Interface | Description |
MasterQuotaManager.SetQuotaOperations |
Encapsulates CRUD quota operations for some subject.
OperationQuota |
Interface that allows to check the quota available for an operation.
QuotaCache.Fetcher<Key,Value> | |
QuotaLimiter |
Internal interface used to interact with the user/table quota.
QuotaSnapshotStore<T> |
A common interface for computing and storing space quota observance/violation for entities.
QuotaTableUtil.NamespaceQuotasVisitor | |
QuotaTableUtil.QuotasVisitor | |
QuotaTableUtil.TableQuotasVisitor | |
QuotaTableUtil.UserQuotasVisitor | |
QuotaUtil.KeyFromRow<T> | |
SpaceQuotaSnapshotNotifier |
An interface which abstract away the action taken to enable or disable
a space quota violation policy across the HBase cluster.
SpaceViolationPolicyEnforcement |
RegionServer implementation of
SpaceViolationPolicy . |
Class | Description |
ActivePolicyEnforcement |
A class to ease dealing with tables that have and do not have violation policies
being enforced.
AverageIntervalRateLimiter |
This limiter will refill resources at every TimeUnit/resources interval.
DefaultOperationQuota | |
FileSystemUtilizationChore |
A chore which computes the size of each
HRegion on the FileSystem hosted by the given HRegionServer . |
FixedIntervalRateLimiter |
With this limiter resources will be refilled only after a fixed interval of time.
GlobalQuotaSettings |
An object which captures all quotas types (throttle or space) for a subject (user, table, or
GlobalQuotaSettingsImpl |
Implementation of
GlobalQuotaSettings to hide the Protobuf messages we use internally. |
MasterQuotaManager |
Master Quota Manager.
MasterQuotaManager.NamedLock<T> | |
MasterQuotaManager.SizeSnapshotWithTimestamp |
Holds the size of a region at the given time, millis since the epoch.
MasterQuotasObserver |
An observer to automatically delete quotas when a table/namespace
is deleted.
NamespaceQuotaSnapshotStore |
QuotaSnapshotStore implementation for namespaces. |
NoopOperationQuota |
Noop operation quota returned when no quota is associated to the user/table
NoopQuotaLimiter |
Noop quota limiter returned when no limiter is associated to the user/table
QuotaCache |
Cache that keeps track of the quota settings for the users and tables that
are interacting with it.
QuotaFilter |
Filter to use to filter the QuotaRetriever results.
QuotaLimiterFactory | |
QuotaObserverChore |
Reads the currently received Region filesystem-space use reports and acts on those which
violate a defined quota.
QuotaObserverChore.TablesWithQuotas |
A container which encapsulates the tables that have either a table quota or are contained in a
namespace which have a namespace quota.
QuotaRetriever |
Scanner to iterate over the quota settings.
QuotaSettings | |
QuotaSettingsFactory | |
QuotaSettingsFactory.QuotaGlobalsSettingsBypass | |
QuotaState |
In-Memory state of table or namespace quotas
QuotaTableUtil |
Helper class to interact with the quota table.
QuotaUtil |
Helper class to interact with the quota table
RateLimiter |
Simple rate limiter.
RegionServerRpcQuotaManager |
Region Server Quota Manager.
RegionServerSpaceQuotaManager |
A manager for filesystem space quotas in the RegionServer.
SnapshotQuotaObserverChore |
A Master-invoked
Chore that computes the size of each snapshot which was created from
a table which has a space quota. |
SnapshotQuotaObserverChore.SnapshotWithSize |
A struct encapsulating the name of a snapshot and its "size" on the filesystem.
SnapshotQuotaObserverChore.StoreFileReference |
A reference to a collection of files in the archive directory for a single region.
SpaceLimitSettings |
QuotaSettings implementation for configuring filesystem-use quotas. |
SpaceQuotaRefresherChore |
ScheduledChore which periodically updates the RegionServerSpaceQuotaManager
with information from the hbase:quota. |
SpaceQuotaSnapshot |
A point-in-time view of a space quota on a table.
SpaceQuotaSnapshot.SpaceQuotaStatus |
Encapsulates the state of a quota on a table.
SpaceQuotaSnapshotNotifierFactory |
Factory for creating
SpaceQuotaSnapshotNotifier implementations. |
SpaceViolationPolicyEnforcementFactory |
A factory class for instantiating
SpaceViolationPolicyEnforcement instances. |
TableQuotaSnapshotStore |
QuotaSnapshotStore for tables. |
TableSpaceQuotaSnapshotNotifier |
SpaceQuotaSnapshotNotifier which uses the hbase:quota table. |
ThrottleSettings | |
TimeBasedLimiter |
Simple time based limiter that checks the quota Throttle
UserQuotaState |
In-Memory state of the user quotas
Enum | Description |
OperationQuota.OperationType | |
QuotaScope |
Describe the Scope of the quota rules.
QuotaType |
Describe the Quota Type.
RpcThrottlingException.Type | |
SpaceViolationPolicy |
Enumeration that represents the action HBase will take when a space quota is violated.
ThrottleType |
Describe the Throttle Type.
ThrottlingException.Type |
Exception | Description |
QuotaExceededException |
Generic quota exceeded exception
RpcThrottlingException |
Describe the throttling result.
SpaceLimitingException |
An Exception that is thrown when a space quota is in violation.
ThrottlingException | Deprecated
replaced by
RpcThrottlingException since hbase-2.0.0. |
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