  public boolean hasReferences() {
1643    // Grab the read lock here, because we need to ensure that: only when the atomic
1644    // replaceStoreFiles(..) finished, we can get all the complete store file list.
1645    this.lock.readLock().lock();
1646    try {
1647      // Merge the current store files with compacted files here due to HBASE-20940.
1648      Collection<HStoreFile> allStoreFiles = new ArrayList<>(getStorefiles());
1649      allStoreFiles.addAll(getCompactedFiles());
1650      return StoreUtils.hasReferences(allStoreFiles);
1651    } finally {
1652      this.lock.readLock().unlock();
1653    }
1654  }
1656  /**
1657   * getter for CompactionProgress object
1658   * @return CompactionProgress object; can be null
1659   */
1660  public CompactionProgress getCompactionProgress() {
1661    return this.storeEngine.getCompactor().getProgress();
1662  }
1664  @Override
1665  public boolean shouldPerformMajorCompaction() throws IOException {
1666    for (HStoreFile sf : this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStorefiles()) {
1667      // TODO: what are these reader checks all over the place?
1668      if (sf.getReader() == null) {
1669        LOG.debug("StoreFile {} has null Reader", sf);
1670        return false;
1671      }
1672    }
1673    return storeEngine.getCompactionPolicy().shouldPerformMajorCompaction(
1674        this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStorefiles());
1675  }
1677  public Optional<CompactionContext> requestCompaction() throws IOException {
1678    return requestCompaction(NO_PRIORITY, CompactionLifeCycleTracker.DUMMY, null);
1679  }
1681  public Optional<CompactionContext> requestCompaction(int priority,
1682      CompactionLifeCycleTracker tracker, User user) throws IOException {
1683    // don't even select for compaction if writes are disabled
1684    if (!this.areWritesEnabled()) {
1685      return Optional.empty();
1686    }
1687    // Before we do compaction, try to get rid of unneeded files to simplify things.
1688    removeUnneededFiles();
1690    final CompactionContext compaction = storeEngine.createCompaction();
1691    CompactionRequestImpl request = null;
1692    this.lock.readLock().lock();
1693    try {
1694      synchronized (filesCompacting) {
1695        // First, see if coprocessor would want to override selection.
1696        if (this.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
1697          final List<HStoreFile> candidatesForCoproc = compaction.preSelect(this.filesCompacting);
1698          boolean override = getCoprocessorHost().preCompactSelection(this,
1699              candidatesForCoproc, tracker, user);
1700          if (override) {
1701            // Coprocessor is overriding normal file selection.
1702            compaction.forceSelect(new CompactionRequestImpl(candidatesForCoproc));
1703          }
1704        }
1706        // Normal case - coprocessor is not overriding file selection.
1707        if (!compaction.hasSelection()) {
1708          boolean isUserCompaction = priority == Store.PRIORITY_USER;
1709          boolean mayUseOffPeak = offPeakHours.isOffPeakHour() &&
1710              offPeakCompactionTracker.compareAndSet(false, true);
1711          try {
1712            compaction.select(this.filesCompacting, isUserCompaction,
1713              mayUseOffPeak, forceMajor && filesCompacting.isEmpty());
1714          } catch (IOException e) {
1715            if (mayUseOffPeak) {
1716              offPeakCompactionTracker.set(false);
1717            }
1718            throw e;
1719          }
1720          assert compaction.hasSelection();
1721          if (mayUseOffPeak && !compaction.getRequest().isOffPeak()) {
1722            // Compaction policy doesn't want to take advantage of off-peak.
1723            offPeakCompactionTracker.set(false);
1724          }
1725        }
1726        if (this.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
1727          this.getCoprocessorHost().postCompactSelection(
1728              this, ImmutableList.copyOf(compaction.getRequest().getFiles()), tracker,
1729              compaction.getRequest(), user);
1730        }
1731        // Finally, we have the resulting files list. Check if we have any files at all.
1732        request = compaction.getRequest();
1733        Collection<HStoreFile> selectedFiles = request.getFiles();
1734        if (selectedFiles.isEmpty()) {
1735          return Optional.empty();
1736        }
1738        addToCompactingFiles(selectedFiles);
1740        // If we're enqueuing a major, clear the force flag.
1741        this.forceMajor = this.forceMajor && !request.isMajor();
1743        // Set common request properties.
1744        // Set priority, either override value supplied by caller or from store.
1745        request.setPriority((priority != Store.NO_PRIORITY) ? priority : getCompactPriority());
1746        request.setDescription(getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString(), getColumnFamilyName());
1747        request.setTracker(tracker);
1748      }
1749    } finally {
1750      this.lock.readLock().unlock();
1751    }
1753    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
1754      LOG.debug(getRegionInfo().getEncodedName() + " - " + getColumnFamilyName()
1755          + ": Initiating " + (request.isMajor() ? "major" : "minor") + " compaction"
1756          + (request.isAllFiles() ? " (all files)" : ""));
1757    }
1758    this.region.reportCompactionRequestStart(request.isMajor());
1759    return Optional.of(compaction);
1760  }
1762  /** Adds the files to compacting files. filesCompacting must be locked. */
1763  private void addToCompactingFiles(Collection<HStoreFile> filesToAdd) {
1764    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(filesToAdd)) {
1765      return;
1766    }
1767    // Check that we do not try to compact the same StoreFile twice.
1768    if (!Collections.disjoint(filesCompacting, filesToAdd)) {
1769      Preconditions.checkArgument(false, "%s overlaps with %s", filesToAdd, filesCompacting);
1770    }
1771    filesCompacting.addAll(filesToAdd);
1772    Collections.sort(filesCompacting, storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStoreFileComparator());
1773  }
1775  private void removeUnneededFiles() throws IOException {
1776    if (!conf.getBoolean("hbase.store.delete.expired.storefile", true)) return;
1777    if (getColumnFamilyDescriptor().getMinVersions() > 0) {
1778      LOG.debug("Skipping expired store file removal due to min version being {}",
1779          getColumnFamilyDescriptor().getMinVersions());
1780      return;
1781    }
1782    this.lock.readLock().lock();
1783    Collection<HStoreFile> delSfs = null;
1784    try {
1785      synchronized (filesCompacting) {
1786        long cfTtl = getStoreFileTtl();
1787        if (cfTtl != Long.MAX_VALUE) {
1788          delSfs = storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getUnneededFiles(
1789              EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime() - cfTtl, filesCompacting);
1790          addToCompactingFiles(delSfs);
1791        }
1792      }
1793    } finally {
1794      this.lock.readLock().unlock();
1795    }
1797    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(delSfs)) {
1798      return;
1799    }
1801    Collection<HStoreFile> newFiles = Collections.emptyList(); // No new files.
1802    writeCompactionWalRecord(delSfs, newFiles);
1803    replaceStoreFiles(delSfs, newFiles);
1804    completeCompaction(delSfs);
1805    LOG.info("Completed removal of " + delSfs.size() + " unnecessary (expired) file(s) in "
1806        + this + " of " + this.getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString()
1807        + "; total size for store is "
1808        + TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(storeSize.get(), "", 1));
1809  }
1811  public void cancelRequestedCompaction(CompactionContext compaction) {
1812    finishCompactionRequest(compaction.getRequest());
1813  }
1815  private void finishCompactionRequest(CompactionRequestImpl cr) {
1816    this.region.reportCompactionRequestEnd(cr.isMajor(), cr.getFiles().size(), cr.getSize());
1817    if (cr.isOffPeak()) {
1818      offPeakCompactionTracker.set(false);
1819      cr.setOffPeak(false);
1820    }
1821    synchronized (filesCompacting) {
1822      filesCompacting.removeAll(cr.getFiles());
1823    }
1824  }
1826  /**
1827   * Validates a store file by opening and closing it. In HFileV2 this should not be an expensive
1828   * operation.
1829   * @param path the path to the store file
1830   */
1831  private void validateStoreFile(Path path) throws IOException {
1832    HStoreFile storeFile = null;
1833    try {
1834      storeFile = createStoreFileAndReader(path);
1835    } catch (IOException e) {
1836      LOG.error("Failed to open store file : {}, keeping it in tmp location", path, e);
1837      throw e;
1838    } finally {
1839      if (storeFile != null) {
1840        storeFile.closeStoreFile(false);
1841      }
1842    }
1843  }
1845  /**
1846   * Update counts.
1847   * @param compactedFiles list of files that were compacted
1848   */
1849  @VisibleForTesting
1850  protected void completeCompaction(Collection<HStoreFile> compactedFiles)
1851  // Rename this method! TODO.
1852    throws IOException {
1853    this.storeSize.set(0L);
1854    this.totalUncompressedBytes.set(0L);
1855    for (HStoreFile hsf : this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStorefiles()) {
1856      StoreFileReader r = hsf.getReader();
1857      if (r == null) {
1858        LOG.warn("StoreFile {} has a null Reader", hsf);
1859        continue;
1860      }
1861      this.storeSize.addAndGet(r.length());
1862      this.totalUncompressedBytes.addAndGet(r.getTotalUncompressedBytes());
1863    }
1864  }
1866  /*
1867   * @param wantedVersions How many versions were asked for.
1868   * @return wantedVersions or this families' {@link HConstants#VERSIONS}.
1869   */
1870  int versionsToReturn(final int wantedVersions) {
1871    if (wantedVersions <= 0) {
1872      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of versions must be > 0");
1873    }
1874    // Make sure we do not return more than maximum versions for this store.
1875    int maxVersions = this.family.getMaxVersions();
1876    return wantedVersions > maxVersions ? maxVersions: wantedVersions;
1877  }
1879  @Override
1880  public boolean canSplit() {
1881    this.lock.readLock().lock();
1882    try {
1883      // Not split-able if we find a reference store file present in the store.
1884      boolean result = !hasReferences();
1885      if (!result) {
1886        LOG.trace("Not splittable; has references: {}", this);
1887      }
1888      return result;
1889    } finally {
1890      this.lock.readLock().unlock();
1891    }
1892  }
1894  /**
1895   * Determines if Store should be split.
1896   */
1897  public Optional<byte[]> getSplitPoint() {
1898    this.lock.readLock().lock();
1899    try {
1900      // Should already be enforced by the split policy!
1901      assert !this.getRegionInfo().isMetaRegion();
1902      // Not split-able if we find a reference store file present in the store.
1903      if (hasReferences()) {
1904        LOG.trace("Not splittable; has references: {}", this);
1905        return Optional.empty();
1906      }
1907      return this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getSplitPoint();
1908    } catch(IOException e) {
1909      LOG.warn("Failed getting store size for {}", this, e);
1910    } finally {
1911      this.lock.readLock().unlock();
1912    }
1913    return Optional.empty();
1914  }
1916  @Override
1917  public long getLastCompactSize() {
1918    return this.lastCompactSize;
1919  }
1921  @Override
1922  public long getSize() {
1923    return storeSize.get();
1924  }
1926  public void triggerMajorCompaction() {
1927    this.forceMajor = true;
1928  }
1930  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1931  // File administration
1932  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1934  /**
1935   * Return a scanner for both the memstore and the HStore files. Assumes we are not in a
1936   * compaction.
1937   * @param scan Scan to apply when scanning the stores
1938   * @param targetCols columns to scan
1939   * @return a scanner over the current key values
1940   * @throws IOException on failure
1941   */
1942  public KeyValueScanner getScanner(Scan scan, final NavigableSet<byte[]> targetCols, long readPt)
1943      throws IOException {
1944    lock.readLock().lock();
1945    try {
1946      ScanInfo scanInfo;
1947      if (this.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
1948        scanInfo = this.getCoprocessorHost().preStoreScannerOpen(this);
1949      } else {
1950        scanInfo = getScanInfo();
1951      }
1952      return createScanner(scan, scanInfo, targetCols, readPt);
1953    } finally {
1954      lock.readLock().unlock();
1955    }
1956  }
1958  // HMobStore will override this method to return its own implementation.
1959  protected KeyValueScanner createScanner(Scan scan, ScanInfo scanInfo,
1960      NavigableSet<byte[]> targetCols, long readPt) throws IOException {
1961    return scan.isReversed() ? new ReversedStoreScanner(this, scanInfo, scan, targetCols, readPt)
1962        : new StoreScanner(this, scanInfo, scan, targetCols, readPt);
1963  }
1965  /**
1966   * Recreates the scanners on the current list of active store file scanners
1967   * @param currentFileScanners the current set of active store file scanners
1968   * @param cacheBlocks cache the blocks or not
1969   * @param usePread use pread or not
1970   * @param isCompaction is the scanner for compaction
1971   * @param matcher the scan query matcher
1972   * @param startRow the scan's start row
1973   * @param includeStartRow should the scan include the start row
1974   * @param stopRow the scan's stop row
1975   * @param includeStopRow should the scan include the stop row
1976   * @param readPt the read point of the current scane
1977   * @param includeMemstoreScanner whether the current scanner should include memstorescanner
1978   * @return list of scanners recreated on the current Scanners
1979   * @throws IOException
1980   */
1981  public List<KeyValueScanner> recreateScanners(List<KeyValueScanner> currentFileScanners,
1982      boolean cacheBlocks, boolean usePread, boolean isCompaction, ScanQueryMatcher matcher,
1983      byte[] startRow, boolean includeStartRow, byte[] stopRow, boolean includeStopRow, long readPt,
1984      boolean includeMemstoreScanner) throws IOException {
1985    this.lock.readLock().lock();
1986    try {
1987      Map<String, HStoreFile> name2File =
1988          new HashMap<>(getStorefilesCount() + getCompactedFilesCount());
1989      for (HStoreFile file : getStorefiles()) {
1990        name2File.put(file.getFileInfo().getActiveFileName(), file);
1991      }
1992      Collection<HStoreFile> compactedFiles = getCompactedFiles();
1993      for (HStoreFile file : IterableUtils.emptyIfNull(compactedFiles)) {
1994        name2File.put(file.getFileInfo().getActiveFileName(), file);
1995      }
1996      List<HStoreFile> filesToReopen = new ArrayList<>();
1997      for (KeyValueScanner kvs : currentFileScanners) {
1998        assert kvs.isFileScanner();
1999        if (kvs.peek() == null) {
2000          continue;
2001        }
2002        filesToReopen.add(name2File.get(kvs.getFilePath().getName()));
2003      }
2004      if (filesToReopen.isEmpty()) {
2005        return null;
2006      }
2007      return getScanners(filesToReopen, cacheBlocks, false, false, matcher, startRow,
2008        includeStartRow, stopRow, includeStopRow, readPt, false);
2009    } finally {
2010      this.lock.readLock().unlock();
2011    }
2012  }
2014  @Override
2015  public String toString() {
2016    return this.getColumnFamilyName();
2017  }
2019  @Override
2020  public int getStorefilesCount() {
2021    return this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStorefileCount();
2022  }
2024  @Override
2025  public int getCompactedFilesCount() {
2026    return this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getCompactedFilesCount();
2027  }
2029  private LongStream getStoreFileAgeStream() {
2030    return this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStorefiles().stream().filter(sf -> {
2031      if (sf.getReader() == null) {
2032        LOG.warn("StoreFile {} has a null Reader", sf);
2033        return false;
2034      } else {
2035        return true;
2036      }
2037    }).filter(HStoreFile::isHFile).mapToLong(sf -> sf.getFileInfo().getCreatedTimestamp())
2038        .map(t -> EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime() - t);
2039  }
2041  @Override
2042  public OptionalLong getMaxStoreFileAge() {
2043    return getStoreFileAgeStream().max();
2044  }
2046  @Override
2047  public OptionalLong getMinStoreFileAge() {
2048    return getStoreFileAgeStream().min();
2049  }
2051  @Override
2052  public OptionalDouble getAvgStoreFileAge() {
2053    return getStoreFileAgeStream().average();
2054  }
2056  @Override
2057  public long getNumReferenceFiles() {
2058    return this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStorefiles().stream()
2059        .filter(HStoreFile::isReference).count();
2060  }
2062  @Override
2063  public long getNumHFiles() {
2064    return this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStorefiles().stream()
2065        .filter(HStoreFile::isHFile).count();
2066  }
2068  @Override
2069  public long getStoreSizeUncompressed() {
2070    return this.totalUncompressedBytes.get();
2071  }
2073  @Override
2074  public long getStorefilesSize() {
2075    // Include all StoreFiles
2076    return getStorefilesSize(this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStorefiles(), sf -> true);
2077  }
2079  @Override
2080  public long getHFilesSize() {
2081    // Include only StoreFiles which are HFiles
2082    return getStorefilesSize(this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStorefiles(),
2083      HStoreFile::isHFile);
2084  }
2086  private long getTotalUmcompressedBytes(List<HStoreFile> files) {
2087    return files.stream().filter(f -> f != null && f.getReader() != null)
2088        .mapToLong(f -> f.getReader().getTotalUncompressedBytes()).sum();
2089  }
2091  private long getStorefilesSize(Collection<HStoreFile> files, Predicate<HStoreFile> predicate) {
2092    return files.stream().filter(f -> f != null && f.getReader() != null).filter(predicate)
2093        .mapToLong(f -> f.getReader().length()).sum();
2094  }
2096  private long getStoreFileFieldSize(ToLongFunction<StoreFileReader> f) {
2097    return this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStorefiles().stream().filter(sf -> {
2098      if (sf.getReader() == null) {
2099        LOG.warn("StoreFile {} has a null Reader", sf);
2100        return false;
2101      } else {
2102        return true;
2103      }
2104    }).map(HStoreFile::getReader).mapToLong(f).sum();
2105  }
2107  @Override
2108  public long getStorefilesRootLevelIndexSize() {
2109    return getStoreFileFieldSize(StoreFileReader::indexSize);
2110  }
2112  @Override
2113  public long getTotalStaticIndexSize() {
2114    return getStoreFileFieldSize(StoreFileReader::getUncompressedDataIndexSize);
2115  }
2117  @Override
2118  public long getTotalStaticBloomSize() {
2119    return getStoreFileFieldSize(StoreFileReader::getTotalBloomSize);
2120  }
2122  @Override
2123  public MemStoreSize getMemStoreSize() {
2124    return this.memstore.size();
2125  }
2127  @Override
2128  public int getCompactPriority() {
2129    int priority = this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStoreCompactionPriority();
2130    if (priority == PRIORITY_USER) {
2131      LOG.warn("Compaction priority is USER despite there being no user compaction");
2132    }
2133    return priority;
2134  }
2136  public boolean throttleCompaction(long compactionSize) {
2137    return storeEngine.getCompactionPolicy().throttleCompaction(compactionSize);
2138  }
2140  public HRegion getHRegion() {
2141    return this.region;
2142  }
2144  public RegionCoprocessorHost getCoprocessorHost() {
2145    return this.region.getCoprocessorHost();
2146  }
2148  @Override
2149  public RegionInfo getRegionInfo() {
2150    return this.fs.getRegionInfo();
2151  }
2153  @Override
2154  public boolean areWritesEnabled() {
2155    return this.region.areWritesEnabled();
2156  }
2158  @Override
2159  public long getSmallestReadPoint() {
2160    return this.region.getSmallestReadPoint();
2161  }
2163  /**
2164   * Adds or replaces the specified KeyValues.
2165   * <p>
2166   * For each KeyValue specified, if a cell with the same row, family, and qualifier exists in
2167   * MemStore, it will be replaced. Otherwise, it will just be inserted to MemStore.
2168   * <p>
2169   * This operation is atomic on each KeyValue (row/family/qualifier) but not necessarily atomic
2170   * across all of them.
2171   * @param readpoint readpoint below which we can safely remove duplicate KVs
2172   * @throws IOException
2173   */
2174  public void upsert(Iterable<Cell> cells, long readpoint, MemStoreSizing memstoreSizing)
2175      throws IOException {
2176    this.lock.readLock().lock();
2177    try {
2178      this.memstore.upsert(cells, readpoint, memstoreSizing);
2179    } finally {
2180      this.lock.readLock().unlock();
2181    }
2182  }
2184  public StoreFlushContext createFlushContext(long cacheFlushId, FlushLifeCycleTracker tracker) {
2185    return new StoreFlusherImpl(cacheFlushId, tracker);
2186  }
2188  private final class StoreFlusherImpl implements StoreFlushContext {
2190    private final FlushLifeCycleTracker tracker;
2191    private final long cacheFlushSeqNum;
2192    private MemStoreSnapshot snapshot;
2193    private List<Path> tempFiles;
2194    private List<Path> committedFiles;
2195    private long cacheFlushCount;
2196    private long cacheFlushSize;
2197    private long outputFileSize;
2199    private StoreFlusherImpl(long cacheFlushSeqNum, FlushLifeCycleTracker tracker) {
2200      this.cacheFlushSeqNum = cacheFlushSeqNum;
2201      this.tracker = tracker;
2202    }
2204    /**
2205     * This is not thread safe. The caller should have a lock on the region or the store.
2206     * If necessary, the lock can be added with the patch provided in HBASE-10087
2207     */
2208    @Override
2209    public MemStoreSize prepare() {
2210      // passing the current sequence number of the wal - to allow bookkeeping in the memstore
2211      this.snapshot = memstore.snapshot();
2212      this.cacheFlushCount = snapshot.getCellsCount();
2213      this.cacheFlushSize = snapshot.getDataSize();
2214      committedFiles = new ArrayList<>(1);
2215      return snapshot.getMemStoreSize();
2216    }
2218    @Override
2219    public void flushCache(MonitoredTask status) throws IOException {
2220      RegionServerServices rsService = region.getRegionServerServices();
2221      ThroughputController throughputController =
2222          rsService == null ? null : rsService.getFlushThroughputController();
2223      tempFiles =
2224          HStore.this.flushCache(cacheFlushSeqNum, snapshot, status, throughputController, tracker);
2225    }
2227    @Override
2228    public boolean commit(MonitoredTask status) throws IOException {
2229      if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(this.tempFiles)) {
2230        return false;
2231      }
2232      List<HStoreFile> storeFiles = new ArrayList<>(this.tempFiles.size());
2233      for (Path storeFilePath : tempFiles) {
2234        try {
2235          HStoreFile sf = HStore.this.commitFile(storeFilePath, cacheFlushSeqNum, status);
2236          outputFileSize += sf.getReader().length();
2237          storeFiles.add(sf);
2238        } catch (IOException ex) {
2239          LOG.error("Failed to commit store file {}", storeFilePath, ex);
2240          // Try to delete the files we have committed before.
2241          for (HStoreFile sf : storeFiles) {
2242            Path pathToDelete = sf.getPath();
2243            try {
2244              sf.deleteStoreFile();
2245            } catch (IOException deleteEx) {
2246              LOG.error(HBaseMarkers.FATAL, "Failed to delete store file we committed, "
2247                  + "halting {}", pathToDelete, ex);
2248              Runtime.getRuntime().halt(1);
2249            }
2250          }
2251          throw new IOException("Failed to commit the flush", ex);
2252        }
2253      }
2255      for (HStoreFile sf : storeFiles) {
2256        if (HStore.this.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
2257          HStore.this.getCoprocessorHost().postFlush(HStore.this, sf, tracker);
2258        }
2259        committedFiles.add(sf.getPath());
2260      }
2262      HStore.this.flushedCellsCount.addAndGet(cacheFlushCount);
2263      HStore.this.flushedCellsSize.addAndGet(cacheFlushSize);
2264      HStore.this.flushedOutputFileSize.addAndGet(outputFileSize);
2266      // Add new file to store files.  Clear snapshot too while we have the Store write lock.
2267      return HStore.this.updateStorefiles(storeFiles, snapshot.getId());
2268    }
2270    @Override
2271    public long getOutputFileSize() {
2272      return outputFileSize;
2273    }
2275    @Override
2276    public List<Path> getCommittedFiles() {
2277      return committedFiles;
2278    }
2280    /**
2281     * Similar to commit, but called in secondary region replicas for replaying the
2282     * flush cache from primary region. Adds the new files to the store, and drops the
2283     * snapshot depending on dropMemstoreSnapshot argument.
2284     * @param fileNames names of the flushed files
2285     * @param dropMemstoreSnapshot whether to drop the prepared memstore snapshot
2286     * @throws IOException
2287     */
2288    @Override
2289    public void replayFlush(List<String> fileNames, boolean dropMemstoreSnapshot)
2290        throws IOException {
2291      List<HStoreFile> storeFiles = new ArrayList<>(fileNames.size());
2292      for (String file : fileNames) {
2293        // open the file as a store file (hfile link, etc)
2294        StoreFileInfo storeFileInfo = fs.getStoreFileInfo(getColumnFamilyName(), file);
2295        HStoreFile storeFile = createStoreFileAndReader(storeFileInfo);
2296        storeFiles.add(storeFile);
2297        HStore.this.storeSize.addAndGet(storeFile.getReader().length());
2298        HStore.this.totalUncompressedBytes
2299            .addAndGet(storeFile.getReader().getTotalUncompressedBytes());
2300        if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
2301          LOG.info("Region: " + HStore.this.getRegionInfo().getEncodedName() +
2302            " added " + storeFile + ", entries=" + storeFile.getReader().getEntries() +
2303              ", sequenceid=" + storeFile.getReader().getSequenceID() + ", filesize="
2304              + TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(storeFile.getReader().length(), "", 1));
2305        }
2306      }
2308      long snapshotId = -1; // -1 means do not drop
2309      if (dropMemstoreSnapshot && snapshot != null) {
2310        snapshotId = snapshot.getId();
2311        snapshot.close();
2312      }
2313      HStore.this.updateStorefiles(storeFiles, snapshotId);
2314    }
2316    /**
2317     * Abort the snapshot preparation. Drops the snapshot if any.
2318     * @throws IOException
2319     */
2320    @Override
2321    public void abort() throws IOException {
2322      if (snapshot != null) {
2323        //We need to close the snapshot when aborting, otherwise, the segment scanner
2324        //won't be closed. If we are using MSLAB, the chunk referenced by those scanners
2325        //can't be released, thus memory leak
2326        snapshot.close();
2327        HStore.this.updateStorefiles(Collections.emptyList(), snapshot.getId());
2328      }
2329    }
2330  }
2332  @Override
2333  public boolean needsCompaction() {
2334    List<HStoreFile> filesCompactingClone = null;
2335    synchronized (filesCompacting) {
2336      filesCompactingClone = Lists.newArrayList(filesCompacting);
2337    }
2338    return this.storeEngine.needsCompaction(filesCompactingClone);
2339  }
2341  /**
2342   * Used for tests.
2343   * @return cache configuration for this Store.
2344   */
2345  @VisibleForTesting
2346  public CacheConfig getCacheConfig() {
2347    return this.cacheConf;
2348  }
2350  public static final long FIXED_OVERHEAD =
2351      ClassSize.align(ClassSize.OBJECT + (26 * ClassSize.REFERENCE) + (2 * Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG)
2352              + (5 * Bytes.SIZEOF_INT) + (2 * Bytes.SIZEOF_BOOLEAN));
2354  public static final long DEEP_OVERHEAD = ClassSize.align(FIXED_OVERHEAD
2355      + ClassSize.OBJECT + ClassSize.REENTRANT_LOCK
2358      + ScanInfo.FIXED_OVERHEAD);
2360  @Override
2361  public long heapSize() {
2362    MemStoreSize memstoreSize = this.memstore.size();
2363    return DEEP_OVERHEAD + memstoreSize.getHeapSize();
2364  }
2366  @Override
2367  public CellComparator getComparator() {
2368    return comparator;
2369  }
2371  public ScanInfo getScanInfo() {
2372    return scanInfo;
2373  }
2375  /**
2376   * Set scan info, used by test
2377   * @param scanInfo new scan info to use for test
2378   */
2379  void setScanInfo(ScanInfo scanInfo) {
2380    this.scanInfo = scanInfo;
2381  }
2383  @Override
2384  public boolean hasTooManyStoreFiles() {
2385    return getStorefilesCount() > this.blockingFileCount;
2386  }
2388  @Override
2389  public long getFlushedCellsCount() {
2390    return flushedCellsCount.get();
2391  }
2393  @Override
2394  public long getFlushedCellsSize() {
2395    return flushedCellsSize.get();
2396  }
2398  @Override
2399  public long getFlushedOutputFileSize() {
2400    return flushedOutputFileSize.get();
2401  }
2403  @Override
2404  public long getCompactedCellsCount() {
2405    return compactedCellsCount.get();
2406  }
2408  @Override
2409  public long getCompactedCellsSize() {
2410    return compactedCellsSize.get();
2411  }
2413  @Override
2414  public long getMajorCompactedCellsCount() {
2415    return majorCompactedCellsCount.get();
2416  }
2418  @Override
2419  public long getMajorCompactedCellsSize() {
2420    return majorCompactedCellsSize.get();
2421  }
2423  /**
2424   * Returns the StoreEngine that is backing this concrete implementation of Store.
2425   * @return Returns the {@link StoreEngine} object used internally inside this HStore object.
2426   */
2427  @VisibleForTesting
2428  public StoreEngine<?, ?, ?, ?> getStoreEngine() {
2429    return this.storeEngine;
2430  }
2432  protected OffPeakHours getOffPeakHours() {
2433    return this.offPeakHours;
2434  }
2436  /**
2437   * {@inheritDoc}
2438   */
2439  @Override
2440  public void onConfigurationChange(Configuration conf) {
2441    this.conf = new CompoundConfiguration()
2442            .add(conf)
2443            .addBytesMap(family.getValues());
2444    this.storeEngine.compactionPolicy.setConf(conf);
2445    this.offPeakHours = OffPeakHours.getInstance(conf);
2446  }
2448  /**
2449   * {@inheritDoc}
2450   */
2451  @Override
2452  public void registerChildren(ConfigurationManager manager) {
2453    // No children to register
2454  }
2456  /**
2457   * {@inheritDoc}
2458   */
2459  @Override
2460  public void deregisterChildren(ConfigurationManager manager) {
2461    // No children to deregister
2462  }
2464  @Override
2465  public double getCompactionPressure() {
2466    return storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getCompactionPressure();
2467  }
2469  @Override
2470  public boolean isPrimaryReplicaStore() {
2471    return getRegionInfo().getReplicaId() == RegionInfo.DEFAULT_REPLICA_ID;
2472  }
2474  /**
2475   * Sets the store up for a region level snapshot operation.
2476   * @see #postSnapshotOperation()
2477   */
2478  public void preSnapshotOperation() {
2479    archiveLock.lock();
2480  }
2482  /**
2483   * Perform tasks needed after the completion of snapshot operation.
2484   * @see #preSnapshotOperation()
2485   */
2486  public void postSnapshotOperation() {
2487    archiveLock.unlock();
2488  }
2490  /**
2491   * Closes and archives the compacted files under this store
2492   */
2493  public synchronized void closeAndArchiveCompactedFiles() throws IOException {
2494    closeAndArchiveCompactedFiles(false);
2495  }
2497  @VisibleForTesting
2498  public synchronized void closeAndArchiveCompactedFiles(boolean storeClosing) throws IOException {
2499    // ensure other threads do not attempt to archive the same files on close()
2500    archiveLock.lock();
2501    try {
2502      lock.readLock().lock();
2503      Collection<HStoreFile> copyCompactedfiles = null;
2504      try {
2505        Collection<HStoreFile> compactedfiles =
2506            this.getStoreEngine().getStoreFileManager().getCompactedfiles();
2507        if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(compactedfiles)) {
2508          // Do a copy under read lock
2509          copyCompactedfiles = new ArrayList<>(compactedfiles);
2510        } else {
2511          LOG.trace("No compacted files to archive");
2512        }
2513      } finally {
2514        lock.readLock().unlock();
2515      }
2516      if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(copyCompactedfiles)) {
2517        removeCompactedfiles(copyCompactedfiles, storeClosing);
2518      }
2519    } finally {
2520      archiveLock.unlock();
2521    }
2522  }
2524  /**
2525   * Archives and removes the compacted files
2526   * @param compactedfiles The compacted files in this store that are not active in reads
2527   * @throws IOException
2528   */
2529  private void removeCompactedfiles(Collection<HStoreFile> compactedfiles, boolean storeClosing)
2530      throws IOException {
2531    final List<HStoreFile> filesToRemove = new ArrayList<>(compactedfiles.size());
2532    for (final HStoreFile file : compactedfiles) {
2533      synchronized (file) {
2534        try {
2535          StoreFileReader r = file.getReader();
2536          if (r == null) {
2537            LOG.debug("The file {} was closed but still not archived", file);
2538            filesToRemove.add(file);
2539            continue;
2540          }
2542          //Compacted files in the list should always be marked compacted away. In the event
2543          //they're contradicting in order to guarantee data consistency
2544          //should we choose one and ignore the other?
2545          if (storeClosing && !file.isCompactedAway()) {
2546            String msg =
2547                "Region closing but StoreFile is in compacted list but not compacted away: " +
2548                file.getPath();
2549            throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
2550          }
2552          //If store is closing we're ignoring any references to keep things consistent
2553          //and remove compacted storefiles from the region directory
2554          if (file.isCompactedAway() && (!file.isReferencedInReads() || storeClosing)) {
2555            if (storeClosing && file.isReferencedInReads()) {
2556              LOG.warn("Region closing but StoreFile still has references: file={}, refCount={}",
2557                  file.getPath(), r.getRefCount());
2558            }
2559            // Even if deleting fails we need not bother as any new scanners won't be
2560            // able to use the compacted file as the status is already compactedAway
2561            LOG.trace("Closing and archiving the file {}", file);
2562            r.close(true);
2563            file.closeStreamReaders(true);
2564            // Just close and return
2565            filesToRemove.add(file);
2566          } else {
2567            LOG.info("Can't archive compacted file " + file.getPath()
2568                + " because of either isCompactedAway=" + file.isCompactedAway()
2569                + " or file has reference, isReferencedInReads=" + file.isReferencedInReads()
2570                + ", refCount=" + r.getRefCount() + ", skipping for now.");
2571          }
2572        } catch (Exception e) {
2573          String msg = "Exception while trying to close the compacted store file " +
2574              file.getPath();
2575          if (storeClosing) {
2576            msg = "Store is closing. " + msg;
2577          }
2578          LOG.error(msg, e);
2579          //if we get an exception let caller know so it can abort the server
2580          if (storeClosing) {
2581            throw new IOException(msg, e);
2582          }
2583        }
2584      }
2585    }
2586    if (this.isPrimaryReplicaStore()) {
2587      // Only the primary region is allowed to move the file to archive.
2588      // The secondary region does not move the files to archive. Any active reads from
2589      // the secondary region will still work because the file as such has active readers on it.
2590      if (!filesToRemove.isEmpty()) {
2591        LOG.debug("Moving the files {} to archive", filesToRemove);
2592        // Only if this is successful it has to be removed
2593        try {
2594          this.fs.removeStoreFiles(this.getColumnFamilyDescriptor().getNameAsString(), filesToRemove);
2595        } catch (FailedArchiveException fae) {
2596          // Even if archiving some files failed, we still need to clear out any of the
2597          // files which were successfully archived.  Otherwise we will receive a
2598          // FileNotFoundException when we attempt to re-archive them in the next go around.
2599          Collection<Path> failedFiles = fae.getFailedFiles();
2600          Iterator<HStoreFile> iter = filesToRemove.iterator();
2601          while (iter.hasNext()) {
2602            if (failedFiles.contains(iter.next().getPath())) {
2603              iter.remove();
2604            }
2605          }
2606          if (!filesToRemove.isEmpty()) {
2607            clearCompactedfiles(filesToRemove);
2608          }
2609          throw fae;
2610        }
2611      }
2612    }
2613    if (!filesToRemove.isEmpty()) {
2614      // Clear the compactedfiles from the store file manager
2615      clearCompactedfiles(filesToRemove);
2616    }
2617  }
2619  public Long preFlushSeqIDEstimation() {
2620    return memstore.preFlushSeqIDEstimation();
2621  }
2623  @Override
2624  public boolean isSloppyMemStore() {
2625    return this.memstore.isSloppy();
2626  }
2628  private void clearCompactedfiles(List<HStoreFile> filesToRemove) throws IOException {
2629    LOG.trace("Clearing the compacted file {} from this store", filesToRemove);
2630    try {
2631      lock.writeLock().lock();
2632      this.getStoreEngine().getStoreFileManager().removeCompactedFiles(filesToRemove);
2633    } finally {
2634      lock.writeLock().unlock();
2635    }
2636  }