Interface ExtendedCellScanner

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
Codec.Decoder, SizedExtendedCellScanner
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseDecoder, CellCodec.CellDecoder, CellCodecWithTags.CellDecoder, KeyValueCodec.ByteBuffKeyValueDecoder, KeyValueCodec.KeyValueDecoder, KeyValueCodecWithTags.ByteBuffKeyValueDecoder, KeyValueCodecWithTags.KeyValueDecoder, MessageCodec.MessageDecoder, Result, SecureWALCellCodec.EncryptedKvDecoder, WALCellCodec.CompressedKvDecoder

@Private public interface ExtendedCellScanner extends CellScanner
We use this class in HBase internally for getting ExtendedCell directly without casting.

In general, all Cells in HBase should and must be ExtendedCell.

See HBASE-28684 and related issues for more details.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the current Cell which may be mutable

    Methods inherited from interface org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellScanner
