Class AbstractStateMachineNamespaceProcedure<TState>
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
public abstract class AbstractStateMachineNamespaceProcedure<TState>
extends StateMachineProcedure<MasterProcedureEnv,TState>
implements TableProcedureInterface
Base class for all the Namespace procedures that want to use a StateMachineProcedure. It provide
some basic helpers like basic locking and basic toStringClassDetails().
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.procedure2.StateMachineProcedure
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.procedure2.Procedure
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.procedure.TableProcedureInterface
Field Summary
FieldsFields inherited from class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.procedure2.StateMachineProcedure
Fields inherited from class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.procedure2.Procedure
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected Procedure.LockState
The user should override this method if they need a lock on an Entity.protected abstract String
Returns the name of the table the procedure is operating onGiven an operation type we can take decisions about what to do with pending operations.protected void
The user should override this method, and release lock if necessary.protected void
Extend the toString() information with the procedure details e.g.protected boolean
TheProcedure.doAcquireLock(Object, ProcedureStore)
will be split into two steps, first, it will call us to determine whether we need to wait for initialization, second, it will callProcedure.acquireLock(Object)
to actually handle the lock for this procedure.Methods inherited from class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.procedure2.StateMachineProcedure
abort, addChildProcedure, deserializeStateData, execute, executeFromState, failIfAborted, getCurrentState, getCurrentStateId, getCycles, getInitialState, getState, getStateId, isEofState, isRollbackSupported, isRollbackSupported, isYieldAfterExecutionStep, isYieldBeforeExecuteFromState, rollback, rollbackState, serializeStateData, setNextState, toStringState
Methods inherited from class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.procedure2.Procedure
addStackIndex, afterReplay, beforeReplay, bypass, compareTo, completionCleanup, doExecute, doRollback, elapsedTime, getChildrenLatch, getException, getLastUpdate, getNonceKey, getOwner, getParentProcId, getProcedureMetrics, getProcId, getProcIdHashCode, getProcName, getResult, getRootProcedureId, getRootProcId, getStackIndexes, getState, getSubmittedTime, getTimeout, getTimeoutTimestamp, hasChildren, hasException, hasLock, hasOwner, hasParent, hasTimeout, haveSameParent, holdLock, incChildrenLatch, isBypass, isFailed, isFinished, isInitializing, isLockedWhenLoading, isRunnable, isSuccess, isWaiting, removeStackIndex, setAbortFailure, setChildrenLatch, setExecuted, setFailure, setFailure, setLastUpdate, setNonceKey, setOwner, setOwner, setParentProcId, setProcId, setResult, setRootProcId, setStackIndexes, setState, setSubmittedTime, setTimeout, setTimeoutFailure, shouldWaitClientAck, skipPersistence, suspend, toString, toStringClass, toStringDetails, toStringSimpleSB, updateMetricsOnFinish, updateMetricsOnSubmit, updateTimestamp, wasExecuted
Field Details
Constructor Details
protected AbstractStateMachineNamespaceProcedure() -
protected AbstractStateMachineNamespaceProcedure(MasterProcedureEnv env, ProcedurePrepareLatch latch)
Method Details
Description copied from interface:TableProcedureInterface
Returns the name of the table the procedure is operating on- Specified by:
in interfaceTableProcedureInterface
Description copied from interface:TableProcedureInterface
Given an operation type we can take decisions about what to do with pending operations. e.g. if we get a delete and we have some table operation pending (e.g. add column) we can abort those operations.- Specified by:
in interfaceTableProcedureInterface
- Returns:
- the operation type that the procedure is executing.
Description copied from class:Procedure
Extend the toString() information with the procedure details e.g. className and parameters- Overrides:
in classProcedure<MasterProcedureEnv>
- Parameters:
- the string builder to use to append the proc specific information
Description copied from class:Procedure
TheProcedure.doAcquireLock(Object, ProcedureStore)
will be split into two steps, first, it will call us to determine whether we need to wait for initialization, second, it will callProcedure.acquireLock(Object)
to actually handle the lock for this procedure. This is because that when master restarts, we need to restore the lock state for all the procedures to not break the semantic ifProcedure.holdLock(Object)
is true. But theProcedureExecutor
will be started before the master finish initialization(as it is part of the initialization!), so we need to split the code into two steps, and when restore, we just restore the lock part and ignore the waitInitialized part. Otherwise there will be dead lock.- Overrides:
in classProcedure<MasterProcedureEnv>
- Returns:
- true means we need to wait until the environment has been initialized, otherwise true.
Description copied from class:Procedure
The user should override this method if they need a lock on an Entity. A lock can be anything, and it is up to the implementor. The Procedure Framework will call this method just before it invokesProcedure.execute(Object)
. It callsProcedure.releaseLock(Object)
after the call to execute. If you need to hold the lock for the life of the Procedure -- i.e. you do not want any other Procedure interfering while this Procedure is running, seeProcedure.holdLock(Object)
. Example: in our Master we can execute request in parallel for different tables. We can create t1 and create t2 and these creates can be executed at the same time. Anything else on t1/t2 is queued waiting that specific table create to happen. There are 3 LockState:- LOCK_ACQUIRED should be returned when the proc has the lock and the proc is ready to execute.
- LOCK_YIELD_WAIT should be returned when the proc has not the lock and the framework should take care of readding the procedure back to the runnable set for retry
- LOCK_EVENT_WAIT should be returned when the proc has not the lock and someone will take care of readding the procedure back to the runnable set when the lock is available.
- Overrides:
in classProcedure<MasterProcedureEnv>
- Returns:
- the lock state as described above.
Description copied from class:Procedure
The user should override this method, and release lock if necessary.- Overrides:
in classProcedure<MasterProcedureEnv>