002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver;
020import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
021import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
022import java.io.DataOutputStream;
023import java.io.IOException;
024import java.io.InputStream;
025import java.text.DecimalFormat;
026import java.util.ArrayList;
027import java.util.Iterator;
028import java.util.List;
029import java.util.Locale;
030import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
031import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
032import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
033import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
034import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
035import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
036import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValueUtil;
037import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.compress.Compression;
038import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.compress.Compression.Algorithm;
039import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.encoding.DataBlockEncoder;
040import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.encoding.DataBlockEncoding;
041import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.encoding.EncodedDataBlock;
042import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.CacheConfig;
043import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileBlock;
044import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileContext;
045import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileContextBuilder;
046import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileReaderImpl;
047import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
048import org.apache.hadoop.io.WritableUtils;
049import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.CompressionOutputStream;
050import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.Compressor;
051import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.Decompressor;
052import org.slf4j.Logger;
053import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
055import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
056import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser;
057import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.Option;
058import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
059import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
060import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser;
063 * Tests various algorithms for key compression on an existing HFile. Useful for testing, debugging
064 * and benchmarking.
065 */
066public class DataBlockEncodingTool {
067  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataBlockEncodingTool.class);
069  private static final boolean includesMemstoreTS = true;
071  /**
072   * How many times to run the benchmark. More times means better data in terms of statistics but
073   * slower execution. Has to be strictly larger than {@link #DEFAULT_BENCHMARK_N_OMIT}.
074   */
075  private static final int DEFAULT_BENCHMARK_N_TIMES = 12;
077  /**
078   * How many first runs should not be included in the benchmark. Done in order to exclude setup
079   * cost.
080   */
081  private static final int DEFAULT_BENCHMARK_N_OMIT = 2;
083  /** HFile name to be used in benchmark */
084  private static final String OPT_HFILE_NAME = "f";
086  /** Maximum number of key/value pairs to process in a single benchmark run */
087  private static final String OPT_KV_LIMIT = "n";
089  /** Whether to run a benchmark to measure read throughput */
090  private static final String OPT_MEASURE_THROUGHPUT = "b";
092  /** If this is specified, no correctness testing will be done */
093  private static final String OPT_OMIT_CORRECTNESS_TEST = "c";
095  /** What compression algorithm to test */
096  private static final String OPT_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM = "a";
098  /** Number of times to run each benchmark */
099  private static final String OPT_BENCHMARK_N_TIMES = "t";
101  /** Number of first runs of every benchmark to omit from statistics */
102  private static final String OPT_BENCHMARK_N_OMIT = "omit";
104  /** Compression algorithm to use if not specified on the command line */
105  private static final Algorithm DEFAULT_COMPRESSION = Compression.Algorithm.GZ;
107  private static final DecimalFormat DELIMITED_DECIMAL_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat();
109  static {
110    DELIMITED_DECIMAL_FORMAT.setGroupingSize(3);
111  }
113  private static final String PCT_FORMAT = "%.2f %%";
114  private static final String INT_FORMAT = "%d";
116  private static int benchmarkNTimes = DEFAULT_BENCHMARK_N_TIMES;
117  private static int benchmarkNOmit = DEFAULT_BENCHMARK_N_OMIT;
119  private final Configuration conf;
120  private List<EncodedDataBlock> codecs = new ArrayList<>();
121  private long totalPrefixLength = 0;
122  private long totalKeyLength = 0;
123  private long totalValueLength = 0;
124  private long totalKeyRedundancyLength = 0;
125  private long totalCFLength = 0;
127  private byte[] rawKVs;
128  private boolean useHBaseChecksum = false;
130  private final String compressionAlgorithmName;
131  private final Algorithm compressionAlgorithm;
132  private final Compressor compressor;
133  private final Decompressor decompressor;
135  // Check if HFile use Tag.
136  private static boolean USE_TAG = false;
138  private enum Manipulation {
139    ENCODING,
140    DECODING,
144    @Override
145    public String toString() {
146      String s = super.toString();
147      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
148      sb.append(s.charAt(0));
149      sb.append(s.substring(1).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
150      return sb.toString();
151    }
152  }
154  /**
155   * @param compressionAlgorithmName What kind of algorithm should be used as baseline for
156   *                                 comparison (e.g. lzo, gz).
157   */
158  public DataBlockEncodingTool(Configuration conf, String compressionAlgorithmName) {
159    this.conf = conf;
160    this.compressionAlgorithmName = compressionAlgorithmName;
161    this.compressionAlgorithm = Compression.getCompressionAlgorithmByName(compressionAlgorithmName);
162    this.compressor = this.compressionAlgorithm.getCompressor();
163    this.decompressor = this.compressionAlgorithm.getDecompressor();
164  }
166  /**
167   * Check statistics for given HFile for different data block encoders.
168   * @param scanner Of file which will be compressed.
169   * @param kvLimit Maximal count of KeyValue which will be processed.
170   * @throws IOException thrown if scanner is invalid
171   */
172  public void checkStatistics(final KeyValueScanner scanner, final int kvLimit) throws IOException {
173    scanner.seek(KeyValue.LOWESTKEY);
175    KeyValue currentKV;
177    byte[] previousKey = null;
178    byte[] currentKey;
180    DataBlockEncoding[] encodings = DataBlockEncoding.values();
182    ByteArrayOutputStream uncompressedOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
184    int j = 0;
185    while ((currentKV = KeyValueUtil.ensureKeyValue(scanner.next())) != null && j < kvLimit) {
186      // Iterates through key/value pairs
187      j++;
188      currentKey = currentKV.getKey();
189      if (previousKey != null) {
190        for (int i = 0; i < previousKey.length && i < currentKey.length
191          && previousKey[i] == currentKey[i]; ++i) {
192          totalKeyRedundancyLength++;
193        }
194      }
196      // Add tagsLen zero to cells don't include tags. Since the process of
197      // scanner converts byte array to KV would abandon tagsLen part if tagsLen
198      // is zero. But we still needs the tagsLen part to check if current cell
199      // include tags. If USE_TAG is true, HFile contains cells with tags,
200      // if the cell tagsLen equals 0, it means other cells may have tags.
201      if (USE_TAG && currentKV.getTagsLength() == 0) {
202        uncompressedOutputStream.write(currentKV.getBuffer(), currentKV.getOffset(),
203          currentKV.getLength());
204        // write tagsLen = 0.
205        uncompressedOutputStream.write(Bytes.toBytes((short) 0));
206      } else {
207        uncompressedOutputStream.write(currentKV.getBuffer(), currentKV.getOffset(),
208          currentKV.getLength());
209      }
211      if (includesMemstoreTS) {
212        WritableUtils.writeVLong(new DataOutputStream(uncompressedOutputStream),
213          currentKV.getSequenceId());
214      }
216      previousKey = currentKey;
218      int kLen = currentKV.getKeyLength();
219      int vLen = currentKV.getValueLength();
220      int cfOffset = currentKV.getFamilyOffset();
221      int cfLen = currentKV.getFamilyLength();
222      int restLen = currentKV.getLength() - kLen - vLen;
224      totalKeyLength += kLen;
225      totalValueLength += vLen;
226      totalPrefixLength += restLen;
227      totalCFLength += cfLen;
228    }
230    rawKVs = uncompressedOutputStream.toByteArray();
231    for (DataBlockEncoding encoding : encodings) {
232      if (encoding == DataBlockEncoding.NONE) {
233        continue;
234      }
235      DataBlockEncoder d = encoding.getEncoder();
236      HFileContext meta = new HFileContextBuilder().withDataBlockEncoding(encoding)
237        .withCompression(Compression.Algorithm.NONE).withIncludesMvcc(includesMemstoreTS)
238        .withIncludesTags(USE_TAG).build();
239      codecs.add(new EncodedDataBlock(conf, d, encoding, rawKVs, meta));
240    }
241  }
243  /**
244   * Verify if all data block encoders are working properly.
245   * @param scanner Of file which was compressed.
246   * @param kvLimit Maximal count of KeyValue which will be processed.
247   * @return true if all data block encoders compressed/decompressed correctly.
248   * @throws IOException thrown if scanner is invalid
249   */
250  public boolean verifyCodecs(final KeyValueScanner scanner, final int kvLimit) throws IOException {
251    KeyValue currentKv;
253    scanner.seek(KeyValue.LOWESTKEY);
254    List<Iterator<Cell>> codecIterators = new ArrayList<>();
255    for (EncodedDataBlock codec : codecs) {
256      codecIterators.add(codec.getIterator(HFileBlock.headerSize(useHBaseChecksum)));
257    }
259    int j = 0;
260    while ((currentKv = KeyValueUtil.ensureKeyValue(scanner.next())) != null && j < kvLimit) {
261      // Iterates through key/value pairs
262      ++j;
263      for (Iterator<Cell> it : codecIterators) {
264        Cell c = it.next();
265        KeyValue codecKv = KeyValueUtil.ensureKeyValue(c);
266        if (
267          codecKv == null
268            || 0 != Bytes.compareTo(codecKv.getBuffer(), codecKv.getOffset(), codecKv.getLength(),
269              currentKv.getBuffer(), currentKv.getOffset(), currentKv.getLength())
270        ) {
271          if (codecKv == null) {
272            LOG.error("There is a bug in codec " + it + " it returned null KeyValue,");
273          } else {
274            int prefix = 0;
275            int limitLength =
276              2 * Bytes.SIZEOF_INT + Math.min(codecKv.getLength(), currentKv.getLength());
277            while (
278              prefix < limitLength && codecKv.getBuffer()[prefix + codecKv.getOffset()]
279                  == currentKv.getBuffer()[prefix + currentKv.getOffset()]
280            ) {
281              prefix++;
282            }
284            LOG.error("There is bug in codec " + it.toString() + "\n on element " + j
285              + "\n codecKv.getKeyLength() " + codecKv.getKeyLength()
286              + "\n codecKv.getValueLength() " + codecKv.getValueLength()
287              + "\n codecKv.getLength() " + codecKv.getLength() + "\n currentKv.getKeyLength() "
288              + currentKv.getKeyLength() + "\n currentKv.getValueLength() "
289              + currentKv.getValueLength() + "\n codecKv.getLength() " + currentKv.getLength()
290              + "\n currentKV rowLength " + currentKv.getRowLength() + " familyName "
291              + currentKv.getFamilyLength() + " qualifier " + currentKv.getQualifierLength()
292              + "\n prefix " + prefix + "\n codecKv   '"
293              + Bytes.toStringBinary(codecKv.getBuffer(), codecKv.getOffset(), prefix) + "' diff '"
294              + Bytes.toStringBinary(codecKv.getBuffer(), codecKv.getOffset() + prefix,
295                codecKv.getLength() - prefix)
296              + "'" + "\n currentKv '"
297              + Bytes.toStringBinary(currentKv.getBuffer(), currentKv.getOffset(), prefix)
298              + "' diff '" + Bytes.toStringBinary(currentKv.getBuffer(),
299                currentKv.getOffset() + prefix, currentKv.getLength() - prefix)
300              + "'");
301          }
302          return false;
303        }
304      }
305    }
307    LOG.info("Verification was successful!");
309    return true;
310  }
312  /**
313   * Benchmark codec's speed.
314   */
315  public void benchmarkCodecs() throws IOException {
316    LOG.info("Starting a throughput benchmark for data block encoding codecs");
317    int prevTotalSize = -1;
318    for (EncodedDataBlock codec : codecs) {
319      prevTotalSize = benchmarkEncoder(prevTotalSize, codec);
320    }
322    benchmarkDefaultCompression(prevTotalSize, rawKVs);
323  }
325  /**
326   * Benchmark compression/decompression throughput.
327   * @param previousTotalSize Total size used for verification. Use -1 if unknown.
328   * @param codec             Tested encoder.
329   * @return Size of uncompressed data.
330   */
331  private int benchmarkEncoder(int previousTotalSize, EncodedDataBlock codec) {
332    int prevTotalSize = previousTotalSize;
333    int totalSize = 0;
335    // decompression time
336    List<Long> durations = new ArrayList<>();
337    for (int itTime = 0; itTime < benchmarkNTimes; ++itTime) {
338      totalSize = 0;
340      Iterator<Cell> it;
342      it = codec.getIterator(HFileBlock.headerSize(useHBaseChecksum));
344      // count only the algorithm time, without memory allocations
345      // (expect first time)
346      final long startTime = System.nanoTime();
347      while (it.hasNext()) {
348        totalSize += KeyValueUtil.ensureKeyValue(it.next()).getLength();
349      }
350      final long finishTime = System.nanoTime();
351      if (itTime >= benchmarkNOmit) {
352        durations.add(finishTime - startTime);
353      }
355      if (prevTotalSize != -1 && prevTotalSize != totalSize) {
356        throw new IllegalStateException(
357          String.format("Algorithm '%s' decoded data to different size", codec.toString()));
358      }
359      prevTotalSize = totalSize;
360    }
362    List<Long> encodingDurations = new ArrayList<>();
363    for (int itTime = 0; itTime < benchmarkNTimes; ++itTime) {
364      final long startTime = System.nanoTime();
365      codec.encodeData();
366      final long finishTime = System.nanoTime();
367      if (itTime >= benchmarkNOmit) {
368        encodingDurations.add(finishTime - startTime);
369      }
370    }
372    System.out.println(codec.toString() + ":");
373    printBenchmarkResult(totalSize, encodingDurations, Manipulation.ENCODING);
374    printBenchmarkResult(totalSize, durations, Manipulation.DECODING);
375    System.out.println();
377    return prevTotalSize;
378  }
380  private void benchmarkDefaultCompression(int totalSize, byte[] rawBuffer) throws IOException {
381    benchmarkAlgorithm(compressionAlgorithm, compressionAlgorithmName.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT),
382      rawBuffer, 0, totalSize);
383  }
385  /**
386   * Check decompress performance of a given algorithm and print it.
387   * @param algorithm Compression algorithm.
388   * @param name      Name of algorithm.
389   * @param buffer    Buffer to be compressed.
390   * @param offset    Position of the beginning of the data.
391   * @param length    Length of data in buffer. n
392   */
393  public void benchmarkAlgorithm(Compression.Algorithm algorithm, String name, byte[] buffer,
394    int offset, int length) throws IOException {
395    System.out.println(name + ":");
397    // compress it
398    List<Long> compressDurations = new ArrayList<>();
399    ByteArrayOutputStream compressedStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
400    CompressionOutputStream compressingStream =
401      algorithm.createPlainCompressionStream(compressedStream, compressor);
402    try {
403      for (int itTime = 0; itTime < benchmarkNTimes; ++itTime) {
404        final long startTime = System.nanoTime();
405        // The compressedStream should reset before compressingStream resetState since in GZ
406        // resetStatue will write header in the outputstream.
407        compressedStream.reset();
408        compressingStream.resetState();
409        compressingStream.write(buffer, offset, length);
410        compressingStream.flush();
411        compressedStream.toByteArray();
413        final long finishTime = System.nanoTime();
415        // add time record
416        if (itTime >= benchmarkNOmit) {
417          compressDurations.add(finishTime - startTime);
418        }
419      }
420    } catch (IOException e) {
421      throw new RuntimeException(
422        String.format("Benchmark, or encoding algorithm '%s' cause some stream problems", name), e);
423    }
424    compressingStream.close();
425    printBenchmarkResult(length, compressDurations, Manipulation.COMPRESSION);
427    byte[] compBuffer = compressedStream.toByteArray();
429    // uncompress it several times and measure performance
430    List<Long> durations = new ArrayList<>();
431    for (int itTime = 0; itTime < benchmarkNTimes; ++itTime) {
432      final long startTime = System.nanoTime();
433      byte[] newBuf = new byte[length + 1];
435      try {
436        ByteArrayInputStream downStream =
437          new ByteArrayInputStream(compBuffer, 0, compBuffer.length);
438        InputStream decompressedStream =
439          algorithm.createDecompressionStream(downStream, decompressor, 0);
441        int destOffset = 0;
442        int nextChunk;
443        while ((nextChunk = decompressedStream.available()) > 0) {
444          destOffset += decompressedStream.read(newBuf, destOffset, nextChunk);
445        }
446        decompressedStream.close();
448      } catch (IOException e) {
449        throw new RuntimeException(
450          String.format("Decoding path in '%s' algorithm cause exception ", name), e);
451      }
453      final long finishTime = System.nanoTime();
455      // check correctness
456      if (0 != Bytes.compareTo(buffer, 0, length, newBuf, 0, length)) {
457        int prefix = 0;
458        for (; prefix < buffer.length && prefix < newBuf.length; ++prefix) {
459          if (buffer[prefix] != newBuf[prefix]) {
460            break;
461          }
462        }
463        throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Algorithm '%s' is corrupting the data", name));
464      }
466      // add time record
467      if (itTime >= benchmarkNOmit) {
468        durations.add(finishTime - startTime);
469      }
470    }
471    printBenchmarkResult(length, durations, Manipulation.DECOMPRESSION);
472    System.out.println();
473  }
475  private static final double BYTES_IN_MB = 1024 * 1024.0;
476  private static final double NS_IN_SEC = 1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0;
477  private static final double MB_SEC_COEF = NS_IN_SEC / BYTES_IN_MB;
479  private static void printBenchmarkResult(int totalSize, List<Long> durationsInNanoSec,
480    Manipulation manipulation) {
481    final int n = durationsInNanoSec.size();
482    long meanTime = 0;
483    for (long time : durationsInNanoSec) {
484      meanTime += time;
485    }
486    meanTime /= n;
488    double meanMBPerSec = totalSize * MB_SEC_COEF / meanTime;
489    double mbPerSecSTD = 0;
490    if (n > 0) {
491      for (long time : durationsInNanoSec) {
492        double mbPerSec = totalSize * MB_SEC_COEF / time;
493        double dev = mbPerSec - meanMBPerSec;
494        mbPerSecSTD += dev * dev;
495      }
496      mbPerSecSTD = Math.sqrt(mbPerSecSTD / n);
497    }
499    outputTuple(manipulation + " performance", "%6.2f MB/s (+/- %.2f MB/s)", meanMBPerSec,
500      mbPerSecSTD);
501  }
503  private static void outputTuple(String caption, String format, Object... values) {
504    if (format.startsWith(INT_FORMAT)) {
505      format = "%s" + format.substring(INT_FORMAT.length());
506      values[0] = DELIMITED_DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(values[0]);
507    }
509    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
510    sb.append("  ");
511    sb.append(caption);
512    sb.append(":");
514    String v = String.format(format, values);
515    int padding = 60 - sb.length() - v.length();
516    for (int i = 0; i < padding; ++i) {
517      sb.append(' ');
518    }
519    sb.append(v);
520    System.out.println(sb);
521  }
523  /**
524   * Display statistics of different compression algorithms. n
525   */
526  public void displayStatistics() throws IOException {
527    final String comprAlgo = compressionAlgorithmName.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT);
528    long rawBytes = totalKeyLength + totalPrefixLength + totalValueLength;
530    System.out.println("Raw data size:");
531    outputTuple("Raw bytes", INT_FORMAT, rawBytes);
532    outputTuplePct("Key bytes", totalKeyLength);
533    outputTuplePct("Value bytes", totalValueLength);
534    outputTuplePct("KV infrastructure", totalPrefixLength);
535    outputTuplePct("CF overhead", totalCFLength);
536    outputTuplePct("Total key redundancy", totalKeyRedundancyLength);
538    int compressedSize = EncodedDataBlock.getCompressedSize(compressionAlgorithm, compressor,
539      rawKVs, 0, rawKVs.length);
540    outputTuple(comprAlgo + " only size", INT_FORMAT, compressedSize);
541    outputSavings(comprAlgo + " only", compressedSize, rawBytes);
542    System.out.println();
544    for (EncodedDataBlock codec : codecs) {
545      System.out.println(codec.toString());
546      long encodedBytes = codec.getSize();
547      outputTuple("Encoded bytes", INT_FORMAT, encodedBytes);
548      outputSavings("Key encoding", encodedBytes - totalValueLength, rawBytes - totalValueLength);
549      outputSavings("Total encoding", encodedBytes, rawBytes);
551      int encodedCompressedSize = codec.getEncodedCompressedSize(compressionAlgorithm, compressor);
552      outputTuple("Encoding + " + comprAlgo + " size", INT_FORMAT, encodedCompressedSize);
553      outputSavings("Encoding + " + comprAlgo, encodedCompressedSize, rawBytes);
554      outputSavings("Encoding with " + comprAlgo, encodedCompressedSize, compressedSize);
556      System.out.println();
557    }
558  }
560  private void outputTuplePct(String caption, long size) {
561    outputTuple(caption, INT_FORMAT + " (" + PCT_FORMAT + ")", size, size * 100.0 / rawKVs.length);
562  }
564  private void outputSavings(String caption, long part, long whole) {
565    double pct = 100.0 * (1 - 1.0 * part / whole);
566    double times = whole * 1.0 / part;
567    outputTuple(caption + " savings", PCT_FORMAT + " (%.2f x)", pct, times);
568  }
570  /**
571   * Test a data block encoder on the given HFile. Output results to console.
572   * @param kvLimit         The limit of KeyValue which will be analyzed.
573   * @param hfilePath       an HFile path on the file system.
574   * @param compressionName Compression algorithm used for comparison.
575   * @param doBenchmark     Run performance benchmarks.
576   * @param doVerify        Verify correctness.
577   * @throws IOException When pathName is incorrect.
578   */
579  public static void testCodecs(Configuration conf, int kvLimit, String hfilePath,
580    String compressionName, boolean doBenchmark, boolean doVerify) throws IOException {
581    // create environment
582    Path path = new Path(hfilePath);
583    CacheConfig cacheConf = new CacheConfig(conf);
584    FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
585    HStoreFile hsf = new HStoreFile(fs, path, conf, cacheConf, BloomType.NONE, true);
586    hsf.initReader();
587    StoreFileReader reader = hsf.getReader();
588    reader.loadFileInfo();
589    KeyValueScanner scanner =
590      reader.getStoreFileScanner(true, true, false, hsf.getMaxMemStoreTS(), 0, false);
591    USE_TAG = reader.getHFileReader().getFileContext().isIncludesTags();
592    // run the utilities
593    DataBlockEncodingTool comp = new DataBlockEncodingTool(conf, compressionName);
594    int majorVersion = reader.getHFileVersion();
595    comp.useHBaseChecksum = majorVersion > 2 || (majorVersion == 2
596      && reader.getHFileMinorVersion() >= HFileReaderImpl.MINOR_VERSION_WITH_CHECKSUM);
597    comp.checkStatistics(scanner, kvLimit);
598    if (doVerify) {
599      comp.verifyCodecs(scanner, kvLimit);
600    }
601    if (doBenchmark) {
602      comp.benchmarkCodecs();
603    }
604    comp.displayStatistics();
606    // cleanup
607    scanner.close();
608    reader.close(cacheConf.shouldEvictOnClose());
609  }
611  private static void printUsage(Options options) {
612    System.err.println("Usage:");
613    System.err
614      .println(String.format("./hbase %s <options>", DataBlockEncodingTool.class.getName()));
615    System.err.println("Options:");
616    for (Object it : options.getOptions()) {
617      Option opt = (Option) it;
618      if (opt.hasArg()) {
619        System.err.println(
620          String.format("-%s %s: %s", opt.getOpt(), opt.getArgName(), opt.getDescription()));
621      } else {
622        System.err.println(String.format("-%s: %s", opt.getOpt(), opt.getDescription()));
623      }
624    }
625  }
627  /**
628   * A command line interface to benchmarks. Parses command-line arguments and runs the appropriate
629   * benchmarks.
630   * @param args Should have length at least 1 and holds the file path to HFile.
631   * @throws IOException If you specified the wrong file.
632   */
633  public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException {
634    // set up user arguments
635    Options options = new Options();
636    options.addOption(OPT_HFILE_NAME, true, "HFile to analyse (REQUIRED)");
637    options.getOption(OPT_HFILE_NAME).setArgName("FILENAME");
638    options.addOption(OPT_KV_LIMIT, true,
639      "Maximum number of KeyValues to process. A benchmark stops running "
640        + "after iterating over this many KV pairs.");
641    options.getOption(OPT_KV_LIMIT).setArgName("NUMBER");
642    options.addOption(OPT_MEASURE_THROUGHPUT, false, "Measure read throughput");
643    options.addOption(OPT_OMIT_CORRECTNESS_TEST, false, "Omit corectness tests.");
644    options.addOption(OPT_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM, true,
645      "What kind of compression algorithm use for comparison.");
646    options.addOption(OPT_BENCHMARK_N_TIMES, true,
647      "Number of times to run each benchmark. Default value: " + DEFAULT_BENCHMARK_N_TIMES);
648    options.addOption(OPT_BENCHMARK_N_OMIT, true,
649      "Number of first runs of every benchmark to exclude from " + "statistics ("
650        + DEFAULT_BENCHMARK_N_OMIT + " by default, so that " + "only the last "
652        + " times are included in statistics.)");
654    // parse arguments
655    CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser();
656    CommandLine cmd = null;
657    try {
658      cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
659    } catch (ParseException e) {
660      System.err.println("Could not parse arguments!");
661      System.exit(-1);
662      return; // avoid warning
663    }
665    int kvLimit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
666    if (cmd.hasOption(OPT_KV_LIMIT)) {
667      kvLimit = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_KV_LIMIT));
668      if (kvLimit <= 0) {
669        LOG.error("KV_LIMIT should not less than 1.");
670      }
671    }
673    // basic argument sanity checks
674    if (!cmd.hasOption(OPT_HFILE_NAME)) {
675      LOG.error("Please specify HFile name using the " + OPT_HFILE_NAME + " option");
676      printUsage(options);
677      System.exit(-1);
678    }
680    String pathName = cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_HFILE_NAME);
681    String compressionName = DEFAULT_COMPRESSION.getName();
682    if (cmd.hasOption(OPT_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM)) {
683      compressionName = cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
684    }
685    boolean doBenchmark = cmd.hasOption(OPT_MEASURE_THROUGHPUT);
686    boolean doVerify = !cmd.hasOption(OPT_OMIT_CORRECTNESS_TEST);
688    if (cmd.hasOption(OPT_BENCHMARK_N_TIMES)) {
689      benchmarkNTimes = Integer.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_BENCHMARK_N_TIMES));
690    }
691    if (cmd.hasOption(OPT_BENCHMARK_N_OMIT)) {
692      benchmarkNOmit = Integer.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_BENCHMARK_N_OMIT));
693    }
694    if (benchmarkNTimes < benchmarkNOmit) {
695      LOG.error("The number of times to run each benchmark (" + benchmarkNTimes
696        + ") must be greater than the number of benchmark runs to exclude " + "from statistics ("
697        + benchmarkNOmit + ")");
698      System.exit(1);
699    }
700    LOG.info("Running benchmark " + benchmarkNTimes + " times. " + "Excluding the first "
701      + benchmarkNOmit + " times from statistics.");
703    final Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
704    testCodecs(conf, kvLimit, pathName, compressionName, doBenchmark, doVerify);
705  }