All Implemented Interfaces:

@LimitedPrivate("Replication") public class MetricsSource extends Object implements BaseSource
This class is for maintaining the various replication statistics for a source and publishing them through the metrics interfaces.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setAgeOfLastShippedOp

      public void setAgeOfLastShippedOp(long timestamp, String walGroup)
      Set the age of the last edit that was shipped
      timestamp - target write time of the edit
      walGroup - which group we are setting
    • updateTableLevelMetrics

      public void updateTableLevelMetrics(List<Pair<WAL.Entry,Long>> walEntries)
      Update the table level replication metrics per table
      walEntries - List of pairs of WAL entry and it's size
    • setAgeOfLastShippedOpByTable

      public void setAgeOfLastShippedOpByTable(long timestamp, String tableName)
      Set the age of the last edit that was shipped group by table
      timestamp - write time of the edit
      tableName - String as group and tableName
    • getAgeOfLastShippedOp

      public long getAgeOfLastShippedOp(String walGroup)
      get age of last shipped op of given wal group. If the walGroup is null, return 0
      walGroup - which group we are getting
    • refreshAgeOfLastShippedOp

      public void refreshAgeOfLastShippedOp(String walGroupId)
      Convenience method to use the last given timestamp to refresh the age of the last edit. Used when replication fails and need to keep that metric accurate.
      walGroupId - id of the group to update
    • incrSizeOfLogQueue

      public void incrSizeOfLogQueue()
      Increment size of the log queue.
    • decrSizeOfLogQueue

      public void decrSizeOfLogQueue()
    • incrSourceInitializing

      public void incrSourceInitializing()
      Increment the count for initializing sources
    • decrSourceInitializing

      public void decrSourceInitializing()
      Decrement the count for initializing sources
    • incrLogEditsRead

      private void incrLogEditsRead(long delta)
      Add on the the number of log edits read
      delta - the number of log edits read.
    • incrLogEditsRead

      public void incrLogEditsRead()
      Increment the number of log edits read by one.
    • incrLogEditsFiltered

      public void incrLogEditsFiltered(long delta)
      Add on the number of log edits filtered
      delta - the number filtered.
    • incrLogEditsFiltered

      public void incrLogEditsFiltered()
      The number of log edits filtered out.
    • shipBatch

      public void shipBatch(long batchSize, int sizeInBytes)
      Convience method to apply changes to metrics do to shipping a batch of logs.
      batchSize - the size of the batch that was shipped to sinks.
    • incrementFailedBatches

      public void incrementFailedBatches()
      Convenience method to update metrics when batch of operations has failed.
    • getEditsFiltered

      public long getEditsFiltered()
      Gets the number of edits not eligible for replication this source queue logs so far.
      logEditsFiltered non-replicable edits filtered from this queue logs.
    • getReplicableEdits

      public long getReplicableEdits()
      Gets the number of edits eligible for replication read from this source queue logs so far.
      replicableEdits total number of replicable edits read from this queue logs.
    • getOpsShipped

      public long getOpsShipped()
      Gets the number of OPs shipped by this source queue to target cluster.
      oPsShipped total number of OPs shipped by this source.
    • shipBatch

      public void shipBatch(long batchSize, int sizeInBytes, long hfiles)
      Convience method to apply changes to metrics do to shipping a batch of logs.
      batchSize - the size of the batch that was shipped to sinks.
      hfiles - total number of hfiles shipped to sinks.
    • incrLogReadInBytes

      public void incrLogReadInBytes(long readInBytes)
      increase the byte number read by source from log file
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Removes all metrics about this Source.
    • terminate

      public void terminate()
    • getAgeOfLastShippedOp

      Get AgeOfLastShippedOp
    • getSizeOfLogQueue

      public int getSizeOfLogQueue()
      Get the sizeOfLogQueue
    • getUncleanlyClosedWALs

      public long getUncleanlyClosedWALs()
      Get the value of uncleanlyClosedWAL counter
    • getTimestampOfLastShippedOp

      Get the timestampsOfLastShippedOp, if there are multiple groups, return the latest one
    • getTimeStampNextToReplicate

      TimeStamp of next edit to be replicated.
      timeStampNextToReplicate - TimeStamp of next edit to be replicated.
    • setTimeStampNextToReplicate

      public void setTimeStampNextToReplicate(long timeStampNextToReplicate)
      TimeStamp of next edit targeted for replication. Used for calculating lag, as if this timestamp is greater than timestamp of last shipped, it means there's at least one edit pending replication.
      timeStampNextToReplicate - timestamp of next edit in the queue that should be replicated.
    • getReplicationDelay

      public long getReplicationDelay()
    • getSourceInitializing

      public int getSourceInitializing()
      Get the source initializing counts
      number of replication sources getting initialized
    • getPeerID

      public String getPeerID()
      Get the slave peer ID
    • incrSizeOfHFileRefsQueue

      public void incrSizeOfHFileRefsQueue(long size)
    • decrSizeOfHFileRefsQueue

      public void decrSizeOfHFileRefsQueue(int size)
    • incrUnknownFileLengthForClosedWAL

    • incrUncleanlyClosedWALs

      public void incrUncleanlyClosedWALs()
    • incrBytesSkippedInUncleanlyClosedWALs

      public void incrBytesSkippedInUncleanlyClosedWALs(long bytes)
    • incrRestartedWALReading

      public void incrRestartedWALReading()
    • incrRepeatedFileBytes

      public void incrRepeatedFileBytes(long bytes)
    • incrCompletedWAL

      public void incrCompletedWAL()
    • incrCompletedRecoveryQueue

    • incrFailedRecoveryQueue

      public void incrFailedRecoveryQueue()
    • setOldestWalAge

      public void setOldestWalAge(long age)
    • getOldestWalAge

      public long getOldestWalAge()
    • init

      public void init()
      Description copied from interface: BaseSource
      Clear out the metrics and re-prepare the source.
      Specified by:
      init in interface BaseSource
    • setGauge

      public void setGauge(String gaugeName, long value)
      Description copied from interface: BaseSource
      Set a gauge to a specific value.
      Specified by:
      setGauge in interface BaseSource
      gaugeName - the name of the gauge
      value - the value
    • incGauge

      public void incGauge(String gaugeName, long delta)
      Description copied from interface: BaseSource
      Add some amount to a gauge.
      Specified by:
      incGauge in interface BaseSource
      gaugeName - the name of the gauge
      delta - the amount to change the gauge by.
    • decGauge

      public void decGauge(String gaugeName, long delta)
      Description copied from interface: BaseSource
      Subtract some amount from a gauge.
      Specified by:
      decGauge in interface BaseSource
      gaugeName - the name of the gauge
      delta - the amount to change the gauge by.
    • removeMetric

      public void removeMetric(String key)
      Description copied from interface: BaseSource
      Remove a metric and no longer announce it.
      Specified by:
      removeMetric in interface BaseSource
      key - Name of the gauge to remove.
    • incCounters

      public void incCounters(String counterName, long delta)
      Description copied from interface: BaseSource
      Add some amount to a counter.
      Specified by:
      incCounters in interface BaseSource
      counterName - the name of the counter
      delta - the amount to change the counter by.
    • updateHistogram

      public void updateHistogram(String name, long value)
      Description copied from interface: BaseSource
      Add some value to a histogram.
      Specified by:
      updateHistogram in interface BaseSource
      name - the name of the histogram
      value - the value to add to the histogram
    • getMetricsContext

      Description copied from interface: BaseSource
      Get the metrics context. For hadoop metrics2 system this is usually an all lowercased string. eg. regionserver, master, thriftserver
      Specified by:
      getMetricsContext in interface BaseSource
      The string context used to register this source to hadoop's metrics2 system.
    • getMetricsDescription

      Description copied from interface: BaseSource
      Get the description of what this source exposes.
      Specified by:
      getMetricsDescription in interface BaseSource
    • getMetricsJmxContext

      Description copied from interface: BaseSource
      Get the name of the context in JMX that this source will be exposed through. This is in ObjectName format. With the default context being Hadoop -> HBase
      Specified by:
      getMetricsJmxContext in interface BaseSource
    • getMetricsName

      Description copied from interface: BaseSource
      Get the name of the metrics that are being exported by this source. Eg. IPC, GC, WAL
      Specified by:
      getMetricsName in interface BaseSource
    • getSingleSourceSourceByTable

    • setWALReaderEditsBufferUsage

      public void setWALReaderEditsBufferUsage(long usageInBytes)
      Sets the amount of memory in bytes used in this RegionServer by edits pending replication.
    • getWALReaderEditsBufferUsage

      Returns the amount of memory in bytes used in this RegionServer by edits pending replication.