002 *
003 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
004 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
005 * distributed with this work for additional information
006 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
007 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
008 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
009 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
010 *
011 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
012 *
013 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
014 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
015 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
016 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
017 * limitations under the License.
018 */
019package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master;
020import java.io.IOException;
021import java.util.Optional;
022import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
023import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Server;
024import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName;
025import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ZNodeClearer;
026import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions.DeserializationException;
027import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.monitoring.MonitoredTask;
028import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.MasterAddressTracker;
029import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKListener;
030import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKUtil;
031import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKWatcher;
032import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZNodePaths;
033import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
034import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
035import org.slf4j.Logger;
036import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
037import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.ProtobufUtil;
040 * Handles everything on master-side related to master election.
041 *
042 * <p>Listens and responds to ZooKeeper notifications on the master znode,
043 * both <code>nodeCreated</code> and <code>nodeDeleted</code>.
044 *
045 * <p>Contains blocking methods which will hold up backup masters, waiting
046 * for the active master to fail.
047 *
048 * <p>This class is instantiated in the HMaster constructor and the method
049 * #blockUntilBecomingActiveMaster() is called to wait until becoming
050 * the active master of the cluster.
051 */
053public class ActiveMasterManager extends ZKListener {
054  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ActiveMasterManager.class);
056  final AtomicBoolean clusterHasActiveMaster = new AtomicBoolean(false);
057  final AtomicBoolean clusterShutDown = new AtomicBoolean(false);
059  // This server's information. Package-private for child implementations.
060  int infoPort;
061  final ServerName sn;
062  final Server master;
064  // Active master's server name. Invalidated anytime active master changes (based on ZK
065  // notifications) and lazily fetched on-demand.
066  // ServerName is immutable, so we don't need heavy synchronization around it.
067  volatile ServerName activeMasterServerName;
069  /**
070   * @param watcher ZK watcher
071   * @param sn ServerName
072   * @param master In an instance of a Master.
073   */
074  ActiveMasterManager(ZKWatcher watcher, ServerName sn, Server master) {
075    super(watcher);
076    watcher.registerListener(this);
077    this.sn = sn;
078    this.master = master;
079  }
081  // will be set after jetty server is started
082  public void setInfoPort(int infoPort) {
083    this.infoPort = infoPort;
084  }
086  @Override
087  public void nodeCreated(String path) {
088    handle(path);
089  }
091  @Override
092  public void nodeDeleted(String path) {
094    // We need to keep track of the cluster's shutdown status while
095    // we wait on the current master. We consider that, if the cluster
096    // was already in a "shutdown" state when we started, that this master
097    // is part of a new cluster that was started shortly after the old cluster
098    // shut down, so that state is now irrelevant. This means that the shutdown
099    // state must be set while we wait on the active master in order
100    // to shutdown this master. See HBASE-8519.
101    if(path.equals(watcher.getZNodePaths().clusterStateZNode) && !master.isStopped()) {
102      clusterShutDown.set(true);
103    }
105    handle(path);
106  }
108  void handle(final String path) {
109    if (path.equals(watcher.getZNodePaths().masterAddressZNode) && !master.isStopped()) {
110      handleMasterNodeChange();
111    }
112  }
114  /**
115   * Fetches the active master's ServerName from zookeeper.
116   */
117  private void fetchAndSetActiveMasterServerName() {
118    LOG.debug("Attempting to fetch active master sn from zk");
119    try {
120      activeMasterServerName = MasterAddressTracker.getMasterAddress(watcher);
121    } catch (IOException | KeeperException e) {
122      // Log and ignore for now and re-fetch later if needed.
123      LOG.error("Error fetching active master information", e);
124    }
125  }
127  public Optional<ServerName> getActiveMasterServerName() {
128    if (!clusterHasActiveMaster.get()) {
129      return Optional.empty();
130    }
131    if (activeMasterServerName == null) {
132      fetchAndSetActiveMasterServerName();
133    }
134    // It could still be null, but return whatever we have.
135    return Optional.ofNullable(activeMasterServerName);
136  }
138  /**
139   * Handle a change in the master node.  Doesn't matter whether this was called
140   * from a nodeCreated or nodeDeleted event because there are no guarantees
141   * that the current state of the master node matches the event at the time of
142   * our next ZK request.
143   *
144   * <p>Uses the watchAndCheckExists method which watches the master address node
145   * regardless of whether it exists or not.  If it does exist (there is an
146   * active master), it returns true.  Otherwise it returns false.
147   *
148   * <p>A watcher is set which guarantees that this method will get called again if
149   * there is another change in the master node.
150   */
151  private void handleMasterNodeChange() {
152    // Watch the node and check if it exists.
153    try {
154      synchronized(clusterHasActiveMaster) {
155        if (ZKUtil.watchAndCheckExists(watcher, watcher.getZNodePaths().masterAddressZNode)) {
156          // A master node exists, there is an active master
157          LOG.trace("A master is now available");
158          clusterHasActiveMaster.set(true);
159        } else {
160          // Node is no longer there, cluster does not have an active master
161          LOG.debug("No master available. Notifying waiting threads");
162          clusterHasActiveMaster.set(false);
163          // Notify any thread waiting to become the active master
164          clusterHasActiveMaster.notifyAll();
165        }
166        // Reset the active master sn. Will be re-fetched later if needed.
167        // We don't want to make a synchronous RPC under a monitor.
168        activeMasterServerName = null;
169      }
170    } catch (KeeperException ke) {
171      master.abort("Received an unexpected KeeperException, aborting", ke);
172    }
173  }
175  /**
176   * Block until becoming the active master.
177   *
178   * Method blocks until there is not another active master and our attempt
179   * to become the new active master is successful.
180   *
181   * This also makes sure that we are watching the master znode so will be
182   * notified if another master dies.
183   * @param checkInterval the interval to check if the master is stopped
184   * @param startupStatus the monitor status to track the progress
185   * @return True if no issue becoming active master else false if another
186   *   master was running or if some other problem (zookeeper, stop flag has been
187   *   set on this Master)
188   */
189  boolean blockUntilBecomingActiveMaster(
190      int checkInterval, MonitoredTask startupStatus) {
191    String backupZNode = ZNodePaths.joinZNode(
192      this.watcher.getZNodePaths().backupMasterAddressesZNode, this.sn.toString());
193    while (!(master.isAborted() || master.isStopped())) {
194      startupStatus.setStatus("Trying to register in ZK as active master");
195      // Try to become the active master, watch if there is another master.
196      // Write out our ServerName as versioned bytes.
197      try {
198        if (MasterAddressTracker.setMasterAddress(this.watcher,
199            this.watcher.getZNodePaths().masterAddressZNode, this.sn, infoPort)) {
201          // If we were a backup master before, delete our ZNode from the backup
202          // master directory since we are the active now)
203          if (ZKUtil.checkExists(this.watcher, backupZNode) != -1) {
204            LOG.info("Deleting ZNode for " + backupZNode + " from backup master directory");
205            ZKUtil.deleteNodeFailSilent(this.watcher, backupZNode);
206          }
207          // Save the znode in a file, this will allow to check if we crash in the launch scripts
208          ZNodeClearer.writeMyEphemeralNodeOnDisk(this.sn.toString());
210          // We are the master, return
211          startupStatus.setStatus("Successfully registered as active master.");
212          this.clusterHasActiveMaster.set(true);
213          activeMasterServerName = sn;
214          LOG.info("Registered as active master=" + this.sn);
215          return true;
216        }
218        // Invalidate the active master name so that subsequent requests do not get any stale
219        // master information. Will be re-fetched if needed.
220        activeMasterServerName = null;
221        // There is another active master running elsewhere or this is a restart
222        // and the master ephemeral node has not expired yet.
223        this.clusterHasActiveMaster.set(true);
225        String msg;
226        byte[] bytes =
227          ZKUtil.getDataAndWatch(this.watcher, this.watcher.getZNodePaths().masterAddressZNode);
228        if (bytes == null) {
229          msg = ("A master was detected, but went down before its address " +
230            "could be read.  Attempting to become the next active master");
231        } else {
232          ServerName currentMaster;
233          try {
234            currentMaster = ProtobufUtil.parseServerNameFrom(bytes);
235          } catch (DeserializationException e) {
236            LOG.warn("Failed parse", e);
237            // Hopefully next time around we won't fail the parse.  Dangerous.
238            continue;
239          }
240          if (ServerName.isSameAddress(currentMaster, this.sn)) {
241            msg = ("Current master has this master's address, " +
242              currentMaster + "; master was restarted? Deleting node.");
243            // Hurry along the expiration of the znode.
244            ZKUtil.deleteNode(this.watcher, this.watcher.getZNodePaths().masterAddressZNode);
246            // We may have failed to delete the znode at the previous step, but
247            //  we delete the file anyway: a second attempt to delete the znode is likely to fail
248            //  again.
249            ZNodeClearer.deleteMyEphemeralNodeOnDisk();
250          } else {
251            msg = "Another master is the active master, " + currentMaster +
252              "; waiting to become the next active master";
253          }
254        }
255        LOG.info(msg);
256        startupStatus.setStatus(msg);
257      } catch (KeeperException ke) {
258        master.abort("Received an unexpected KeeperException, aborting", ke);
259        return false;
260      }
261      synchronized (this.clusterHasActiveMaster) {
262        while (clusterHasActiveMaster.get() && !master.isStopped()) {
263          try {
264            clusterHasActiveMaster.wait(checkInterval);
265          } catch (InterruptedException e) {
266            // We expect to be interrupted when a master dies,
267            //  will fall out if so
268            LOG.debug("Interrupted waiting for master to die", e);
269          }
270        }
271        if (clusterShutDown.get()) {
272          this.master.stop(
273            "Cluster went down before this master became active");
274        }
275      }
276    }
277    return false;
278  }
280  /**
281   * @return True if cluster has an active master.
282   */
283  boolean hasActiveMaster() {
284    try {
285      if (ZKUtil.checkExists(watcher, watcher.getZNodePaths().masterAddressZNode) >= 0) {
286        return true;
287      }
288    }
289    catch (KeeperException ke) {
290      LOG.info("Received an unexpected KeeperException when checking " +
291          "isActiveMaster : "+ ke);
292    }
293    return false;
294  }
296  public void stop() {
297    try {
298      synchronized (clusterHasActiveMaster) {
299        // Master is already stopped, wake up the manager
300        // thread so that it can shutdown soon.
301        clusterHasActiveMaster.notifyAll();
302      }
303      // If our address is in ZK, delete it on our way out
304      ServerName activeMaster = null;
305      try {
306        activeMaster = MasterAddressTracker.getMasterAddress(this.watcher);
307      } catch (IOException e) {
308        LOG.warn("Failed get of master address: " + e.toString());
309      }
310      if (activeMaster != null &&  activeMaster.equals(this.sn)) {
311        ZKUtil.deleteNode(watcher, watcher.getZNodePaths().masterAddressZNode);
312        // We may have failed to delete the znode at the previous step, but
313        //  we delete the file anyway: a second attempt to delete the znode is likely to fail again.
314        ZNodeClearer.deleteMyEphemeralNodeOnDisk();
315      }
316    } catch (KeeperException e) {
317      LOG.debug(this.watcher.prefix("Failed delete of our master address node; " +
318          e.getMessage()));
319    }
320  }