Class HMaster

All Implemented Interfaces:
Runnable, Abortable, ConnectionRegistryEndpoint, ConfigurationObserver, MasterServices, Server, Stoppable
Direct Known Subclasses:

@LimitedPrivate("Tools") public class HMaster extends HBaseServerBase<MasterRpcServices> implements MasterServices
HMaster is the "master server" for HBase. An HBase cluster has one active master. If many masters are started, all compete. Whichever wins goes on to run the cluster. All others park themselves in their constructor until master or cluster shutdown or until the active master loses its lease in zookeeper. Thereafter, all running master jostle to take over master role.

The Master can be asked shutdown the cluster. See shutdown(). In this case it will tell all regionservers to go down and then wait on them all reporting in that they are down. This master will then shut itself down.

You can also shutdown just this master. Call stopMaster().

See Also:
  • Watcher