002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.procedure2.store.wal;
020import java.util.ArrayList;
021import java.util.Arrays;
022import java.util.List;
023import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.procedure2.Procedure;
024import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.procedure2.store.wal.ProcedureStoreTracker.DeleteState;
025import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
027import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.ProcedureProtos;
030 * A bitmap which can grow/merge with other {@link BitSetNode} (if certain conditions are met).
031 * Boundaries of bitmap are aligned to multiples of {@link BitSetNode#BITS_PER_WORD}. So the range
032 * of a {@link BitSetNode} is from [x * K, y * K) where x and y are integers, y > x and K is
034 * <p/>
035 * We have two main bit sets to describe the state of procedures, the meanings are:
036 *
037 * <pre>
038 *  ----------------------
039 * | modified | deleted |  meaning
040 * |     0    |   0     |  proc exists, but hasn't been updated since last resetUpdates().
041 * |     1    |   0     |  proc was updated (but not deleted).
042 * |     1    |   1     |  proc was deleted.
043 * |     0    |   1     |  proc doesn't exist (maybe never created, maybe deleted in past).
044 * ----------------------
045 * </pre>
046 *
047 * The meaning of modified is that, we have modified the state of the procedure, no matter insert,
048 * update, or delete. And if it is an insert or update, we will set the deleted to 0, if not we will
049 * set the delete to 1.
050 * <p/>
051 * For a non-partial BitSetNode, the initial modified value is 0 and deleted value is 1. For the
052 * partial one, the initial modified value is 0 and the initial deleted value is also 0. In
053 * {@link #unsetPartialFlag()} we will reset the deleted to 1 if it is not modified.
054 * @deprecated Since 2.3.0, will be removed in 4.0.0. Keep here only for rolling upgrading, now we
055 *             use the new region based procedure store.
056 */
059class BitSetNode {
060  private static final long WORD_MASK = 0xffffffffffffffffL;
061  private static final int ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD = 6;
062  private static final int BITS_PER_WORD = 1 << ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD;
063  // The BitSetNode itself has 48 bytes overhead, which is the size of 6 longs, so here we use a max
064  // node size 4, which is 8 longs since we have an array for modified and also an array for
065  // deleted. The assumption here is that most procedures will be deleted soon so we'd better keep
066  // the BitSetNode small.
067  private static final int MAX_NODE_SIZE = 4 << ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD;
069  /**
070   * Mimics {@link ProcedureStoreTracker#partial}. It will effect how we fill the new deleted bits
071   * when growing.
072   */
073  private boolean partial;
075  /**
076   * Set of procedures which have been modified since last {@link #resetModified()}. Useful to track
077   * procedures which have been modified since last WAL write.
078   */
079  private long[] modified;
081  /**
082   * Keeps track of procedure ids which belong to this bitmap's range and have been deleted. This
083   * represents global state since it's not reset on WAL rolls.
084   */
085  private long[] deleted;
086  /**
087   * Offset of bitmap i.e. procedure id corresponding to first bit.
088   */
089  private long start;
091  public void dump() {
092    System.out.printf("%06d:%06d min=%d max=%d%n", getStart(), getEnd(), getActiveMinProcId(),
093      getActiveMaxProcId());
094    System.out.println("Modified:");
095    for (int i = 0; i < modified.length; ++i) {
096      for (int j = 0; j < BITS_PER_WORD; ++j) {
097        System.out.print((modified[i] & (1L << j)) != 0 ? "1" : "0");
098      }
099      System.out.println(" " + i);
100    }
101    System.out.println();
102    System.out.println("Delete:");
103    for (int i = 0; i < deleted.length; ++i) {
104      for (int j = 0; j < BITS_PER_WORD; ++j) {
105        System.out.print((deleted[i] & (1L << j)) != 0 ? "1" : "0");
106      }
107      System.out.println(" " + i);
108    }
109    System.out.println();
110  }
112  public BitSetNode(long procId, boolean partial) {
113    start = alignDown(procId);
115    int count = 1;
116    modified = new long[count];
117    deleted = new long[count];
118    if (!partial) {
119      Arrays.fill(deleted, WORD_MASK);
120    }
122    this.partial = partial;
123    updateState(procId, false);
124  }
126  public BitSetNode(ProcedureProtos.ProcedureStoreTracker.TrackerNode data) {
127    start = data.getStartId();
128    int size = data.getUpdatedCount();
129    assert size == data.getDeletedCount();
130    modified = new long[size];
131    deleted = new long[size];
132    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
133      modified[i] = data.getUpdated(i);
134      deleted[i] = data.getDeleted(i);
135    }
136    partial = false;
137  }
139  public BitSetNode(BitSetNode other, boolean resetDelete) {
140    this.start = other.start;
141    // The resetDelete will be set to true when building cleanup tracker.
142    // as we will reset deleted flags for all the unmodified bits to 1, the partial flag is useless
143    // so set it to false for not confusing the developers when debugging.
144    this.partial = resetDelete ? false : other.partial;
145    this.modified = other.modified.clone();
146    // The intention here is that, if a procedure is not modified in this tracker, then we do not
147    // need to take care of it, so we will set deleted to true for these bits, i.e, if modified is
148    // 0, then we set deleted to 1, otherwise keep it as is. So here, the equation is
149    // deleted |= ~modified, i.e,
150    if (resetDelete) {
151      this.deleted = new long[other.deleted.length];
152      for (int i = 0; i < this.deleted.length; ++i) {
153        this.deleted[i] |= ~(other.modified[i]);
154      }
155    } else {
156      this.deleted = other.deleted.clone();
157    }
158  }
160  public void insertOrUpdate(final long procId) {
161    updateState(procId, false);
162  }
164  public void delete(final long procId) {
165    updateState(procId, true);
166  }
168  public long getStart() {
169    return start;
170  }
172  /**
173   * Inclusive.
174   */
175  public long getEnd() {
176    return start + (modified.length << ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD) - 1;
177  }
179  public boolean contains(final long procId) {
180    return start <= procId && procId <= getEnd();
181  }
183  public DeleteState isDeleted(final long procId) {
184    int bitmapIndex = getBitmapIndex(procId);
185    int wordIndex = bitmapIndex >> ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD;
186    if (wordIndex >= deleted.length) {
187      return DeleteState.MAYBE;
188    }
189    // The left shift of java only takes care of the lowest several bits(5 for int and 6 for long),
190    // so here we can use bitmapIndex directly, without mod 64
191    return (deleted[wordIndex] & (1L << bitmapIndex)) != 0 ? DeleteState.YES : DeleteState.NO;
192  }
194  public boolean isModified(long procId) {
195    int bitmapIndex = getBitmapIndex(procId);
196    int wordIndex = bitmapIndex >> ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD;
197    if (wordIndex >= modified.length) {
198      return false;
199    }
200    // The left shift of java only takes care of the lowest several bits(5 for int and 6 for long),
201    // so here we can use bitmapIndex directly, without mod 64
202    return (modified[wordIndex] & (1L << bitmapIndex)) != 0;
203  }
205  /**
206   * @return true, if all the procedures has been modified.
207   */
208  public boolean isAllModified() {
209    // TODO: cache the value
210    for (int i = 0; i < modified.length; ++i) {
211      if ((modified[i] | deleted[i]) != WORD_MASK) {
212        return false;
213      }
214    }
215    return true;
216  }
218  /**
219   * @return all the active procedure ids in this bit set.
220   */
221  public long[] getActiveProcIds() {
222    List<Long> procIds = new ArrayList<>();
223    for (int wordIndex = 0; wordIndex < modified.length; wordIndex++) {
224      if (deleted[wordIndex] == WORD_MASK || modified[wordIndex] == 0) {
225        // This should be the common case, where most procedures has been deleted.
226        continue;
227      }
228      long baseProcId = getStart() + (wordIndex << ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD);
229      for (int i = 0; i < (1 << ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD); i++) {
230        long mask = 1L << i;
231        if ((deleted[wordIndex] & mask) == 0 && (modified[wordIndex] & mask) != 0) {
232          procIds.add(baseProcId + i);
233        }
234      }
235    }
236    return procIds.stream().mapToLong(Long::longValue).toArray();
237  }
239  /**
240   * @return true, if there are no active procedures in this BitSetNode, else false.
241   */
242  public boolean isEmpty() {
243    // TODO: cache the value
244    for (int i = 0; i < deleted.length; ++i) {
245      if (deleted[i] != WORD_MASK) {
246        return false;
247      }
248    }
249    return true;
250  }
252  public void resetModified() {
253    Arrays.fill(modified, 0);
254  }
256  public void unsetPartialFlag() {
257    partial = false;
258    for (int i = 0; i < modified.length; ++i) {
259      for (int j = 0; j < BITS_PER_WORD; ++j) {
260        if ((modified[i] & (1L << j)) == 0) {
261          deleted[i] |= (1L << j);
262        }
263      }
264    }
265  }
267  /**
268   * Convert to
269   * org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ProcedureProtos.ProcedureStoreTracker.TrackerNode
270   * protobuf.
271   */
272  public ProcedureProtos.ProcedureStoreTracker.TrackerNode convert() {
273    ProcedureProtos.ProcedureStoreTracker.TrackerNode.Builder builder =
274      ProcedureProtos.ProcedureStoreTracker.TrackerNode.newBuilder();
275    builder.setStartId(start);
276    for (int i = 0; i < modified.length; ++i) {
277      builder.addUpdated(modified[i]);
278      builder.addDeleted(deleted[i]);
279    }
280    return builder.build();
281  }
283  // ========================================================================
284  // Grow/Merge Helpers
285  // ========================================================================
286  public boolean canGrow(long procId) {
287    if (procId <= start) {
288      return getEnd() - procId < MAX_NODE_SIZE;
289    } else {
290      return procId - start < MAX_NODE_SIZE;
291    }
292  }
294  public boolean canMerge(BitSetNode rightNode) {
295    // Can just compare 'starts' since boundaries are aligned to multiples of BITS_PER_WORD.
296    assert start < rightNode.start;
297    return (rightNode.getEnd() - start) < MAX_NODE_SIZE;
298  }
300  public void grow(long procId) {
301    // make sure you have call canGrow first before calling this method
302    assert canGrow(procId);
303    if (procId < start) {
304      // grow to left
305      long newStart = alignDown(procId);
306      int delta = (int) (start - newStart) >> ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD;
307      start = newStart;
308      long[] newModified = new long[modified.length + delta];
309      System.arraycopy(modified, 0, newModified, delta, modified.length);
310      modified = newModified;
311      long[] newDeleted = new long[deleted.length + delta];
312      if (!partial) {
313        for (int i = 0; i < delta; i++) {
314          newDeleted[i] = WORD_MASK;
315        }
316      }
317      System.arraycopy(deleted, 0, newDeleted, delta, deleted.length);
318      deleted = newDeleted;
319    } else {
320      // grow to right
321      long newEnd = alignUp(procId + 1);
322      int delta = (int) (newEnd - getEnd()) >> ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD;
323      int newSize = modified.length + delta;
324      long[] newModified = Arrays.copyOf(modified, newSize);
325      modified = newModified;
326      long[] newDeleted = Arrays.copyOf(deleted, newSize);
327      if (!partial) {
328        for (int i = deleted.length; i < newSize; i++) {
329          newDeleted[i] = WORD_MASK;
330        }
331      }
332      deleted = newDeleted;
333    }
334  }
336  public void merge(BitSetNode rightNode) {
337    assert start < rightNode.start;
338    int newSize = (int) (rightNode.getEnd() - start + 1) >> ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD;
339    long[] newModified = Arrays.copyOf(modified, newSize);
340    System.arraycopy(rightNode.modified, 0, newModified, newSize - rightNode.modified.length,
341      rightNode.modified.length);
342    long[] newDeleted = Arrays.copyOf(deleted, newSize);
343    System.arraycopy(rightNode.deleted, 0, newDeleted, newSize - rightNode.deleted.length,
344      rightNode.deleted.length);
345    if (!partial) {
346      for (int i = deleted.length, n = newSize - rightNode.deleted.length; i < n; i++) {
347        newDeleted[i] = WORD_MASK;
348      }
349    }
350    modified = newModified;
351    deleted = newDeleted;
352  }
354  @Override
355  public String toString() {
356    return "BitSetNode(" + getStart() + "-" + getEnd() + ")";
357  }
359  // ========================================================================
360  // Min/Max Helpers
361  // ========================================================================
362  public long getActiveMinProcId() {
363    long minProcId = start;
364    for (int i = 0; i < deleted.length; ++i) {
365      if (deleted[i] == 0) {
366        return minProcId;
367      }
369      if (deleted[i] != WORD_MASK) {
370        for (int j = 0; j < BITS_PER_WORD; ++j) {
371          if ((deleted[i] & (1L << j)) == 0) {
372            return minProcId + j;
373          }
374        }
375      }
377      minProcId += BITS_PER_WORD;
378    }
379    return Procedure.NO_PROC_ID;
380  }
382  public long getActiveMaxProcId() {
383    long maxProcId = getEnd();
384    for (int i = deleted.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
385      if (deleted[i] == 0) {
386        return maxProcId;
387      }
389      if (deleted[i] != WORD_MASK) {
390        for (int j = BITS_PER_WORD - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
391          if ((deleted[i] & (1L << j)) == 0) {
392            return maxProcId - (BITS_PER_WORD - 1 - j);
393          }
394        }
395      }
396      maxProcId -= BITS_PER_WORD;
397    }
398    return Procedure.NO_PROC_ID;
399  }
401  // ========================================================================
402  // Bitmap Helpers
403  // ========================================================================
404  private int getBitmapIndex(final long procId) {
405    return (int) (procId - start);
406  }
408  void updateState(long procId, boolean isDeleted) {
409    int bitmapIndex = getBitmapIndex(procId);
410    int wordIndex = bitmapIndex >> ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD;
411    long value = (1L << bitmapIndex);
413    try {
414      modified[wordIndex] |= value;
415    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobe) {
416      // We've gotten a AIOOBE in here; add detail to help debug.
417      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobe2 =
418          new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("pid=" + procId + ", deleted=" + isDeleted);
419      aioobe2.initCause(aioobe);
420      throw aioobe2;
421    }
422    if (isDeleted) {
423      deleted[wordIndex] |= value;
424    } else {
425      deleted[wordIndex] &= ~value;
426    }
427  }
429  // ========================================================================
430  // Helpers
431  // ========================================================================
432  /**
433   * @return upper boundary (aligned to multiple of BITS_PER_WORD) of bitmap range x belongs to.
434   */
435  private static long alignUp(final long x) {
436    return (x + (BITS_PER_WORD - 1)) & -BITS_PER_WORD;
437  }
439  /**
440   * @return lower boundary (aligned to multiple of BITS_PER_WORD) of bitmap range x belongs to.
441   */
442  private static long alignDown(final long x) {
443    return x & -BITS_PER_WORD;
444  }