

package hbasecontext

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class JavaHBaseBulkDeleteExample extends AnyRef

  2. final class JavaHBaseBulkGetExample extends AnyRef

  3. final class JavaHBaseBulkLoadExample extends AnyRef

  4. final class JavaHBaseBulkPutExample extends AnyRef

  5. final class JavaHBaseDistributedScan extends AnyRef

  6. final class JavaHBaseMapGetPutExample extends AnyRef

  7. final class JavaHBaseStreamingBulkPutExample extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object HBaseBulkDeleteExample

    This is a simple example of deleting records in HBase with the bulkDelete function.

  2. object HBaseBulkGetExample

    This is a simple example of getting records from HBase with the bulkGet function.

  3. object HBaseBulkPutExample

    This is a simple example of putting records in HBase with the bulkPut function.

  4. object HBaseBulkPutExampleFromFile

    This is a simple example of putting records in HBase with the bulkPut function.

  5. object HBaseBulkPutTimestampExample

    This is a simple example of putting records in HBase with the bulkPut function.

  6. object HBaseDistributedScanExample

    This is a simple example of scanning records from HBase with the hbaseRDD function in Distributed fashion.

  7. object HBaseStreamingBulkPutExample

    This is a simple example of BulkPut with Spark Streaming
