Package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
ClassesClassDescriptionBy using this class as the super class of a set of tests you will have a HBase testing cluster available that is very suitable for writing tests for scanning and filtering against.Tests for the bit comparatorTest for the ColumnPaginationFilter, used mainly to test the successful serialization of the filter.Test filters at the HRegion doorstep.Filter which makes sleeps for a second between each row of a scan.To test behavior of filters at server from region side.Tests filter Lists in ways that rely on a MiniCluster.Test if Filter is incompatible with scan-limitsTest if the FilterWrapper retains the same semantics defined in the
Tests the inclusive stop row filterTest the invocation logic of the filters.Tests for the page filterThis class tests It tests the entire work flow from when a string is given by the user and how it is parsed to construct the corresponding Filter objectTest qualifierFilter with empty qualifier columnTest if Scan.setStartStopRowForPrefixScan works as intended.Tests forSingleColumnValueExcludeFilter
.Tests the value filter