Class FilterListWithOR

@Private public class FilterListWithOR extends FilterListBase
FilterListWithOR represents an ordered list of filters which will be evaluated with an OR operator.
  • Field Details

    • prevFilterRCList

      Save previous return code and previous cell for every filter in filter list. For MUST_PASS_ONE, we use the previous return code to decide whether we should pass current cell encountered to the filter. For MUST_PASS_ALL, the two list are meaningless.
    • prevCellList

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • addFilterLists

      public void addFilterLists(List<Filter> filters)
      Specified by:
      addFilterLists in class FilterListBase
    • formatLogFilters

      protected String formatLogFilters(List<Filter> logFilters)
      Specified by:
      formatLogFilters in class FilterListBase
    • calculateReturnCodeByPrevCellAndRC

      private Filter.ReturnCode calculateReturnCodeByPrevCellAndRC(Filter subFilter, Cell currentCell, Cell prevCell, Filter.ReturnCode prevCode) throws IOException
      For MUST_PASS_ONE, we cannot make sure that when filter-A in filter list return NEXT_COL then the next cell passing to filterList will be the first cell in next column, because if filter-B in filter list return SKIP, then the filter list will return SKIP. In this case, we should pass the cell following the previous cell, and it's possible that the next cell has the same column as the previous cell even if filter-A has NEXT_COL returned for the previous cell. So we should save the previous cell and the return code list when checking previous cell for every filter in filter list, and verify if currentCell fit the previous return code, if fit then pass the currentCell to the corresponding filter. (HBASE-17678)
      Note that: In StoreScanner level, NEXT_ROW will skip to the next row in current family, and in RegionScanner level, NEXT_ROW will skip to the next row in current family and switch to the next family for RegionScanner, INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_ROW is the same. so we should pass current cell to the filter, if row mismatch or row match but column family mismatch. (HBASE-18368)
      subFilter - which sub-filter to calculate the return code by using previous cell and previous return code.
      prevCell - the previous cell passed to given sub-filter.
      currentCell - the current cell which will pass to given sub-filter.
      prevCode - the previous return code for given sub-filter.
      return code calculated by using previous cell and previous return code. null means can not decide which return code should return, so we will pass the currentCell to subFilter for getting currentCell's return code, and it won't impact the sub-filter's internal states.
      See Also:
    • mergeReturnCode

      FilterList with MUST_PASS_ONE choose the minimal forward step among sub-filter in filter list. Let's call it: The Minimal Step Rule. So if filter-A in filter list return INCLUDE and filter-B in filter list return INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_COL, then the filter list should return INCLUDE. For SEEK_NEXT_USING_HINT, it's more special, because we do not know how far it will forward, so we use SKIP by default.

      The jump step will be:
      Here, we have the following map to describe The Minimal Step Rule. if current return code (for previous sub-filters in filter list) is ReturnCode, and current filter returns localRC, then we should return map[ReturnCode][localRC] for the merged result, according to The Minimal Step Rule.
       LocalCode\ReturnCode       INCLUDE INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_COL     INCLUDE_AND_SEEK_NEXT_ROW  SKIP      NEXT_COL              NEXT_ROW                  SEEK_NEXT_USING_HINT
       INCLUDE                    INCLUDE INCLUDE                  INCLUDE                    INCLUDE   INCLUDE               INCLUDE                   INCLUDE
       SKIP                       INCLUDE INCLUDE                  INCLUDE                    SKIP      SKIP                  SKIP                      SKIP
       NEXT_COL                   INCLUDE INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_COL     INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_COL       SKIP      NEXT_COL              NEXT_COL                  SKIP
       NEXT_ROW                   INCLUDE INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_COL     INCLUDE_AND_SEEK_NEXT_ROW  SKIP      NEXT_COL              NEXT_ROW                  SKIP
       SEEK_NEXT_USING_HINT       INCLUDE INCLUDE                  INCLUDE                    SKIP      SKIP                  SKIP                      SEEK_NEXT_USING_HINT
      rc - Return code which is calculated by previous sub-filter(s) in filter list.
      localRC - Return code of the current sub-filter in filter list.
      Return code which is merged by the return code of previous sub-filter(s) and the return code of current sub-filter.
    • updatePrevFilterRCList

      private void updatePrevFilterRCList(int index, Filter.ReturnCode currentRC)
    • updatePrevCellList

      private void updatePrevCellList(int index, Cell currentCell, Filter.ReturnCode currentRC)
    • filterCell

      Description copied from class: Filter
      A way to filter based on the column family, column qualifier and/or the column value. Return code is described below. This allows filters to filter only certain number of columns, then terminate without matching ever column. If filterRowKey returns true, filterCell needs to be consistent with it. filterCell can assume that filterRowKey has already been called for the row. If your filter returns ReturnCode.NEXT_ROW, it should return ReturnCode.NEXT_ROW until Filter.reset() is called just in case the caller calls for the next row. Concrete implementers can signal a failure condition in their code by throwing an IOException.
      filterCell in class Filter
      c - the Cell in question
      code as described below
      IOException - in case an I/O or an filter specific failure needs to be signaled.
      See Also:
    • reset

      public void reset() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: FilterBase
      Filters that are purely stateless and do nothing in their reset() methods can inherit this null/empty implementation. Reset the state of the filter between rows. Concrete implementers can signal a failure condition in their code by throwing an IOException.
      reset in class FilterBase
      IOException - in case an I/O or an filter specific failure needs to be signaled.
    • filterRowKey

      public boolean filterRowKey(Cell firstRowCell) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: Filter
      Filters a row based on the row key. If this returns true, the entire row will be excluded. If false, each KeyValue in the row will be passed to Filter.filterCell(Cell) below. If Filter.filterAllRemaining() returns true, then Filter.filterRowKey(Cell) should also return true. Concrete implementers can signal a failure condition in their code by throwing an IOException.
      filterRowKey in class FilterBase
      firstRowCell - The first cell coming in the new row
      true, remove entire row, false, include the row (maybe).
      IOException - in case an I/O or an filter specific failure needs to be signaled.
    • filterAllRemaining

      public boolean filterAllRemaining() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: FilterBase
      Filters that never filter all remaining can inherit this implementation that never stops the filter early. If this returns true, the scan will terminate. Concrete implementers can signal a failure condition in their code by throwing an IOException.
      filterAllRemaining in class FilterBase
      true to end scan, false to continue.
      IOException - in case an I/O or an filter specific failure needs to be signaled.
    • filterRow

      public boolean filterRow() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: FilterBase
      Filters that never filter by rows based on previously gathered state from Filter.filterCell(Cell) can inherit this implementation that never filters a row. Last chance to veto row based on previous Filter.filterCell(Cell) calls. The filter needs to retain state then return a particular value for this call if they wish to exclude a row if a certain column is missing (for example). Concrete implementers can signal a failure condition in their code by throwing an IOException.
      filterRow in class FilterBase
      true to exclude row, false to include row.
      IOException - in case an I/O or an filter specific failure needs to be signaled.
    • getNextCellHint

      public Cell getNextCellHint(Cell currentCell) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: FilterBase
      Filters that are not sure which key must be next seeked to, can inherit this implementation that, by default, returns a null Cell. If the filter returns the match code SEEK_NEXT_USING_HINT, then it should also tell which is the next key it must seek to. After receiving the match code SEEK_NEXT_USING_HINT, the QueryMatcher would call this function to find out which key it must next seek to. Concrete implementers can signal a failure condition in their code by throwing an IOException. NOTICE: Filter will be evaluate at server side so the returned Cell must be an ExtendedCell, although it is marked as IA.Private.
      getNextCellHint in class FilterBase
      KeyValue which must be next seeked. return null if the filter is not sure which key to seek to next.
      IOException - in case an I/O or an filter specific failure needs to be signaled.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object