Class TableName

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Public public final class TableName extends Object implements Comparable<TableName>
Immutable POJO class for representing a table name. Which is of the form: <table namespace>:<table qualifier> Two special namespaces: 1. hbase - system namespace, used to contain hbase internal tables 2. default - tables with no explicit specified namespace will automatically fall into this namespace. ie a) foo:bar, means namespace=foo and qualifier=bar b) bar, means namespace=default and qualifier=bar c) default:bar, means namespace=default and qualifier=bar

Internally, in this class, we cache the instances to limit the number of objects and make the "equals" faster. We try to minimize the number of objects created of the number of array copy to check if we already have an instance of this TableName. The code is not optimize for a new instance creation but is optimized to check for existence.