AbstractTestAsyncTableRegionReplicasRead |
AbstractTestAsyncTableRegionReplicasRead.FailPrimaryGetCP |
AbstractTestAsyncTableScan |
AbstractTestCIOperationTimeout |
Based class for testing operation timeout logic for ConnectionImplementation .
AbstractTestCIRpcTimeout |
Based class for testing rpc timeout logic for ConnectionImplementation .
AbstractTestCITimeout |
Based class for testing timeout logic for ConnectionImplementation .
AbstractTestCITimeout.SleepAndFailFirstTime |
This copro sleeps 20 second.
AbstractTestCITimeout.SleepCoprocessor |
AbstractTestRegionLocator |
AbstractTestResultScannerCursor |
AbstractTestScanCursor |
AbstractTestScanCursor.SparseFilter |
AbstractTestShell |
AbstractTestUpdateConfiguration |
Base class to test Configuration Update logic.
BufferingScanResultConsumer |
ClientPushbackTestBase |
Test that we can actually send and use region metrics to slowdown client writes
CloneSnapshotFromClientAfterSplittingRegionTestBase |
CloneSnapshotFromClientCloneLinksAfterDeleteTestBase |
CloneSnapshotFromClientErrorTestBase |
CloneSnapshotFromClientNormalTestBase |
CloneSnapshotFromClientTestBase |
Base class for testing clone snapsot
ColumnCountOnRowFilter |
DoNothingConnectionRegistry |
Registry that does nothing.
FromClientSideBase |
Base for TestFromClientSide* classes.
HConnectionTestingUtility |
Connection testing utility.
HConnectionTestingUtility.SleepAtFirstRpcCall |
This coproceesor sleep 2s at first increment/append rpc call.
MetaWithReplicasTestBase |
Base class for testing the scenarios where replicas are enabled for the meta table.
RegionReplicaTestHelper |
RestoreSnapshotFromClientAfterSplittingRegionsTestBase |
RestoreSnapshotFromClientAfterTruncateTestBase |
RestoreSnapshotFromClientCloneTestBase |
RestoreSnapshotFromClientGetCompactionStateTestBase |
RestoreSnapshotFromClientSchemaChangeTestBase |
RestoreSnapshotFromClientSimpleTestBase |
RestoreSnapshotFromClientTestBase |
Base class for testing restore snapshot
SimpleScanResultConsumer |
SnapshotWithAclTestBase |
SnapshotWithAclTestBase.AccessReadAction |
SnapshotWithAclTestBase.AccessWriteAction |
TestAdmin |
TestAdmin1 |
Class to test HBaseAdmin.
TestAdmin2 |
Class to test HBaseAdmin.
TestAdmin3 |
TestAdminBase |
TestAdminShell |
TestAdminShell2 |
TestAllowPartialScanResultCache |
TestAlwaysSetScannerId |
Testcase to make sure that we always set scanner id in ScanResponse.
TestAppendFromClientSide |
Run Append tests that use the HBase clients;
TestAsyncAccessControlAdminApi |
TestAsyncAdminBase |
Class to test AsyncAdmin.
TestAsyncAdminBuilder |
TestAsyncAdminBuilder.TestMaxRetriesCoprocessor |
TestAsyncAdminBuilder.TestOperationTimeoutCoprocessor |
TestAsyncAdminBuilder.TestRpcTimeoutCoprocessor |
TestAsyncAdminMasterSwitch |
Testcase for HBASE-22135.
TestAsyncAdminRpcPriority |
Confirm that we will set the priority in HBaseRpcController for several admin operations.
TestAsyncAdminWithRegionReplicas |
TestAsyncAggregationClient |
TestAsyncBufferMutator |
TestAsyncBufferMutator.AsyncBufferMutatorForTest |
TestAsyncClientPauseForCallQueueTooBig |
TestAsyncClientPauseForCallQueueTooBig.CQTBERpcScheduler |
TestAsyncClientPauseForCallQueueTooBig.CQTBERpcSchedulerFactory |
TestAsyncClientPushback |
TestAsyncClusterAdminApi |
TestAsyncClusterAdminApi2 |
Only used to test stopMaster/stopRegionServer/shutdown methods.
TestAsyncConnectionConfiguration |
See HBASE-24513.
TestAsyncDecommissionAdminApi |
TestAsyncMetaRegionLocator |
TestAsyncMetaRegionLocatorFailFast |
TestAsyncMetaRegionLocatorFailFast.FaultyConnectionRegistry |
TestAsyncNamespaceAdminApi |
Class to test asynchronous namespace admin operations.
TestAsyncNonMetaRegionLocator |
TestAsyncNonMetaRegionLocatorConcurrenyLimit |
TestAsyncNonMetaRegionLocatorConcurrenyLimit.CountingRegionObserver |
TestAsyncProcedureAdminApi |
Class to test asynchronous procedure admin operations.
TestAsyncProcess |
TestAsyncProcess.AsyncProcessForThrowableCheck |
TestAsyncProcess.AsyncProcessWithFailure |
TestAsyncProcess.CallerWithFailure |
TestAsyncProcess.CountingThreadFactory |
TestAsyncProcess.MyAsyncProcess |
TestAsyncProcess.MyAsyncProcessWithReplicas |
TestAsyncProcess.MyAsyncRequestFutureImpl<Res> |
TestAsyncProcess.MyClientBackoffPolicy |
Make the backoff time always different on each call.
TestAsyncProcess.MyConnectionImpl |
Returns our async process.
TestAsyncProcess.MyConnectionImpl.TestRegistry |
TestAsyncProcess.MyConnectionImpl2 |
Returns our async process.
TestAsyncProcess.MyThreadPoolExecutor |
TestAsyncProcessWithRegionException |
The purpose of this test is to make sure the region exception won't corrupt the results
of batch.
TestAsyncProcessWithRegionException.MyAsyncProcess |
TestAsyncQuotaAdminApi |
TestAsyncRegionAdminApi |
Class to test asynchronous region admin operations.
TestAsyncRegionAdminApi2 |
Class to test asynchronous region admin operations.
TestAsyncRegionLocator |
TestAsyncRegionLocator.SleepRegionObserver |
TestAsyncReplicationAdminApi |
Class to test asynchronous replication admin operations.
TestAsyncReplicationAdminApiWithClusters |
Class to test asynchronous replication admin operations when more than 1 cluster
TestAsyncResultScannerCursor |
TestAsyncSingleRequestRpcRetryingCaller |
TestAsyncSnapshotAdminApi |
TestAsyncTable |
TestAsyncTableAdminApi |
Class to test asynchronous table admin operations.
TestAsyncTableAdminApi2 |
Class to test asynchronous table admin operations
TestAsyncTableAdminApi3 |
Class to test asynchronous table admin operations.
TestAsyncTableBatch |
TestAsyncTableBatch.ErrorInjectObserver |
TestAsyncTableBatchRetryImmediately |
TestAsyncTableGetMultiThreaded |
Will split the table, and move region randomly when testing.
TestAsyncTableGetMultiThreadedWithBasicCompaction |
TestAsyncTableGetMultiThreadedWithEagerCompaction |
TestAsyncTableLocatePrefetch |
TestAsyncTableLocateRegionForDeletedTable |
Fix an infinite loop in AsyncNonMetaRegionLocator , see the comments on HBASE-21943 for
more details.
TestAsyncTableNoncedRetry |
TestAsyncTableNoncedRetry.SleepOnceCP |
TestAsyncTableRegionLocator |
TestAsyncTableRegionReplicasGet |
TestAsyncTableRegionReplicasScan |
TestAsyncTableRpcPriority |
Confirm that we will set the priority in HBaseRpcController for several table operations.
TestAsyncTableRSCrashPublish |
TestAsyncTableScan |
TestAsyncTableScanAll |
TestAsyncTableScanException |
TestAsyncTableScanException.ErrorCP |
TestAsyncTableScanMetrics |
TestAsyncTableScanner |
TestAsyncTableScannerCloseWhileSuspending |
TestAsyncTableScanRenewLease |
TestAsyncTableScanRenewLease.RenewLeaseConsumer |
TestAsyncTableUseMetaReplicas |
TestAsyncTableUseMetaReplicas.FailPrimaryMetaScanCp |
TestAsyncToolAdminApi |
Test the admin operations for Balancer, Normalizer, CleanerChore, and CatalogJanitor.
TestAttributes |
TestAvoidCellReferencesIntoShippedBlocks |
TestAvoidCellReferencesIntoShippedBlocks.CompactorInternalScanner |
TestAvoidCellReferencesIntoShippedBlocks.CompactorRegionObserver |
TestAvoidCellReferencesIntoShippedBlocks.ScannerThread |
TestBatchScanResultCache |
TestBlockEvictionFromClient |
TestBlockEvictionFromClient.CustomInnerRegionObserver |
TestBlockEvictionFromClient.CustomInnerRegionObserverWrapper |
TestBlockEvictionFromClient.CustomScanner |
TestBlockEvictionFromClient.GetThread |
TestBlockEvictionFromClient.MultiGetThread |
TestBlockEvictionFromClient.ScanThread |
TestBufferedMutator |
TestBufferedMutator.MyBufferedMutator |
My BufferedMutator.
TestBufferedMutatorParams |
TestBufferedMutatorParams.MockExceptionListener |
Just to create an instance, this doesn't actually function.
TestCheckAndMutate |
TestCIBadHostname |
Tests that we fail fast when hostname resolution is not working and do not cache
unresolved InetSocketAddresses.
TestCIDeleteOperationTimeout |
TestCIDeleteRpcTimeout |
TestCIGetOperationTimeout |
TestCIGetRpcTimeout |
TestCIIncrementRpcTimeout |
TestCIPutOperationTimeout |
TestCIPutRpcTimeout |
TestCISleep |
TestClientExponentialBackoff |
TestClientNoCluster |
Test client behavior w/o setting up a cluster.
TestClientNoCluster.FakeServer |
Fake 'server'.
TestClientNoCluster.ManyServersManyRegionsConnection |
Fake many regionservers and many regions on a connection implementation.
TestClientNoCluster.MetaRowsComparator |
Comparator for meta row keys.
TestClientNoCluster.RegionServerStoppedOnScannerOpenConnection |
Override to shutdown going to zookeeper for cluster id and meta location.
TestClientNoCluster.RpcTimeoutConnection |
Override to check we are setting rpc timeout right.
TestClientNoCluster.SimpleRegistry |
Simple cluster registry inserted in place of our usual zookeeper based one.
TestClientOperationInterrupt |
TestClientOperationInterrupt.TestCoprocessor |
TestClientPushback |
TestClientScanner |
Test the ClientScanner.
TestClientScanner.MockClientScanner |
TestClientScanner.MockRpcRetryingCallerFactory |
TestClientScannerRPCTimeout |
Test the scenario where a HRegionServer#scan() call, while scanning, timeout at client side and
getting retried.
TestClientScannerRPCTimeout.RegionServerWithScanTimeout |
TestClientScannerRPCTimeout.RSRpcServicesWithScanTimeout |
TestClientTimeouts |
TestClientTimeouts.RandomTimeoutBlockingRpcChannel |
Blocking rpc channel that goes via hbase rpc.
TestClientTimeouts.RandomTimeoutRpcChannel |
TestClientTimeouts.RandomTimeoutRpcClient |
Rpc Channel implementation with RandomTimeoutBlockingRpcChannel
TestCloneSnapshotFromClientAfterSplittingRegion |
TestCloneSnapshotFromClientCloneLinksAfterDelete |
TestCloneSnapshotFromClientError |
TestCloneSnapshotFromClientNormal |
TestColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder |
TestColumnFamilyDescriptorLowerCaseEnum |
Testcase for HBASE-21732.
TestCompleteResultScanResultCache |
TestConnectionImplementation |
This class is for testing HBaseConnectionManager features
TestConnectionImplementation.BlockingFilter |
TestConnectionRegistryLeak |
TestConnectionRegistryLeak.ConnectionRegistryForTest |
TestConnectionUtils |
TestCoprocessorDescriptor |
TestDelayingRunner |
TestDeleteTimeStamp |
TestDropTimeoutRequest |
Test a drop timeout request.
TestDropTimeoutRequest.SleepLongerAtFirstCoprocessor |
Coprocessor that sleeps a while the first time you do a Get
TestEnableTable |
TestEnableTable.MasterSyncObserver |
TestFailedMetaReplicaAssigment |
TestFailedMetaReplicaAssigment.BrokenMasterMetaAssignmentManager |
TestFailedMetaReplicaAssigment.BrokenMetaReplicaMaster |
TestFailedMetaReplicaAssigment.BrokenTransitRegionStateProcedure |
TestFastFail |
TestFastFail.CallQueueTooBigPffeInterceptor |
TestFastFail.MyPreemptiveFastFailInterceptor |
TestFlushFromClient |
TestFromClientSide |
Run tests that use the HBase clients; Table .
TestFromClientSide3 |
TestFromClientSide3.WaitingForMultiMutationsObserver |
TestFromClientSide3.WaitingForScanObserver |
TestFromClientSide4 |
Run tests that use the HBase clients; Table .
TestFromClientSide5 |
Run tests that use the HBase clients; Table .
TestFromClientSideNoCodec |
Do some ops and prove that client and server can work w/o codecs; that we can pb all the time.
TestFromClientSideScanExcpetion |
TestFromClientSideScanExcpetion.MyHRegion |
TestFromClientSideScanExcpetion.MyHStore |
TestFromClientSideScanExcpetion.MyStoreScanner |
TestFromClientSideScanExcpetionWithCoprocessor |
Test all client operations with a coprocessor that just implements the default flush/compact/scan
TestFromClientSideWithCoprocessor |
Test all client operations with a coprocessor that just implements the default flush/compact/scan
TestFromClientSideWithCoprocessor4 |
Test all client operations with a coprocessor that just implements the default flush/compact/scan
TestFromClientSideWithCoprocessor5 |
Test all client operations with a coprocessor that just implements the default flush/compact/scan
TestGet |
TestGetProcedureResult |
Testcase for HBASE-19608.
TestGetProcedureResult.DummyProcedure |
TestGetScanColumnsWithNewVersionBehavior |
Testcase for HBASE-21032, where use the wrong readType from a Scan instance which is actually a
get scan and cause returning only 1 cell per rpc call.
TestGetScanPartialResult |
Testcase for HBASE-21032, where use the wrong readType from a Scan instance which is actually a
get scan and cause returning only 1 cell per rpc call.
TestHBaseAdminNoCluster |
TestHbck |
Class to test HBaseHbck.
TestHbck.FailingMergeAfterMetaUpdatedMasterObserver |
TestHbck.FailingSplitAfterMetaUpdatedMasterObserver |
TestHbck.SuspendProcedure |
TestHTableMultiplexer |
TestHTableMultiplexerFlushCache |
TestHTableMultiplexerViaMocks |
TestIllegalTableDescriptor |
TestImmutableHColumnDescriptor |
TestImmutableHRegionInfo |
Test ImmutableHRegionInfo
TestImmutableHTableDescriptor |
TestIncrement |
TestIncrementFromClientSideWithCoprocessor |
Test all Increment client operations with a coprocessor that
just implements the default flush/compact/scan policy.
TestIncrementsFromClientSide |
Run Increment tests that use the HBase clients; TableBuilder .
TestInterfaceAlign |
TestIntraRowPagination |
Test scan/get offset and limit settings within one row through HRegion API.
TestLeaseRenewal |
TestLimitedScanWithFilter |
With filter we may stop at a middle of row and think that we still have more cells for the
current row but actually all the remaining cells will be filtered out by the filter.
TestMalformedCellFromClient |
The purpose of this test is to ensure whether rs deals with the malformed cells correctly.
TestMasterRegistry |
TestMasterRegistryHedgedReads |
TestMasterRegistryHedgedReads.RpcChannelImpl |
TestMasterRegistryHedgedReads.RpcClientImpl |
TestMetaCache |
TestMetaCache.CallQueueTooBigExceptionInjector |
Throws CallQueueTooBigException for all gets.
TestMetaCache.ExceptionInjector |
TestMetaCache.FakeRSRpcServices |
TestMetaCache.RegionServerWithFakeRpcServices |
TestMetaCache.RoundRobinExceptionInjector |
Rotates through the possible cache clearing and non-cache clearing exceptions
for requests.
TestMetaRegionLocationCache |
TestMetaReplicasAddressChange |
TestMetaWithReplicasBasic |
TestMetaWithReplicasShutdownHandling |
TestMetricsConnection |
TestMobCloneSnapshotFromClientAfterSplittingRegion |
TestMobCloneSnapshotFromClientCloneLinksAfterDelete |
TestMobCloneSnapshotFromClientCloneLinksAfterDelete.DelayFlushCoprocessor |
This coprocessor is used to delay the flush.
TestMobCloneSnapshotFromClientError |
TestMobCloneSnapshotFromClientNormal |
TestMobRestoreSnapshotFromClientAfterSplittingRegions |
TestMobRestoreSnapshotFromClientAfterTruncate |
TestMobRestoreSnapshotFromClientClone |
TestMobRestoreSnapshotFromClientGetCompactionState |
TestMobRestoreSnapshotFromClientSchemaChange |
TestMobRestoreSnapshotFromClientSimple |
TestMobSnapshotCloneIndependence |
Test to verify that the cloned table is independent of the table from which it was cloned
TestMobSnapshotFromClient |
Test create/using/deleting snapshots from the client
TestMultiActionMetricsFromClient |
TestMultiParallel |
TestMultiParallel.MyMasterObserver |
TestMultipleTimestamps |
Run tests related to TimestampsFilter using HBase client APIs.
TestMultiRespectsLimits |
This test sets the multi size WAAAAAY low and then checks to make sure that gets will still make
TestMutation |
TestMvccConsistentScanner |
TestOperation |
Run tests that use the functionality of the Operation superclass for
Puts, Gets, Deletes, Scans, and MultiPuts.
TestProcedureFuture |
TestProcedureFuture.TestFuture |
TestPutDeleteEtcCellIteration |
Test that I can Iterate Client Actions that hold Cells (Get does not have Cells).
TestPutDotHas |
TestPutWithDelete |
TestPutWriteToWal |
TestQuotasShell |
TestRawAsyncScanCursor |
TestRawAsyncTableLimitedScanWithFilter |
With filter we may stop at a middle of row and think that we still have more cells for the
current row but actually all the remaining cells will be filtered out by the filter.
TestRawAsyncTablePartialScan |
TestRawAsyncTableScan |
TestRegionInfoBuilder |
TestRegionInfoDisplay |
TestRegionLocationCaching |
TestRegionLocator |
TestReplicasClient |
Tests for region replicas.
TestReplicasClient.SlowMeCopro |
This copro is used to synchronize the tests.
TestReplicationShell |
TestReplicaWithCluster |
TestReplicaWithCluster.RegionServerHostingPrimayMetaRegionSlowOrStopCopro |
This copro is used to slow down the primary meta region scan a bit
TestReplicaWithCluster.RegionServerStoppedCopro |
This copro is used to simulate region server down exception for Get and Scan
TestReplicaWithCluster.SlowMeCopro |
This copro is used to synchronize the tests.
TestRestoreSnapshotFromClientAfterSplittingRegions |
TestRestoreSnapshotFromClientAfterTruncate |
TestRestoreSnapshotFromClientClone |
TestRestoreSnapshotFromClientGetCompactionState |
TestRestoreSnapshotFromClientSchemaChange |
TestRestoreSnapshotFromClientSimple |
TestResult |
TestResultFromCoprocessor |
TestResultFromCoprocessor.MyObserver |
TestResultScannerCursor |
TestResultSizeEstimation |
TestResultStatsUtil |
TestRetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException |
TestReversedScannerCallable |
TestRowComparator |
TestRpcControllerFactory |
TestRpcControllerFactory.CountingRpcController |
TestRpcControllerFactory.StaticRpcControllerFactory |
TestRSGroupShell |
TestScan |
TestScannersFromClientSide |
A client-side test, mostly testing scanners with various parameters.
TestScannersFromClientSide.LimitKVsReturnFilter |
TestScannersFromClientSide2 |
Testcase for newly added feature in HBASE-17143, such as startRow and stopRow
inclusive/exclusive, limit for rows, etc.
TestScannerTimeout |
Test various scanner timeout issues.
TestScanWithoutFetchingData |
Testcase to make sure that we do not close scanners if ScanRequest.numberOfRows is zero.
TestSeparateClientZKCluster |
TestServerBusyException |
This class is for testing HBaseConnectionManager ServerBusyException.
TestServerBusyException.SleepCoprocessor |
TestServerBusyException.SleepLongerAtFirstCoprocessor |
TestServerBusyException.TestGetThread |
TestServerBusyException.TestPutThread |
TestServerLoadDurability |
HBASE-19496 noticed that the RegionLoad/ServerLoad may be corrupted if rpc server
reuses the bytebuffer backed, so this test call the Admin#getLastMajorCompactionTimestamp() to
invoke HMaster to iterate all stored server/region loads.
TestShell |
TestShellNoCluster |
TestShortCircuitConnection |
TestShutdownOfMetaReplicaHolder |
TestSimpleRequestController |
TestSizeFailures |
TestSmallReversedScanner |
TestSnapshotCloneIndependence |
Test to verify that the cloned table is independent of the table from which it was cloned
TestSnapshotDFSTemporaryDirectory |
This class tests that the use of a temporary snapshot directory supports snapshot functionality
while the temporary directory is on the same file system as the root directory
TestSnapshotFromAdmin |
Test snapshot logic from the client
TestSnapshotFromClient |
Test create/using/deleting snapshots from the client
TestSnapshotFromClientWithRegionReplicas |
TestSnapshotMetadata |
Test class to verify that metadata is consistent before and after a snapshot attempt.
TestSnapshotTemporaryDirectory |
This class tests that the use of a temporary snapshot directory supports snapshot functionality
while the temporary directory is on a different file system than the root directory
TestSnapshotTemporaryDirectoryWithRegionReplicas |
TestSnapshotWithAcl |
TestSnapshotWithAclAsyncAdmin |
TestSplitOrMergeAtTableLevel |
TestSplitOrMergeStatus |
TestTableDescriptorBuilder |
Test setting values in the descriptor.
TestTableDescriptorUtils |
TestTableFavoredNodes |
TestTableOperationException |
TestTableOperationException.ThrowDoNotRetryIOExceptionCoprocessor |
TestTableOperationException.ThrowIOExceptionCoprocessor |
TestTableShell |
TestTableSnapshotScanner |
TestTimestampsFilter |
Run tests related to TimestampsFilter using HBase client APIs.
TestUpdateConfiguration |
TestZKConnectionRegistry |