Class Strings


@Private public final class Strings extends Object
Utility for Strings.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • appendKeyValue

      public static StringBuilder appendKeyValue(StringBuilder sb, String key, Object value)
      Append to a StringBuilder a key/value. Uses default separators.
      sb - StringBuilder to use
      key - Key to append.
      value - Value to append.
      Passed sb populated with key/value.
    • appendKeyValue

      public static StringBuilder appendKeyValue(StringBuilder sb, String key, Object value, String separator, String keyValueSeparator)
      Append to a StringBuilder a key/value. Uses default separators.
      sb - StringBuilder to use
      key - Key to append.
      value - Value to append.
      separator - Value to use between key and value.
      keyValueSeparator - Value to use between key/value sets.
      Passed sb populated with key/value.
    • domainNamePointerToHostName

      public static String domainNamePointerToHostName(String dnPtr)
      Given a PTR string generated via reverse DNS lookup, return everything except the trailing period. Example for, return
      dnPtr - a domain name pointer (PTR) string.
      Sanitized hostname with last period stripped off.
    • padFront

      public static String padFront(String input, char padding, int length)
      Push the input string to the right by appending a character before it, usually a space.
      input - the string to pad
      padding - the character to repeat to the left of the input string
      length - the desired total length including the padding
      padding characters + input
    • parseURIQueries

      public static Map<String,String> parseURIQueries(URI uri)
      Parse the query string of an URI to a key value map. If a single key occurred multiple times, only the first one will take effect.
    • applyURIQueriesToConf

      public static void applyURIQueriesToConf(URI uri, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
      Apply the key value pairs in the query string of the given URI to the given Configuration. If a single key occurred multiple times, only the first one will take effect.