002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile;
020import java.io.IOException;
021import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
023import org.apache.hadoop.fs.ChecksumException;
024import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.nio.ByteBuff;
025import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.nio.SingleByteBuff;
026import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
027import org.slf4j.Logger;
028import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
029import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ChecksumType;
030import org.apache.hadoop.util.DataChecksum;
033 * Utility methods to compute and validate checksums.
034 */
036public class ChecksumUtil {
037  public static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ChecksumUtil.class);
039  public static final int CHECKSUM_BUF_SIZE = 256;
041  /**
042   * This is used by unit tests to make checksum failures throw an
043   * exception instead of returning null. Returning a null value from
044   * checksum validation will cause the higher layer to retry that
045   * read with hdfs-level checksums. Instead, we would like checksum
046   * failures to cause the entire unit test to fail.
047   */
048  private static boolean generateExceptions = false;
050  /**
051   * Generates a checksum for all the data in indata. The checksum is
052   * written to outdata.
053   * @param indata input data stream
054   * @param startOffset starting offset in the indata stream from where to
055   *                    compute checkums from
056   * @param endOffset ending offset in the indata stream upto
057   *                   which checksums needs to be computed
058   * @param outdata the output buffer where checksum values are written
059   * @param outOffset the starting offset in the outdata where the
060   *                  checksum values are written
061   * @param checksumType type of checksum
062   * @param bytesPerChecksum number of bytes per checksum value
063   */
064  static void generateChecksums(byte[] indata, int startOffset, int endOffset,
065    byte[] outdata, int outOffset, ChecksumType checksumType,
066    int bytesPerChecksum) throws IOException {
068    if (checksumType == ChecksumType.NULL) {
069      return; // No checksum for this block.
070    }
072    DataChecksum checksum = DataChecksum.newDataChecksum(
073        checksumType.getDataChecksumType(), bytesPerChecksum);
075    checksum.calculateChunkedSums(
076       ByteBuffer.wrap(indata, startOffset, endOffset - startOffset),
077       ByteBuffer.wrap(outdata, outOffset, outdata.length - outOffset));
078  }
080  /**
081   * Like the hadoop's {@link DataChecksum#verifyChunkedSums(ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer, String, long)},
082   * this method will also verify checksum of each chunk in data. the difference is: this method can
083   * accept {@link ByteBuff} as arguments, we can not add it in hadoop-common so defined here.
084   * @param dataChecksum to calculate the checksum.
085   * @param data as the input
086   * @param checksums to compare
087   * @param pathName indicate that the data is read from which file.
088   * @return a flag indicate the checksum match or mismatch.
089   * @see org.apache.hadoop.util.DataChecksum#verifyChunkedSums(ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer, String,
090   *      long)
091   */
092  private static boolean verifyChunkedSums(DataChecksum dataChecksum, ByteBuff data,
093      ByteBuff checksums, String pathName) {
094    // Almost all of the HFile Block are about 64KB, and it would be a SingleByteBuff, use the
095    // Hadoop's verify checksum directly, because it'll use the native checksum, which has no extra
096    // byte[] allocation or copying. (HBASE-21917)
097    if (data instanceof SingleByteBuff && checksums instanceof SingleByteBuff) {
098      // the checksums ByteBuff must also be an SingleByteBuff because it's duplicated from data.
099      ByteBuffer dataBB = (ByteBuffer) (data.nioByteBuffers()[0]).duplicate()
100          .position(data.position()).limit(data.limit());
101      ByteBuffer checksumBB = (ByteBuffer) (checksums.nioByteBuffers()[0]).duplicate()
102          .position(checksums.position()).limit(checksums.limit());
103      try {
104        dataChecksum.verifyChunkedSums(dataBB, checksumBB, pathName, 0);
105        return true;
106      } catch (ChecksumException e) {
107        return false;
108      }
109    }
111    // If the block is a MultiByteBuff. we use a small byte[] to update the checksum many times for
112    // reducing GC pressure. it's a rare case.
113    int checksumTypeSize = dataChecksum.getChecksumType().size;
114    if (checksumTypeSize == 0) {
115      return true;
116    }
117    // we have 5 checksum type now: NULL,DEFAULT,MIXED,CRC32,CRC32C. the former three need 0 byte,
118    // and the other two need 4 bytes.
119    assert checksumTypeSize == 4;
121    int bytesPerChecksum = dataChecksum.getBytesPerChecksum();
122    int startDataPos = data.position();
123    data.mark();
124    checksums.mark();
125    try {
126      // allocate an small buffer for reducing young GC (HBASE-21917), and copy 256 bytes from
127      // ByteBuff to update the checksum each time. if we upgrade to an future JDK and hadoop
128      // version which support DataCheckSum#update(ByteBuffer), we won't need to update the checksum
129      // multiple times then.
130      byte[] buf = new byte[CHECKSUM_BUF_SIZE];
131      byte[] sum = new byte[checksumTypeSize];
132      while (data.remaining() > 0) {
133        int n = Math.min(data.remaining(), bytesPerChecksum);
134        checksums.get(sum);
135        dataChecksum.reset();
136        for (int remain = n, len; remain > 0; remain -= len) {
137          // Copy 256 bytes from ByteBuff to update the checksum each time, if the remaining
138          // bytes is less than 256, then just update the remaining bytes.
139          len = Math.min(CHECKSUM_BUF_SIZE, remain);
140          data.get(buf, 0, len);
141          dataChecksum.update(buf, 0, len);
142        }
143        int calculated = (int) dataChecksum.getValue();
144        int stored = (sum[0] << 24 & 0xff000000) | (sum[1] << 16 & 0xff0000)
145            | (sum[2] << 8 & 0xff00) | (sum[3] & 0xff);
146        if (calculated != stored) {
147          if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
148            long errPos = data.position() - startDataPos - n;
149            LOG.trace("Checksum error: {} at {} expected: {} got: {}", pathName, errPos, stored,
150              calculated);
151          }
152          return false;
153        }
154      }
155    } finally {
156      data.reset();
157      checksums.reset();
158    }
159    return true;
160  }
162  /**
163   * Validates that the data in the specified HFileBlock matches the checksum. Generates the
164   * checksums for the data and then validate that it matches those stored in the end of the data.
165   * @param buf Contains the data in following order: HFileBlock header, data, checksums.
166   * @param pathName Path of the HFile to which the {@code data} belongs. Only used for logging.
167   * @param offset offset of the data being validated. Only used for logging.
168   * @param hdrSize Size of the block header in {@code data}. Only used for logging.
169   * @return True if checksum matches, else false.
170   */
171  static boolean validateChecksum(ByteBuff buf, String pathName, long offset, int hdrSize) {
172    ChecksumType ctype = ChecksumType.codeToType(buf.get(HFileBlock.Header.CHECKSUM_TYPE_INDEX));
173    if (ctype == ChecksumType.NULL) {
174      return true;// No checksum validations needed for this block.
175    }
177    // read in the stored value of the checksum size from the header.
178    int bytesPerChecksum = buf.getInt(HFileBlock.Header.BYTES_PER_CHECKSUM_INDEX);
179    DataChecksum dataChecksum =
180        DataChecksum.newDataChecksum(ctype.getDataChecksumType(), bytesPerChecksum);
181    assert dataChecksum != null;
182    int onDiskDataSizeWithHeader =
183      buf.getInt(HFileBlock.Header.ON_DISK_DATA_SIZE_WITH_HEADER_INDEX);
184    LOG.trace("dataLength={}, sizeWithHeader={}, checksumType={}, file={}, "
185      + "offset={}, headerSize={}, bytesPerChecksum={}", buf.capacity(), onDiskDataSizeWithHeader,
186      ctype.getName(), pathName, offset, hdrSize, bytesPerChecksum);
187    ByteBuff data = buf.duplicate().position(0).limit(onDiskDataSizeWithHeader);
188    ByteBuff checksums = buf.duplicate().position(onDiskDataSizeWithHeader).limit(buf.limit());
189    return verifyChunkedSums(dataChecksum, data, checksums, pathName);
190  }
192  /**
193   * Returns the number of bytes needed to store the checksums for
194   * a specified data size
195   * @param datasize number of bytes of data
196   * @param bytesPerChecksum number of bytes in a checksum chunk
197   * @return The number of bytes needed to store the checksum values
198   */
199  static long numBytes(long datasize, int bytesPerChecksum) {
200    return numChunks(datasize, bytesPerChecksum) * HFileBlock.CHECKSUM_SIZE;
201  }
203  /**
204   * Returns the number of checksum chunks needed to store the checksums for
205   * a specified data size
206   * @param datasize number of bytes of data
207   * @param bytesPerChecksum number of bytes in a checksum chunk
208   * @return The number of checksum chunks
209   */
210  static long numChunks(long datasize, int bytesPerChecksum) {
211    long numChunks = datasize/bytesPerChecksum;
212    if (datasize % bytesPerChecksum != 0) {
213      numChunks++;
214    }
215    return numChunks;
216  }
218  /**
219   * Mechanism to throw an exception in case of hbase checksum
220   * failure. This is used by unit tests only.
221   * @param value Setting this to true will cause hbase checksum
222   *              verification failures to generate exceptions.
223   */
224  public static void generateExceptionForChecksumFailureForTest(boolean value) {
225    generateExceptions = value;
226  }