002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util;
020import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
021import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
022import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
023import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
024import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
026import java.io.File;
027import java.io.FileInputStream;
028import java.io.FileOutputStream;
029import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
030import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
031import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseClassTestRule;
032import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseCommonTestingUtility;
033import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.MiscTests;
034import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.SmallTests;
035import org.apache.hadoop.io.IOUtils;
036import org.junit.ClassRule;
037import org.junit.Test;
038import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
041 * Test TestCoprocessorClassLoader. More tests are in TestClassLoading
042 */
043@Category({ MiscTests.class, SmallTests.class })
044public class TestCoprocessorClassLoader {
045  @ClassRule
046  public static final HBaseClassTestRule CLASS_RULE =
047    HBaseClassTestRule.forClass(TestCoprocessorClassLoader.class);
049  private static final HBaseCommonTestingUtility TEST_UTIL = new HBaseCommonTestingUtility();
050  private static final Configuration conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
051  static {
052    TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir(); // prepare data test dir and hbase local dir
053  }
055  @Test
056  public void testCleanupOldJars() throws Exception {
057    String className = "TestCleanupOldJars";
058    String folder = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir().toString();
059    File jarFile = ClassLoaderTestHelper.buildJar(folder, className, null,
060      ClassLoaderTestHelper.localDirPath(conf));
061    File tmpJarFile = new File(jarFile.getParent(), "/tmp/" + className + ".test.jar");
063    if (tmpJarFile.exists()) {
064      tmpJarFile.delete();
065    }
067    assertFalse("tmp jar file should not exist", tmpJarFile.exists());
068    ClassLoader parent = TestCoprocessorClassLoader.class.getClassLoader();
069    CoprocessorClassLoader.getClassLoader(new Path(jarFile.getParent()), parent, "112", conf);
070    IOUtils.copyBytes(new FileInputStream(jarFile), new FileOutputStream(tmpJarFile), conf, true);
071    assertTrue("tmp jar file should be created", tmpJarFile.exists());
072    Path path = new Path(jarFile.getAbsolutePath());
073    CoprocessorClassLoader.parentDirLockSet.clear(); // So that clean up can be triggered
074    ClassLoader classLoader = CoprocessorClassLoader.getClassLoader(path, parent, "111", conf);
075    assertNotNull("Classloader should be created", classLoader);
076    assertFalse("tmp jar file should be removed", tmpJarFile.exists());
077  }
079  @Test
080  public void testLibJarName() throws Exception {
081    checkingLibJarName("TestLibJarName.jar", "/lib/");
082  }
084  @Test
085  public void testRelativeLibJarName() throws Exception {
086    checkingLibJarName("TestRelativeLibJarName.jar", "lib/");
087  }
089  /**
090   * Test to make sure the lib jar file extracted from a coprocessor jar have the right name.
091   * Otherwise, some existing jar could be override if there are naming conflicts.
092   */
093  private void checkingLibJarName(String jarName, String libPrefix) throws Exception {
094    File tmpFolder = new File(ClassLoaderTestHelper.localDirPath(conf), "tmp");
095    if (tmpFolder.exists()) { // Clean up the tmp folder
096      File[] files = tmpFolder.listFiles();
097      if (files != null) {
098        for (File f : files) {
099          f.delete();
100        }
101      }
102    }
103    String className = "CheckingLibJarName";
104    String folder = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir().toString();
105    File innerJarFile = ClassLoaderTestHelper.buildJar(folder, className, null,
106      ClassLoaderTestHelper.localDirPath(conf));
107    File targetJarFile = new File(innerJarFile.getParent(), jarName);
108    ClassLoaderTestHelper.addJarFilesToJar(targetJarFile, libPrefix, innerJarFile);
109    Path path = new Path(targetJarFile.getAbsolutePath());
110    ClassLoader parent = TestCoprocessorClassLoader.class.getClassLoader();
111    ClassLoader classLoader = CoprocessorClassLoader.getClassLoader(path, parent, "112", conf);
112    assertNotNull("Classloader should be created", classLoader);
113    String fileToLookFor = "." + className + ".jar";
114    String[] files = tmpFolder.list();
115    if (files != null) {
116      for (String f : files) {
117        if (f.endsWith(fileToLookFor) && f.contains(jarName)) {
118          // Cool, found it;
119          return;
120        }
121      }
122    }
123    fail("Could not find the expected lib jar file");
124  }
126  // HBASE-14548
127  @Test
128  public void testDirectoryAndWildcard() throws Exception {
129    String testClassName = "TestClass";
130    String dataTestDir = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir().toString();
131    System.out.println(dataTestDir);
132    String localDirContainingJar = ClassLoaderTestHelper.localDirPath(conf);
133    ClassLoaderTestHelper.buildJar(dataTestDir, testClassName, null, localDirContainingJar);
134    ClassLoader parent = TestCoprocessorClassLoader.class.getClassLoader();
135    CoprocessorClassLoader.parentDirLockSet.clear(); // So that clean up can be triggered
137    // Directory
138    Path testPath = new Path(localDirContainingJar);
139    CoprocessorClassLoader coprocessorClassLoader =
140      CoprocessorClassLoader.getClassLoader(testPath, parent, "113_1", conf);
141    verifyCoprocessorClassLoader(coprocessorClassLoader, testClassName);
143    // Wildcard - *.jar
144    testPath = new Path(localDirContainingJar, "*.jar");
145    coprocessorClassLoader = CoprocessorClassLoader.getClassLoader(testPath, parent, "113_2", conf);
146    verifyCoprocessorClassLoader(coprocessorClassLoader, testClassName);
148    // Wildcard - *.j*
149    testPath = new Path(localDirContainingJar, "*.j*");
150    coprocessorClassLoader = CoprocessorClassLoader.getClassLoader(testPath, parent, "113_3", conf);
151    verifyCoprocessorClassLoader(coprocessorClassLoader, testClassName);
152  }
154  /**
155   * Verify the coprocessorClassLoader is not null and the expected class can be loaded successfully
156   * @param coprocessorClassLoader the CoprocessorClassLoader to verify
157   * @param className              the expected class to be loaded by the coprocessorClassLoader
158   * @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class, which should be loaded via the
159   *                                coprocessorClassLoader, does not exist
160   */
161  private void verifyCoprocessorClassLoader(CoprocessorClassLoader coprocessorClassLoader,
162    String className) throws ClassNotFoundException {
163    assertNotNull("Classloader should be created and not null", coprocessorClassLoader);
164    assertEquals(className, coprocessorClassLoader.loadClass(className).getName());
165  }