Interface WALCellFilter

All Known Implementing Classes:
NamespaceTableCfWALEntryFilter, ScopeWALEntryFilter

@LimitedPrivate("Replication") public interface WALCellFilter
A filter for WAL entry cells before being sent over to replication.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    filterCell(WAL.Entry entry, Cell cell)
    Applies the filter, possibly returning a different Cell instance.
  • Method Details

    • filterCell

      Cell filterCell(WAL.Entry entry, Cell cell)
      Applies the filter, possibly returning a different Cell instance. If null is returned, the cell will be skipped.
      entry - Entry which contains the cell
      cell - Cell to filter
      a (possibly modified) Cell to use. Returning null will cause the cell to be skipped for replication.