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1   /**
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
3    * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
4    * copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
5    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
6    * copy of the License at Unless required by applicable
7    * law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
8    * BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
9    * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
10   */
12  package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.quotas;
14  import;
15  import java.util.HashSet;
17  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
18  import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
19  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException;
20  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo;
21  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MetaTableAccessor;
22  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NamespaceDescriptor;
23  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.RegionStateListener;
24  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
25  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience;
26  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceStability;
27  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.MasterServices;
28  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.namespace.NamespaceAuditor;
29  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.procedure.CreateTableProcedure;
30  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.ProtobufUtil;
31  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MasterProtos.SetQuotaRequest;
32  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MasterProtos.SetQuotaResponse;
33  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.QuotaProtos.Quotas;
34  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.QuotaProtos.Throttle;
35  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.QuotaProtos.ThrottleRequest;
36  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.QuotaProtos.TimedQuota;
37  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManager;
39  /**
40   * Master Quota Manager. It is responsible for initialize the quota table on the first-run and
41   * provide the admin operations to interact with the quota table. TODO: FUTURE: The master will be
42   * responsible to notify each RS of quota changes and it will do the "quota aggregation" when the
43   * QuotaScope is CLUSTER.
44   */
45  @InterfaceAudience.Private
46  @InterfaceStability.Evolving
47  public class MasterQuotaManager implements RegionStateListener {
48    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(MasterQuotaManager.class);
50    private final MasterServices masterServices;
51    private NamedLock<String> namespaceLocks;
52    private NamedLock<TableName> tableLocks;
53    private NamedLock<String> userLocks;
54    private boolean initialized = false;
55    private NamespaceAuditor namespaceQuotaManager;
57    public MasterQuotaManager(final MasterServices masterServices) {
58      this.masterServices = masterServices;
59    }
61    public void start() throws IOException {
62      // If the user doesn't want the quota support skip all the initializations.
63      if (!QuotaUtil.isQuotaEnabled(masterServices.getConfiguration())) {
64"Quota support disabled");
65        return;
66      }
68      // Create the quota table if missing
69      if (!MetaTableAccessor.tableExists(masterServices.getConnection(),
70          QuotaUtil.QUOTA_TABLE_NAME)) {
71"Quota table not found. Creating...");
72        createQuotaTable();
73      }
75"Initializing quota support");
76      namespaceLocks = new NamedLock<String>();
77      tableLocks = new NamedLock<TableName>();
78      userLocks = new NamedLock<String>();
80      namespaceQuotaManager = new NamespaceAuditor(masterServices);
81      namespaceQuotaManager.start();
82      initialized = true;
83    }
85    public void stop() {
86    }
88    public boolean isQuotaInitialized() {
89      return initialized && namespaceQuotaManager.isInitialized();
90    }
92    /*
93     * ========================================================================== Admin operations to
94     * manage the quota table
95     */
96    public SetQuotaResponse setQuota(final SetQuotaRequest req) throws IOException,
97        InterruptedException {
98      checkQuotaSupport();
100     if (req.hasUserName()) {
101       userLocks.lock(req.getUserName());
102       try {
103         if (req.hasTableName()) {
104           setUserQuota(req.getUserName(), ProtobufUtil.toTableName(req.getTableName()), req);
105         } else if (req.hasNamespace()) {
106           setUserQuota(req.getUserName(), req.getNamespace(), req);
107         } else {
108           setUserQuota(req.getUserName(), req);
109         }
110       } finally {
111         userLocks.unlock(req.getUserName());
112       }
113     } else if (req.hasTableName()) {
114       TableName table = ProtobufUtil.toTableName(req.getTableName());
115       tableLocks.lock(table);
116       try {
117         setTableQuota(table, req);
118       } finally {
119         tableLocks.unlock(table);
120       }
121     } else if (req.hasNamespace()) {
122       namespaceLocks.lock(req.getNamespace());
123       try {
124         setNamespaceQuota(req.getNamespace(), req);
125       } finally {
126         namespaceLocks.unlock(req.getNamespace());
127       }
128     } else {
129       throw new DoNotRetryIOException(new UnsupportedOperationException(
130           "a user, a table or a namespace must be specified"));
131     }
132     return SetQuotaResponse.newBuilder().build();
133   }
135   public void setUserQuota(final String userName, final SetQuotaRequest req) throws IOException,
136       InterruptedException {
137     setQuota(req, new SetQuotaOperations() {
138       @Override
139       public Quotas fetch() throws IOException {
140         return QuotaUtil.getUserQuota(masterServices.getConnection(), userName);
141       }
143       @Override
144       public void update(final Quotas quotas) throws IOException {
145         QuotaUtil.addUserQuota(masterServices.getConnection(), userName, quotas);
146       }
148       @Override
149       public void delete() throws IOException {
150         QuotaUtil.deleteUserQuota(masterServices.getConnection(), userName);
151       }
153       @Override
154       public void preApply(final Quotas quotas) throws IOException {
155         masterServices.getMasterCoprocessorHost().preSetUserQuota(userName, quotas);
156       }
158       @Override
159       public void postApply(final Quotas quotas) throws IOException {
160         masterServices.getMasterCoprocessorHost().postSetUserQuota(userName, quotas);
161       }
162     });
163   }
165   public void setUserQuota(final String userName, final TableName table, final SetQuotaRequest req)
166       throws IOException, InterruptedException {
167     setQuota(req, new SetQuotaOperations() {
168       @Override
169       public Quotas fetch() throws IOException {
170         return QuotaUtil.getUserQuota(masterServices.getConnection(), userName, table);
171       }
173       @Override
174       public void update(final Quotas quotas) throws IOException {
175         QuotaUtil.addUserQuota(masterServices.getConnection(), userName, table, quotas);
176       }
178       @Override
179       public void delete() throws IOException {
180         QuotaUtil.deleteUserQuota(masterServices.getConnection(), userName, table);
181       }
183       @Override
184       public void preApply(final Quotas quotas) throws IOException {
185         masterServices.getMasterCoprocessorHost().preSetUserQuota(userName, table, quotas);
186       }
188       @Override
189       public void postApply(final Quotas quotas) throws IOException {
190         masterServices.getMasterCoprocessorHost().postSetUserQuota(userName, table, quotas);
191       }
192     });
193   }
195   public void
196       setUserQuota(final String userName, final String namespace, final SetQuotaRequest req)
197           throws IOException, InterruptedException {
198     setQuota(req, new SetQuotaOperations() {
199       @Override
200       public Quotas fetch() throws IOException {
201         return QuotaUtil.getUserQuota(masterServices.getConnection(), userName, namespace);
202       }
204       @Override
205       public void update(final Quotas quotas) throws IOException {
206         QuotaUtil.addUserQuota(masterServices.getConnection(), userName, namespace, quotas);
207       }
209       @Override
210       public void delete() throws IOException {
211         QuotaUtil.deleteUserQuota(masterServices.getConnection(), userName, namespace);
212       }
214       @Override
215       public void preApply(final Quotas quotas) throws IOException {
216         masterServices.getMasterCoprocessorHost().preSetUserQuota(userName, namespace, quotas);
217       }
219       @Override
220       public void postApply(final Quotas quotas) throws IOException {
221         masterServices.getMasterCoprocessorHost().postSetUserQuota(userName, namespace, quotas);
222       }
223     });
224   }
226   public void setTableQuota(final TableName table, final SetQuotaRequest req) throws IOException,
227       InterruptedException {
228     setQuota(req, new SetQuotaOperations() {
229       @Override
230       public Quotas fetch() throws IOException {
231         return QuotaUtil.getTableQuota(masterServices.getConnection(), table);
232       }
234       @Override
235       public void update(final Quotas quotas) throws IOException {
236         QuotaUtil.addTableQuota(masterServices.getConnection(), table, quotas);
237       }
239       @Override
240       public void delete() throws IOException {
241         QuotaUtil.deleteTableQuota(masterServices.getConnection(), table);
242       }
244       @Override
245       public void preApply(final Quotas quotas) throws IOException {
246         masterServices.getMasterCoprocessorHost().preSetTableQuota(table, quotas);
247       }
249       @Override
250       public void postApply(final Quotas quotas) throws IOException {
251         masterServices.getMasterCoprocessorHost().postSetTableQuota(table, quotas);
252       }
253     });
254   }
256   public void setNamespaceQuota(final String namespace, final SetQuotaRequest req)
257       throws IOException, InterruptedException {
258     setQuota(req, new SetQuotaOperations() {
259       @Override
260       public Quotas fetch() throws IOException {
261         return QuotaUtil.getNamespaceQuota(masterServices.getConnection(), namespace);
262       }
264       @Override
265       public void update(final Quotas quotas) throws IOException {
266         QuotaUtil.addNamespaceQuota(masterServices.getConnection(), namespace, quotas);
267       }
269       @Override
270       public void delete() throws IOException {
271         QuotaUtil.deleteNamespaceQuota(masterServices.getConnection(), namespace);
272       }
274       @Override
275       public void preApply(final Quotas quotas) throws IOException {
276         masterServices.getMasterCoprocessorHost().preSetNamespaceQuota(namespace, quotas);
277       }
279       @Override
280       public void postApply(final Quotas quotas) throws IOException {
281         masterServices.getMasterCoprocessorHost().postSetNamespaceQuota(namespace, quotas);
282       }
283     });
284   }
286   public void setNamespaceQuota(NamespaceDescriptor desc) throws IOException {
287     if (initialized) {
288       this.namespaceQuotaManager.addNamespace(desc);
289     }
290   }
292   public void removeNamespaceQuota(String namespace) throws IOException {
293     if (initialized) {
294       this.namespaceQuotaManager.deleteNamespace(namespace);
295     }
296   }
298   private void setQuota(final SetQuotaRequest req, final SetQuotaOperations quotaOps)
299       throws IOException, InterruptedException {
300     if (req.hasRemoveAll() && req.getRemoveAll() == true) {
301       quotaOps.preApply(null);
302       quotaOps.delete();
303       quotaOps.postApply(null);
304       return;
305     }
307     // Apply quota changes
308     Quotas quotas = quotaOps.fetch();
309     quotaOps.preApply(quotas);
311     Quotas.Builder builder = (quotas != null) ? quotas.toBuilder() : Quotas.newBuilder();
312     if (req.hasThrottle()) applyThrottle(builder, req.getThrottle());
313     if (req.hasBypassGlobals()) applyBypassGlobals(builder, req.getBypassGlobals());
315     // Submit new changes
316     quotas =;
317     if (QuotaUtil.isEmptyQuota(quotas)) {
318       quotaOps.delete();
319     } else {
320       quotaOps.update(quotas);
321     }
322     quotaOps.postApply(quotas);
323   }
325   public void checkNamespaceTableAndRegionQuota(TableName tName, int regions) throws IOException {
326     if (initialized) {
327       namespaceQuotaManager.checkQuotaToCreateTable(tName, regions);
328     }
329   }
331   public void checkAndUpdateNamespaceRegionQuota(TableName tName, int regions) throws IOException {
332     if (initialized) {
333       namespaceQuotaManager.checkQuotaToUpdateRegion(tName, regions);
334     }
335   }
337   /**
338    * @return cached region count, or -1 if quota manager is disabled or table status not found
339   */
340   public int getRegionCountOfTable(TableName tName) throws IOException {
341     if (initialized) {
342       return namespaceQuotaManager.getRegionCountOfTable(tName);
343     }
344     return -1;
345   }
347   public void onRegionMerged(HRegionInfo hri) throws IOException {
348     if (initialized) {
349       namespaceQuotaManager.updateQuotaForRegionMerge(hri);
350     }
351   }
353   public void onRegionSplit(HRegionInfo hri) throws IOException {
354     if (initialized) {
355       namespaceQuotaManager.checkQuotaToSplitRegion(hri);
356     }
357   }
359   /**
360    * Remove table from namespace quota.
361    * @param tName - The table name to update quota usage.
362    * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
363    */
364   public void removeTableFromNamespaceQuota(TableName tName) throws IOException {
365     if (initialized) {
366       namespaceQuotaManager.removeFromNamespaceUsage(tName);
367     }
368   }
370   public NamespaceAuditor getNamespaceQuotaManager() {
371     return this.namespaceQuotaManager;
372   }
374   private static interface SetQuotaOperations {
375     Quotas fetch() throws IOException;
377     void delete() throws IOException;
379     void update(final Quotas quotas) throws IOException;
381     void preApply(final Quotas quotas) throws IOException;
383     void postApply(final Quotas quotas) throws IOException;
384   }
386   /*
387    * ========================================================================== Helpers to apply
388    * changes to the quotas
389    */
390   private void applyThrottle(final Quotas.Builder quotas, final ThrottleRequest req)
391       throws IOException {
392     Throttle.Builder throttle;
394     if (req.hasType() && (req.hasTimedQuota() || quotas.hasThrottle())) {
395       // Validate timed quota if present
396       if (req.hasTimedQuota()) {
397         validateTimedQuota(req.getTimedQuota());
398       }
400       // apply the new settings
401       throttle = quotas.hasThrottle() ? quotas.getThrottle().toBuilder() : Throttle.newBuilder();
403       switch (req.getType()) {
404       case REQUEST_NUMBER:
405         if (req.hasTimedQuota()) {
406           throttle.setReqNum(req.getTimedQuota());
407         } else {
408           throttle.clearReqNum();
409         }
410         break;
411       case REQUEST_SIZE:
412         if (req.hasTimedQuota()) {
413           throttle.setReqSize(req.getTimedQuota());
414         } else {
415           throttle.clearReqSize();
416         }
417         break;
418       case WRITE_NUMBER:
419         if (req.hasTimedQuota()) {
420           throttle.setWriteNum(req.getTimedQuota());
421         } else {
422           throttle.clearWriteNum();
423         }
424         break;
425       case WRITE_SIZE:
426         if (req.hasTimedQuota()) {
427           throttle.setWriteSize(req.getTimedQuota());
428         } else {
429           throttle.clearWriteSize();
430         }
431         break;
432       case READ_NUMBER:
433         if (req.hasTimedQuota()) {
434           throttle.setReadNum(req.getTimedQuota());
435         } else {
436           throttle.clearReqNum();
437         }
438         break;
439       case READ_SIZE:
440         if (req.hasTimedQuota()) {
441           throttle.setReadSize(req.getTimedQuota());
442         } else {
443           throttle.clearReadSize();
444         }
445         break;
446       default:
447         throw new RuntimeException("Invalid throttle type: " + req.getType());
448       }
449       quotas.setThrottle(;
450     } else {
451       quotas.clearThrottle();
452     }
453   }
455   private void applyBypassGlobals(final Quotas.Builder quotas, boolean bypassGlobals) {
456     if (bypassGlobals) {
457       quotas.setBypassGlobals(bypassGlobals);
458     } else {
459       quotas.clearBypassGlobals();
460     }
461   }
463   private void validateTimedQuota(final TimedQuota timedQuota) throws IOException {
464     if (timedQuota.getSoftLimit() < 1) {
465       throw new DoNotRetryIOException(new UnsupportedOperationException(
466           "The throttle limit must be greater then 0, got " + timedQuota.getSoftLimit()));
467     }
468   }
470   /*
471    * ========================================================================== Helpers
472    */
474   private void checkQuotaSupport() throws IOException {
475     if (!QuotaUtil.isQuotaEnabled(masterServices.getConfiguration())) {
476       throw new DoNotRetryIOException(new UnsupportedOperationException("quota support disabled"));
477     }
478     if (!initialized) {
479       long maxWaitTime = masterServices.getConfiguration().getLong(
480         "hbase.master.wait.for.quota.manager.init", 30000); // default is 30 seconds.
481       long startTime = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
482       do {
483         try {
484           Thread.sleep(100);
485         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
486           LOG.warn("Interrupted while waiting for Quota Manager to be initialized.");
487           break;
488         }
489       } while (!initialized && (EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime() - startTime) < maxWaitTime);
490       if (!initialized) {
491         throw new IOException("Quota manager is uninitialized, please retry later.");
492       }
493     }
494   }
496   private void createQuotaTable() throws IOException {
497     HRegionInfo[] newRegions = new HRegionInfo[] { new HRegionInfo(QuotaUtil.QUOTA_TABLE_NAME) };
499     masterServices.getMasterProcedureExecutor()
500       .submitProcedure(new CreateTableProcedure(
501           masterServices.getMasterProcedureExecutor().getEnvironment(),
502           QuotaUtil.QUOTA_TABLE_DESC,
503           newRegions));
504   }
506   private static class NamedLock<T> {
507     private HashSet<T> locks = new HashSet<T>();
509     public void lock(final T name) throws InterruptedException {
510       synchronized (locks) {
511         while (locks.contains(name)) {
512           locks.wait();
513         }
514         locks.add(name);
515       }
516     }
518     public void unlock(final T name) {
519       synchronized (locks) {
520         locks.remove(name);
521         locks.notifyAll();
522       }
523     }
524   }
526   @Override
527   public void onRegionSplitReverted(HRegionInfo hri) throws IOException {
528     if (initialized) {
529       this.namespaceQuotaManager.removeRegionFromNamespaceUsage(hri);
530     }
531   }
532 }