Interface BaseSource

All Known Subinterfaces:
ExceptionTrackingSource, MetricsAssignmentManagerSource, MetricsBalancerSource, MetricsHBaseServerSource, MetricsHeapMemoryManagerSource, MetricsIOSource, MetricsMasterFileSystemSource, MetricsMasterProcSource, MetricsMasterQuotaSource, MetricsMasterSource, MetricsRegionAggregateSource, MetricsRegionServerQuotaSource, MetricsRegionServerSource, MetricsReplicationGlobalSourceSource, MetricsReplicationSource, MetricsReplicationSourceSource, MetricsReplicationTableSource, MetricsRESTSource, MetricsSnapshotSource, MetricsStochasticBalancerSource, MetricsTableAggregateSource, MetricsThriftServerSource, MetricsUserAggregateSource, MetricsWALEventTrackerSource, MetricsWALSource, MetricsZooKeeperSource
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseSourceImpl, ExceptionTrackingSourceImpl, MetricsAssignmentManagerSourceImpl, MetricsBalancerSourceImpl, MetricsHBaseServerSourceImpl, MetricsHeapMemoryManagerSourceImpl, MetricsIOSourceImpl, MetricsMasterFilesystemSourceImpl, MetricsMasterProcSourceImpl, MetricsMasterQuotaSourceImpl, MetricsMasterSourceImpl, MetricsRegionAggregateSourceImpl, MetricsRegionServerQuotaSourceImpl, MetricsRegionServerSourceImpl, MetricsReplicationGlobalSourceSourceImpl, MetricsReplicationSourceImpl, MetricsReplicationSourceSourceImpl, MetricsReplicationTableSourceImpl, MetricsRESTSourceImpl, MetricsSnapshotSourceImpl, MetricsSource, MetricsStochasticBalancerSourceImpl, MetricsTableAggregateSourceImpl, MetricsThriftServerSourceImpl, MetricsUserAggregateSourceImpl, MetricsWALEventTrackerSourceImpl, MetricsWALSourceImpl, MetricsZooKeeperSourceImpl

@Private public interface BaseSource
BaseSource for dynamic metrics to announce to Metrics2. In hbase-hadoop{1|2}-compat there is an implementation of this interface.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • init

      void init()
      Clear out the metrics and re-prepare the source.
    • setGauge

      void setGauge(String gaugeName, long value)
      Set a gauge to a specific value.
      gaugeName - the name of the gauge
      value - the value
    • incGauge

      void incGauge(String gaugeName, long delta)
      Add some amount to a gauge.
      gaugeName - the name of the gauge
      delta - the amount to change the gauge by.
    • decGauge

      void decGauge(String gaugeName, long delta)
      Subtract some amount from a gauge.
      gaugeName - the name of the gauge
      delta - the amount to change the gauge by.
    • removeMetric

      void removeMetric(String key)
      Remove a metric and no longer announce it.
      key - Name of the gauge to remove.
    • incCounters

      void incCounters(String counterName, long delta)
      Add some amount to a counter.
      counterName - the name of the counter
      delta - the amount to change the counter by.
    • updateHistogram

      void updateHistogram(String name, long value)
      Add some value to a histogram.
      name - the name of the histogram
      value - the value to add to the histogram
    • getMetricsContext

      Get the metrics context. For hadoop metrics2 system this is usually an all lowercased string. eg. regionserver, master, thriftserver
      The string context used to register this source to hadoop's metrics2 system.
    • getMetricsDescription

      Get the description of what this source exposes.
    • getMetricsJmxContext

      Get the name of the context in JMX that this source will be exposed through. This is in ObjectName format. With the default context being Hadoop -> HBase
    • getMetricsName

      Get the name of the metrics that are being exported by this source. Eg. IPC, GC, WAL
    • getMetricRegistryInfo