AbstractTestDateTieredCompactionPolicy |
CreateRandomStoreFile |
Creates an HFile with random key/value pairs.
DataBlockEncodingTool |
Tests various algorithms for key compression on an existing HFile.
DelegatingInternalScanner |
DelegatingKeyValueScanner |
EncodedSeekPerformanceTest |
Test seek performance for encoded data blocks.
KeyValueScanFixture |
A fixture that implements and presents a KeyValueScanner.
MetricsRegionServerWrapperStub |
MetricsRegionWrapperStub |
MetricsTableWrapperStub |
MockHStoreFile |
A mock used so our tests don't deal with actual StoreFiles
NoOpScanPolicyObserver |
OOMERegionServer |
A region server that will OOME.
RegionAsTable |
An implementation of Table that sits directly on a Region; it decorates the passed in
Region instance with the Table API.
RegionAsTable.RegionScannerToResultScannerAdaptor |
StatefulStoreMockMaker |
This class is a helper that allows to create a partially-implemented, stateful mocks of Store.
TestAtomicOperation |
Testing of HRegion.incrementColumnValue, HRegion.increment, and HRegion.append
TestAtomicOperation.AtomicOperation |
TestAtomicOperation.Incrementer |
A thread that makes increment calls always on the same row, this.row against two column
families on this row.
TestAtomicOperation.MockHRegion |
TestBlocksRead |
TestBlocksScanned |
TestBrokenStoreFileCleaner |
TestBulkLoad |
This class attempts to unit test bulk HLog loading.
TestBulkloadBase |
TestBulkloadBase.WalMatcher |
TestBulkLoadReplication |
Integration test for bulk load replication.
TestBulkLoadReplication.BulkReplicationTestObserver |
TestBulkLoadReplicationHFileRefs |
TestCacheOnWriteInSchema |
Tests HFile cache-on-write functionality for data blocks, non-root index blocks, and
Bloom filter blocks, as specified by the column family.
TestCellFlatSet |
TestCellSkipListSet |
TestCleanupCompactedFileAfterFailover |
TestCleanupCompactedFileOnRegionClose |
TestCleanupMetaWAL |
TestClearRegionBlockCache |
TestClusterId |
Test metrics incremented on region server operations.
TestColumnSeeking |
TestCompactingMemStore |
compacted memstore test case
TestCompactingMemStore.MyCompactingMemStore |
TestCompactingToCellFlatMapMemStore |
compacted memstore test case
TestCompaction |
Test compaction framework and common functions
TestCompaction.DummyCompactor |
TestCompaction.Tracker |
Simple CompactionLifeCycleTracker on which you can wait until the requested compaction
TestCompaction.WaitThroughPutController |
Simple CompactionLifeCycleTracker on which you can wait until the requested compaction
TestCompactionAfterBulkLoad |
TestCompactionArchiveConcurrentClose |
Tests a race condition between archiving of compacted files in CompactedHFilesDischarger chore
and HRegion.close();
TestCompactionArchiveIOException |
Tests that archiving compacted files behaves correctly when encountering exceptions.
TestCompactionFileNotFound |
This class tests the scenario where a store refresh happens due to a file not found during scan,
after a compaction but before the compacted files are archived.
TestCompactionInDeadRegionServer |
This testcase is used to ensure that the compaction marker will fail a compaction if the RS is
already dead.
TestCompactionInDeadRegionServer.IgnoreYouAreDeadRS |
TestCompactionLifeCycleTracker |
Confirm that the function of CompactionLifeCycleTracker is OK as we do not use it in our own
TestCompactionLifeCycleTracker.CompactionObserver |
TestCompactionLifeCycleTracker.Tracker |
TestCompactionPolicy |
TestCompactionState |
Unit tests to test retrieving table/region compaction state
TestCompactionTool |
TestCompactionWithByteBuff |
TestCompactionWithCoprocessor |
Make sure compaction tests still pass with the preFlush and preCompact overridden to implement
the default behavior
TestCompactorMemLeak |
TestCompactorMemLeak.MyCompactor |
TestCompactSplitThread |
TestCompoundBloomFilter |
Tests writing Bloom filter blocks in the same part of the file as data blocks.
TestDataBlockEncodingTool |
Test DataBlockEncodingTool.
TestDateTieredCompactionPolicy |
TestDateTieredCompactionPolicyHeterogeneousStorage |
TestDateTieredCompactionPolicyOverflow |
TestDefaultCompactSelection |
TestDefaultMemStore |
memstore test case
TestDefaultMemStore.ReadOwnWritesTester |
TestDefaultStoreEngine |
TestDefaultStoreEngine.DummyCompactionPolicy |
TestDefaultStoreEngine.DummyCompactor |
TestDefaultStoreEngine.DummyStoreFlusher |
TestDeleteMobTable |
TestDirectStoreSplitsMerges |
TestEncryptionDisabled |
TestEncryptionKeyRotation |
TestEncryptionRandomKeying |
TestEndToEndSplitTransaction |
TestEndToEndSplitTransaction.RegionChecker |
Checks regions using MetaTableAccessor and HTable methods
TestEndToEndSplitTransaction.RegionSplitter |
TestFailedAppendAndSync |
Testing sync/append failures.
TestFlushLifeCycleTracker |
Confirm that the function of FlushLifeCycleTracker is OK as we do not use it in our own code.
TestFlushLifeCycleTracker.FlushObserver |
TestFlushLifeCycleTracker.Tracker |
TestFlushRegionEntry |
TestFSErrorsExposed |
Test cases that ensure that file system level errors are bubbled up appropriately to clients,
rather than swallowed.
TestFSErrorsExposed.FaultyFileSystem |
TestFSErrorsExposed.FaultyInputStream |
TestGetClosestAtOrBefore |
TestGet is a medley of tests of get all done up as a single test.
TestHdfsSnapshotHRegion |
TestHeapMemoryManager |
TestHeapMemoryManager.BlockCacheStub |
TestHeapMemoryManager.CustomHeapMemoryTuner |
TestHeapMemoryManager.MemstoreFlusherStub |
TestHeapMemoryManager.RegionServerAccountingStub |
TestHeapMemoryManager.RegionServerStub |
TestHMobStore |
TestHRegion |
Basic stand-alone testing of HRegion.
TestHRegion.Appender |
TestCase for append
TestHRegion.HRegionForTesting |
The same as HRegion class, the only difference is that instantiateHStore will create a
different HStore - HStoreForTesting.
TestHRegion.HRegionWithSeqId |
TestHRegion.HStoreForTesting |
HStoreForTesting is merely the same as HStore, the difference is in the doCompaction method of
HStoreForTesting there is a checkpoint "hbase.hstore.compaction.complete" which doesn't let
hstore compaction complete.
TestHRegion.Incrementer |
TestCase for increment
TestHRegion.IsFlushWALMarker |
TestHRegion.NoOpRegionCoprocessor |
TestHRegionFileSystem |
TestHRegionFileSystem.MockFileSystem |
a mock fs which throws exception for first 3 times, and then process the call (returns the
excepted result).
TestHRegionFileSystem.MockFileSystemForCreate |
TestHRegionInfo |
TestHRegionOnCluster |
Tests that need to spin up a cluster testing an HRegion .
TestHRegionReplayEvents |
Tests of HRegion methods for replaying flush, compaction, region open, etc events for secondary
region replicas
TestHRegionServerBulkLoad |
Tests bulk loading of HFiles and shows the atomicity or lack of atomicity of the region server's
bullkLoad functionality.
TestHRegionServerBulkLoad.AtomicHFileLoader |
Thread that does full scans of the table looking for any partially completed rows.
TestHRegionServerBulkLoad.AtomicScanReader |
Thread that does full scans of the table looking for any partially completed rows.
TestHRegionServerBulkLoad.FindBulkHBaseListener |
TestHRegionServerBulkLoad.MyObserver |
TestHRegionServerBulkLoadWithOldClient |
Tests bulk loading of HFiles with old non-secure client for backward compatibility.
TestHRegionServerBulkLoadWithOldClient.AtomicHFileLoader |
TestHRegionTracing |
TestHRegionWithInMemoryFlush |
A test similar to TestHRegion, but with in-memory flush families.
TestHStore |
Test class for the HStore
TestHStore.CustomDefaultMemStore |
TestHStore.DummyStoreEngine |
TestHStore.FaultyFileSystem |
Faulty file system that will fail if you write past its fault position the FIRST TIME only;
thereafter it will succeed.
TestHStore.FaultyOutputStream |
TestHStore.MyCompactingMemStore |
TestHStore.MyCompactingMemStore2 |
TestHStore.MyCompactingMemStore3 |
TestHStore.MyCompactingMemStore4 |
TestHStore.MyCompactingMemStore5 |
TestHStore.MyCompactingMemStore6 |
TestHStore.MyCompactingMemStoreWithCustomCompactor |
TestHStore.MyDefaultMemStore |
TestHStore.MyDefaultMemStore1 |
TestHStore.MyDefaultStoreFlusher |
TestHStore.MyList<T> |
TestHStore.MyMemStoreCompactor |
TestHStore.MyStore |
TestHStore.MyStoreHook |
TestHStore.MyThread |
TestHStoreFile |
Test HStoreFile
TestInputStreamBlockDistribution |
TestIsDeleteFailure |
Test failure in ScanDeleteTracker.isDeleted when ROWCOL bloom filter is used during a scan with a
TestJoinedScanners |
Test performance improvement of joined scanners optimization:
TestKeepDeletes |
TestKeyValueHeap |
TestKeyValueHeap.SeekTestScanner |
TestKeyValueHeap.TestScanner |
TestKeyValueScanFixture |
TestLogRoller |
TestMajorCompaction |
Test major compactions
TestMaxResultsPerColumnFamily |
TestMemStoreChunkPool |
Test the ChunkCreator.MemStoreChunkPool class
TestMemStoreFlusher |
TestMemStoreLAB |
TestMemStoreLAB.AllocRecord |
TestMemstoreLABWithoutPool |
TestMemStoreSegmentsIterator |
Test the MemStoreCompactorSegmentsIterator and MemStoreMergerSegmentsIterator
class, Test for bug : HBASE-22324
TestMergesSplitsAddToTracker |
TestMetricsHeapMemoryManager |
Unit test version of rs metrics tests.
TestMetricsRegion |
TestMetricsRegionServer |
Unit test version of rs metrics tests.
TestMetricsRegionServerSourceFactory |
Test for the CompatibilitySingletonFactory and building MetricsRegionServerSource
TestMetricsRegionServerSourceImpl |
TestMetricsRegionSourceImpl |
TestMetricsRegionSourceImpl.RegionWrapperStub |
TestMetricsTableAggregate |
TestMetricsTableLatencies |
TestMetricsTableSourceImpl |
Test for MetricsTableSourceImpl
TestMetricsUserAggregate |
TestMetricsUserSourceImpl |
TestMiniBatchOperationInProgress |
TestMinorCompaction |
Test minor compactions
TestMinorCompaction.MyCompactionPolicy |
TestMinVersions |
Test Minimum Versions feature (HBASE-4071).
TestMultiColumnScanner |
Tests optimized scanning of multiple columns.
TestMultiColumnScannerWithAlgoGZAndNoDataEncoding |
Test case for Compression.Algorithm.GZ and no use data block encoding.
TestMultiColumnScannerWithAlgoGZAndUseDataEncoding |
Test case for Compression.Algorithm.GZ and use data block encoding.
TestMultiColumnScannerWithNoneAndNoDataEncoding |
Test case for Compression.Algorithm.NONE and no use data block encoding.
TestMultiColumnScannerWithNoneAndUseDataEncoding |
Test case for Compression.Algorithm.NONE and no use data block encoding.
TestMultiLogThreshold |
Tests logging of large batch commands via Multi.
TestMultiVersionConcurrencyControl |
This is a hammer test that verifies MultiVersionConcurrencyControl in a multiple writer single
reader scenario.
TestMultiVersionConcurrencyControl.Writer |
TestMultiVersionConcurrencyControlBasic |
Very basic tests.
TestMutateRowsRecovery |
TestNewVersionBehaviorFromClientSide |
TestNotCleanupCompactedFileWhenRegionWarmup |
TestObservedExceptionsInBatch |
Test class for HRegion.ObservedExceptionsInBatch .
TestOpenRegionFailedMemoryLeak |
TestOpenSeqNumUnexpectedIncrease |
Testcase for HBASE-20242
TestOpenSeqNumUnexpectedIncrease.MockHRegion |
TestParallelPut |
Testing of multiPut in parallel.
TestParallelPut.Putter |
A thread that makes a few put calls
TestPerColumnFamilyFlush |
This test verifies the correctness of the Per Column Family flushing strategy
TestPriorityRpc |
Tests that verify certain RPCs get a higher QoS.
TestQosFunction |
Basic test that qos function is sort of working; i.e.
TestReadAndWriteRegionInfoFile |
TestRecoveredEdits |
Tests around replay of recovered.edits content.
TestRecoveredEditsReplayAndAbort |
HBASE-21031 If replay edits fails, we need to make sure memstore is rollbacked And if MSLAB is
used, all chunk is released too.
TestRegionFavoredNodes |
Tests the ability to specify favored nodes for a region.
TestRegionIncrement |
Increments with some concurrency against a region to ensure we get the right answer.
TestRegionIncrement.CrossRowCellIncrementer |
Increments a random row's Cell count times.
TestRegionIncrement.SingleCellIncrementer |
Increments a single cell a bunch of times.
TestRegionInfoStaticInitialization |
Test for the tangled mess that is static initialization of our our HRegionInfo and
RegionInfoBuilder , as reported on HBASE-24896.
TestRegionInterrupt |
TestRegionInterrupt.DelayingFilter |
TestRegionInterrupt.InterruptInterceptingHRegion |
TestRegionInterrupt.MutationDelayingCoprocessor |
TestRegionMergeTransactionOnCluster |
TestRegionMergeTransactionOnCluster.MyMaster |
TestRegionMergeTransactionOnCluster.MyMasterRpcServices |
TestRegionMove |
Test move fails when table disabled
TestRegionOpen |
TestRegionReplicaFailover |
Tests failover of secondary region replicas.
TestRegionReplicas |
Tests for region replicas.
TestRegionReplicasAreDistributed |
TestRegionReplicasWithModifyTable |
TestRegionReplicasWithRestartScenarios |
TestRegionReplicaWaitForPrimaryFlushConf |
TestRegionServerAbort |
Tests around regionserver shutdown and abort
TestRegionServerAbort.ErrorThrowingHRegion |
Throws an exception during store file refresh in order to trigger a regionserver abort.
TestRegionServerAbort.StopBlockingRegionObserver |
TestRegionServerAbortTimeout |
TestRegionServerAbortTimeout.SleepWhenCloseCoprocessor |
TestRegionServerAbortTimeout.TestAbortTimeoutTask |
TestRegionServerAccounting |
TestRegionServerCrashDisableWAL |
Testcase for HBASE-20742
TestRegionServerHostname |
Tests for the hostname specification by region server
TestRegionServerMetrics |
TestRegionServerNoMaster |
Tests on the region server, without the master.
TestRegionServerOnlineConfigChange |
Verify that the Online config Changes on the HRegionServer side are actually happening.
TestRegionServerReadRequestMetrics |
TestRegionServerReadRequestMetrics.ScanRegionCoprocessor |
TestRegionServerRegionSpaceUseReport |
Test class for isolated (non-cluster) tests surrounding the report of Region space use to the
Master by RegionServers.
TestRegionServerReportForDuty |
TestRegionServerReportForDuty.LogCapturer |
TestRegionServerReportForDuty.MyRegionServer |
TestRegionServerReportForDuty.NeverInitializedMaster |
This test HMaster class will always throw ServerNotRunningYetException if checked.
TestRegionServerScan |
TestRegionServerScan.MyRegionServer |
TestRegionServerScan.MyRSRpcServices |
TestRegionSplitPolicy |
TestRegionSplitRestriction |
TestRemoveRegionMetrics |
TestRequestsPerSecondMetric |
Validate requestsPerSecond metric.
TestResettingCounters |
TestReversibleScanners |
Test cases against ReversibleKeyValueScanner
TestRowPrefixBloomFilter |
Test TestRowPrefixBloomFilter
TestRowTooBig |
Test case to check HRS throws RowTooBigException when row
size exceeds configured limits.
TestRpcSchedulerFactory |
A silly test that does nothing but make sure an rpcscheduler factory makes what it says it is
going to make.
TestRSChoresScheduled |
Tests to validate if HRegionServer default chores are scheduled
TestRSChoresScheduled.TestChoreField<E extends org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ScheduledChore> |
TestRSKilledWhenInitializing |
Tests that a regionserver that dies after reporting for duty gets removed from list of online
TestRSKilledWhenInitializing.RegisterAndDieRegionServer |
A RegionServer that reports for duty and then immediately dies if it is the first to receive
the response to a reportForDuty.
TestRSRpcServices |
Test parts of RSRpcServices
TestScanner |
Test of a long-lived scanner validating as we go.
TestScannerHeartbeatMessages |
Here we test to make sure that scans return the expected Results when the server is sending the
Client heartbeat messages.
TestScannerHeartbeatMessages.HeartbeatHRegion |
Custom HRegion class that instantiates RegionScanner s with configurable sleep times
between fetches of row Results and/or column family cells.
TestScannerHeartbeatMessages.HeartbeatHRegionServer |
TestScannerHeartbeatMessages.HeartbeatKVHeap |
Custom KV Heap that can be configured to sleep/wait in between retrievals of column family
TestScannerHeartbeatMessages.HeartbeatRegionScanner |
Custom RegionScanner that can be configured to sleep between retrievals of row Results and/or
column family cells
TestScannerHeartbeatMessages.HeartbeatReversedKVHeap |
Custom reversed KV Heap that can be configured to sleep in between retrievals of column family
TestScannerHeartbeatMessages.HeartbeatReversedRegionScanner |
Custom ReversedRegionScanner that can be configured to sleep between retrievals of row Results
and/or column family cells
TestScannerHeartbeatMessages.HeartbeatRPCServices |
Custom RSRpcServices instance that allows heartbeat support to be toggled
TestScannerHeartbeatMessages.SparseCellFilter |
TestScannerHeartbeatMessages.SparseRowFilter |
TestScannerRetriableFailure |
TestScannerRetriableFailure.FaultyScannerObserver |
TestScannerRPCScanMetrics |
TestScannerRPCScanMetrics.RegionServerWithScanMetrics |
TestScannerRPCScanMetrics.RSRPCServicesWithScanMetrics |
TestScannerTimeoutHandling |
TestScannerTimeoutHandling.RegionServerWithScanTimeout |
TestScannerTimeoutHandling.RSRpcServicesWithScanTimeout |
TestScannerWithBulkload |
TestScannerWithCorruptHFile |
Tests a scanner on a corrupt hfile.
TestScannerWithCorruptHFile.CorruptHFileCoprocessor |
TestScanWithBloomError |
Test a multi-column scanner when there is a Bloom filter false-positive.
TestSCVFWithMiniCluster |
TestSecureBulkloadListener |
Tests for failedBulkLoad logic to make sure staged files are returned to their original location
if the bulkload have failed.
TestSecureBulkLoadManager |
TestSeekOptimizations |
Test various seek optimizations for correctness and check if they are actually saving I/O
TestServerNonceManager |
TestServerNonceManager.TestRunnable |
TestSettingTimeoutOnBlockingPoint |
TestSettingTimeoutOnBlockingPoint.SleepCoprocessor |
TestShortCircuitGet |
TestShortCircuitGet.MyRegionServer |
TestShortCircuitGet.MyRSRpcServices |
TestShortCircuitGet.MyScanObserver |
TestShutdownWhileWALBroken |
See HBASE-19929 for more details.
TestShutdownWhileWALBroken.MyRegionServer |
TestSimpleTimeRangeTracker |
TestSplitLogWorker |
TestSplitLogWorker.DummyServer |
TestSplitTransactionOnCluster |
The below tests are testing split region against a running cluster
TestSplitTransactionOnCluster.CustomSplitPolicy |
TestSplitTransactionOnCluster.FailingSplitMasterObserver |
TestSplitTransactionOnCluster.MyMaster |
TestSplitTransactionOnCluster.MyMasterRpcServices |
TestSplitWalDataLoss |
Testcase for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-13811
TestSplitWithBlockingFiles |
TestStoreFileInfo |
Test HStoreFile
TestStoreFileRefresherChore |
TestStoreFileRefresherChore.FailingHRegionFileSystem |
TestStoreFileRefresherChore.StaleStorefileRefresherChore |
TestStoreFileScannerWithTagCompression |
TestStoreScanner |
TestStoreScanner.CellGridStoreScanner |
A StoreScanner for our CELL_GRID above.
TestStoreScanner.CellWithVersionsNoOptimizeStoreScanner |
TestStoreScanner.CellWithVersionsStoreScanner |
TestStoreScanner.KeyValueHeapWithCount |
TestStoreScannerClosure |
This test tests whether parallel StoreScanner.close() and
StoreScanner.updateReaders(List, List) works perfectly ensuring that there are no
references on the existing Storescanner readers.
TestStoreScannerClosure.ExtendedStoreScanner |
TestStripeStoreEngine |
TestStripeStoreEngine.TestStoreEngine |
TestStripeStoreFileManager |
TestSwitchToStreamRead |
TestSwitchToStreamRead.MatchLastRowCellNextColFilter |
TestSwitchToStreamRead.MatchLastRowCellNextRowFilter |
TestSwitchToStreamRead.MatchLastRowFilterRowFilter |
TestSwitchToStreamRead.MatchLastRowKeyFilter |
TestSyncTimeRangeTracker |
TestSyncTimeRangeTracker.RandomTestData |
TestSyncTimeRangeTracker.TrtUpdateRunnable |
TestTags |
Class that test tags
TestTags.TestCoprocessorForTags |
TestTimestampFilterSeekHint |
TestWalAndCompactingMemStoreFlush |
This test verifies the correctness of the Per Column Family flushing strategy when part of the
memstores are compacted memstores
TestWALLockup |
Testing for lock up of FSHLog.
TestWALLockup.DodgyFSLog |
TestWALLockup.DummyServer |
TestWALMonotonicallyIncreasingSeqId |
Test for HBASE-17471.
TestWideScanner |