Class HBaseServerException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

@Public public class HBaseServerException extends HBaseIOException
Base class for exceptions thrown by an HBase server. May contain extra info about the state of the server when the exception was thrown.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • isServerOverloaded

      public static boolean isServerOverloaded(Throwable t)
      Returns True if the server was considered overloaded when the exception was thrown
    • setServerOverloaded

      public void setServerOverloaded(boolean serverOverloaded)
      Necessary for parsing RemoteException on client side
      serverOverloaded - True if server was overloaded when exception was thrown
    • isServerOverloaded

      public boolean isServerOverloaded()
      Returns True if server was considered overloaded when exception was thrown