Class KeyStoreKeyProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Public public class KeyStoreKeyProvider extends Object implements KeyProvider
A basic KeyProvider that can resolve keys from a protected KeyStore file on the local filesystem. It is configured with a URI passed in as a String to init(). The URI should have the form:


scheme can be either "jks" or "jceks", specifying the file based providers shipped with every JRE. The latter is the certificate store for the SunJCE cryptography extension, or PKCS #12, and is capable of storing SecretKeys.

path is the location of the keystore in the filesystem namespace.

Options can be specified as query parameters.

If the store was created with a password, the password can be specified using the option 'password'.

For example:


It is assumed that all keys in the store are protected with the same password.

Alternatively, a properties file can be specified containing passwords for keys in the keystore.


Subclasses for supporting KeyStores that are not file based can extend the protected methods of this class to specify the appropriate LoadStoreParameters.