Interface MetricsTableSource

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable, Comparable<MetricsTableSource>
All Known Implementing Classes:

@Private public interface MetricsTableSource extends Comparable<MetricsTableSource>, Closeable
This interface will be implemented to allow region server to push table metrics into MetricsRegionAggregateSource that will in turn push data to the Hadoop metrics system.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getTableName

    • close

      void close()
      Close the table's metrics as all the region are closing.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
    • registerMetrics

    • getAggregateSource

      Get the aggregate source to which this reports.
    • updateSplitTime

      void updateSplitTime(long t)
      Update the split transaction time histogram
      t - time it took, in milliseconds
    • incrSplitRequest

      Increment number of a requested splits
    • incrSplitSuccess

      Increment number of successful splits
    • updateFlushTime

      void updateFlushTime(long t)
      Update the flush time histogram
      t - time it took, in milliseconds
    • updateFlushMemstoreSize

      void updateFlushMemstoreSize(long bytes)
      Update the flush memstore size histogram
      bytes - the number of bytes in the memstore
    • updateFlushOutputSize

      void updateFlushOutputSize(long bytes)
      Update the flush output file size histogram
      bytes - the number of bytes in the output file
    • updateCompactionTime

      void updateCompactionTime(boolean isMajor, long t)
      Update the compaction time histogram, both major and minor
      isMajor - whether compaction is a major compaction
      t - time it took, in milliseconds
    • updateCompactionInputFileCount

      void updateCompactionInputFileCount(boolean isMajor, long c)
      Update the compaction input number of files histogram
      isMajor - whether compaction is a major compaction
      c - number of files
    • updateCompactionInputSize

      void updateCompactionInputSize(boolean isMajor, long bytes)
      Update the compaction total input file size histogram
      isMajor - whether compaction is a major compaction
      bytes - the number of bytes of the compaction input file
    • updateCompactionOutputFileCount

      void updateCompactionOutputFileCount(boolean isMajor, long c)
      Update the compaction output number of files histogram
      isMajor - whether compaction is a major compaction
      c - number of files
    • updateCompactionOutputSize

      void updateCompactionOutputSize(boolean isMajor, long bytes)
      Update the compaction total output file size
      isMajor - whether compaction is a major compaction
      bytes - the number of bytes of the compaction input file