002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase;
020import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseClusterManager.DEFAULT_RETRY_ATTEMPTS;
021import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseClusterManager.DEFAULT_RETRY_SLEEP_INTERVAL;
022import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseClusterManager.RETRY_ATTEMPTS_KEY;
023import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseClusterManager.RETRY_SLEEP_INTERVAL_KEY;
025import java.io.IOException;
026import java.net.URI;
027import java.util.Collections;
028import java.util.HashMap;
029import java.util.Locale;
030import java.util.Map;
031import java.util.Objects;
032import java.util.Optional;
033import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
034import javax.xml.ws.http.HTTPException;
035import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
036import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
037import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured;
038import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.RetryCounter;
039import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.RetryCounter.RetryConfig;
040import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.RetryCounterFactory;
041import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils;
042import org.slf4j.Logger;
043import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
045import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.gson.JsonElement;
046import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.gson.JsonObject;
047import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.gson.JsonParser;
048import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.javax.ws.rs.client.Client;
049import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder;
050import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.javax.ws.rs.client.Entity;
051import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation;
052import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget;
053import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
054import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
055import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder;
056import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.glassfish.jersey.client.authentication.HttpAuthenticationFeature;
059 * A ClusterManager implementation designed to control Cloudera Manager (http://www.cloudera.com)
060 * clusters via REST API. This API uses HTTP GET requests against the cluster manager server to
061 * retrieve information and POST/PUT requests to perform actions. As a simple example, to retrieve a
062 * list of hosts from a CM server with login credentials admin:admin, a simple curl command would be
063 * curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u admin:admin \
064 * "http://this.is.my.server.com:7180/api/v8/hosts" This command would return a JSON result, which
065 * would need to be parsed to retrieve relevant information. This action and many others are covered
066 * by this class. A note on nomenclature: while the ClusterManager interface uses a ServiceType enum
067 * when referring to things like RegionServers and DataNodes, cluster managers often use different
068 * terminology. As an example, Cloudera Manager (http://www.cloudera.com) would refer to a
069 * RegionServer as a "role" of the HBase "service." It would further refer to "hbase" as the
070 * "serviceType." Apache Ambari (http://ambari.apache.org) would call the RegionServer a "component"
071 * of the HBase "service." This class will defer to the ClusterManager terminology in methods that
072 * it implements from that interface, but uses Cloudera Manager's terminology when dealing with its
073 * API directly. DEBUG-level logging gives more details of the actions this class takes as they
074 * happen. Log at TRACE-level to see the API requests and responses. TRACE-level logging on
075 * RetryCounter displays wait times, so that can be helpful too.
076 */
077public class RESTApiClusterManager extends Configured implements ClusterManager {
078  // Properties that need to be in the Configuration object to interact with the REST API cluster
079  // manager. Most easily defined in hbase-site.xml, but can also be passed on the command line.
080  private static final String REST_API_CLUSTER_MANAGER_HOSTNAME =
081    "hbase.it.clustermanager.restapi.hostname";
082  private static final String REST_API_CLUSTER_MANAGER_USERNAME =
083    "hbase.it.clustermanager.restapi.username";
084  private static final String REST_API_CLUSTER_MANAGER_PASSWORD =
085    "hbase.it.clustermanager.restapi.password";
086  private static final String REST_API_CLUSTER_MANAGER_CLUSTER_NAME =
087    "hbase.it.clustermanager.restapi.clustername";
088  private static final String REST_API_DELEGATE_CLUSTER_MANAGER =
089    "hbase.it.clustermanager.restapi.delegate";
091  private static final JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
093  // Some default values for the above properties.
094  private static final String DEFAULT_SERVER_HOSTNAME = "http://localhost:7180";
095  private static final String DEFAULT_SERVER_USERNAME = "admin";
096  private static final String DEFAULT_SERVER_PASSWORD = "admin";
097  private static final String DEFAULT_CLUSTER_NAME = "Cluster 1";
099  // Fields for the hostname, username, password, and cluster name of the cluster management server
100  // to be used.
101  private String serverHostname;
102  private String clusterName;
104  // Each version of Cloudera Manager supports a particular API versions. Version 6 of this API
105  // provides all the features needed by this class.
106  private static final String API_VERSION = "v6";
108  // Client instances are expensive, so use the same one for all our REST queries.
109  private final Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
111  // An instance of HBaseClusterManager is used for methods like the kill, resume, and suspend
112  // because cluster managers don't tend to implement these operations.
113  private ClusterManager hBaseClusterManager;
115  private RetryCounterFactory retryCounterFactory;
117  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RESTApiClusterManager.class);
119  RESTApiClusterManager() {
120  }
122  @Override
123  public void setConf(Configuration conf) {
124    super.setConf(conf);
125    if (conf == null) {
126      // `Configured()` constructor calls `setConf(null)` before calling again with a real value.
127      return;
128    }
130    final Class<? extends ClusterManager> clazz = conf.getClass(REST_API_DELEGATE_CLUSTER_MANAGER,
131      HBaseClusterManager.class, ClusterManager.class);
132    hBaseClusterManager = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(clazz, conf);
137    // Add filter to Client instance to enable server authentication.
140    client.register(HttpAuthenticationFeature.basic(serverUsername, serverPassword));
142    this.retryCounterFactory = new RetryCounterFactory(
143      new RetryConfig().setMaxAttempts(conf.getInt(RETRY_ATTEMPTS_KEY, DEFAULT_RETRY_ATTEMPTS))
144        .setSleepInterval(conf.getLong(RETRY_SLEEP_INTERVAL_KEY, DEFAULT_RETRY_SLEEP_INTERVAL)));
145  }
147  @Override
148  public void start(ServiceType service, String hostname, int port) {
149    // With Cloudera Manager (6.3.x), sending a START command to a service role
150    // that is already in the "Started" state is an error. CM will log a message
151    // saying "Role must be stopped". It will complain similarly for other
152    // expected state transitions.
153    // A role process that has been `kill -9`'ed ends up with the service role
154    // retaining the "Started" state but with the process marked as "unhealthy".
155    // Instead of blindly issuing the START command, first send a STOP command
156    // to ensure the START will be accepted.
157    LOG.debug("Performing start of {} on {}:{}", service, hostname, port);
158    final RoleState currentState = getRoleState(service, hostname);
159    switch (currentState) {
160      case NA:
161      case BUSY:
162      case UNKNOWN:
164        LOG.warn("Unexpected service state detected. Service START requested, but currently in"
165          + " {} state. Attempting to start. {}, {}:{}", currentState, service, hostname, port);
166        performClusterManagerCommand(service, hostname, RoleCommand.START);
167        return;
168      case STOPPING:
169        LOG.warn(
170          "Unexpected service state detected. Service START requested, but currently in"
171            + " {} state. Waiting for stop before attempting start. {}, {}:{}",
172          currentState, service, hostname, port);
173        waitFor(() -> Objects.equals(RoleState.STOPPED, getRoleState(service, hostname)));
174        performClusterManagerCommand(service, hostname, RoleCommand.START);
175        return;
176      case STOPPED:
177        performClusterManagerCommand(service, hostname, RoleCommand.START);
178        return;
179      case STARTING:
180        LOG.warn(
181          "Unexpected service state detected. Service START requested, but already in"
182            + " {} state. Ignoring current request and waiting for start to complete. {}, {}:{}",
183          currentState, service, hostname, port);
184        waitFor(() -> Objects.equals(RoleState.STARTED, getRoleState(service, hostname)));
185        return;
186      case STARTED:
187        LOG.warn("Unexpected service state detected. Service START requested, but already in"
188          + " {} state. Restarting. {}, {}:{}", currentState, service, hostname, port);
189        performClusterManagerCommand(service, hostname, RoleCommand.RESTART);
190        return;
191    }
192    throw new RuntimeException("should not happen.");
193  }
195  @Override
196  public void stop(ServiceType service, String hostname, int port) {
197    LOG.debug("Performing stop of {} on {}:{}", service, hostname, port);
198    final RoleState currentState = getRoleState(service, hostname);
199    switch (currentState) {
200      case NA:
201      case BUSY:
202      case UNKNOWN:
204        LOG.warn("Unexpected service state detected. Service STOP requested, but already in"
205          + " {} state. Attempting to stop. {}, {}:{}", currentState, service, hostname, port);
206        performClusterManagerCommand(service, hostname, RoleCommand.STOP);
207        return;
208      case STOPPING:
209        waitFor(() -> Objects.equals(RoleState.STOPPED, getRoleState(service, hostname)));
210        return;
211      case STOPPED:
212        LOG.warn(
213          "Unexpected service state detected. Service STOP requested, but already in"
214            + " {} state. Ignoring current request. {}, {}:{}",
215          currentState, service, hostname, port);
216        return;
217      case STARTING:
218        LOG.warn(
219          "Unexpected service state detected. Service STOP requested, but already in"
220            + " {} state. Waiting for start to complete. {}, {}:{}",
221          currentState, service, hostname, port);
222        waitFor(() -> Objects.equals(RoleState.STARTED, getRoleState(service, hostname)));
223        performClusterManagerCommand(service, hostname, RoleCommand.STOP);
224        return;
225      case STARTED:
226        performClusterManagerCommand(service, hostname, RoleCommand.STOP);
227        return;
228    }
229    throw new RuntimeException("should not happen.");
230  }
232  @Override
233  public void restart(ServiceType service, String hostname, int port) {
234    LOG.debug("Performing stop followed by start of {} on {}:{}", service, hostname, port);
235    stop(service, hostname, port);
236    start(service, hostname, port);
237  }
239  @Override
240  public boolean isRunning(ServiceType service, String hostname, int port) {
241    LOG.debug("Issuing isRunning request against {} on {}:{}", service, hostname, port);
242    return executeWithRetries(() -> {
243      String serviceName = getServiceName(roleServiceType.get(service));
244      String hostId = getHostId(hostname);
245      RoleState roleState = getRoleState(serviceName, service.toString(), hostId);
246      HealthSummary healthSummary = getHealthSummary(serviceName, service.toString(), hostId);
247      return Objects.equals(RoleState.STARTED, roleState)
248        && Objects.equals(HealthSummary.GOOD, healthSummary);
249    });
250  }
252  @Override
253  public void kill(ServiceType service, String hostname, int port) throws IOException {
254    hBaseClusterManager.kill(service, hostname, port);
255  }
257  @Override
258  public void suspend(ServiceType service, String hostname, int port) throws IOException {
259    hBaseClusterManager.suspend(service, hostname, port);
260  }
262  @Override
263  public void resume(ServiceType service, String hostname, int port) throws IOException {
264    hBaseClusterManager.resume(service, hostname, port);
265  }
267  // Convenience method to execute command against role on hostname. Only graceful commands are
268  // supported since cluster management APIs don't tend to let you SIGKILL things.
269  private void performClusterManagerCommand(ServiceType role, String hostname,
270    RoleCommand command) {
271    // retry submitting the command until the submission succeeds.
272    final long commandId = executeWithRetries(() -> {
273      final String serviceName = getServiceName(roleServiceType.get(role));
274      final String hostId = getHostId(hostname);
275      final String roleName = getRoleName(serviceName, role.toString(), hostId);
276      return doRoleCommand(serviceName, roleName, command);
277    });
278    LOG.debug("Command {} of {} on {} submitted as commandId {}", command, role, hostname,
279      commandId);
281    // assume the submitted command was asynchronous. wait on the commandId to be marked as
282    // successful.
283    waitFor(() -> hasCommandCompleted(commandId));
284    if (!executeWithRetries(() -> hasCommandCompletedSuccessfully(commandId))) {
285      final String msg = String.format("Command %s of %s on %s submitted as commandId %s failed.",
286        command, role, hostname, commandId);
287      // TODO: this does not interrupt the monkey. should it?
288      throw new RuntimeException(msg);
289    }
290    LOG.debug("Command {} of {} on {} submitted as commandId {} completed successfully.", command,
291      role, hostname, commandId);
292  }
294  /**
295   * Issues a command (e.g. starting or stopping a role).
296   * @return the commandId of a successfully submitted asynchronous command.
297   */
298  private long doRoleCommand(String serviceName, String roleName, RoleCommand roleCommand) {
299    URI uri = UriBuilder.fromUri(serverHostname).path("api").path(API_VERSION).path("clusters")
300      .path(clusterName).path("services").path(serviceName).path("roleCommands")
301      .path(roleCommand.toString()).build();
302    String body = "{ \"items\": [ \"" + roleName + "\" ] }";
303    LOG.trace("Executing POST against {} with body {} ...", uri, body);
304    WebTarget webTarget = client.target(uri);
305    Invocation.Builder invocationBuilder = webTarget.request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
306    Response response = invocationBuilder.post(Entity.json(body));
307    final int statusCode = response.getStatus();
308    final String responseBody = response.readEntity(String.class);
309    if (statusCode != Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
310      LOG.warn("RoleCommand failed with status code {} and response body {}", statusCode,
311        responseBody);
312      throw new HTTPException(statusCode);
313    }
315    LOG.trace("POST against {} completed with status code {} and response body {}", uri, statusCode,
316      responseBody);
317    return parser.parse(responseBody).getAsJsonObject().get("items").getAsJsonArray().get(0)
318      .getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsLong();
319  }
321  private HealthSummary getHealthSummary(String serviceName, String roleType, String hostId) {
322    return HealthSummary
323      .fromString(getRolePropertyValue(serviceName, roleType, hostId, "healthSummary"));
324  }
326  // This API uses a hostId to execute host-specific commands; get one from a hostname.
327  private String getHostId(String hostname) {
328    String hostId = null;
329    URI uri =
330      UriBuilder.fromUri(serverHostname).path("api").path(API_VERSION).path("hosts").build();
331    JsonElement hosts = parser.parse(getFromURIGet(uri)).getAsJsonObject().get("items");
332    if (hosts != null) {
333      // Iterate through the list of hosts, stopping once you've reached the requested hostname.
334      for (JsonElement host : hosts.getAsJsonArray()) {
335        if (host.getAsJsonObject().get("hostname").getAsString().equals(hostname)) {
336          hostId = host.getAsJsonObject().get("hostId").getAsString();
337          break;
338        }
339      }
340    }
342    return hostId;
343  }
345  private String getFromURIGet(URI uri) {
346    LOG.trace("Executing GET against {} ...", uri);
347    final Response response = client.target(uri).request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE).get();
348    int statusCode = response.getStatus();
349    final String responseBody = response.readEntity(String.class);
350    if (statusCode != Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
351      LOG.warn("request failed with status code {} and response body {}", statusCode, responseBody);
352      throw new HTTPException(statusCode);
353    }
354    // This API folds information as the value to an "items" attribute.
355    LOG.trace("GET against {} completed with status code {} and response body {}", uri, statusCode,
356      responseBody);
357    return responseBody;
358  }
360  // This API assigns a unique role name to each host's instance of a role.
361  private String getRoleName(String serviceName, String roleType, String hostId) {
362    return getRolePropertyValue(serviceName, roleType, hostId, "name");
363  }
365  // Get the value of a property from a role on a particular host.
366  private String getRolePropertyValue(String serviceName, String roleType, String hostId,
367    String property) {
368    String roleValue = null;
369    URI uri = UriBuilder.fromUri(serverHostname).path("api").path(API_VERSION).path("clusters")
370      .path(clusterName).path("services").path(serviceName).path("roles").build();
371    JsonElement roles = parser.parse(getFromURIGet(uri)).getAsJsonObject().get("items");
372    if (roles != null) {
373      // Iterate through the list of roles, stopping once the requested one is found.
374      for (JsonElement role : roles.getAsJsonArray()) {
375        JsonObject roleObj = role.getAsJsonObject();
376        if (
377          roleObj.get("hostRef").getAsJsonObject().get("hostId").getAsString().equals(hostId)
378            && roleObj.get("type").getAsString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
379              .equals(roleType.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT))
380        ) {
381          roleValue = roleObj.get(property).getAsString();
382          break;
383        }
384      }
385    }
387    return roleValue;
388  }
390  private RoleState getRoleState(ServiceType service, String hostname) {
391    return executeWithRetries(() -> {
392      String serviceName = getServiceName(roleServiceType.get(service));
393      String hostId = getHostId(hostname);
394      RoleState state = getRoleState(serviceName, service.toString(), hostId);
395      // sometimes the response (usually the first) is null. retry those.
396      return Objects.requireNonNull(state);
397    });
398  }
400  private RoleState getRoleState(String serviceName, String roleType, String hostId) {
401    return RoleState.fromString(getRolePropertyValue(serviceName, roleType, hostId, "roleState"));
402  }
404  // Convert a service (e.g. "HBASE," "HDFS") into a service name (e.g. "HBASE-1," "HDFS-1").
405  private String getServiceName(Service service) {
406    String serviceName = null;
407    URI uri = UriBuilder.fromUri(serverHostname).path("api").path(API_VERSION).path("clusters")
408      .path(clusterName).path("services").build();
409    JsonElement services = parser.parse(getFromURIGet(uri)).getAsJsonObject().get("items");
410    if (services != null) {
411      // Iterate through the list of services, stopping once the requested one is found.
412      for (JsonElement serviceEntry : services.getAsJsonArray()) {
413        if (serviceEntry.getAsJsonObject().get("type").getAsString().equals(service.toString())) {
414          serviceName = serviceEntry.getAsJsonObject().get("name").getAsString();
415          break;
416        }
417      }
418    }
420    return serviceName;
421  }
423  private Optional<JsonObject> getCommand(final long commandId) {
424    final URI uri = UriBuilder.fromUri(serverHostname).path("api").path(API_VERSION)
425      .path("commands").path(Long.toString(commandId)).build();
426    return Optional.ofNullable(getFromURIGet(uri)).map(parser::parse)
427      .map(JsonElement::getAsJsonObject);
428  }
430  /**
431   * Return {@code true} if the {@code commandId} has finished processing.
432   */
433  private boolean hasCommandCompleted(final long commandId) {
434    return getCommand(commandId).map(val -> {
435      final boolean isActive = val.get("active").getAsBoolean();
436      if (isActive) {
437        LOG.debug("command {} is still active.", commandId);
438      }
439      return !isActive;
440    }).orElse(false);
441  }
443  /**
444   * Return {@code true} if the {@code commandId} has finished successfully.
445   */
446  private boolean hasCommandCompletedSuccessfully(final long commandId) {
447    return getCommand(commandId).filter(val -> {
448      final boolean isActive = val.get("active").getAsBoolean();
449      if (isActive) {
450        LOG.debug("command {} is still active.", commandId);
451      }
452      return !isActive;
453    }).map(val -> {
454      final boolean isSuccess = val.get("success").getAsBoolean();
455      LOG.debug("command {} completed as {}.", commandId, isSuccess);
456      return isSuccess;
457    }).orElse(false);
458  }
460  /**
461   * Helper method for executing retryable work.
462   */
463  private <T> T executeWithRetries(final Callable<T> callable) {
464    final RetryCounter retryCounter = retryCounterFactory.create();
465    while (true) {
466      try {
467        return callable.call();
468      } catch (Exception e) {
469        if (retryCounter.shouldRetry()) {
470          LOG.debug("execution failed with exception. Retrying.", e);
471        } else {
472          throw new RuntimeException("retries exhausted", e);
473        }
474      }
475      try {
476        retryCounter.sleepUntilNextRetry();
477      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
478        throw new RuntimeException(e);
479      }
480    }
481  }
483  private void waitFor(final Callable<Boolean> predicate) {
484    final RetryCounter retryCounter = retryCounterFactory.create();
485    while (true) {
486      try {
487        if (Objects.equals(true, predicate.call())) {
488          return;
489        }
490      } catch (Exception e) {
491        if (retryCounter.shouldRetry()) {
492          LOG.debug("execution failed with exception. Retrying.", e);
493        } else {
494          throw new RuntimeException("retries exhausted", e);
495        }
496      }
497      try {
498        retryCounter.sleepUntilNextRetry();
499      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
500        throw new RuntimeException(e);
501      }
502    }
503  }
505  /*
506   * Some enums to guard against bad calls.
507   */
509  // The RoleCommand enum is used by the doRoleCommand method to guard against non-existent methods
510  // being invoked on a given role.
511  // TODO: Integrate zookeeper and hdfs related failure injections (Ref: HBASE-14261).
512  private enum RoleCommand {
513    START,
514    STOP,
515    RESTART;
517    // APIs tend to take commands in lowercase, so convert them to save the trouble later.
518    @Override
519    public String toString() {
520      return name().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
521    }
522  }
524  /**
525   * Represents the configured run state of a role.
526   * @see <a href=
527   *      "https://archive.cloudera.com/cm6/6.3.0/generic/jar/cm_api/apidocs/json_ApiRoleState.html">
528   *      https://archive.cloudera.com/cm6/6.3.0/generic/jar/cm_api/apidocs/json_ApiRoleState.html</a>
529   */
530  private enum RoleState {
532    UNKNOWN,
533    STARTING,
534    STARTED,
535    BUSY,
536    STOPPING,
537    STOPPED,
538    NA;
540    public static RoleState fromString(final String value) {
541      if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) {
542        return null;
543      }
544      return RoleState.valueOf(value.toUpperCase());
545    }
546  }
548  /**
549   * Represents of the high-level health status of a subject in the cluster.
550   * @see <a href=
551   *      "https://archive.cloudera.com/cm6/6.3.0/generic/jar/cm_api/apidocs/json_ApiHealthSummary.html">
552   *      https://archive.cloudera.com/cm6/6.3.0/generic/jar/cm_api/apidocs/json_ApiHealthSummary.html</a>
553   */
554  private enum HealthSummary {
555    DISABLED,
558    GOOD,
560    BAD;
562    public static HealthSummary fromString(final String value) {
563      if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) {
564        return null;
565      }
566      return HealthSummary.valueOf(value.toUpperCase());
567    }
568  }
570  // ClusterManager methods take a "ServiceType" object (e.g. "HBASE_MASTER," "HADOOP_NAMENODE").
571  // These "service types," which cluster managers call "roles" or "components," need to be mapped
572  // to their corresponding service (e.g. "HBase," "HDFS") in order to be controlled.
573  private static final Map<ServiceType, Service> roleServiceType = buildRoleServiceTypeMap();
575  private static Map<ServiceType, Service> buildRoleServiceTypeMap() {
576    final Map<ServiceType, Service> ret = new HashMap<>();
577    ret.put(ServiceType.HADOOP_NAMENODE, Service.HDFS);
578    ret.put(ServiceType.HADOOP_DATANODE, Service.HDFS);
579    ret.put(ServiceType.HADOOP_JOBTRACKER, Service.MAPREDUCE);
580    ret.put(ServiceType.HADOOP_TASKTRACKER, Service.MAPREDUCE);
581    ret.put(ServiceType.HBASE_MASTER, Service.HBASE);
582    ret.put(ServiceType.HBASE_REGIONSERVER, Service.HBASE);
583    return Collections.unmodifiableMap(ret);
584  }
586  enum Service {
587    HBASE,
588    HDFS,
590  }