Class HBaseTestingUtility

since 3.0.0, will be removed in 4.0.0. Use TestingHBaseCluster instead.
Facility for testing HBase. Replacement for old HBaseTestCase and HBaseClusterTestCase functionality. Create an instance and keep it around testing HBase. This class is meant to be your one-stop shop for anything you might need testing. Manages one cluster at a time only. Managed cluster can be an in-process MiniHBaseCluster, or a deployed cluster of type DistributedHBaseCluster. Not all methods work with the real cluster. Depends on log4j being on classpath and hbase-site.xml for logging and test-run configuration. It does not set logging levels. In the configuration properties, default values for master-info-port and region-server-port are overridden such that a random port will be assigned (thus avoiding port contention if another local HBase instance is already running).

To preserve test data directories, pass the system property "hbase.testing.preserve.testdir" setting it to true.