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1   /**
2    *
3    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4    * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5    * distributed with this work for additional information
6    * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7    * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9    * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10   *
11   *
12   *
13   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17   * limitations under the License.
18   */
19  package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client;
21  import;
22  import java.util.List;
23  import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
25  import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
26  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience;
27  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceStability;
28  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionLocation;
29  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor;
30  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MasterNotRunningException;
31  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName;
32  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
33  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ZooKeeperConnectionException;
34  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.coprocessor.Batch;
35  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.AdminService;
36  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.ClientService;
37  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MasterProtos.MasterService;
39  /**
40   * A cluster connection.  Knows how to find the master, locate regions out on the cluster,
41   * keeps a cache of locations and then knows how to re-calibrate after they move.  You need one
42   * of these to talk to your HBase cluster. {@link HConnectionManager} manages instances of this
43   * class.  See it for how to get one of these.
44   *
45   * <p>This is NOT a connection to a particular server but to ALL servers in the cluster.  Individual
46   * connections are managed at a lower level.
47   *
48   * <p>HConnections are used by {@link HTable} mostly but also by
49   * {@link HBaseAdmin}, and {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.MetaTableLocator}.
50   * HConnection instances can be shared.  Sharing
51   * is usually what you want because rather than each HConnection instance
52   * having to do its own discovery of regions out on the cluster, instead, all
53   * clients get to share the one cache of locations.  {@link HConnectionManager} does the
54   * sharing for you if you go by it getting connections.  Sharing makes cleanup of
55   * HConnections awkward.  See {@link HConnectionManager} for cleanup discussion.
56   *
57   * @see HConnectionManager
58   * @deprecated in favor of {@link Connection} and {@link ConnectionFactory}
59   */
60  @InterfaceAudience.Public
61  @InterfaceStability.Stable
62  @Deprecated
63  public interface HConnection extends Connection {
64    /**
65     * Key for configuration in Configuration whose value is the class we implement making a
66     * new HConnection instance.
67     */
68    public static final String HBASE_CLIENT_CONNECTION_IMPL = "hbase.client.connection.impl";
70    /**
71     * @return Configuration instance being used by this HConnection instance.
72     */
73    @Override
74    Configuration getConfiguration();
76    /**
77     * Retrieve an HTableInterface implementation for access to a table.
78     * The returned HTableInterface is not thread safe, a new instance should
79     * be created for each using thread.
80     * This is a lightweight operation, pooling or caching of the returned HTableInterface
81     * is neither required nor desired.
82     * Note that the HConnection needs to be unmanaged
83     * (created with {@link HConnectionManager#createConnection(Configuration)}).
84     * @param tableName
85     * @return an HTable to use for interactions with this table
86     */
87    public HTableInterface getTable(String tableName) throws IOException;
89    /**
90     * Retrieve an HTableInterface implementation for access to a table.
91     * The returned HTableInterface is not thread safe, a new instance should
92     * be created for each using thread.
93     * This is a lightweight operation, pooling or caching of the returned HTableInterface
94     * is neither required nor desired.
95     * Note that the HConnection needs to be unmanaged
96     * (created with {@link HConnectionManager#createConnection(Configuration)}).
97     * @param tableName
98     * @return an HTable to use for interactions with this table
99     */
100   public HTableInterface getTable(byte[] tableName) throws IOException;
102   /**
103    * Retrieve an HTableInterface implementation for access to a table.
104    * The returned HTableInterface is not thread safe, a new instance should
105    * be created for each using thread.
106    * This is a lightweight operation, pooling or caching of the returned HTableInterface
107    * is neither required nor desired.
108    * Note that the HConnection needs to be unmanaged
109    * (created with {@link HConnectionManager#createConnection(Configuration)}).
110    * @param tableName
111    * @return an HTable to use for interactions with this table
112    */
113   @Override
114   public HTableInterface getTable(TableName tableName) throws IOException;
116   /**
117    * Retrieve an HTableInterface implementation for access to a table.
118    * The returned HTableInterface is not thread safe, a new instance should
119    * be created for each using thread.
120    * This is a lightweight operation, pooling or caching of the returned HTableInterface
121    * is neither required nor desired.
122    * Note that the HConnection needs to be unmanaged
123    * (created with {@link HConnectionManager#createConnection(Configuration)}).
124    * @param tableName
125    * @param pool The thread pool to use for batch operations, null to use a default pool.
126    * @return an HTable to use for interactions with this table
127    */
128   public HTableInterface getTable(String tableName, ExecutorService pool)  throws IOException;
130   /**
131    * Retrieve an HTableInterface implementation for access to a table.
132    * The returned HTableInterface is not thread safe, a new instance should
133    * be created for each using thread.
134    * This is a lightweight operation, pooling or caching of the returned HTableInterface
135    * is neither required nor desired.
136    * Note that the HConnection needs to be unmanaged
137    * (created with {@link HConnectionManager#createConnection(Configuration)}).
138    * @param tableName
139    * @param pool The thread pool to use for batch operations, null to use a default pool.
140    * @return an HTable to use for interactions with this table
141    */
142   public HTableInterface getTable(byte[] tableName, ExecutorService pool)  throws IOException;
144   /**
145    * Retrieve an HTableInterface implementation for access to a table.
146    * The returned HTableInterface is not thread safe, a new instance should
147    * be created for each using thread.
148    * This is a lightweight operation, pooling or caching of the returned HTableInterface
149    * is neither required nor desired.
150    * Note that the HConnection needs to be unmanaged
151    * (created with {@link HConnectionManager#createConnection(Configuration)}).
152    * @param tableName
153    * @param pool The thread pool to use for batch operations, null to use a default pool.
154    * @return an HTable to use for interactions with this table
155    */
156   @Override
157   public HTableInterface getTable(TableName tableName, ExecutorService pool)  throws IOException;
159   /**
160    * Retrieve a RegionLocator implementation to inspect region information on a table. The returned
161    * RegionLocator is not thread-safe, so a new instance should be created for each using thread.
162    *
163    * This is a lightweight operation.  Pooling or caching of the returned RegionLocator is neither
164    * required nor desired.
165    *
166    * RegionLocator needs to be unmanaged
167    * (created with {@link HConnectionManager#createConnection(Configuration)}).
168    *
169    * @param tableName Name of the table who's region is to be examined
170    * @return A RegionLocator instance
171    */
172   @Override
173   public RegionLocator getRegionLocator(TableName tableName) throws IOException;
175   /**
176    * Retrieve an Admin implementation to administer an HBase cluster.
177    * The returned Admin is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.  A new instance should be created for
178    * each using thread.  This is a lightweight operation.  Pooling or caching of the returned
179    * Admin is not recommended.  Note that HConnection needs to be unmanaged
180    *
181    * @return an Admin instance for cluster administration
182    */
183   @Override
184   Admin getAdmin() throws IOException;
186   /** @return - true if the master server is running
187    * @deprecated internal method, do not use thru HConnection */
188   @Deprecated
189   boolean isMasterRunning()
190   throws MasterNotRunningException, ZooKeeperConnectionException;
192   /**
193    * A table that isTableEnabled == false and isTableDisabled == false
194    * is possible. This happens when a table has a lot of regions
195    * that must be processed.
196    * @param tableName table name
197    * @return true if the table is enabled, false otherwise
198    * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
199    */
200   boolean isTableEnabled(TableName tableName) throws IOException;
202   @Deprecated
203   boolean isTableEnabled(byte[] tableName) throws IOException;
205   /**
206    * @param tableName table name
207    * @return true if the table is disabled, false otherwise
208    * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
209    */
210   boolean isTableDisabled(TableName tableName) throws IOException;
212   @Deprecated
213   boolean isTableDisabled(byte[] tableName) throws IOException;
215   /**
216    * @param tableName table name
217    * @return true if all regions of the table are available, false otherwise
218    * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
219    */
220   boolean isTableAvailable(TableName tableName) throws IOException;
222   @Deprecated
223   boolean isTableAvailable(byte[] tableName) throws IOException;
225   /**
226    * Use this api to check if the table has been created with the specified number of
227    * splitkeys which was used while creating the given table.
228    * Note : If this api is used after a table's region gets splitted, the api may return
229    * false.
230    * @param tableName
231    *          tableName
232    * @param splitKeys
233    *          splitKeys used while creating table
234    * @throws IOException
235    *           if a remote or network exception occurs
236    * @deprecated internal method, do not use thru HConnection */
237   @Deprecated
238   boolean isTableAvailable(TableName tableName, byte[][] splitKeys) throws
239       IOException;
241   @Deprecated
242   boolean isTableAvailable(byte[] tableName, byte[][] splitKeys) throws
243       IOException;
245   /**
246    * List all the userspace tables.  In other words, scan the hbase:meta table.
247    *
248    * @return - returns an array of HTableDescriptors
249    * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
250    * @deprecated Use {@link Admin#listTables()} instead.
251    */
252   @Deprecated
253   HTableDescriptor[] listTables() throws IOException;
255   // This is a bit ugly - We call this getTableNames in 0.94 and the
256   // successor function, returning TableName, listTableNames in later versions
257   // because Java polymorphism doesn't consider return value types
259   /**
260    * @deprecated Use {@link Admin#listTableNames()} instead.
261    */
262   @Deprecated
263   String[] getTableNames() throws IOException;
265   /**
266    * @deprecated Use {@link Admin#listTables()} instead.
267    */
268   @Deprecated
269   TableName[] listTableNames() throws IOException;
271   /**
272    * @param tableName table name
273    * @return table metadata
274    * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
275    */
276   @Deprecated
277   HTableDescriptor getHTableDescriptor(TableName tableName)
278   throws IOException;
280   @Deprecated
281   HTableDescriptor getHTableDescriptor(byte[] tableName)
282   throws IOException;
284   /**
285    * Find the location of the region of <i>tableName</i> that <i>row</i>
286    * lives in.
287    * @param tableName name of the table <i>row</i> is in
288    * @param row row key you're trying to find the region of
289    * @return HRegionLocation that describes where to find the region in
290    * question
291    * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
292    * @deprecated internal method, do not use thru HConnection
293    */
294   @Deprecated
295   public HRegionLocation locateRegion(final TableName tableName,
296       final byte [] row) throws IOException;
298   @Deprecated
299   public HRegionLocation locateRegion(final byte[] tableName,
300       final byte [] row) throws IOException;
302   /**
303    * Allows flushing the region cache.
304    * @deprecated internal method, do not use thru HConnection */
305   @Deprecated
306   void clearRegionCache();
308   /**
309    * Allows flushing the region cache of all locations that pertain to
310    * <code>tableName</code>
311    * @param tableName Name of the table whose regions we are to remove from
312    * cache.
313    * @deprecated internal method, do not use thru HConnection */
314   @Deprecated
315   void clearRegionCache(final TableName tableName);
317   @Deprecated
318   void clearRegionCache(final byte[] tableName);
320   /**
321    * Deletes cached locations for the specific region.
322    * @param location The location object for the region, to be purged from cache.
323    * @deprecated internal method, do not use thru HConnection */
324   @Deprecated
325   void deleteCachedRegionLocation(final HRegionLocation location);
327   /**
328    * Find the location of the region of <i>tableName</i> that <i>row</i>
329    * lives in, ignoring any value that might be in the cache.
330    * @param tableName name of the table <i>row</i> is in
331    * @param row row key you're trying to find the region of
332    * @return HRegionLocation that describes where to find the region in
333    * question
334    * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
335    * @deprecated internal method, do not use thru HConnection */
336   @Deprecated
337   HRegionLocation relocateRegion(final TableName tableName,
338       final byte [] row) throws IOException;
340   @Deprecated
341   HRegionLocation relocateRegion(final byte[] tableName,
342       final byte [] row) throws IOException;
344   @Deprecated
345   void updateCachedLocations(TableName tableName, byte[] rowkey,
346                                     Object exception, HRegionLocation source);
348   /**
349    * Update the location cache. This is used internally by HBase, in most cases it should not be
350    *  used by the client application.
351    * @param tableName the table name
352    * @param regionName the regionName
353    * @param rowkey the row
354    * @param exception the exception if any. Can be null.
355    * @param source the previous location
356    * @deprecated internal method, do not use thru HConnection
357    */
358   @Deprecated
359   void updateCachedLocations(TableName tableName, byte[] regionName, byte[] rowkey,
360                                     Object exception, ServerName source);
362   @Deprecated
363   void updateCachedLocations(byte[] tableName, byte[] rowkey,
364                                     Object exception, HRegionLocation source);
366   /**
367    * Gets the location of the region of <i>regionName</i>.
368    * @param regionName name of the region to locate
369    * @return HRegionLocation that describes where to find the region in
370    * question
371    * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
372    * @deprecated internal method, do not use thru HConnection */
373   @Deprecated
374   HRegionLocation locateRegion(final byte[] regionName)
375   throws IOException;
377   /**
378    * Gets the locations of all regions in the specified table, <i>tableName</i>.
379    * @param tableName table to get regions of
380    * @return list of region locations for all regions of table
381    * @throws IOException
382    * @deprecated internal method, do not use thru HConnection */
383   @Deprecated
384   List<HRegionLocation> locateRegions(final TableName tableName) throws IOException;
386   @Deprecated
387   List<HRegionLocation> locateRegions(final byte[] tableName) throws IOException;
389   /**
390    * Gets the locations of all regions in the specified table, <i>tableName</i>.
391    * @param tableName table to get regions of
392    * @param useCache Should we use the cache to retrieve the region information.
393    * @param offlined True if we are to include offlined regions, false and we'll leave out offlined
394    *          regions from returned list.
395    * @return list of region locations for all regions of table
396    * @throws IOException
397    * @deprecated internal method, do not use thru HConnection
398    */
399   @Deprecated
400   public List<HRegionLocation> locateRegions(final TableName tableName,
401       final boolean useCache,
402       final boolean offlined) throws IOException;
404   @Deprecated
405   public List<HRegionLocation> locateRegions(final byte[] tableName,
406       final boolean useCache,
407       final boolean offlined) throws IOException;
409   /**
410    * Returns a {@link MasterKeepAliveConnection} to the active master
411    * @deprecated internal method, do not use thru HConnection */
412   @Deprecated
413   MasterService.BlockingInterface getMaster() throws IOException;
416   /**
417    * Establishes a connection to the region server at the specified address.
418    * @param serverName
419    * @return proxy for HRegionServer
420    * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
421    * @deprecated internal method, do not use thru HConnection */
422   @Deprecated
423   AdminService.BlockingInterface getAdmin(final ServerName serverName) throws IOException;
425   /**
426    * Establishes a connection to the region server at the specified address, and returns
427    * a region client protocol.
428    *
429    * @param serverName
430    * @return ClientProtocol proxy for RegionServer
431    * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
432    * @deprecated internal method, do not use thru HConnection */
433   @Deprecated
434   ClientService.BlockingInterface getClient(final ServerName serverName) throws IOException;
436   /**
437    * Establishes a connection to the region server at the specified address.
438    * @param serverName
439    * @param getMaster do we check if master is alive
440    * @return proxy for HRegionServer
441    * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
442    * @deprecated You can pass master flag but nothing special is done.
443    */
444   @Deprecated
445   AdminService.BlockingInterface getAdmin(final ServerName serverName, boolean getMaster)
446       throws IOException;
448   /**
449    * Find region location hosting passed row
450    * @param tableName table name
451    * @param row Row to find.
452    * @param reload If true do not use cache, otherwise bypass.
453    * @return Location of row.
454    * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
455    * @deprecated internal method, do not use thru HConnection */
456   @Deprecated
457   HRegionLocation getRegionLocation(TableName tableName, byte [] row,
458     boolean reload)
459   throws IOException;
461   @Deprecated
462   HRegionLocation getRegionLocation(byte[] tableName, byte [] row,
463     boolean reload)
464   throws IOException;
466   /**
467    * Process a mixed batch of Get, Put and Delete actions. All actions for a
468    * RegionServer are forwarded in one RPC call.
469    *
470    *
471    * @param actions The collection of actions.
472    * @param tableName Name of the hbase table
473    * @param pool thread pool for parallel execution
474    * @param results An empty array, same size as list. If an exception is thrown,
475    * you can test here for partial results, and to determine which actions
476    * processed successfully.
477    * @throws IOException if there are problems talking to META. Per-item
478    * exceptions are stored in the results array.
479    * @deprecated since 0.96 - Use {@link HTableInterface#batch} instead
480    */
481   @Deprecated
482   void processBatch(List<? extends Row> actions, final TableName tableName,
483       ExecutorService pool, Object[] results) throws IOException, InterruptedException;
485   @Deprecated
486   void processBatch(List<? extends Row> actions, final byte[] tableName,
487       ExecutorService pool, Object[] results) throws IOException, InterruptedException;
489   /**
490    * Parameterized batch processing, allowing varying return types for different
491    * {@link Row} implementations.
492    * @deprecated since 0.96 - Use {@link HTableInterface#batchCallback} instead
493    */
494   @Deprecated
495   public <R> void processBatchCallback(List<? extends Row> list,
496       final TableName tableName,
497       ExecutorService pool,
498       Object[] results,
499       Batch.Callback<R> callback) throws IOException, InterruptedException;
501   @Deprecated
502   public <R> void processBatchCallback(List<? extends Row> list,
503       final byte[] tableName,
504       ExecutorService pool,
505       Object[] results,
506       Batch.Callback<R> callback) throws IOException, InterruptedException;
508   /**
509    * @deprecated does nothing since since 0.99
510    **/
511   @Deprecated
512   public void setRegionCachePrefetch(final TableName tableName,
513       final boolean enable);
515   /**
516    * @deprecated does nothing since 0.99
517    **/
518   @Deprecated
519   public void setRegionCachePrefetch(final byte[] tableName,
520       final boolean enable);
522   /**
523    * @deprecated always return false since 0.99
524    **/
525   @Deprecated
526   boolean getRegionCachePrefetch(final TableName tableName);
528   /**
529    * @deprecated always return false since 0.99
530    **/
531   @Deprecated
532   boolean getRegionCachePrefetch(final byte[] tableName);
534   /**
535    * @return the number of region servers that are currently running
536    * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
537    * @deprecated This method will be changed from public to package protected.
538    */
539   @Deprecated
540   int getCurrentNrHRS() throws IOException;
542   /**
543    * @param tableNames List of table names
544    * @return HTD[] table metadata
545    * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
546    * @deprecated Use {@link Admin#getTableDescriptor(TableName)} instead.
547    */
548   @Deprecated
549   HTableDescriptor[] getHTableDescriptorsByTableName(List<TableName> tableNames) throws IOException;
551   @Deprecated
552   HTableDescriptor[] getHTableDescriptors(List<String> tableNames) throws
553       IOException;
555   /**
556    * @return true if this connection is closed
557    */
558   @Override
559   boolean isClosed();
562   /**
563    * Clear any caches that pertain to server name <code>sn</code>.
564    * @param sn A server name
565    * @deprecated internal method, do not use thru HConnection */
566   @Deprecated
567   void clearCaches(final ServerName sn);
569   /**
570    * This function allows HBaseAdmin and potentially others to get a shared MasterService
571    * connection.
572    * @return The shared instance. Never returns null.
573    * @throws MasterNotRunningException
574    * @deprecated Since 0.96.0
575    */
576   // TODO: Why is this in the public interface when the returned type is shutdown package access?
577   @Deprecated
578   MasterKeepAliveConnection getKeepAliveMasterService()
579   throws MasterNotRunningException;
581   /**
582    * @param serverName
583    * @return true if the server is known as dead, false otherwise.
584    * @deprecated internal method, do not use thru HConnection */
585   @Deprecated
586   boolean isDeadServer(ServerName serverName);
588   /**
589    * @return Nonce generator for this HConnection; may be null if disabled in configuration.
590    * @deprecated internal method, do not use thru HConnection */
591   @Deprecated
592   public NonceGenerator getNonceGenerator();
593 }