IntegrationTestBulkLoad |
Test Bulk Load and MR on a distributed cluster.
IntegrationTestBulkLoad.CompositeKeyComparator |
Comparator used to order linkKeys so that they are passed to a reducer in order.
IntegrationTestBulkLoad.EmptySplit |
IntegrationTestBulkLoad.FixedRecordReader<K,V> |
IntegrationTestBulkLoad.ITBulkLoadInputFormat |
IntegrationTestBulkLoad.LinkChain |
Writable used as the value emitted from a pass over the hbase table.
IntegrationTestBulkLoad.LinkedListCheckingMapper |
Mapper to pass over the table.
IntegrationTestBulkLoad.LinkedListCheckingReducer |
Class that does the actual checking of the links.
IntegrationTestBulkLoad.LinkedListCreationMapper |
Mapper that creates a linked list of KeyValues.
IntegrationTestBulkLoad.LinkKey |
Writable class used as the key to group links in the linked list.
IntegrationTestBulkLoad.NaturalKeyGroupingComparator |
Comparator used to figure out if a linkKey should be grouped together.
IntegrationTestBulkLoad.NaturalKeyPartitioner |
Class to figure out what partition to send a link in the chain to.
IntegrationTestBulkLoad.SlowMeCoproScanOperations |
IntegrationTestFileBasedSFTBulkLoad |
Test Bulk Load and MR on a distributed cluster.
IntegrationTestImportTsv |
Validate ImportTsv + LoadIncrementalHFiles on a distributed cluster.
IntegrationTestTableMapReduceUtil |
Test that we add tmpjars correctly including the named dependencies.
IntegrationTestTableSnapshotInputFormat |
An integration test to test TableSnapshotInputFormat which enables reading directly from
snapshot files without going through hbase servers.
MapreduceTestingShim |
This class provides shims for HBase to interact with the Hadoop 1.0.x and the Hadoop 0.23.x
MapreduceTestingShim.MapreduceV1Shim |
MapreduceTestingShim.MapreduceV2Shim |
MultiTableInputFormatTestBase |
Base set of tests and setup for input formats touching multiple tables.
MultiTableInputFormatTestBase.ScanMapper |
Pass the key and value to reducer.
MultiTableInputFormatTestBase.ScanReducer |
Checks the last and first keys seen against the scanner boundaries.
NMapInputFormat |
Input format that creates a configurable number of map tasks each provided with a single row of
NMapInputFormat.NullInputSplit |
NMapInputFormat.SingleRecordReader<K,V> |
TableSnapshotInputFormatTestBase |
TestCellBasedHFileOutputFormat2 |
Simple test for HFileOutputFormat2 .
TestCellBasedHFileOutputFormat2.RandomKVGeneratingMapper |
Simple mapper that makes KeyValue output.
TestCellBasedHFileOutputFormat2.RandomPutGeneratingMapper |
Simple mapper that makes Put output.
TestCellBasedImportExport2 |
Tests the table import and table export MR job functionality
TestCellBasedImportExport2.TableWALActionListener |
TestCellBasedWALPlayer2 |
Basic test for the WALPlayer M/R tool
TestCellCounter |
TestCopyTable |
Basic test for the CopyTable M/R tool
TestGroupingTableMapper |
TestHashTable |
Basic test for the HashTable M/R tool
TestHBaseMRTestingUtility |
TestHFileOutputFormat2 |
Simple test for HFileOutputFormat2 .
TestHFileOutputFormat2.ConfigurationCaptorConnection |
TestHFileOutputFormat2.RandomKVGeneratingMapper |
Simple mapper that makes KeyValue output.
TestHFileOutputFormat2.RandomPutGeneratingMapper |
Simple mapper that makes Put output.
TestHRegionPartitioner |
TestImportExport |
Tests the table import and table export MR job functionality
TestImportExport.MetadataController |
TestImportExport.TableWALActionListener |
TestImportTsv |
TestImportTsvParser |
Tests for ImportTsv.TsvParser .
TestImportTSVWithOperationAttributes |
TestImportTSVWithOperationAttributes.OperationAttributesTestController |
TestImportTSVWithTTLs |
TestImportTSVWithTTLs.TTLCheckingObserver |
TestImportTSVWithVisibilityLabels |
TestJarFinder |
This file was forked from hadoop/common/branches/branch-2@1350012.
TestMapReduceExamples |
TestMultiTableInputFormat |
Tests various scan start and stop row scenarios.
TestMultiTableInputFormatBase |
Tests of MultiTableInputFormatBase.
TestMultiTableInputFormatBase.MRSplitsConnection |
Connection to use above in Test.
TestMultiTableSnapshotInputFormat |
TestMultiTableSnapshotInputFormatImpl |
TestMultiTableSnapshotInputFormatImpl.ScanWithEquals |
TestMultithreadedTableMapper |
Test Map/Reduce job over HBase tables.
TestMultithreadedTableMapper.ProcessContentsMapper |
Pass the given key and processed record reduce
TestRegionSizeCalculator |
TestRoundRobinTableInputFormat |
Basic test of RoundRobinTableInputFormat ; i.e.
TestRoundRobinTableInputFormat.SplitComparator |
Private comparator copied from private JobSubmmiter Hadoop class...
TestRowCounter |
Test the rowcounter map reduce job.
TestSimpleTotalOrderPartitioner |
Test of simple partitioner.
TestSyncTable |
Basic test for the SyncTable M/R tool
TestTableInputFormat |
This tests the TableInputFormat and its recovery semantics
TestTableInputFormat.ExampleDeprecatedTIF |
TestTableInputFormat.ExampleJobConfigurableTIF |
TestTableInputFormat.ExampleTIF |
TestTableInputFormat.ExampleVerifier |
TestTableInputFormatBase |
TestTableInputFormatBase.ConnectionForMergeTesting |
TestTableInputFormatBase.TableInputFormatForMergeTesting |
TestTableInputFormatScan |
TestTableInputFormatScanBase |
Tests various scan start and stop row scenarios.
TestTableInputFormatScanBase.ScanMapper |
Pass the key and value to reduce.
TestTableInputFormatScanBase.ScanReducer |
Checks the last and first key seen against the scanner boundaries.
TestTableInputFormatScanEmptyToAPP |
TestTableInputFormatScanEmptyToBBA |
TestTableInputFormatScanEmptyToBBB |
TestTableInputFormatScanEmptyToEmpty |
TestTableInputFormatScanEmptyToOPP |
TestTableInputFormatScanOBBToOPP |
TestTableInputFormatScanOBBToQPP |
TestTableInputFormatScanOPPToEmpty |
TestTableInputFormatScanYYXToEmpty |
TestTableInputFormatScanYYYToEmpty |
TestTableInputFormatScanYZYToEmpty |
TestTableMapReduce |
Test Map/Reduce job over HBase tables.
TestTableMapReduce.ProcessContentsMapper |
Pass the given key and processed record reduce
TestTableMapReduceBase |
A base class for a test Map/Reduce job over HBase tables.
TestTableMapReduceUtil |
Test different variants of initTableMapperJob method
TestTableRecordReader |
TestTableSnapshotInputFormat |
TestTableSnapshotInputFormat.TestTableSnapshotMapper |
TestTableSnapshotInputFormat.TestTableSnapshotReducer |
TestTableSplit |
TestTimeRangeMapRed |
TestTimeRangeMapRed.ProcessTimeRangeMapper |
TestWALInputFormat |
TestWALPlayer |
Basic test for the WALPlayer M/R tool
TestWALRecordReader |
JUnit tests for the WALRecordReader
TsvImporterCustomTestMapper |
Dummy mapper used for unit tests to verify that the mapper can be injected.
TsvImporterCustomTestMapperForOprAttr |
Just shows a simple example of how the attributes can be extracted and added to the puts