Package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mob
Class TestMobCompactionOptMode
Mob file compaction chore in a generational non-batch mode test. 1. Uses default (non-batch) mode
for regular MOB compaction, sets generational mode ON 2. Disables periodic MOB compactions, sets
minimum age to archive to 10 sec 3. Creates MOB table with 20 regions 4. Loads MOB data
(randomized keys, 1000 rows), flushes data. 5. Repeats 4. two more times 6. Verifies that we have
20 *3 = 60 mob files (equals to number of regions x 3) 7. Runs major MOB compaction. 8. Verifies
that number of MOB files in a mob directory is 20 x4 = 80 9. Waits for a period of time larger
than minimum age to archive 10. Runs Mob cleaner chore 11 Verifies that number of MOB files in a
mob directory is 20. 12 Runs scanner and checks all 3 * 1000 rows.
Field Summary
FieldsFields inherited from class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mob.TestMobCompactionWithDefaults
admin, conf, fam, famStr, HTU, minAgeToArchive, mobLen, mobVal, numRegions, qualifier, rows, table, tableDescriptor, test, useFileBasedSFT
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mob.TestMobCompactionWithDefaults
baseTestMobFileCompaction, cleanupAndVerifyCounts, data, disableCompactions, enableCompactions, getNumberOfMobFiles, htuStart, loadAndFlushThreeTimes, mobCompact, mobCompactImpl, scanTable, setUp, tearDown, testMobFileCompactionAfterSnapshotClone, testMobFileCompactionAfterSnapshotCloneAndFlush, waitUntilCompactionIsComplete
Field Details
Constructor Details
Method Details
- Overrides:
in classTestMobCompactionWithDefaults
- Overrides:
in classTestMobCompactionWithDefaults