Interface MetricsRegionWrapper

All Known Implementing Classes:

@Private public interface MetricsRegionWrapper
Interface of class that will wrap an HRegion and export numbers so they can be used in MetricsRegionSource
  • Method Details

    • getTableName

      Get the name of the table the region belongs to.
      The string version of the table name.
    • getNamespace

      Get the name of the namespace this table is in.
      String version of the namespace. Can't be empty.
    • getRegionName

      Get the name of the region.
      The encoded name of the region.
    • getNumStores

      long getNumStores()
      Get the number of stores hosted on this region server.
    • getNumStoreFiles

      Get the number of store files hosted on this region server.
    • getMemStoreSize

      Get the size of the memstore on this region server.
    • getStoreFileSize

      Get the total size of the store files this region server is serving from.
    • getCurrentRegionCacheRatio

      Gets the current cache % ratio for this region.
    • getReadRequestCount

      Get the total number of read requests that have been issued against this region
    • getCpRequestCount

      Get the total number of CoprocessorService requests that have been issued against this region
    • getFilteredReadRequestCount

      Get the total number of filtered read requests that have been issued against this region
    • getMaxStoreFileAge

      Returns Max age of store files under this region
    • getMinStoreFileAge

      Returns Min age of store files under this region
    • getAvgStoreFileAge

      Returns Average age of store files under this region
    • getNumReferenceFiles

      Returns Number of reference files under this region
    • getWriteRequestCount

      Get the total number of mutations that have been issued against this region.
    • getTotalRequestCount

    • getNumFilesCompacted

    • getNumBytesCompacted

    • getNumCompactionsCompleted

    • getLastMajorCompactionAge

      Returns Age of the last major compaction
    • getNumCompactionsFailed

      Returns the total number of compactions that have been reported as failed on this region. Note that a given compaction can be reported as both completed and failed if an exception is thrown in the processing after HRegion.compact().
    • getNumCompactionsQueued

      Returns the total number of compactions that are currently queued(or being executed) at point in time
    • getNumFlushesQueued

      Returns the total number of flushes currently queued(being executed) for this region at point in time
    • getMaxCompactionQueueSize

      Note that this metric is updated periodically and hence might miss some data points.
      the max number of compactions queued for this region
    • getMaxFlushQueueSize

      Note that this metric is updated periodically and hence might miss some data points.
      the max number of flushes queued for this region
    • getRegionHashCode

    • getReplicaId

      Get the replica id of this region.
    • getStoreRefCount

      Returns the number of references active on the store
    • getMaxCompactedStoreFileRefCount

      Returns the max number of references active on any store file among all compacted store files that belong to this region
    • getMemstoreOnlyRowReadsCount

      Returns the number of row reads completely on memstore per store
    • getMixedRowReadsCount

      Returns the number of row reads on memstore and file per store