002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase;
020import java.io.IOException;
021import java.util.Map.Entry;
022import java.util.Properties;
023import java.util.Set;
024import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
025import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
026import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.factories.MonkeyConstants;
027import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.factories.MonkeyFactory;
028import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.monkies.ChaosMonkey;
029import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.AbstractHBaseTool;
030import org.junit.After;
031import org.junit.Before;
032import org.slf4j.Logger;
033import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
035import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
038 * Base class for HBase integration tests that want to use the Chaos Monkey. Usage: bin/hbase
039 * <sub_class_of_IntegrationTestBase> <options> Options: -h,--help Show usage -m,--monkey
040 * <arg> Which chaos monkey to run -monkeyProps <arg> The properties file for specifying chaos
041 * monkey properties. -ncc Option to not clean up the cluster at the end.
042 */
043public abstract class IntegrationTestBase extends AbstractHBaseTool {
045  public static final String NO_CLUSTER_CLEANUP_LONG_OPT = "noClusterCleanUp";
046  public static final String MONKEY_LONG_OPT = "monkey";
047  public static final String CHAOS_MONKEY_PROPS = "monkeyProps";
048  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IntegrationTestBase.class);
050  protected IntegrationTestingUtility util;
051  protected ChaosMonkey monkey;
052  protected String monkeyToUse;
053  protected Properties monkeyProps;
054  protected boolean noClusterCleanUp = false;
056  public IntegrationTestBase() {
057    this(null);
058  }
060  public IntegrationTestBase(String monkeyToUse) {
061    this.monkeyToUse = monkeyToUse;
062  }
064  @Override
065  protected void addOptions() {
066    addOptWithArg("m", MONKEY_LONG_OPT, "Which chaos monkey to run");
067    addOptNoArg("ncc", NO_CLUSTER_CLEANUP_LONG_OPT, "Don't clean up the cluster at the end");
068    addOptWithArg(CHAOS_MONKEY_PROPS,
069      "The properties file for specifying chaos " + "monkey properties.");
070  }
072  /**
073   * This allows tests that subclass children of this base class such as
074   * {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.test.IntegrationTestReplication} to include the base options
075   * without having to also include the options from the test.
076   * @param cmd the command line
077   */
078  protected void processBaseOptions(CommandLine cmd) {
079    if (cmd.hasOption(MONKEY_LONG_OPT)) {
080      monkeyToUse = cmd.getOptionValue(MONKEY_LONG_OPT);
081    }
082    if (cmd.hasOption(NO_CLUSTER_CLEANUP_LONG_OPT)) {
083      noClusterCleanUp = true;
084    }
085    monkeyProps = new Properties();
086    // Add entries for the CM from hbase-site.xml as a convenience.
087    // Do this prior to loading from the properties file to make sure those in the properties
088    // file are given precedence to those in hbase-site.xml (backwards compatibility).
089    loadMonkeyProperties(monkeyProps, conf);
090    if (cmd.hasOption(CHAOS_MONKEY_PROPS)) {
091      String chaosMonkeyPropsFile = cmd.getOptionValue(CHAOS_MONKEY_PROPS);
092      if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(chaosMonkeyPropsFile)) {
093        try {
094          monkeyProps
095            .load(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(chaosMonkeyPropsFile));
096        } catch (IOException e) {
097          LOG.warn(e.toString(), e);
098          System.exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
099        }
100      }
101    }
102  }
104  /**
105   * Loads entries from the provided {@code conf} into {@code props} when the configuration key is
106   * one that may be configuring ChaosMonkey actions.
107   */
108  public static void loadMonkeyProperties(Properties props, Configuration conf) {
109    for (Entry<String, String> entry : conf) {
110      for (String prefix : MonkeyConstants.MONKEY_CONFIGURATION_KEY_PREFIXES) {
111        if (entry.getKey().startsWith(prefix)) {
112          props.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
113          break;
114        }
115      }
116    }
117  }
119  @Override
120  protected void processOptions(CommandLine cmd) {
121    processBaseOptions(cmd);
122  }
124  @Override
125  public Configuration getConf() {
126    Configuration c = super.getConf();
127    if (c == null && util != null) {
128      conf = util.getConfiguration();
129      c = conf;
130    }
131    return c;
132  }
134  @Override
135  protected int doWork() throws Exception {
136    ChoreService choreService = null;
138    // Launches chore for refreshing kerberos credentials if security is enabled.
139    // Please see http://hbase.apache.org/book.html#_running_canary_in_a_kerberos_enabled_cluster
140    // for more details.
141    final ScheduledChore authChore = AuthUtil.getAuthChore(conf);
142    if (authChore != null) {
143      choreService = new ChoreService("INTEGRATION_TEST");
144      choreService.scheduleChore(authChore);
145    }
147    setUp();
148    int result = -1;
149    try {
150      result = runTestFromCommandLine();
151    } finally {
152      cleanUp();
153    }
155    if (choreService != null) {
156      choreService.shutdown();
157    }
159    return result;
160  }
162  @Before
163  public void setUp() throws Exception {
164    setUpCluster();
165    setUpMonkey();
166  }
168  @After
169  public void cleanUp() throws Exception {
170    cleanUpMonkey();
171    cleanUpCluster();
172  }
174  public void setUpMonkey() throws Exception {
175    util = getTestingUtil(getConf());
176    MonkeyFactory fact = MonkeyFactory.getFactory(monkeyToUse);
177    if (fact == null) {
178      fact = getDefaultMonkeyFactory();
179    }
180    LOG.info("Using chaos monkey factory: {}", fact.getClass());
181    monkey = fact.setUtil(util).setTableName(getTablename()).setProperties(monkeyProps)
182      .setColumnFamilies(getColumnFamilies()).build();
183    startMonkey();
184  }
186  protected MonkeyFactory getDefaultMonkeyFactory() {
187    // Run with no monkey in distributed context, with real monkey in local test context.
188    return MonkeyFactory.getFactory(
189      util.isDistributedCluster() ? MonkeyFactory.CALM : MonkeyFactory.SLOW_DETERMINISTIC);
190  }
192  protected void startMonkey() throws Exception {
193    monkey.start();
194  }
196  public void cleanUpMonkey() throws Exception {
197    cleanUpMonkey("Ending test");
198  }
200  protected void cleanUpMonkey(String why) throws Exception {
201    if (monkey != null && !monkey.isStopped()) {
202      monkey.stop(why);
203      monkey.waitForStop();
204    }
205  }
207  protected IntegrationTestingUtility getTestingUtil(Configuration conf) {
208    if (this.util == null) {
209      if (conf == null) {
210        this.util = new IntegrationTestingUtility();
211        this.setConf(util.getConfiguration());
212      } else {
213        this.util = new IntegrationTestingUtility(conf);
214      }
215    }
216    return util;
217  }
219  public abstract void setUpCluster() throws Exception;
221  public void cleanUpCluster() throws Exception {
222    if (util.isDistributedCluster() && (monkey == null || !monkey.isDestructive())) {
223      noClusterCleanUp = true;
224    }
225    if (noClusterCleanUp) {
226      LOG.debug("noClusterCleanUp is set, skip restoring the cluster");
227      return;
228    }
229    LOG.debug("Restoring the cluster");
230    util.restoreCluster();
231    LOG.debug("Done restoring the cluster");
232  }
234  public abstract int runTestFromCommandLine() throws Exception;
236  /**
237   * Provides the name of the table that is protected from random Chaos monkey activity
238   * @return table to not delete.
239   */
240  public abstract TableName getTablename();
242  /**
243   * Provides the name of the CFs that are protected from random Chaos monkey activity (alter)
244   * @return set of cf names to protect.
245   */
246  protected abstract Set<String> getColumnFamilies();