002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase;
020import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;
021import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable;
022import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
023import java.io.Closeable;
024import java.io.IOException;
025import java.util.ArrayList;
026import java.util.Arrays;
027import java.util.Collection;
028import java.util.Collections;
029import java.util.Iterator;
030import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
031import java.util.List;
032import java.util.Map;
033import java.util.NavigableMap;
034import java.util.SortedMap;
035import java.util.TreeMap;
036import java.util.regex.Matcher;
037import java.util.regex.Pattern;
038import java.util.stream.Collectors;
039import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
040import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell.Type;
041import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection;
042import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Consistency;
043import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete;
044import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get;
045import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Mutation;
046import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
047import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionInfo;
048import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionInfoBuilder;
049import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionReplicaUtil;
050import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
051import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ResultScanner;
052import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
053import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table;
054import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.TableState;
055import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.coprocessor.Batch;
056import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions.DeserializationException;
057import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.Filter;
058import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.FirstKeyOnlyFilter;
059import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.RowFilter;
060import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.SubstringComparator;
061import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.CoprocessorRpcUtils;
062import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.ServerRpcController;
063import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.RegionState;
064import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.RegionState.State;
065import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.ProtobufUtil;
066import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos;
067import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MultiRowMutationProtos.MultiRowMutationService;
068import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MultiRowMutationProtos.MutateRowsRequest;
069import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MultiRowMutationProtos.MutateRowsResponse;
070import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
071import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManager;
072import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ExceptionUtil;
073import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair;
074import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.PairOfSameType;
075import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.base.Throwables;
076import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
077import org.slf4j.Logger;
078import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
081 * <p>
082 * Read/write operations on <code>hbase:meta</code> region as well as assignment information stored
083 * to <code>hbase:meta</code>.
084 * </p>
085 * <p>
086 * Some of the methods of this class take ZooKeeperWatcher as a param. The only reason for this is
087 * when this class is used on client-side (e.g. HBaseAdmin), we want to use short-lived connection
088 * (opened before each operation, closed right after), while when used on HM or HRS (like in
089 * AssignmentManager) we want permanent connection.
090 * </p>
091 * <p>
092 * HBASE-10070 adds a replicaId to HRI, meaning more than one HRI can be defined for the same table
093 * range (table, startKey, endKey). For every range, there will be at least one HRI defined which is
094 * called default replica.
095 * </p>
096 * <p>
097 * <h2>Meta layout</h2>
098 *
099 * <pre>
100 * For each table there is single row named for the table with a 'table' column family.
101 * The column family currently has one column in it, the 'state' column:
102 *
103 * table:state             => contains table state
104 *
105 * Then for each table range ('Region'), there is a single row, formatted as:
106 * &lt;tableName&gt;,&lt;startKey&gt;,&lt;regionId&gt;,&lt;encodedRegionName&gt;.
107 * This row is the serialized regionName of the default region replica.
108 * Columns are:
109 * info:regioninfo         => contains serialized HRI for the default region replica
110 * info:server             => contains hostname:port (in string form) for the server hosting
111 *                            the default regionInfo replica
112 * info:server_&lt;replicaId&gt => contains hostname:port (in string form) for the server hosting
113 *                                 the regionInfo replica with replicaId
114 * info:serverstartcode    => contains server start code (in binary long form) for the server
115 *                            hosting the default regionInfo replica
116 * info:serverstartcode_&lt;replicaId&gt => contains server start code (in binary long form) for
117 *                                          the server hosting the regionInfo replica with
118 *                                          replicaId
119 * info:seqnumDuringOpen   => contains seqNum (in binary long form) for the region at the time
120 *                             the server opened the region with default replicaId
121 * info:seqnumDuringOpen_&lt;replicaId&gt => contains seqNum (in binary long form) for the region
122 *                                           at the time the server opened the region with
123 *                                           replicaId
124 * info:splitA             => contains a serialized HRI for the first daughter region if the
125 *                             region is split
126 * info:splitB             => contains a serialized HRI for the second daughter region if the
127 *                             region is split
128 * info:merge*             => contains a serialized HRI for a merge parent region. There will be two
129 *                             or more of these columns in a row. A row that has these columns is
130 *                             undergoing a merge and is the result of the merge. Columns listed
131 *                             in marge* columns are the parents of this merged region. Example
132 *                             columns: info:merge0001, info:merge0002. You make also see 'mergeA',
133 *                             and 'mergeB'. This is old form replaced by the new format that allows
134 *                             for more than two parents to be merged at a time.
135 * TODO: Add rep_barrier for serial replication explaination. See SerialReplicationChecker.
136 * </pre>
137 * </p>
138 * <p>
139 * The actual layout of meta should be encapsulated inside MetaTableAccessor methods, and should not
140 * leak out of it (through Result objects, etc)
141 * </p>
142 */
144public class MetaTableAccessor {
146  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MetaTableAccessor.class);
147  private static final Logger METALOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("org.apache.hadoop.hbase.META");
149  public static final byte[] REPLICATION_PARENT_QUALIFIER = Bytes.toBytes("parent");
151  private static final byte ESCAPE_BYTE = (byte) 0xFF;
153  private static final byte SEPARATED_BYTE = 0x00;
155  @InterfaceAudience.Private
156  public enum QueryType {
157    ALL(HConstants.TABLE_FAMILY, HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY),
159    TABLE(HConstants.TABLE_FAMILY),
162    private final byte[][] families;
164    QueryType(byte[]... families) {
165      this.families = families;
166    }
168    byte[][] getFamilies() {
169      return this.families;
170    }
171  }
173  /** The delimiter for meta columns for replicaIds &gt; 0 */
174  static final char META_REPLICA_ID_DELIMITER = '_';
176  /** A regex for parsing server columns from meta. See above javadoc for meta layout */
177  private static final Pattern SERVER_COLUMN_PATTERN
178    = Pattern.compile("^server(_[0-9a-fA-F]{4})?$");
180  ////////////////////////
181  // Reading operations //
182  ////////////////////////
184  /**
185   * Performs a full scan of <code>hbase:meta</code> for regions.
186   * @param connection connection we're using
187   * @param visitor Visitor invoked against each row in regions family.
188   */
189  public static void fullScanRegions(Connection connection, final Visitor visitor)
190      throws IOException {
191    scanMeta(connection, null, null, QueryType.REGION, visitor);
192  }
194  /**
195   * Performs a full scan of <code>hbase:meta</code> for regions.
196   * @param connection connection we're using
197   */
198  public static List<Result> fullScanRegions(Connection connection) throws IOException {
199    return fullScan(connection, QueryType.REGION);
200  }
202  /**
203   * Performs a full scan of <code>hbase:meta</code> for tables.
204   * @param connection connection we're using
205   * @param visitor Visitor invoked against each row in tables family.
206   */
207  public static void fullScanTables(Connection connection, final Visitor visitor)
208      throws IOException {
209    scanMeta(connection, null, null, QueryType.TABLE, visitor);
210  }
212  /**
213   * Performs a full scan of <code>hbase:meta</code>.
214   * @param connection connection we're using
215   * @param type scanned part of meta
216   * @return List of {@link Result}
217   */
218  private static List<Result> fullScan(Connection connection, QueryType type) throws IOException {
219    CollectAllVisitor v = new CollectAllVisitor();
220    scanMeta(connection, null, null, type, v);
221    return v.getResults();
222  }
224  /**
225   * Callers should call close on the returned {@link Table} instance.
226   * @param connection connection we're using to access Meta
227   * @return An {@link Table} for <code>hbase:meta</code>
228   */
229  public static Table getMetaHTable(final Connection connection) throws IOException {
230    // We used to pass whole CatalogTracker in here, now we just pass in Connection
231    if (connection == null) {
232      throw new NullPointerException("No connection");
233    } else if (connection.isClosed()) {
234      throw new IOException("connection is closed");
235    }
236    return connection.getTable(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME);
237  }
239  /**
240   * @param t Table to use (will be closed when done).
241   * @param g Get to run
242   */
243  private static Result get(final Table t, final Get g) throws IOException {
244    if (t == null) return null;
245    try {
246      return t.get(g);
247    } finally {
248      t.close();
249    }
250  }
252  /**
253   * Gets the region info and assignment for the specified region.
254   * @param connection connection we're using
255   * @param regionName Region to lookup.
256   * @return Location and RegionInfo for <code>regionName</code>
257   * @deprecated use {@link #getRegionLocation(Connection, byte[])} instead
258   */
259  @Deprecated
260  public static Pair<RegionInfo, ServerName> getRegion(Connection connection, byte [] regionName)
261    throws IOException {
262    HRegionLocation location = getRegionLocation(connection, regionName);
263    return location == null
264      ? null
265      : new Pair<>(location.getRegionInfo(), location.getServerName());
266  }
268  /**
269   * Returns the HRegionLocation from meta for the given region
270   * @param connection connection we're using
271   * @param regionName region we're looking for
272   * @return HRegionLocation for the given region
273   */
274  public static HRegionLocation getRegionLocation(Connection connection, byte[] regionName)
275      throws IOException {
276    byte[] row = regionName;
277    RegionInfo parsedInfo = null;
278    try {
279      parsedInfo = parseRegionInfoFromRegionName(regionName);
280      row = getMetaKeyForRegion(parsedInfo);
281    } catch (Exception parseEx) {
282      // Ignore. This is used with tableName passed as regionName.
283    }
284    Get get = new Get(row);
285    get.addFamily(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY);
286    Result r = get(getMetaHTable(connection), get);
287    RegionLocations locations = getRegionLocations(r);
288    return locations == null ? null
289      : locations.getRegionLocation(parsedInfo == null ? 0 : parsedInfo.getReplicaId());
290  }
292  /**
293   * Returns the HRegionLocation from meta for the given region
294   * @param connection connection we're using
295   * @param regionInfo region information
296   * @return HRegionLocation for the given region
297   */
298  public static HRegionLocation getRegionLocation(Connection connection, RegionInfo regionInfo)
299      throws IOException {
300    return getRegionLocation(getCatalogFamilyRow(connection, regionInfo),
301        regionInfo, regionInfo.getReplicaId());
302  }
304  /**
305   * @return Return the {@link HConstants#CATALOG_FAMILY} row from hbase:meta.
306   */
307  public static Result getCatalogFamilyRow(Connection connection, RegionInfo ri)
308      throws IOException {
309    Get get = new Get(getMetaKeyForRegion(ri));
310    get.addFamily(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY);
311    return get(getMetaHTable(connection), get);
312  }
314  /** Returns the row key to use for this regionInfo */
315  public static byte[] getMetaKeyForRegion(RegionInfo regionInfo) {
316    return RegionReplicaUtil.getRegionInfoForDefaultReplica(regionInfo).getRegionName();
317  }
319  /** Returns an HRI parsed from this regionName. Not all the fields of the HRI
320   * is stored in the name, so the returned object should only be used for the fields
321   * in the regionName.
322   */
323  // This should be moved to RegionInfo? TODO.
324  public static RegionInfo parseRegionInfoFromRegionName(byte[] regionName) throws IOException {
325    byte[][] fields = RegionInfo.parseRegionName(regionName);
326    long regionId = Long.parseLong(Bytes.toString(fields[2]));
327    int replicaId = fields.length > 3 ? Integer.parseInt(Bytes.toString(fields[3]), 16) : 0;
328    return RegionInfoBuilder.newBuilder(TableName.valueOf(fields[0]))
329      .setStartKey(fields[1]).setRegionId(regionId).setReplicaId(replicaId).build();
330  }
332  /**
333   * Gets the result in hbase:meta for the specified region.
334   * @param connection connection we're using
335   * @param regionName region we're looking for
336   * @return result of the specified region
337   */
338  public static Result getRegionResult(Connection connection,
339      byte[] regionName) throws IOException {
340    Get get = new Get(regionName);
341    get.addFamily(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY);
342    return get(getMetaHTable(connection), get);
343  }
345  /**
346   * Scans META table for a row whose key contains the specified <B>regionEncodedName</B>,
347   * returning a single related <code>Result</code> instance if any row is found, null otherwise.
348   *
349   * @param connection the connection to query META table.
350   * @param regionEncodedName the region encoded name to look for at META.
351   * @return <code>Result</code> instance with the row related info in META, null otherwise.
352   * @throws IOException if any errors occur while querying META.
353   */
354  public static Result scanByRegionEncodedName(Connection connection,
355      String regionEncodedName) throws IOException {
356    RowFilter rowFilter = new RowFilter(CompareOperator.EQUAL,
357      new SubstringComparator(regionEncodedName));
358    Scan scan = getMetaScan(connection.getConfiguration(), 1);
359    scan.setFilter(rowFilter);
360    try (Table table = getMetaHTable(connection);
361        ResultScanner resultScanner = table.getScanner(scan)) {
362      return resultScanner.next();
363    }
364  }
366  /**
367   * @return Return all regioninfos listed in the 'info:merge*' columns of
368   *   the <code>regionName</code> row.
369   */
370  @Nullable
371  public static List<RegionInfo> getMergeRegions(Connection connection, byte[] regionName)
372      throws IOException {
373    return getMergeRegions(getRegionResult(connection, regionName).rawCells());
374  }
376  /**
377   * Check whether the given {@code regionName} has any 'info:merge*' columns.
378   */
379  public static boolean hasMergeRegions(Connection conn, byte[] regionName) throws IOException {
380    return hasMergeRegions(getRegionResult(conn, regionName).rawCells());
381  }
383  /**
384   * @return Deserialized values of &lt;qualifier,regioninfo&gt; pairs taken from column values that
385   *         match the regex 'info:merge.*' in array of <code>cells</code>.
386   */
387  @Nullable
388  public static Map<String, RegionInfo> getMergeRegionsWithName(Cell [] cells) {
389    if (cells == null) {
390      return null;
391    }
392    Map<String, RegionInfo> regionsToMerge = null;
393    for (Cell cell: cells) {
394      if (!isMergeQualifierPrefix(cell)) {
395        continue;
396      }
397      // Ok. This cell is that of a info:merge* column.
398      RegionInfo ri = RegionInfo.parseFromOrNull(cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(),
399        cell.getValueLength());
400      if (ri != null) {
401        if (regionsToMerge == null) {
402          regionsToMerge = new LinkedHashMap<>();
403        }
404        regionsToMerge.put(Bytes.toString(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(cell)), ri);
405      }
406    }
407    return regionsToMerge;
408  }
410  /**
411   * @return Deserialized regioninfo values taken from column values that match
412   *   the regex 'info:merge.*' in array of <code>cells</code>.
413   */
414  @Nullable
415  public static List<RegionInfo> getMergeRegions(Cell [] cells) {
416    Map<String, RegionInfo> mergeRegionsWithName = getMergeRegionsWithName(cells);
417    return (mergeRegionsWithName == null) ? null : new ArrayList<>(mergeRegionsWithName.values());
418  }
420  /**
421   * @return True if any merge regions present in <code>cells</code>; i.e.
422   *   the column in <code>cell</code> matches the regex 'info:merge.*'.
423   */
424  public static boolean hasMergeRegions(Cell [] cells) {
425    for (Cell cell: cells) {
426      if (!isMergeQualifierPrefix(cell)) {
427        continue;
428      }
429      return true;
430    }
431    return false;
432  }
434  /**
435   * @return True if the column in <code>cell</code> matches the regex 'info:merge.*'.
436   */
437  private static boolean isMergeQualifierPrefix(Cell cell) {
438    // Check to see if has family and that qualifier starts with the merge qualifier 'merge'
439    return CellUtil.matchingFamily(cell, HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY) &&
440      PrivateCellUtil.qualifierStartsWith(cell, HConstants.MERGE_QUALIFIER_PREFIX);
441  }
443  /**
444   * Lists all of the regions currently in META.
445   *
446   * @param connection to connect with
447   * @param excludeOfflinedSplitParents False if we are to include offlined/splitparents regions,
448   *                                    true and we'll leave out offlined regions from returned list
449   * @return List of all user-space regions.
450   */
451  public static List<RegionInfo> getAllRegions(Connection connection,
452      boolean excludeOfflinedSplitParents)
453      throws IOException {
454    List<Pair<RegionInfo, ServerName>> result;
456    result = getTableRegionsAndLocations(connection, null,
457        excludeOfflinedSplitParents);
459    return getListOfRegionInfos(result);
461  }
463  /**
464   * Gets all of the regions of the specified table. Do not use this method
465   * to get meta table regions, use methods in MetaTableLocator instead.
466   * @param connection connection we're using
467   * @param tableName table we're looking for
468   * @return Ordered list of {@link RegionInfo}.
469   */
470  public static List<RegionInfo> getTableRegions(Connection connection, TableName tableName)
471  throws IOException {
472    return getTableRegions(connection, tableName, false);
473  }
475  /**
476   * Gets all of the regions of the specified table. Do not use this method
477   * to get meta table regions, use methods in MetaTableLocator instead.
478   * @param connection connection we're using
479   * @param tableName table we're looking for
480   * @param excludeOfflinedSplitParents If true, do not include offlined split
481   * parents in the return.
482   * @return Ordered list of {@link RegionInfo}.
483   */
484  public static List<RegionInfo> getTableRegions(Connection connection, TableName tableName,
485      final boolean excludeOfflinedSplitParents) throws IOException {
486    List<Pair<RegionInfo, ServerName>> result =
487      getTableRegionsAndLocations(connection, tableName, excludeOfflinedSplitParents);
488    return getListOfRegionInfos(result);
489  }
491  private static List<RegionInfo> getListOfRegionInfos(
492      final List<Pair<RegionInfo, ServerName>> pairs) {
493    if (pairs == null || pairs.isEmpty()) {
494      return Collections.emptyList();
495    }
496    List<RegionInfo> result = new ArrayList<>(pairs.size());
497    for (Pair<RegionInfo, ServerName> pair : pairs) {
498      result.add(pair.getFirst());
499    }
500    return result;
501  }
503  /**
504   * @param tableName table we're working with
505   * @return start row for scanning META according to query type
506   */
507  public static byte[] getTableStartRowForMeta(TableName tableName, QueryType type) {
508    if (tableName == null) {
509      return null;
510    }
511    switch (type) {
512    case REGION:
513      byte[] startRow = new byte[tableName.getName().length + 2];
514      System.arraycopy(tableName.getName(), 0, startRow, 0, tableName.getName().length);
515      startRow[startRow.length - 2] = HConstants.DELIMITER;
516      startRow[startRow.length - 1] = HConstants.DELIMITER;
517      return startRow;
518    case ALL:
519    case TABLE:
520    default:
521      return tableName.getName();
522    }
523  }
525  /**
526   * @param tableName table we're working with
527   * @return stop row for scanning META according to query type
528   */
529  public static byte[] getTableStopRowForMeta(TableName tableName, QueryType type) {
530    if (tableName == null) {
531      return null;
532    }
533    final byte[] stopRow;
534    switch (type) {
535    case REGION:
536      stopRow = new byte[tableName.getName().length + 3];
537      System.arraycopy(tableName.getName(), 0, stopRow, 0, tableName.getName().length);
538      stopRow[stopRow.length - 3] = ' ';
539      stopRow[stopRow.length - 2] = HConstants.DELIMITER;
540      stopRow[stopRow.length - 1] = HConstants.DELIMITER;
541      break;
542    case ALL:
543    case TABLE:
544    default:
545      stopRow = new byte[tableName.getName().length + 1];
546      System.arraycopy(tableName.getName(), 0, stopRow, 0, tableName.getName().length);
547      stopRow[stopRow.length - 1] = ' ';
548      break;
549    }
550    return stopRow;
551  }
553  /**
554   * This method creates a Scan object that will only scan catalog rows that
555   * belong to the specified table. It doesn't specify any columns.
556   * This is a better alternative to just using a start row and scan until
557   * it hits a new table since that requires parsing the HRI to get the table
558   * name.
559   * @param tableName bytes of table's name
560   * @return configured Scan object
561   */
562  public static Scan getScanForTableName(Configuration conf, TableName tableName) {
563    // Start key is just the table name with delimiters
564    byte[] startKey = getTableStartRowForMeta(tableName, QueryType.REGION);
565    // Stop key appends the smallest possible char to the table name
566    byte[] stopKey = getTableStopRowForMeta(tableName, QueryType.REGION);
568    Scan scan = getMetaScan(conf, -1);
569    scan.setStartRow(startKey);
570    scan.setStopRow(stopKey);
571    return scan;
572  }
574  private static Scan getMetaScan(Configuration conf, int rowUpperLimit) {
575    Scan scan = new Scan();
576    int scannerCaching = conf.getInt(HConstants.HBASE_META_SCANNER_CACHING,
578    if (conf.getBoolean(HConstants.USE_META_REPLICAS, HConstants.DEFAULT_USE_META_REPLICAS)) {
579      scan.setConsistency(Consistency.TIMELINE);
580    }
581    if (rowUpperLimit > 0) {
582      scan.setLimit(rowUpperLimit);
583      scan.setReadType(Scan.ReadType.PREAD);
584    }
585    scan.setCaching(scannerCaching);
586    return scan;
587  }
589  /**
590   * Do not use this method to get meta table regions, use methods in MetaTableLocator instead.
591   * @param connection connection we're using
592   * @param tableName table we're looking for
593   * @return Return list of regioninfos and server.
594   */
595  public static List<Pair<RegionInfo, ServerName>>
596    getTableRegionsAndLocations(Connection connection, TableName tableName)
597      throws IOException {
598    return getTableRegionsAndLocations(connection, tableName, true);
599  }
601  /**
602   * Do not use this method to get meta table regions, use methods in MetaTableLocator instead.
603   * @param connection connection we're using
604   * @param tableName table to work with, can be null for getting all regions
605   * @param excludeOfflinedSplitParents don't return split parents
606   * @return Return list of regioninfos and server addresses.
607   */
608  // What happens here when 1M regions in hbase:meta? This won't scale?
609  public static List<Pair<RegionInfo, ServerName>> getTableRegionsAndLocations(
610      Connection connection, @Nullable final TableName tableName,
611      final boolean excludeOfflinedSplitParents) throws IOException {
612    if (tableName != null && tableName.equals(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME)) {
613      throw new IOException("This method can't be used to locate meta regions;"
614        + " use MetaTableLocator instead");
615    }
616    // Make a version of CollectingVisitor that collects RegionInfo and ServerAddress
617    CollectingVisitor<Pair<RegionInfo, ServerName>> visitor =
618      new CollectingVisitor<Pair<RegionInfo, ServerName>>() {
619        private RegionLocations current = null;
621        @Override
622        public boolean visit(Result r) throws IOException {
623          current = getRegionLocations(r);
624          if (current == null || current.getRegionLocation().getRegion() == null) {
625            LOG.warn("No serialized RegionInfo in " + r);
626            return true;
627          }
628          RegionInfo hri = current.getRegionLocation().getRegion();
629          if (excludeOfflinedSplitParents && hri.isSplitParent()) return true;
630          // Else call super and add this Result to the collection.
631          return super.visit(r);
632        }
634        @Override
635        void add(Result r) {
636          if (current == null) {
637            return;
638          }
639          for (HRegionLocation loc : current.getRegionLocations()) {
640            if (loc != null) {
641              this.results.add(new Pair<>(loc.getRegion(), loc.getServerName()));
642            }
643          }
644        }
645      };
646    scanMeta(connection,
647        getTableStartRowForMeta(tableName, QueryType.REGION),
648        getTableStopRowForMeta(tableName, QueryType.REGION),
649        QueryType.REGION, visitor);
650    return visitor.getResults();
651  }
653  /**
654   * @param connection connection we're using
655   * @param serverName server whose regions we're interested in
656   * @return List of user regions installed on this server (does not include
657   * catalog regions).
658   * @throws IOException
659   */
660  public static NavigableMap<RegionInfo, Result>
661  getServerUserRegions(Connection connection, final ServerName serverName)
662    throws IOException {
663    final NavigableMap<RegionInfo, Result> hris = new TreeMap<>();
664    // Fill the above hris map with entries from hbase:meta that have the passed
665    // servername.
666    CollectingVisitor<Result> v = new CollectingVisitor<Result>() {
667      @Override
668      void add(Result r) {
669        if (r == null || r.isEmpty()) return;
670        RegionLocations locations = getRegionLocations(r);
671        if (locations == null) return;
672        for (HRegionLocation loc : locations.getRegionLocations()) {
673          if (loc != null) {
674            if (loc.getServerName() != null && loc.getServerName().equals(serverName)) {
675              hris.put(loc.getRegion(), r);
676            }
677          }
678        }
679      }
680    };
681    scanMeta(connection, null, null, QueryType.REGION, v);
682    return hris;
683  }
685  public static void fullScanMetaAndPrint(Connection connection)
686    throws IOException {
687    Visitor v = r -> {
688      if (r ==  null || r.isEmpty()) {
689        return true;
690      }
691      LOG.info("fullScanMetaAndPrint.Current Meta Row: " + r);
692      TableState state = getTableState(r);
693      if (state != null) {
694        LOG.info("fullScanMetaAndPrint.Table State={}" + state);
695      } else {
696        RegionLocations locations = getRegionLocations(r);
697        if (locations == null) {
698          return true;
699        }
700        for (HRegionLocation loc : locations.getRegionLocations()) {
701          if (loc != null) {
702            LOG.info("fullScanMetaAndPrint.HRI Print={}", loc.getRegion());
703          }
704        }
705      }
706      return true;
707    };
708    scanMeta(connection, null, null, QueryType.ALL, v);
709  }
711  public static void scanMetaForTableRegions(Connection connection, Visitor visitor,
712      TableName tableName) throws IOException {
713    scanMeta(connection, tableName, QueryType.REGION, Integer.MAX_VALUE, visitor);
714  }
716  private static void scanMeta(Connection connection, TableName table, QueryType type, int maxRows,
717      final Visitor visitor) throws IOException {
718    scanMeta(connection, getTableStartRowForMeta(table, type), getTableStopRowForMeta(table, type),
719      type, maxRows, visitor);
720  }
722  private static void scanMeta(Connection connection, @Nullable final byte[] startRow,
723      @Nullable final byte[] stopRow, QueryType type, final Visitor visitor) throws IOException {
724    scanMeta(connection, startRow, stopRow, type, Integer.MAX_VALUE, visitor);
725  }
727  /**
728   * Performs a scan of META table for given table starting from given row.
729   * @param connection connection we're using
730   * @param visitor    visitor to call
731   * @param tableName  table withing we scan
732   * @param row        start scan from this row
733   * @param rowLimit   max number of rows to return
734   */
735  public static void scanMeta(Connection connection, final Visitor visitor,
736      final TableName tableName, final byte[] row, final int rowLimit) throws IOException {
737    byte[] startRow = null;
738    byte[] stopRow = null;
739    if (tableName != null) {
740      startRow = getTableStartRowForMeta(tableName, QueryType.REGION);
741      if (row != null) {
742        RegionInfo closestRi = getClosestRegionInfo(connection, tableName, row);
743        startRow =
744          RegionInfo.createRegionName(tableName, closestRi.getStartKey(), HConstants.ZEROES, false);
745      }
746      stopRow = getTableStopRowForMeta(tableName, QueryType.REGION);
747    }
748    scanMeta(connection, startRow, stopRow, QueryType.REGION, rowLimit, visitor);
749  }
751  /**
752   * Performs a scan of META table.
753   * @param connection connection we're using
754   * @param startRow Where to start the scan. Pass null if want to begin scan
755   *                 at first row.
756   * @param stopRow Where to stop the scan. Pass null if want to scan all rows
757   *                from the start one
758   * @param type scanned part of meta
759   * @param maxRows maximum rows to return
760   * @param visitor Visitor invoked against each row.
761   */
762  static void scanMeta(Connection connection, @Nullable final byte[] startRow,
763        @Nullable final byte[] stopRow, QueryType type, int maxRows, final Visitor visitor)
764      throws IOException {
765    scanMeta(connection, startRow, stopRow, type, null, maxRows, visitor);
766  }
768  private static void scanMeta(Connection connection, @Nullable final byte[] startRow,
769      @Nullable final byte[] stopRow, QueryType type, @Nullable Filter filter, int maxRows,
770      final Visitor visitor) throws IOException {
771    int rowUpperLimit = maxRows > 0 ? maxRows : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
772    Scan scan = getMetaScan(connection.getConfiguration(), rowUpperLimit);
774    for (byte[] family : type.getFamilies()) {
775      scan.addFamily(family);
776    }
777    if (startRow != null) {
778      scan.withStartRow(startRow);
779    }
780    if (stopRow != null) {
781      scan.withStopRow(stopRow);
782    }
783    if (filter != null) {
784      scan.setFilter(filter);
785    }
787    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
788      LOG.trace("Scanning META" + " starting at row=" + Bytes.toStringBinary(startRow) +
789        " stopping at row=" + Bytes.toStringBinary(stopRow) + " for max=" + rowUpperLimit +
790        " with caching=" + scan.getCaching());
791    }
793    int currentRow = 0;
794    try (Table metaTable = getMetaHTable(connection)) {
795      try (ResultScanner scanner = metaTable.getScanner(scan)) {
796        Result data;
797        while ((data = scanner.next()) != null) {
798          if (data.isEmpty()) continue;
799          // Break if visit returns false.
800          if (!visitor.visit(data)) break;
801          if (++currentRow >= rowUpperLimit) break;
802        }
803      }
804    }
805    if (visitor instanceof Closeable) {
806      try {
807        ((Closeable) visitor).close();
808      } catch (Throwable t) {
809        ExceptionUtil.rethrowIfInterrupt(t);
810        LOG.debug("Got exception in closing the meta scanner visitor", t);
811      }
812    }
813  }
815  /**
816   * @return Get closest metatable region row to passed <code>row</code>
817   */
818  @NonNull
819  private static RegionInfo getClosestRegionInfo(Connection connection,
820      @NonNull final TableName tableName, @NonNull final byte[] row) throws IOException {
821    byte[] searchRow = RegionInfo.createRegionName(tableName, row, HConstants.NINES, false);
822    Scan scan = getMetaScan(connection.getConfiguration(), 1);
823    scan.setReversed(true);
824    scan.withStartRow(searchRow);
825    try (ResultScanner resultScanner = getMetaHTable(connection).getScanner(scan)) {
826      Result result = resultScanner.next();
827      if (result == null) {
828        throw new TableNotFoundException("Cannot find row in META " +
829            " for table: " + tableName + ", row=" + Bytes.toStringBinary(row));
830      }
831      RegionInfo regionInfo = getRegionInfo(result);
832      if (regionInfo == null) {
833        throw new IOException("RegionInfo was null or empty in Meta for " +
834            tableName + ", row=" + Bytes.toStringBinary(row));
835      }
836      return regionInfo;
837    }
838  }
840  /**
841   * Returns the column family used for meta columns.
842   * @return HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY.
843   */
844  public static byte[] getCatalogFamily() {
845    return HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY;
846  }
848  /**
849   * Returns the column family used for table columns.
850   * @return HConstants.TABLE_FAMILY.
851   */
852  private static byte[] getTableFamily() {
853    return HConstants.TABLE_FAMILY;
854  }
856  /**
857   * Returns the column qualifier for serialized region info
858   * @return HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER
859   */
860  public static byte[] getRegionInfoColumn() {
861    return HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER;
862  }
864  /**
865   * Returns the column qualifier for serialized table state
866   * @return HConstants.TABLE_STATE_QUALIFIER
867   */
868  private static byte[] getTableStateColumn() {
869    return HConstants.TABLE_STATE_QUALIFIER;
870  }
872  /**
873   * Returns the column qualifier for serialized region state
874   * @return HConstants.STATE_QUALIFIER
875   */
876  private static byte[] getRegionStateColumn() {
877    return HConstants.STATE_QUALIFIER;
878  }
880  /**
881   * Returns the column qualifier for serialized region state
882   * @param replicaId the replicaId of the region
883   * @return a byte[] for state qualifier
884   */
885  public static byte[] getRegionStateColumn(int replicaId) {
886    return replicaId == 0 ? HConstants.STATE_QUALIFIER
888            + String.format(RegionInfo.REPLICA_ID_FORMAT, replicaId));
889  }
891  /**
892   * Returns the column qualifier for serialized region state
893   * @param replicaId the replicaId of the region
894   * @return a byte[] for sn column qualifier
895   */
896  public static byte[] getServerNameColumn(int replicaId) {
897    return replicaId == 0 ? HConstants.SERVERNAME_QUALIFIER
899            + String.format(RegionInfo.REPLICA_ID_FORMAT, replicaId));
900  }
902  /**
903   * Returns the column qualifier for server column for replicaId
904   * @param replicaId the replicaId of the region
905   * @return a byte[] for server column qualifier
906   */
907  public static byte[] getServerColumn(int replicaId) {
908    return replicaId == 0
909      ? HConstants.SERVER_QUALIFIER
911      + String.format(RegionInfo.REPLICA_ID_FORMAT, replicaId));
912  }
914  /**
915   * Returns the column qualifier for server start code column for replicaId
916   * @param replicaId the replicaId of the region
917   * @return a byte[] for server start code column qualifier
918   */
919  public static byte[] getStartCodeColumn(int replicaId) {
920    return replicaId == 0
921      ? HConstants.STARTCODE_QUALIFIER
923      + String.format(RegionInfo.REPLICA_ID_FORMAT, replicaId));
924  }
926  /**
927   * Returns the column qualifier for seqNum column for replicaId
928   * @param replicaId the replicaId of the region
929   * @return a byte[] for seqNum column qualifier
930   */
931  public static byte[] getSeqNumColumn(int replicaId) {
932    return replicaId == 0
933      ? HConstants.SEQNUM_QUALIFIER
935      + String.format(RegionInfo.REPLICA_ID_FORMAT, replicaId));
936  }
938  /**
939   * Parses the replicaId from the server column qualifier. See top of the class javadoc
940   * for the actual meta layout
941   * @param serverColumn the column qualifier
942   * @return an int for the replicaId
943   */
944  static int parseReplicaIdFromServerColumn(byte[] serverColumn) {
945    String serverStr = Bytes.toString(serverColumn);
947    Matcher matcher = SERVER_COLUMN_PATTERN.matcher(serverStr);
948    if (matcher.matches() && matcher.groupCount() > 0) {
949      String group = matcher.group(1);
950      if (group != null && group.length() > 0) {
951        return Integer.parseInt(group.substring(1), 16);
952      } else {
953        return 0;
954      }
955    }
956    return -1;
957  }
959  /**
960   * Returns a {@link ServerName} from catalog table {@link Result}.
961   * @param r Result to pull from
962   * @return A ServerName instance or null if necessary fields not found or empty.
963   */
964  @Nullable
965  @InterfaceAudience.Private // for use by HMaster#getTableRegionRow which is used for testing only
966  public static ServerName getServerName(final Result r, final int replicaId) {
967    byte[] serverColumn = getServerColumn(replicaId);
968    Cell cell = r.getColumnLatestCell(getCatalogFamily(), serverColumn);
969    if (cell == null || cell.getValueLength() == 0) return null;
970    String hostAndPort = Bytes.toString(
971      cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength());
972    byte[] startcodeColumn = getStartCodeColumn(replicaId);
973    cell = r.getColumnLatestCell(getCatalogFamily(), startcodeColumn);
974    if (cell == null || cell.getValueLength() == 0) return null;
975    try {
976      return ServerName.valueOf(hostAndPort,
977          Bytes.toLong(cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength()));
978    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
979      LOG.error("Ignoring invalid region for server " + hostAndPort + "; cell=" + cell, e);
980      return null;
981    }
982  }
984  /**
985   * Returns the {@link ServerName} from catalog table {@link Result} where the region is
986   * transitioning on. It should be the same as {@link MetaTableAccessor#getServerName(Result,int)}
987   * if the server is at OPEN state.
988   *
989   * @param r Result to pull the transitioning server name from
990   * @return A ServerName instance or {@link MetaTableAccessor#getServerName(Result,int)}
991   * if necessary fields not found or empty.
992   */
993  @Nullable
994  public static ServerName getTargetServerName(final Result r, final int replicaId) {
995    final Cell cell = r.getColumnLatestCell(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY,
996      getServerNameColumn(replicaId));
997    if (cell == null || cell.getValueLength() == 0) {
998      RegionLocations locations = MetaTableAccessor.getRegionLocations(r);
999      if (locations != null) {
1000        HRegionLocation location = locations.getRegionLocation(replicaId);
1001        if (location != null) {
1002          return location.getServerName();
1003        }
1004      }
1005      return null;
1006    }
1007    return ServerName.parseServerName(Bytes.toString(cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(),
1008      cell.getValueLength()));
1009  }
1011  /**
1012   * The latest seqnum that the server writing to meta observed when opening the region.
1013   * E.g. the seqNum when the result of {@link #getServerName(Result, int)} was written.
1014   * @param r Result to pull the seqNum from
1015   * @return SeqNum, or HConstants.NO_SEQNUM if there's no value written.
1016   */
1017  private static long getSeqNumDuringOpen(final Result r, final int replicaId) {
1018    Cell cell = r.getColumnLatestCell(getCatalogFamily(), getSeqNumColumn(replicaId));
1019    if (cell == null || cell.getValueLength() == 0) return HConstants.NO_SEQNUM;
1020    return Bytes.toLong(cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength());
1021  }
1023  /**
1024   * Returns the daughter regions by reading the corresponding columns of the catalog table
1025   * Result.
1026   * @param data a Result object from the catalog table scan
1027   * @return pair of RegionInfo or PairOfSameType(null, null) if region is not a split parent
1028   */
1029  public static PairOfSameType<RegionInfo> getDaughterRegions(Result data) {
1030    RegionInfo splitA = getRegionInfo(data, HConstants.SPLITA_QUALIFIER);
1031    RegionInfo splitB = getRegionInfo(data, HConstants.SPLITB_QUALIFIER);
1032    return new PairOfSameType<>(splitA, splitB);
1033  }
1035  /**
1036   * Returns an HRegionLocationList extracted from the result.
1037   * @return an HRegionLocationList containing all locations for the region range or null if
1038   *  we can't deserialize the result.
1039   */
1040  @Nullable
1041  public static RegionLocations getRegionLocations(final Result r) {
1042    if (r == null) return null;
1043    RegionInfo regionInfo = getRegionInfo(r, getRegionInfoColumn());
1044    if (regionInfo == null) return null;
1046    List<HRegionLocation> locations = new ArrayList<>(1);
1047    NavigableMap<byte[],NavigableMap<byte[],byte[]>> familyMap = r.getNoVersionMap();
1049    locations.add(getRegionLocation(r, regionInfo, 0));
1051    NavigableMap<byte[], byte[]> infoMap = familyMap.get(getCatalogFamily());
1052    if (infoMap == null) return new RegionLocations(locations);
1054    // iterate until all serverName columns are seen
1055    int replicaId = 0;
1056    byte[] serverColumn = getServerColumn(replicaId);
1057    SortedMap<byte[], byte[]> serverMap;
1058    serverMap = infoMap.tailMap(serverColumn, false);
1060    if (serverMap.isEmpty()) return new RegionLocations(locations);
1062    for (Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]> entry : serverMap.entrySet()) {
1063      replicaId = parseReplicaIdFromServerColumn(entry.getKey());
1064      if (replicaId < 0) {
1065        break;
1066      }
1067      HRegionLocation location = getRegionLocation(r, regionInfo, replicaId);
1068      // In case the region replica is newly created, it's location might be null. We usually do not
1069      // have HRL's in RegionLocations object with null ServerName. They are handled as null HRLs.
1070      if (location.getServerName() == null) {
1071        locations.add(null);
1072      } else {
1073        locations.add(location);
1074      }
1075    }
1077    return new RegionLocations(locations);
1078  }
1080  /**
1081   * Returns the HRegionLocation parsed from the given meta row Result
1082   * for the given regionInfo and replicaId. The regionInfo can be the default region info
1083   * for the replica.
1084   * @param r the meta row result
1085   * @param regionInfo RegionInfo for default replica
1086   * @param replicaId the replicaId for the HRegionLocation
1087   * @return HRegionLocation parsed from the given meta row Result for the given replicaId
1088   */
1089  private static HRegionLocation getRegionLocation(final Result r, final RegionInfo regionInfo,
1090                                                   final int replicaId) {
1091    ServerName serverName = getServerName(r, replicaId);
1092    long seqNum = getSeqNumDuringOpen(r, replicaId);
1093    RegionInfo replicaInfo = RegionReplicaUtil.getRegionInfoForReplica(regionInfo, replicaId);
1094    return new HRegionLocation(replicaInfo, serverName, seqNum);
1095  }
1097  /**
1098   * Returns RegionInfo object from the column
1099   * HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY:HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER of the catalog
1100   * table Result.
1101   * @param data a Result object from the catalog table scan
1102   * @return RegionInfo or null
1103   */
1104  public static RegionInfo getRegionInfo(Result data) {
1105    return getRegionInfo(data, HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER);
1106  }
1108  /**
1109   * Returns the RegionInfo object from the column {@link HConstants#CATALOG_FAMILY} and
1110   * <code>qualifier</code> of the catalog table result.
1111   * @param r a Result object from the catalog table scan
1112   * @param qualifier Column family qualifier
1113   * @return An RegionInfo instance or null.
1114   */
1115  @Nullable
1116  public static RegionInfo getRegionInfo(final Result r, byte [] qualifier) {
1117    Cell cell = r.getColumnLatestCell(getCatalogFamily(), qualifier);
1118    if (cell == null) return null;
1119    return RegionInfo.parseFromOrNull(cell.getValueArray(),
1120      cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength());
1121  }
1123  /**
1124   * Fetch table state for given table from META table
1125   * @param conn connection to use
1126   * @param tableName table to fetch state for
1127   */
1128  @Nullable
1129  public static TableState getTableState(Connection conn, TableName tableName)
1130      throws IOException {
1131    if (tableName.equals(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME)) {
1132      return new TableState(tableName, TableState.State.ENABLED);
1133    }
1134    Table metaHTable = getMetaHTable(conn);
1135    Get get = new Get(tableName.getName()).addColumn(getTableFamily(), getTableStateColumn());
1136    Result result = metaHTable.get(get);
1137    return getTableState(result);
1138  }
1140  /**
1141   * Fetch table states from META table
1142   * @param conn connection to use
1143   * @return map {tableName -&gt; state}
1144   */
1145  public static Map<TableName, TableState> getTableStates(Connection conn)
1146      throws IOException {
1147    final Map<TableName, TableState> states = new LinkedHashMap<>();
1148    Visitor collector = r -> {
1149      TableState state = getTableState(r);
1150      if (state != null) {
1151        states.put(state.getTableName(), state);
1152      }
1153      return true;
1154    };
1155    fullScanTables(conn, collector);
1156    return states;
1157  }
1159  /**
1160   * Updates state in META
1161   * Do not use. For internal use only.
1162   * @param conn connection to use
1163   * @param tableName table to look for
1164   */
1165  public static void updateTableState(Connection conn, TableName tableName,
1166      TableState.State actual) throws IOException {
1167    updateTableState(conn, new TableState(tableName, actual));
1168  }
1170  /**
1171   * Decode table state from META Result.
1172   * Should contain cell from HConstants.TABLE_FAMILY
1173   * @return null if not found
1174   */
1175  @Nullable
1176  public static TableState getTableState(Result r) throws IOException {
1177    Cell cell = r.getColumnLatestCell(getTableFamily(), getTableStateColumn());
1178    if (cell == null) {
1179      return null;
1180    }
1181    try {
1182      return TableState.parseFrom(TableName.valueOf(r.getRow()),
1183        Arrays.copyOfRange(cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(),
1184          cell.getValueOffset() + cell.getValueLength()));
1185    } catch (DeserializationException e) {
1186      throw new IOException(e);
1187    }
1188  }
1190  /**
1191   * Implementations 'visit' a catalog table row.
1192   */
1193  public interface Visitor {
1194    /**
1195     * Visit the catalog table row.
1196     * @param r A row from catalog table
1197     * @return True if we are to proceed scanning the table, else false if
1198     * we are to stop now.
1199     */
1200    boolean visit(final Result r) throws IOException;
1201  }
1203  /**
1204   * Implementations 'visit' a catalog table row but with close() at the end.
1205   */
1206  public interface CloseableVisitor extends Visitor, Closeable {
1207  }
1209  /**
1210   * A {@link Visitor} that collects content out of passed {@link Result}.
1211   */
1212  static abstract class CollectingVisitor<T> implements Visitor {
1213    final List<T> results = new ArrayList<>();
1214    @Override
1215    public boolean visit(Result r) throws IOException {
1216      if (r != null && !r.isEmpty()) {
1217        add(r);
1218      }
1219      return true;
1220    }
1222    abstract void add(Result r);
1224    /**
1225     * @return Collected results; wait till visits complete to collect all
1226     * possible results
1227     */
1228    List<T> getResults() {
1229      return this.results;
1230    }
1231  }
1233  /**
1234   * Collects all returned.
1235   */
1236  static class CollectAllVisitor extends CollectingVisitor<Result> {
1237    @Override
1238    void add(Result r) {
1239      this.results.add(r);
1240    }
1241  }
1243  /**
1244   * A Visitor that skips offline regions and split parents
1245   */
1246  public static abstract class DefaultVisitorBase implements Visitor {
1248    DefaultVisitorBase() {
1249      super();
1250    }
1252    public abstract boolean visitInternal(Result rowResult) throws IOException;
1254    @Override
1255    public boolean visit(Result rowResult) throws IOException {
1256      RegionInfo info = getRegionInfo(rowResult);
1257      if (info == null) {
1258        return true;
1259      }
1261      //skip over offline and split regions
1262      if (!(info.isOffline() || info.isSplit())) {
1263        return visitInternal(rowResult);
1264      }
1265      return true;
1266    }
1267  }
1269  /**
1270   * A Visitor for a table. Provides a consistent view of the table's
1271   * hbase:meta entries during concurrent splits (see HBASE-5986 for details). This class
1272   * does not guarantee ordered traversal of meta entries, and can block until the
1273   * hbase:meta entries for daughters are available during splits.
1274   */
1275  public static abstract class TableVisitorBase extends DefaultVisitorBase {
1276    private TableName tableName;
1278    public TableVisitorBase(TableName tableName) {
1279      super();
1280      this.tableName = tableName;
1281    }
1283    @Override
1284    public final boolean visit(Result rowResult) throws IOException {
1285      RegionInfo info = getRegionInfo(rowResult);
1286      if (info == null) {
1287        return true;
1288      }
1289      if (!(info.getTable().equals(tableName))) {
1290        return false;
1291      }
1292      return super.visit(rowResult);
1293    }
1294  }
1296  ////////////////////////
1297  // Editing operations //
1298  ////////////////////////
1299  /**
1300   * Generates and returns a Put containing the region into for the catalog table
1301   */
1302  public static Put makePutFromRegionInfo(RegionInfo regionInfo, long ts) throws IOException {
1303    return addRegionInfo(new Put(regionInfo.getRegionName(), ts), regionInfo);
1304  }
1306  /**
1307   * Generates and returns a Delete containing the region info for the catalog table
1308   */
1309  public static Delete makeDeleteFromRegionInfo(RegionInfo regionInfo, long ts) {
1310    if (regionInfo == null) {
1311      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't make a delete for null region");
1312    }
1313    Delete delete = new Delete(regionInfo.getRegionName());
1314    delete.addFamily(getCatalogFamily(), ts);
1315    return delete;
1316  }
1318  /**
1319   * Adds split daughters to the Put
1320   */
1321  private static Put addDaughtersToPut(Put put, RegionInfo splitA, RegionInfo splitB)
1322      throws IOException {
1323    if (splitA != null) {
1324      put.add(CellBuilderFactory.create(CellBuilderType.SHALLOW_COPY)
1325                .setRow(put.getRow())
1326                .setFamily(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY)
1327                .setQualifier(HConstants.SPLITA_QUALIFIER)
1328                .setTimestamp(put.getTimestamp())
1329                .setType(Type.Put)
1330                .setValue(RegionInfo.toByteArray(splitA))
1331                .build());
1332    }
1333    if (splitB != null) {
1334      put.add(CellBuilderFactory.create(CellBuilderType.SHALLOW_COPY)
1335                .setRow(put.getRow())
1336                .setFamily(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY)
1337                .setQualifier(HConstants.SPLITB_QUALIFIER)
1338                .setTimestamp(put.getTimestamp())
1339                .setType(Type.Put)
1340                .setValue(RegionInfo.toByteArray(splitB))
1341                .build());
1342    }
1343    return put;
1344  }
1346  /**
1347   * Put the passed <code>p</code> to the <code>hbase:meta</code> table.
1348   * @param connection connection we're using
1349   * @param p Put to add to hbase:meta
1350   */
1351  private static void putToMetaTable(Connection connection, Put p) throws IOException {
1352    try (Table table = getMetaHTable(connection)) {
1353      put(table, p);
1354    }
1355  }
1357  /**
1358   * @param t Table to use
1359   * @param p put to make
1360   */
1361  private static void put(Table t, Put p) throws IOException {
1362    debugLogMutation(p);
1363    t.put(p);
1364  }
1366  /**
1367   * Put the passed <code>ps</code> to the <code>hbase:meta</code> table.
1368   * @param connection connection we're using
1369   * @param ps Put to add to hbase:meta
1370   */
1371  public static void putsToMetaTable(final Connection connection, final List<Put> ps)
1372      throws IOException {
1373    if (ps.isEmpty()) {
1374      return;
1375    }
1376    try (Table t = getMetaHTable(connection)) {
1377      debugLogMutations(ps);
1378      // the implementation for putting a single Put is much simpler so here we do a check first.
1379      if (ps.size() == 1) {
1380        t.put(ps.get(0));
1381      } else {
1382        t.put(ps);
1383      }
1384    }
1385  }
1387  /**
1388   * Delete the passed <code>d</code> from the <code>hbase:meta</code> table.
1389   * @param connection connection we're using
1390   * @param d Delete to add to hbase:meta
1391   */
1392  private static void deleteFromMetaTable(final Connection connection, final Delete d)
1393      throws IOException {
1394    List<Delete> dels = new ArrayList<>(1);
1395    dels.add(d);
1396    deleteFromMetaTable(connection, dels);
1397  }
1399  /**
1400   * Delete the passed <code>deletes</code> from the <code>hbase:meta</code> table.
1401   * @param connection connection we're using
1402   * @param deletes Deletes to add to hbase:meta  This list should support #remove.
1403   */
1404  private static void deleteFromMetaTable(final Connection connection, final List<Delete> deletes)
1405      throws IOException {
1406    try (Table t = getMetaHTable(connection)) {
1407      debugLogMutations(deletes);
1408      t.delete(deletes);
1409    }
1410  }
1412  private static Put addRegionStateToPut(Put put, RegionState.State state) throws IOException {
1413    put.add(CellBuilderFactory.create(CellBuilderType.SHALLOW_COPY)
1414        .setRow(put.getRow())
1415        .setFamily(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY)
1416        .setQualifier(getRegionStateColumn())
1417        .setTimestamp(put.getTimestamp())
1418        .setType(Cell.Type.Put)
1419        .setValue(Bytes.toBytes(state.name()))
1420        .build());
1421    return put;
1422  }
1424  /**
1425   * Update state column in hbase:meta.
1426   */
1427  public static void updateRegionState(Connection connection, RegionInfo ri,
1428      RegionState.State state) throws IOException {
1429    Put put = new Put(RegionReplicaUtil.getRegionInfoForDefaultReplica(ri).getRegionName());
1430    MetaTableAccessor.putsToMetaTable(connection,
1431        Collections.singletonList(addRegionStateToPut(put, state)));
1432  }
1434  /**
1435   * Adds daughter region infos to hbase:meta row for the specified region. Note that this does not
1436   * add its daughter's as different rows, but adds information about the daughters in the same row
1437   * as the parent. Use
1438   * {@link #splitRegion(Connection, RegionInfo, long, RegionInfo, RegionInfo, ServerName, int)}
1439   * if you want to do that.
1440   * @param connection connection we're using
1441   * @param regionInfo RegionInfo of parent region
1442   * @param splitA first split daughter of the parent regionInfo
1443   * @param splitB second split daughter of the parent regionInfo
1444   * @throws IOException if problem connecting or updating meta
1445   */
1446  public static void addSplitsToParent(Connection connection, RegionInfo regionInfo,
1447      RegionInfo splitA, RegionInfo splitB) throws IOException {
1448    try (Table meta = getMetaHTable(connection)) {
1449      Put put = makePutFromRegionInfo(regionInfo, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime());
1450      addDaughtersToPut(put, splitA, splitB);
1451      meta.put(put);
1452      debugLogMutation(put);
1453      LOG.debug("Added region {}", regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString());
1454    }
1455  }
1457  /**
1458   * Adds a (single) hbase:meta row for the specified new region and its daughters. Note that this
1459   * does not add its daughter's as different rows, but adds information about the daughters
1460   * in the same row as the parent. Use
1461   * {@link #splitRegion(Connection, RegionInfo, long, RegionInfo, RegionInfo, ServerName, int)}
1462   * if you want to do that.
1463   * @param connection connection we're using
1464   * @param regionInfo region information
1465   * @throws IOException if problem connecting or updating meta
1466   */
1467  public static void addRegionToMeta(Connection connection, RegionInfo regionInfo)
1468      throws IOException {
1469    addRegionsToMeta(connection, Collections.singletonList(regionInfo), 1);
1470  }
1472  /**
1473   * Adds a hbase:meta row for each of the specified new regions. Initial state for new regions
1474   * is CLOSED.
1475   * @param connection connection we're using
1476   * @param regionInfos region information list
1477   * @throws IOException if problem connecting or updating meta
1478   */
1479  public static void addRegionsToMeta(Connection connection, List<RegionInfo> regionInfos,
1480      int regionReplication) throws IOException {
1481    addRegionsToMeta(connection, regionInfos, regionReplication,
1482      EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime());
1483  }
1485  /**
1486   * Adds a hbase:meta row for each of the specified new regions. Initial state for new regions
1487   * is CLOSED.
1488   * @param connection connection we're using
1489   * @param regionInfos region information list
1490   * @param ts desired timestamp
1491   * @throws IOException if problem connecting or updating meta
1492   */
1493  private static void addRegionsToMeta(Connection connection, List<RegionInfo> regionInfos,
1494      int regionReplication, long ts) throws IOException {
1495    List<Put> puts = new ArrayList<>();
1496    for (RegionInfo regionInfo : regionInfos) {
1497      if (RegionReplicaUtil.isDefaultReplica(regionInfo)) {
1498        Put put = makePutFromRegionInfo(regionInfo, ts);
1499        // New regions are added with initial state of CLOSED.
1500        addRegionStateToPut(put, RegionState.State.CLOSED);
1501        // Add empty locations for region replicas so that number of replicas can be cached
1502        // whenever the primary region is looked up from meta
1503        for (int i = 1; i < regionReplication; i++) {
1504          addEmptyLocation(put, i);
1505        }
1506        puts.add(put);
1507      }
1508    }
1509    putsToMetaTable(connection, puts);
1510    LOG.info("Added {} regions to meta.", puts.size());
1511  }
1513  static Put addMergeRegions(Put put, Collection<RegionInfo> mergeRegions) throws IOException {
1514    int limit = 10000; // Arbitrary limit. No room in our formatted 'task0000' below for more.
1515    int max = mergeRegions.size();
1516    if (max > limit) {
1517      // Should never happen!!!!! But just in case.
1518      throw new RuntimeException("Can't merge " + max + " regions in one go; " + limit +
1519          " is upper-limit.");
1520    }
1521    int counter = 0;
1522    for (RegionInfo ri: mergeRegions) {
1523      String qualifier = String.format(HConstants.MERGE_QUALIFIER_PREFIX_STR + "%04d", counter++);
1524      put.add(CellBuilderFactory.create(CellBuilderType.SHALLOW_COPY).
1525          setRow(put.getRow()).
1526          setFamily(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY).
1527          setQualifier(Bytes.toBytes(qualifier)).
1528          setTimestamp(put.getTimestamp()).
1529          setType(Type.Put).
1530          setValue(RegionInfo.toByteArray(ri)).
1531          build());
1532    }
1533    return put;
1534  }
1536  /**
1537   * Merge regions into one in an atomic operation. Deletes the merging regions in
1538   * hbase:meta and adds the merged region.
1539   * @param connection connection we're using
1540   * @param mergedRegion the merged region
1541   * @param parentSeqNum Parent regions to merge and their next open sequence id used
1542   *   by serial replication. Set to -1 if not needed by this table.
1543   * @param sn the location of the region
1544   */
1545  public static void mergeRegions(Connection connection, RegionInfo mergedRegion,
1546        Map<RegionInfo, Long> parentSeqNum, ServerName sn, int regionReplication)
1547      throws IOException {
1548    try (Table meta = getMetaHTable(connection)) {
1549      long time = HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP;
1550      List<Mutation> mutations = new ArrayList<>();
1551      List<RegionInfo> replicationParents = new ArrayList<>();
1552      for (Map.Entry<RegionInfo, Long> e: parentSeqNum.entrySet()) {
1553        RegionInfo ri = e.getKey();
1554        long seqNum = e.getValue();
1555        // Deletes for merging regions
1556        mutations.add(makeDeleteFromRegionInfo(ri, time));
1557        if (seqNum > 0) {
1558          mutations.add(makePutForReplicationBarrier(ri, seqNum, time));
1559          replicationParents.add(ri);
1560        }
1561      }
1562      // Put for parent
1563      Put putOfMerged = makePutFromRegionInfo(mergedRegion, time);
1564      putOfMerged = addMergeRegions(putOfMerged, parentSeqNum.keySet());
1565      // Set initial state to CLOSED.
1566      // NOTE: If initial state is not set to CLOSED then merged region gets added with the
1567      // default OFFLINE state. If Master gets restarted after this step, start up sequence of
1568      // master tries to assign this offline region. This is followed by re-assignments of the
1569      // merged region from resumed {@link MergeTableRegionsProcedure}
1570      addRegionStateToPut(putOfMerged, RegionState.State.CLOSED);
1571      mutations.add(putOfMerged);
1572      // The merged is a new region, openSeqNum = 1 is fine. ServerName may be null
1573      // if crash after merge happened but before we got to here.. means in-memory
1574      // locations of offlined merged, now-closed, regions is lost. Should be ok. We
1575      // assign the merged region later.
1576      if (sn != null) {
1577        addLocation(putOfMerged, sn, 1, mergedRegion.getReplicaId());
1578      }
1580      // Add empty locations for region replicas of the merged region so that number of replicas
1581      // can be cached whenever the primary region is looked up from meta
1582      for (int i = 1; i < regionReplication; i++) {
1583        addEmptyLocation(putOfMerged, i);
1584      }
1585      // add parent reference for serial replication
1586      if (!replicationParents.isEmpty()) {
1587        addReplicationParent(putOfMerged, replicationParents);
1588      }
1589      byte[] tableRow = Bytes.toBytes(mergedRegion.getRegionNameAsString() + HConstants.DELIMITER);
1590      multiMutate(meta, tableRow, mutations);
1591    }
1592  }
1594  /**
1595   * Splits the region into two in an atomic operation. Offlines the parent region with the
1596   * information that it is split into two, and also adds the daughter regions. Does not add the
1597   * location information to the daughter regions since they are not open yet.
1598   * @param connection connection we're using
1599   * @param parent the parent region which is split
1600   * @param parentOpenSeqNum the next open sequence id for parent region, used by serial
1601   *          replication. -1 if not necessary.
1602   * @param splitA Split daughter region A
1603   * @param splitB Split daughter region B
1604   * @param sn the location of the region
1605   */
1606  public static void splitRegion(Connection connection, RegionInfo parent, long parentOpenSeqNum,
1607      RegionInfo splitA, RegionInfo splitB, ServerName sn, int regionReplication)
1608      throws IOException {
1609    try (Table meta = getMetaHTable(connection)) {
1610      long time = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
1611      // Put for parent
1612      Put putParent = makePutFromRegionInfo(RegionInfoBuilder.newBuilder(parent)
1613                        .setOffline(true)
1614                        .setSplit(true).build(), time);
1615      addDaughtersToPut(putParent, splitA, splitB);
1617      // Puts for daughters
1618      Put putA = makePutFromRegionInfo(splitA, time);
1619      Put putB = makePutFromRegionInfo(splitB, time);
1620      if (parentOpenSeqNum > 0) {
1621        addReplicationBarrier(putParent, parentOpenSeqNum);
1622        addReplicationParent(putA, Collections.singletonList(parent));
1623        addReplicationParent(putB, Collections.singletonList(parent));
1624      }
1625      // Set initial state to CLOSED
1626      // NOTE: If initial state is not set to CLOSED then daughter regions get added with the
1627      // default OFFLINE state. If Master gets restarted after this step, start up sequence of
1628      // master tries to assign these offline regions. This is followed by re-assignments of the
1629      // daughter regions from resumed {@link SplitTableRegionProcedure}
1630      addRegionStateToPut(putA, RegionState.State.CLOSED);
1631      addRegionStateToPut(putB, RegionState.State.CLOSED);
1633      addSequenceNum(putA, 1, splitA.getReplicaId()); // new regions, openSeqNum = 1 is fine.
1634      addSequenceNum(putB, 1, splitB.getReplicaId());
1636      // Add empty locations for region replicas of daughters so that number of replicas can be
1637      // cached whenever the primary region is looked up from meta
1638      for (int i = 1; i < regionReplication; i++) {
1639        addEmptyLocation(putA, i);
1640        addEmptyLocation(putB, i);
1641      }
1643      byte[] tableRow = Bytes.toBytes(parent.getRegionNameAsString() + HConstants.DELIMITER);
1644      multiMutate(meta, tableRow, putParent, putA, putB);
1645    }
1646  }
1648  /**
1649   * Update state of the table in meta.
1650   * @param connection what we use for update
1651   * @param state new state
1652   */
1653  private static void updateTableState(Connection connection, TableState state) throws IOException {
1654    Put put = makePutFromTableState(state, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime());
1655    putToMetaTable(connection, put);
1656    LOG.info("Updated {} in hbase:meta", state);
1657  }
1659  /**
1660   * Construct PUT for given state
1661   * @param state new state
1662   */
1663  public static Put makePutFromTableState(TableState state, long ts) {
1664    Put put = new Put(state.getTableName().getName(), ts);
1665    put.addColumn(getTableFamily(), getTableStateColumn(), state.convert().toByteArray());
1666    return put;
1667  }
1669  /**
1670   * Remove state for table from meta
1671   * @param connection to use for deletion
1672   * @param table to delete state for
1673   */
1674  public static void deleteTableState(Connection connection, TableName table)
1675      throws IOException {
1676    long time = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
1677    Delete delete = new Delete(table.getName());
1678    delete.addColumns(getTableFamily(), getTableStateColumn(), time);
1679    deleteFromMetaTable(connection, delete);
1680    LOG.info("Deleted table " + table + " state from META");
1681  }
1683  private static void multiMutate(Table table, byte[] row,
1684      Mutation... mutations) throws IOException {
1685    multiMutate(table, row, Arrays.asList(mutations));
1686  }
1688  /**
1689   * Performs an atomic multi-mutate operation against the given table. Used by the likes of
1690   * merge and split as these want to make atomic mutations across multiple rows.
1691   * @throws IOException even if we encounter a RuntimeException, we'll still wrap it in an IOE.
1692   */
1693  static void multiMutate(final Table table, byte[] row, final List<Mutation> mutations)
1694      throws IOException {
1695    debugLogMutations(mutations);
1696    Batch.Call<MultiRowMutationService, MutateRowsResponse> callable = instance -> {
1697      MutateRowsRequest.Builder builder = MutateRowsRequest.newBuilder();
1698      for (Mutation mutation : mutations) {
1699        if (mutation instanceof Put) {
1700          builder.addMutationRequest(
1701            ProtobufUtil.toMutation(ClientProtos.MutationProto.MutationType.PUT, mutation));
1702        } else if (mutation instanceof Delete) {
1703          builder.addMutationRequest(
1704            ProtobufUtil.toMutation(ClientProtos.MutationProto.MutationType.DELETE, mutation));
1705        } else {
1706          throw new DoNotRetryIOException(
1707            "multi in MetaEditor doesn't support " + mutation.getClass().getName());
1708        }
1709      }
1710      ServerRpcController controller = new ServerRpcController();
1711      CoprocessorRpcUtils.BlockingRpcCallback<MutateRowsResponse> rpcCallback =
1712        new CoprocessorRpcUtils.BlockingRpcCallback<>();
1713      instance.mutateRows(controller, builder.build(), rpcCallback);
1714      MutateRowsResponse resp = rpcCallback.get();
1715      if (controller.failedOnException()) {
1716        throw controller.getFailedOn();
1717      }
1718      return resp;
1719    };
1720    try {
1721      table.coprocessorService(MultiRowMutationService.class, row, row, callable);
1722    } catch (Throwable e) {
1723      // Throw if an IOE else wrap in an IOE EVEN IF IT IS a RuntimeException (e.g.
1724      // a RejectedExecutionException because the hosting exception is shutting down.
1725      // This is old behavior worth reexamining. Procedures doing merge or split
1726      // currently don't handle RuntimeExceptions coming up out of meta table edits.
1727      // Would have to work on this at least. See HBASE-23904.
1728      Throwables.throwIfInstanceOf(e, IOException.class);
1729      throw new IOException(e);
1730    }
1731  }
1733  /**
1734   * Updates the location of the specified region in hbase:meta to be the specified server hostname
1735   * and startcode.
1736   * <p>
1737   * Uses passed catalog tracker to get a connection to the server hosting hbase:meta and makes
1738   * edits to that region.
1739   * @param connection connection we're using
1740   * @param regionInfo region to update location of
1741   * @param openSeqNum the latest sequence number obtained when the region was open
1742   * @param sn Server name
1743   * @param masterSystemTime wall clock time from master if passed in the open region RPC
1744   */
1745  public static void updateRegionLocation(Connection connection, RegionInfo regionInfo,
1746      ServerName sn, long openSeqNum, long masterSystemTime) throws IOException {
1747    updateLocation(connection, regionInfo, sn, openSeqNum, masterSystemTime);
1748  }
1750  /**
1751   * Updates the location of the specified region to be the specified server.
1752   * <p>
1753   * Connects to the specified server which should be hosting the specified catalog region name to
1754   * perform the edit.
1755   * @param connection connection we're using
1756   * @param regionInfo region to update location of
1757   * @param sn Server name
1758   * @param openSeqNum the latest sequence number obtained when the region was open
1759   * @param masterSystemTime wall clock time from master if passed in the open region RPC
1760   * @throws IOException In particular could throw {@link java.net.ConnectException} if the server
1761   *           is down on other end.
1762   */
1763  private static void updateLocation(Connection connection, RegionInfo regionInfo, ServerName sn,
1764      long openSeqNum, long masterSystemTime) throws IOException {
1765    // region replicas are kept in the primary region's row
1766    Put put = new Put(getMetaKeyForRegion(regionInfo), masterSystemTime);
1767    addRegionInfo(put, regionInfo);
1768    addLocation(put, sn, openSeqNum, regionInfo.getReplicaId());
1769    putToMetaTable(connection, put);
1770    LOG.info("Updated row {} with server=", regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString(), sn);
1771  }
1773  /**
1774   * Deletes the specified region from META.
1775   * @param connection connection we're using
1776   * @param regionInfo region to be deleted from META
1777   */
1778  public static void deleteRegionInfo(Connection connection, RegionInfo regionInfo)
1779      throws IOException {
1780    Delete delete = new Delete(regionInfo.getRegionName());
1781    delete.addFamily(getCatalogFamily(), HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
1782    deleteFromMetaTable(connection, delete);
1783    LOG.info("Deleted " + regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString());
1784  }
1786  /**
1787   * Deletes the specified regions from META.
1788   * @param connection connection we're using
1789   * @param regionsInfo list of regions to be deleted from META
1790   */
1791  public static void deleteRegionInfos(Connection connection, List<RegionInfo> regionsInfo)
1792      throws IOException {
1793    deleteRegionInfos(connection, regionsInfo, EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime());
1794  }
1796  /**
1797   * Deletes the specified regions from META.
1798   * @param connection connection we're using
1799   * @param regionsInfo list of regions to be deleted from META
1800   */
1801  private static void deleteRegionInfos(Connection connection, List<RegionInfo> regionsInfo,
1802        long ts)
1803      throws IOException {
1804    List<Delete> deletes = new ArrayList<>(regionsInfo.size());
1805    for (RegionInfo hri : regionsInfo) {
1806      Delete e = new Delete(hri.getRegionName());
1807      e.addFamily(getCatalogFamily(), ts);
1808      deletes.add(e);
1809    }
1810    deleteFromMetaTable(connection, deletes);
1811    LOG.info("Deleted {} regions from META", regionsInfo.size());
1812    LOG.debug("Deleted regions: {}", regionsInfo);
1813  }
1815  /**
1816   * Overwrites the specified regions from hbase:meta. Deletes old rows for the given regions and
1817   * adds new ones. Regions added back have state CLOSED.
1818   * @param connection connection we're using
1819   * @param regionInfos list of regions to be added to META
1820   */
1821  public static void overwriteRegions(Connection connection, List<RegionInfo> regionInfos,
1822      int regionReplication) throws IOException {
1823    // use master time for delete marker and the Put
1824    long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
1825    deleteRegionInfos(connection, regionInfos, now);
1826    // Why sleep? This is the easiest way to ensure that the previous deletes does not
1827    // eclipse the following puts, that might happen in the same ts from the server.
1828    // See HBASE-9906, and HBASE-9879. Once either HBASE-9879, HBASE-8770 is fixed,
1829    // or HBASE-9905 is fixed and meta uses seqIds, we do not need the sleep.
1830    //
1831    // HBASE-13875 uses master timestamp for the mutations. The 20ms sleep is not needed
1832    addRegionsToMeta(connection, regionInfos, regionReplication, now + 1);
1833    LOG.info("Overwritten " + regionInfos.size() + " regions to Meta");
1834    LOG.debug("Overwritten regions: {} ", regionInfos);
1835  }
1837  /**
1838   * Deletes merge qualifiers for the specified merge region.
1839   * @param connection connection we're using
1840   * @param mergeRegion the merged region
1841   */
1842  public static void deleteMergeQualifiers(Connection connection, final RegionInfo mergeRegion)
1843      throws IOException {
1844    Delete delete = new Delete(mergeRegion.getRegionName());
1845    // NOTE: We are doing a new hbase:meta read here.
1846    Cell[] cells = getRegionResult(connection, mergeRegion.getRegionName()).rawCells();
1847    if (cells == null || cells.length == 0) {
1848      return;
1849    }
1850    List<byte[]> qualifiers = new ArrayList<>();
1851    for (Cell cell : cells) {
1852      if (!isMergeQualifierPrefix(cell)) {
1853        continue;
1854      }
1855      byte[] qualifier = CellUtil.cloneQualifier(cell);
1856      qualifiers.add(qualifier);
1857      delete.addColumns(getCatalogFamily(), qualifier, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
1858    }
1860    // There will be race condition that a GCMultipleMergedRegionsProcedure is scheduled while
1861    // the previous GCMultipleMergedRegionsProcedure is still going on, in this case, the second
1862    // GCMultipleMergedRegionsProcedure could delete the merged region by accident!
1863    if (qualifiers.isEmpty()) {
1864      LOG.info("No merged qualifiers for region " + mergeRegion.getRegionNameAsString() +
1865        " in meta table, they are cleaned up already, Skip.");
1866      return;
1867    }
1869    deleteFromMetaTable(connection, delete);
1870    LOG.info("Deleted merge references in " + mergeRegion.getRegionNameAsString() +
1871        ", deleted qualifiers " + qualifiers.stream().map(Bytes::toStringBinary).
1872        collect(Collectors.joining(", ")));
1873  }
1875  public static Put addRegionInfo(final Put p, final RegionInfo hri)
1876    throws IOException {
1877    p.add(CellBuilderFactory.create(CellBuilderType.SHALLOW_COPY)
1878        .setRow(p.getRow())
1879        .setFamily(getCatalogFamily())
1880        .setQualifier(HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER)
1881        .setTimestamp(p.getTimestamp())
1882        .setType(Type.Put)
1883        // Serialize the Default Replica HRI otherwise scan of hbase:meta
1884        // shows an info:regioninfo value with encoded name and region
1885        // name that differs from that of the hbase;meta row.
1886        .setValue(RegionInfo.toByteArray(RegionReplicaUtil.getRegionInfoForDefaultReplica(hri)))
1887        .build());
1888    return p;
1889  }
1891  public static Put addLocation(Put p, ServerName sn, long openSeqNum, int replicaId)
1892      throws IOException {
1893    CellBuilder builder = CellBuilderFactory.create(CellBuilderType.SHALLOW_COPY);
1894    return p.add(builder.clear()
1895              .setRow(p.getRow())
1896              .setFamily(getCatalogFamily())
1897              .setQualifier(getServerColumn(replicaId))
1898              .setTimestamp(p.getTimestamp())
1899              .setType(Cell.Type.Put)
1900              .setValue(Bytes.toBytes(sn.getAddress().toString()))
1901              .build())
1902            .add(builder.clear()
1903              .setRow(p.getRow())
1904              .setFamily(getCatalogFamily())
1905              .setQualifier(getStartCodeColumn(replicaId))
1906              .setTimestamp(p.getTimestamp())
1907              .setType(Cell.Type.Put)
1908              .setValue(Bytes.toBytes(sn.getStartcode()))
1909              .build())
1910            .add(builder.clear()
1911              .setRow(p.getRow())
1912              .setFamily(getCatalogFamily())
1913              .setQualifier(getSeqNumColumn(replicaId))
1914              .setTimestamp(p.getTimestamp())
1915              .setType(Type.Put)
1916              .setValue(Bytes.toBytes(openSeqNum))
1917              .build());
1918  }
1920  private static void writeRegionName(ByteArrayOutputStream out, byte[] regionName) {
1921    for (byte b : regionName) {
1922      if (b == ESCAPE_BYTE) {
1923        out.write(ESCAPE_BYTE);
1924      }
1925      out.write(b);
1926    }
1927  }
1929  public static byte[] getParentsBytes(List<RegionInfo> parents) {
1930    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
1931    Iterator<RegionInfo> iter = parents.iterator();
1932    writeRegionName(bos, iter.next().getRegionName());
1933    while (iter.hasNext()) {
1934      bos.write(ESCAPE_BYTE);
1935      bos.write(SEPARATED_BYTE);
1936      writeRegionName(bos, iter.next().getRegionName());
1937    }
1938    return bos.toByteArray();
1939  }
1941  private static List<byte[]> parseParentsBytes(byte[] bytes) {
1942    List<byte[]> parents = new ArrayList<>();
1943    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
1944    for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
1945      if (bytes[i] == ESCAPE_BYTE) {
1946        i++;
1947        if (bytes[i] == SEPARATED_BYTE) {
1948          parents.add(bos.toByteArray());
1949          bos.reset();
1950          continue;
1951        }
1952        // fall through to append the byte
1953      }
1954      bos.write(bytes[i]);
1955    }
1956    if (bos.size() > 0) {
1957      parents.add(bos.toByteArray());
1958    }
1959    return parents;
1960  }
1962  private static void addReplicationParent(Put put, List<RegionInfo> parents) throws IOException {
1963    byte[] value = getParentsBytes(parents);
1964    put.add(CellBuilderFactory.create(CellBuilderType.SHALLOW_COPY).setRow(put.getRow())
1966      .setTimestamp(put.getTimestamp()).setType(Type.Put).setValue(value).build());
1967  }
1969  public static Put makePutForReplicationBarrier(RegionInfo regionInfo, long openSeqNum, long ts)
1970      throws IOException {
1971    Put put = new Put(regionInfo.getRegionName(), ts);
1972    addReplicationBarrier(put, openSeqNum);
1973    return put;
1974  }
1976  /**
1977   * See class comment on SerialReplicationChecker
1978   */
1979  public static void addReplicationBarrier(Put put, long openSeqNum) throws IOException {
1980    put.add(CellBuilderFactory.create(CellBuilderType.SHALLOW_COPY)
1981      .setRow(put.getRow())
1982      .setFamily(HConstants.REPLICATION_BARRIER_FAMILY)
1983      .setQualifier(HConstants.SEQNUM_QUALIFIER)
1984      .setTimestamp(put.getTimestamp())
1985      .setType(Type.Put)
1986      .setValue(Bytes.toBytes(openSeqNum))
1987      .build());
1988  }
1990  public static Put addEmptyLocation(Put p, int replicaId) throws IOException {
1991    CellBuilder builder = CellBuilderFactory.create(CellBuilderType.SHALLOW_COPY);
1992    return p.add(builder.clear()
1993                .setRow(p.getRow())
1994                .setFamily(getCatalogFamily())
1995                .setQualifier(getServerColumn(replicaId))
1996                .setTimestamp(p.getTimestamp())
1997                .setType(Type.Put)
1998                .build())
1999            .add(builder.clear()
2000                .setRow(p.getRow())
2001                .setFamily(getCatalogFamily())
2002                .setQualifier(getStartCodeColumn(replicaId))
2003                .setTimestamp(p.getTimestamp())
2004                .setType(Cell.Type.Put)
2005                .build())
2006            .add(builder.clear()
2007                .setRow(p.getRow())
2008                .setFamily(getCatalogFamily())
2009                .setQualifier(getSeqNumColumn(replicaId))
2010                .setTimestamp(p.getTimestamp())
2011                .setType(Cell.Type.Put)
2012                .build());
2013  }
2015  public static final class ReplicationBarrierResult {
2016    private final long[] barriers;
2017    private final RegionState.State state;
2018    private final List<byte[]> parentRegionNames;
2020    ReplicationBarrierResult(long[] barriers, State state, List<byte[]> parentRegionNames) {
2021      this.barriers = barriers;
2022      this.state = state;
2023      this.parentRegionNames = parentRegionNames;
2024    }
2026    public long[] getBarriers() {
2027      return barriers;
2028    }
2030    public RegionState.State getState() {
2031      return state;
2032    }
2034    public List<byte[]> getParentRegionNames() {
2035      return parentRegionNames;
2036    }
2038    @Override
2039    public String toString() {
2040      return "ReplicationBarrierResult [barriers=" + Arrays.toString(barriers) + ", state=" +
2041        state + ", parentRegionNames=" +
2042        parentRegionNames.stream().map(Bytes::toStringBinary).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) +
2043        "]";
2044    }
2045  }
2047  private static long getReplicationBarrier(Cell c) {
2048    return Bytes.toLong(c.getValueArray(), c.getValueOffset(), c.getValueLength());
2049  }
2051  public static long[] getReplicationBarriers(Result result) {
2052    return result.getColumnCells(HConstants.REPLICATION_BARRIER_FAMILY, HConstants.SEQNUM_QUALIFIER)
2053      .stream().mapToLong(MetaTableAccessor::getReplicationBarrier).sorted().distinct().toArray();
2054  }
2056  private static ReplicationBarrierResult getReplicationBarrierResult(Result result) {
2057    long[] barriers = getReplicationBarriers(result);
2058    byte[] stateBytes = result.getValue(getCatalogFamily(), getRegionStateColumn());
2059    RegionState.State state =
2060      stateBytes != null ? RegionState.State.valueOf(Bytes.toString(stateBytes)) : null;
2061    byte[] parentRegionsBytes =
2063    List<byte[]> parentRegionNames =
2064      parentRegionsBytes != null ? parseParentsBytes(parentRegionsBytes) : Collections.emptyList();
2065    return new ReplicationBarrierResult(barriers, state, parentRegionNames);
2066  }
2068  public static ReplicationBarrierResult getReplicationBarrierResult(Connection conn,
2069      TableName tableName, byte[] row, byte[] encodedRegionName) throws IOException {
2070    byte[] metaStartKey = RegionInfo.createRegionName(tableName, row, HConstants.NINES, false);
2071    byte[] metaStopKey =
2072      RegionInfo.createRegionName(tableName, HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW, "", false);
2073    Scan scan = new Scan().withStartRow(metaStartKey).withStopRow(metaStopKey)
2074      .addColumn(getCatalogFamily(), getRegionStateColumn())
2075      .addFamily(HConstants.REPLICATION_BARRIER_FAMILY).readAllVersions().setReversed(true)
2076      .setCaching(10);
2077    try (Table table = getMetaHTable(conn); ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan)) {
2078      for (Result result;;) {
2079        result = scanner.next();
2080        if (result == null) {
2081          return new ReplicationBarrierResult(new long[0], null, Collections.emptyList());
2082        }
2083        byte[] regionName = result.getRow();
2084        // TODO: we may look up a region which has already been split or merged so we need to check
2085        // whether the encoded name matches. Need to find a way to quit earlier when there is no
2086        // record for the given region, for now it will scan to the end of the table.
2087        if (!Bytes.equals(encodedRegionName,
2088          Bytes.toBytes(RegionInfo.encodeRegionName(regionName)))) {
2089          continue;
2090        }
2091        return getReplicationBarrierResult(result);
2092      }
2093    }
2094  }
2096  public static long[] getReplicationBarrier(Connection conn, byte[] regionName)
2097      throws IOException {
2098    try (Table table = getMetaHTable(conn)) {
2099      Result result = table.get(new Get(regionName)
2100        .addColumn(HConstants.REPLICATION_BARRIER_FAMILY, HConstants.SEQNUM_QUALIFIER)
2101        .readAllVersions());
2102      return getReplicationBarriers(result);
2103    }
2104  }
2106  public static List<Pair<String, Long>> getTableEncodedRegionNameAndLastBarrier(Connection conn,
2107      TableName tableName) throws IOException {
2108    List<Pair<String, Long>> list = new ArrayList<>();
2109    scanMeta(conn, getTableStartRowForMeta(tableName, QueryType.REPLICATION),
2110      getTableStopRowForMeta(tableName, QueryType.REPLICATION), QueryType.REPLICATION, r -> {
2111        byte[] value =
2112          r.getValue(HConstants.REPLICATION_BARRIER_FAMILY, HConstants.SEQNUM_QUALIFIER);
2113        if (value == null) {
2114          return true;
2115        }
2116        long lastBarrier = Bytes.toLong(value);
2117        String encodedRegionName = RegionInfo.encodeRegionName(r.getRow());
2118        list.add(Pair.newPair(encodedRegionName, lastBarrier));
2119        return true;
2120      });
2121    return list;
2122  }
2124  public static List<String> getTableEncodedRegionNamesForSerialReplication(Connection conn,
2125      TableName tableName) throws IOException {
2126    List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
2127    scanMeta(conn, getTableStartRowForMeta(tableName, QueryType.REPLICATION),
2128      getTableStopRowForMeta(tableName, QueryType.REPLICATION), QueryType.REPLICATION,
2129      new FirstKeyOnlyFilter(), Integer.MAX_VALUE, r -> {
2130        list.add(RegionInfo.encodeRegionName(r.getRow()));
2131        return true;
2132      });
2133    return list;
2134  }
2136  private static void debugLogMutations(List<? extends Mutation> mutations) throws IOException {
2137    if (!METALOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
2138      return;
2139    }
2140    // Logging each mutation in separate line makes it easier to see diff between them visually
2141    // because of common starting indentation.
2142    for (Mutation mutation : mutations) {
2143      debugLogMutation(mutation);
2144    }
2145  }
2147  private static void debugLogMutation(Mutation p) throws IOException {
2148    METALOG.debug("{} {}", p.getClass().getSimpleName(), p.toJSON());
2149  }
2151  private static Put addSequenceNum(Put p, long openSeqNum, int replicaId) throws IOException {
2152    return p.add(CellBuilderFactory.create(CellBuilderType.SHALLOW_COPY)
2153              .setRow(p.getRow())
2154              .setFamily(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY)
2155              .setQualifier(getSeqNumColumn(replicaId))
2156              .setTimestamp(p.getTimestamp())
2157              .setType(Type.Put)
2158              .setValue(Bytes.toBytes(openSeqNum))
2159              .build());
2160  }