Package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication.regionserver
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication.regionserver
ClassesClassDescriptionTestBasicWALEntryStream with
as the WAL provider.TestBasicWALEntryStream withFSHLogProvider
as the WAL provider.Tests for DumpReplicationQueues toolTestsHBaseInterClusterReplicationEndpoint.filterNotExistColumnFamilyEdits(List)
Tests region replication for hbase:meta by setting up region replicas and verifying async wal replication replays the edits to the secondary region in various scenarios.Test for the CompatibilitySingletonFactory and building MetricsReplicationSourceTestcase for HBASE-20624.This UT is used to make sure that we will not accidentally change the way to generate online servers.Testcase for HBASE-24871.Tests region replication by setting up region replicas and verifying async wal replication replays the edits to the secondary region in various scenarios.This test creates 2 mini hbase cluster.Bad Endpoint with failing connection to peer on demand.Deadend Endpoint.Deadend Endpoint.Regionserver implementation that adds a delay on the graceful shutdown.Testcase for HBASE-20456.Simple test of sink-side wal entry filter facility.Simple filter that will filter out any entry wholse writeTime is <= 5.Enable compression and reset the WALEntryStream while reading in ReplicationSourceWALReader.Try out different combinations of row count and KeyValue countBase class for WALEntryStream tests.Test helper that waits until a non-null entry is available in the stream next or times out.