002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter;
020import java.util.ArrayList;
021import java.util.Arrays;
022import java.util.Comparator;
023import java.util.List;
024import java.util.Objects;
025import java.util.PriorityQueue;
027import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
028import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellComparator;
029import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PrivateCellUtil;
030import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
031import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions.DeserializationException;
032import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException;
033import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.protobuf.UnsafeByteOperations;
034import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.FilterProtos;
035import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.BytesBytesPair;
036import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
037import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair;
038import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.UnsafeAvailChecker;
041 * This is optimized version of a standard FuzzyRowFilter Filters data based on fuzzy row key.
042 * Performs fast-forwards during scanning. It takes pairs (row key, fuzzy info) to match row keys.
043 * Where fuzzy info is a byte array with 0 or 1 as its values:
044 * <ul>
045 * <li>0 - means that this byte in provided row key is fixed, i.e. row key's byte at same position
046 * must match</li>
047 * <li>1 - means that this byte in provided row key is NOT fixed, i.e. row key's byte at this
048 * position can be different from the one in provided row key</li>
049 * </ul>
050 * Example: Let's assume row key format is userId_actionId_year_month. Length of userId is fixed and
051 * is 4, length of actionId is 2 and year and month are 4 and 2 bytes long respectively. Let's
052 * assume that we need to fetch all users that performed certain action (encoded as "99") in Jan of
053 * any year. Then the pair (row key, fuzzy info) would be the following: row key = "????_99_????_01"
054 * (one can use any value instead of "?") fuzzy info =
055 * "\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00" I.e. fuzzy info tells the matching
056 * mask is "????_99_????_01", where at ? can be any value.
057 */
059public class FuzzyRowFilter extends FilterBase {
060  private static final boolean UNSAFE_UNALIGNED = UnsafeAvailChecker.unaligned();
061  private List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> fuzzyKeysData;
062  private boolean done = false;
064  /**
065   * The index of a last successfully found matching fuzzy string (in fuzzyKeysData). We will start
066   * matching next KV with this one. If they do not match then we will return back to the one-by-one
067   * iteration over fuzzyKeysData.
068   */
069  private int lastFoundIndex = -1;
071  /**
072   * Row tracker (keeps all next rows after SEEK_NEXT_USING_HINT was returned)
073   */
074  private RowTracker tracker;
076  public FuzzyRowFilter(List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> fuzzyKeysData) {
077    List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> fuzzyKeyDataCopy = new ArrayList<>(fuzzyKeysData.size());
079    for (Pair<byte[], byte[]> aFuzzyKeysData : fuzzyKeysData) {
080      if (aFuzzyKeysData.getFirst().length != aFuzzyKeysData.getSecond().length) {
081        Pair<String, String> readable =
082          new Pair<>(Bytes.toStringBinary(aFuzzyKeysData.getFirst()), Bytes.toStringBinary(aFuzzyKeysData.getSecond()));
083        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Fuzzy pair lengths do not match: " + readable);
084      }
086      Pair<byte[], byte[]> p = new Pair<>();
087      // create a copy of pair bytes so that they are not modified by the filter.
088      p.setFirst(Arrays.copyOf(aFuzzyKeysData.getFirst(), aFuzzyKeysData.getFirst().length));
089      p.setSecond(Arrays.copyOf(aFuzzyKeysData.getSecond(), aFuzzyKeysData.getSecond().length));
091      // update mask ( 0 -> -1 (0xff), 1 -> 2)
092      p.setSecond(preprocessMask(p.getSecond()));
093      preprocessSearchKey(p);
095      fuzzyKeyDataCopy.add(p);
096    }
097    this.fuzzyKeysData = fuzzyKeyDataCopy;
098    this.tracker = new RowTracker();
099  }
101  private void preprocessSearchKey(Pair<byte[], byte[]> p) {
102    if (!UNSAFE_UNALIGNED) {
103      // do nothing
104      return;
105    }
106    byte[] key = p.getFirst();
107    byte[] mask = p.getSecond();
108    for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) {
109      // set non-fixed part of a search key to 0.
110      if (mask[i] == 2) {
111        key[i] = 0;
112      }
113    }
114  }
116  /**
117   * We need to preprocess mask array, as since we treat 2's as unfixed positions and -1 (0xff) as
118   * fixed positions
119   * @param mask
120   * @return mask array
121   */
122  private byte[] preprocessMask(byte[] mask) {
123    if (!UNSAFE_UNALIGNED) {
124      // do nothing
125      return mask;
126    }
127    if (isPreprocessedMask(mask)) return mask;
128    for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) {
129      if (mask[i] == 0) {
130        mask[i] = -1; // 0 -> -1
131      } else if (mask[i] == 1) {
132        mask[i] = 2;// 1 -> 2
133      }
134    }
135    return mask;
136  }
138  private boolean isPreprocessedMask(byte[] mask) {
139    for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) {
140      if (mask[i] != -1 && mask[i] != 2) {
141        return false;
142      }
143    }
144    return true;
145  }
147  @Deprecated
148  @Override
149  public ReturnCode filterKeyValue(final Cell c) {
150    return filterCell(c);
151  }
153  @Override
154  public ReturnCode filterCell(final Cell c) {
155    final int startIndex = lastFoundIndex >= 0 ? lastFoundIndex : 0;
156    final int size = fuzzyKeysData.size();
157    for (int i = startIndex; i < size + startIndex; i++) {
158      final int index = i % size;
159      Pair<byte[], byte[]> fuzzyData = fuzzyKeysData.get(index);
160      // This shift is idempotent - always end up with 0 and -1 as mask values.
161      for (int j = 0; j < fuzzyData.getSecond().length; j++) {
162        fuzzyData.getSecond()[j] >>= 2;
163      }
164      SatisfiesCode satisfiesCode =
165          satisfies(isReversed(), c.getRowArray(), c.getRowOffset(), c.getRowLength(),
166            fuzzyData.getFirst(), fuzzyData.getSecond());
167      if (satisfiesCode == SatisfiesCode.YES) {
168        lastFoundIndex = index;
169        return ReturnCode.INCLUDE;
170      }
171    }
172    // NOT FOUND -> seek next using hint
173    lastFoundIndex = -1;
175    return ReturnCode.SEEK_NEXT_USING_HINT;
177  }
179  @Override
180  public Cell getNextCellHint(Cell currentCell) {
181    boolean result = tracker.updateTracker(currentCell);
182    if (result == false) {
183      done = true;
184      return null;
185    }
186    byte[] nextRowKey = tracker.nextRow();
187    return PrivateCellUtil.createFirstOnRow(nextRowKey, 0, (short) nextRowKey.length);
188  }
190  /**
191   * If we have multiple fuzzy keys, row tracker should improve overall performance. It calculates
192   * all next rows (one per every fuzzy key) and put them (the fuzzy key is bundled) into a priority
193   * queue so that the smallest row key always appears at queue head, which helps to decide the
194   * "Next Cell Hint". As scanning going on, the number of candidate rows in the RowTracker will
195   * remain the size of fuzzy keys until some of the fuzzy keys won't possibly have matches any
196   * more.
197   */
198  private class RowTracker {
199    private final PriorityQueue<Pair<byte[], Pair<byte[], byte[]>>> nextRows;
200    private boolean initialized = false;
202    RowTracker() {
203      nextRows = new PriorityQueue<>(fuzzyKeysData.size(),
204              new Comparator<Pair<byte[], Pair<byte[], byte[]>>>() {
205                @Override
206                public int compare(Pair<byte[], Pair<byte[], byte[]>> o1,
207                    Pair<byte[], Pair<byte[], byte[]>> o2) {
208                  return isReversed()? Bytes.compareTo(o2.getFirst(), o1.getFirst()):
209                    Bytes.compareTo(o1.getFirst(), o2.getFirst());
210                }
211              });
212    }
214    byte[] nextRow() {
215      if (nextRows.isEmpty()) {
216        throw new IllegalStateException(
217            "NextRows should not be empty, make sure to call nextRow() after updateTracker() return true");
218      } else {
219        return nextRows.peek().getFirst();
220      }
221    }
223    boolean updateTracker(Cell currentCell) {
224      if (!initialized) {
225        for (Pair<byte[], byte[]> fuzzyData : fuzzyKeysData) {
226          updateWith(currentCell, fuzzyData);
227        }
228        initialized = true;
229      } else {
230        while (!nextRows.isEmpty() && !lessThan(currentCell, nextRows.peek().getFirst())) {
231          Pair<byte[], Pair<byte[], byte[]>> head = nextRows.poll();
232          Pair<byte[], byte[]> fuzzyData = head.getSecond();
233          updateWith(currentCell, fuzzyData);
234        }
235      }
236      return !nextRows.isEmpty();
237    }
239    boolean lessThan(Cell currentCell, byte[] nextRowKey) {
240      int compareResult = CellComparator.getInstance().compareRows(currentCell, nextRowKey, 0, nextRowKey.length);
241      return (!isReversed() && compareResult < 0) || (isReversed() && compareResult > 0);
242    }
244    void updateWith(Cell currentCell, Pair<byte[], byte[]> fuzzyData) {
245      byte[] nextRowKeyCandidate =
246          getNextForFuzzyRule(isReversed(), currentCell.getRowArray(), currentCell.getRowOffset(),
247            currentCell.getRowLength(), fuzzyData.getFirst(), fuzzyData.getSecond());
248      if (nextRowKeyCandidate != null) {
249        nextRows.add(new Pair<>(nextRowKeyCandidate, fuzzyData));
250      }
251    }
253  }
255  @Override
256  public boolean filterAllRemaining() {
257    return done;
258  }
260  /**
261   * @return The filter serialized using pb
262   */
263  @Override
264  public byte[] toByteArray() {
265    FilterProtos.FuzzyRowFilter.Builder builder = FilterProtos.FuzzyRowFilter.newBuilder();
266    for (Pair<byte[], byte[]> fuzzyData : fuzzyKeysData) {
267      BytesBytesPair.Builder bbpBuilder = BytesBytesPair.newBuilder();
268      bbpBuilder.setFirst(UnsafeByteOperations.unsafeWrap(fuzzyData.getFirst()));
269      bbpBuilder.setSecond(UnsafeByteOperations.unsafeWrap(fuzzyData.getSecond()));
270      builder.addFuzzyKeysData(bbpBuilder);
271    }
272    return builder.build().toByteArray();
273  }
275  /**
276   * @param pbBytes A pb serialized {@link FuzzyRowFilter} instance
277   * @return An instance of {@link FuzzyRowFilter} made from <code>bytes</code>
278   * @throws DeserializationException
279   * @see #toByteArray
280   */
281  public static FuzzyRowFilter parseFrom(final byte[] pbBytes) throws DeserializationException {
282    FilterProtos.FuzzyRowFilter proto;
283    try {
284      proto = FilterProtos.FuzzyRowFilter.parseFrom(pbBytes);
285    } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
286      throw new DeserializationException(e);
287    }
288    int count = proto.getFuzzyKeysDataCount();
289    ArrayList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> fuzzyKeysData = new ArrayList<>(count);
290    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
291      BytesBytesPair current = proto.getFuzzyKeysData(i);
292      byte[] keyBytes = current.getFirst().toByteArray();
293      byte[] keyMeta = current.getSecond().toByteArray();
294      fuzzyKeysData.add(new Pair<>(keyBytes, keyMeta));
295    }
296    return new FuzzyRowFilter(fuzzyKeysData);
297  }
299  @Override
300  public String toString() {
301    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
302    sb.append("FuzzyRowFilter");
303    sb.append("{fuzzyKeysData=");
304    for (Pair<byte[], byte[]> fuzzyData : fuzzyKeysData) {
305      sb.append('{').append(Bytes.toStringBinary(fuzzyData.getFirst())).append(":");
306      sb.append(Bytes.toStringBinary(fuzzyData.getSecond())).append('}');
307    }
308    sb.append("}, ");
309    return sb.toString();
310  }
312  // Utility methods
314  static enum SatisfiesCode {
315    /** row satisfies fuzzy rule */
316    YES,
317    /** row doesn't satisfy fuzzy rule, but there's possible greater row that does */
319    /** row doesn't satisfy fuzzy rule and there's no greater row that does */
320    NO_NEXT
321  }
323  @InterfaceAudience.Private
324  static SatisfiesCode satisfies(byte[] row, byte[] fuzzyKeyBytes, byte[] fuzzyKeyMeta) {
325    return satisfies(false, row, 0, row.length, fuzzyKeyBytes, fuzzyKeyMeta);
326  }
328  @InterfaceAudience.Private
329  static SatisfiesCode satisfies(boolean reverse, byte[] row, byte[] fuzzyKeyBytes,
330      byte[] fuzzyKeyMeta) {
331    return satisfies(reverse, row, 0, row.length, fuzzyKeyBytes, fuzzyKeyMeta);
332  }
334  static SatisfiesCode satisfies(boolean reverse, byte[] row, int offset, int length,
335      byte[] fuzzyKeyBytes, byte[] fuzzyKeyMeta) {
337    if (!UNSAFE_UNALIGNED) {
338      return satisfiesNoUnsafe(reverse, row, offset, length, fuzzyKeyBytes, fuzzyKeyMeta);
339    }
341    if (row == null) {
342      // do nothing, let scan to proceed
343      return SatisfiesCode.YES;
344    }
345    length = Math.min(length, fuzzyKeyBytes.length);
346    int numWords = length / Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG;
348    int j = numWords << 3; // numWords * SIZEOF_LONG;
350    for (int i = 0; i < j; i += Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG) {
351      long fuzzyBytes = Bytes.toLong(fuzzyKeyBytes, i);
352      long fuzzyMeta = Bytes.toLong(fuzzyKeyMeta, i);
353      long rowValue = Bytes.toLong(row, offset + i);
354      if ((rowValue & fuzzyMeta) != (fuzzyBytes)) {
355        // We always return NEXT_EXISTS
356        return SatisfiesCode.NEXT_EXISTS;
357      }
358    }
360    int off = j;
362    if (length - off >= Bytes.SIZEOF_INT) {
363      int fuzzyBytes = Bytes.toInt(fuzzyKeyBytes, off);
364      int fuzzyMeta = Bytes.toInt(fuzzyKeyMeta, off);
365      int rowValue = Bytes.toInt(row, offset + off);
366      if ((rowValue & fuzzyMeta) != (fuzzyBytes)) {
367        // We always return NEXT_EXISTS
368        return SatisfiesCode.NEXT_EXISTS;
369      }
370      off += Bytes.SIZEOF_INT;
371    }
373    if (length - off >= Bytes.SIZEOF_SHORT) {
374      short fuzzyBytes = Bytes.toShort(fuzzyKeyBytes, off);
375      short fuzzyMeta = Bytes.toShort(fuzzyKeyMeta, off);
376      short rowValue = Bytes.toShort(row, offset + off);
377      if ((rowValue & fuzzyMeta) != (fuzzyBytes)) {
378        // We always return NEXT_EXISTS
379        // even if it does not (in this case getNextForFuzzyRule
380        // will return null)
381        return SatisfiesCode.NEXT_EXISTS;
382      }
383      off += Bytes.SIZEOF_SHORT;
384    }
386    if (length - off >= Bytes.SIZEOF_BYTE) {
387      int fuzzyBytes = fuzzyKeyBytes[off] & 0xff;
388      int fuzzyMeta = fuzzyKeyMeta[off] & 0xff;
389      int rowValue = row[offset + off] & 0xff;
390      if ((rowValue & fuzzyMeta) != (fuzzyBytes)) {
391        // We always return NEXT_EXISTS
392        return SatisfiesCode.NEXT_EXISTS;
393      }
394    }
395    return SatisfiesCode.YES;
396  }
398  static SatisfiesCode satisfiesNoUnsafe(boolean reverse, byte[] row, int offset, int length,
399      byte[] fuzzyKeyBytes, byte[] fuzzyKeyMeta) {
400    if (row == null) {
401      // do nothing, let scan to proceed
402      return SatisfiesCode.YES;
403    }
405    Order order = Order.orderFor(reverse);
406    boolean nextRowKeyCandidateExists = false;
408    for (int i = 0; i < fuzzyKeyMeta.length && i < length; i++) {
409      // First, checking if this position is fixed and not equals the given one
410      boolean byteAtPositionFixed = fuzzyKeyMeta[i] == 0;
411      boolean fixedByteIncorrect = byteAtPositionFixed && fuzzyKeyBytes[i] != row[i + offset];
412      if (fixedByteIncorrect) {
413        // in this case there's another row that satisfies fuzzy rule and bigger than this row
414        if (nextRowKeyCandidateExists) {
415          return SatisfiesCode.NEXT_EXISTS;
416        }
418        // If this row byte is less than fixed then there's a byte array bigger than
419        // this row and which satisfies the fuzzy rule. Otherwise there's no such byte array:
420        // this row is simply bigger than any byte array that satisfies the fuzzy rule
421        boolean rowByteLessThanFixed = (row[i + offset] & 0xFF) < (fuzzyKeyBytes[i] & 0xFF);
422        if (rowByteLessThanFixed && !reverse) {
423          return SatisfiesCode.NEXT_EXISTS;
424        } else if (!rowByteLessThanFixed && reverse) {
425          return SatisfiesCode.NEXT_EXISTS;
426        } else {
427          return SatisfiesCode.NO_NEXT;
428        }
429      }
431      // Second, checking if this position is not fixed and byte value is not the biggest. In this
432      // case there's a byte array bigger than this row and which satisfies the fuzzy rule. To get
433      // bigger byte array that satisfies the rule we need to just increase this byte
434      // (see the code of getNextForFuzzyRule below) by one.
435      // Note: if non-fixed byte is already at biggest value, this doesn't allow us to say there's
436      // bigger one that satisfies the rule as it can't be increased.
437      if (fuzzyKeyMeta[i] == 1 && !order.isMax(fuzzyKeyBytes[i])) {
438        nextRowKeyCandidateExists = true;
439      }
440    }
441    return SatisfiesCode.YES;
442  }
444  @InterfaceAudience.Private
445  static byte[] getNextForFuzzyRule(byte[] row, byte[] fuzzyKeyBytes, byte[] fuzzyKeyMeta) {
446    return getNextForFuzzyRule(false, row, 0, row.length, fuzzyKeyBytes, fuzzyKeyMeta);
447  }
449  @InterfaceAudience.Private
450  static byte[] getNextForFuzzyRule(boolean reverse, byte[] row, byte[] fuzzyKeyBytes,
451      byte[] fuzzyKeyMeta) {
452    return getNextForFuzzyRule(reverse, row, 0, row.length, fuzzyKeyBytes, fuzzyKeyMeta);
453  }
455  /** Abstracts directional comparisons based on scan direction. */
456  private enum Order {
457    ASC {
458      @Override
459      public boolean lt(int lhs, int rhs) {
460        return lhs < rhs;
461      }
463      @Override
464      public boolean gt(int lhs, int rhs) {
465        return lhs > rhs;
466      }
468      @Override
469      public byte inc(byte val) {
470        // TODO: what about over/underflow?
471        return (byte) (val + 1);
472      }
474      @Override
475      public boolean isMax(byte val) {
476        return val == (byte) 0xff;
477      }
479      @Override
480      public byte min() {
481        return 0;
482      }
483    },
484    DESC {
485      @Override
486      public boolean lt(int lhs, int rhs) {
487        return lhs > rhs;
488      }
490      @Override
491      public boolean gt(int lhs, int rhs) {
492        return lhs < rhs;
493      }
495      @Override
496      public byte inc(byte val) {
497        // TODO: what about over/underflow?
498        return (byte) (val - 1);
499      }
501      @Override
502      public boolean isMax(byte val) {
503        return val == 0;
504      }
506      @Override
507      public byte min() {
508        return (byte) 0xFF;
509      }
510    };
512    public static Order orderFor(boolean reverse) {
513      return reverse ? DESC : ASC;
514    }
516    /** Returns true when {@code lhs < rhs}. */
517    public abstract boolean lt(int lhs, int rhs);
519    /** Returns true when {@code lhs > rhs}. */
520    public abstract boolean gt(int lhs, int rhs);
522    /** Returns {@code val} incremented by 1. */
523    public abstract byte inc(byte val);
525    /** Return true when {@code val} is the maximum value */
526    public abstract boolean isMax(byte val);
528    /** Return the minimum value according to this ordering scheme. */
529    public abstract byte min();
530  }
532  /**
533   * @return greater byte array than given (row) which satisfies the fuzzy rule if it exists, null
534   *         otherwise
535   */
536  @InterfaceAudience.Private
537  static byte[] getNextForFuzzyRule(boolean reverse, byte[] row, int offset, int length,
538      byte[] fuzzyKeyBytes, byte[] fuzzyKeyMeta) {
539    // To find out the next "smallest" byte array that satisfies fuzzy rule and "greater" than
540    // the given one we do the following:
541    // 1. setting values on all "fixed" positions to the values from fuzzyKeyBytes
542    // 2. if during the first step given row did not increase, then we increase the value at
543    // the first "non-fixed" position (where it is not maximum already)
545    // It is easier to perform this by using fuzzyKeyBytes copy and setting "non-fixed" position
546    // values than otherwise.
547    byte[] result =
548        Arrays.copyOf(fuzzyKeyBytes, length > fuzzyKeyBytes.length ? length : fuzzyKeyBytes.length);
549    if (reverse && length > fuzzyKeyBytes.length) {
550      // we need trailing 0xff's instead of trailing 0x00's
551      for (int i = fuzzyKeyBytes.length; i < result.length; i++) {
552        result[i] = (byte) 0xFF;
553      }
554    }
555    int toInc = -1;
556    final Order order = Order.orderFor(reverse);
558    boolean increased = false;
559    for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
560      if (i >= fuzzyKeyMeta.length || fuzzyKeyMeta[i] == 0 /* non-fixed */) {
561        result[i] = row[offset + i];
562        if (!order.isMax(row[offset + i])) {
563          // this is "non-fixed" position and is not at max value, hence we can increase it
564          toInc = i;
565        }
566      } else if (i < fuzzyKeyMeta.length && fuzzyKeyMeta[i] == -1 /* fixed */) {
567        if (order.lt((row[i + offset] & 0xFF), (fuzzyKeyBytes[i] & 0xFF))) {
568          // if setting value for any fixed position increased the original array,
569          // we are OK
570          increased = true;
571          break;
572        }
574        if (order.gt((row[i + offset] & 0xFF), (fuzzyKeyBytes[i] & 0xFF))) {
575          // if setting value for any fixed position makes array "smaller", then just stop:
576          // in case we found some non-fixed position to increase we will do it, otherwise
577          // there's no "next" row key that satisfies fuzzy rule and "greater" than given row
578          break;
579        }
580      }
581    }
583    if (!increased) {
584      if (toInc < 0) {
585        return null;
586      }
587      result[toInc] = order.inc(result[toInc]);
589      // Setting all "non-fixed" positions to zeroes to the right of the one we increased so
590      // that found "next" row key is the smallest possible
591      for (int i = toInc + 1; i < result.length; i++) {
592        if (i >= fuzzyKeyMeta.length || fuzzyKeyMeta[i] == 0 /* non-fixed */) {
593          result[i] = order.min();
594        }
595      }
596    }
598    return reverse? result: trimTrailingZeroes(result, fuzzyKeyMeta, toInc);
599  }
601  /**
602   * For forward scanner, next cell hint should  not contain any trailing zeroes
603   * unless they are part of fuzzyKeyMeta
604   * hint = '\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00'
605   * will skip valid row '\x01\x01\x01'
606   * 
607   * @param result
608   * @param fuzzyKeyMeta
609   * @param toInc - position of incremented byte
610   * @return trimmed version of result
611   */
613  private static byte[] trimTrailingZeroes(byte[] result, byte[] fuzzyKeyMeta, int toInc) {
614    int off = fuzzyKeyMeta.length >= result.length? result.length -1:
615           fuzzyKeyMeta.length -1;  
616    for( ; off >= 0; off--){
617      if(fuzzyKeyMeta[off] != 0) break;
618    }
619    if (off < toInc)  off = toInc;
620    byte[] retValue = new byte[off+1];
621    System.arraycopy(result, 0, retValue, 0, retValue.length);
622    return retValue;
623  }
625  /**
626   * @return true if and only if the fields of the filter that are serialized are equal to the
627   *         corresponding fields in other. Used for testing.
628   */
629  @Override
630  boolean areSerializedFieldsEqual(Filter o) {
631    if (o == this) return true;
632    if (!(o instanceof FuzzyRowFilter)) return false;
634    FuzzyRowFilter other = (FuzzyRowFilter) o;
635    if (this.fuzzyKeysData.size() != other.fuzzyKeysData.size()) return false;
636    for (int i = 0; i < fuzzyKeysData.size(); ++i) {
637      Pair<byte[], byte[]> thisData = this.fuzzyKeysData.get(i);
638      Pair<byte[], byte[]> otherData = other.fuzzyKeysData.get(i);
639      if (!(Bytes.equals(thisData.getFirst(), otherData.getFirst()) && Bytes.equals(
640        thisData.getSecond(), otherData.getSecond()))) {
641        return false;
642      }
643    }
644    return true;
645  }
647  @Override
648  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
649    return obj instanceof Filter && areSerializedFieldsEqual((Filter) obj);
650  }
652  @Override
653  public int hashCode() {
654    return Objects.hash(this.fuzzyKeysData);
655  }