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1   /**
2    *
3    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4    * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5    * distributed with this work for additional information
6    * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7    * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9    * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10   *
11   *
12   *
13   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17   * limitations under the License.
18   */
20  package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions;
22  import;
23  import java.util.ArrayList;
24  import java.util.Collection;
25  import java.util.List;
26  import java.util.Random;
28  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
29  import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
30  import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
31  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
32  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience;
33  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RSRpcServices;
34  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.StoreConfigInformation;
35  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.StoreFile;
36  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.StoreUtils;
38  import;
39  import;
40  import;
42  /**
43   * The default algorithm for selecting files for compaction.
44   * Combines the compaction configuration and the provisional file selection that
45   * it's given to produce the list of suitable candidates for compaction.
46   */
47  @InterfaceAudience.Private
48  public class RatioBasedCompactionPolicy extends CompactionPolicy {
49    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RatioBasedCompactionPolicy.class);
51    public RatioBasedCompactionPolicy(Configuration conf,
52                                      StoreConfigInformation storeConfigInfo) {
53      super(conf, storeConfigInfo);
54    }
56    private ArrayList<StoreFile> getCurrentEligibleFiles(
57        ArrayList<StoreFile> candidateFiles, final List<StoreFile> filesCompacting) {
58      // candidates = all storefiles not already in compaction queue
59      if (!filesCompacting.isEmpty()) {
60        // exclude all files older than the newest file we're currently
61        // compacting. this allows us to preserve contiguity (HBASE-2856)
62        StoreFile last = filesCompacting.get(filesCompacting.size() - 1);
63        int idx = candidateFiles.indexOf(last);
64        Preconditions.checkArgument(idx != -1);
65        candidateFiles.subList(0, idx + 1).clear();
66      }
67      return candidateFiles;
68    }
70    public List<StoreFile> preSelectCompactionForCoprocessor(
71        final Collection<StoreFile> candidates, final List<StoreFile> filesCompacting) {
72      return getCurrentEligibleFiles(new ArrayList<StoreFile>(candidates), filesCompacting);
73    }
75    /**
76     * @param candidateFiles candidate files, ordered from oldest to newest. All files in store.
77     * @return subset copy of candidate list that meets compaction criteria
78     * @throws
79     */
80    public CompactionRequest selectCompaction(Collection<StoreFile> candidateFiles,
81        final List<StoreFile> filesCompacting, final boolean isUserCompaction,
82        final boolean mayUseOffPeak, final boolean forceMajor) throws IOException {
83      // Preliminary compaction subject to filters
84      ArrayList<StoreFile> candidateSelection = new ArrayList<StoreFile>(candidateFiles);
85      // Stuck and not compacting enough (estimate). It is not guaranteed that we will be
86      // able to compact more if stuck and compacting, because ratio policy excludes some
87      // non-compacting files from consideration during compaction (see getCurrentEligibleFiles).
88      int futureFiles = filesCompacting.isEmpty() ? 0 : 1;
89      boolean mayBeStuck = (candidateFiles.size() - filesCompacting.size() + futureFiles)
90          >= storeConfigInfo.getBlockingFileCount();
91      candidateSelection = getCurrentEligibleFiles(candidateSelection, filesCompacting);
92      LOG.debug("Selecting compaction from " + candidateFiles.size() + " store files, " +
93          filesCompacting.size() + " compacting, " + candidateSelection.size() +
94          " eligible, " + storeConfigInfo.getBlockingFileCount() + " blocking");
96      // If we can't have all files, we cannot do major anyway
97      boolean isAllFiles = candidateFiles.size() == candidateSelection.size();
98      if (!(forceMajor && isAllFiles)) {
99        candidateSelection = skipLargeFiles(candidateSelection);
100       isAllFiles = candidateFiles.size() == candidateSelection.size();
101     }
103     // Try a major compaction if this is a user-requested major compaction,
104     // or if we do not have too many files to compact and this was requested as a major compaction
105     boolean isTryingMajor = (forceMajor && isAllFiles && isUserCompaction)
106         || (((forceMajor && isAllFiles) || isMajorCompaction(candidateSelection))
107           && (candidateSelection.size() < comConf.getMaxFilesToCompact()));
108     // Or, if there are any references among the candidates.
109     boolean isAfterSplit = StoreUtils.hasReferences(candidateSelection);
110     if (!isTryingMajor && !isAfterSplit) {
111       // We're are not compacting all files, let's see what files are applicable
112       candidateSelection = filterBulk(candidateSelection);
113       candidateSelection = applyCompactionPolicy(candidateSelection, mayUseOffPeak, mayBeStuck);
114       candidateSelection = checkMinFilesCriteria(candidateSelection);
115     }
116     candidateSelection = removeExcessFiles(candidateSelection, isUserCompaction, isTryingMajor);
117     // Now we have the final file list, so we can determine if we can do major/all files.
118     isAllFiles = (candidateFiles.size() == candidateSelection.size());
119     CompactionRequest result = new CompactionRequest(candidateSelection);
120     result.setOffPeak(!candidateSelection.isEmpty() && !isAllFiles && mayUseOffPeak);
121     result.setIsMajor(isTryingMajor && isAllFiles, isAllFiles);
122     return result;
123   }
125   /**
126    * @param candidates pre-filtrate
127    * @return filtered subset
128    * exclude all files above maxCompactSize
129    * Also save all references. We MUST compact them
130    */
131   private ArrayList<StoreFile> skipLargeFiles(ArrayList<StoreFile> candidates) {
132     int pos = 0;
133     while (pos < candidates.size() && !candidates.get(pos).isReference()
134       && (candidates.get(pos).getReader().length() > comConf.getMaxCompactSize())) {
135       ++pos;
136     }
137     if (pos > 0) {
138       LOG.debug("Some files are too large. Excluding " + pos
139           + " files from compaction candidates");
140       candidates.subList(0, pos).clear();
141     }
142     return candidates;
143   }
145   /**
146    * @param candidates pre-filtrate
147    * @return filtered subset
148    * exclude all bulk load files if configured
149    */
150   private ArrayList<StoreFile> filterBulk(ArrayList<StoreFile> candidates) {
151     candidates.removeAll(Collections2.filter(candidates,
152         new Predicate<StoreFile>() {
153           @Override
154           public boolean apply(StoreFile input) {
155             return input.excludeFromMinorCompaction();
156           }
157         }));
158     return candidates;
159   }
161   /**
162    * @param candidates pre-filtrate
163    * @return filtered subset
164    * take upto maxFilesToCompact from the start
165    */
166   private ArrayList<StoreFile> removeExcessFiles(ArrayList<StoreFile> candidates,
167       boolean isUserCompaction, boolean isMajorCompaction) {
168     int excess = candidates.size() - comConf.getMaxFilesToCompact();
169     if (excess > 0) {
170       if (isMajorCompaction && isUserCompaction) {
171         LOG.debug("Warning, compacting more than " + comConf.getMaxFilesToCompact() +
172             " files because of a user-requested major compaction");
173       } else {
174         LOG.debug("Too many admissible files. Excluding " + excess
175           + " files from compaction candidates");
176         candidates.subList(comConf.getMaxFilesToCompact(), candidates.size()).clear();
177       }
178     }
179     return candidates;
180   }
181   /**
182    * @param candidates pre-filtrate
183    * @return filtered subset
184    * forget the compactionSelection if we don't have enough files
185    */
186   private ArrayList<StoreFile> checkMinFilesCriteria(ArrayList<StoreFile> candidates) {
187     int minFiles = comConf.getMinFilesToCompact();
188     if (candidates.size() < minFiles) {
189       if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
190         LOG.debug("Not compacting files because we only have " + candidates.size() +
191           " files ready for compaction. Need " + minFiles + " to initiate.");
192       }
193       candidates.clear();
194     }
195     return candidates;
196   }
198   /**
199     * @param candidates pre-filtrate
200     * @return filtered subset
201     * -- Default minor compaction selection algorithm:
202     * choose CompactSelection from candidates --
203     * First exclude bulk-load files if indicated in configuration.
204     * Start at the oldest file and stop when you find the first file that
205     * meets compaction criteria:
206     * (1) a recently-flushed, small file (i.e. <= minCompactSize)
207     * OR
208     * (2) within the compactRatio of sum(newer_files)
209     * Given normal skew, any newer files will also meet this criteria
210     * <p/>
211     * Additional Note:
212     * If fileSizes.size() >> maxFilesToCompact, we will recurse on
213     * compact().  Consider the oldest files first to avoid a
214     * situation where we always compact [end-threshold,end).  Then, the
215     * last file becomes an aggregate of the previous compactions.
216     *
217     * normal skew:
218     *
219     *         older ----> newer (increasing seqID)
220     *     _
221     *    | |   _
222     *    | |  | |   _
223     *  --|-|- |-|- |-|---_-------_-------  minCompactSize
224     *    | |  | |  | |  | |  _  | |
225     *    | |  | |  | |  | | | | | |
226     *    | |  | |  | |  | | | | | |
227     */
228   ArrayList<StoreFile> applyCompactionPolicy(ArrayList<StoreFile> candidates,
229       boolean mayUseOffPeak, boolean mayBeStuck) throws IOException {
230     if (candidates.isEmpty()) {
231       return candidates;
232     }
234     // we're doing a minor compaction, let's see what files are applicable
235     int start = 0;
236     double ratio = comConf.getCompactionRatio();
237     if (mayUseOffPeak) {
238       ratio = comConf.getCompactionRatioOffPeak();
239"Running an off-peak compaction, selection ratio = " + ratio);
240     }
242     // get store file sizes for incremental compacting selection.
243     final int countOfFiles = candidates.size();
244     long[] fileSizes = new long[countOfFiles];
245     long[] sumSize = new long[countOfFiles];
246     for (int i = countOfFiles - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
247       StoreFile file = candidates.get(i);
248       fileSizes[i] = file.getReader().length();
249       // calculate the sum of fileSizes[i,i+maxFilesToCompact-1) for algo
250       int tooFar = i + comConf.getMaxFilesToCompact() - 1;
251       sumSize[i] = fileSizes[i]
252         + ((i + 1 < countOfFiles) ? sumSize[i + 1] : 0)
253         - ((tooFar < countOfFiles) ? fileSizes[tooFar] : 0);
254     }
257     while (countOfFiles - start >= comConf.getMinFilesToCompact() &&
258       fileSizes[start] > Math.max(comConf.getMinCompactSize(),
259           (long) (sumSize[start + 1] * ratio))) {
260       ++start;
261     }
262     if (start < countOfFiles) {
263"Default compaction algorithm has selected " + (countOfFiles - start)
264         + " files from " + countOfFiles + " candidates");
265     } else if (mayBeStuck) {
266       // We may be stuck. Compact the latest files if we can.
267       int filesToLeave = candidates.size() - comConf.getMinFilesToCompact();
268       if (filesToLeave >= 0) {
269         start = filesToLeave;
270       }
271     }
272     candidates.subList(0, start).clear();
273     return candidates;
274   }
276   /*
277    * @param filesToCompact Files to compact. Can be null.
278    * @return True if we should run a major compaction.
279    */
280   @Override
281   public boolean isMajorCompaction(final Collection<StoreFile> filesToCompact)
282       throws IOException {
283     boolean result = false;
284     long mcTime = getNextMajorCompactTime(filesToCompact);
285     if (filesToCompact == null || filesToCompact.isEmpty() || mcTime == 0) {
286       return result;
287     }
288     // TODO: Use better method for determining stamp of last major (HBASE-2990)
289     long lowTimestamp = StoreUtils.getLowestTimestamp(filesToCompact);
290     long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
291     if (lowTimestamp > 0l && lowTimestamp < (now - mcTime)) {
292       // Major compaction time has elapsed.
293       long cfTtl = this.storeConfigInfo.getStoreFileTtl();
294       if (filesToCompact.size() == 1) {
295         // Single file
296         StoreFile sf = filesToCompact.iterator().next();
297         Long minTimestamp = sf.getMinimumTimestamp();
298         long oldest = (minTimestamp == null)
299             ? Long.MIN_VALUE
300             : now - minTimestamp.longValue();
301         if (sf.isMajorCompaction() &&
302             (cfTtl == HConstants.FOREVER || oldest < cfTtl)) {
303           float blockLocalityIndex = sf.getHDFSBlockDistribution().getBlockLocalityIndex(
304               RSRpcServices.getHostname(comConf.conf, false)
305           );
306           if (blockLocalityIndex < comConf.getMinLocalityToForceCompact()) {
307             if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
308               LOG.debug("Major compaction triggered on only store " + this +
309                   "; to make hdfs blocks local, current blockLocalityIndex is " +
310                   blockLocalityIndex + " (min " + comConf.getMinLocalityToForceCompact() +
311                   ")");
312             }
313             result = true;
314           } else {
315             if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
316               LOG.debug("Skipping major compaction of " + this +
317                   " because one (major) compacted file only, oldestTime " +
318                   oldest + "ms is < ttl=" + cfTtl + " and blockLocalityIndex is " +
319                   blockLocalityIndex + " (min " + comConf.getMinLocalityToForceCompact() +
320                   ")");
321             }
322           }
323         } else if (cfTtl != HConstants.FOREVER && oldest > cfTtl) {
324           LOG.debug("Major compaction triggered on store " + this +
325             ", because keyvalues outdated; time since last major compaction " +
326             (now - lowTimestamp) + "ms");
327           result = true;
328         }
329       } else {
330         if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
331           LOG.debug("Major compaction triggered on store " + this +
332               "; time since last major compaction " + (now - lowTimestamp) + "ms");
333         }
334         result = true;
335       }
336     }
337     return result;
338   }
340   /**
341    * Used calculation jitter
342    */
343   private final Random random = new Random();
345   /**
346    * @param filesToCompact
347    * @return When to run next major compaction
348    */
349   public long getNextMajorCompactTime(final Collection<StoreFile> filesToCompact) {
350     // default = 24hrs
351     long ret = comConf.getMajorCompactionPeriod();
352     if (ret > 0) {
353       // default = 20% = +/- 4.8 hrs
354       double jitterPct = comConf.getMajorCompactionJitter();
355       if (jitterPct > 0) {
356         long jitter = Math.round(ret * jitterPct);
357         // deterministic jitter avoids a major compaction storm on restart
358         Integer seed = StoreUtils.getDeterministicRandomSeed(filesToCompact);
359         if (seed != null) {
360           // Synchronized to ensure one user of random instance at a time.
361           double rnd = -1;
362           synchronized (this) {
363             this.random.setSeed(seed);
364             rnd = this.random.nextDouble();
365           }
366           ret += jitter - Math.round(2L * jitter * rnd);
367         } else {
368           ret = 0; // If seed is null, then no storefiles == no major compaction
369         }
370       }
371     }
372     return ret;
373   }
375   /**
376    * @param compactionSize Total size of some compaction
377    * @return whether this should be a large or small compaction
378    */
379   @Override
380   public boolean throttleCompaction(long compactionSize) {
381     return compactionSize > comConf.getThrottlePoint();
382   }
384   public boolean needsCompaction(final Collection<StoreFile> storeFiles,
385       final List<StoreFile> filesCompacting) {
386     int numCandidates = storeFiles.size() - filesCompacting.size();
387     return numCandidates >= comConf.getMinFilesToCompact();
388   }
389 }