Class ReplicationMarkerChore

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Private public class ReplicationMarkerChore extends ScheduledChore
This chore is responsible to create replication marker rows with special WALEdit with family as WALEdit.METAFAMILY and column qualifier as WALEdit.REPLICATION_MARKER and empty value. If config key REPLICATION_MARKER_ENABLED_KEY is set to true, then we will create 1 marker row every REPLICATION_MARKER_CHORE_DURATION_KEY ms ReplicationSourceWALReader will populate the Replication Marker edit with region_server_name, wal_name and wal_offset encoded in WALProtos.ReplicationMarkerDescriptor object. Replication will change the REPLICATION_SCOPE for this edit to GLOBAL so that it can replicate. On the sink cluster, ReplicationSink will convert the ReplicationMarkerDescriptor into a Put mutation to REPLICATION_SINK_TRACKER_TABLE_NAME_STR table.