Interface WALEntryFilter

All Known Implementing Classes:
ChainWALEmptyEntryFilter, ChainWALEntryFilter, ClusterMarkingEntryFilter, NamespaceTableCfWALEntryFilter, ScopeWALEntryFilter, SystemTableWALEntryFilter

@LimitedPrivate("Replication") public interface WALEntryFilter
A Filter for WAL entries before being sent over to replication. Multiple filters might be chained together using ChainWALEntryFilter. Applied on the replication source side.

There is also a filter that can be installed on the sink end of a replication stream. See WALEntrySinkFilter. Certain use-cases may need such a facility but better to filter here on the source side rather than later, after the edit arrives at the sink.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Applies the filter, possibly returning a different Entry instance.
  • Method Details

    • filter

      Applies the filter, possibly returning a different Entry instance. If null is returned, the entry will be skipped.

      Notice that you are free to modify the cell list of the give entry, but do not change the content of the cell, it may be used by others at the same time(and usually you can not modify a cell unless you cast it to the implementation class, which is not a good idea).

      entry - Entry to filter
      a (possibly modified) Entry to use. Returning null or an entry with no cells will cause the entry to be skipped for replication.