002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util;
020import java.io.IOException;
021import java.math.BigInteger;
022import java.util.Arrays;
023import java.util.Collection;
024import java.util.LinkedList;
025import java.util.List;
026import java.util.Map;
027import java.util.Set;
028import java.util.TreeMap;
029import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
030import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
031import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
032import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
033import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
034import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
035import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
036import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
037import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
038import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo;
039import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionLocation;
040import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName;
041import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
042import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Admin;
043import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ClusterConnection;
044import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ColumnFamilyDescriptor;
045import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder;
046import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection;
047import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionFactory;
048import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.NoServerForRegionException;
049import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionLocator;
050import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table;
051import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.TableDescriptor;
052import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.TableDescriptorBuilder;
053import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegionFileSystem;
054import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
055import org.slf4j.Logger;
056import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
058import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
059import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.collect.Lists;
060import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.collect.Maps;
061import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.collect.Sets;
062import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
063import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser;
064import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
065import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder;
066import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
067import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
070 * The {@link RegionSplitter} class provides several utilities to help in the administration
071 * lifecycle for developers who choose to manually split regions instead of having HBase handle that
072 * automatically. The most useful utilities are:
073 * <p>
074 * <ul>
075 * <li>Create a table with a specified number of pre-split regions
076 * <li>Execute a rolling split of all regions on an existing table
077 * </ul>
078 * <p>
079 * Both operations can be safely done on a live server.
080 * <p>
081 * <b>Question:</b> How do I turn off automatic splitting? <br>
082 * <b>Answer:</b> Automatic splitting is determined by the configuration value
083 * <i>HConstants.HREGION_MAX_FILESIZE</i>. It is not recommended that you set this to Long.MAX_VALUE
084 * in case you forget about manual splits. A suggested setting is 100GB, which would result in &gt;
085 * 1hr major compactions if reached.
086 * <p>
087 * <b>Question:</b> Why did the original authors decide to manually split? <br>
088 * <b>Answer:</b> Specific workload characteristics of our use case allowed us to benefit from a
089 * manual split system.
090 * <p>
091 * <ul>
092 * <li>Data (~1k) that would grow instead of being replaced
093 * <li>Data growth was roughly uniform across all regions
094 * <li>OLTP workload. Data loss is a big deal.
095 * </ul>
096 * <p>
097 * <b>Question:</b> Why is manual splitting good for this workload? <br>
098 * <b>Answer:</b> Although automated splitting is not a bad option, there are benefits to manual
099 * splitting.
100 * <p>
101 * <ul>
102 * <li>With growing amounts of data, splits will continually be needed. Since you always know
103 * exactly what regions you have, long-term debugging and profiling is much easier with manual
104 * splits. It is hard to trace the logs to understand region level problems if it keeps splitting
105 * and getting renamed.
106 * <li>Data offlining bugs + unknown number of split regions == oh crap! If an WAL or StoreFile was
107 * mistakenly unprocessed by HBase due to a weird bug and you notice it a day or so later, you can
108 * be assured that the regions specified in these files are the same as the current regions and you
109 * have less headaches trying to restore/replay your data.
110 * <li>You can finely tune your compaction algorithm. With roughly uniform data growth, it's easy to
111 * cause split / compaction storms as the regions all roughly hit the same data size at the same
112 * time. With manual splits, you can let staggered, time-based major compactions spread out your
113 * network IO load.
114 * </ul>
115 * <p>
116 * <b>Question:</b> What's the optimal number of pre-split regions to create? <br>
117 * <b>Answer:</b> Mileage will vary depending upon your application.
118 * <p>
119 * The short answer for our application is that we started with 10 pre-split regions / server and
120 * watched our data growth over time. It's better to err on the side of too little regions and
121 * rolling split later.
122 * <p>
123 * The more complicated answer is that this depends upon the largest storefile in your region. With
124 * a growing data size, this will get larger over time. You want the largest region to be just big
125 * enough that the {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HStore} compact selection algorithm
126 * only compacts it due to a timed major. If you don't, your cluster can be prone to compaction
127 * storms as the algorithm decides to run major compactions on a large series of regions all at
128 * once. Note that compaction storms are due to the uniform data growth, not the manual split
129 * decision.
130 * <p>
131 * If you pre-split your regions too thin, you can increase the major compaction interval by
132 * configuring HConstants.MAJOR_COMPACTION_PERIOD. If your data size grows too large, use this
133 * script to perform a network IO safe rolling split of all regions.
134 */
136public class RegionSplitter {
137  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RegionSplitter.class);
139  /**
140   * A generic interface for the RegionSplitter code to use for all it's functionality. Note that
141   * the original authors of this code use {@link HexStringSplit} to partition their table and set
142   * it as default, but provided this for your custom algorithm. To use, create a new derived class
143   * from this interface and call {@link RegionSplitter#createPresplitTable} or
144   * RegionSplitter#rollingSplit(TableName, SplitAlgorithm, Configuration) with the argument
145   * splitClassName giving the name of your class.
146   */
147  public interface SplitAlgorithm {
148    /**
149     * Split a pre-existing region into 2 regions. n * first row (inclusive) n * last row
150     * (exclusive)
151     * @return the split row to use
152     */
153    byte[] split(byte[] start, byte[] end);
155    /**
156     * Split an entire table. n * number of regions to split the table into n * user input is
157     * validated at this time. may throw a runtime exception in response to a parse failure
158     * @return array of split keys for the initial regions of the table. The length of the returned
159     *         array should be numRegions-1.
160     */
161    byte[][] split(int numRegions);
163    /**
164     * Some MapReduce jobs may want to run multiple mappers per region, this is intended for such
165     * usecase.
166     * @param start     first row (inclusive)
167     * @param end       last row (exclusive)
168     * @param numSplits number of splits to generate
169     * @param inclusive whether start and end are returned as split points
170     */
171    byte[][] split(byte[] start, byte[] end, int numSplits, boolean inclusive);
173    /**
174     * In HBase, the first row is represented by an empty byte array. This might cause problems with
175     * your split algorithm or row printing. All your APIs will be passed firstRow() instead of
176     * empty array.
177     * @return your representation of your first row
178     */
179    byte[] firstRow();
181    /**
182     * In HBase, the last row is represented by an empty byte array. This might cause problems with
183     * your split algorithm or row printing. All your APIs will be passed firstRow() instead of
184     * empty array.
185     * @return your representation of your last row
186     */
187    byte[] lastRow();
189    /**
190     * In HBase, the last row is represented by an empty byte array. Set this value to help the
191     * split code understand how to evenly divide the first region. n * raw user input (may throw
192     * RuntimeException on parse failure)
193     */
194    void setFirstRow(String userInput);
196    /**
197     * In HBase, the last row is represented by an empty byte array. Set this value to help the
198     * split code understand how to evenly divide the last region. Note that this last row is
199     * inclusive for all rows sharing the same prefix. n * raw user input (may throw
200     * RuntimeException on parse failure)
201     */
202    void setLastRow(String userInput);
204    /**
205     * n * user or file input for row
206     * @return byte array representation of this row for HBase
207     */
208    byte[] strToRow(String input);
210    /**
211     * n * byte array representing a row in HBase
212     * @return String to use for debug &amp; file printing
213     */
214    String rowToStr(byte[] row);
216    /** Returns the separator character to use when storing / printing the row */
217    String separator();
219    /**
220     * Set the first row
221     * @param userInput byte array of the row key.
222     */
223    void setFirstRow(byte[] userInput);
225    /**
226     * Set the last row
227     * @param userInput byte array of the row key.
228     */
229    void setLastRow(byte[] userInput);
230  }
232  /**
233   * The main function for the RegionSplitter application. Common uses:
234   * <p>
235   * <ul>
236   * <li>create a table named 'myTable' with 60 pre-split regions containing 2 column families
237   * 'test' &amp; 'rs', assuming the keys are hex-encoded ASCII:
238   * <ul>
239   * <li>bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.RegionSplitter -c 60 -f test:rs myTable
240   * HexStringSplit
241   * </ul>
242   * <li>create a table named 'myTable' with 50 pre-split regions, assuming the keys are
243   * decimal-encoded ASCII:
244   * <ul>
245   * <li>bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.RegionSplitter -c 50 myTable DecimalStringSplit
246   * </ul>
247   * <li>perform a rolling split of 'myTable' (i.e. 60 =&gt; 120 regions), # 2 outstanding splits at
248   * a time, assuming keys are uniformly distributed bytes:
249   * <ul>
250   * <li>bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.RegionSplitter -r -o 2 myTable UniformSplit
251   * </ul>
252   * </ul>
253   * There are three SplitAlgorithms built into RegionSplitter, HexStringSplit, DecimalStringSplit,
254   * and UniformSplit. These are different strategies for choosing region boundaries. See their
255   * source code for details. n * Usage: RegionSplitter &lt;TABLE&gt; &lt;SPLITALGORITHM&gt; &lt;-c
256   * &lt;# regions&gt; -f &lt;family:family:...&gt; | -r [-o &lt;# outstanding splits&gt;]&gt; [-D
257   * &lt;conf.param=value&gt;] n * HBase IO problem n * user requested exit n * problem parsing user
258   * input
259   */
260  @SuppressWarnings("static-access")
261  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ParseException {
262    Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
264    // parse user input
265    Options opt = new Options();
266    opt.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("property=value").hasArg()
267      .withDescription("Override HBase Configuration Settings").create("D"));
268    opt.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("region count").hasArg()
269      .withDescription("Create a new table with a pre-split number of regions").create("c"));
270    opt.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("family:family:...").hasArg()
271      .withDescription("Column Families to create with new table.  Required with -c").create("f"));
272    opt.addOption("h", false, "Print this usage help");
273    opt.addOption("r", false, "Perform a rolling split of an existing region");
274    opt.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("count").hasArg()
275      .withDescription("Max outstanding splits that have unfinished major compactions")
276      .create("o"));
277    opt.addOption(null, "firstrow", true, "First Row in Table for Split Algorithm");
278    opt.addOption(null, "lastrow", true, "Last Row in Table for Split Algorithm");
279    opt.addOption(null, "risky", false, "Skip verification steps to complete quickly. "
280      + "STRONGLY DISCOURAGED for production systems.  ");
281    CommandLine cmd = new GnuParser().parse(opt, args);
283    if (cmd.hasOption("D")) {
284      for (String confOpt : cmd.getOptionValues("D")) {
285        String[] kv = confOpt.split("=", 2);
286        if (kv.length == 2) {
287          conf.set(kv[0], kv[1]);
288          LOG.debug("-D configuration override: " + kv[0] + "=" + kv[1]);
289        } else {
290          throw new ParseException("-D option format invalid: " + confOpt);
291        }
292      }
293    }
295    if (cmd.hasOption("risky")) {
296      conf.setBoolean("split.verify", false);
297    }
299    boolean createTable = cmd.hasOption("c") && cmd.hasOption("f");
300    boolean rollingSplit = cmd.hasOption("r");
301    boolean oneOperOnly = createTable ^ rollingSplit;
303    if (2 != cmd.getArgList().size() || !oneOperOnly || cmd.hasOption("h")) {
304      new HelpFormatter().printHelp("bin/hbase regionsplitter <TABLE> <SPLITALGORITHM>\n"
305        + "SPLITALGORITHM is the java class name of a class implementing "
306        + "SplitAlgorithm, or one of the special strings HexStringSplit or "
307        + "DecimalStringSplit or UniformSplit, which are built-in split algorithms. "
308        + "HexStringSplit treats keys as hexadecimal ASCII, and "
309        + "DecimalStringSplit treats keys as decimal ASCII, and "
310        + "UniformSplit treats keys as arbitrary bytes.", opt);
311      return;
312    }
313    TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(cmd.getArgs()[0]);
314    String splitClass = cmd.getArgs()[1];
315    SplitAlgorithm splitAlgo = newSplitAlgoInstance(conf, splitClass);
317    if (cmd.hasOption("firstrow")) {
318      splitAlgo.setFirstRow(cmd.getOptionValue("firstrow"));
319    }
320    if (cmd.hasOption("lastrow")) {
321      splitAlgo.setLastRow(cmd.getOptionValue("lastrow"));
322    }
324    if (createTable) {
325      conf.set("split.count", cmd.getOptionValue("c"));
326      createPresplitTable(tableName, splitAlgo, cmd.getOptionValue("f").split(":"), conf);
327    }
329    if (rollingSplit) {
330      if (cmd.hasOption("o")) {
331        conf.set("split.outstanding", cmd.getOptionValue("o"));
332      }
333      rollingSplit(tableName, splitAlgo, conf);
334    }
335  }
337  static void createPresplitTable(TableName tableName, SplitAlgorithm splitAlgo,
338    String[] columnFamilies, Configuration conf) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
339    final int splitCount = conf.getInt("split.count", 0);
340    Preconditions.checkArgument(splitCount > 1, "Split count must be > 1");
342    Preconditions.checkArgument(columnFamilies.length > 0,
343      "Must specify at least one column family. ");
344    LOG.debug("Creating table " + tableName + " with " + columnFamilies.length
345      + " column families.  Presplitting to " + splitCount + " regions");
347    TableDescriptorBuilder builder = TableDescriptorBuilder.newBuilder(tableName);
348    for (String cf : columnFamilies) {
349      builder.setColumnFamily(ColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder.of(cf));
350    }
351    try (Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf)) {
352      Admin admin = connection.getAdmin();
353      try {
354        Preconditions.checkArgument(!admin.tableExists(tableName),
355          "Table already exists: " + tableName);
356        admin.createTable(builder.build(), splitAlgo.split(splitCount));
357      } finally {
358        admin.close();
359      }
360      LOG.debug("Table created!  Waiting for regions to show online in META...");
361      if (!conf.getBoolean("split.verify", true)) {
362        // NOTE: createTable is synchronous on the table, but not on the regions
363        int onlineRegions = 0;
364        try (RegionLocator locator = connection.getRegionLocator(tableName)) {
365          while (onlineRegions < splitCount) {
366            onlineRegions = locator.getAllRegionLocations().size();
367            LOG.debug(onlineRegions + " of " + splitCount + " regions online...");
368            if (onlineRegions < splitCount) {
369              Thread.sleep(10 * 1000); // sleep
370            }
371          }
372        }
373      }
374      LOG.debug("Finished creating table with " + splitCount + " regions");
375    }
376  }
378  /**
379   * Alternative getCurrentNrHRS which is no longer available. n * @return Rough count of
380   * regionservers out on cluster.
381   * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
382   */
383  private static int getRegionServerCount(final Connection connection) throws IOException {
384    try (Admin admin = connection.getAdmin()) {
385      Collection<ServerName> servers = admin.getRegionServers();
386      return servers == null || servers.isEmpty() ? 0 : servers.size();
387    }
388  }
390  private static byte[] readFile(final FileSystem fs, final Path path) throws IOException {
391    FSDataInputStream tmpIn = fs.open(path);
392    try {
393      byte[] rawData = new byte[tmpIn.available()];
394      tmpIn.readFully(rawData);
395      return rawData;
396    } finally {
397      tmpIn.close();
398    }
399  }
401  static void rollingSplit(TableName tableName, SplitAlgorithm splitAlgo, Configuration conf)
402    throws IOException, InterruptedException {
403    final int minOS = conf.getInt("split.outstanding", 2);
404    try (Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf)) {
405      // Max outstanding splits. default == 50% of servers
406      final int MAX_OUTSTANDING = Math.max(getRegionServerCount(connection) / 2, minOS);
408      Path hbDir = CommonFSUtils.getRootDir(conf);
409      Path tableDir = CommonFSUtils.getTableDir(hbDir, tableName);
410      Path splitFile = new Path(tableDir, "_balancedSplit");
411      FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
413      // Get a list of daughter regions to create
414      LinkedList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> tmpRegionSet = null;
415      try (Table table = connection.getTable(tableName)) {
416        tmpRegionSet = getSplits(connection, tableName, splitAlgo);
417      }
418      LinkedList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> outstanding = Lists.newLinkedList();
419      int splitCount = 0;
420      final int origCount = tmpRegionSet.size();
422      // all splits must compact & we have 1 compact thread, so 2 split
423      // requests to the same RS can stall the outstanding split queue.
424      // To fix, group the regions into an RS pool and round-robin through it
425      LOG.debug("Bucketing regions by regionserver...");
426      TreeMap<ServerName, LinkedList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>>> daughterRegions = Maps.newTreeMap();
427      // Get a regionLocator. Need it in below.
428      try (RegionLocator regionLocator = connection.getRegionLocator(tableName)) {
429        for (Pair<byte[], byte[]> dr : tmpRegionSet) {
430          ServerName rsLocation = regionLocator.getRegionLocation(dr.getSecond()).getServerName();
431          if (!daughterRegions.containsKey(rsLocation)) {
432            LinkedList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> entry = Lists.newLinkedList();
433            daughterRegions.put(rsLocation, entry);
434          }
435          daughterRegions.get(rsLocation).add(dr);
436        }
437        LOG.debug("Done with bucketing.  Split time!");
438        long startTime = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
440        // Open the split file and modify it as splits finish
441        byte[] rawData = readFile(fs, splitFile);
443        FSDataOutputStream splitOut = fs.create(splitFile);
444        try {
445          splitOut.write(rawData);
447          try {
448            // *** split code ***
449            while (!daughterRegions.isEmpty()) {
450              LOG.debug(daughterRegions.size() + " RS have regions to splt.");
452              // Get ServerName to region count mapping
453              final TreeMap<ServerName, Integer> rsSizes = Maps.newTreeMap();
454              List<HRegionLocation> hrls = regionLocator.getAllRegionLocations();
455              for (HRegionLocation hrl : hrls) {
456                ServerName sn = hrl.getServerName();
457                if (rsSizes.containsKey(sn)) {
458                  rsSizes.put(sn, rsSizes.get(sn) + 1);
459                } else {
460                  rsSizes.put(sn, 1);
461                }
462              }
464              // Round-robin through the ServerName list. Choose the lightest-loaded servers
465              // first to keep the master from load-balancing regions as we split.
466              for (Map.Entry<ServerName,
467                LinkedList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>>> daughterRegion : daughterRegions.entrySet()) {
468                Pair<byte[], byte[]> dr = null;
469                ServerName rsLoc = daughterRegion.getKey();
470                LinkedList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> regionList = daughterRegion.getValue();
472                // Find a region in the ServerName list that hasn't been moved
473                LOG.debug("Finding a region on " + rsLoc);
474                while (!regionList.isEmpty()) {
475                  dr = regionList.pop();
477                  // get current region info
478                  byte[] split = dr.getSecond();
479                  HRegionLocation regionLoc = regionLocator.getRegionLocation(split);
481                  // if this region moved locations
482                  ServerName newRs = regionLoc.getServerName();
483                  if (newRs.compareTo(rsLoc) != 0) {
484                    LOG.debug("Region with " + splitAlgo.rowToStr(split) + " moved to " + newRs
485                      + ". Relocating...");
486                    // relocate it, don't use it right now
487                    if (!daughterRegions.containsKey(newRs)) {
488                      LinkedList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> entry = Lists.newLinkedList();
489                      daughterRegions.put(newRs, entry);
490                    }
491                    daughterRegions.get(newRs).add(dr);
492                    dr = null;
493                    continue;
494                  }
496                  // make sure this region wasn't already split
497                  byte[] sk = regionLoc.getRegionInfo().getStartKey();
498                  if (sk.length != 0) {
499                    if (Bytes.equals(split, sk)) {
500                      LOG.debug("Region already split on " + splitAlgo.rowToStr(split)
501                        + ".  Skipping this region...");
502                      ++splitCount;
503                      dr = null;
504                      continue;
505                    }
506                    byte[] start = dr.getFirst();
507                    Preconditions.checkArgument(Bytes.equals(start, sk),
508                      splitAlgo.rowToStr(start) + " != " + splitAlgo.rowToStr(sk));
509                  }
511                  // passed all checks! found a good region
512                  break;
513                }
514                if (regionList.isEmpty()) {
515                  daughterRegions.remove(rsLoc);
516                }
517                if (dr == null) continue;
519                // we have a good region, time to split!
520                byte[] split = dr.getSecond();
521                LOG.debug("Splitting at " + splitAlgo.rowToStr(split));
522                try (Admin admin = connection.getAdmin()) {
523                  admin.split(tableName, split);
524                }
526                LinkedList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> finished = Lists.newLinkedList();
527                LinkedList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> local_finished = Lists.newLinkedList();
528                if (conf.getBoolean("split.verify", true)) {
529                  // we need to verify and rate-limit our splits
530                  outstanding.addLast(dr);
531                  // with too many outstanding splits, wait for some to finish
532                  while (outstanding.size() >= MAX_OUTSTANDING) {
533                    LOG.debug("Wait for outstanding splits " + outstanding.size());
534                    local_finished = splitScan(outstanding, connection, tableName, splitAlgo);
535                    if (local_finished.isEmpty()) {
536                      Thread.sleep(30 * 1000);
537                    } else {
538                      finished.addAll(local_finished);
539                      outstanding.removeAll(local_finished);
540                      LOG.debug(local_finished.size() + " outstanding splits finished");
541                    }
542                  }
543                } else {
544                  finished.add(dr);
545                }
547                // mark each finished region as successfully split.
548                for (Pair<byte[], byte[]> region : finished) {
549                  splitOut.writeChars("- " + splitAlgo.rowToStr(region.getFirst()) + " "
550                    + splitAlgo.rowToStr(region.getSecond()) + "\n");
551                  splitCount++;
552                  if (splitCount % 10 == 0) {
553                    long tDiff = (EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime() - startTime) / splitCount;
554                    LOG.debug(
555                      "STATUS UPDATE: " + splitCount + " / " + origCount + ". Avg Time / Split = "
556                        + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.formatTime(tDiff));
557                  }
558                }
559              }
560            }
561            if (conf.getBoolean("split.verify", true)) {
562              while (!outstanding.isEmpty()) {
563                LOG.debug("Finally Wait for outstanding splits " + outstanding.size());
564                LinkedList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> finished =
565                  splitScan(outstanding, connection, tableName, splitAlgo);
566                if (finished.isEmpty()) {
567                  Thread.sleep(30 * 1000);
568                } else {
569                  outstanding.removeAll(finished);
570                  for (Pair<byte[], byte[]> region : finished) {
571                    splitOut.writeChars("- " + splitAlgo.rowToStr(region.getFirst()) + " "
572                      + splitAlgo.rowToStr(region.getSecond()) + "\n");
573                    splitCount++;
574                  }
575                  LOG.debug("Finally " + finished.size() + " outstanding splits finished");
576                }
577              }
578            }
579            LOG.debug("All regions have been successfully split!");
580          } finally {
581            long tDiff = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime() - startTime;
582            LOG.debug("TOTAL TIME = " + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.formatTime(tDiff));
583            LOG.debug("Splits = " + splitCount);
584            if (0 < splitCount) {
585              LOG.debug("Avg Time / Split = "
586                + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.formatTime(tDiff / splitCount));
587            }
588          }
589        } finally {
590          splitOut.close();
591          fs.delete(splitFile, false);
592        }
593      }
594    }
595  }
597  /**
598   * @throws IOException if the specified SplitAlgorithm class couldn't be instantiated
599   */
600  public static SplitAlgorithm newSplitAlgoInstance(Configuration conf, String splitClassName)
601    throws IOException {
602    Class<?> splitClass;
604    // For split algorithms builtin to RegionSplitter, the user can specify
605    // their simple class name instead of a fully qualified class name.
606    if (splitClassName.equals(HexStringSplit.class.getSimpleName())) {
607      splitClass = HexStringSplit.class;
608    } else if (splitClassName.equals(DecimalStringSplit.class.getSimpleName())) {
609      splitClass = DecimalStringSplit.class;
610    } else if (splitClassName.equals(UniformSplit.class.getSimpleName())) {
611      splitClass = UniformSplit.class;
612    } else {
613      try {
614        splitClass = conf.getClassByName(splitClassName);
615      } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
616        throw new IOException("Couldn't load split class " + splitClassName, e);
617      }
618      if (splitClass == null) {
619        throw new IOException("Failed loading split class " + splitClassName);
620      }
621      if (!SplitAlgorithm.class.isAssignableFrom(splitClass)) {
622        throw new IOException("Specified split class doesn't implement SplitAlgorithm");
623      }
624    }
625    try {
626      return splitClass.asSubclass(SplitAlgorithm.class).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
627    } catch (Exception e) {
628      throw new IOException("Problem loading split algorithm: ", e);
629    }
630  }
632  static LinkedList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> splitScan(LinkedList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> regionList,
633    final Connection connection, final TableName tableName, SplitAlgorithm splitAlgo)
634    throws IOException, InterruptedException {
635    LinkedList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> finished = Lists.newLinkedList();
636    LinkedList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> logicalSplitting = Lists.newLinkedList();
637    LinkedList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> physicalSplitting = Lists.newLinkedList();
639    // Get table info
640    Pair<Path, Path> tableDirAndSplitFile =
641      getTableDirAndSplitFile(connection.getConfiguration(), tableName);
642    Path tableDir = tableDirAndSplitFile.getFirst();
643    FileSystem fs = tableDir.getFileSystem(connection.getConfiguration());
644    // Clear the cache to forcibly refresh region information
645    ((ClusterConnection) connection).clearRegionLocationCache();
646    TableDescriptor htd = null;
647    try (Table table = connection.getTable(tableName)) {
648      htd = table.getDescriptor();
649    }
650    try (RegionLocator regionLocator = connection.getRegionLocator(tableName)) {
652      // for every region that hasn't been verified as a finished split
653      for (Pair<byte[], byte[]> region : regionList) {
654        byte[] start = region.getFirst();
655        byte[] split = region.getSecond();
657        // see if the new split daughter region has come online
658        try {
659          HRegionInfo dri = regionLocator.getRegionLocation(split).getRegionInfo();
660          if (dri.isOffline() || !Bytes.equals(dri.getStartKey(), split)) {
661            logicalSplitting.add(region);
662            continue;
663          }
664        } catch (NoServerForRegionException nsfre) {
665          // NSFRE will occur if the old hbase:meta entry has no server assigned
666          LOG.info(nsfre.toString(), nsfre);
667          logicalSplitting.add(region);
668          continue;
669        }
671        try {
672          // when a daughter region is opened, a compaction is triggered
673          // wait until compaction completes for both daughter regions
674          LinkedList<HRegionInfo> check = Lists.newLinkedList();
675          check.add(regionLocator.getRegionLocation(start).getRegionInfo());
676          check.add(regionLocator.getRegionLocation(split).getRegionInfo());
677          for (HRegionInfo hri : check.toArray(new HRegionInfo[check.size()])) {
678            byte[] sk = hri.getStartKey();
679            if (sk.length == 0) sk = splitAlgo.firstRow();
681            HRegionFileSystem regionFs = HRegionFileSystem
682              .openRegionFromFileSystem(connection.getConfiguration(), fs, tableDir, hri, true);
684            // Check every Column Family for that region -- check does not have references.
685            boolean refFound = false;
686            for (ColumnFamilyDescriptor c : htd.getColumnFamilies()) {
687              if ((refFound = regionFs.hasReferences(c.getNameAsString()))) {
688                break;
689              }
690            }
692            // compaction is completed when all reference files are gone
693            if (!refFound) {
694              check.remove(hri);
695            }
696          }
697          if (check.isEmpty()) {
698            finished.add(region);
699          } else {
700            physicalSplitting.add(region);
701          }
702        } catch (NoServerForRegionException nsfre) {
703          LOG.debug("No Server Exception thrown for: " + splitAlgo.rowToStr(start));
704          physicalSplitting.add(region);
705          ((ClusterConnection) connection).clearRegionLocationCache();
706        }
707      }
709      LOG.debug("Split Scan: " + finished.size() + " finished / " + logicalSplitting.size()
710        + " split wait / " + physicalSplitting.size() + " reference wait");
712      return finished;
713    }
714  }
716  /**
717   * nn * @return A Pair where first item is table dir and second is the split file.
718   * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
719   */
720  private static Pair<Path, Path> getTableDirAndSplitFile(final Configuration conf,
721    final TableName tableName) throws IOException {
722    Path hbDir = CommonFSUtils.getRootDir(conf);
723    Path tableDir = CommonFSUtils.getTableDir(hbDir, tableName);
724    Path splitFile = new Path(tableDir, "_balancedSplit");
725    return new Pair<>(tableDir, splitFile);
726  }
728  static LinkedList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> getSplits(final Connection connection,
729    TableName tableName, SplitAlgorithm splitAlgo) throws IOException {
730    Pair<Path, Path> tableDirAndSplitFile =
731      getTableDirAndSplitFile(connection.getConfiguration(), tableName);
732    Path tableDir = tableDirAndSplitFile.getFirst();
733    Path splitFile = tableDirAndSplitFile.getSecond();
735    FileSystem fs = tableDir.getFileSystem(connection.getConfiguration());
737    // Using strings because (new byte[]{0}).equals(new byte[]{0}) == false
738    Set<Pair<String, String>> daughterRegions = Sets.newHashSet();
740    // Does a split file exist?
741    if (!fs.exists(splitFile)) {
742      // NO = fresh start. calculate splits to make
743      LOG.debug("No " + splitFile.getName() + " file. Calculating splits ");
745      // Query meta for all regions in the table
746      Set<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> rows = Sets.newHashSet();
747      Pair<byte[][], byte[][]> tmp = null;
748      try (RegionLocator regionLocator = connection.getRegionLocator(tableName)) {
749        tmp = regionLocator.getStartEndKeys();
750      }
751      Preconditions.checkArgument(tmp.getFirst().length == tmp.getSecond().length,
752        "Start and End rows should be equivalent");
753      for (int i = 0; i < tmp.getFirst().length; ++i) {
754        byte[] start = tmp.getFirst()[i], end = tmp.getSecond()[i];
755        if (start.length == 0) start = splitAlgo.firstRow();
756        if (end.length == 0) end = splitAlgo.lastRow();
757        rows.add(Pair.newPair(start, end));
758      }
759      LOG.debug("Table " + tableName + " has " + rows.size() + " regions that will be split.");
761      // prepare the split file
762      Path tmpFile = new Path(tableDir, "_balancedSplit_prepare");
763      FSDataOutputStream tmpOut = fs.create(tmpFile);
765      // calculate all the splits == [daughterRegions] = [(start, splitPoint)]
766      for (Pair<byte[], byte[]> r : rows) {
767        byte[] splitPoint = splitAlgo.split(r.getFirst(), r.getSecond());
768        String startStr = splitAlgo.rowToStr(r.getFirst());
769        String splitStr = splitAlgo.rowToStr(splitPoint);
770        daughterRegions.add(Pair.newPair(startStr, splitStr));
771        LOG.debug("Will Split [" + startStr + " , " + splitAlgo.rowToStr(r.getSecond()) + ") at "
772          + splitStr);
773        tmpOut.writeChars("+ " + startStr + splitAlgo.separator() + splitStr + "\n");
774      }
775      tmpOut.close();
776      fs.rename(tmpFile, splitFile);
777    } else {
778      LOG.debug("_balancedSplit file found. Replay log to restore state...");
779      RecoverLeaseFSUtils.recoverFileLease(fs, splitFile, connection.getConfiguration(), null);
781      // parse split file and process remaining splits
782      FSDataInputStream tmpIn = fs.open(splitFile);
783      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(tmpIn.available());
784      while (tmpIn.available() > 0) {
785        sb.append(tmpIn.readChar());
786      }
787      tmpIn.close();
788      for (String line : sb.toString().split("\n")) {
789        String[] cmd = line.split(splitAlgo.separator());
790        Preconditions.checkArgument(3 == cmd.length);
791        byte[] start = splitAlgo.strToRow(cmd[1]);
792        String startStr = splitAlgo.rowToStr(start);
793        byte[] splitPoint = splitAlgo.strToRow(cmd[2]);
794        String splitStr = splitAlgo.rowToStr(splitPoint);
795        Pair<String, String> r = Pair.newPair(startStr, splitStr);
796        if (cmd[0].equals("+")) {
797          LOG.debug("Adding: " + r);
798          daughterRegions.add(r);
799        } else {
800          LOG.debug("Removing: " + r);
801          Preconditions.checkArgument(cmd[0].equals("-"), "Unknown option: " + cmd[0]);
802          Preconditions.checkState(daughterRegions.contains(r), "Missing row: " + r);
803          daughterRegions.remove(r);
804        }
805      }
806      LOG.debug("Done reading. " + daughterRegions.size() + " regions left.");
807    }
808    LinkedList<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> ret = Lists.newLinkedList();
809    for (Pair<String, String> r : daughterRegions) {
810      ret.add(Pair.newPair(splitAlgo.strToRow(r.getFirst()), splitAlgo.strToRow(r.getSecond())));
811    }
812    return ret;
813  }
815  /**
816   * HexStringSplit is a well-known {@link SplitAlgorithm} for choosing region boundaries. The
817   * format of a HexStringSplit region boundary is the ASCII representation of an MD5 checksum, or
818   * any other uniformly distributed hexadecimal value. Row are hex-encoded long values in the range
819   * <b>"00000000" =&gt; "FFFFFFFF"</b> and are left-padded with zeros to keep the same order
820   * lexicographically as if they were binary. Since this split algorithm uses hex strings as keys,
821   * it is easy to read &amp; write in the shell but takes up more space and may be non-intuitive.
822   */
823  public static class HexStringSplit extends NumberStringSplit {
824    final static String DEFAULT_MIN_HEX = "00000000";
825    final static String DEFAULT_MAX_HEX = "FFFFFFFF";
826    final static int RADIX_HEX = 16;
828    public HexStringSplit() {
830    }
832  }
834  /**
835   * The format of a DecimalStringSplit region boundary is the ASCII representation of reversed
836   * sequential number, or any other uniformly distributed decimal value. Row are decimal-encoded
837   * long values in the range <b>"00000000" =&gt; "99999999"</b> and are left-padded with zeros to
838   * keep the same order lexicographically as if they were binary.
839   */
840  public static class DecimalStringSplit extends NumberStringSplit {
841    final static String DEFAULT_MIN_DEC = "00000000";
842    final static String DEFAULT_MAX_DEC = "99999999";
843    final static int RADIX_DEC = 10;
845    public DecimalStringSplit() {
847    }
849  }
851  public abstract static class NumberStringSplit implements SplitAlgorithm {
853    String firstRow;
854    BigInteger firstRowInt;
855    String lastRow;
856    BigInteger lastRowInt;
857    int rowComparisonLength;
858    int radix;
860    NumberStringSplit(String minRow, String maxRow, int radix) {
861      this.firstRow = minRow;
862      this.lastRow = maxRow;
863      this.radix = radix;
864      this.firstRowInt = BigInteger.ZERO;
865      this.lastRowInt = new BigInteger(lastRow, this.radix);
866      this.rowComparisonLength = lastRow.length();
867    }
869    @Override
870    public byte[] split(byte[] start, byte[] end) {
871      BigInteger s = convertToBigInteger(start);
872      BigInteger e = convertToBigInteger(end);
873      Preconditions.checkArgument(!e.equals(BigInteger.ZERO));
874      return convertToByte(split2(s, e));
875    }
877    @Override
878    public byte[][] split(int n) {
879      Preconditions.checkArgument(lastRowInt.compareTo(firstRowInt) > 0,
880        "last row (%s) is configured less than first row (%s)", lastRow, firstRow);
881      // +1 to range because the last row is inclusive
882      BigInteger range = lastRowInt.subtract(firstRowInt).add(BigInteger.ONE);
883      Preconditions.checkState(range.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(n)) >= 0,
884        "split granularity (%s) is greater than the range (%s)", n, range);
886      BigInteger[] splits = new BigInteger[n - 1];
887      BigInteger sizeOfEachSplit = range.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(n));
888      for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
889        // NOTE: this means the last region gets all the slop.
890        // This is not a big deal if we're assuming n << MAXHEX
891        splits[i - 1] = firstRowInt.add(sizeOfEachSplit.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i)));
892      }
893      return convertToBytes(splits);
894    }
896    @Override
897    public byte[][] split(byte[] start, byte[] end, int numSplits, boolean inclusive) {
898      BigInteger s = convertToBigInteger(start);
899      BigInteger e = convertToBigInteger(end);
901      Preconditions.checkArgument(e.compareTo(s) > 0,
902        "last row (%s) is configured less than first row (%s)", rowToStr(end), end);
903      // +1 to range because the last row is inclusive
904      BigInteger range = e.subtract(s).add(BigInteger.ONE);
905      Preconditions.checkState(range.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(numSplits)) >= 0,
906        "split granularity (%s) is greater than the range (%s)", numSplits, range);
908      BigInteger[] splits = new BigInteger[numSplits - 1];
909      BigInteger sizeOfEachSplit = range.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(numSplits));
910      for (int i = 1; i < numSplits; i++) {
911        // NOTE: this means the last region gets all the slop.
912        // This is not a big deal if we're assuming n << MAXHEX
913        splits[i - 1] = s.add(sizeOfEachSplit.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i)));
914      }
916      if (inclusive) {
917        BigInteger[] inclusiveSplitPoints = new BigInteger[numSplits + 1];
918        inclusiveSplitPoints[0] = convertToBigInteger(start);
919        inclusiveSplitPoints[numSplits] = convertToBigInteger(end);
920        System.arraycopy(splits, 0, inclusiveSplitPoints, 1, splits.length);
921        return convertToBytes(inclusiveSplitPoints);
922      } else {
923        return convertToBytes(splits);
924      }
925    }
927    @Override
928    public byte[] firstRow() {
929      return convertToByte(firstRowInt);
930    }
932    @Override
933    public byte[] lastRow() {
934      return convertToByte(lastRowInt);
935    }
937    @Override
938    public void setFirstRow(String userInput) {
939      firstRow = userInput;
940      firstRowInt = new BigInteger(firstRow, radix);
941    }
943    @Override
944    public void setLastRow(String userInput) {
945      lastRow = userInput;
946      lastRowInt = new BigInteger(lastRow, radix);
947      // Precondition: lastRow > firstRow, so last's length is the greater
948      rowComparisonLength = lastRow.length();
949    }
951    @Override
952    public byte[] strToRow(String in) {
953      return convertToByte(new BigInteger(in, radix));
954    }
956    @Override
957    public String rowToStr(byte[] row) {
958      return Bytes.toStringBinary(row);
959    }
961    @Override
962    public String separator() {
963      return " ";
964    }
966    @Override
967    public void setFirstRow(byte[] userInput) {
968      firstRow = Bytes.toString(userInput);
969    }
971    @Override
972    public void setLastRow(byte[] userInput) {
973      lastRow = Bytes.toString(userInput);
974    }
976    /**
977     * Divide 2 numbers in half (for split algorithm)
978     * @param a number #1
979     * @param b number #2
980     * @return the midpoint of the 2 numbers
981     */
982    public BigInteger split2(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) {
983      return a.add(b).divide(BigInteger.valueOf(2)).abs();
984    }
986    /**
987     * Returns an array of bytes corresponding to an array of BigIntegers
988     * @param bigIntegers numbers to convert
989     * @return bytes corresponding to the bigIntegers
990     */
991    public byte[][] convertToBytes(BigInteger[] bigIntegers) {
992      byte[][] returnBytes = new byte[bigIntegers.length][];
993      for (int i = 0; i < bigIntegers.length; i++) {
994        returnBytes[i] = convertToByte(bigIntegers[i]);
995      }
996      return returnBytes;
997    }
999    /**
1000     * Returns the bytes corresponding to the BigInteger
1001     * @param bigInteger number to convert
1002     * @param pad        padding length
1003     * @return byte corresponding to input BigInteger
1004     */
1005    public byte[] convertToByte(BigInteger bigInteger, int pad) {
1006      String bigIntegerString = bigInteger.toString(radix);
1007      bigIntegerString = StringUtils.leftPad(bigIntegerString, pad, '0');
1008      return Bytes.toBytes(bigIntegerString);
1009    }
1011    /**
1012     * Returns the bytes corresponding to the BigInteger
1013     * @param bigInteger number to convert
1014     * @return corresponding bytes
1015     */
1016    public byte[] convertToByte(BigInteger bigInteger) {
1017      return convertToByte(bigInteger, rowComparisonLength);
1018    }
1020    /**
1021     * Returns the BigInteger represented by the byte array
1022     * @param row byte array representing row
1023     * @return the corresponding BigInteger
1024     */
1025    public BigInteger convertToBigInteger(byte[] row) {
1026      return (row.length > 0) ? new BigInteger(Bytes.toString(row), radix) : BigInteger.ZERO;
1027    }
1029    @Override
1030    public String toString() {
1031      return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " [" + rowToStr(firstRow()) + ","
1032        + rowToStr(lastRow()) + "]";
1033    }
1034  }
1036  /**
1037   * A SplitAlgorithm that divides the space of possible keys evenly. Useful when the keys are
1038   * approximately uniform random bytes (e.g. hashes). Rows are raw byte values in the range <b>00
1039   * =&gt; FF</b> and are right-padded with zeros to keep the same memcmp() order. This is the
1040   * natural algorithm to use for a byte[] environment and saves space, but is not necessarily the
1041   * easiest for readability.
1042   */
1043  public static class UniformSplit implements SplitAlgorithm {
1044    static final byte xFF = (byte) 0xFF;
1045    byte[] firstRowBytes = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
1046    byte[] lastRowBytes = new byte[] { xFF, xFF, xFF, xFF, xFF, xFF, xFF, xFF };
1048    @Override
1049    public byte[] split(byte[] start, byte[] end) {
1050      return Bytes.split(start, end, 1)[1];
1051    }
1053    @Override
1054    public byte[][] split(int numRegions) {
1055      Preconditions.checkArgument(Bytes.compareTo(lastRowBytes, firstRowBytes) > 0,
1056        "last row (%s) is configured less than first row (%s)", Bytes.toStringBinary(lastRowBytes),
1057        Bytes.toStringBinary(firstRowBytes));
1059      byte[][] splits = Bytes.split(firstRowBytes, lastRowBytes, true, numRegions - 1);
1060      Preconditions.checkState(splits != null,
1061        "Could not split region with given user input: " + this);
1063      // remove endpoints, which are included in the splits list
1065      return splits == null ? null : Arrays.copyOfRange(splits, 1, splits.length - 1);
1066    }
1068    @Override
1069    public byte[][] split(byte[] start, byte[] end, int numSplits, boolean inclusive) {
1070      if (Arrays.equals(start, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY)) {
1071        start = firstRowBytes;
1072      }
1073      if (Arrays.equals(end, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY)) {
1074        end = lastRowBytes;
1075      }
1076      Preconditions.checkArgument(Bytes.compareTo(end, start) > 0,
1077        "last row (%s) is configured less than first row (%s)", Bytes.toStringBinary(end),
1078        Bytes.toStringBinary(start));
1080      byte[][] splits = Bytes.split(start, end, true, numSplits - 1);
1081      Preconditions.checkState(splits != null,
1082        "Could not calculate input splits with given user input: " + this);
1083      if (inclusive) {
1084        return splits;
1085      } else {
1086        // remove endpoints, which are included in the splits list
1087        return Arrays.copyOfRange(splits, 1, splits.length - 1);
1088      }
1089    }
1091    @Override
1092    public byte[] firstRow() {
1093      return firstRowBytes;
1094    }
1096    @Override
1097    public byte[] lastRow() {
1098      return lastRowBytes;
1099    }
1101    @Override
1102    public void setFirstRow(String userInput) {
1103      firstRowBytes = Bytes.toBytesBinary(userInput);
1104    }
1106    @Override
1107    public void setLastRow(String userInput) {
1108      lastRowBytes = Bytes.toBytesBinary(userInput);
1109    }
1111    @Override
1112    public void setFirstRow(byte[] userInput) {
1113      firstRowBytes = userInput;
1114    }
1116    @Override
1117    public void setLastRow(byte[] userInput) {
1118      lastRowBytes = userInput;
1119    }
1121    @Override
1122    public byte[] strToRow(String input) {
1123      return Bytes.toBytesBinary(input);
1124    }
1126    @Override
1127    public String rowToStr(byte[] row) {
1128      return Bytes.toStringBinary(row);
1129    }
1131    @Override
1132    public String separator() {
1133      return ",";
1134    }
1136    @Override
1137    public String toString() {
1138      return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " [" + rowToStr(firstRow()) + ","
1139        + rowToStr(lastRow()) + "]";
1140    }
1141  }