002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver;
020import java.io.IOException;
021import java.util.Collection;
022import java.util.List;
023import java.util.Map;
025import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
026import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellComparator;
027import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CompareOperator;
028import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseInterfaceAudience;
029import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Append;
030import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.CompactionState;
031import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete;
032import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get;
033import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Increment;
034import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Mutation;
035import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
036import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionInfo;
037import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
038import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RowMutations;
039import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
040import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.TableDescriptor;
041import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.conf.ConfigurationObserver;
042import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.coprocessor.RegionCoprocessor;
043import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.ByteArrayComparable;
044import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.TimeRange;
045import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.CompactionLifeCycleTracker;
046import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
047import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceStability;
050 * Region is a subset of HRegion with operations required for the {@link RegionCoprocessor
051 * Coprocessors}. The operations include ability to do mutations, requesting compaction, getting
052 * different counters/sizes, locking rows and getting access to {@linkplain Store}s.
053 */
056public interface Region extends ConfigurationObserver {
058  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
059  // Region state
061  /** @return region information for this region */
062  RegionInfo getRegionInfo();
064  /** @return table descriptor for this region */
065  TableDescriptor getTableDescriptor();
067  /** @return true if region is available (not closed and not closing) */
068  boolean isAvailable();
070  /** @return true if region is closed */
071  boolean isClosed();
073  /** @return True if closing process has started */
074  boolean isClosing();
076  /** @return True if region is read only */
077  boolean isReadOnly();
079  /** @return true if region is splittable */
080  boolean isSplittable();
082  /**
083   * @return true if region is mergeable
084   */
085  boolean isMergeable();
087  /**
088   * Return the list of Stores managed by this region
089   * <p>Use with caution.  Exposed for use of fixup utilities.
090   * @return a list of the Stores managed by this region
091   */
092  List<? extends Store> getStores();
094  /**
095   * Return the Store for the given family
096   * <p>Use with caution.  Exposed for use of fixup utilities.
097   * @return the Store for the given family
098   */
099  Store getStore(byte[] family);
101  /** @return list of store file names for the given families */
102  List<String> getStoreFileList(byte[][] columns);
104  /**
105   * Check the region's underlying store files, open the files that have not
106   * been opened yet, and remove the store file readers for store files no
107   * longer available.
108   * @throws IOException
109   */
110  boolean refreshStoreFiles() throws IOException;
112  /** @return the max sequence id of flushed data on this region; no edit in memory will have
113   * a sequence id that is less that what is returned here.
114   */
115  long getMaxFlushedSeqId();
117  /**
118   * This can be used to determine the last time all files of this region were major compacted.
119   * @param majorCompactionOnly Only consider HFile that are the result of major compaction
120   * @return the timestamp of the oldest HFile for all stores of this region
121   */
122  long getOldestHfileTs(boolean majorCompactionOnly) throws IOException;
124  /**
125   * @return map of column family names to max sequence id that was read from storage when this
126   * region was opened
127   */
128  public Map<byte[], Long> getMaxStoreSeqId();
130  /**
131   * @return The earliest time a store in the region was flushed. All
132   *         other stores in the region would have been flushed either at, or
133   *         after this time.
134   */
135  long getEarliestFlushTimeForAllStores();
137  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
138  // Metrics
140  /** @return read requests count for this region */
141  long getReadRequestsCount();
143  /** @return filtered read requests count for this region */
144  long getFilteredReadRequestsCount();
146  /** @return write request count for this region */
147  long getWriteRequestsCount();
149  /**
150   * @return memstore size for this region, in bytes. It just accounts data size of cells added to
151   *         the memstores of this Region. Means size in bytes for key, value and tags within Cells.
152   *         It wont consider any java heap overhead for the cell objects or any other.
153   */
154  long getMemStoreDataSize();
156  /**
157   * @return memstore heap size for this region, in bytes. It accounts data size of cells
158   *         added to the memstores of this Region, as well as java heap overhead for the cell
159   *         objects or any other.
160   */
161  long getMemStoreHeapSize();
163  /**
164   * @return memstore off-heap size for this region, in bytes. It accounts data size of cells
165   *         added to the memstores of this Region, as well as overhead for the cell
166   *         objects or any other that is allocated off-heap.
167   */
168  long getMemStoreOffHeapSize();
170  /** @return the number of mutations processed bypassing the WAL */
171  long getNumMutationsWithoutWAL();
173  /** @return the size of data processed bypassing the WAL, in bytes */
174  long getDataInMemoryWithoutWAL();
176  /** @return the number of blocked requests */
177  long getBlockedRequestsCount();
179  /** @return the number of checkAndMutate guards that passed */
180  long getCheckAndMutateChecksPassed();
182  /** @return the number of failed checkAndMutate guards */
183  long getCheckAndMutateChecksFailed();
185  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
186  // Locking
188  // Region read locks
190  /**
191   * Operation enum is used in {@link Region#startRegionOperation} and elsewhere to provide
192   * context for various checks.
193   */
194  enum Operation {
197  }
199  /**
200   * This method needs to be called before any public call that reads or
201   * modifies data.
202   * Acquires a read lock and checks if the region is closing or closed.
203   * <p>{@link #closeRegionOperation} MUST then always be called after
204   * the operation has completed, whether it succeeded or failed.
205   * @throws IOException
206   */
207  // TODO Exposing this and closeRegionOperation() as we have getRowLock() exposed.
208  // Remove if we get rid of exposing getRowLock().
209  void startRegionOperation() throws IOException;
211  /**
212   * This method needs to be called before any public call that reads or
213   * modifies data.
214   * Acquires a read lock and checks if the region is closing or closed.
215   * <p>{@link #closeRegionOperation} MUST then always be called after
216   * the operation has completed, whether it succeeded or failed.
217   * @param op The operation is about to be taken on the region
218   * @throws IOException
219   */
220  void startRegionOperation(Operation op) throws IOException;
222  /**
223   * Closes the region operation lock.
224   * @throws IOException
225   */
226  void closeRegionOperation() throws IOException;
228  /**
229   * Closes the region operation lock. This needs to be called in the finally block corresponding
230   * to the try block of {@link #startRegionOperation(Operation)}
231   * @throws IOException
232   */
233  void closeRegionOperation(Operation op) throws IOException;
235  // Row write locks
237  /**
238   * Row lock held by a given thread.
239   * One thread may acquire multiple locks on the same row simultaneously.
240   * The locks must be released by calling release() from the same thread.
241   */
242  public interface RowLock {
243    /**
244     * Release the given lock.  If there are no remaining locks held by the current thread
245     * then unlock the row and allow other threads to acquire the lock.
246     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if called by a different thread than the lock owning
247     *     thread
248     */
249    void release();
250  }
252  /**
253   *
254   * Get a row lock for the specified row. All locks are reentrant.
255   *
256   * Before calling this function make sure that a region operation has already been
257   * started (the calling thread has already acquired the region-close-guard lock).
258   * <p>
259   * The obtained locks should be released after use by {@link RowLock#release()}
260   * <p>
261   * NOTE: the boolean passed here has changed. It used to be a boolean that
262   * stated whether or not to wait on the lock. Now it is whether it an exclusive
263   * lock is requested.
264   *
265   * @param row The row actions will be performed against
266   * @param readLock is the lock reader or writer. True indicates that a non-exclusive
267   * lock is requested
268   * @see #startRegionOperation()
269   * @see #startRegionOperation(Operation)
270   */
271  // TODO this needs to be exposed as we have RowProcessor now. If RowProcessor is removed, we can
272  // remove this too..
273  RowLock getRowLock(byte[] row, boolean readLock) throws IOException;
275  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
276  // Region operations
278  /**
279   * Perform one or more append operations on a row.
280   * @param append
281   * @return result of the operation
282   * @throws IOException
283   */
284  Result append(Append append) throws IOException;
286  /**
287   * Perform a batch of mutations.
288   * <p>
289   * Note this supports only Put and Delete mutations and will ignore other types passed.
290   * @param mutations the list of mutations
291   * @return an array of OperationStatus which internally contains the
292   *         OperationStatusCode and the exceptionMessage if any.
293   * @throws IOException
294   */
295  OperationStatus[] batchMutate(Mutation[] mutations)
296      throws IOException;
298  /**
299   * Atomically checks if a row/family/qualifier value matches the expected value and if it does,
300   * it performs the mutation. If the passed value is null, the lack of column value
301   * (ie: non-existence) is used. See checkAndRowMutate to do many checkAndPuts at a time on a
302   * single row.
303   * @param row to check
304   * @param family column family to check
305   * @param qualifier column qualifier to check
306   * @param op the comparison operator
307   * @param comparator the expected value
308   * @param mutation data to put if check succeeds
309   * @return true if mutation was applied, false otherwise
310   */
311  default boolean checkAndMutate(byte [] row, byte [] family, byte [] qualifier, CompareOperator op,
312    ByteArrayComparable comparator, Mutation mutation) throws IOException {
313    return checkAndMutate(row, family, qualifier, op, comparator, TimeRange.allTime(), mutation);
314  }
316  /**
317   * Atomically checks if a row/family/qualifier value matches the expected value and if it does,
318   * it performs the mutation. If the passed value is null, the lack of column value
319   * (ie: non-existence) is used. See checkAndRowMutate to do many checkAndPuts at a time on a
320   * single row.
321   * @param row to check
322   * @param family column family to check
323   * @param qualifier column qualifier to check
324   * @param op the comparison operator
325   * @param comparator the expected value
326   * @param mutation data to put if check succeeds
327   * @param timeRange time range to check
328   * @return true if mutation was applied, false otherwise
329   */
330  boolean checkAndMutate(byte [] row, byte [] family, byte [] qualifier, CompareOperator op,
331      ByteArrayComparable comparator, TimeRange timeRange, Mutation mutation) throws IOException;
333  /**
334   * Atomically checks if a row/family/qualifier value matches the expected values and if it does,
335   * it performs the row mutations. If the passed value is null, the lack of column value
336   * (ie: non-existence) is used. Use to do many mutations on a single row. Use checkAndMutate
337   * to do one checkAndMutate at a time.
338   * @param row to check
339   * @param family column family to check
340   * @param qualifier column qualifier to check
341   * @param op the comparison operator
342   * @param comparator the expected value
343   * @param mutations data to put if check succeeds
344   * @return true if mutations were applied, false otherwise
345   */
346  default boolean checkAndRowMutate(byte[] row, byte[] family, byte[] qualifier, CompareOperator op,
347    ByteArrayComparable comparator, RowMutations mutations) throws IOException {
348    return checkAndRowMutate(row, family, qualifier, op, comparator, TimeRange.allTime(),
349      mutations);
350  }
352  /**
353   * Atomically checks if a row/family/qualifier value matches the expected values and if it does,
354   * it performs the row mutations. If the passed value is null, the lack of column value
355   * (ie: non-existence) is used. Use to do many mutations on a single row. Use checkAndMutate
356   * to do one checkAndMutate at a time.
357   * @param row to check
358   * @param family column family to check
359   * @param qualifier column qualifier to check
360   * @param op the comparison operator
361   * @param comparator the expected value
362   * @param mutations data to put if check succeeds
363   * @param timeRange time range to check
364   * @return true if mutations were applied, false otherwise
365   */
366  boolean checkAndRowMutate(byte [] row, byte [] family, byte [] qualifier, CompareOperator op,
367      ByteArrayComparable comparator, TimeRange timeRange, RowMutations mutations)
368      throws IOException;
370  /**
371   * Deletes the specified cells/row.
372   * @param delete
373   * @throws IOException
374   */
375  void delete(Delete delete) throws IOException;
377  /**
378   * Do a get based on the get parameter.
379   * @param get query parameters
380   * @return result of the operation
381   */
382  Result get(Get get) throws IOException;
384  /**
385   * Do a get based on the get parameter.
386   * @param get query parameters
387   * @param withCoprocessor invoke coprocessor or not. We don't want to
388   * always invoke cp.
389   * @return list of cells resulting from the operation
390   */
391  List<Cell> get(Get get, boolean withCoprocessor) throws IOException;
393  /**
394   * Return an iterator that scans over the HRegion, returning the indicated
395   * columns and rows specified by the {@link Scan}.
396   * <p>
397   * This Iterator must be closed by the caller.
398   *
399   * @param scan configured {@link Scan}
400   * @return RegionScanner
401   * @throws IOException read exceptions
402   */
403  RegionScanner getScanner(Scan scan) throws IOException;
405  /**
406   * Return an iterator that scans over the HRegion, returning the indicated columns and rows
407   * specified by the {@link Scan}. The scanner will also include the additional scanners passed
408   * along with the scanners for the specified Scan instance. Should be careful with the usage to
409   * pass additional scanners only within this Region
410   * <p>
411   * This Iterator must be closed by the caller.
412   *
413   * @param scan configured {@link Scan}
414   * @param additionalScanners Any additional scanners to be used
415   * @return RegionScanner
416   * @throws IOException read exceptions
417   */
418  RegionScanner getScanner(Scan scan, List<KeyValueScanner> additionalScanners) throws IOException;
420  /** The comparator to be used with the region */
421  CellComparator getCellComparator();
423  /**
424   * Perform one or more increment operations on a row.
425   * @param increment
426   * @return result of the operation
427   * @throws IOException
428   */
429  Result increment(Increment increment) throws IOException;
431  /**
432   * Performs multiple mutations atomically on a single row. Currently
433   * {@link Put} and {@link Delete} are supported.
434   *
435   * @param mutations object that specifies the set of mutations to perform atomically
436   * @throws IOException
437   */
438  void mutateRow(RowMutations mutations) throws IOException;
440  /**
441   * Perform atomic mutations within the region.
442   *
443   * @param mutations The list of mutations to perform.
444   * <code>mutations</code> can contain operations for multiple rows.
445   * Caller has to ensure that all rows are contained in this region.
446   * @param rowsToLock Rows to lock
447   * @param nonceGroup Optional nonce group of the operation (client Id)
448   * @param nonce Optional nonce of the operation (unique random id to ensure "more idempotence")
449   * If multiple rows are locked care should be taken that
450   * <code>rowsToLock</code> is sorted in order to avoid deadlocks.
451   * @throws IOException
452   */
453  // TODO Should not be exposing with params nonceGroup, nonce. Change when doing the jira for
454  // Changing processRowsWithLocks and RowProcessor
455  void mutateRowsWithLocks(Collection<Mutation> mutations, Collection<byte[]> rowsToLock,
456      long nonceGroup, long nonce) throws IOException;
458  /**
459   * Performs atomic multiple reads and writes on a given row.
460   *
461   * @param processor The object defines the reads and writes to a row.
462   * @deprecated As of release 2.0.0, this will be removed in HBase 3.0.0. For customization, use
463   * Coprocessors instead.
464   */
465  @Deprecated
466  void processRowsWithLocks(RowProcessor<?,?> processor) throws IOException;
468  /**
469   * Performs atomic multiple reads and writes on a given row.
470   *
471   * @param processor The object defines the reads and writes to a row.
472   * @param nonceGroup Optional nonce group of the operation (client Id)
473   * @param nonce Optional nonce of the operation (unique random id to ensure "more idempotence")
474   * @deprecated As of release 2.0.0, this will be removed in HBase 3.0.0. For customization, use
475   * Coprocessors instead.
476   */
477  // TODO Should not be exposing with params nonceGroup, nonce. Change when doing the jira for
478  // Changing processRowsWithLocks and RowProcessor
479  @Deprecated
480  void processRowsWithLocks(RowProcessor<?,?> processor, long nonceGroup, long nonce)
481      throws IOException;
483  /**
484   * Performs atomic multiple reads and writes on a given row.
485   *
486   * @param processor The object defines the reads and writes to a row.
487   * @param timeout The timeout of the processor.process() execution
488   *                Use a negative number to switch off the time bound
489   * @param nonceGroup Optional nonce group of the operation (client Id)
490   * @param nonce Optional nonce of the operation (unique random id to ensure "more idempotence")
491   * @deprecated As of release 2.0.0, this will be removed in HBase 3.0.0. For customization, use
492   * Coprocessors instead.
493   */
494  // TODO Should not be exposing with params nonceGroup, nonce. Change when doing the jira for
495  // Changing processRowsWithLocks and RowProcessor
496  @Deprecated
497  void processRowsWithLocks(RowProcessor<?,?> processor, long timeout, long nonceGroup, long nonce)
498      throws IOException;
500  /**
501   * Puts some data in the table.
502   * @param put
503   * @throws IOException
504   */
505  void put(Put put) throws IOException;
507  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
508  // Flushes, compactions, splits, etc.
509  // Wizards only, please
511  /**
512   * @return if a given region is in compaction now.
513   */
514  CompactionState getCompactionState();
516  /**
517   * Request compaction on this region.
518   */
519  void requestCompaction(String why, int priority, boolean major,
520      CompactionLifeCycleTracker tracker) throws IOException;
522  /**
523   * Request compaction for the given family
524   */
525  void requestCompaction(byte[] family, String why, int priority, boolean major,
526      CompactionLifeCycleTracker tracker) throws IOException;
528  /**
529   * Request flush on this region.
530   */
531  void requestFlush(FlushLifeCycleTracker tracker) throws IOException;
533  /**
534   * Wait for all current flushes of the region to complete
535   *
536   * @param timeout The maximum time to wait in milliseconds.
537   * @return False when timeout elapsed but flushes are not over. True when flushes are over within
538   * max wait time period.
539   */
540  boolean waitForFlushes(long timeout);