002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver;
020import java.io.IOException;
021import java.util.ArrayList;
022import java.util.Arrays;
023import java.util.Collection;
024import java.util.Collections;
025import java.util.List;
026import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
027import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellComparator;
028import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil;
029import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PrivateCellUtil;
030import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
031import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
032import org.slf4j.Logger;
033import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
036 * Base class for cell sink that separates the provided cells into multiple files for stripe
037 * compaction.
038 */
040public abstract class StripeMultiFileWriter extends AbstractMultiFileWriter {
042  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StripeMultiFileWriter.class);
044  protected final CellComparator comparator;
045  protected List<StoreFileWriter> existingWriters;
046  protected List<byte[]> boundaries;
048  /** Whether to write stripe metadata */
049  private boolean doWriteStripeMetadata = true;
051  public StripeMultiFileWriter(CellComparator comparator) {
052    this.comparator = comparator;
053  }
055  public void setNoStripeMetadata() {
056    this.doWriteStripeMetadata = false;
057  }
059  @Override
060  protected Collection<StoreFileWriter> writers() {
061    return existingWriters;
062  }
064  protected abstract void preCommitWritersInternal() throws IOException;
066  @Override
067  protected final void preCommitWriters() throws IOException {
068    // do some sanity check here.
069    assert this.existingWriters != null;
070    preCommitWritersInternal();
071    assert this.boundaries.size() == (this.existingWriters.size() + 1);
072  }
074  @Override
075  protected void preCloseWriter(StoreFileWriter writer) throws IOException {
076    if (doWriteStripeMetadata) {
077      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
078        LOG.debug("Write stripe metadata for " + writer.getPath().toString());
079      }
080      int index = existingWriters.indexOf(writer);
081      writer.appendFileInfo(StripeStoreFileManager.STRIPE_START_KEY, boundaries.get(index));
082      writer.appendFileInfo(StripeStoreFileManager.STRIPE_END_KEY, boundaries.get(index + 1));
083    } else {
084      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
085        LOG.debug("Skip writing stripe metadata for " + writer.getPath().toString());
086      }
087    }
088  }
090  /**
091   * Subclasses can call this method to make sure the first KV is within multi-writer range.
092   * @param left The left boundary of the writer.
093   * @param cell The cell whose row has to be checked.
094   */
095  protected void sanityCheckLeft(byte[] left, Cell cell) throws IOException {
096    if (
097      !Arrays.equals(StripeStoreFileManager.OPEN_KEY, left)
098        && comparator.compareRows(cell, left, 0, left.length) < 0
099    ) {
100      String error =
101        "The first row is lower than the left boundary of [" + Bytes.toString(left) + "]: ["
102          + Bytes.toString(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength()) + "]";
103      LOG.error(error);
104      throw new IOException(error);
105    }
106  }
108  /**
109   * Subclasses can call this method to make sure the last KV is within multi-writer range.
110   * @param right The right boundary of the writer.
111   */
112  protected void sanityCheckRight(byte[] right, Cell cell) throws IOException {
113    if (
114      !Arrays.equals(StripeStoreFileManager.OPEN_KEY, right)
115        && comparator.compareRows(cell, right, 0, right.length) >= 0
116    ) {
117      String error = "The last row is higher or equal than the right boundary of ["
118        + Bytes.toString(right) + "]: ["
119        + Bytes.toString(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength()) + "]";
120      LOG.error(error);
121      throw new IOException(error);
122    }
123  }
125  /**
126   * MultiWriter that separates the cells based on fixed row-key boundaries. All the KVs between
127   * each pair of neighboring boundaries from the list supplied to ctor will end up in one file, and
128   * separate from all other such pairs.
129   */
130  public static class BoundaryMultiWriter extends StripeMultiFileWriter {
131    private StoreFileWriter currentWriter;
132    private byte[] currentWriterEndKey;
134    private Cell lastCell;
135    private long cellsInCurrentWriter = 0;
136    private int majorRangeFromIndex = -1, majorRangeToIndex = -1;
137    private boolean hasAnyWriter = false;
139    /**
140     * @param targetBoundaries The boundaries on which writers/files are separated.
141     * @param majorRangeFrom   Major range is the range for which at least one file should be
142     *                         written (because all files are included in compaction).
143     *                         majorRangeFrom is the left boundary.
144     * @param majorRangeTo     The right boundary of majorRange (see majorRangeFrom).
145     */
146    public BoundaryMultiWriter(CellComparator comparator, List<byte[]> targetBoundaries,
147      byte[] majorRangeFrom, byte[] majorRangeTo) throws IOException {
148      super(comparator);
149      this.boundaries = targetBoundaries;
150      this.existingWriters = new ArrayList<>(this.boundaries.size() - 1);
151      // "major" range (range for which all files are included) boundaries, if any,
152      // must match some target boundaries, let's find them.
153      assert (majorRangeFrom == null) == (majorRangeTo == null);
154      if (majorRangeFrom != null) {
155        majorRangeFromIndex = Arrays.equals(majorRangeFrom, StripeStoreFileManager.OPEN_KEY)
156          ? 0
157          : Collections.binarySearch(boundaries, majorRangeFrom, Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
158        majorRangeToIndex = Arrays.equals(majorRangeTo, StripeStoreFileManager.OPEN_KEY)
159          ? boundaries.size()
160          : Collections.binarySearch(boundaries, majorRangeTo, Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
161        if (this.majorRangeFromIndex < 0 || this.majorRangeToIndex < 0) {
162          throw new IOException("Major range does not match writer boundaries: ["
163            + Bytes.toString(majorRangeFrom) + "] [" + Bytes.toString(majorRangeTo) + "]; from "
164            + majorRangeFromIndex + " to " + majorRangeToIndex);
165        }
166      }
167    }
169    @Override
170    public void append(Cell cell) throws IOException {
171      if (currentWriter == null && existingWriters.isEmpty()) {
172        // First append ever, do a sanity check.
173        sanityCheckLeft(this.boundaries.get(0), cell);
174      }
175      prepareWriterFor(cell);
176      currentWriter.append(cell);
177      lastCell = cell; // for the sanity check
178      ++cellsInCurrentWriter;
179    }
181    private boolean isCellAfterCurrentWriter(Cell cell) {
182      return !Arrays.equals(currentWriterEndKey, StripeStoreFileManager.OPEN_KEY)
183        && (comparator.compareRows(cell, currentWriterEndKey, 0, currentWriterEndKey.length) >= 0);
184    }
186    @Override
187    protected void preCommitWritersInternal() throws IOException {
188      stopUsingCurrentWriter();
189      while (existingWriters.size() < boundaries.size() - 1) {
190        createEmptyWriter();
191      }
192      if (lastCell != null) {
193        sanityCheckRight(boundaries.get(boundaries.size() - 1), lastCell);
194      }
195    }
197    private void prepareWriterFor(Cell cell) throws IOException {
198      if (currentWriter != null && !isCellAfterCurrentWriter(cell)) return; // Use same writer.
200      stopUsingCurrentWriter();
201      // See if KV will be past the writer we are about to create; need to add another one.
202      while (isCellAfterCurrentWriter(cell)) {
203        checkCanCreateWriter();
204        createEmptyWriter();
205      }
206      checkCanCreateWriter();
207      hasAnyWriter = true;
208      currentWriter = writerFactory.createWriter();
209      existingWriters.add(currentWriter);
210    }
212    /**
213     * Called if there are no cells for some stripe. We need to have something in the writer list
214     * for this stripe, so that writer-boundary list indices correspond to each other. We can insert
215     * null in the writer list for that purpose, except in the following cases where we actually
216     * need a file: 1) If we are in range for which we are compacting all the files, we need to
217     * create an empty file to preserve stripe metadata. 2) If we have not produced any file at all
218     * for this compactions, and this is the last chance (the last stripe), we need to preserve last
219     * seqNum (see also HBASE-6059).
220     */
221    private void createEmptyWriter() throws IOException {
222      int index = existingWriters.size();
223      boolean isInMajorRange = (index >= majorRangeFromIndex) && (index < majorRangeToIndex);
224      // Stripe boundary count = stripe count + 1, so last stripe index is (#boundaries minus 2)
225      boolean isLastWriter = !hasAnyWriter && (index == (boundaries.size() - 2));
226      boolean needEmptyFile = isInMajorRange || isLastWriter;
227      existingWriters.add(needEmptyFile ? writerFactory.createWriter() : null);
228      hasAnyWriter |= needEmptyFile;
229      currentWriterEndKey = (existingWriters.size() + 1 == boundaries.size())
230        ? null
231        : boundaries.get(existingWriters.size() + 1);
232    }
234    private void checkCanCreateWriter() throws IOException {
235      int maxWriterCount = boundaries.size() - 1;
236      assert existingWriters.size() <= maxWriterCount;
237      if (existingWriters.size() >= maxWriterCount) {
238        throw new IOException("Cannot create any more writers (created " + existingWriters.size()
239          + " out of " + maxWriterCount + " - row might be out of range of all valid writers");
240      }
241    }
243    private void stopUsingCurrentWriter() {
244      if (currentWriter != null) {
245        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
246          LOG.debug("Stopping to use a writer after [" + Bytes.toString(currentWriterEndKey)
247            + "] row; wrote out " + cellsInCurrentWriter + " kvs");
248        }
249        cellsInCurrentWriter = 0;
250      }
251      currentWriter = null;
252      currentWriterEndKey = (existingWriters.size() + 1 == boundaries.size())
253        ? null
254        : boundaries.get(existingWriters.size() + 1);
255    }
256  }
258  /**
259   * MultiWriter that separates the cells based on target cell number per file and file count. New
260   * file is started every time the target number of KVs is reached, unless the fixed count of
261   * writers has already been created (in that case all the remaining KVs go into the last writer).
262   */
263  public static class SizeMultiWriter extends StripeMultiFileWriter {
264    private int targetCount;
265    private long targetCells;
266    private byte[] left;
267    private byte[] right;
269    private Cell lastCell;
270    private StoreFileWriter currentWriter;
271    protected byte[] lastRowInCurrentWriter = null;
272    private long cellsInCurrentWriter = 0;
273    private long cellsSeen = 0;
274    private long cellsSeenInPrevious = 0;
276    /**
277     * @param targetCount The maximum count of writers that can be created.
278     * @param targetKvs   The number of KVs to read from source before starting each new writer.
279     * @param left        The left boundary of the first writer.
280     * @param right       The right boundary of the last writer.
281     */
282    public SizeMultiWriter(CellComparator comparator, int targetCount, long targetKvs, byte[] left,
283      byte[] right) {
284      super(comparator);
285      this.targetCount = targetCount;
286      this.targetCells = targetKvs;
287      this.left = left;
288      this.right = right;
289      int preallocate = Math.min(this.targetCount, 64);
290      this.existingWriters = new ArrayList<>(preallocate);
291      this.boundaries = new ArrayList<>(preallocate + 1);
292    }
294    @Override
295    public void append(Cell cell) throws IOException {
296      // If we are waiting for opportunity to close and we started writing different row,
297      // discard the writer and stop waiting.
298      boolean doCreateWriter = false;
299      if (currentWriter == null) {
300        // First append ever, do a sanity check.
301        sanityCheckLeft(left, cell);
302        doCreateWriter = true;
303      } else if (
304        lastRowInCurrentWriter != null && !PrivateCellUtil.matchingRows(cell,
305          lastRowInCurrentWriter, 0, lastRowInCurrentWriter.length)
306      ) {
307        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
308          LOG.debug("Stopping to use a writer after [" + Bytes.toString(lastRowInCurrentWriter)
309            + "] row; wrote out " + cellsInCurrentWriter + " kvs");
310        }
311        lastRowInCurrentWriter = null;
312        cellsInCurrentWriter = 0;
313        cellsSeenInPrevious += cellsSeen;
314        doCreateWriter = true;
315      }
316      if (doCreateWriter) {
317        // make a copy
318        byte[] boundary = existingWriters.isEmpty() ? left : CellUtil.cloneRow(cell);
319        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
320          LOG.debug("Creating new writer starting at [" + Bytes.toString(boundary) + "]");
321        }
322        currentWriter = writerFactory.createWriter();
323        boundaries.add(boundary);
324        existingWriters.add(currentWriter);
325      }
327      currentWriter.append(cell);
328      lastCell = cell; // for the sanity check
329      ++cellsInCurrentWriter;
330      cellsSeen = cellsInCurrentWriter;
331      if (this.sourceScanner != null) {
332        cellsSeen = Math.max(cellsSeen,
333          this.sourceScanner.getEstimatedNumberOfKvsScanned() - cellsSeenInPrevious);
334      }
336      // If we are not already waiting for opportunity to close, start waiting if we can
337      // create any more writers and if the current one is too big.
338      if (
339        lastRowInCurrentWriter == null && existingWriters.size() < targetCount
340          && cellsSeen >= targetCells
341      ) {
342        lastRowInCurrentWriter = CellUtil.cloneRow(cell); // make a copy
343        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
344          LOG.debug("Preparing to start a new writer after ["
345            + Bytes.toString(lastRowInCurrentWriter) + "] row; observed " + cellsSeen
346            + " kvs and wrote out " + cellsInCurrentWriter + " kvs");
347        }
348      }
349    }
351    @Override
352    protected void preCommitWritersInternal() throws IOException {
353      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
354        LOG.debug("Stopping with " + cellsInCurrentWriter + " kvs in last writer"
355          + ((this.sourceScanner == null)
356            ? ""
357            : ("; observed estimated " + this.sourceScanner.getEstimatedNumberOfKvsScanned()
358              + " KVs total")));
359      }
360      if (lastCell != null) {
361        sanityCheckRight(right, lastCell);
362      }
364      // When expired stripes were going to be merged into one, and if no writer was created during
365      // the compaction, we need to create an empty file to preserve metadata.
366      if (existingWriters.isEmpty() && 1 == targetCount) {
367        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
368          LOG.debug("Merge expired stripes into one, create an empty file to preserve metadata.");
369        }
370        boundaries.add(left);
371        existingWriters.add(writerFactory.createWriter());
372      }
374      this.boundaries.add(right);
375    }
376  }