Class NoopProcedureStore

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Private public class NoopProcedureStore extends ProcedureStoreBase
An In-Memory store that does not keep track of the procedures inserted.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • start

      public void start(int numThreads) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: ProcedureStore
      Start/Open the procedure store
      numThreads - number of threads to be used by the procedure store
    • stop

      public void stop(boolean abort)
      Description copied from interface: ProcedureStore
      Stop/Close the procedure store
      abort - true if the stop is an abort
    • recoverLease

      public void recoverLease() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: ProcedureStore
      Acquire the lease for the procedure store.
    • getNumThreads

      public int getNumThreads()
      Description copied from interface: ProcedureStore
      Returns the number of threads/slots passed to start()
    • setRunningProcedureCount

      public int setRunningProcedureCount(int count)
      Description copied from interface: ProcedureStore
      Set the number of procedure running. This can be used, for example, by the store to know how long to wait before a sync.
      how many procedures are running (may not be same as count).
    • load

      public void load(ProcedureStore.ProcedureLoader loader) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: ProcedureStore
      Load the Procedures in the store.
      loader - the ProcedureLoader that will handle the store-load events
    • insert

      public void insert(Procedure<?> proc, Procedure<?>[] subprocs)
      Description copied from interface: ProcedureStore
      When a procedure is submitted to the executor insert(proc, null) will be called. 'proc' has a 'RUNNABLE' state and the initial information required to start up. When a procedure is executed and it returns children insert(proc, subprocs) will be called. 'proc' has a 'WAITING' state and an update state. 'subprocs' are the children in 'RUNNABLE' state with the initial information.
      proc - the procedure to serialize and write to the store.
      subprocs - the newly created child of the proc.
    • insert

      public void insert(Procedure<?>[] proc)
      Description copied from interface: ProcedureStore
      Serialize a set of new procedures. These procedures are freshly submitted to the executor and each procedure has a 'RUNNABLE' state and the initial information required to start up.
      proc - the procedures to serialize and write to the store.
    • update

      public void update(Procedure<?> proc)
      Description copied from interface: ProcedureStore
      The specified procedure was executed, and the new state should be written to the store.
      proc - the procedure to serialize and write to the store.
    • delete

      public void delete(long procId)
      Description copied from interface: ProcedureStore
      The specified procId was removed from the executor, due to completion, abort or failure. The store implementor should remove all the information about the specified procId.
      procId - the ID of the procedure to remove.
    • delete

      public void delete(Procedure<?> proc, long[] subprocs)
      Description copied from interface: ProcedureStore
      The parent procedure completed. Update the state and mark all the child deleted.
      proc - the parent procedure to serialize and write to the store.
      subprocs - the IDs of the sub-procedure to remove.
    • delete

      public void delete(long[] procIds, int offset, int count)
      Description copied from interface: ProcedureStore
      The specified procIds were removed from the executor, due to completion, abort or failure. The store implementor should remove all the information about the specified procIds.
      procIds - the IDs of the procedures to remove.
      offset - the array offset from where to start to delete
      count - the number of IDs to delete