Uses of Class
Packages that use StateMachineProcedure
Uses of StateMachineProcedure in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.assignment
Subclasses of StateMachineProcedure in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.assignmentModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
GC regions that have been Merged.class
GC a Region that is no longer in use.class
The procedure to Merge regions in a table.class
Deprecated.Do not use any more.class
The procedure to split a region in a table.class
The procedure to deal with the state transition of a region. -
Uses of StateMachineProcedure in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.procedure
Subclasses of StateMachineProcedure in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.procedureModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Base class for all the Namespace procedures that want to use a StateMachineProcedure.class
Base class for all the Region procedures that want to use a StateMachine.class
Base class for all the Table procedures that want to use a StateMachineProcedure.class
The procedure to create a new namespace.class
The procedure to remove a namespace.class
Acts like the super class in all cases except when no Regions found in the current Master in-memory context.class
This procedure is used to initialize meta table for a new hbase deploy.class
The procedure to add a namespace to an existing table.class
The procedure will only update the table descriptor without reopening all the regions.class
Deprecated.Do not use any more, leave it here only for compatible.class
Used for reopening the regions for a table.class
Handle crashed server.class
A procedure used to take snapshot on tables.class
The procedure is to split a WAL.class
The procedure to switch rpc throttleclass
Uses of StateMachineProcedure in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.replication
Subclasses of StateMachineProcedure in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.replicationModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The base class for all replication peer related procedure.class
The procedure for adding a new replication peer.class
The procedure for disabling a replication peer.class
The procedure for enabling a replication peer.class
The base class for all replication peer related procedure except sync replication state transition.class
The procedure for removing a replication peer.class
The procedure for updating the config for a replication peer. -
Uses of StateMachineProcedure in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.storefiletracker
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Procedure for setting StoreFileTracker information to table descriptor.class
This procedure is used to change the store file tracker implementation.class