Uses of Class
Packages that use Action
Uses of Action in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.actions
Subclasses of Action in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.actionsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Action the adds a column family to a table.class
Action that adds high cpu load to a random regionserver for a given durationclass
Restarts a ratio of the running regionservers at the same timeclass
Action that tries to adjust the bloom filter setting on all the columns of a tableclass
Action that changes the compression algorithm on a column family from a list of tables.class
Action that changes the encoding on a column family from a list of tables.class
Action that changes the number of versions on a column family from a list of tables.class
Action that queues a table compaction.class
Region that queues a compaction of a random region from the table.class
Action that queues a table compaction.class
Action corrupts HFiles with a certain chance.class
Corrupt network packets on a random regionserver.class
Action adds latency to communication on a random regionserver.class
Action deletes HFiles with a certain chance.class
Action to dump the cluster status.class
Duplicate network packets on a random regionserver.class
Fill the disk on a random regionserver.class
Action that tries to flush a random region of a table.class
Action that tries to flush a table.class
Action that tries to force a balancer run.class
Gracefully restarts every regionserver in a rolling fashion.class
Lose network packets on a random regionserver.class
Action to merge regions of a table.class
Action that tries to move a random region of a table.class
Action that tries to move every region of a table.class
Action that removes a column family.class
Reorder network packets on a random regionserver.class
Base class for restarting HBaseServer'sclass
Action that tries to restart the active master.class
Action that tries to restart the active namenode.class
Action that restarts a random datanode.class
Action that restarts a random HRegionServerclass
Action that restarts a random zookeeper node.class
Action that tries to restart the HRegionServer holding Meta.class
Action that restarts an HRegionServer holding one of the regions of the table.class
Restarts a ratio of the regionservers in a rolling fashion.class
Suspend then resume a ratio of the regionservers in a rolling fashion.class
Action that tries to take a snapshot of a table.class
Action that tries to split a random region of a table.class
Base class for performing Actions based on linux commands requiring sudo privilegesclass
Base class for tc command actionsclass
Action that tries to truncate of a table.class
This action is too specific to put in ChaosMonkey; put it hereclass
Action that tries to unbalance the regions of a cluster. -
Uses of Action in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.factories
Methods in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.factories that return ActionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected Action[]
protected Action[]
protected Action[]
protected Action[]
private Action
(String actionString) -
Uses of Action in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.policies
Fields in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.policies declared as ActionModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final Action
private final Action[]
private final Action[]
Fields in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.policies with type parameters of type ActionConstructors in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.policies with parameters of type ActionModifierConstructorDescriptionActionRunner
(Action action) DoActionsOncePolicy
(long periodMs, Action... actions) PeriodicRandomActionPolicy
(long periodMs, Action... actions) TwoConcurrentActionPolicy
(long sleepTime, Action[] actionsOne, Action[] actionsTwo) Constructor parameters in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.policies with type arguments of type ActionModifierConstructorDescriptionDoActionsOncePolicy
(long periodMs, List<Action> actions) PeriodicRandomActionPolicy
(long periodMs, List<org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair<Action, Integer>> actions) -
Uses of Action in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mttr
Fields in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mttr declared as ActionModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final Action
private static Action
private static Action
private static Action
private static Action
private static Action
All of the chaos monkey actions used.Constructors in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mttr with parameters of type Action