Class PerformanceEvaluation

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable, org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool

@LimitedPrivate("Tools") public class PerformanceEvaluation extends org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured implements org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool
Script used evaluating HBase performance and scalability. Runs a HBase client that steps through one of a set of hardcoded tests or 'experiments' (e.g. a random reads test, a random writes test, etc.). Pass on the command-line which test to run and how many clients are participating in this experiment. Run PerformanceEvaluation --help to obtain usage.

This class sets up and runs the evaluation programs described in Section 7, Performance Evaluation, of the Bigtable paper, pages 8-10.

By default, runs as a mapreduce job where each mapper runs a single test client. Can also run as a non-mapreduce, multithreaded application by specifying --nomapred. Each client does about 1GB of data, unless specified otherwise.