Uses of Class
Packages that use MonkeyFactory
Uses of MonkeyFactory in org.apache.hadoop.hbase
Methods in org.apache.hadoop.hbase that return MonkeyFactoryModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected MonkeyFactory
Uses of MonkeyFactory in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.factories
Subclasses of MonkeyFactory in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.factoriesModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Factory to create a calm ChaosMonkey.class
A chaos monkey to delete and corrupt regionserver data, requires a user with passwordless ssh access to the cluster and sudo privileges.class
A chaos monkey to create distributed cluster related issues, requires a user with passwordless ssh access to the cluster and sudo privileges.class
A chaos monkey to kill the active master periodically.class
This is a copy of NoKillMonkeyFactory that also does mob compactions.class
This is a copy of SlowDeterministicMonkeyFactory that also does mob compactions.class
Monkey factory to create a ChaosMonkey that will not need access to ssh.class
Creates ChaosMonkeys for doing server restart actions, but not flush / compact / snapshot kind of actions.class
Creates ChaosMonkeys for doing server restart actions, but not flush / compact / snapshot kind of actions.class
Fields in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.factories with type parameters of type MonkeyFactoryMethods in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.factories that return MonkeyFactoryModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic MonkeyFactory
(String factoryName) MonkeyFactory.setColumnFamilies
(Set<String> columnFamilies) MonkeyFactory.setProperties
(Properties props) MonkeyFactory.setTableName
(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName tableName) MonkeyFactory.setUtil
(IntegrationTestingUtility util) -
Uses of MonkeyFactory in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.util
Methods in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.chaos.util that return MonkeyFactoryModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected MonkeyFactory
Uses of MonkeyFactory in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.test
Methods in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.test that return MonkeyFactoryModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected MonkeyFactory
protected MonkeyFactory