View Javadoc

1   /**
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3    * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
4    * distributed with this work for additional information
5    * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
6    * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8    * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9    *
10   *
11   *
12   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16   * limitations under the License.
17   */
19  package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
25  import java.util.ArrayList;
26  import java.util.Date;
27  import java.util.List;
28  import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
29  import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
31  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
32  import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
34  import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
35  import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
36  import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
37  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience;
38  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceStability;
39  import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured;
40  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo;
41  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
42  import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
43  import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool;
44  import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner;
46  import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
47  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
48  import;
49  import;
50  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription;
51  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.SnapshotProtos.SnapshotRegionManifest;
52  import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.FSUtils;
54  /**
55   * Tool for dumping snapshot information.
56   * <ol>
57   * <li> Table Descriptor
58   * <li> Snapshot creation time, type, format version, ...
59   * <li> List of hfiles and wals
60   * <li> Stats about hfiles and logs sizes, percentage of shared with the source table, ...
61   * </ol>
62   */
63  @InterfaceAudience.Public
64  @InterfaceStability.Evolving
65  public final class SnapshotInfo extends Configured implements Tool {
66    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(SnapshotInfo.class);
68    /**
69     * Statistics about the snapshot
70     * <ol>
71     * <li> How many store files and logs are in the archive
72     * <li> How many store files and logs are shared with the table
73     * <li> Total store files and logs size and shared amount
74     * </ol>
75     */
76    public static class SnapshotStats {
77      /** Information about the file referenced by the snapshot */
78      static class FileInfo {
79        private final boolean corrupted;
80        private final boolean inArchive;
81        private final long size;
83        FileInfo(final boolean inArchive, final long size, final boolean corrupted) {
84          this.corrupted = corrupted;
85          this.inArchive = inArchive;
86          this.size = size;
87        }
89        /** @return true if the file is in the archive */
90        public boolean inArchive() {
91          return this.inArchive;
92        }
94        /** @return true if the file is corrupted */
95        public boolean isCorrupted() {
96          return this.corrupted;
97        }
99        /** @return true if the file is missing */
100       public boolean isMissing() {
101         return this.size < 0;
102       }
104       /** @return the file size */
105       public long getSize() {
106         return this.size;
107       }
109       String getStateToString() {
110         if (isCorrupted()) return "CORRUPTED";
111         if (isMissing()) return "NOT FOUND";
112         if (inArchive()) return "archive";
113         return null;
114       }
115     }
117     private AtomicInteger hfileArchiveCount = new AtomicInteger();
118     private AtomicInteger hfilesCorrupted = new AtomicInteger();
119     private AtomicInteger hfilesMissing = new AtomicInteger();
120     private AtomicInteger hfilesCount = new AtomicInteger();
121     private AtomicInteger logsMissing = new AtomicInteger();
122     private AtomicInteger logsCount = new AtomicInteger();
123     private AtomicLong hfileArchiveSize = new AtomicLong();
124     private AtomicLong hfileSize = new AtomicLong();
125     private AtomicLong logSize = new AtomicLong();
127     private final SnapshotDescription snapshot;
128     private final TableName snapshotTable;
129     private final Configuration conf;
130     private final FileSystem fs;
132     SnapshotStats(final Configuration conf, final FileSystem fs, final SnapshotDescription snapshot)
133     {
134       this.snapshot = snapshot;
135       this.snapshotTable = TableName.valueOf(snapshot.getTable());
136       this.conf = conf;
137       this.fs = fs;
138     }
140     /** @return the snapshot descriptor */
141     public SnapshotDescription getSnapshotDescription() {
142       return this.snapshot;
143     }
145     /** @return true if the snapshot is corrupted */
146     public boolean isSnapshotCorrupted() {
147       return hfilesMissing.get() > 0 ||
148              logsMissing.get() > 0 ||
149              hfilesCorrupted.get() > 0;
150     }
152     /** @return the number of available store files */
153     public int getStoreFilesCount() {
154       return hfilesCount.get() + hfileArchiveCount.get();
155     }
157     /** @return the number of available store files in the archive */
158     public int getArchivedStoreFilesCount() {
159       return hfileArchiveCount.get();
160     }
162     /** @return the number of available log files */
163     public int getLogsCount() {
164       return logsCount.get();
165     }
167     /** @return the number of missing store files */
168     public int getMissingStoreFilesCount() {
169       return hfilesMissing.get();
170     }
172     /** @return the number of corrupted store files */
173     public int getCorruptedStoreFilesCount() {
174       return hfilesCorrupted.get();
175     }
177     /** @return the number of missing log files */
178     public int getMissingLogsCount() {
179       return logsMissing.get();
180     }
182     /** @return the total size of the store files referenced by the snapshot */
183     public long getStoreFilesSize() {
184       return hfileSize.get() + hfileArchiveSize.get();
185     }
187     /** @return the total size of the store files shared */
188     public long getSharedStoreFilesSize() {
189       return hfileSize.get();
190     }
192     /** @return the total size of the store files in the archive */
193     public long getArchivedStoreFileSize() {
194       return hfileArchiveSize.get();
195     }
197     /** @return the percentage of the shared store files */
198     public float getSharedStoreFilePercentage() {
199       return ((float)hfileSize.get() / (hfileSize.get() + hfileArchiveSize.get())) * 100;
200     }
202     /** @return the total log size */
203     public long getLogsSize() {
204       return logSize.get();
205     }
207     /**
208      * Add the specified store file to the stats
209      * @param region region encoded Name
210      * @param family family name
211      * @param storeFile store file name
212      * @return the store file information
213      */
214     FileInfo addStoreFile(final HRegionInfo region, final String family,
215         final SnapshotRegionManifest.StoreFile storeFile) throws IOException {
216       HFileLink link =, snapshotTable, region.getEncodedName(),
217               family, storeFile.getName());
218       boolean isCorrupted = false;
219       boolean inArchive = false;
220       long size = -1;
221       try {
222         if ((inArchive = fs.exists(link.getArchivePath()))) {
223           size = fs.getFileStatus(link.getArchivePath()).getLen();
224           hfileArchiveSize.addAndGet(size);
225           hfileArchiveCount.incrementAndGet();
226         } else {
227           size = link.getFileStatus(fs).getLen();
228           hfileSize.addAndGet(size);
229           hfilesCount.incrementAndGet();
230         }
231         isCorrupted = (storeFile.hasFileSize() && storeFile.getFileSize() != size);
232         if (isCorrupted) hfilesCorrupted.incrementAndGet();
233       } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
234         hfilesMissing.incrementAndGet();
235       }
236       return new FileInfo(inArchive, size, isCorrupted);
237     }
239     /**
240      * Add the specified log file to the stats
241      * @param server server name
242      * @param logfile log file name
243      * @return the log information
244      */
245     FileInfo addLogFile(final String server, final String logfile) throws IOException {
246       WALLink logLink = new WALLink(conf, server, logfile);
247       long size = -1;
248       try {
249         size = logLink.getFileStatus(fs).getLen();
250         logSize.addAndGet(size);
251         logsCount.incrementAndGet();
252       } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
253         logsMissing.incrementAndGet();
254       }
255       return new FileInfo(false, size, false);
256     }
257   }
259   private boolean printSizeInBytes = false;
260   private FileSystem fs;
261   private Path rootDir;
263   private SnapshotManifest snapshotManifest;
265   @Override
266   @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(value="REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION",
267     justification="Intentional")
268   public int run(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
269     final Configuration conf = getConf();
270     boolean listSnapshots = false;
271     String snapshotName = null;
272     boolean showSchema = false;
273     boolean showFiles = false;
274     boolean showStats = false;
276     // Process command line args
277     for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
278       String cmd = args[i];
279       try {
280         if (cmd.equals("-snapshot")) {
281           snapshotName = args[++i];
282         } else if (cmd.equals("-files")) {
283           showFiles = true;
284           showStats = true;
285         } else if (cmd.equals("-stats")) {
286           showStats = true;
287         } else if (cmd.equals("-schema")) {
288           showSchema = true;
289         } else if (cmd.equals("-remote-dir")) {
290           Path sourceDir = new Path(args[++i]);
291           URI defaultFs = sourceDir.getFileSystem(conf).getUri();
292           FSUtils.setFsDefault(conf, new Path(defaultFs));
293           FSUtils.setRootDir(conf, sourceDir);
294         } else if (cmd.equals("-list-snapshots")) {
295           listSnapshots = true;
296         } else if (cmd.equals("-size-in-bytes")) {
297           printSizeInBytes = true;
298         } else if (cmd.equals("-h") || cmd.equals("--help")) {
299           printUsageAndExit();
300         } else {
301           System.err.println("UNEXPECTED: " + cmd);
302           printUsageAndExit();
303         }
304       } catch (Exception e) {
305         printUsageAndExit(); // FindBugs: REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION
306       }
307     }
309     // List Available Snapshots
310     if (listSnapshots) {
311       SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
312       System.out.printf("%-20s | %-20s | %s%n", "SNAPSHOT", "CREATION TIME", "TABLE NAME");
313       for (SnapshotDescription desc: getSnapshotList(conf)) {
314         System.out.printf("%-20s | %20s | %s%n",
315                           desc.getName(),
316                           df.format(new Date(desc.getCreationTime())),
317                           desc.getTable());
318       }
319       return 0;
320     }
322     if (snapshotName == null) {
323       System.err.println("Missing snapshot name!");
324       printUsageAndExit();
325       return 1;
326     }
328     rootDir = FSUtils.getRootDir(conf);
329     fs = FileSystem.get(rootDir.toUri(), conf);
330     LOG.debug("fs=" + fs.getUri().toString() + " root=" + rootDir);
332     // Load snapshot information
333     if (!loadSnapshotInfo(snapshotName)) {
334       System.err.println("Snapshot '" + snapshotName + "' not found!");
335       return 1;
336     }
338     printInfo();
339     if (showSchema) printSchema();
340     printFiles(showFiles, showStats);
342     return 0;
343   }
345   /**
346    * Load snapshot info and table descriptor for the specified snapshot
347    * @param snapshotName name of the snapshot to load
348    * @return false if snapshot is not found
349    */
350   private boolean loadSnapshotInfo(final String snapshotName) throws IOException {
351     Path snapshotDir = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.getCompletedSnapshotDir(snapshotName, rootDir);
352     if (!fs.exists(snapshotDir)) {
353       LOG.warn("Snapshot '" + snapshotName + "' not found in: " + snapshotDir);
354       return false;
355     }
357     SnapshotDescription snapshotDesc = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.readSnapshotInfo(fs, snapshotDir);
358     snapshotManifest =, fs, snapshotDir, snapshotDesc);
359     return true;
360   }
362   /**
363    * Dump the {@link SnapshotDescription}
364    */
365   private void printInfo() {
366     SnapshotDescription snapshotDesc = snapshotManifest.getSnapshotDescription();
367     SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
368     System.out.println("Snapshot Info");
369     System.out.println("----------------------------------------");
370     System.out.println("   Name: " + snapshotDesc.getName());
371     System.out.println("   Type: " + snapshotDesc.getType());
372     System.out.println("  Table: " + snapshotDesc.getTable());
373     System.out.println(" Format: " + snapshotDesc.getVersion());
374     System.out.println("Created: " + df.format(new Date(snapshotDesc.getCreationTime())));
375     System.out.println();
376   }
378   /**
379    * Dump the {@link HTableDescriptor}
380    */
381   private void printSchema() {
382     System.out.println("Table Descriptor");
383     System.out.println("----------------------------------------");
384     System.out.println(snapshotManifest.getTableDescriptor().toString());
385     System.out.println();
386   }
388   /**
389    * Collect the hfiles and logs statistics of the snapshot and
390    * dump the file list if requested and the collected information.
391    */
392   private void printFiles(final boolean showFiles, final boolean showStats) throws IOException {
393     if (showFiles) {
394       System.out.println("Snapshot Files");
395       System.out.println("----------------------------------------");
396     }
398     // Collect information about hfiles and logs in the snapshot
399     final SnapshotDescription snapshotDesc = snapshotManifest.getSnapshotDescription();
400     final String table = snapshotDesc.getTable();
401     final SnapshotStats stats = new SnapshotStats(this.getConf(), this.fs, snapshotDesc);
402     SnapshotReferenceUtil.concurrentVisitReferencedFiles(getConf(), fs, snapshotManifest,
403       new SnapshotReferenceUtil.SnapshotVisitor() {
404         @Override
405         public void storeFile(final HRegionInfo regionInfo, final String family,
406             final SnapshotRegionManifest.StoreFile storeFile) throws IOException {
407           if (storeFile.hasReference()) return;
409           SnapshotStats.FileInfo info = stats.addStoreFile(regionInfo, family, storeFile);
410           if (showFiles) {
411             String state = info.getStateToString();
412             System.out.printf("%8s %s/%s/%s/%s %s%n",
413               (info.isMissing() ? "-" : fileSizeToString(info.getSize())),
414               table, regionInfo.getEncodedName(), family, storeFile.getName(),
415               state == null ? "" : "(" + state + ")");
416           }
417         }
419         @Override
420         public void logFile (final String server, final String logfile)
421             throws IOException {
422           SnapshotStats.FileInfo info = stats.addLogFile(server, logfile);
424           if (showFiles) {
425             String state = info.getStateToString();
426             System.out.printf("%8s log %s on server %s (%s)%n",
427               (info.isMissing() ? "-" : fileSizeToString(info.getSize())),
428               logfile, server,
429               state == null ? "" : "(" + state + ")");
430           }
431         }
432     });
434     // Dump the stats
435     System.out.println();
436     if (stats.isSnapshotCorrupted()) {
437       System.out.println("**************************************************************");
438       System.out.printf("BAD SNAPSHOT: %d hfile(s) and %d log(s) missing.%n",
439         stats.getMissingStoreFilesCount(), stats.getMissingLogsCount());
440       System.out.printf("              %d hfile(s) corrupted.%n",
441         stats.getCorruptedStoreFilesCount());
442       System.out.println("**************************************************************");
443     }
445     if (showStats) {
446       System.out.printf("%d HFiles (%d in archive), total size %s (%.2f%% %s shared with the source table)%n",
447         stats.getStoreFilesCount(), stats.getArchivedStoreFilesCount(),
448         fileSizeToString(stats.getStoreFilesSize()),
449         stats.getSharedStoreFilePercentage(),
450         fileSizeToString(stats.getSharedStoreFilesSize())
451       );
452       System.out.printf("%d Logs, total size %s%n",
453         stats.getLogsCount(), fileSizeToString(stats.getLogsSize()));
454       System.out.println();
455     }
456   }
458   private String fileSizeToString(long size) {
459     return printSizeInBytes ? Long.toString(size) : StringUtils.humanReadableInt(size);
460   }
462   private void printUsageAndExit() {
463     System.err.printf("Usage: bin/hbase %s [options]%n", getClass().getName());
464     System.err.println(" where [options] are:");
465     System.err.println("  -h|-help                Show this help and exit.");
466     System.err.println("  -remote-dir             Root directory that contains the snapshots.");
467     System.err.println("  -list-snapshots         List all the available snapshots and exit.");
468     System.err.println("  -size-in-bytes          Print the size of the files in bytes.");
469     System.err.println("  -snapshot NAME          Snapshot to examine.");
470     System.err.println("  -files                  Files and logs list.");
471     System.err.println("  -stats                  Files and logs stats.");
472     System.err.println("  -schema                 Describe the snapshotted table.");
473     System.err.println();
474     System.err.println("Examples:");
475     System.err.println("  hbase " + getClass() + " \\");
476     System.err.println("    -snapshot MySnapshot -files");
477     System.exit(1);
478   }
480   /**
481    * Returns the snapshot stats
482    * @param conf the {@link Configuration} to use
483    * @param snapshot {@link SnapshotDescription} to get stats from
484    * @return the snapshot stats
485    */
486   public static SnapshotStats getSnapshotStats(final Configuration conf,
487       final SnapshotDescription snapshot) throws IOException {
488     Path rootDir = FSUtils.getRootDir(conf);
489     FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(rootDir.toUri(), conf);
490     Path snapshotDir = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.getCompletedSnapshotDir(snapshot, rootDir);
491     SnapshotManifest manifest =, fs, snapshotDir, snapshot);
492     final SnapshotStats stats = new SnapshotStats(conf, fs, snapshot);
493     SnapshotReferenceUtil.concurrentVisitReferencedFiles(conf, fs, manifest,
494       new SnapshotReferenceUtil.SnapshotVisitor() {
495         @Override
496         public void storeFile(final HRegionInfo regionInfo, final String family,
497             final SnapshotRegionManifest.StoreFile storeFile) throws IOException {
498           if (!storeFile.hasReference()) {
499             stats.addStoreFile(regionInfo, family, storeFile);
500           }
501         }
503         @Override
504         public void logFile (final String server, final String logfile) throws IOException {
505           stats.addLogFile(server, logfile);
506         }
507     });
508     return stats;
509   }
511   /**
512    * Returns the list of available snapshots in the specified location
513    * @param conf the {@link Configuration} to use
514    * @return the list of snapshots
515    */
516   public static List<SnapshotDescription> getSnapshotList(final Configuration conf)
517       throws IOException {
518     Path rootDir = FSUtils.getRootDir(conf);
519     FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(rootDir.toUri(), conf);
520     Path snapshotDir = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.getSnapshotsDir(rootDir);
521     FileStatus[] snapshots = fs.listStatus(snapshotDir,
522       new SnapshotDescriptionUtils.CompletedSnaphotDirectoriesFilter(fs));
523     List<SnapshotDescription> snapshotLists =
524       new ArrayList<SnapshotDescription>(snapshots.length);
525     for (FileStatus snapshotDirStat: snapshots) {
526       snapshotLists.add(SnapshotDescriptionUtils.readSnapshotInfo(fs, snapshotDirStat.getPath()));
527     }
528     return snapshotLists;
529   }
531   /**
532    * The guts of the {@link #main} method.
533    * Call this method to avoid the {@link #main(String[])} System.exit.
534    * @param args
535    * @return errCode
536    * @throws Exception
537    */
538   static int innerMain(final String [] args) throws Exception {
539     return, new SnapshotInfo(), args);
540   }
542   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
543      System.exit(innerMain(args));
544   }
545 }